[Tutor] Pipe variable to external command (solved)

Jeffrey Rice jeffrice at finity.org
Sun May 15 20:41:37 CEST 2005

At 04:17 PM 5/13/2005, Alan Gauld wrote:
>AS a general pont all uppercase usually means a consrtant in Python.
>Variable names typically start lowercase and either use capital
>letters to separate words likeThis, or use underscores like_this.
>Variables starting with an uppercase letter tend to indicate class
>names - although thats not universally true, even in the standard
>library! But the ALLUPPER thing for constants is pretty universal
>so its worth adopting IMHO.

Thanks for the style pointers.  I will make these changes -- I realize how 
important consistency is, since I use other people's code as a learning 
tool with great frequency.

>So what happens? Do you get any error messages?
>What value is CLAM_RESULT showing?
>What value are you expecting? (The actual return value from
>popen/close is not clearly defined in general.)
>Finally, although you close the pipe it may be worth trying
>a flush() first just to clear the buffer.

I have gotten this working, with much help (especially from Danny).  Here 
is what the code I settled on looks like:

working = email.message_from_file(open(emailfile))

clamav = popen2.Popen3(clamav_cmd,1)
clamav_result = clamav.fromchild.read().lstrip('stream: ')
clamav_exit = os.WEXITSTATUS(clamav.wait())

This gives me a string (clamav_result) that contains the output from the 
scanner:  either OK if it was clean, or the name of the virus 
detected.  (it is prefixed with "stream: " to indicate that stdin was 
scanned, so I strip that off)
clamav_exit contains the exit code, converted using WEXITSTATUS:  either 0, 
1, or 2 for OK, infected, or error respectively.

This seems to be working out just fine, and gives me a lot more flexibility 
that the bash script I was using!  (as a note, I am reading the email into 
an email object because I perform other actions, like adding 
headers.  Otherwise, it would be simpler to have clamav read the file 
directly rather than the stream.)

Thanks to everyone for your patience and advice!


*       *       *       *       *       *       *
Jeffrey Rice    ||     jeffrice at finity.org      ||  www.finity.org

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