[Tutor] diving into py question

Chelan Farsight chelan.farsight at gmail.com
Thu May 19 23:18:38 CEST 2005

I am using the online book Dive Into Python.  
I ran the first program given and have run into an error on line 7 at
the colon.  Now I imagine that there is probably a corrections page at
the site, but I am interested in knowing why it won't work as much as
what I need to do to correct it.  Any help would be appreciated.  The
script follows:

def buildConnectionString(params):
	"""Build a connection string from a dictionary of parameters.
	Returns string."""
	return ";".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()])
if_name_ == "_main_":
	myParams = {"server":"mpilgrim", \
			"database":"master", \
			"uid":"sa", \
			"pwd":"secret" \
	print buildConnectionString(myParams)

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