[Tutor] Please Help: Hacking

Suranga Sarukkali surangasa at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 08:31:04 CEST 2005

Python's Great fro Hacking Right? Please tell me more like when you tell it to a College Student (That tell's What I'm) and since I Sort of new to Programming in Python it's going be easy if done so. Please reply to me at your earliest convenience and by the way General Hacking Education will be Cool since the only hacking I've done is on a Hacking Simulation Game I downloaded yeas ago from http://g1.acid-play.com/download/a599b964/Hackerv1.zip witch got all the tools like Password Crackers Inbuilt to Simulate Hacking Large Company's and making cash from it. You can privately email me on surangasa at gmail.com 

I've been on the Mailing List some time and It's Great! Thanks for the People Developed it. 
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