[Tutor] A newbie question about running python scripts

Chuck Allison chuck at freshsources.com
Thu Jun 16 05:23:13 CEST 2005

Dear Tutors,

Here is a query from a student from a corporate class I'm teaching. Do 
you know of any such modules of the top of your head? Thanks!

Quick question since the next class isn't until Monday.  Do you know of 
any modules in Python that can convert a bitmap from one format to 
another, specifically .BMPs to .JPGs?

We have a need to do this conversion.  Our developers have grown fond of 
screen shots as they give much information that may not be written up in 
a bug.  However, our most common tool for getting a screen shot is a 
screen capture in VMWare which only does .BMP format files.  They are 
about 2.3 Mb apiece.   Where as a .JPG of the same thing is only about 
34 - 175 Kb.  The space savings is significant.   So, we need a way of 
efficiently convert these screenshots.  This class presents me an 
opportunity to create a utility to do this for us.  Hence, the question.

-- Chuck Allison

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