[Tutor] database app

Don Parris webdev at matheteuo.org
Sat Jun 18 21:42:24 CEST 2005

On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 13:50:56 -0700
nephish <nephish at xit.net> wrote:

> Hey there,
>     i have used the cgi module and dig it.
>     heres the deal,
>     my employer wants me to build a dynamic website that will access a 
> database and display customer
>     information on web. ok, easy enough.
>     heres the trick.
>     the database is MS Access. - ick.
>     what could i do to manipulate data in an access database ? can it be 
> done ?
>     all the research i have done just points me to sql, sqlite, etc...
>     i wouldnt mind if i can find a way to push everything from access to 
> another kind of database,
>     but i dont know where to start.
>     any ideas?
> -thanks
> _______________________________________________

There is a way to work with your Access data via Python & the Jet engine,
but I have no clue about that.  Check the Python documentation - I'm sure
that's where I saw reference to it.  I may have seen it on one of the
Python-related sites, but I think this link will offer some insight:


If you want to get out of Access, you can save your data as tab-delimited
text files, and import them into MySQL.  I'm sure that goes for PostGreSQL
as well.  Just make sure you remove the quote marks - regexp type work.  (I
haven't done that part programmatically yet, just using the find/replace
feature of jEdit.)  I'll have to cover that ground myself soon, so we'll see
what happens.

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