[Tutor] try except continue

Ewald Ertl ewald.ertl at hartter.com
Fri Jul 29 10:02:08 CEST 2005


I think you just want to execute the rest of the function's in someProcedure().
Perhaps this could be the solution, what you want:

>>> def someProcedure():
...     for func in [ someFunc00, someFunc01, someFunc02, someFunc03 ]:
...             try:
...                     func()
...             except:
...                     print "Error in %s " % ( func.__name__ )
...                     continue
>>> someProcedure()
Error in someFunc00
baby let's go
someInt is:  4

HTH Ewald

tpc at csua.berkeley.edu wrote:
> hey guys, so I've been trying to get my head around the try except
> statement in Python, and ideally what I'd like is for my procedural
> program, when it runs through its steps and encounters an error, to log
> the error and pick up where it left off and keep going.  According to this
> link, 'continue' is allowed within an except or finally:
> http://python.active-venture.com/ref/continue.html
> I tried to run the following code, expecting to catch a NameError and
> continuing on:
> def someFunc00():
> 	someModulo = 6%2
> 	print someModulus
> def someFunc01():
> 	print "yeah!"
> def someFunc02():
> 	print "baby let's go"
> def someFunc03():
> 	someInt = 2+2
> 	print "someInt is: ", someInt
> def someProcedure():
> 	someFunc00()
> 	someFunc01()
> 	someFunc02()
> 	someFunc03()
> # copy and paste the following into IDLE, which on my machine often
> #crashes for an unknown reason, so I've taken to creating a harness that
> #imports the required library and then runs the desired programs to test
> #the desired behavior
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>         import testTryCatch
>         try:
> 		testTryCatch.someProcedure()
>         except:
>                 print "encountered error"
> 		continue
> but I get the following error:
> SyntaxError: 'continue' not properly in loop
> What am I doing wrong ?
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