[Tutor] [tutor] threading problem in GUI

nephish nephish at xit.net
Wed Sep 7 16:59:54 CEST 2005

nephish wrote:

>	Serial1() just call the function ... it will be evaluated and then the
>	result will be sent to Thread.start ...
>	So try:
>	Thread.start(Serial)
>so far the thread runs fine in the background, but just does not send the output to the 
>textbuffer, and hangs up the rest of the show.
>i think i am off in how i have the gtk.main() set up
>and how the main class is set up
>class SimpleGladeApp:
>    def __init__(self, path, root=None, domain=None, **kwargs):        
>        if os.path.isfile(path):
>            self.glade_path = path
>        else:
>            glade_dir = os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] )
>            self.glade_path = os.path.join(glade_dir, path)
>        for key, value in kwargs.items():
>            try:
>                setattr(self, key, weakref.proxy(value) )
>            except TypeError:
>                setattr(self, key, value)
>        self.glade = None
>        self.install_custom_handler(self.custom_handler)
>        self.glade = self.create_glade(self.glade_path, root, domain)
>        if root:
>            self.main_widget = self.get_widget(root)
>        else:
>            self.main_widget = None
>        self.normalize_names()
>        self.add_callbacks(self)
>        self.new()
>    def main(self):
>        gtk.gdk.threads_enter()
>        gtk.main()
>        gtk.gdk.threads_leave() 
>class Main(SimpleGladeApp):
>    def __init__(self, path="pivcontrolcenter.glade",
>                 root="Main",
>                 domain=app_name, **kwargs):
>        path = os.path.join(glade_dir, path)
>        SimpleGladeApp.__init__(self, path, root, domain, **kwargs)
>    def on_StartEnginesButton_clicked(self, widget, *args):
>        print "on_StartEnginesButton_clicked called with self.%s" % widget.get_name()        
>        Input1Iter = self.Input1Buffer.get_end_iter()
>        Input2Iter = self.Input2Buffer.get_end_iter()
>        Input1Data = 'Reading Serial device ttyS14 \n'
>        Input2Data = 'Reading Serial device ttys15 \n'
>        self.Input1Buffer.insert(Input1Iter, Input1Data)
>        self.Input2Buffer.insert(Input2Iter, Input2Data)        
>        time.sleep(1)
>        def Serial1():            
>            print 'running serial 1'            
>            ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS15', 2400, timeout=None)
>            loopy = 1
>            i = 1
>            while loopy < 5:                
>                for x in range(5):                    
>                    i = i + 1                    
>                    a = ser.read(1)#read one byte        
>                    a = ord(a) # change byte to integer
>                    if (a < 64 )or (a > 127):
>                        break                    
>                    b = ser.read(1)
>                    b = ord(b)
>                    if (b < 64 )or (b > 127):
>                        break
>                    c = ser.read(1)
>                    c = ord(c)
>                    if c < 92:
>                        break                    
>                    d = ser.read(1)
>                    d = ord(d)
>                    if d < 128:
>                        break
>                    Sensor_ID = (a & 63) + (b & 63) * 64 + (c & 1) * 4096
>                    Status = (c & 62) / 2 + (d & 63) * 32
>                    c = int(c)
>                    d = int(d)
>                    x_Now = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')                   
>                    #gtk.threads_enter()                    
>                    Input1Data = str(Sensor_ID)+'\t'+str(Status)+'\t--------->\t'+x_Now+'\n'
>                    Input1Iter = self.Input1Buffer.get_end_iter()
>                    self.Input1Buffer.insert(Input1Iter, Input1Data)
>                    #gtk.threads_leave()                    
>                    f = open('/home/piv/PivData/tmp/Serial/'+str(i), 'w')
>                    f.write(str(Sensor_ID)+'\n'+str(c)+'\n'+str(d)+'\n'+str(Status)+'\n'+x_Now)       
>                    f.close()        
>        Thread.start(Serial1())
>def main():
>    main = Main()
>    #gtk.threads_enter()
>    main.run()
>    #gtk.threads_leave()
>if __name__ == "__main__": 
>    #gtk.threads_enter()   
>    main()
>    #gtk.threads_leave() 
>lots of comments, been trying this several ways.
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
one more thing.
if i uncomment the lines
the whole thing locks up when the function is called.
the gui, and the thread both lock up.


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