[Tutor] 'print' without newline or space appended

R. Alan Monroe amonroe at columbus.rr.com
Sun Sep 25 16:29:05 CEST 2005

> Hello,

> This statement:
>   for c in 'hello': print c
> will generate following output:
>   h
>   e
>   l
>   l
>   o
> and by adding comma at the end of the print statement:
>   for c in 'hello': print c,
> we get this output:
>   h e l l o
> How do I output something using 'print' such that there is no new line or 
> space appended at the end of the output.

> ....

> Hehe... just answered my own question:
>   import sys
>   for c in 'hello' : sys.stdout.write(c)
> Is this the way to do it or is there a more appropriate approach.


outstring = ''
for c in 'hello':
    outstring += c
print outstring

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