[Tutor] Re: [Pythoncard-users] global menubar

brad.allen at omsdal.com brad.allen at omsdal.com
Sun Mar 20 19:05:11 CET 2005

Thanks for the thoughts. I noticed that you didn't post directly to the 
PythonCard users list, so you might not be reading the discussion that 
followed. It sounds like MDI applications are deprecated under Windows, so 
I'm going to go with a single tabbed window with some small menuless child 
windows and dialogs.

On the Mac side, it appears that the MDI style approach does work 
naturally in PythonCard. 

"Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk> wrote on 03/20/2005 11:27:23 AM:

> > > To clarify, what I'm trying to accomplish here is an overarching
> application
> > > window which contains other windows. At least, that's what it
> would look
> > > like under Windows.
> You mean this would be an MDI Application?
> There is usually a special class or attribute to support MDI in theGUI
> toolkits.
> Searching for MDI in the help/FAQ might help locate what you need?
> > > On a Mac, it would just be an menubar globally available
> > > and applicable independent of which window happened to be active.
> In other words a standard MacOS style aplication.
> You also omit X WIndows (Linux, BSD, Solaris etc) from your list but
> in those the menu locatio is a user preference and is controlled by
> the Window Manager chosen by the user. This raises an interesting
> issue around GUI design. One objective should be to "go with the
> norm",
> that is to follow the paradigm of the underlying platform, and that
> includes the placement of controls. Users expect to find the controls,
> including menus, in the same place each time, to do otherwise
> will invariably make you application less user-friendly. The GUI
> toolkits do this for us if we stick to the norm, so there needs
> to be a very good reason to depart from the standard layout.
> > > I'm not clear on how to accomplish this in PythonCard.
> Me neither! But its based on wxWidgets so it might be worth
> trawling around there for clues.
> Alan G.
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