[Tutor] Convert doesn't work... I'm stumped

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed Mar 16 09:40:51 CET 2005

> A table that stores a similar amount of information might be something
> like this:
> ###
> meterRatios = { 'm'  : D(1),           ##     1 meter  == 1 meter
>                 'km' : D(1000),        ##  1000 meters == 1 kilometer
>                 'cm' : D(1)/D(100),    ##  .001 meters == 1 centimeter
>                 'mm' : D(1)/D(1000),   ## .0001 meters == 1 millimeter
>                  }
> ###
[some text cut]
> That is, from the table above, we can see that since there's one meter
> to a thousanth of a millimeter, we can go the other way and say that one
> thousand millimeters is one meter.  (1/x)

Oh good grief, did I really write that?  I'm sorry, I meant to say:

"""[...] since there's one-thousandth of a meter in a millimeter, we can
go the other way and say that there are one thousand millimeters in one
meter. """

I can debug code with some fluency, but I have to do better to debug my
English.  *grin*

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