[Tutor] Why does my code show this?

Nathan Pinno falcon3166 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 10 21:43:59 CEST 2005

  Hey all,

  Thought I'd try a mini-calc. Here's the code:

  # This is a small calculator.
  print "Mini Calculator"
  print "By Nathan Pinno"
  print "1) Add"
  print "2) Subraction"
  print "3) Multiplication"
  print "4) Division w/o remainder"
  print "5) Division with remaider"
  print "6) Exponation"
  print "7) Square roots"
  print "8) Exit"
  cal_opt = int(raw_input("What option would you like: "))
  if cal_opt == "1":
      X = input("First number:" )
      Y = input("Second number:" )
      print X, "+", Y, "= ",X + Y
      cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
  elif cal_opt == "2":
      X = input("First number:" )
      Y = input("Second number:" )
      print X, "-", Y, "= ",X - Y
      cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
  elif cal_opt == "3":
      X = input("First number:" )
      Y = input("Second number:" )
      print X, "*", Y, "= ",X * Y
      cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
  elif cal_opt == "4":
      X = input("First number:" )
      Y = input("Second number:" )
      if Y == 0:
          print "Division by zero ot allowed!"
          Y = input("Second number:" )
          print X, "/", Y, "= ",X / Y
          cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
  elif cal_opt == "5":
      X = input("First number:" )
      Y = input("Second number:" )
      if Y == 0:
          print "Division by zero ot allowed!"
          Y = input("Second number:" )
          print X, "/", Y, "= ",X / Y," R ", X % Y
          cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
  elif cal_opt == "6":
      X = input("First number:" )
      Y = input("Power:" )
      print X, "**", Y, "= ",X**Y
      cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
  elif cal_opt == "7":
      X = input("Number to find the square root of:" )
      print "The square root of", X, " = ",X**0.5
      cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
  elif cal_opt == "8":
      print "Goodbye!"
      print "That's not an option. Try again."
      cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))

  Here is the screen output:

  Mini Calculator
  By Nathan Pinno

  1) Add
  2) Subraction
  3) Multiplication
  4) Division w/o remainder
  5) Division with remaider
  6) Exponation
  7) Square roots
  8) Exit
  What option would you like: 7
  That's not an option. Try again.
  Option: 3

  Why does it run this way instead of going to the proper equation?

  Appreciating the help so far,
  Nathan Pinno

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