[Tutor] tkFileDialog.Directory

K.Weinert@gmx.net K.Weinert at gmx.net
Tue Nov 15 17:03:24 CET 2005


Michael Lange <klappnase at freenet.de> wrote:
> I guess the tkFileDialog.Directory class isn't intended to be used
> Try tkFileDialog.askdirectory() instead.
> If there are problems with the grab state, try passing "parent=self.top"
to askdirectory().

That did it! Thanks a lot!

I would like to ask another question. I don't understand the exception
of Python when running a Tkinter app. If an exception happens (it does
happen quite often
at the moment..), a traceback is written to the console while the Tk window
remains open
and the application is still running. This is not what I expected -- I
expected the application
would end. Why is that?

Is there a way to create an error handler for uncaught exceptions in Tkinter
In other words, can I change the behaviour from writing a traceback to the
console to
something else? Can I, for example, show a message box instead?

Here is a small example:

--- snip ---  
import Tix

def raise_exception():
  print 1/0
if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tix.Tk()
    root.title("Exception demo")

    Tix.Button(root, text = "Don't press", command = raise_exception).pack()

      print "An error has occured."
--- snip ---

The except part gets never executed.

Kind regards,

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