[Tutor] Whle Loop to run again.

Alan G alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Thu May 19 22:52:56 CEST 2005

> I want the program to run again when i input 'run' But, It

You need another loop, or to ask for input inside the loop.
If you always want 100 iterations then prompt for another
hundred structure it like:

run = raw_input('run or exit? ')
while run = 'run':
   for n in range(100):
      coin = random.randrange(2)
      if coin == 1: heads += 1
      else coin == 2: tails += 1
   run = raw_input('run or exit? ')

But if you want to check after every coin toss (as your if/elif chain
seems to suggest) but with a maximum of 100 iterations, try it this

heads,tails = 0,0
while heads+tails < 100:
     coin = random.randrange(2)
     if coin == 1: heads += 1
     else coin == 2: tails += 1

     run = raw_input('run or exit? ')
     if run = 'run': continue
     else: break


Alan G.

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