[Tutor] draw lines

Alex Hunsley lard at tardis.ed.ac.uk
Wed Nov 9 15:44:08 CET 2005

Danny Yoo wrote:

>On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, Shi Mu wrote:
>>I have a list of random points: [[x0,y0],[x1,y1],...,[xn,yn]] how can I
>>use Tkinter to draw lines to connect them one by one based on the order
>>in the list?
>Do you know how to draw a single line in Tkinter?  Have you looked at the
>Canvas widget documentation?
>    http://www.pythonware.com/library/tkinter/introduction/canvas.htm
>Next time, you may want to show us what you've done to try to solve the
>problem you have.
>For the past few questions, I have not been able to get an intuitive sense
>of why you're having trouble figuring out things from documentation.  All
>I see right now is that you have some new requirement, and then you ask
>the Tutor list for help.  It's the step in-between that is a mystery to
I get the impression the OP isn't even trying to look anything up. They 
just seem to be firing random requirements at the tutor mailing list. 
(And calling them 'requirements' is being charitable.. :)

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