[Tutor] Which Popen For Win32?

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Jun 15 17:16:14 CEST 2005

Hugo González Monteverde wrote:
> Hi, maybe you'll want to give a try to:
> import commands
> stat, outp = commands.getstatusoutput ("%s %s %s %s"%(zipCommand,
> zipParameters, archive, fpath))
> This will give you the exit code in stat and the whole text of the
> putput in outp, so you may take a look at it. It's way simpler than popen.

According to the docs commands is Unix-only.


> Hugo
> Gooch, John wrote:
>>I am using the Winzip 9.0 Command Line Add-on to archive very large files (
>>1GB and over ) that are too large to be handled by Zipfile( this bug has
>>been reported but not resolved ). I tried calling the external program using
>>os.system(), but something about the output crashes my IDE ( Eclipse ), so I
>>started looking for a way to run the external application without capturing
>>the output, as I only care about the exit code ( 0 is good, anything else is
>>bad ). Here is what I have to far:
>>    myCmd = os.popen( "%s %s %s %s" % ( zipCommand, zipParameters,
>>archive,fpath ), 'w' )
>>    return myCmd.close()
>>Currently, I have no idea what is being returned by the "close()" method, it
>>doesn't appear to be the exit code, so perhaps it is the output of the
>>command. If so, how can I capture and return the exit code?
>>Thank You, 
>>John A. Gooch
>>Systems Administrator
>>IT - Tools
>>EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.
>>9601 S. Meridian Blvd.
>>Englewood, CO  80112
>>Desk: 720-514-5708 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: tutor-bounces at python.org [mailto:tutor-bounces at python.org] On Behalf
>>Of Gary Taylor
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:15 AM
>>To: tutor at python.org
>>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Passing command line argument in function
>>>>ftp.storbinary(stor file_to_transfer, open(file_to_transfer,"r"))
>>>You need to create the command as a string: ftp.storbinary("stor " + 
>>That worked perfectly, I was way off.
>>p.s. sorry for the out of thread message, my mail seems to
>>be having problems.
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