[Tutor] Python sort with a delimiter

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed May 11 15:09:15 CEST 2005

Tom Tucker wrote:
> Good morning!  Does Python have a sort function thats supports a delimiter?  
> For example, I want to sort the below hostnames, based on the city.   

This is easy to do in Python but you have to break it up into a few steps - Python's sort doesn't 
know how to find fields but you can break the text into fields yourself, then sort on the desired 
field. Here is one way:

import operator

hostnames = '''sys01-xxx-austin-tx

# Create a list of field lists by splitting on the first two '-'
fieldData = [ line.split('-', 2) for line in hostnames ]

# The key parameter must be a function that returns the key
# value from a list item.
# operator.itemgetter creates a function that accesses the desired index

# Put the fields back together and print
for line in fieldData:
     print '-'.join(line)


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