[Tutor] Confused about error message

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Jul 4 03:50:08 CEST 2005

gelsey torres wrote:
> def unzip_file(filename):
>     print "Unzipping file.."
>     for file in filename:
>         try:
>             file = os.path.split(filename)[2]
>             file += zlib.decompressobj()
> def main():            
>     address = raw_input("Enter the address of the site: ")
>     url, filename = os.path.split(address) # remove path and keep the
> name of the original file
>     get_file(address, filename, url)
>     if fnmatch(filename, "*.zip"):
>         unzip_file(filename)
>     else:
>         pass
> main()
> response = raw_input("Do you want to run the program again? (y/n): ")
> while (response == "y"):
>     main()     
> else:
>     raw_input("\n\nPress enter to quit.")
> When I ran it to test main(), I got this error:
> File "file_downloader.py", line 25
>     def main():            
>     ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You are missing the except: or finally: clause to the try in unzip_file().

Mysterious syntax errors are often incorrect indentation or (as in this case) something missing from the code before.


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