[Tutor] List of class instances

Orri Ganel singingxduck at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 12:32:01 CEST 2005

As a side-note, unless you're okay with only being able to access those 
instance variables through the fields list (ie fields[0], fields[1], 
fields[2]), you may want to actually name them first.

Jan Eden wrote:

>Jan Eden wrote on 20.09.2005:
>>I'd like to form a list of class instances. The following does not work 
>>(TextfieldLong, Textarea, TextfieldShort etc being class names):
>>   fields = [
>>       TextfieldLong(name='title', label='Seitentitel', value=''),
>>       Textarea(name='content', label='Inhalt', value=''),
>>       ShortField(name='mother_id', label='MotherID', value=1)
>>   ]
>Just found that it *does* work, but that I have to define the classes above the list assignment. Why is that? Why would Python not find the classes within the same file?

Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
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