Alan G alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Fri Sep 2 21:18:13 CEST 2005

>I used python several months ago to write a simple program now i went 
>back to
> use it to rewrite the same program and when I try to run it it says 
> that my
> firewalls may be too secure.

Are you using IDLE? THe latest versions of IDLE issue a warning of 
this type.

What happens if you just run your program from the OS commamd line?

> and just has empty lines. how do I change my firewalls to be able to 
> run a
> program in python? I have tried using different versions of python

If its not in IDLE then it will depend on what your program is doing.

Can you post the error message? And if its not too long the code too?

It saves us from guessing... :-)

Alan G. 

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