[Tutor] Remaking Vim in Python (was Python Editors)

Marcin Komorowski marcink at ieee.org
Fri Sep 23 19:48:59 CEST 2005

Before you dive into a full-fledged editor development project you might 
want to consider an existing extendible platform like Eclipse.  It is much 
more than just an editor, i.e. it is an advanced IDE platform.  The sweet 
thing is that it allows for developing plugins to add functionality.  I have 
not tried it, but someone already developed a vi input mode plugin for it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kent Johnson" <kent37 at tds.net>
Cc: <tutor at python.org>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Remaking Vim in Python (was Python Editors)

> Ed Singleton wrote:
>> I'd like a little advice on whether I'm being really stupid here.
>> Having researched editors and stuff, I've not quite found what I'm
>> looking for, though Vim comes close (except that it's extremely
>> difficult to work out what to do with it).
>> My instinct was to try and write a small program similar to vim, but
>> in Python.  The very basics should be quite easy.  If I start a system
>> that is very easily expandable then as and when I need further
>> functionality I can add it in.
>> I know it would be ambitious to try and do this, but is it stupidly 
>> ambitious?
> You might consider starting from one of the existing editors written in 
> Python, e.g. IDLE, eric3, spe, DrPython, scite and modifying it to suit. 
> Writing an editor is a big project. OTOH most of these editors probably 
> started out with some developer scratching an itch. So I'm not sure I 
> would call it stupidly ambitious...
> Kent
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