[Tutor] Python Resources

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Fri May 13 22:06:32 CEST 2005

Greg Lindstrom wrote on Fri, 13 May 2005 07:52:54 -0500:

> would like to list some resources.  I have the Python home page, "Dive 
> Into Python", the Python Gems" page, but would like to ask what 
> resources would any of you suggest?  I'd like  between 5 and 10, with a 
> short description of each.

Not sure what the Python Gems is. I'd suggest the ActiveState Python
Cookbook as a valuable resource (though it's not exactly intro material).
The Daily Python Url is nice because it collects interesting posts in
Python-related blogs.

> subscribe to this mailing list and ask questions (though I do caution 
> them not to submit their homework simply to get a solution).

I think people reading a magazine called "IT Pro" should be aware of such
basic etiquette :).



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