From wescpy at  Sat Apr  1 01:26:57 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:26:57 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] removing file from zip archive.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> How can we remove one file inside of a zip archive?
>         import zipfile
>         ziparchive = zipfile.ZipFile('test.odt', 'r')
>         xmldata ='content.xml')
>         ziparchive.close <--- ADD "( )" HERE TOO


You can remove any number of files from a ZIP file, but it has to be
processed manually by you.  When you read() a file from a ZIP archive,
you actually have all the data with you, i.e. xmldata.

All you have to do is to open another file to write it out to disk, i.e.,

f = open('content.xml', 'w')

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun :: : silicon valley, ca

From broek at  Sat Apr  1 02:32:16 2006
From: broek at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:32:16 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for generating
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I've been too busy with life to do much Python of late. So, I am a bit
rusty. :-(

I've got some code that does what it needs to but I think I might be 
overlooking a much smoother way to get what I need.

The code takes a list of strings and returns a list of dictionaries, 
where each dictionary uses the strings from the list as keys and 
booleans as values. The dictionary list contains a dictionary 
exhibiting each possible combination of booleans over the keys, where 
these combinations are listed in a systematic way.

This code works:

def tva_dict_maker(atoms):

     tvas = []
     val = False

     for k in range(2**len(atoms)):

     for i in range(len(atoms)):
         key = atoms[i]

         for j in range(2**len(atoms)):
             if j % ( len(tvas) / 2.0 ** (i+1) ) == 0:
                 val = not val

     return tvas

The output I desire is easier to see with a bit of processing (to 
impose order on the dicts). So,

def display_tvas(tvas):
     for i in tvas:
	for j in sorted(i):
		print "%s:%s\t" %(j, i[j]),

Then, the output is like so:

 >>> atoms = ["a","b","c"]
 >>> tvas = tva_dict_maker(atoms)
 >>> display_tvas(tvas)
a:True	b:True	c:True	
a:True	b:True	c:False	
a:True	b:False	c:True	
a:True	b:False	c:False	
a:False	b:True	c:True	
a:False	b:True	c:False	
a:False	b:False	c:True	
a:False	b:False	c:False	

As desired :-)

But, I can't shake the feeling I'm doing this in a harder than 
necessary way :-|

[This is in the context of writing a program to generate truth-tables 
for sentential logic, so that I can easily create answered exercises 
for a critical thinking course I've been teaching. (As it is for a 
Philosophy class, the truth-values are listed in the opposite order 
than in a CompSci context.)]

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

From srini_iyyer_bio at  Sat Apr  1 02:39:30 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:39:30 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] Python + PostGreSQL
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear group, 

I want to connect python to postgresql. 
My python dist. is 2.4.2
My postgres: 8.1.2
My system: Linux Enterprise Linux, Intel Xeon, 4GB

I tried to install pygresql: version: 3.8, it failed
throwing exception : Exception: pg_config tool is not

I gave another try on google and Postgres site and
found Pypgsql, PoPy and psycopg1. 

I am confused now. 

Which is the most promising connection between Python
and Postgres now. 

Aplogies, if this question is inappropriate on this


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From ilias at  Sat Apr  1 02:48:19 2006
From: ilias at (Ilias Lazaridis)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 03:48:19 +0300
Subject: [Tutor] Looking for Constructs to Remove Redundant Code
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e0j8tr$re5$> <>
Message-ID: <e0kikl$g36$>

Kent Johnson wrote:

Thank you for your comments. I realize that my request was not very 
clear. I make a 2nd attemp, more simplified:

I have this python code:

class Car(BaseClass) :
      manufacturer = stringFactory()
      model = stringFactory()
      modelYear = integerFactory()

      def __str__(self):
          return '%s %s %s' % (self.modelYear, self.manufacturer, 

def stringFactory(self)
     s = String()     # creates a string object
     #...             # does several things
     return s         # returns the string object


and would like to see it e.g. this way:

class Car(BaseClass):
      manufacturer = stringFactory(2)
      model = stringFactory(3)
      modelYear = integerFactory(1)

def stringFactory(self, position)
     s = String()     # creates a string object
     ...              # does several things
                      # creates somehow the __str__ functionality... 

     return s         # returns the string object


hope this is now more clear.



From bill at  Sat Apr  1 03:01:57 2006
From: bill at (Bill Campbell)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 17:01:57 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Python + PostGreSQL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Mar 31, 2006, Srinivas Iyyer wrote:
>Dear group, 
>I want to connect python to postgresql. 
>My python dist. is 2.4.2
>My postgres: 8.1.2
>My system: Linux Enterprise Linux, Intel Xeon, 4GB
>I tried to install pygresql: version: 3.8, it failed
>throwing exception : Exception: pg_config tool is not
>I gave another try on google and Postgres site and
>found Pypgsql, PoPy and psycopg1. 

I think that psycopg is generally considered the preferred
package.  I have been using it with several systems including
Zope, and sqlobject.  So far I haven't tried psycopg2.

INTERNET:   bill at Celestial.COM  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

A child can go only so far in life without potty training.  It is not
mere coincidence that six of the last seven presidents were potty
trained, not to mention nearly half of the nation's state legislators.
		-- Dave Barry

From dyoo at  Sat Apr  1 04:27:02 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:27:02 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for
 generating truth-tables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Then, the output is like so:
>  >>> atoms = ["a","b","c"]
>  >>> tvas = tva_dict_maker(atoms)
>  >>> display_tvas(tvas)
> a:True	b:True	c:True
> a:True	b:True	c:False
> a:True	b:False	c:True
> a:True	b:False	c:False
> a:False	b:True	c:True
> a:False	b:True	c:False
> a:False	b:False	c:True
> a:False	b:False	c:False

Hi Brian,

We might be able to take advantage of the recursive nature of this

I'll sketch out the idea and try to fight the temptation to write it out
in full.  *grin* If you haven't encountered recursion before, please shout
out and ask for more details.

When we look above, we're looking at the solution for tva_dict_maker-ing
the list ['a', 'b', 'c'].

But let's imagine what tva_dict_maker() looks like for a slightly smaller
problem, for ['b', 'c']:

  b:True	c:True
  b:True	c:False
  b:False	c:True
  b:False	c:False

If we look at this and use our pattern-matching abilities, we might say
that the solution for ['b', 'c'] really looks like half of the solution
for ['a', 'b', 'c'] That is, to get:

    tva_dict_maker(['a', 'b', 'c'])

all we really need are the results of tva_dict_maker(['b', 'c']).  We can
then twiddle two copies of the samller solution to make 'a' either True or
False, combine them together, and we've got it.

Recursive approachs have two parts to them, a "base" case and an
"inductive" case:

    1.  Figure out solutions for really simple examples.  For example, in
        the problem above, We know that something like:


        has a very simple solution, since we're only dealing with a list
        of one element.  ([{'c': True}, {'c' : False}])

    2.  And for larger problems, let's figure out a way to break the
        problem into something smaller.  We might be able to take the
        solution of the smaller problem and make it scale up.

So a recursive approach will typically fit some template like this:

## Pseduocode #########################################################
def recursive_problem(some_problem):
    if some_problem is really obviously simple:
        return the obviously simple answer to some_problem
        smaller_problem = some way of making some_problem slightly
                          smaller.  On lists, usually attack list[1:].
        small_solution = recursive_problem(smaller_problem)
        full_solution = twiddle small_solution somehow to make it solve
        return full_solution

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

From wescpy at  Sat Apr  1 04:38:58 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:38:58 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Python + PostGreSQL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >I tried to install pygresql: version: 3.8, it failed
> >throwing exception : Exception: pg_config tool is not
> >available.
> >
> >I gave another try on google and Postgres site and
> >found Pypgsql, PoPy and psycopg1.
> I think that psycopg is generally considered the preferred
> package.

as bill has suggested, it does appear that psycopg is the preferred
from what i've seen. popy is outdated and (i believe) merged with
PyGreSQL which is the one that PostgreSQL has in their tree as it's
been around the longest.

however rather than just talking about another adapter because your
current one doesn't work, i'm more curious as to why you are having
problems with PyGreSQL.  i've never had a problem with it... how did
you do your installation?  (yes, we're lucky that PostgreSQL has
multiple adapters available as other RDBMSs don't have these options.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun :: : silicon valley, ca

From srini_iyyer_bio at  Sat Apr  1 05:00:43 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 19:00:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] Python + PostGreSQL
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Bill, and wesley, 
Psycopg worked for me.  I had to use setup.cfg .
Regular did not work. 

AFA, pygresql I did used this some 2 years back. 
However, the install was pretty easy due to proper
redhat rpm updates. I felt more comfortable with
PyGreSQL. I liked it somehow. 

tar -xvf PyGreSQL.tar
cd PyGreSQL-3.8/
sudo python build
sh: pg_config: command not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 77, in ?
    pg_include_dir = pg_config('includedir')
  File "", line 47, in pg_config
    raise Exception, "pg_config tool is not
Exception: pg_config tool is not available.


My pg_config is in : /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config


--- w chun <wescpy at> wrote:

> > >I tried to install pygresql: version: 3.8, it
> failed
> > >throwing exception : Exception: pg_config tool is
> not
> > >available.
> > >
> > >I gave another try on google and Postgres site
> and
> > >found Pypgsql, PoPy and psycopg1.
> >
> > I think that psycopg is generally considered the
> preferred
> > package.
> as bill has suggested, it does appear that psycopg
> is the preferred
> from what i've seen. popy is outdated and (i
> believe) merged with
> PyGreSQL which is the one that PostgreSQL has in
> their tree as it's
> been around the longest.
> however rather than just talking about another
> adapter because your
> current one doesn't work, i'm more curious as to why
> you are having
> problems with PyGreSQL.  i've never had a problem
> with it... how did
> you do your installation?  (yes, we're lucky that
> PostgreSQL has
> multiple adapters available as other RDBMSs don't
> have these options.)
> --wesley
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - -
> "Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall,
> (c)2007,2001
> wesley.j.chun ::
> : silicon valley, ca

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From wescpy at  Sat Apr  1 08:03:33 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 22:03:33 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Python + PostGreSQL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi srini,

i don't know what your system configuration was like for the
installation, but from what i saw in your post (below), it just seems
like /usr/local/pgsql/bin was not in your path since it looks like
"sh" could not find the pg_config command, not Python (which choked

anyway, if you got psycopg working for you, then just leave it. :-)


> sh: pg_config: command not found
>    :
> My pg_config is in : /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config

From sanelson at  Sat Apr  1 09:10:10 2006
From: sanelson at (Steve Nelson)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 08:10:10 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Inverted Index Algorithm
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 3/31/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Steve Nelson wrote:
> Do you need help getting started with Python or with inverted indexing
> in particular?

Sorry - I should have been clearer.  I'm reasonably confident in
Python, and if I get stuck with that side of things will ask for help.
 I was more struggling with the Inverted Indexing bit.

I think I want to write a program that will do text searches on
documents, to learn about and compare the two approaches I've heard of
- Inverted Indexing and Signature Files.  SO I think I am asking for
help at the logical / implementation level.

My understanding so far goes something like this:

Suppose I have three documents - as a trivial but fun example, we
could make them song lyrics.  The simplest thing that could possibly
work would be to supply one or two words and literally scan every word
in the song for a match.   This has two disadvantages - firstly it is
likely to produce false positives, and secondly it is likely to be
very inefficient.

The next step would be to introduce an index.  I think again, the
simplest thing that could possibly work would be a literal index of
every word and every document in which it appears.  This would save
processing time, but wouldn't be very intelligent.

This is where I think the inverted indexing comes in.  As I understand
it we can now produce an index of key words, with document name and
location in document for each key word. This makes the search more
involved, and more intelligent.  Finally we could have some logic that
did some set analysis to return only results that make sense.

Am I  thinking along the right lines, or have I misunderstood?  Could
someone perhaps come up with some code snippets that make clearer

I also need to think about signature files, but I havn't really any
idea how these work.

Thanks all!

> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From aguffabuff at  Sat Apr  1 09:18:34 2006
From: aguffabuff at (Ars)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 23:18:34 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Capture keyboard input even without python in focus
Message-ID: <BAY106-DAV16360B1AEB71E90B7BA0EBCAD70@phx.gbl>

What commands could capture input from the keyboard (and the mouse while we're at it) even when the running python program isn't the program in focus? Sorta like a keylogger, though that's not my goal (wouldn't be very secret with a python console running anyways lol.)

-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Sat Apr  1 09:42:57 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 23:42:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] Inverted Index Algorithm
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> The next step would be to introduce an index.  I think again, the
> simplest thing that could possibly work would be a literal index of
> every word and every document in which it appears.  This would save
> processing time, but wouldn't be very intelligent.

Yes, that's right, that's the idea of an inverted index.

> This is where I think the inverted indexing comes in.  As I understand
> it we can now produce an index of key words, with document name and
> location in document for each key word. This makes the search more
> involved, and more intelligent.  Finally we could have some logic that
> did some set analysis to return only results that make sense.

Location information would help allow you to do things like phrase or
proximity matching.  Another thing that might help is term frequency (tf).

You might want to check out documentation about Lucene:

as they're the premier open source search library.  They have a
presentation that gives a good overview of the techniques used in a fast
search engine:

If you want to reuse their engine, the OSAF folks have even written Python
bindings to the library:

From francois.schnell at  Sat Apr  1 10:31:04 2006
From: francois.schnell at (francois schnell)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 10:31:04 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Capture keyboard input even without python in focus
In-Reply-To: <BAY106-DAV16360B1AEB71E90B7BA0EBCAD70@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY106-DAV16360B1AEB71E90B7BA0EBCAD70@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>


On windows OS I'm using the nice pyhook module:

"The pyHook library wraps the low-level mouse and keyboard hooks in the
Windows Hooking API for use in Python applications. "

See tutorial here:<>


On 01/04/06, Ars <aguffabuff at> wrote:
>  What commands could capture input from the keyboard (and the mouse while
> we're at it) even when the running python program isn't the program in
> focus? Sorta like a keylogger, though that's not my goal (wouldn't be very
> secret with a python console running anyways lol.)
> -Jack
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sat Apr  1 13:12:02 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 06:12:02 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

jonasmg at wrote:
> Kent Johnson writes: 
>>jonasmg at wrote: 
>>>List of states:
>>>: soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
>>>: # Get the second table (list of states).
>>>: table = soup.first('table').findNext('table')
>>>: print table  
>>><td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>
>>><td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne, 
>>><td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne, 
>>><td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" title=""><img 
>>>g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30" 
>>>longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" /></a></td>
>>>Of each row (tr), I want to get the cells (td): 1,3,4 
>>>(postal,state,capital). But cells 3 and 4 have anchors. 
>>So dig into the cells and get the data from the anchor. 
>>cells = row('td')
>>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> for row in table('tr'):
>    cells = row('td')
>    print cells[0] 
> IndexError: list index out of range 

It works for me:

In [1]: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs

In [2]: soup=bs('''<tr>
    ...: <td>WY</td>
    ...: <td>Wyo.</td>
    ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>
    ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
    ...: Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>
    ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
    ...: Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>
    ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" 
    ...: g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30"
    ...: longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" /></a></td>
    ...: </tr>
    ...: </table> '''
    ...: )

In [18]: rows=soup('tr')

In [19]: rows
<td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>
<td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
<td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
<td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" 
title=""><img src="http://upload.

g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30" 

In [21]: cells=rows[0]('td')

In [22]: cells
  <td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>,
  <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
  <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
  <td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" 
title=""><img src="http://upload
g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30" 

In [23]: cells[0].string
Out[23]: 'WY'

In [24]: cells[2].a.string
Out[24]: 'Wyoming'

In [25]: cells[3].a.string


From durango at  Sat Apr  1 06:34:32 2006
From: durango at (Mr  X)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 20:34:32 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] Python, VB math simple problem
Message-ID: <0db901c65545$92b249a0$>

Hi looking for help with what should be a fairly simple Python problem,
relating to VB inter-operability.
Got a great response from a fellow named Matt at help at,
pointed me in some good directions - some areas, concerns still foggy
on, the below thread is included.... any feedback on this simple dilemma
would be very appreciated.



thread follows below;


To: help at 
Subject: Problem with Python math functions and VB 
Date: 3/30/2006 9:39:28 PM 
Download Message Display Headers Printer Friendly 
Previous | Next 

Wondering if you might either know how to solve the following.

I've a background in Visual Basic, and am using an old version, 4.0, it
compiles to a smaller executable which I prefer. I find myself in an odd
situation, needing a very simple yet powerful capability of Python for a
VB app
Im working on.

Simply, a large 300 digit number is divided by a smaller number ranging
from 1 to 3 digits. I.e;

This large 300 digit number is generated as a string from the VB app,
and I want to input this somehow
from the VB app directly to Python for simple math operations.

Where; x = 300 digit number, y = divisor ( say '37')

x / 37

I want to divide x by y but I want the remainder of this division to at
least 3 or 4 decimal places, so my Python script at the command line;

x %y /y. = z

So now I want to take the resultant, the full number plus its remainder,
and I want to round this number up
to the next highest number and divide it by the same constant;

z rounded up to next highest number (never the lowest)


z /y = z Long

Remove the 'L' at the end, round up the last digit of z = Z


Z %y /y. = a

Then I want the last five digits of z (not Z) and a truncated at the
end, so the last digit before
the decimal point and the four digits past the decimal point printed to
a text file.

I want to be able to open the text file with the VB app and use this
data as inputs.

Ok, so here is my dilemma, I know VERY litle about Python and a fair bit
about VB.

Ideally, I'd love to be able to simply have some extremely small
executable that just accepts inputs
does the calculations above and then spits out the outputs. If it were
possible to write some
simple lines of math code in Python and then compile these scripts in
Python to a Windows
compatible executable,that would be fantastic.

If I could simply have my VB app, 'call' the name of the tiny Python
executable, and then the Python executable
just automatically looked for a named text file (created by the VB app)
and extracted the 300 digit number from this, then performed the calcs,
then spit this data out as a new text file name it created, which I
could then use the VB app to open and read from, THAT would be ideal.

However, I don't know if Python can compile scripts to an exe? If it can
how could I find out how to do this?

If it doesn't, how could I get VB to directly pass commands to the
Python command line and then automatically
extract the outputs? Shelling out from VB to Python would be tough to
the command line I think, since the Python command line uses the 'Edit /
Mark, Paste' approach to inserting, copy inputs, outputs and this would
be virtually untenable, as far as I can tell to automate in a VB shell
out routine.

So basically, how the heck can I access Pythons ability to perform
simple calculations on very large numbers, easily, from within VB 4.0 ?
There must be a way, it seems like such a simple think to do, especially
since the actual math operations are so simple, straight forward, and
would never change.....

Any ideas?

Matthew, thanks for your response. 

<-----Original Message-----> 
>From: Matthew Dixon Cowles
>Sent: 3/31/2006 9:41:18 AM
>To: durango at
>Cc: help at
>Subject: Re: [Python-Help] Problem with Python math functions and VB

>I'm sure that there's a way to do that, but I'm not familiar with 
>Visual Basic and I don't know what inter-process communication 
>facilities it offers. 

Is there a person or group you might direct me to that has worked with
inter-process communication between VB and Python?

>I don't think that Python is going to be able to do that for you out 
>of the box. Hundreds of digits of floating-point precision is a lot. 

Could you explain that a bit more, sorry Im not sure what you mean
by 'out of the box' ? If I run the Python command line screen in windows
and manually type out a very large number, say 180 digits; where 'X' =
very large number;

X %37 /37.

returns what Im after, value wise..... but of course I don't want to do
this manually each time
for every dividend.

>You might find that one of the Python modules that let you use an 
>extended-precision library would do what you want. GMPY is one: 


Hey, thats interesting, wonder if these modules can be operated on with

>> So now I want to take the resultant, the full number plus its 
>> remainder, and I want to round this number up 
>> to the next highest number and divide it by the same constant; 
>That's easy enough. 
>> I want to be able to open the text file with the VB app and use this 
>> data as inputs. 
>Python can write to a file without any trouble, so it that form of 
>inter-process communication suits you, you shouldn't have much 
>trouble. I assume that Visual Basic has an easy way to start a 
>program and supply it with arguments, so you could have your Python 
>program get its inputs from sys.argv. 

What is sys.argv ? Thats really good news. In fact, all I really need
for the moment is
a python executable that;


a) opens a text file
b) reads a string from the file, which is a very large number
c) performs simple arithmetic operations;

X %37 /37. = y (four digit remainder after decimal point)
X /37 = w (quotient as long, the resulting output is stored as a
variable, the 'L' suffix tagged on the end of this resultant then gets
then the last digit in the quotient resultant string is increased in
value by one, rounded upwards = 'Z'


Z %37 /37. = a

then, y and a are printed to a text file with hard returns between them.
Thats it, thats all I need to do.
>Alas, it's not going to be extremely small. There isn't a compiler 
>from Python to machine code. Py2exe will bundle a Python program, 
>with everything that it needs to run, into a single executable 
>archive. But the archive isn't small. Py2exe is at: 

the most important thing is the functionality, I'll sacrifice size if I
have to. My guess is this should work based on your comments, because
perhaps all I really have to do is have VB dump out the value of the
Very large number, `180 to 300 digits or so', to a text file, which then
becomes the input data for the Python executable, and then if I simply
call the name of the Python executable from VB as an instance,
then the Python App runs, spits out the data as a new text file, then
the VB app goes and opens the new text file and reads in the values,
and voila! There it is. I'm pretty sure I can call the Python app from
VB....... the alternative to all this would be to try and feed Python
directly to Python from VB, which I have NO idea how to do or where to
begin.... and am guessing would be much more messy...

I haven't programmed in Python, how would the "PYTHON ALGORITHM
ABSTRACT" I describe above look like, code wise? 
Is this fairly easy for you to describe?

>It may be that Python isn't the best solution for you here. Are there 
>extended-precision libraries for Visual Basic? 

Alas, none that I know of that are reliable and not incredibly
expensive, been looking for years, plus Im hooped because I have to work
with VB 4.0 instead of 6 +, guh.... 


Matt..... good name, why do I always seem to get along with Matts, you
people keep popping up in my life and its always a blast!

Best regards,


<span id=m2wTl><p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" style="font-size:13.5px">_______________________________________________________________<BR>Get the FREE email that has everyone talking at <a href= target=new></a><br>  <font color=#999999>Unlimited Email Storage &#150; POP3 &#150; Calendar &#150; SMS &#150; Translator &#150; Much More!</font></font></span>
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From jonasmg at  Sat Apr  1 14:22:23 2006
From: jonasmg at (jonasmg at
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 05:22:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <> 
References: <> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson writes: 

> jonasmg at wrote:
>> Kent Johnson writes:  
>>>jonasmg at wrote:  
>>>>List of states:
>>>>: soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
>>>>: # Get the second table (list of states).
>>>>: table = soup.first('table').findNext('table')
>>>>: print table   
>>>><td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>
>>>><td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne, 
>>>><td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne, 
>>>><td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" title=""><img 
>>>>g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30" 
>>>>longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" /></a></td>
>>>>Of each row (tr), I want to get the cells (td): 1,3,4 
>>>>(postal,state,capital). But cells 3 and 4 have anchors. 
>>>So dig into the cells and get the data from the anchor.  
>>>cells = row('td')
>>>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>> for row in table('tr'):
>>    cells = row('td')
>>    print cells[0]  
>> IndexError: list index out of range 
> It works for me: 
> In [1]: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs 
> In [2]: soup=bs('''<tr>
>     ...: <td>WY</td>
>     ...: <td>Wyo.</td>
>     ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>
>     ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
>     ...: Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>
>     ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
>     ...: Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>
>     ...: <td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" 
> title=""><img
>     ...: 
> src="
>     ...: g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30"
>     ...: longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" /></a></td>
>     ...: </tr>
>     ...: </table> '''
>     ...:
>     ...:
>     ...:
>     ...: ) 
> In [18]: rows=soup('tr') 
> In [19]: rows
> Out[19]:
> [<tr>
> <td>WY</td>
> <td>Wyo.</td>
> <td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>
> <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
> Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>
> <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
> Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>
> <td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" 
> title=""><img src="http://upload. 
> g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30" 
> longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_
> </tr>] 
> In [21]: cells=rows[0]('td') 
> In [22]: cells
> Out[22]:
> [<td>WY</td>,
>   <td>Wyo.</td>,
>   <td><a href="/wiki/Wyoming" title="Wyoming">Wyoming</a></td>,
>   <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
> Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>,
>   <td><a href="/wiki/Cheyenne%2C_Wyoming" title="Cheyenne,
> Wyoming">Cheyenne</a></td>,
>   <td><a href="/wiki/Image:Flag_of_Wyoming.svg" class="image" 
> title=""><img src="http://upload
> n
> g.svg/45px-Flag_of_Wyoming.svg.png" width="45" alt="" height="30" 
> longdesc="/wiki/Image:Flag_ 
> In [23]: cells[0].string
> Out[23]: 'WY' 
> In [24]: cells[2].a.string
> Out[24]: 'Wyoming' 
> In [25]: cells[3].a.string 
> Kent 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Yes, ok. But so, it is only possible get data from a row (rows[0]) 


And I want get data from all rows. I have trying with several 'for' setences 
but i can not. 

From kent37 at  Sat Apr  1 14:50:53 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 07:50:53 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

jonasmg at wrote:
> Yes, ok. But so, it is only possible get data from a row (rows[0]) 
> cells=rows[0]('td') 
> And I want get data from all rows. I have trying with several 'for' setences 
> but i can not. 

Can you show us what you tried?

Have you read a Python tutorial? It seems like some of the things you 
are struggling with might be addressed in general Python material.


From kent37 at  Sat Apr  1 14:56:23 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 07:56:23 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python, VB math simple problem
In-Reply-To: <0db901c65545$92b249a0$>
References: <0db901c65545$92b249a0$>
Message-ID: <>

Mr X wrote:
> Hi looking for help with what should be a fairly simple Python problem, 
> relating to VB inter-operability.
> Got a great response from a fellow named Matt at help at, 
> pointed me in some good directions - some areas, concerns still foggy 
> on, the below thread is included.... any feedback on this simple dilemma
> would be very appreciated.

You can use py2exe to make an executable from a python program. Or the 
VB program could invoke a command line like "python data.txt" 
without needing to use py2exe. You can also write COM servers in Python.


> Thanks,
> D
> thread follows below;
> ------------------------------------
> To: help at
> Subject: Problem with Python math functions and VB
> Date: 3/30/2006 9:39:28 PM
> Download Message Display Headers Printer Friendly
> Previous | Next
> Wondering if you might either know how to solve the following.
> I've a background in Visual Basic, and am using an old version, 4.0, it 
> compiles to a smaller executable which I prefer. I find myself in an odd 
> situation, needing a very simple yet powerful capability of Python for a 
> VB app
> Im working on.
> Simply, a large 300 digit number is divided by a smaller number ranging 
> from 1 to 3 digits. I.e;
> This large 300 digit number is generated as a string from the VB app, 
> and I want to input this somehow
> from the VB app directly to Python for simple math operations.
> Where; x = 300 digit number, y = divisor ( say '37')
> x / 37
> I want to divide x by y but I want the remainder of this division to at 
> least 3 or 4 decimal places, so my Python script at the command line;
> x %y /y. = z
> So now I want to take the resultant, the full number plus its remainder, 
> and I want to round this number up
> to the next highest number and divide it by the same constant;
> z rounded up to next highest number (never the lowest)
> so
> z /y = z Long
> Remove the 'L' at the end, round up the last digit of z = Z
> Then;
> Z %y /y. = a
> Then I want the last five digits of z (not Z) and a truncated at the 
> end, so the last digit before
> the decimal point and the four digits past the decimal point printed to 
> a text file.
> I want to be able to open the text file with the VB app and use this 
> data as inputs.
> ==========
> Ok, so here is my dilemma, I know VERY litle about Python and a fair bit 
> about VB.
> Ideally, I'd love to be able to simply have some extremely small 
> executable that just accepts inputs
> does the calculations above and then spits out the outputs. If it were 
> possible to write some
> simple lines of math code in Python and then compile these scripts in 
> Python to a Windows
> compatible executable,that would be fantastic.
> If I could simply have my VB app, 'call' the name of the tiny Python 
> executable, and then the Python executable
> just automatically looked for a named text file (created by the VB app) 
> and extracted the 300 digit number from this, then performed the calcs, 
> then spit this data out as a new text file name it created, which I 
> could then use the VB app to open and read from, THAT would be ideal.
> However, I don't know if Python can compile scripts to an exe? If it can 
> how could I find out how to do this?
> If it doesn't, how could I get VB to directly pass commands to the 
> Python command line and then automatically
> extract the outputs? Shelling out from VB to Python would be tough to 
> the command line I think, since the Python command line uses the 'Edit / 
> Mark, Paste' approach to inserting, copy inputs, outputs and this would 
> be virtually untenable, as far as I can tell to automate in a VB shell 
> out routine.
> So basically, how the heck can I access Pythons ability to perform 
> simple calculations on very large numbers, easily, from within VB 4.0 ? 
> There must be a way, it seems like such a simple think to do, especially 
> since the actual math operations are so simple, straight forward, and 
> would never change.....
> Any ideas?
> ------
> Matthew, thanks for your response.
> <-----Original Message----->
>  >From: Matthew Dixon Cowles
>  >Sent: 3/31/2006 9:41:18 AM
>  >To: durango at
>  >Cc: help at
>  >Subject: Re: [Python-Help] Problem with Python math functions and VB
>  >I'm sure that there's a way to do that, but I'm not familiar with
>  >Visual Basic and I don't know what inter-process communication
>  >facilities it offers.
> Is there a person or group you might direct me to that has worked with this
> inter-process communication between VB and Python?
>  >I don't think that Python is going to be able to do that for you out
>  >of the box. Hundreds of digits of floating-point precision is a lot.
> Could you explain that a bit more, sorry Im not sure what you mean
> by 'out of the box' ? If I run the Python command line screen in windows
> and manually type out a very large number, say 180 digits; where 'X' = 
> very large number;
> X %37 /37.
> returns what Im after, value wise..... but of course I don't want to do 
> this manually each time
> for every dividend.
>  >You might find that one of the Python modules that let you use an
>  >extended-precision library would do what you want. GMPY is one:
>  >
> Hey, thats interesting, wonder if these modules can be operated on with 
> VB.....
>  >> So now I want to take the resultant, the full number plus its
>  >> remainder, and I want to round this number up
>  >> to the next highest number and divide it by the same constant;
>  >
>  >That's easy enough.
>  >
>  >> I want to be able to open the text file with the VB app and use this
>  >> data as inputs.
>  >
>  >Python can write to a file without any trouble, so it that form of
>  >inter-process communication suits you, you shouldn't have much
>  >trouble. I assume that Visual Basic has an easy way to start a
>  >program and supply it with arguments, so you could have your Python
>  >program get its inputs from sys.argv.
> What is sys.argv ? Thats really good news. In fact, all I really need 
> for the moment is
> a python executable that;
> ================
> a) opens a text file
> b) reads a string from the file, which is a very large number
> c) performs simple arithmetic operations;
> X %37 /37. = y (four digit remainder after decimal point)
> X /37 = w (quotient as long, the resulting output is stored as a 
> variable, the 'L' suffix tagged on the end of this resultant then gets 
> removed.
> then the last digit in the quotient resultant string is increased in 
> value by one, rounded upwards = 'Z'
> then
> Z %37 /37. = a
> then, y and a are printed to a text file with hard returns between them. 
> Thats it, thats all I need to do.
> ===================
>  >Alas, it's not going to be extremely small. There isn't a compiler
>  >from Python to machine code. Py2exe will bundle a Python program,
>  >with everything that it needs to run, into a single executable
>  >archive. But the archive isn't small. Py2exe is at:
>  >
>  >
> the most important thing is the functionality, I'll sacrifice size if I 
> have to. My guess is this should work based on your comments, because
> perhaps all I really have to do is have VB dump out the value of the 
> Very large number, `180 to 300 digits or so', to a text file, which then
> becomes the input data for the Python executable, and then if I simply 
> call the name of the Python executable from VB as an instance,
> then the Python App runs, spits out the data as a new text file, then 
> the VB app goes and opens the new text file and reads in the values,
> and voila! There it is. I'm pretty sure I can call the Python app from 
> VB....... the alternative to all this would be to try and feed Python 
> scripts
> directly to Python from VB, which I have NO idea how to do or where to 
> begin.... and am guessing would be much more messy...
> I haven't programmed in Python, how would the "PYTHON ALGORITHM 
> ABSTRACT" I describe above look like, code wise?
> Is this fairly easy for you to describe?
>  >It may be that Python isn't the best solution for you here. Are there
>  >extended-precision libraries for Visual Basic?
> Alas, none that I know of that are reliable and not incredibly 
> expensive, been looking for years, plus Im hooped because I have to work
> with VB 4.0 instead of 6 +, guh....
>  >Regards,
>  >Matt
> Matt..... good name, why do I always seem to get along with Matts, you 
> people keep popping up in my life and its always a blast!
> Best regards,
> D
> _______________________________________________________________
> Get the FREE email that has everyone talking at
> Unlimited Email Storage ? POP3 ? Calendar ? SMS ? Translator ? Much More!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr  1 19:06:43 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 18:06:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] i need help please read (fwd)
References: <>
Message-ID: <000f01c655ae$a6d5ae90$0b01a8c0@xp>


I'm still struggling, but based on what Danny Yoo deduced I'll assume
you are talking anbout a dialog box or window of some sort rather
than drawing a graphical box?

> ok ill tell you want im doing i want to make a box using python that if 
> you
> put the box over a number on the computer screen it pops up inside the box

Do you mean a bit like the magnifier applet that ships with Windows?
It magnifies whatever is underneath it on the main screen? If so thats
a really tough task. It is possible in Python but it requires an in-depth
knowledge of how Windows works - much more than I have!

> and the number can be altered in the box and however you alter it on the 
> box
> it turns into that or show what you altered in place of the number you put
> it over get what im saying

And modifying the number underneath is much much harder again.
It might not even be possible! You can alter it in your own program but to 
that take effect on the underlying application would require that you find 
what application was diswplaying the number and then find a way to write to
that application. These are very deep and difficult programming tasks!

Its theoretically possible in Python, but its very difficult. Even in C++ it
would be a real challenge.

Alan G.
Just back from a week's vacation in Spain. 

From jonasmg at  Sat Apr  1 19:39:21 2006
From: jonasmg at (jonasmg at
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 10:39:21 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <> 
References: <> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson writes: 

> jonasmg at wrote:
>> Yes, ok. But so, it is only possible get data from a row (rows[0])  
>> cells=rows[0]('td')  
>> And I want get data from all rows. I have trying with several 'for' setences 
>> but i can not. 
> Can you show us what you tried? 
> Have you read a Python tutorial? It seems like some of the things you 
> are struggling with might be addressed in general Python material. 
> Kent 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

You consider a thing about me.
If I ask something it is because I cannot find the solution. I do not it by 

Yes, I have read tutorials about python, and I have looked for this problem 
in this mail list using a web searcher as alltheweb, and I have even looked 
for in the google groups about python. 

* for rows in table('tr'): print rows('td') 

it fails when i'm going to get data of each cell using:
for rows in table('tr'): print rows('td')[0] 

* for rows in table('tr'):
   for cell in rows('td'):
      print cell 

The same, using print cell[0] 

From nospamformeSVP at  Sat Apr  1 21:25:47 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 14:25:47 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Doctest, object references and the use of ellipses
Message-ID: <e0mk44$k9$>


I am trying to use Doctest and am having trouble using the ellipsis 
feature when trying to match an object reference.

Here is the code:

     def add_change_listener(self, listener):

         Returns list of listeners just for testing.
         >>> def mock_listener():
         ...    pass
         >>> model = Model()
         >>> model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
         [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]


         return self.listeners

This is what I get back:

     model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
     [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
File "D:\ProgrammingProjects\MVCExperiments\src\", line 14, 
in __main__.Model.add_change_listener
Failed example:
     model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
     [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
     [<function mock_listener at 0x00AD9730>]

As far as I can tell from the Doctest documentation this test should 
have passed.

Any help on what I am doing wrong would be much appreciated.



From kent37 at  Sat Apr  1 21:51:33 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 14:51:33 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Doctest, object references and the use of ellipses
In-Reply-To: <e0mk44$k9$>
References: <e0mk44$k9$>
Message-ID: <>

Don Taylor wrote:
> Hi:
> I am trying to use Doctest and am having trouble using the ellipsis 
> feature when trying to match an object reference.

What version of Python are you using? The ELLIPSIS comment was added in 
Python 2.4.


> Here is the code:
>      def add_change_listener(self, listener):
>          '''
>          Returns list of listeners just for testing.
>          >>> def mock_listener():
>          ...    pass
>          >>> model = Model()
>          >>> model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>          [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
>          '''
>          self.listeners.append(listener)
>          return self.listeners
> This is what I get back:
> Trying:
>      model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
> Expecting:
>      [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
> **********************************************************************
> File "D:\ProgrammingProjects\MVCExperiments\src\", line 14, 
> in __main__.Model.add_change_listener
> Failed example:
>      model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
> Expected:
>      [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
> Got:
>      [<function mock_listener at 0x00AD9730>]
> As far as I can tell from the Doctest documentation this test should 
> have passed.
> Any help on what I am doing wrong would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Don.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ukc802591034 at  Sat Apr  1 22:32:25 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 21:32:25 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python tutor
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0mo0m$bq4$>

"Noufal Ibrahim" <noufal at> wrote in message 
news:26346. at
> Greetings all,


> the reader learns stuff). Another example that comes to mind is the
> tcltutor program to learn TCL. It contains an instruction window, a
> code window and an output window. The user is told something, they try
> it and the output is visible. I personally used it when I was learning
> TCL.

The tcltutor is fabulous and I've often toyed with the idea of trying to
build a Pythonic version. I particularly like the way you can toggle from
newbie view to expert view and get the same feature described in
friendly English prose through to the bare man pages.

> The python tutorial is great and probably all one needs to learn the
> language but I think a more interactive program to teach it might be

I tried at one stage producing JavaScripted versions of the code in my
tutor where you could step through the code with the active line being
highlighted in colour - like a debugger. But after struggling for ages to 
one short example to work it seemed too much like hard work!

> Do you all think it'll be a worthwhile project?

I think it would be a great project.

The other one in similar vein is to do a demo program of the Tkinter
(and the Tix widgets too) similar to the Tcl/Tk demo program. Again
I've had it on my list of 'things to do' for several years now!

Alan G.
(Back from a weeks vacation in sunny Spain! :-)

From dyoo at  Sat Apr  1 22:37:41 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 12:37:41 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > Have you read a Python tutorial? It seems like some of the things you
> > are struggling with might be addressed in general Python material.
> You consider a thing about me. If I ask something it is because I cannot
> find the solution. I do not it by whim.

Hello Jonas,

Yes, but don't take Kent's question as a personal insult --- he's asking
because it looks like you're having trouble interpreting error messages or
considering border cases.

If you're doing HTML parsing, there's an unspoken assumption that you've
already mastered basic programming.  After reading the questions you're
asking, I agree with Kent; you're struggling with things that you should
have already covered in tutorials.

Out of curiosity, what tutorials have you looked at?  Give us links, and
we'll take a look and evaluate them for accuracy.  Some Python tutorials
are good, but some of them out there are quite bad too.  The ones linked


should be ok.

> * for rows in table('tr'): print rows('td')
> it fails when i'm going to get data of each cell using:
> for rows in table('tr'): print rows('td')[0]

Just to clarify: when you say it "fails", please try to be more specific.
What exactly does Python report as the error?

I see that you mention the error message here:

But are you looking at the error message and trying to understand what
it's saying?  It says that the cell doesn't have a zeroth element. And
this is probably true! I wouldn't disbelieve the computer on this one.

TD elements probably won't have nested sub-elements.  But they may have
a 'string' attribute, though, which is what Kent's example used to pull
the text out of the TD.

But your reply to his message doesn't look like it even responds to Kent's
example.  It is unclear to us why you're not reading or understanding his
example, and just going off and doing something else.  If you don't
understand a reply, try asking a question about it: we'll be happy to
elaborate.  Try not to go off so quickly and ignore responses:  it gives
the impression that you don't care enough to read through things.

Anyway, the program snippet above makes assumptions, so let's get those
out of the way.  Concretely:

    for rows in table('tr'):
        print rows('td')[0]

makes an assumption that is not necessarely true:

    * It assumes that each row has a td element.

Do you understand the border case here?  In particular:

    * What if you hit a TR table row that does not have any TD columns?

>From viewing the wiki web page you gave as an example, I can see several
TR's in the page's content that do not have TD's, but only TH's.  I'm not
certain what BeautifulSoup will do in this situtation --- I suspect that
it'll return None --- but in any case, your code has to account for this

From singingxduck at  Sat Apr  1 23:04:29 2006
From: singingxduck at (Orri Ganel)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 16:04:29 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for
 generating truth-tables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've been too busy with life to do much Python of late. So, I am a bit
>rusty. :-(
>I've got some code that does what it needs to but I think I might be 
>overlooking a much smoother way to get what I need.
>The code takes a list of strings and returns a list of dictionaries, 
>where each dictionary uses the strings from the list as keys and 
>booleans as values. The dictionary list contains a dictionary 
>exhibiting each possible combination of booleans over the keys, where 
>these combinations are listed in a systematic way.
>This code works:
>def tva_dict_maker(atoms):
>     tvas = []
>     val = False
>     for k in range(2**len(atoms)):
>         tvas.append(dict())
>     for i in range(len(atoms)):
>         key = atoms[i]
>         for j in range(2**len(atoms)):
>             if j % ( len(tvas) / 2.0 ** (i+1) ) == 0:
>                 val = not val
>             tvas[j][key]=val
>     return tvas
>The output I desire is easier to see with a bit of processing (to 
>impose order on the dicts). So,
>def display_tvas(tvas):
>     for i in tvas:
>	for j in sorted(i):
>		print "%s:%s\t" %(j, i[j]),
>	print
>Then, the output is like so:
> >>> atoms = ["a","b","c"]
> >>> tvas = tva_dict_maker(atoms)
> >>> display_tvas(tvas)
>a:True	b:True	c:True	
>a:True	b:True	c:False	
>a:True	b:False	c:True	
>a:True	b:False	c:False	
>a:False	b:True	c:True	
>a:False	b:True	c:False	
>a:False	b:False	c:True	
>a:False	b:False	c:False	
> >>>
>As desired :-)
>But, I can't shake the feeling I'm doing this in a harder than 
>necessary way :-|
>[This is in the context of writing a program to generate truth-tables 
>for sentential logic, so that I can easily create answered exercises 
>for a critical thinking course I've been teaching. (As it is for a 
>Philosophy class, the truth-values are listed in the opposite order 
>than in a CompSci context.)]
>Any suggestions would be welcome.
>Best to all,
>Brian vdB
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
What this shouts immediately to me, at least, is binary numbers and 
bool().  Just use your favorite binary conversion recipe, and count down 
from int(len(atoms)*"1",2), converting as you go.  And then you take the 
boolean value of each digit of the binary number.  If you need help, let 
me know as I've completed a working model.


Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.

From nospamformeSVP at  Sat Apr  1 23:12:33 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 16:12:33 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Doctest, object references and the use of ellipses
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e0mk44$k9$> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Don Taylor wrote:
>>I am trying to use Doctest and am having trouble using the ellipsis 
>>feature when trying to match an object reference.
> What version of Python are you using? The ELLIPSIS comment was added in 
> Python 2.4.

I am using 2.4.2


From ukc802591034 at  Sat Apr  1 23:28:44 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 22:28:44 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Apple Remote "Mouse"
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0mra9$l29$>

"Johnston Jiaa" <artificiallystupid at> wrote in message
> I recently bought a Macbook Pro from Apple.

I'm jealous already...

> As it comes with a remote, I thought it would be great to use it as
> a mouse when not in Front Row.  ...
> Is there any way to manipulate the cursor position on the screen using 
> Python?

This is really about programming Cocoa more than it is about Python.
You need to look at how you would do this in Objective C first then
translate that to Python using the Cocoa wrappers for MacPython.

It should all be feasible but I'd start looking on the Apple development
sites first - have you checked the fantastic programmer's pages on the
Apple site at:

If you haven't already done so sogn up to the developers email list.
Not only do you get advance news of developments in Apple land
but they post new articles and how-tos every week or so.

Also worth keeping an eye on is O'Reilly's MacDevCenter

And finally Stepwise's Vermont recipes are great:

Look in particular at the starting Cocoa and Articles links.

For your purpose you will need to create mouse events and then
post them to the applications event queue using the postEvent
method. There are several factory methods available for creating events.

Warning: This is not a trivial task and will involve some fairly deep
reading about the Apple event model and the mouse event definitions
in particular. But it is doable.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From nospamformeSVP at  Sat Apr  1 23:33:45 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 16:33:45 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python tutor
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0mrk1$ldh$>

Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> Greetings all,
>    Are there any programs for python that offer an "interactive" tutorial?
> Something on the lines of the builtin emacs tutorial (which is

While it is not really what you had in mind, I have just discovered the 
Python Challenge - and it is a lot of fun.


From ukc802591034 at  Sat Apr  1 23:30:49 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 22:30:49 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] how to get the content of an XML elements.
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0mre6$lg5$>

"Keo Sophon" <keosophon at> wrote in message 
news:200603311906.26110.keosophon at

> Is there anyway to get the content of an XML elements. I am using xml.dom.

For true XML I think ElemTree (by Fred Lundh?)  is the best approach.
Try a Google search.

Kent uses it as I recall.

Alan G. 

From kent37 at  Sat Apr  1 23:47:06 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 16:47:06 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] how to get the content of an XML elements.
In-Reply-To: <e0mre6$lg5$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Keo Sophon" <keosophon at> wrote in message 
> news:200603311906.26110.keosophon at
>>Is there anyway to get the content of an XML elements. I am using xml.dom.
> For true XML I think ElemTree (by Fred Lundh?)  is the best approach.
> Try a Google search.

Yes, it's ElementTree though.

Keo, what do you mean, "get the content of an XML elements"?


From jonasmg at  Sat Apr  1 23:51:36 2006
From: jonasmg at (jonasmg at
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 14:51:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo writes: 

>> > Have you read a Python tutorial? It seems like some of the things you
>> > are struggling with might be addressed in general Python material. 
>> You consider a thing about me. If I ask something it is because I cannot
>> find the solution. I do not it by whim.
> Hello Jonas, 
> Yes, but don't take Kent's question as a personal insult --- he's asking
> because it looks like you're having trouble interpreting error messages or
> considering border cases. 

Sorry Kent if my answer was very rude. I very was tired to try many things 
without no good result. 

> Anyway, the program snippet above makes assumptions, so let's get those
> out of the way.  Concretely: 
>     for rows in table('tr'):
>         print rows('td')[0] 
> makes an assumption that is not necessarely true: 
>     * It assumes that each row has a td element. 
> Do you understand the border case here?  In particular: 
>     * What if you hit a TR table row that does not have any TD columns? 

Danny, you give me the idea. The problem is that the first row has TH 
columns (not TD). So: 

for row in table('tr'):
   if row('td'):
       print row('td')[0].string 

From nospamformeSVP at  Sat Apr  1 23:51:37 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 16:51:37 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python tutor
In-Reply-To: <e0mo0m$bq4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0mslh$ogh$>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> I tried at one stage producing JavaScripted versions of the code in my
> tutor where you could step through the code with the active line being
> highlighted in colour - like a debugger. But after struggling for ages to 
> get
> one short example to work it seemed too much like hard work!

I found this site the other day and I thought that it would not be too 
difficult to generalize this technique into a simple tool for authoring 


From jonasmg at  Sun Apr  2 00:14:14 2006
From: jonasmg at (jonasmg at
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 15:14:14 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

And the solution to get the state and capital columns (where there are 

for row in table('tr'):
   for cell in row.fetch('a')[0:2]:
       print cell.string 

From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr  2 00:49:16 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 23:49:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python tutor
References: <><e0mo0m$bq4$>
Message-ID: <013001c655de$81750b70$0b01a8c0@xp>

>> I tried at one stage producing JavaScripted versions of the code in my
> I found this site the other day and I thought that it would not be too 
> difficult to generalize this technique into a simple tool for authoring 
> tutorials.

Yes, this is similar to something else I tried which was a collapsing editor
style presentation where you could collapse or expand functions. The problem
was that I found it difficult to get a version that worked properly on all
browsers and the amount of code to get it universal was too much for
me to tolerate in a web page! (I'm a minimalist when it comes to HTML!)

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From tim.peters at  Sun Apr  2 01:12:04 2006
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 18:12:04 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Doctest, object references and the use of ellipses
In-Reply-To: <e0mk44$k9$>
References: <e0mk44$k9$>
Message-ID: <>

[Don Taylor]
> I am trying to use Doctest and am having trouble using the ellipsis
> feature when trying to match an object reference.
> Here is the code:
>      def add_change_listener(self, listener):
>          '''
>          Returns list of listeners just for testing.
>          >>> def mock_listener():
>          ...    pass
>          >>> model = Model()
>          >>> model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>          [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
>          '''
>          self.listeners.append(listener)
>          return self.listeners
> This is what I get back:
> Trying:
>      model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
> Expecting:
>      [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
> **********************************************************************
> File "D:\ProgrammingProjects\MVCExperiments\src\", line 14,
> in __main__.Model.add_change_listener
> Failed example:
>      model.add_change_listener(mock_listener) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
> Expected:
>      [<function mock_listener at 0x...>]
> Got:
>      [<function mock_listener at 0x00AD9730>]

That "should work", provided there aren't differences in whitespace
that are invisible to us in this medium.  For example, if, in your
source file, there's actually a (one or more) trailing space on your
line of expected output, then it would _not_ match the actual output. 
Try adding +REPORT_NDIFF to your #doctest options; that will point out
all differences (including whitespace).

From artificiallystupid at  Sun Apr  2 01:13:55 2006
From: artificiallystupid at (Johnston Jiaa)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 15:13:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] Apple Remote "Mouse"
Message-ID: <>

Hey Alan,

I'm fairly new to programming and this is my first Apple computer.  It arrives on Monday, I've been waiting for ages.  Amazon took forever shipping it out.  Anyway, this will ultimately be a true learning experience -- I'll tell you how it turns out!  Many thanks for giving me these pointers, I'll check out all the sites and be immersed in all these Apple pages the next couple of weeks or so.

Johnston Jiaa (artificiallystupid at

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From nospamformeSVP at  Sun Apr  2 01:30:07 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 18:30:07 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Doctest, object references and the use of ellipses
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e0mk44$k9$>
Message-ID: <e0n2e8$5sp$>

Tim Peters wrote:

> That "should work", provided there aren't differences in whitespace
> that are invisible to us in this medium.  For example, if, in your
> source file, there's actually a (one or more) trailing space on your
> line of expected output, then it would _not_ match the actual output. 
> Try adding +REPORT_NDIFF to your #doctest options; that will point out
> all differences (including whitespace).

Oh, thank you!

Yes, there was a trailing whitespace.  And yes I did read the manual 
that warned about this but I guess it did not register deep enough into 
my reptile brain (you know, the Python brain).

I will try not to do this again (and I probably won't).


From tim.peters at  Sun Apr  2 01:42:29 2006
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 18:42:29 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Doctest, object references and the use of ellipses
In-Reply-To: <e0n2e8$5sp$>
References: <e0mk44$k9$>
Message-ID: <>

[Tim Peters]
>> That "should work", provided there aren't differences in whitespace
>> that are invisible to us in this medium.  For example, if, in your
>> source file, there's actually a (one or more) trailing space on your
>> line of expected output, then it would _not_ match the actual output.
>> Try adding +REPORT_NDIFF to your #doctest options; that will point out
>> all differences (including whitespace).

[Don Taylor]
> Oh, thank you!

Cool -- glad it worked!

> Yes, there was a trailing whitespace.  And yes I did read the manual
> that warned about this but I guess it did not register deep enough into
> my reptile brain (you know, the Python brain).
> I will try not to do this again (and I probably won't).

I'll share a secret :-)  I work on Python development, and a few times
per week I run this from the root of a Python checkout (this is on
Windows, BTW):

    python \Python24\Tools\Scripts\ -r . is in your distribution too.  It ensures (by rewriting
files as needed) that all .py files reachable from "." conform to core
Python's whitespace standards, which includes things like 4-space
indentation, no hard tab characters, and no trailing whitespace on any
lines.  All the .py files in a distribution are automatically kept
free of "whitespace surprises" this way.  You're allowed to run that
on your code too ;-)

From dyoo at  Sun Apr  2 03:54:37 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 17:54:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> And the solution to get the state and capital columns (where there are
> anchors):
> for row in table('tr'):
>    for cell in row.fetch('a')[0:2]:
>        print cell.string

Hi Jonas,

That's good to hear!  So does everything work for you then?

From jonasmg at  Sun Apr  2 10:46:35 2006
From: jonasmg at (jonasmg at
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2006 01:46:35 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line
In-Reply-To: <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo writes: 

>> And the solution to get the state and capital columns (where there are
>> anchors): 
>> for row in table('tr'):
>>    for cell in row.fetch('a')[0:2]:
>>        print cell.string
> Hi Jonas, 
> That's good to hear!  So does everything work for you then? 

Now yes, this problem has been resolved. Thanks!

From k.r.fry at  Mon Apr  3 13:36:12 2006
From: k.r.fry at (k r fry)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 12:36:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] oserror [errno 20]
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I am new to this list, and also to Python.
I am trying to get Python to loop through the directory DATADIR which 
contains the data I want to read.  I get an error:  "oserror [errno 20] 
: Not a directory: ""

The section of code is shown below:

for subdir in os.listdir(DATADIR):              #loop through list of 

     file=FITS.Read(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/flux.fits')     #opens 
flux.fits file and reads

     summation=open(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/flux.dat','w')  #opens the 
summation results file for writing to

     spotbyspot=open(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/spotflux.dat','w') #opens the 
spot-by-spot file for writing to


I would be very grateful if anyone could help me.  Thanks!

From ewald.ertl at  Mon Apr  3 15:11:55 2006
From: ewald.ertl at (Ewald Ertl)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 15:11:55 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] oserror [errno 20]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


k r fry wrote:
> Hi, I am new to this list, and also to Python.
> I am trying to get Python to loop through the directory DATADIR which 
> contains the data I want to read.  I get an error:  "oserror [errno 20] 
> : Not a directory: ""
> The section of code is shown below:
> for subdir in os.listdir(DATADIR):              #loop through list of 

os.listdir() lists the content of the directory referenced by DATADIR.
If regular files are in this directory, these are also listed.
You have to check, if subdir is really a directory before using this any

> strings
>      file=FITS.Read(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/flux.fits')     #opens 
> flux.fits file and reads
>      summation=open(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/flux.dat','w')  #opens the 
> summation results file for writing to
>      spotbyspot=open(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/spotflux.dat','w') #opens the 
> spot-by-spot file for writing to
>      output=''
>      print'\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n'+sys.argv[1]+' 
> '+subdir+'\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n'
> I would be very grateful if anyone could help me.  Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

HTH Ewald

From janos.juhasz at  Mon Apr  3 17:14:16 2006
From: janos.juhasz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=E1nos_Juh=E1sz?=)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 17:14:16 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From tim.golden at  Mon Apr  3 17:23:12 2006
From: tim.golden at (Tim Golden)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 16:23:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
Message-ID: <>

[J?nos Juh?sz]

| I can't find the defined() function in python, so I used 
| 'variable name' in dir() 
| for check if the variable defined. 
| >>> name = 'Joe' 
| >>> if 'name' in dir(): 
| ...         print name 
| ...         

I'm not entirely sure where you'd want
to use this, but probably the most
Pythonic way of doing this would be:

name = "Joe"
except NameError:
  print "name not defined"
  print "name defined"

I suspect that your idea of variable definition
doesn't quite match Python's concept. In short,
it's impossible to "declare" a variable in Python
without binding it to *something*. ie a variable
is always a binding to an object, not a hole
waiting to be filled.

You could, if you wanted, initialise name to None
(or some other sentinel value) and then check
against that, either explicitly:

if name is None:
  print "name unitialised"

or by taking advantage of the fact that several
empty objects in Python are considered False:

if not Name:
  print "name unitialised"

Hope that helps more than it confuses.

This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The
service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
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From stvsmth at  Mon Apr  3 17:26:37 2006
From: stvsmth at (stv)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 11:26:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] List methods/comps Best Practices
Message-ID: <>

I just thumped my head against the wall for a few hours on something,
and I was wondering if it's just my green-ness in Python, or if I'm
doing something unsavory.

I had several list comprehensions that I was mucking with; these lists
are working on a simple subclass of the built-in list object. They
looked liked this:

  filelist = getFilesToAdd()
  filelist2 = getFilesToDel()

  adds = MyList('foo')
  dels = MyList('bar')

  [adds.add_changes('foo', path) for path in filelist]
  [dels.add_changes('bar', path) for path in filelist2]

  # return all changes, deletes first
  return dels.extend(adds)

Since extend returns None, I ran into a lot of not-iterable errors
when calling this code. So I fixed this with

  return dels

And all is good, although it took way more head scratching than typing
. (In writing this, I now vaguely remember one of my tutorials warning
me about something ... maybe this was that? :)

So my question is this: Is this just one of those things that I learn
the hard way in Pthon & that's it, or am I doing something weird? I
shoulda figured this out when I was debugging the method in the
interpreter and my original list comprehensions returned

  [adds.add_changes('foo', path) for path in filelist]
  >>> [None, None, None]

as each call to add_changes returned no value. Alas, I'm not that
smart. Is it bad form to not have an "assignment" for the list comps?

From khp at  Mon Apr  3 18:20:06 2006
From: khp at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:20:06 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] List methods/comps Best Practices
In-Reply-To: <>
	(stv's message of "Mon, 3 Apr 2006 11:26:37 -0400")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On  3 Apr 2006, stvsmth at wrote:

> I had several list comprehensions that I was mucking with; these lists
> are working on a simple subclass of the built-in list object. They
> looked liked this:
>   filelist = getFilesToAdd()
>   filelist2 = getFilesToDel()
>   adds = MyList('foo')
>   dels = MyList('bar')
>   [adds.add_changes('foo', path) for path in filelist]
>   [dels.add_changes('bar', path) for path in filelist2]
>   # return all changes, deletes first
>   return dels.extend(adds)
> Since extend returns None, I ran into a lot of not-iterable errors
> when calling this code. So I fixed this with
>   dels.extend(adds)
>   return dels
> And all is good, although it took way more head scratching than typing
> . (In writing this, I now vaguely remember one of my tutorials warning
> me about something ... maybe this was that? :)
> So my question is this: Is this just one of those things that I learn
> the hard way in Pthon & that's it, or am I doing something weird? I
> shoulda figured this out when I was debugging the method in the
> interpreter and my original list comprehensions returned
>   [adds.add_changes('foo', path) for path in filelist]
>   >>> [None, None, None]
> as each call to add_changes returned no value. Alas, I'm not that
> smart. Is it bad form to not have an "assignment" for the list comps?

In short: IMO yes it's not good practice; the list comprehension is used
to create a list. If you don't need the list write a loop.
So don't write:
[adds.add_changes('foo', path) for path in filelist]
for path in filelist: adds.add_changes('foo', path)

Or show us more explicitly what you want to achieve, sice you don't tell
us what add_changes() does.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From ukc802591034 at  Mon Apr  3 19:07:26 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 18:07:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0rknu$vds$>

> I can't find the defined() function in python, so I used
>'variable name' in dir()

> Is it really missing, or I am just so simple ?

It is really missing, just as it is for most programming languages.
Which language(s) do you know that has such a feature?
And why do you consider it so useful that you expect to find
it in Python?

The main place where I could see such a thing being useful
would be in dynamically loaded code but then the usual
approach is to load a dictionary and an 'in' check suffices.

I'm interested in what use you would make of such a thing?

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From ukc802591034 at  Mon Apr  3 19:57:33 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 18:57:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] oserror [errno 20]
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0rnlt$at2$>

"k r fry" <k.r.fry at> wrote in message 
news:443108AC.2000205 at
> Hi, I am new to this list, and also to Python.
> I am trying to get Python to loop through the directory DATADIR which
> contains the data I want to read.  I get an error:  "oserror [errno 20]
> : Not a directory: ""

That tells you that the code is finding a file called
in DATADIR and that youy are trying to treat it as a directory
when it clearly isn't.

But it's better to send the whole stacktrace error message in future
since that tells us *where* the problem lies as well as what it is!

> for subdir in os.listdir(DATADIR):              #loop through list of

listdir lists files as well as directories.

>     file=FITS.Read(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/flux.fits')
>    #opens flux.fits file and reads

I'll need to take your word for that.
I assume FITS is a module? and Read is a function within that module?
All caps normally indicates a constant in Python - its only a convention
but a pretty common one. And functions usually start in lowercase
(and classes in uppercase) but again thats a convention and less
rigorously followed.

Also 'file' is a function (actually an alias for open() ) so using it as a
variable name could cause confusion.

>     summation=open(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/flux.dat','w')  #opens the
>     spotbyspot=open(DATADIR+'/'+subdir+'/spotflux.dat','w') #opens the

And here is where you use the file as a directory and cause the error.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From victor at  Mon Apr  3 17:40:59 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 10:40:59 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Bigrams and nested dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1144078859.20791.4.camel@elrond>

On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 00:15 -0500, Michael Broe wrote:
> Aha! John wrote:
> "Are you sure you haven't mistakenly assigned something other than a  
> dict to D or D['d'] ?"
> Thanks for the tip! Yup that was it (and apologies for not reporting  
> the problem more precisely). I hadn't initialized the nested  
> dictionary before trying to assign to it. (I think Perl doesn't  
> require initialization of dictionaries prior to assignment, which in  
> this case, would be a nice thing...)

>  >>> D['c']['a'] = 1   #ooops
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> KeyError: 'c'
>  >>> D['c'] = {}
>  >>> D['c']['a'] = 1
>  >>> D
> {'a': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 'c': {'a': 1}}

You can check if the dictionary key exists prior to assigning to it:

>>> if not D.has_key('c'):
...    D['c'] = {}
>>> D['c']['a'] = 1

From dyoo at  Mon Apr  3 20:39:56 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 11:39:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Bigrams and nested dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <1144078859.20791.4.camel@elrond>
Message-ID: <>

> You can check if the dictionary key exists prior to assigning to it:
> >>> if not D.has_key('c'):
> ...    D['c'] = {}
> >>> D['c']['a'] = 1

Hi Victor,

Another approach is to use the badly-named "setdefault()" method which is
a close analogue to Perl's "autovivification" feature:

>>> D = {}
>>> D.setdefault('c', {})['a'] = 1
>>> D
{'c': {'a': 1}}

Good luck!

From kent37 at  Mon Apr  3 20:57:07 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 14:57:07 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] List methods/comps Best Practices
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

stv wrote:
>   # return all changes, deletes first
>   return dels.extend(adds)
> Since extend returns None, I ran into a lot of not-iterable errors
> when calling this code. So I fixed this with
>   dels.extend(adds)
>   return dels
> And all is good, although it took way more head scratching than typing
> . (In writing this, I now vaguely remember one of my tutorials warning
> me about something ... maybe this was that? :)
> So my question is this: Is this just one of those things that I learn
> the hard way in Pthon & that's it, or am I doing something weird? 

In general, mutating methods return None. For example list.append(), 
list.sort(), list.extend() all return None. This is an intentional 
design choice in Python. The idea is it keeps you from mistakenly 
mutating an object.


From alan.gauld at  Mon Apr  3 21:38:08 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 20:38:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Bigrams and nested dictionaries
References: <>
Message-ID: <005301c65756$22f91130$0b01a8c0@xp>

> On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 00:15 -0500, Michael Broe wrote:
> You can check if the dictionary key exists prior to assigning to it:
>>>> if not D.has_key('c'):
> ...    D['c'] = {}
>>>> D['c']['a'] = 1

And since 2.4?

if 'c' in D: ...

Alan G.

From victor at  Tue Apr  4 00:08:00 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 17:08:00 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Bigrams and nested dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1144102080.20791.8.camel@elrond>

On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 11:39 -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> > You can check if the dictionary key exists prior to assigning to it:
> >
> > >>> if not D.has_key('c'):
> > ...    D['c'] = {}
> > >>> D['c']['a'] = 1
> Hi Victor,
> Another approach is to use the badly-named "setdefault()" method which is
> a close analogue to Perl's "autovivification" feature:
> ######
> >>> D = {}
> >>> D.setdefault('c', {})['a'] = 1
> >>> D
> {'c': {'a': 1}}
> ######
> Good luck!

Thanks to both Danny and Alan.
Great tips.


From stvsmth at  Tue Apr  4 00:19:59 2006
From: stvsmth at (stv)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 18:19:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] List methods/comps Best Practices
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> So don't write:
> [adds.add_changes('foo', path) for path in filelist]
> but:
> for path in filelist: adds.add_changes('foo', path)

Excellent point; new toy, got carrid away :) I feel silly on that one.

And now that I've made the

  return list.extend(foo)

mistake, I'll surely neve- ... er, wait a long time before I make that
mistake again.

Thanks folks.

On 4/3/06, Karl Pfl?sterer <khp at> wrote:

From hugonz-lists at  Tue Apr  4 01:00:14 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 17:00:14 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <e0rknu$vds$>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> Which language(s) do you know that has such a feature?
> And why do you consider it so useful that you expect to find
> it in Python?

I'm not the original poster, but being a perlhead before, I can say it 
exists in Perl. It is very often used too.

I used to miss it at first, but normally I now do the right thing 
semantically. Counting on the variable being defined or not is simply 
another bit of information. Assigning a value for that case is much cleaner.

It is not used for black magic in Perl, AFAIK. Just normal testing.


From bgailer at  Tue Apr  4 03:10:34 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:10:34 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<e0rknu$vds$>
Message-ID: <>

Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde wrote:
> Alan Gauld wrote:
>> Which language(s) do you know that has such a feature?
>> And why do you consider it so useful that you expect to find
>> it in Python?
> I'm not the original poster, but being a perlhead before, I can say it 
> exists in Perl. It is very often used too.
And you can "roll your own" in Python:

def defined(name):
    return name in globals()
> I used to miss it at first, but normally I now do the right thing 
> semantically. Counting on the variable being defined or not is simply 
> another bit of information. Assigning a value for that case is much cleaner.
> It is not used for black magic in Perl, AFAIK. Just normal testing.
> Hugo
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From tim at  Tue Apr  4 03:10:05 2006
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 17:10:05 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <e0rknu$vds$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Alan Gauld <ukc802591034 at> [060403 09:10]:
> > I can't find the defined() function in python, so I used
> >'variable name' in dir()
> > Is it really missing, or I am just so simple ?
> It is really missing, just as it is for most programming languages.
> Which language(s) do you know that has such a feature?
> And why do you consider it so useful that you expect to find
> it in Python?
  In rebol, there is a predicate called
  Sample console session below:
>> test: [a 1 b 2 c 3]
== [one 1 two 2 three 3]
>> value? test/1
== false
>> value? test/2
== true
== [a 1 b 2 c 3]
>> test/a
== 1
Don't as much about lisp as I do rebol and python, but lisp has symbols,
which don't necessarily have values.

> The main place where I could see such a thing being useful
> would be in dynamically loaded code but then the usual
> approach is to load a dictionary and an 'in' check suffices.
 Rebol doesn't have dictionaries (it should IMHO), you could also
 use value? after importing a module to check if some word existed
 in the module namespace.
 Kind of like hasattr()

> I'm interested in what use you would make of such a thing?
  My business partner is a perl programmer. He uses defined() a lot, I
  think, I've seen it in his code....
  I use value? a lot in rebol. 
  I like python's in operator. Very handy


Tim Johnson <tim at>

From dyoo at  Tue Apr  4 04:06:28 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 19:06:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > I'm interested in what use you would make of such a thing?
>   My business partner is a perl programmer. He uses defined() a lot, I
>   think, I've seen it in his code....


The common idiom in Perl, I think, is to at least declare the variable,
even if one doesn't give an initial value, like this:

    ## Perl pseudocode ##
    use strict;
    my $name;
    ## do things here that should initialize name
    if (! defined($name)) {
        # handle degenerate case here

But this is very different than:

    ## Perl pseudocode that doesn't use strict
    ## do things here that should initialize name
    if (! defined($name)) {
        # handle degenerate case here

Now, if your business partner doesn't have the line 'use strict' in their
code, then give them a good kick and tell them to use it!  It's criminal
for a professonal Perl programmer not to "use strict", and I feel almost
foolish about bringing this up.  But it has to be said, just in case.

In Python, the first assignment to a variable name has the same effect as
declaration, so the first Perl snippet has a translation like:

    ## Python pseudocode
    name = None
    ## do things here that should initialize name
    if name is None:
        ## handle degenerate case here

where we can use None as our uninitialized value.

Hope this helps!

From tim at  Tue Apr  4 04:26:04 2006
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 18:26:04 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Danny Yoo <dyoo at> [060403 18:14]:
> > > I'm interested in what use you would make of such a thing?
> >   My business partner is a perl programmer. He uses defined() a lot, I
> >   think, I've seen it in his code....
> Now, if your business partner doesn't have the line 'use strict' in their
> code, then give them a good kick and tell them to use it!  It's criminal
> for a professonal Perl programmer not to "use strict", 

  I'm sure he has his "stay out of jail card". I know he always uses it.

Tim Johnson <tim at>

From tim at  Tue Apr  4 04:28:46 2006
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 18:28:46 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<e0rknu$vds$> <>
Message-ID: <>

* Bob Gailer <bgailer at> [060403 17:12]:
> def defined(name):
>     return name in globals()

 Hah! Good tip. I'll call it value()

 I think "language wars" are a waste of time, but
 I like the way that using different languages 
 inform the programmer.


Tim Johnson <tim at>

From hokkakada at  Tue Apr  4 04:32:25 2006
From: hokkakada at (kakada)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:32:25 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] file?
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

How can we know that one specific file is already exist in filesystem?
for instance, I want to read zipfile by issuing code:

import zipfile
ziparchive = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfilename, "r")

if the inputfilename doesn't exist then an error would be occurred.
I want to catch up this special case first.


From john at  Tue Apr  4 04:39:12 2006
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 14:39:12 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] file?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 04/04/06, kakada <hokkakada at> wrote:
> How can we know that one specific file is already exist in filesystem?

Have a look in the os and os.path modules.

In this case, os.path.exists is probably what you want:

if not os.path.exists(inputfilename):
    print 'Oops, file does not exist!'

ziparchive = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfilename, 'r')
# ...


From kent37 at  Tue Apr  4 04:41:45 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 22:41:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] file?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

kakada wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can we know that one specific file is already exist in filesystem?
> for instance, I want to read zipfile by issuing code:
> import zipfile
> ziparchive = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfilename, "r")
> if the inputfilename doesn't exist then an error would be occurred.
> I want to catch up this special case first.

if os.path.isfile(inputfilename):
   # file exists


From david at  Tue Apr  4 05:26:06 2006
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 22:26:06 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] file?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* kakada <hokkakada at> [2006-04-04 09:32]:
> Hi all,
> How can we know that one specific file is already exist in filesystem?
> for instance, I want to read zipfile by issuing code:
> import zipfile
> ziparchive = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfilename, "r")
> if the inputfilename doesn't exist then an error would be occurred.
> I want to catch up this special case first.

The key here is to actually "catch" the exception.  Python is very good
at assuming something will work, and then deal only with the exceptions:

import zipfile

	ziparchive = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfilename, "r")
	print "error accessing file"

You could get fancy and deal with various exceptions or read traceback
info, too.  Using the try block is generally considered a more Pythonic
way of handling the problem. :-)

David Rock
david at

From mbroe at  Tue Apr  4 06:37:21 2006
From: mbroe at (Michael Broe)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 00:37:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Bigrams and nested dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well coming up with this has made me really love Python. I worked on  
this with my online pythonpenpal Kyle, and here is what we came up  
with. Thanks to all for input so far.

My first idea was to use a C-type indexing for-loop, to grab a two- 
element sequence [i, i+1]:

dict = {}
for i in range(len(t) - 1):
	if not dict.has_key(t[i]):
		dict[t[i]] = {}
	if not dict[t[i]].has_key(t[i+1]):
		dict[t[i]][t[i+1]] = 1
		dict[t[i]][t[i+1]] += 1

Which works, but. Kyle had an alternative take, with no indexing, and  
after we worked on this strategy it seemed very Pythonesque, and ran  
almost twice as fast.



import sys
file = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read()

# We imagine a 2-byte 'window' moving over the text from left to right
#          +-------+
# L  o  n  | d   o |  n  .  M  i  c  h  a  e  l  m  a  s      t  e   
r  m ...
#          +-------+
# At any given point, we call the leftmost byte visible in the window  
'L', and the
# rightmost byte 'R'.
#          +-----------+
# L  o  n  | L=d   R=o |  n  .  M  i  c  h  a  e  l  m  a  s      t   
e  r  m ...
#          +-----------+
# When the program begins, the first byte is preloaded into L, and we  
position R
# at the second byte of the file.

dict = {}

L = file[0]
for R in file[1:]:	# move right edge of window across the file
	if not L in dict:
		dict[L] = {}
	if not R in dict[L]:
		dict[L][R] = 1
		dict[L][R] += 1
	L = R	        # move character in R over to L

# that's it. here's a printout strategy:
for entry in dict:
	print entry, ':', sum(dict[entry].values())
	print dict[entry]


From singingxduck at  Tue Apr  4 06:52:53 2006
From: singingxduck at (Orri Ganel)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 00:52:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Bigrams and nested dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

My only comment is that this considers spaces and punctuation (like
parentheses, brackets, etc.), too, which I assume you don't want seeing as
how that has little to do with natural languages.  My suggestion would be to
remove the any punctuation or whitespace keys from the dictionary after
you've built the dictionary.  Unless, of course, you're interested in what
letter words start with, in which case you could somehow merge them into a
single key?


On 4/4/06, Michael Broe <mbroe at> wrote:
> Well coming up with this has made me really love Python. I worked on
> this with my online pythonpenpal Kyle, and here is what we came up
> with. Thanks to all for input so far.
> My first idea was to use a C-type indexing for-loop, to grab a two-
> element sequence [i, i+1]:
> dict = {}
> for i in range(len(t) - 1):
>         if not dict.has_key(t[i]):
>                 dict[t[i]] = {}
>         if not dict[t[i]].has_key(t[i+1]):
>                 dict[t[i]][t[i+1]] = 1
>         else:
>                 dict[t[i]][t[i+1]] += 1
> Which works, but. Kyle had an alternative take, with no indexing, and
> after we worked on this strategy it seemed very Pythonesque, and ran
> almost twice as fast.
> ----
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> import sys
> file = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read()
> # We imagine a 2-byte 'window' moving over the text from left to right
> #
> #          +-------+
> # L  o  n  | d   o |  n  .  M  i  c  h  a  e  l  m  a  s      t  e
> r  m ...
> #          +-------+
> #
> # At any given point, we call the leftmost byte visible in the window
> 'L', and the
> # rightmost byte 'R'.
> #
> #          +-----------+
> # L  o  n  | L=d   R=o |  n  .  M  i  c  h  a  e  l  m  a  s      t
> e  r  m ...
> #          +-----------+
> #
> # When the program begins, the first byte is preloaded into L, and we
> position R
> # at the second byte of the file.
> #
> dict = {}
> L = file[0]
> for R in file[1:]:      # move right edge of window across the file
>         if not L in dict:
>                 dict[L] = {}
>         if not R in dict[L]:
>                 dict[L][R] = 1
>         else:
>                 dict[L][R] += 1
>         L = R           # move character in R over to L
> # that's it. here's a printout strategy:
> for entry in dict:
>         print entry, ':', sum(dict[entry].values())
>         print dict[entry]
>         print
> ----
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.
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From kaushalshriyan at  Tue Apr  4 08:22:04 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 11:52:04 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Hi
Message-ID: <>


A simple query is that the python mailing List is python powered

What does "python powered" means




From janos.juhasz at  Tue Apr  4 08:44:35 2006
From: janos.juhasz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=E1nos_Juh=E1sz?=)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 08:44:35 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Tim, 
 Dear Alan,

>> I can't find the defined() function in python, so I used
>>'variable name' in dir()
>> Is it really missing, or I am just so simple ?
> It is really missing, just as it is for most programming languages.
> Which language(s) do you know that has such a feature?

I should came from Marco Cantu's Delphi 2005 book, that I have read just 
But I am unable to find it again.

> And why do you consider it so useful that you expect to find
> it in Python?
I don't miss it. It was just a foggy engram, that I couldn't find in the 
help :)

> The main place where I could see such a thing being useful
> would be in dynamically loaded code but then the usual
> approach is to load a dictionary and an 'in' check suffices.
> I'm interested in what use you would make of such a thing?

I just started to make a .leo file, where I wanted to place my scripts.

I just tried to collect all of my scripts (sql, wmi, admin, snmp ...), and 
html references, admin knowledge, passwords for active devices... into one 
place, that can be shared with my colleagues with detailed description 
about the usage and the reasons to use of them. Leo seems to be a very 
good candidate for that.

An sql script seems to be like this.

<< ScalaDB >>

data = Query(<< Sql >>)

<< Show Data >>

In the leo file the << ScalaDB >> is simple replaced by the  << ScalaDB >> 
subtree. The script is created dinamically from the texts in the tree. So 
I just wanted to check in the << Show Data >> part, if the data is defined 
previously or not.

Yours sincerely, 
Janos Juhasz 

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr  4 09:47:07 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 08:47:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] file?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00a501c657bb$f9658a40$0b01a8c0@xp>

> How can we know that one specific file is already exist in filesystem?
> for instance, I want to read zipfile by issuing code:

Take a look in the os.path module.

There is explanation of how to check for various aspects of files 
(including existence) in my web tutor Operating System topic.

> if the inputfilename doesn't exist then an error would be occurred.
> I want to catch up this special case first.

The other approach, implied in your question is simply to 
*try* to *open* for read:

try: open(inputfilename)
except IOError: # it presumably didn't exist, so deal with it


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From sanelson at  Tue Apr  4 10:35:33 2006
From: sanelson at (Steve Nelson)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 09:35:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/4/06, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan at> wrote:
> Hi ALL
> A simple query is that the python mailing List is python powered
> What does "python powered" means

The list, and many like it, use a piece of software called Mailman,
which is written in Python.  A few years back, the tool of choice was
Majordomo, but Mailman is now very popular, partly  because of its
easy-to-use web interface.

> Kaushal


From titvirak at  Tue Apr  4 10:56:27 2006
From: titvirak at (=?UTF-8?B?4Z6R4Z634Z6P4Z+S4Z6Z4Z6c4Z634Z6a4Z+I?=)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 15:56:27 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] how to get data from xml
Message-ID: <>

Dear all Pythoners,

I am quiet new to python and now working with xml. I have an xml like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <table name="abc">

and I want to get data for KA, KHA, KO and so on. Can you guide me a
way. Btw, I'm using dom for xml.



From kent37 at  Tue Apr  4 11:57:54 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 05:57:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Bigrams and nested dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Broe wrote:

> dict = {}

dict is the name of the builtin dictionary class, so you shouldn't use 
it as the name of your dict - you shadow the built-in name. file is also 
a built-in name.
> L = file[0]
> for R in file[1:]:	# move right edge of window across the file
> 	if not L in dict:
> 		dict[L] = {}
> 	if not R in dict[L]:
> 		dict[L][R] = 1
> 	else:
> 		dict[L][R] += 1

I might write it this way:
   dictL = dict.setdefault(L, {})
   dictL[R] = dictL.setdefault(R, 0) + 1
though I'm not sure which way will be faster.


From kent37 at  Tue Apr  4 12:06:24 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 06:06:24 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get data from xml
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

????????? wrote:
> Dear all Pythoners,
> I am quiet new to python and now working with xml. I have an xml like this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <fonttables>
>     <table name="abc">
>         <CONSONANTS>
>             <KA>0x6B</KA>
>             <KHA>0x78</KHA>
>             <KO>0x4B</KO>
>             <KHO>0x58</KHO>
>             <NGO>0x67</NGO>
>             <CHA>0x63</CHA>
>             <CHHA>0x71</CHHA>
>             <CHO>0x43</CHO>
>             <CHHO>0x51</CHHO>
>             <NYO>0x6A</NYO>
> and I want to get data for KA, KHA, KO and so on. Can you guide me a
> way. Btw, I'm using dom for xml.

I don't know much about xml.dom but it is easy with ElementTree:

data = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <table name="abc">

from elementtree import ElementTree as ET

doc = ET.fromstring(data)

consonants = doc.find('.//CONSONANTS')
for consonant in consonants:
     print consonant.tag, consonant.text


From python at  Tue Apr  4 12:55:28 2006
From: python at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8yvind?=)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 12:55:28 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Tutor] Bits
Message-ID: <>


Is it possible to read the bits (the 0's and 1's) of a string or a file
with Python? What module would I use?

Thanks in advance,

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Denne e-posten er sjekket for virus & spam av Decna as -

From kent37 at  Tue Apr  4 13:51:46 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 07:51:46 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Bits
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

?yvind wrote:
> Hello.
> Is it possible to read the bits (the 0's and 1's) of a string or a file
> with Python? What module would I use?

I don't know exactly what you mean by "read the bits" but you can use
data = open('afile', 'b').read() to get the data into a string
byte1=ord(data[1]) to get a character as binary data
byte1 & 1 to extract a single bit

You might also be interested in the struct module which lets you extract 
larger data (e.g. ints and floats) from a string.


From ktalanet at  Tue Apr  4 15:40:44 2006
From: ktalanet at (Miquel Oliete)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 15:40:44 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
Message-ID: <>

Hello everybody

I have been programming in object oriented languages for several years 
and I'm learning python now.

I have missed protected method/variables in Python. How do you declare 
methods/variables used only by a class and their derived classes?

Thanks in advance


Miquel Oliete (a.k.a. Ktal?)

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Sid

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. 
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From ukc802591034 at  Tue Apr  4 18:47:29 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 17:47:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] defined()
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0u7u1$96p$>

>> Which language(s) do you know that has such a feature?
> I should came from Marco Cantu's Delphi 2005 book, that I have read just
> recently.
> But I am unable to find it again.

I'd be very surprised if it came from Delphi for two reasons:
a) I used Delphi a lot for several years and never came across it! :-)
b) Delphi (or Object Pascal) is strictly statically typed and wouldn't
    even compile with any undefined values in the code.

I just checked and it *is* in Delphi - a new feature in Delphi 6.
BUT it's not a language feature rather it is a compiler directive like
the C #ifdef. (And starts with uppercase D BTW). His example:

const debugControl = 2

{$IF Defined(DEBUG) and DebugControl > 3}
     // do stuff here

There is also a Declared directive too. These are not primarily intended
for determining whether a variable is defined or declared but to determine
whether a particular language feature has been defined or constant declared
in the current version of Delphi (post version 6 of course!)

Now that's an entirely different question in terms of how we do that in 
Which I'll lreave as an excercise for the readers ;-)

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From ukc802591034 at  Tue Apr  4 19:07:06 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 18:07:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
References: <>
Message-ID: <e0u92q$e1l$>

"Miquel Oliete" <ktalanet at> wrote in message 
news:4432775C.2050806 at
> I have been programming in object oriented languages for several years
> and I'm learning python now.

Congratulations :-)

> I have missed protected method/variables in Python.

In what sense have you missed them? Have you been hitting
a lot of bugs because you didn't have them? OIr do you just
mean you are having withdrawal symptoms after working in
more conservative OOP languages like C++/Java etc?

> How do you declare methods/variables used only by a class
> and their derived classes?

You don't.  Protected was a scheme introduced by Bjarne
Stroustrup at the behest of Mark Linton to support Mark's
Interviews GUI library in C++ (version 1.2)  and
subsequently copied in Java. They are part of the statically
and strictly typed idioms of OOP used in those languages.

However Stroustrup writes in his book "The Design & Evolution
of C++" : "In retrospect, I think that protected is a case where
"good arguments" and fashion overcame my better judgement..."
And Linton himself withdrew support for protected members
from Interviews around the same time - they were causing bugs
and maintenance problems!

Most OOP languages and especially dynamic OOP languages
prefer the freedom of expression and flexibility that dynamic typing
(or duck typing as its sometimes called) affords.

Objective C tries to combine boith with mixed results.

But in practice I can honestly say I have never missed having
the protected keyword (I do occasionally like to use private
- for which there is a convention in Python) but never have
I missed protected.

What do you find you need it for?

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From wescpy at  Tue Apr  4 19:21:48 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 10:21:48 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I have missed protected method/variables in Python. How do you declare
> methods/variables used only by a class and their derived classes?

hi Ktal?,

welcome to Python!  you missed "protection" in OOP with Python bceause
there are no such declarations in Python!

1) there is a privacy *hint*, which is using "__" to start a variable
or method name with, e.g.,  def __myMaybePrivateMethod(self,...). 
this does name-mangle the attribute at run-time, however the algorithm
is fairly well-known and easy to crack:
self._CLASS__myMaybePrivateMethod().  for more on this see,:

2) however, with Python's new-style classes introduced back in 2.2,
there are much more powerful security mechanisms you can employ so
that you can customize any or all of your attributes (data attributes
[variables] or methods) to give it the most fine-grained security you
can imagine.

- you can use property() for your attributes to assign a getter,
setter, and deleter method that get executed every time someone tries
to access, set, and delete an instance attribute:
 |  class C(object):
 |      def getx(self): return self.__x
 |      def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
 |      def delx(self): del self.__x
 |      x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")

- you can use descriptors (__get__, __set__, __delete__) that get
executed every time someone tries to access, set, and remove your
object... this allows you to really customize instances and how
attribute access occurs.  using descriptors, you can bypass the
regular way of attribute search, i.e., normally looks at object
'x' for 'foo', and if not found, searches type(x) for 'foo', and then
it progresses this search to ancestor classes.  with descriptors, you
can override this default behavior to make instances differ from one
another.  in fact, properties (as seen above) is an example of a

- you can use __slots__ to restrict arbirtrary creation of (dynamic)
instrance attributes

- you can even customize how classes are created (by using metaclasses
and __metaclass__)

so as you can see, you can do a lot more with Python classes than what
you can do with 'private', 'protected', 'friend', or 'protected

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

From kent37 at  Tue Apr  4 19:43:01 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 13:43:01 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

w chun wrote:
>> I have missed protected method/variables in Python. How do you declare
>> methods/variables used only by a class and their derived classes?
> hi Ktal?,
> welcome to Python!  you missed "protection" in OOP with Python bceause
> there are no such declarations in Python!
> 1) there is a privacy *hint*, which is using "__" to start a variable
> or method name with, e.g.,  def __myMaybePrivateMethod(self,...). 
> this does name-mangle the attribute at run-time, however the algorithm
> is fairly well-known and easy to crack:
> self._CLASS__myMaybePrivateMethod().  for more on this see,:

1a) start a variable name with _ which is a hint to users of the class 
that the variable is for internal use only.

> - you can use __slots__ to restrict arbirtrary creation of (dynamic)
> instrance attributes

You can do this, but it is generally considered a misuse of __slots__ 
and potentially problematic.

Python takes the attitude that "we're all adults here" and doesn't try 
to hide anything. The _ naming convention is part of this culture - you 
tell the users to keep hands off, but if they don't, on their head be it!


From mhansen at  Tue Apr  4 21:09:32 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 13:09:32 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001c6581b$4dfbb2a0$28645f0a@mikehansen>

> > - you can use __slots__ to restrict arbirtrary creation of 
> (dynamic) 
> > instrance attributes
> You can do this, but it is generally considered a misuse of 
> __slots__ and potentially problematic.

I'll bite. What is the proper/intended use of __slots__? Does it have
something to do with memory?


From kent37 at  Tue Apr  4 21:25:05 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 15:25:05 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
In-Reply-To: <000001c6581b$4dfbb2a0$28645f0a@mikehansen>
References: <000001c6581b$4dfbb2a0$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

Mike Hansen wrote:
>>> - you can use __slots__ to restrict arbirtrary creation of 
>> (dynamic) 
>>> instrance attributes
>> You can do this, but it is generally considered a misuse of 
>> __slots__ and potentially problematic.
> I'll bite. What is the proper/intended use of __slots__? Does it have
> something to do with memory?

Yes, it is intended specifically to reduce memory consumption of objects 
that are going to be instantiated a lot. I'm not sure how many counts as 
a lot, but in the thousands at least. Using __slots__ saves the cost of 
the attribute dict for each instance.


From john.corry at  Tue Apr  4 23:33:18 2006
From: john.corry at (John Corry)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 22:33:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier!
Message-ID: <>

Dear All,

I am having difficulty removing white spaces from my file.  The file is 999
lines long and looks like the sample below:

001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=
002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=
003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial=

The program, I am using to import the file does not like the spaces around
the numbers.  The number should look like the "dial=02890419689" in the
third line.  Thus the sample above should look like:


I have searched the tutor mailbag already and have picked up some good tips
on join, split and re but I can't seem to get it to work.

I am using the following code.

filename = "c:/test.txt"
import string
import os
import re
listy = []
input = open( filename, 'r')	#read access
for line in input.readlines():
    y = line
    print listy
    x = listy.pop()

    re.sub(r'\s', '', x)
    print y,x

del input

It produces the output:

['001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=\n']
001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=
001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=

['002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=\n']
002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=
002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=

['003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial=']
003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial= 003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial=

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



From derobins at  Wed Apr  5 01:06:25 2006
From: derobins at (Dana Robinson)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 18:06:25 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Question about large numbers of arguments
Message-ID: <>


Suppose you have a situation where you have a large number of command-line
options that you will parse with getopt.  You want to keep track of these
as you move around in the code and do various things.

Is it more Pythonic to:

Have the functions take large numbers of parameters.


Create an options class to pass the options around.

I personally think the latter would look a lot cleaner once the number of
options got up to around a half dozen, but I usually see the "large number
of parameters" style in other people's code.  I suppose I can lessen some
of the noise by using Python's rules for argument defaults, but I think
that just adds to the confusion.


Dana Robinson

From mwhite3 at  Wed Apr  5 01:28:38 2006
From: mwhite3 at (Matthew White)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 16:28:38 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi John,

It would be easier to do all of your whitespace elimination before you
append the string to your list(s).

Something like this I should get you started:

for line in input.readlines():
	line = re.sub('[\s]+', '', line)


print listy

bonus points for appending the return from re.sub to your list.  :)


On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 10:33:18PM +0100, John Corry (john.corry at wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am having difficulty removing white spaces from my file.  The file is 999
> lines long and looks like the sample below:
> 001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=
> 002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=
> 003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial=
> The program, I am using to import the file does not like the spaces around
> the numbers.  The number should look like the "dial=02890419689" in the
> third line.  Thus the sample above should look like:
> 001,newfield,dial=02890790154,dial=
> 002,borfiled,dial=02890618521,dial=
> 003,newcomp,dial=02890419689,dial=
> I have searched the tutor mailbag already and have picked up some good tips
> on join, split and re but I can't seem to get it to work.
> I am using the following code.
> filename = "c:/test.txt"
> import string
> import os
> import re
> listy = []
> input = open( filename, 'r')	#read access
> for line in input.readlines():
>     y = line
>     listy.append(y)
>     print listy
>     x = listy.pop()
>     re.sub(r'\s', '', x)
>     print y,x
> del input
> It produces the output:
> ['001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=\n']
> 001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=
> 001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=
> ['002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=\n']
> 002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=
> 002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=
> ['003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial=']
> 003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial= 003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial=
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> John.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Matthew White - District Systems Administrator
Tigard/Tualatin School District

"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in
what direction we are moving."   -Oliver Wendell Holmes

From bgailer at  Wed Apr  5 01:30:37 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 16:30:37 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Question about large numbers of arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dana Robinson wrote:
> Hello,
> Suppose you have a situation where you have a large number of command-line
> options that you will parse with getopt.  You want to keep track of these
> as you move around in the code and do various things.
> Is it more Pythonic to:
> Have the functions take large numbers of parameters.
> or
> Create an options class to pass the options around.
IMHO the above or a dictionary.
> I personally think the latter would look a lot cleaner once the number of
> options got up to around a half dozen, but I usually see the "large number
> of parameters" style in other people's code.  I suppose I can lessen some
> of the noise by using Python's rules for argument defaults, but I think
> that just adds to the confusion.
> Thanks,
> Dana Robinson
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ryang at  Wed Apr  5 02:22:27 2006
From: ryang at (Ryan Ginstrom)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 09:22:27 +0900
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier!
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002601c65847$058bfb20$030ba8c0@RYAN>

[Sorry for the initial misfire, John]
> [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On Behalf Of John Corry
> 001,newfield,dial=02890790154,dial=
> 002,borfiled,dial=02890618521,dial=
> 003,newcomp,dial=02890419689,dial=

Hi John:

I believe the common idiom in this case is 
''.join( theString.split( ' ' ) )

>>> theLines = [ '001,newfield,dial=02890790154,dial=',
>>> for line in theLines:
	print ''.join( line.split( ' ' ) )



Ryan Ginstrom 

From Carlo.Capuano at  Wed Apr  5 09:39:52 2006
From: Carlo.Capuano at (Carlo Capuano)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 09:39:52 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier!
Message-ID: <>


> I am having difficulty removing white spaces from my file.  The file
> 999

line = line.replace(' ','')

should do the work


From info at  Wed Apr  5 09:46:51 2006
From: info at (John Corry)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 08:46:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier
Message-ID: <>

Dear All,

Thanks for the prompt replies.  I have now processed my file with 999 lines
and it took seconds.  It was beautiful.

Your advice was spot on.  I have enclosed the code that I ended up with.
Instead of appending it to a list, I just wrote it to another file in the
corrected format.

filename = "a:/calllist.csv"
filename2 = "c:/calllist.csv"
import string
import os
import re
listy = []
input = open( filename, 'r')	#read access
input2 = open(filename2, 'w')
for line in input.readlines():
    line = re.sub('[\s]+', '', line)
    y = line
    x = "\n"
    z = y + x

del input
del input2

Thanks again,


From kent37 at  Wed Apr  5 12:03:26 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 06:03:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

John Corry wrote:
> Your advice was spot on.  I have enclosed the code that I ended up with.
> Instead of appending it to a list, I just wrote it to another file in the
> corrected format.

A few notes below:
> filename = "a:/calllist.csv"
> filename2 = "c:/calllist.csv"
> import string
> import os
> import re
> listy = []
You don't use string, os or listy so these lines can be removed

> input = open( filename, 'r')	#read access
> input2 = open(filename2, 'w')
> for line in input.readlines():
>     line = re.sub('[\s]+', '', line)
>     y = line
>     x = "\n"
>     z = y + x
>     input2.write(z)

I would write either
   line += "\n"


BTW input2 is not such a good name for an output file!
> del input
> del input2

del is not needed here, you should use
   input.close() # not really needed

I say "not really needed" because for an input file you probably don't 
care exactly when it is closed. For an output file I always close it as 
soon as I am done writing. But maybe I am just teaching my own bad 
habits here!


From wescpy at  Wed Apr  5 12:46:47 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 03:46:47 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c6581b$4dfbb2a0$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/4/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Mike Hansen wrote:
> >>> - you can use __slots__ to restrict arbirtrary creation of
> >> (dynamic)
> >>> instrance attributes
> >> You can do this, but it is generally considered a misuse of
> >> __slots__ and potentially problematic.

what specific problems were you thinking of?  i would say that's it's
clumsy to use during development because you're constantly changing
__dict__ by adding new instance attributes, etc., so i only add a
__slots__ when i'm finally done with the coding and want to prevent
others from creating (dynamically) more instance attributes.  it's too
bad, because it sort goes against Zen#19 (namespaces are a honking
good idea).

> > I'll bite. What is the proper/intended use of __slots__? Does it have
> > something to do with memory?
> Yes, it is intended specifically to reduce memory consumption of objects
> that are going to be instantiated a lot. I'm not sure how many counts as
> a lot, but in the thousands at least. Using __slots__ saves the cost of
> the attribute dict for each instance.

right, a class will either have __slots__ or __dict__ but not both.

-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

From janos.juhasz at  Wed Apr  5 13:06:58 2006
From: janos.juhasz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=E1nos_Juh=E1sz?=)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 13:06:58 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier!
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi John,

what do you think about this?

def InplaceReplace(filename):
    lines = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
    lines = [line.replace(' ', '') for line in lines]
    open(filename, 'wt').writelines(lines)

It works well on so small files.

Yours sincerely, 
J?nos Juh?sz 

> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 22:33:18 +0100
> From: "John Corry" <john.corry at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier!
> To: <tutor at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

> Dear All,

> I am having difficulty removing white spaces from my file.  The file is 
> lines long and looks like the sample below:

> 001, new field,dial= 028 90 79 0154, dial=
> 002, borfiled, dial= 02890 618521, dial=
> 003, newcomp, dial=02890419689, dial=

> The program, I am using to import the file does not like the spaces 
> the numbers.  The number should look like the "dial=02890419689" in the
> third line.  Thus the sample above should look like:

> 001,newfield,dial=02890790154,dial=
> 002,borfiled,dial=02890618521,dial=
> 003,newcomp,dial=02890419689,dial=

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr  5 13:34:17 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 12:34:17 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Question about large numbers of arguments
References: <>
Message-ID: <01ab01c658a4$dffb0a50$0b01a8c0@xp>

> Suppose you have a situation where you have a large number of command-line
> options that you will parse with getopt.  You want to keep track of these
> as you move around in the code and do various things.
> Is it more Pythonic to:
> Have the functions take large numbers of parameters.
> Create an options class to pass the options around.

Neither, the most Pythonic way IMHO is to use a dictionary and
possibly combine with Pythons variable arguments syntax as
described in section 4.7.3/4 of the official tutor.

> I personally think the latter would look a lot cleaner once the number of
> options got up to around a half dozen, but I usually see the "large number
> of parameters" style in other people's code.

Classes without behaviour are really just glorified dictionaries so
I prefer to use a dictionary. The **args mechanism provides a
good way to pass these to functions.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From keosophon at  Wed Apr  5 13:32:56 2006
From: keosophon at (Keo Sophon)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 18:32:56 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] convert decimal to hexa, to octal and vice versa.
Message-ID: <>


How to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, octal and vice versa?


From keosophon at  Wed Apr  5 13:35:17 2006
From: keosophon at (Keo Sophon)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 18:35:17 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] convert an integer number to string.
Message-ID: <>


how to convert an integer number to string?


From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr  5 13:41:56 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 12:41:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Space the final frontier
References: <>
Message-ID: <01b301c658a5$f145f620$0b01a8c0@xp>

> Thanks for the prompt replies.  I have now processed my file with 999 
> lines
> and it took seconds.  It was beautiful.

Glad it works, a couple of tweaks:

> filename = "a:/calllist.csv"
> filename2 = "c:/calllist.csv"
> import string
> import os

You don't use os or string so don't need to import them

> import re

And you don't really need re either, see below...

> listy = []
> input = open( filename, 'r') #read access
> input2 = open(filename2, 'w')

input is a builtin function so using it as a variable name could
cause confusion - input1 would be more consistent.
Although calling the second one output might be more

> for line in input.readlines():
>    line = re.sub('[\s]+', '', line)

you can just use the string replace method which for simple
replacements is faster than re and much less complex.

line = line.replace(' ','')

>    y = line
>    x = "\n"
>    z = y + x

you don't really need all that

>    input2.write(z)

      input2.write(line + '\n')

is just as clear if not clearer! At least I think so! :-)

> del input
> del input2

You should use close on a file not del.



Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From keosophon at  Wed Apr  5 13:42:37 2006
From: keosophon at (Keo Sophon)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 18:42:37 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] how to get the content of an XML elements.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<e0mre6$lg5$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sunday 02 April 2006 04:47, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Alan Gauld wrote:
> > "Keo Sophon" <keosophon at> wrote in message
> > news:200603311906.26110.keosophon at
> >
> >>Is there anyway to get the content of an XML elements. I am using
> >> xml.dom.
> >
> > For true XML I think ElemTree (by Fred Lundh?)  is the best approach.
> > Try a Google search.
> Yes, it's ElementTree though.
> Keo, what do you mean, "get the content of an XML elements"?
> Kent

for example:

<to>someone at</to>

I would like to get "someone at" of <to>.

How to do that?


From purple.meteor at  Wed Apr  5 13:45:03 2006
From: purple.meteor at (Olivier D.)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 13:45:03 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] convert an integer number to string.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/5/06, Keo Sophon <keosophon at> wrote:
> how to convert an integer number to string?

Use str(object) to convert an object to a string. For example:
>>> str(42)

The reverse function is int(x) to convert a string to an integer:
>>> int('42')

From ukc802591034 at  Wed Apr  5 13:48:08 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 12:48:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] convert decimal to hexa, to octal and vice versa.
References: <>
Message-ID: <e10aoa$rqu$>

"Keo Sophon" <keosophon at> wrote in message 
news:200604051832.56959.keosophon at

> How to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, octal and vice versa?

The number is stored in binary on the computer so you never convert
the number itself, what you convert is the representation of that number
as a string.

The easiest way (and the one with most control) is to use string formatting:

number = 42
print "%X" % number
print "%x" % number
print "%05x" % number
print "%o" % number


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From noufal at  Wed Apr  5 13:50:14 2006
From: noufal at (Noufal Ibrahim)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 17:20:14 +0530 (IST)
Subject: [Tutor] convert decimal to hexa, to octal and vice versa.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, April 5, 2006 5:02 pm, Keo Sophon wrote:
> Hi,
> How to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, octal and vice versa?

>>> foo = 2
>>> str(foo) # Integer to string
>>> oct(15)  # Integer to octal
>>> hex(15)  # Integer to hex
>>> int(0xf) # Hex to decimal integer


From kent37 at  Wed Apr  5 14:15:33 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 08:15:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Protected methods/variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c6581b$4dfbb2a0$28645f0a@mikehansen>	
Message-ID: <>

w chun wrote:
> On 4/4/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
>> Mike Hansen wrote:
>>>>> - you can use __slots__ to restrict arbirtrary creation of
>>>> (dynamic)
>>>>> instrance attributes
>>>> You can do this, but it is generally considered a misuse of
>>>> __slots__ and potentially problematic.
> what specific problems were you thinking of?  i would say that's it's
> clumsy to use during development because you're constantly changing
> __dict__ by adding new instance attributes, etc., so i only add a
> __slots__ when i'm finally done with the coding and want to prevent
> others from creating (dynamically) more instance attributes.  it's too
> bad, because it sort goes against Zen#19 (namespaces are a honking
> good idea).

The main problem seems to be that it can be broken by inheritance. A 
base or derived class can have a __dict__ which then allows additional 
attributes to be added even if the derived or base class uses __slots__.

I admit to arguing from authority here but the consistent message on from those who should know is, don't use __slots__ to restrict 
assignment, use __setattr__ instead; __slots__ should be used as a 
memory optimization only. Search for discussion.

>>> I'll bite. What is the proper/intended use of __slots__? Does it have
>>> something to do with memory?
>> Yes, it is intended specifically to reduce memory consumption of objects
>> that are going to be instantiated a lot. I'm not sure how many counts as
>> a lot, but in the thousands at least. Using __slots__ saves the cost of
>> the attribute dict for each instance.
> right, a class will either have __slots__ or __dict__ but not both.

As noted above, that is not necessarily true when inheritance is involved.


From kent37 at  Wed Apr  5 14:28:53 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 08:28:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to get the content of an XML elements.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<e0mre6$lg5$>
Message-ID: <>

Keo Sophon wrote:
> On Sunday 02 April 2006 04:47, Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Alan Gauld wrote:
>>> "Keo Sophon" <keosophon at> wrote in message
>>> news:200603311906.26110.keosophon at
>>>> Is there anyway to get the content of an XML elements. I am using
>>>> xml.dom.
>>> For true XML I think ElemTree (by Fred Lundh?)  is the best approach.
>>> Try a Google search.
>> Yes, it's ElementTree though.
>> Keo, what do you mean, "get the content of an XML elements"?
>> Kent
> for example:
> .....
> <to>someone at</to>
> .....
> I would like to get "someone at" of <to>.

With ElementTree it would be something like

doc = ElementTree.parse('file.xml')
to = doc.find('//to')
print to.text


From python at  Wed Apr  5 14:57:28 2006
From: python at (Python)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 08:57:28 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Question about large numbers of arguments
In-Reply-To: <01ab01c658a4$dffb0a50$0b01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 12:34 +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> > Suppose you have a situation where you have a large number of command-line
> > options that you will parse with getopt.  You want to keep track of these
> > as you move around in the code and do various things.
> >
> > Is it more Pythonic to:
> >
> > Have the functions take large numbers of parameters.
> >
> > Create an options class to pass the options around.
> Neither, the most Pythonic way IMHO is to use a dictionary and
> possibly combine with Pythons variable arguments syntax as
> described in section 4.7.3/4 of the official tutor.
> > I personally think the latter would look a lot cleaner once the number of
> > options got up to around a half dozen, but I usually see the "large number
> > of parameters" style in other people's code.
> Classes without behaviour are really just glorified dictionaries so
> I prefer to use a dictionary. The **args mechanism provides a
> good way to pass these to functions.

Just to expand on that a little bit, one useful coding trick where you
use only a few of the parameters is to define the function as:

def myfunc(param6, param11, param17, **extra):
	# The parameters you care about are unpacked for you
	# The rest are in extra

# use the ** syntax to pass the dictionary in to your function
myfunc( **param_dict)

Coming up with better names is left as an exercise for the reader.
I mostly use this when dealing with HTML forms with many variables.

> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From ray.allen at  Wed Apr  5 16:07:37 2006
From: ray.allen at (Ray Allen)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 15:07:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] date conversion
Message-ID: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>

I would like Python to convert a date returned by MySQL (2006-04-05) to a 
user readable format such as 05-Apr-2006 for display and then to convert it 
back to ISO format for update.  What is the most convenient way of doing 
this?  I'm struggling to understand the datetime module's functionality.
Ray Allen 

From kent37 at  Wed Apr  5 16:50:33 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 10:50:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] date conversion
In-Reply-To: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>
References: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>
Message-ID: <>

Ray Allen wrote:
> I would like Python to convert a date returned by MySQL (2006-04-05) to a 
> user readable format such as 05-Apr-2006 for display and then to convert it 
> back to ISO format for update.

Here's one way:

In [1]: from datetime import date

In [2]: data = '2006-04-05'

Use split() and int() to convert to a list of year, month, day
In [4]: ymd = map(int, data.split('-'))

In [5]: ymd
Out[5]: [2006, 4, 5]

Turn it into a date. The * makes the list act like individual parameters.
In [6]: d=date(*ymd)

In [7]: d
Out[7]:, 4, 5)

See the docs for the time module for info about strftime() format codes
In [8]: d.strftime('%d-%b-%Y')
Out[8]: '05-Apr-2006'

ISO format is built-in.
In [9]: d.isoformat()
Out[9]: '2006-04-05'

For other input formats you might have to use time.strptime() to convert 
to a time tuple, then pass the first three elements do date():

In [10]: import time

In [15]: t=time.strptime(data, '%Y-%m-%d')

In [16]: t
Out[16]: (2006, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 95, -1)

In [17]: date(*t[:3])
Out[17]:, 4, 5)


From brian at  Wed Apr  5 16:56:00 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 10:56:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] date conversion
In-Reply-To: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>
References: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>
Message-ID: <>

I wrote something similar on my blog some time back..
This is for converting Apache logfiles to a ISO formatted date for
mysql..  It could easily be reversed, with a little tweaking.. :)

to wit:
def mreplace(s, chararray, newchararray):
     for a, b in zip(chararray, newchararray):
         s = s.replace(a, b)
     return s

olddatestring =

newdatestring =

def clftosql(date):
      ttime = date.split(":",1)
      time = ttime[1]
      datelist = ttime[0].split('/')
      #should be , E.G DD,MM,YYYY we need YYYY-MM-DD for sql
      day = datelist[0]
      month = datelist[1]
      year = datelist[2]
      newdate = year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+time
      return newdate

then you can take a date stamp from an Apache CLF log like this :
01/Oct/2000:00:00:00 (after you regex it out of the log with:

datechk =

of course)

and run the functions thus:

mydate = mreplace(dated,olddatestring,newdatestring)
mydate1 = clftosql(mydate)

Ray Allen wrote:
> I would like Python to convert a date returned by MySQL (2006-04-05) to a 
> user readable format such as 05-Apr-2006 for display and then to convert it 
> back to ISO format for update.  What is the most convenient way of doing 
> this?  I'm struggling to understand the datetime module's functionality.
> Ray Allen 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:4433d45e204351006614580!

From brian at  Wed Apr  5 17:11:08 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 11:11:08 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] date conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>
Message-ID: <>

Oh yeah - you can also simply use Mysql's date_format() function when 
you query the database ??

select date_format(column_name,'%d-%b-%Y') as formatted_date from table 
where blah;

would output the date as 05-Apr-2006

Brian Gustin wrote:
> I wrote something similar on my blog some time back..
> http'://
> This is for converting Apache logfiles to a ISO formatted date for
> mysql..  It could easily be reversed, with a little tweaking.. :)
> to wit:
> def mreplace(s, chararray, newchararray):
>      for a, b in zip(chararray, newchararray):
>          s = s.replace(a, b)
>      return s
> olddatestring =
> ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec')
> newdatestring =
> ('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12')
> def clftosql(date):
>       ttime = date.split(":",1)
>       time = ttime[1]
>       datelist = ttime[0].split('/')
>       #should be , E.G DD,MM,YYYY we need YYYY-MM-DD for sql
>       day = datelist[0]
>       month = datelist[1]
>       year = datelist[2]
>       newdate = year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+time
>       return newdate
> then you can take a date stamp from an Apache CLF log like this :
> 01/Oct/2000:00:00:00 (after you regex it out of the log with:
> datechk =
> re.compile('([0-9]+/.../[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])') 
> of course)
> and run the functions thus:
> mydate = mreplace(dated,olddatestring,newdatestring)
> mydate1 = clftosql(mydate)
> Ray Allen wrote:
>>I would like Python to convert a date returned by MySQL (2006-04-05) to a 
>>user readable format such as 05-Apr-2006 for display and then to convert it 
>>back to ISO format for update.  What is the most convenient way of doing 
>>this?  I'm struggling to understand the datetime module's functionality.
>>Ray Allen 
>>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:4433db1a224961964068235!

From rfquerin at  Wed Apr  5 17:16:14 2006
From: rfquerin at (Richard Querin)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 11:16:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
Message-ID: <>

I am planning to write a program (or series of programs) and want some
advice beforehand. I've written a few small programs with Python and
wxPython, but nothing very complex. I want to write a suite of in-house
structural engineering design programs for my own purposes. I want to do the

- write each program independently as a standalone structural design app
- design and write the programs in such a way that in the future I can
create a project app that would link all these smaller apps together (to
store a bunch of these different designs under a single project for
- I want the input/output of each program to be easily adaptable and
readable by the 'project app' in the future
- I would want the individual programs to have file formats that are easily
extensible as I add features to them
- The 'project app' would have to be extensible in that I could link smaller
apps to it as I create them and it should be able to handle revisions to
these smaller apps as I make them.

Obviously this won't happen right away, I would likely develop each small
design app as a standalone and then when I've got 3 or 4 done I would tie
them together with the project app.

My question before I start is whether or not using an XML format for the
individual file formats is the way to go, and if I have to anticipate every
little thing in the file formats before hand. I don't want to do this, I
would rather like to be able to just add and modify things as I go with the
least amount of hassle along the way. Any ideas on how to generally approach
the file formats?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have zero experience with XML at this point, and very modest experience
with Python/wxPython, but necessity is the mother of invention and I can
learn what I need to know I think.
-------------- next part --------------
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From srini_iyyer_bio at  Wed Apr  5 19:03:56 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 10:03:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Mapping elements in various lists - walking over lists and
	their elements
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Tutors,
I have a huge string and 2 lists.  List A consists of
tabed elements, where first tab represents entry
somewhere in string(ndat).
ndat has 'Contig27915_RC' and List A [nbat]has
'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945977'.  List B [nmlist]has
elements, for instance ['XM_945977\tNM_152513'].  Now
my task, is to take each element in nbat(listA) search
in string ndat and nmlist, if found in nmlist, replace
with its tabed counterpart in ndat string.

How did I choose to solve:
1. I could not think in the most smartest way as said
easily above. Say take element from nbat, see if
modified version of it
 available in nmlist, if found replace that modifed
element in string.

So I chose to take element from listA (nbat), search
in string ndat. If found replace with it tabed
element(Contig27915_RC\tXM_945977 => XM_945977) and
store that in a new list.  Now loop over this new list
for each element check if a new version available in
nmlist. If so replace and print.

One of the proble is that, Contig27915_RC is seen
associated with many XM entries in nbat.  However,
with the above script I could replace only once in
xta. I could not print Contig27915_RC with many XM_
guys in nbat. How can this be done.

Finally, this whole process seems to be more
cumbersome to me. Could any one tip me with a new way
of dealing this 3 way mapping.



xt = ''
for m in nbat:
        cols = m.split('\t')
        old = cols[0]
        new = cols[1]
        if ndat.find(old):
                xt = ndat.replace(old,new)

xta = xt.split('\n')
>>> for x in xta:
...         for m in nmlist:
...                 cols = m.split('\t')
...                 colold = cols[0]
...                 colnew = cols[1]
...                 if x == colold:
...                         print x+'\t'+colnew
XM_945977       NM_152513

-XTA result --- snip---
XM_945977  <- <- <- ['Contig27915_RC\tXM_945977']

ndat =

nbat = ['Contig45645_RC\tNM_022469',
'Contig44916_RC\tNM_080764', 'J00129\tNM_005141',
'Contig29982_RC\tNM_173833', 'D25274\tNM_006908',
'D25274\tNM_018890', 'D25274\tNM_198829',
'D49958\tNM_201591', 'D49958\tNM_005277',
'D49958\tNM_201592', 'Contig13475_RC\tNM_212555',

nmlist = ['XM_929405\tNM_001039615',
'XM_934896\tNM_152513', 'XM_934897\tNM_152513',
'XM_934899\tNM_152513', 'XM_934901\tNM_152513',
'XM_934902\tNM_152513', 'XM_934904\tNM_152513',
'XM_934906\tNM_152513', 'XM_934908\tNM_152513',
'XM_934911\tNM_152513', 'XM_934912\tNM_152513',
'XM_945977\tNM_152513', 'XM_945978\tNM_152513',
'XM_945980\tNM_152513', 'XM_945982\tNM_152513',
'XM_945983\tNM_152513', 'XM_945984\tNM_152513',
'XM_945985\tNM_152513', 'XM_945986\tNM_152513',
'XM_945987\tNM_152513', 'XM_945989\tNM_152513',
'XM_085261\tNM_001039958', 'XM_938609\tNM_001039958',
'XM_373868\tNM_001009931', 'NM_001012239\tNM_173683',
'XM_929314\tNM_001609', 'XM_940521\tNM_001609',
'XM_932741\tNM_001262', 'XM_945305\tNM_001262',

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From srini_iyyer_bio at  Wed Apr  5 19:09:39 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 10:09:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Mapping elements in various lists -
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry for the very long email. and I my brain is dead
to create some related generic snippet. Thus, I shrunk
the string and lists into as short as I could. 
apologies again. 

--- Srinivas Iyyer <srini_iyyer_bio at> wrote:

> Dear Tutors,
> I have a huge string and 2 lists.  List A consists
> of
> tabed elements, where first tab represents entry
> somewhere in string(ndat).
> ndat has 'Contig27915_RC' and List A [nbat]has
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945977'.  List B [nmlist]has
> elements, for instance ['XM_945977\tNM_152513']. 
> Now
> my task, is to take each element in nbat(listA)
> search
> in string ndat and nmlist, if found in nmlist,
> replace
> with its tabed counterpart in ndat string.
> How did I choose to solve:
> 1. I could not think in the most smartest way as
> said
> easily above. Say take element from nbat, see if
> modified version of it
>  available in nmlist, if found replace that modifed
> element in string.
> So I chose to take element from listA (nbat), search
> in string ndat. If found replace with it tabed
> element(Contig27915_RC\tXM_945977 => XM_945977) and
> store that in a new list.  Now loop over this new
> list
> for each element check if a new version available in
> nmlist. If so replace and print.
> One of the proble is that, Contig27915_RC is seen
> associated with many XM entries in nbat.  However,
> with the above script I could replace only once in
> xta. I could not print Contig27915_RC with many XM_
> guys in nbat. How can this be done.
> Finally, this whole process seems to be more
> cumbersome to me. Could any one tip me with a new
> way
> of dealing this 3 way mapping.
> Thanks
> Script:
> xt = ''
> for m in nbat:
>         cols = m.split('\t')
>         old = cols[0]
>         new = cols[1]
>         if ndat.find(old):
>                 xt = ndat.replace(old,new)
> xta = xt.split('\n')
> >>> for x in xta:
> ...         for m in nmlist:
> ...                 cols = m.split('\t')
> ...                 colold = cols[0]
> ...                 colnew = cols[1]
> ...                 if x == colold:
> ...                         print x+'\t'+colnew
> ...
> XM_945977       NM_152513
> -XTA result --- snip---
> Contig25622_RC
> Contig13475_RC
> Contig40179_RC
> XM_945977  <- <- <- ['Contig27915_RC\tXM_945977']
> Contig44682_RC
> Contig35934_RC
> --------------
> ndat =
> nbat = ['Contig45645_RC\tNM_022469',
> 'Contig44916_RC\tNM_080764', 'J00129\tNM_005141',
> 'Contig29982_RC\tNM_173833', 'D25274\tNM_006908',
> 'D25274\tNM_018890', 'D25274\tNM_198829',
> 'D49958\tNM_201591', 'D49958\tNM_005277',
> 'D49958\tNM_201592', 'Contig13475_RC\tNM_212555',
> 'Contig40179_RC\tNM_138570',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934912',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934911',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934908',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934906',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934902',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934901',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934899',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934897',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_934896',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945989',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945987',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945986',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945985',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945983',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945982',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945980',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945978',
> 'Contig27915_RC\tXM_945977']
> nmlist = ['XM_929405\tNM_001039615',
> 'XM_934896\tNM_152513', 'XM_934897\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_934899\tNM_152513', 'XM_934901\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_934902\tNM_152513', 'XM_934904\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_934906\tNM_152513', 'XM_934908\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_934911\tNM_152513', 'XM_934912\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_945977\tNM_152513', 'XM_945978\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_945980\tNM_152513', 'XM_945982\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_945983\tNM_152513', 'XM_945984\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_945985\tNM_152513', 'XM_945986\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_945987\tNM_152513', 'XM_945989\tNM_152513',
> 'XM_085261\tNM_001039958',
> 'XM_938609\tNM_001039958',
> 'XM_373868\tNM_001009931',
> 'NM_001012239\tNM_173683',
> 'XM_929314\tNM_001609', 'XM_940521\tNM_001609',
> 'XM_932741\tNM_001262', 'XM_945305\tNM_001262',
> 'XM_928890\tNM_152830']
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

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From python at  Wed Apr  5 19:32:38 2006
From: python at (Python)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 13:32:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] date conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 10:50 -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Ray Allen wrote:
> > I would like Python to convert a date returned by MySQL (2006-04-05)

Kent's advice below is of course correct, but I'd bet your variable is
already a (or mx.DateTime.Date with older Python
releases).  In that case you'd already be at step 7.

When executing your update statement use the args field.

cursor.execute("UPDATE table SET mydate=%s WHERE id=%s", (date_variable, recordID))

You should not have to worry about getting your date into the proper
string format for the database SQL syntax.

Here's the help from MySQLdb:

execute(self, query, args=None) method of MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor instance
    Execute a query.

    query -- string, query to execute on server
    args -- optional sequence or mapping, parameters to use with query.

    Note: If args is a sequence, then %s must be used as the
    parameter placeholder in the query. If a mapping is used,
    %(key)s must be used as the placeholder.

    Returns long integer rows affected, if any

>  to a 
> > user readable format such as 05-Apr-2006 for display and then to convert it 
> > back to ISO format for update.
> Here's one way:
> In [1]: from datetime import date
> In [2]: data = '2006-04-05'
> Use split() and int() to convert to a list of year, month, day
> In [4]: ymd = map(int, data.split('-'))
> In [5]: ymd
> Out[5]: [2006, 4, 5]
> Turn it into a date. The * makes the list act like individual parameters.
> In [6]: d=date(*ymd)
> In [7]: d
> Out[7]:, 4, 5)
> See the docs for the time module for info about strftime() format codes
> In [8]: d.strftime('%d-%b-%Y')
> Out[8]: '05-Apr-2006'
> ISO format is built-in.
> In [9]: d.isoformat()
> Out[9]: '2006-04-05'
> For other input formats you might have to use time.strptime() to convert 
> to a time tuple, then pass the first three elements do date():
> In [10]: import time
> In [15]: t=time.strptime(data, '%Y-%m-%d')
> In [16]: t
> Out[16]: (2006, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 95, -1)
> In [17]: date(*t[:3])
> Out[17]:, 4, 5)
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:  603-653-8139
fax:    320-210-3409
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From kent37 at  Wed Apr  5 19:50:06 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 13:50:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] date conversion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <004601c658ba$5c4e8950$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Python wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 10:50 -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Ray Allen wrote:
>>> I would like Python to convert a date returned by MySQL (2006-04-05)
> Kent's advice below is of course correct, but I'd bet your variable is
> already a (or mx.DateTime.Date with older Python
> releases).  In that case you'd already be at step 7.
> When executing your update statement use the args field.
> cursor.execute("UPDATE table SET mydate=%s WHERE id=%s", (date_variable, recordID))
> You should not have to worry about getting your date into the proper
> string format for the database SQL syntax.

Good point. You may well be getting some kind of date object back from 
MySQL, too, rather than a string.


From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr  5 20:44:19 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 19:44:19 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
References: <>
Message-ID: <020b01c658e0$f2ebdc20$0b01a8c0@xp>

> wxPython, but nothing very complex. I want to write a suite of in-house
> structural engineering design programs for my own purposes.

Sounds emminently pythonic.

> - write each program independently as a standalone structural design app
> - design and write the programs in such a way that in the future I can
> create a project app that would link all these smaller apps together

Sounds like creating each app as a class which can be instantiated on
demand by the master application would be a possible design option.

> - I want the input/output of each program to be easily adaptable and
> readable by the 'project app' in the future
> - I would want the individual programs to have file formats that are 
> easily
> extensible as I add features to them

Almost a definition of what XML is good for. A data format that can
be changed without breaking legacy code.

> - The 'project app' would have to be extensible in that I could link
> smaller apps to it as I create them and it should be able to handle
> revisions to these smaller apps as I make them.

The class approach coupled to a config XML file would do this.
Define a file that looks something like

        <displayName>My Foo App</displayName>
        </icon src="myfoo.gif">
                    </value default="15">
                    </value default="0">
        <displayName>My Bar App</displayName>
        </icon src="mybar.gif">
                    </value default="None">

Then you can read that and use it to construct a menu or set of buttons
or toolbar or whatever.

> Obviously this won't happen right away, I would likely develop each
> small design app as a standalone and then when I've got 3 or 4 done
> I would tie them together with the project app.

Why wait for 3 or 4 just add them one by one! Its just aase of editing
the config file... In fact you could eveb make a config applet to create
the xml entries as your first project!

> My question before I start is whether or not using an XML format for the
> individual file formats is the way to go,

I'd say definitely its exactly ythe kind of thing XML is good at.

> if I have to anticipate every little thing in the file formats before 
> hand.

The whole point of XML is you can modify the file content and the
legacy applications will parse out the bits they need and the new
apps will read both the old bits and the new bits. XML is often
over-hyped and over-used but for this kind of task it is absolutely
perfect IMHO.

> I have zero experience with XML at this point,

Investigate ElementTree - its much easier than the standard xml dom
and sax parsers that ship with Python.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr  5 20:48:27 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 19:48:27 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Mapping elements in various lists - walking over lists
	andtheir elements
References: <>
Message-ID: <020f01c658e1$870363b0$0b01a8c0@xp>

> One of the proble is that, Contig27915_RC is seen
> associated with many XM entries in nbat.  However,
> with the above script I could replace only once in
> xta. I could not print Contig27915_RC with many XM_
> guys in nbat. How can this be done.
> Finally, this whole process seems to be more
> cumbersome to me. Could any one tip me with a new way
> of dealing this 3 way mapping.

A common generic way to deal with this is to construct an 
intermediate data model such as a dictionary that contains 
the key element and a list of the keyed items in the file. 
The list could be the items themselves ort a tuple containing 
such info as their index (or seek position). Then you can iterate 
over the data making multiple changes as defined in the 
data structure.

This is somewhat similar to a thread last month, take a look 
in the archives for more ideas.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From srini_iyyer_bio at  Wed Apr  5 21:49:30 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 12:49:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Mapping elements in various lists
In-Reply-To: <020f01c658e1$870363b0$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Alan, 
Thank you again. I did not give a try by using
dictionary power. It works now. 

Thanks again for tip. 


dida = {} 
for m in nbat:
        cols = m.split('\t')
        old = cols[0]

lista = ndat.split('\n')
result = []
for i in lista:
        items = dida.get(i)
        if items is  None:
                for x in items:

for x in result:
        tabs = x.split('\t')
        if len(tabs)>1:
                for m in nmlist:
                        cols = m.split('\t')
                        colold = cols[0]
                        colnew = cols[1]
                        if tabs[1] == colold:
                                print x+'\t'+colnew
               print x


Contig27915_RC  XM_934912       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934911       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934908       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934906       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934902       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934901       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934899       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934897       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_934896       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945989       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945987       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945986       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945985       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945983       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945982       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945980       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945978       NM_152513
Contig27915_RC  XM_945977       NM_152513

--- Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> > One of the proble is that, Contig27915_RC is seen
> > associated with many XM entries in nbat.  However,
> > with the above script I could replace only once in
> > xta. I could not print Contig27915_RC with many
> XM_
> > guys in nbat. How can this be done.
> > 
> > Finally, this whole process seems to be more
> > cumbersome to me. Could any one tip me with a new
> way
> > of dealing this 3 way mapping.
> A common generic way to deal with this is to
> construct an 
> intermediate data model such as a dictionary that
> contains 
> the key element and a list of the keyed items in the
> file. 
> The list could be the items themselves ort a tuple
> containing 
> such info as their index (or seek position). Then
> you can iterate 
> over the data making multiple changes as defined in
> the 
> data structure.
> This is somewhat similar to a thread last month,
> take a look 
> in the archives for more ideas.
> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor

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From hugonz-lists at  Thu Apr  6 00:01:25 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 16:01:25 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Richard Querin wrote:

> My question before I start is whether or not using an XML format for the 
> individual file formats is the way to go, and if I have to anticipate 
> every little thing in the file formats before hand. I don't want to do 
> this, I would rather like to be able to just add and modify things as I 
> go with the least amount of hassle along the way. Any ideas on how to 
> generally approach the file formats?

To quote PJE in 
(Python is not JAVA)
XML is not the answer. It is not even the question. To paraphrase Jamie 
Zawinski on regular expressions, "Some people, when confronted with a 
problem, think "I know, I'll use XML." Now they have two problems."
Now seriously. Are there file formats meant to be used and understood by 
other programs in principle (we know it is a nice feature, but is it 

If the answer is yes, then XML may be the solution. Looks like what you 
are trying to accomplish can be done wrapping functionality into 
modules, then adding them together (classes, functions, etc) using a GUI 
master program.

Saving complex data structures to files in Python is easy. Let it be 
pickling or using a Python database, like Kirbybase or Gadfly. If you 
need to communicate this to other applications, you may use simple 
extensions like those in XML-RPC(still no XML design and/or parsing).

As for anticipating every single thing in the file format, this depends 
on whether you need to have fancy things like backwards compatibility. I 
would guess some dynamic data structure that allows for extension (like 
a dictionary of attributes, where you can always add new attributes) 
will do.

hope this rant helps a bit

> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> I have zero experience with XML at this point, and very modest 
> experience with Python/wxPython, but necessity is the mother of 
> invention and I can learn what I need to know I think.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From hugonz-lists at  Thu Apr  6 00:03:41 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 16:03:41 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Question about large numbers of arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dana Robinson wrote:

> Have the functions take large numbers of parameters.
> or
> Create an options class to pass the options around.

Pythonically, I heard the distinct scream of DICTIONARYYYY in my head.


From falcon3166 at  Thu Apr  6 00:58:58 2006
From: falcon3166 at (Nathan Pinno)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 16:58:58 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] What's the invalid syntax?
Message-ID: <BAY106-DAV235D7E72A0E8B2B0E764DFC4CB0@phx.gbl>

Hey all,
What's the invalid syntax in the following code? I tried figuring it out by
myself, and I couldn't.
# This program finds the date of Easter Sunday between the years 1900 &
# By Nathan Pinno
# Inspired by Programming and Problem Solving with Java, 1st ed., question
3, page 207.
def date():
    int year
    year = int(raw_input("Year please: "))
    if (year < 1900 || year > 2099):
        print year, " is invalid. Please enter a year between 1900 & 2099."
        if (year == 1954 || year == 1981 || year == 2049 || year == 2076): #
For the years when the calculation would be 1 week late.
            int a, b, c, d, e, f
            a = year % 19
            b = year % 4
            c = year % 7
            d = (19 * a + 24) % 30
            e = (2 * b + 4 * c + 6 * d + 5) % 7
            f = (22 + d + e) - 7
            if (f < 31): # To see if the date is in March or April.
                print "Easter Sunday is March ", f, "."
                print "Easter Sunday is April ", (f-31), "."
        else: # For all other years.
            int a, b, c, d, e, f
            a = year % 19
            b = year % 4
            c = year % 7
            d = (19 * a + 24) % 30
            e = (2 * b + 4 * c + 6 * d + 5) % 7
            f = (22 + d + e)
            if (f < 31): # Same as above.
               print "Easter Sunday is March ", f, "."
               print "Easter Sunday is April ", (f-31), "."
The editor highlights the word year in the line:
int year
after I hit okay when this message pops up:
Invalid syntax.
Thanks in advance,
Nathan Pinno
Web Surfer's Store <> 
MSN Messenger: falcon3166 at
Yahoo! Messenger: spam_swatter31
ICQ: 199020705  
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From dyoo at  Thu Apr  6 01:26:01 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 16:26:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] What's the invalid syntax?
In-Reply-To: <BAY106-DAV235D7E72A0E8B2B0E764DFC4CB0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

> What's the invalid syntax in the following code? I tried figuring it out
> by myself, and I couldn't.
> The editor highlights the word year in the line:
> int year
> after I hit okay when this message pops up:
> Invalid syntax.

Hi Nathan,

I would believe the editor.  *grin*

Python doesn't support saying declarative things like "int year": that's
something that just doesn't translate from Java to Python.

Just for your understanding: your environment is highlighting the word
'year' only because it really doesn't know what you're trying to do.  In
this particular case, Python thinks that you might be trying to apply the
int() function on year, but in that case, you'd need parens, like:


So that's why it's highlighting year: you're missing parens under this
interpretation of the situation.  But, as you know, it's completely
misunderstanding things.

Still, even though the error message is slightly inaccurate, it's correct
in the sense that the problem is on that line: you don't predeclare
variable or their types in Python.

From brian at  Thu Apr  6 01:30:22 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 19:30:22 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] What's the invalid syntax?
In-Reply-To: <BAY106-DAV235D7E72A0E8B2B0E764DFC4CB0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY106-DAV235D7E72A0E8B2B0E764DFC4CB0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

define year first

or leave the int year out of your code completely - you do not need to 
typecast - it is set as an integer in the following line.

Nathan Pinno wrote:
> Hey all,
> What's the invalid syntax in the following code? I tried figuring it out 
> by myself, and I couldn't.
> # This program finds the date of Easter Sunday between the years 1900 & 
> 2099.
> # By Nathan Pinno
> # Inspired by Programming and Problem Solving with Java, 1st ed., 
> question 3, page 207.
> def date():
>     int year
>     year = int(raw_input("Year please: "))
>     if (year < 1900 || year > 2099):
>         print year, " is invalid. Please enter a year between 1900 & 2099."
>     else:
>         if (year == 1954 || year == 1981 || year == 2049 || year == 
> 2076): # For the years when the calculation would be 1 week late.
>             int a, b, c, d, e, f
>             a = year % 19
>             b = year % 4
>             c = year % 7
>             d = (19 * a + 24) % 30
>             e = (2 * b + 4 * c + 6 * d + 5) % 7
>             f = (22 + d + e) - 7
>             if (f < 31): # To see if the date is in March or April.
>                 print "Easter Sunday is March ", f, "."
>             else:
>                 print "Easter Sunday is April ", (f-31), "."
>         else: # For all other years.
>             int a, b, c, d, e, f
>             a = year % 19
>             b = year % 4
>             c = year % 7
>             d = (19 * a + 24) % 30
>             e = (2 * b + 4 * c + 6 * d + 5) % 7
>             f = (22 + d + e)
>             if (f < 31): # Same as above.
>                print "Easter Sunday is March ", f, "."
>             else:
>                print "Easter Sunday is April ", (f-31), "."
> date()
> The editor highlights the word year in the line:
> int year
> after I hit okay when this message pops up:
> Invalid syntax.
> Thanks in advance,
> Nathan Pinno
> Web Surfer's Store <>
> <>
> MSN Messenger: falcon3166 at <mailto:falcon3166 at>
> Yahoo! Messenger: spam_swatter31
> ICQ: 199020705  
> !DSPAM:443450a9253311285612896!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:443450a9253311285612896!

From rozdaniel at  Thu Apr  6 02:22:53 2006
From: rozdaniel at (Ros Daniel)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 20:22:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Urgent question about program debugging
Message-ID: <BAY102-F41165E8D8F70DE6D10557FA3C80@phx.gbl>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From blackspeckpotato at  Thu Apr  6 03:46:48 2006
From: blackspeckpotato at (Charles Bartley)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 18:46:48 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Urgent question about program debugging
References: <BAY102-F41165E8D8F70DE6D10557FA3C80@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <005501c6591b$f847ec50$01fea8c0@silver>


I'm a Python newbie, but I went over the code, and I think the problem is in choice number 2.

        for father_son in father_son:
            print father_son

father_son becomes a string here.

Charles B.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ros Daniel 
  To: tutor at 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 5:22 PM
  Subject: [Tutor] Urgent question about program debugging

  I just created a "who's your daddy?" program--one of the challenges in the michael dawson book.

  It was working well, and I tested all the different instructions, and then for some reason, it stopped working. Specifically, whenever I enter the name of a father, it tells me it doesn't exist, although it does, because when you list all the fathers, you can see it exists, and I set it up in the dictionary.

  It may be that I've missed something. I know I saved this program so many times, maybe I changed something without realising it, although I've been through every line of code numerous times. I don't know how to use the IDLE debugger, which could be part of my problem. The help file doesn't seem to help.

  Here's the code:

  # This program lets the user enter the first and last name of a male
  # and produces the name of his son. The user will also be able
  # to add, replace, and delete son-father pairs.

  father_son = {"Kirk Douglas" : "Michael Douglas",
                 "James Brolin" : "Josh Brolin",
                 "Marlon Brando" : "Christian Brando",
                 "George Best" : "Calum Best",
                 "David Beckham" : "Brooklyn Beckham",
                 "Bob Dylan" : "Jakob Dylan"}

  choice = None
  while choice != "0":

      print \

        Welcome to Who's Your Daddy? A mini database of fathers and sons.
        When entering names, please use both the first name and the last name.
            0 - Exit
            1 - List all Father-Son Pairs
            2 - List all Fathers
            3 - Look Up Father-Son Pairs
            4 - Add a Father-Son Pair
            5 - Delete a Father-Son Pair
            6 - Replace the Son of a Father-Son Pair
            7 - Replace a Father-Son Pair

      choice = raw_input("Choice: ")

      # exit program
      if choice == "0":
          print "\nGoodbye."

      # list all father-son pairs
      elif choice == "1":
          print "\nLIST OF ALL FATHER-SON PAIRS\n"
          print father_son

      # list all fathers 
      elif choice == "2":
          print "LIST OF ALL FATHERS\n"
          for father_son in father_son:
              print father_son
      # look up father-son pairs
      elif choice == "3":
          term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father of this pair: ")
          if term in father_son:
              definition = father_son[term]
              print term, "is the father of", definition
              print "\nSorry,", term, "doesn't exist."

      # add a father-son pair
      elif choice == "4":
          term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father you want to add: ")
          if term not in father_son:
              definition = raw_input("Type in the name of this person's son: ")
              father_son[term] = definition
              print "\nThank you. Your new father-son pair has been added."
              print term, "is the father of", definition
              print term, "already exists in the database. Try updating the entry."

      # delete a father-son pair
      elif choice == "5":
          term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father which corresponds \
          to the father-son pair you want to delete: ")
          if term in father_son:
              definition = father_son[term]
              del father_son[term]
              print term, "and his son", definition, "have been removed from the database."
              print "\nI don't recognise this name. Try adding it as an entry."
      # replace the son of a father-son pair
      elif choice == "6":
          term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father whose son you want \
          to replace: ")
          if term in father_son:
              definition = raw_input("Type in the name of this person's son: ")
              father_son[term] = definition
              print "\nThank you. Your change has been made.", term, "is now \
              the father of", definition
              print "\nSorry, that name doesn't exist."

      # replace a father-son pair
      elif choice == "7":
          term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father which corresponds \
          to the father-son pair you want to replace: ")
          if term in father_son:
              term = raw_input("Type in name of this 'replacement' father: ")
              definition = raw_input("Type in the name of this person's son: ")
              father_son[term] = definition
              print "A new father-son pair has been added.", term, "is the \
              father of", definition
          print "\nSorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice."

  raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit")


  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From blackspeckpotato at  Thu Apr  6 04:43:09 2006
From: blackspeckpotato at (Charles Bartley)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 19:43:09 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Urgent question about program debugging
References: <BAY102-F41165E8D8F70DE6D10557FA3C80@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <008a01c65923$d7328ea0$01fea8c0@silver>

Hi Ros,

I placed two new lines of code in your choices 2 and 7. The new lines have comments trailing them.

In choice 7, you forgot to delete the previous father_son pair (as you had done in choice 5).



    # list all fathers 
    elif choice == "2":
        print "LIST OF ALL FATHERS\n"
        print father_son.keys()            # print fathers - their the keys

    # replace a father-son pair
    elif choice == "7":
        term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father which corresponds \
        to the father-son pair you want to replace: ")
        if term in father_son:
            del father_son[term]                        # delete previous father_son pair
            term = raw_input("Type in name of this 'replacement' father: ")
            definition = raw_input("Type in the name of this person's son: ")
            father_son[term] = definition
            print "A new father-son pair has been added.", term, "is the \
            father of", definition
        print "\nSorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice."
-------------- next part --------------
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From justin.mailinglists at  Thu Apr  6 05:23:29 2006
From: justin.mailinglists at (Justin Ezequiel)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 11:23:29 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] regular expressions - backslashes
Message-ID: <>

a colleague demonstrated a problem he had with regular expressions

>>> apppath = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
>>> apppath
'C:\\napp_and_author_query\\napp_and_author_query\\a b c d'
>>> template = r'<AppPath>\files'
>>> template
>>> re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', apppath, template)
'C:\napp_and_author_query\napp_and_author_query\x07 b c d\\files'
>>> print re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', apppath, template)
app_and_author_query b c d\files

for this particular use-case, I myself prefer using string formatting
but I still would like to know what's wrong with the above usage of re.sub

Python 2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

From keosophon at  Thu Apr  6 05:22:07 2006
From: keosophon at (Keo Sophon)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 10:22:07 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] testing u=unicode(str, 'utf-8') and u = str.decode('utf-8')
Message-ID: <>


Today i tested u=unicode(str,'utf-8') and u=str.decode('utf-8'). Then in both 
case I used:

if isinstance(u,str):
   print "just string"
  print "unicode"

the result of both case are "unicode". So it seems u=unicode(str,'utf-8') and 
u=str.decode('utf-8') are the same. How about the processing inside? is it 


From titvirak at  Thu Apr  6 06:23:10 2006
From: titvirak at (=?UTF-8?B?4Z6R4Z634Z6P4Z+S4Z6Z4Z6c4Z634Z6a4Z+I?=)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 11:23:10 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] OR operator?
Message-ID: <>


I'm trying with this operator, could it possible?

fruit1 = 'apple'
fruit2 = 'orange'

fruits = fruit1 or fruit2

is 'orange' = fruits ?

From blackspeckpotato at  Thu Apr  6 07:50:30 2006
From: blackspeckpotato at (Charles Bartley)
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 22:50:30 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] OR operator?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00b501c6593e$036ff0b0$01fea8c0@silver>

> I'm trying with this operator, could it possible?
> fruit1 = 'apple'
> fruit2 = 'orange'
> fruits = fruit1 or fruit2
> is 'orange' = fruits ?

Maybe this:


fruit1 = 'apple'
fruit2 = 'orange'

fruits = [fruit1, fruit2]

print 'orange' in fruits    # prints the boolean result of 'orange in 


Charles B. 

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr  6 09:40:02 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 08:40:02 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] What's the invalid syntax?
References: <BAY106-DAV235D7E72A0E8B2B0E764DFC4CB0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <025001c6594d$518396d0$0b01a8c0@xp>

> What's the invalid syntax in the following code? I tried figuring it out 
> by
> myself, and I couldn't.
> # Inspired by Programming and Problem Solving with Java, 1st ed., question
> def date():
>    int year
>    year = int(raw_input("Year please: "))

> The editor highlights the word year in the line:
> int year

That'd be because int year is invalid syntax in Python.

You don't need to decalre variables prior to use in Python
as you do in Java. Also names in Python are not typed.

Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr  6 09:48:49 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 08:48:49 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Urgent question about program debugging
References: <BAY102-F41165E8D8F70DE6D10557FA3C80@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <025501c6594e$8d18ed20$0b01a8c0@xp>

> father_son = {"Kirk Douglas" : "Michael Douglas",
>               "James Brolin" : "Josh Brolin",
>               "Bob Dylan" : "Jakob Dylan"}
>    elif choice == "2":
>        print "LIST OF ALL FATHERS\n"
>        for father_son in father_son:
>            print father_son

You are replacing the reference to the dictionary with
a single key entry here. You probably intended

for father in father_son:
   print father

>    # look up father-son pairs
>    elif choice == "3":
>        term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father of this pair: ")
>        if term in father_son:

father_son is no longer the dictionary but refers to the last father!

It should work if you don't list the fathers first! :-)

>    elif choice == "4":
>        term = raw_input("Type in the name of the father you want to add: 
> ")
>        if term not in father_son:
>            definition = raw_input("Type in the name of this person's son: 
> ")
>            father_son[term] = definition

As a wee point, its usually considered a bad idea to name variables
after their syntax meaning rather than their meaning in the program.
Thus this would be better written:

father = raw_input(...)
if father not in father_son:
    son = raw_input(...)
    father_son[father] = son


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From kent37 at  Thu Apr  6 11:54:41 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 05:54:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] regular expressions - backslashes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Justin Ezequiel wrote:
> a colleague demonstrated a problem he had with regular expressions
>>>> apppath = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
>>>> apppath
> 'C:\\napp_and_author_query\\napp_and_author_query\\a b c d'
>>>> template = r'<AppPath>\files'
>>>> template
> '<AppPath>\\files'
>>>> re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', apppath, template)
> 'C:\napp_and_author_query\napp_and_author_query\x07 b c d\\files'
>>>> print re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', apppath, template)
> C:
> app_and_author_query
> app_and_author_query b c d\files

The problem is that the re engine itself is interpreting the backslashes 
in the replacement pattern. Here is a simpler example:
In [34]: import re

In [35]: text = 'abcabc'

With a single slash you get a newline even though the slash is a literal 
in the replacement string:
In [36]: re.sub('a', r'\n', text)
Out[36]: '\nbc\nbc'

So if you want a literal \ in your replacement text you have to escape 
the \, even in a raw string:

In [37]: re.sub('a', r'\\n', text)
Out[37]: '\\nbc\\nbc'

If it isn't a raw string, you need four \!

In [39]: re.sub('a', '\\\\n', text)
Out[39]: '\\nbc\\nbc'

You can use re.escape() to introduce the needed slashes:

In [38]: re.sub('a', re.escape(r'\n'), text)
Out[38]: '\\nbc\\nbc'


From kent37 at  Thu Apr  6 12:01:58 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 06:01:58 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] testing u=unicode(str,
	'utf-8') and u = str.decode('utf-8')
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Keo Sophon wrote:
> Hi,
> Today i tested u=unicode(str,'utf-8') and u=str.decode('utf-8'). Then in both 
> case I used:
> if isinstance(u,str):
>    print "just string"
> else:
>   print "unicode"
> the result of both case are "unicode". So it seems u=unicode(str,'utf-8') and 
> u=str.decode('utf-8') are the same. How about the processing inside? is it 
> same?

I don't know the details of how they are implemented but they do have 
the same result. As far as I know you can use whichever form you find 
more readable.

There are a few special-purpose encodings for which the result of 
decode() is a byte string rather than a unicode string; for these 
encodings, you have to use str.decode(). For example:

In [42]: 'abc'.decode('string_escape')
Out[42]: 'abc'

In [44]: unicode('abc', 'string_escape')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<ipython console>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: decoder did not return an unicode object (type=str)


From kaushalshriyan at  Thu Apr  6 12:36:11 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 16:06:11 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Logical Operators
Message-ID: <>


I am referring to
about Logical operators

I didnot understood

>>>  x = 5
>>>  x and 1
>>>  y = 0
>>>  y and 1

How 5 and 1 means 1 and 0 and 1 means 0




From rfquerin at  Thu Apr  6 12:39:31 2006
From: rfquerin at (Richard Querin)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 06:39:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
In-Reply-To: <020b01c658e0$f2ebdc20$0b01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/5/06, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> Sounds like creating each app as a class which can be instantiated on
> demand by the master application would be a possible design option.

I guess writing the master program (or some simplified version of it) would
be required from the start in order to make launching the separate design
programs possible (for testing, debugging etc..).

The class approach coupled to a config XML file would do this.
> Define a file that looks something like
> <applications>
>     <application>
>         <displayName>My Foo App</displayName>
>         <className>Foo</className>
>         </icon src="myfoo.gif">
>         <params>
>              <param>
>                    <name>MyName</name>
>                     </value default="15">
>              </param>
>              <param>
>                    <name>AnotherName</name>
>                     </value default="0">
>              </param>
>        </params>
>    </application>
>     <application>
>         <displayName>My Bar App</displayName>
>         <className>Bar</className>
>         </icon src="mybar.gif">
>         <params>
>              <param>
>                    <name>SomeName</name>
>                     </value default="None">
>              </param>
>        </params>
>    </application>
> </applications>
> Then you can read that and use it to construct a menu or set of buttons
> or toolbar or whatever.

So for the master program this makes sense. However, what about the
input/output data of each individual design app. All the different programs
will share some common data but each one may have different components, and
some will be large arrays of numbers, is XML still applicable for that type
of file data?

I think my first task will likely be settling on what I need each component
of the system to do and how they will interact. It's becoming more complex
the more I discuss it.. ;)

> Obviously this won't happen right away, I would likely develop each
> > small design app as a standalone and then when I've got 3 or 4 done
> > I would tie them together with the project app.
> Why wait for 3 or 4 just add them one by one! Its just aase of editing
> the config file... In fact you could eveb make a config applet to create
> the xml entries as your first project!

Ease myself into it. ;)

Investigate ElementTree - its much easier than the standard xml dom
> and sax parsers that ship with Python.

I have the documentation printed out for study. Thanks for the help.
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From rfquerin at  Thu Apr  6 12:42:04 2006
From: rfquerin at (Richard Querin)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 06:42:04 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/5/06, Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde <hugonz-lists at> wrote:
> Now seriously. Are there file formats meant to be used and understood by
> other programs in principle (we know it is a nice feature, but is it
> necessary?)?

There will be input data and output results from program A that may be
utilized by program B. If the two independent designs are linked to the same
project then they will share this data, if they aren't part of the same
project they wouldn't. I would assume that would mean that the file formats
of all the design programs would have to be readable and changeable by the
master program. Not sure if this necessitates XML, but to me it seems like
standardizing the formats will make things simpler.

hope this rant helps a bit

It did. Thanks.
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr  6 13:36:06 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 12:36:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
References: <>
Message-ID: <027901c6596e$4b89bb30$0b01a8c0@xp>

>> The class approach coupled to a config XML file would do this.
> > Define a file that looks something like
>> <applications>
>>     <application>
>>         <displayName>My Foo App</displayName>
>>         <params>
>>              <param>
>>                    <name>MyName</name>
>>                     </value default="15">
>So for the master program this makes sense. However, what about the
>input/output data of each individual design app. 

OK The params can be used to point at some common database 
or file.

> will share some common data but each one may have different 
> components, and some will be large arrays of numbers, is XML 
> till applicable for that type of file data?

Personally I wouldn't use XML for content data which is 
repeated in large volume - the overheads are too high. This 
is where I'd consider using a shared class or dictionary  to 
define the data and then pickle and/or shelve to save instances.

Either that or go with a lightweight database such as SqlLite.

> I think my first task will likely be settling on what I need 
> each component of the system to do and how they will interact. 

There are two sepoarate areas of concern.
1) The master app and its applet launching mechanism
2) The common data between applets

The solutions are likely to be different. For the common data 
look at each common class and its responsibilities. What should 
that class be able to provide in the way of sertvices for the 
applets to consume. The applets then become a fairly simple
set of scenarios stitching together the services provided by the 
shared classes. Without more specific knowledge of your 
problem domain I can't be more specififc but this is afaily 
common approach used in Financial and Customer 
Handling applications for example.

> It's becoming more complex the more I discuss it.. ;)

They always do! Sometimes its better to just make a start 
on the bits you think you do understand and see how it 
hangs together. A very rough master application laiunching 
a single applet using a minimal set of shared data would 
be a good goal for starters.


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr  6 13:46:37 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 12:46:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] OR operator?
References: <>
Message-ID: <028601c6596f$c382a9c0$0b01a8c0@xp>

> I'm trying with this operator, could it possible?
> fruit1 = 'apple'
> fruit2 = 'orange'
> fruits = fruit1 or fruit2
> is 'orange' = fruits ?

Why not just try it at the python prompt?!

And you would find that no, fruits = 'apple'
(The order is because fruits is a name which references a 
value. orange is a value so cannot reference anything else, so 
'orange' = fruits is actually an impossible concept!).

The reason for the result is the way Python evaluates 'or' expressions.
Python considers non-empty strings (like 'apple') to be true.
Python also evaluates an 'or' by evaluating the first element 
and, if it is true then it doesn't bother evaluating the second element
since the 'or' must be true if the first part is true. This is known 
as "short-circuit evaluation".

If you did 

fruit3 = ""
fruits = fruit3 or fruit2

this time fruits would equal 'orange' because the first item 
was an empty string which Python considers to be false 
so it had to evaluate the second item.

Finally, it could be argued that the 'or' should return 'true' or 'false 
but because Python considers values to be either true or false it 
just returns the value. I suspect that if boolean values had been 
in Python at the beginning the result would be different but 
they weren't and it isn't! :-)


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From kent37 at  Thu Apr  6 14:31:52 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 08:31:52 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<020b01c658e0$f2ebdc20$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Richard Querin wrote:
> On 4/5/06, *Alan Gauld* <alan.gauld at 
> <mailto:alan.gauld at>> wrote:
>     Sounds like creating each app as a class which can be instantiated on
>     demand by the master application would be a possible design option.
> I guess writing the master program (or some simplified version of it) 
> would be required from the start in order to make launching the separate 
> design programs possible (for testing, debugging etc..).

Not really. You just have to write the separate design programs in a way 
that they can be integrated with a larger whole. This means, write the 
functional part of the program with an API that can be easily be invoked 
to make it do the work. The API can be class-based, as Alan suggests, or 
standalone functions, whichever is simpler. Then for a standalone 
program you can write a main() function that works from the command line 
or a GUI. For your master program you can invoke the API from whatever 
framework you come up with.
>     The class approach coupled to a config XML file would do this.
>     Define a file that looks something like
<snip suggested XML config file>
>     Then you can read that and use it to construct a menu or set of buttons
>     or toolbar or whatever.

XML is obviously a bit controversial, you have several contrasting 
opinions already. I have successfully used XML and a DOM data model in 
several applications and I would do it again. For configuration I would 
look at something simpler, possibly a Python module that configures 
other modules or maybe a plug-in mechanism. Or possibly you just write 
your master program to call the subprograms as libraries without any 
dynamic configuration at all - just hard-code it.

I should note that my experience with XML data models is from using the 
excellent dom4j library with Jython. I haven't found any Python XML 
packages available for Windows that have the same combination of power 
and ease-of-use as dom4j.

> I think my first task will likely be settling on what I need each 
> component of the system to do and how they will interact. It's becoming 
> more complex the more I discuss it.. ;)

I would say your first task is to write some code that does something 
useful. Then write some more and make them work together. Repeat as 
necessary. Don't try to figure it all out up front.
>      > Obviously this won't happen right away, I would likely develop each
>      > small design app as a standalone and then when I've got 3 or 4 done
>      > I would tie them together with the project app.

When you have two standalone apps then you can reasonably think about 
how to tie them together. Before then too soon - you don't know what the 
standalone apps are going to look like until you make them. After you 
have three is getting to be too late - when you integrate the apps you 
will discover things you want to change about them to make the 
integration easier, and that will inform the way you create the next app.

Don't leave out the unit tests - when you want to change your apps for 
integration (or any other reason) the unit tests will give you 
confidence that you haven't broken anything. Also writing the apps to be 
testable will help make them usable from another app.


From kaushalshriyan at  Thu Apr  6 15:06:53 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 18:36:53 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Logical Operaor
Message-ID: <>


I am referring to
about Logical operators

I didnot understood

>>>  x = 5
>>>  x and 1
>>>  y = 0
>>>  y and 1

How 5 and 1 means 1 and 0 and 1 means 0




From jasonkeen at  Thu Apr  6 15:40:11 2006
From: jasonkeen at (Jason Keen)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 09:40:11 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Logical Operaor
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In python, any nonzero number is considered to mean "True".
Zero is considered to be "False".

The "and" logical operation evaluates to "True" only if both terms are true.

On 4/6/06, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan at> wrote:
> Hi
> I am referring to
> about Logical operators
> I didnot understood
> >>>  x = 5
> >>>  x and 1
> 1
> >>>  y = 0
> >>>  y and 1
> 0
> How 5 and 1 means 1 and 0 and 1 means 0
> Thanks
> Regards
> Kaushal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From RPhillips at  Thu Apr  6 16:15:03 2006
From: RPhillips at (Ron Phillips)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 10:15:03 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] preliminary app design question
Message-ID: <>

You might also consider JSON (, which is generally
lighter weight than XML, fairly human-readable, and useful in several
languages (most, anymore) . Python, Javascript, and ECMAScript use it
natively through Eval(), if you don't have security concerns; or through
a wrapper if security is an issue. Python's pprint module will be a help
if you go that route.

I find it useful in development, so even if I am going to use some
other storage, I'll leave any toJSON() and fromJSON() functions I write
in place, anyway.


From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr  6 17:53:06 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 16:53:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Logical Operators
References: <>
Message-ID: <02ab01c65992$4b8e6bc0$0b01a8c0@xp>

> I am referring to
> about Logical operators

You might find the functional programming topic in my tutorial 
interesting for a comparison. Look at the subsection 
"Short Circuit Evaluation" for some relevant examples.

> I did not understood
>>>  x = 5
>>>  x and 1
>>>  y = 0
>>>  y and 1
> How 5 and 1 means 1 and 0 and 1 means 0

In Python any non zero value is considered True.
So 5 and 1 are two true values and 

True and True = True

whereas 0 and 1 means:
False and True = False (ie zero)

Are you familiar with Trutrh tables and the concepts of Boolean Logic?
If not you may need some further explanation. If so a reasonable 
explanation appears on Wikipedia:


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr  6 18:44:26 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 09:44:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Logical Operators
Message-ID: <>

Greetings, Kaushal:

There are two topics to understand here:

   1. what "TRUE" and "FALSE" mean in Python, and
   2. how Python evaluates "X and Y".

The tutorial "Instant Python" by Magnus Lie Hetland has good, short
descriptions of these two topics, so I'll borrow from it.  You can find
the document at:

    1. "All values in Python can be used as logic values. Some of the
        "empty" ones, like [], 0, "" and None represent logical falsity,

        while most other values (like [0], 1 or "Hello, world")
        logical truth."

In your examples, 5 and 1 are both considered 'TRUE', while 0, of
course, is considered "FALSE".  

    2. "Now, logical expressions like a and b are evaluated like this: 
        First, check if a is true. If it is not, then simply return it.
        it is, then simply return b (which will represent the truth
        of the expression.) The corresponding logic for a or b is: If a
        true, then return it. If it isn't, then return b."

Python evaluates your example expressions like this:

   a. Get the first sub-expression.            x
      Get the value of x.                      5
      Is 5 a "TRUE" value?                    Yes
      Since the operator is "and", get the 
         second sub-expression.                1
      Is 1 a "TRUE" value?                    Yes
      Return it.                               1

   b. Get the first sub-expression.            y
      Get the value of y.                      0
      Is 0 a "TRUE" value?                     No
      Since the operator is "and", 
         STOP and return the sub-expression.   0

Does this help?  Try this: change the 'and' operator in your examples to
'or'.  What would the return value be now?

   5 or 1    =    ???

   0 or 1    =    ???

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 16:06:11 +0530
> From: "Kaushal Shriyan" <kaushalshriyan at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Logical Operators
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID:
> 	<6b16fb4c0604060336p74dbe676jb88838d0d9aa5b23 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi
> I am referring to
> about Logical operators
> I didnot understood
> >>>  x = 5
> >>>  x and 1
> 1
> >>>  y = 0
> >>>  y and 1
> 0
> How 5 and 1 means 1 and 0 and 1 means 0
> Thanks
> Regards
> Kaushal

From tiagosaboga at  Thu Apr  6 20:08:26 2006
From: tiagosaboga at (Tiago Saboga)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 15:08:26 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] mysql store directory information
Message-ID: <>


As a first part of a project, I need to store a directory tree in a mysql db. 
I'm wondering if there is a canonical way of doing that. I don't know if it's 
an appropriate question for this list, but I think it's not only a choice of 
db design, but also a choice of appropriate python tools.

My first approach is a table with the following columns:
id - path - file name - size

I'm starting to code it, and I'd like to know if you have a better 



From dyoo at  Thu Apr  6 20:41:39 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 11:41:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] mysql store directory information
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Tiago Saboga wrote:

> As a first part of a project, I need to store a directory tree in a
> mysql db.  I'm wondering if there is a canonical way of doing that. I
> don't know if it's an appropriate question for this list, but I think
> it's not only a choice of db design, but also a choice of appropriate
> python tools.

Hi Tiago,

What are the interesting features of a directory?  You might want to first
model what you want, and then figure out an appropriate database table
structure to represent that model.

> My first approach is a table with the following columns:
> id - path - file name - size

So maybe we can say that a Directory can be modeled as:

class Directory:
    def __init__(self, id, path, file_name, size): = id
        self.path = path
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.size = size

But why will you want to store this structure in the database, if it's
already available on disk?  Why not query the directory directly?

> I'm starting to code it, and I'd like to know if you have a better
> suggestion...

I'd flesh out a few more of the requirements first; the requirement to
store the directory in the database is slightly vague, so you probably
will want to ask more questions about what the problem's really about.

You might find something like SQLObject useful:

where you go fairly directly from data model to SQL table structure with
SQLObject providing the default mapping strategy.

From broek at  Thu Apr  6 02:51:33 2006
From: broek at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 19:51:33 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for
 generating truth-tables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Orri Ganel said unto the world upon 01/04/06 03:04 PM:
> Brian van den Broek wrote:


>> Then, the output is like so:
>> >>> atoms = ["a","b","c"]
>> >>> tvas = tva_dict_maker(atoms)
>> >>> display_tvas(tvas)
>> a:True    b:True    c:True   
>> a:True    b:True    c:False   
>> a:True    b:False    c:True   
>> a:True    b:False    c:False   
>> a:False    b:True    c:True   
>> a:False    b:True    c:False   
>> a:False    b:False    c:True   
>> a:False    b:False    c:False   
>> >>>


> What this shouts immediately to me, at least, is binary numbers and 
> bool().  Just use your favorite binary conversion recipe, and count down 
> from int(len(atoms)*"1",2), converting as you go.  And then you take the 
> boolean value of each digit of the binary number.  If you need help, let 
> me know as I've completed a working model.
> HTH,
> Orri

Hi Orri,

thanks for the suggestion, and apologies for the delayed response.

I absolutely agree that the problem is connected to binary 
representations of integers as you suggest. The problem -- given my 
needs -- with your suggested approach is in "use your favo[u*]rite 
binary conversion recipe". I want my code to be stand alone and I feel 
fairly safe in asserting that if I implemented your suggestion in a 
self-contained chunk of code, I'd end up with something more complex 
than the code I originally posted. In effect, my original code 
exploited the same principle, without actually going through the 
binary representation.

I am of course open to the possibility that my suspicion is 
ill-grounded ;-)

But, thanks!


Brian vdB

[*] I'm Canadian, eh! ;-)

From broek at  Thu Apr  6 02:40:14 2006
From: broek at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 19:40:14 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for
 generating truth-tables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo said unto the world upon 31/03/06 08:27 PM:
>>Then, the output is like so:
>> >>> atoms = ["a","b","c"]
>> >>> tvas = tva_dict_maker(atoms)
>> >>> display_tvas(tvas)
>>a:True	b:True	c:True
>>a:True	b:True	c:False
>>a:True	b:False	c:True
>>a:True	b:False	c:False
>>a:False	b:True	c:True
>>a:False	b:True	c:False
>>a:False	b:False	c:True
>>a:False	b:False	c:False
> Hi Brian,
> We might be able to take advantage of the recursive nature of this
> problem.
> I'll sketch out the idea and try to fight the temptation to write it out
> in full.  *grin* If you haven't encountered recursion before, please shout
> out and ask for more details.

Hi Danny and all,

thanks for the response and my apologies for the delayed reply. (No 
internet at home and end of academic term death-march conspired :-)

My first thought about how to tackle the problem was indeed to do it 
recursively. I got bogged down and ended up with the alternate 
approach I posted in the original post.

Your post got me to take another bash and I obtained a recursive 
solution. But, subject to the caveat that my recursive solution might 
well be non-optimal, the non-recursive approach seems a bit better to 
me. Opinions welcome :-)

My recursive solution:

def recursive_tva_dict_maker(atoms, recursed=False):

     tvas = [{atoms[0]:True}, {atoms[0]:False}]

     if atoms[1:]:
         temp = []
         rest = recursive_tva_dict_maker(atoms[1:], True)

         for r in rest:
             for tva in tvas:
                 new = tva.copy()
         tvas = temp

     if not recursed:  # if test seemed cheaper than pointless sorting
         tvas.sort(key = lambda x: [x[y] for y in sorted(x)], 

     return tvas

My non-recursive solution:

def tva_dict_maker(atoms):

      tvas = []
      val = False

      for k in range(2**len(atoms)):

      for i in range(len(atoms)):
          key = atoms[i]

          for j in range(2**len(atoms)):
              if j % ( len(tvas) / 2.0 ** (i+1) ) == 0:
                  val = not val

      return tvas

The two functions have identical output. I don't much care about time 
or resources, as atoms will in practice never be more than 4 or 5 
items long. (So, the recursive solution could be simplified by getting 
rid of the if guard on the sorting. That the ultimate output be so 
sorted is essential, however.)

I'm more concerned with style and clarity.


Brian vdB

From dyoo at  Thu Apr  6 23:38:24 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:38:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for
 generating truth-tables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Your post got me to take another bash and I obtained a recursive
> solution. But, subject to the caveat that my recursive solution might
> well be non-optimal, the non-recursive approach seems a bit better to
> me. Opinions welcome :-)
> My recursive solution:
> def recursive_tva_dict_maker(atoms, recursed=False):
>      tvas = [{atoms[0]:True}, {atoms[0]:False}]
>      if atoms[1:]:
>          temp = []
>          rest = recursive_tva_dict_maker(atoms[1:], True)
>          for r in rest:
>              for tva in tvas:
>                  new = tva.copy()
>                  new.update(r)
>                  temp.append(new)
>          tvas = temp
>      if not recursed:  # if test seemed cheaper than pointless sorting
>          tvas.sort(key = lambda x: [x[y] for y in sorted(x)],
> reverse=True)
>      return tvas

Hi Brian,

One way to get rid of the 'recursed' flag is to refactor slightly, and
break out the sorting in another helper function, like this:

def tva_dict_maker(atoms):
    tvas = tiva_helper(atoms)
    tvas.sort(key = lambda x: [x[y] for y in sorted(x)],
    return tvas

def tva_helper(atoms):
    tvas = [{atoms[0]:True}, {atoms[0]:False}]
    if atoms[1:]:
        temp = []
        rest = recursive_tva_dict_maker(atoms[1:])
        for r in rest:
            for tva in tvas:
                new = tva.copy()
        tvas = temp
    return tvas

This way, tva_helper() doesn't have to care about sorting, since
tva_dict_maker() will do it instead.

Here's a slightly wordier version of what you have, but taken to a far
extreme.  *grin*


## In the comments below, an "assignment" is a dictionary
## that maps atoms to booleans.

def make_truth_table(atoms):
    """make_truth_table: (listof atoms) -> (listof assignment)

    Builds a small truth table of all possibilities."""
    if atoms == []:
        ## the empty case is one with the "empty" assignment!
        return [{}]
        sub_assignments = make_truth_table(atoms[1:])
        return (extend_all(sub_assignments, {atoms[0] : True}) +
                extend_all(sub_assignments, {atoms[0] : False}))

def extend_all(assignments, extension):
    """extend_all: (listof assignment) assignment ->
                       (listof assignment)

    Takes each assignment in the list of assignments, and
    enhances it with the extension.
    return [extend_assignment(single, extension)
            for single in assignments]

def extend_assignment(assignment, extension):
    """extend_assignment: assignment assignment -> assignment

    Takes the assignment and creates a new one that extends the
    first with the extension."""
    extended = assignment.copy()
    return extended

As you can tell, I really like helper functions.  *grin*  I've tried to
document as best I can to make it clearer how the recursive approach
breaks things down.

[non-recursive code cut]

> The two functions have identical output. I don't much care about time or
> resources, as atoms will in practice never be more than 4 or 5 items
> long. (So, the recursive solution could be simplified by getting rid of
> the if guard on the sorting. That the ultimate output be so sorted is
> essential, however.)
> I'm more concerned with style and clarity.

Yes, I agree that the readability of the code is primary.  Understandng
the recursive approach depends on the reader's comfort with recursive
functions, and the non-recursive code depends on the reader's comfort with
arithmetic operators.

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Thu Apr  6 23:56:16 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 14:56:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for
 generating truth-tables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> One way to get rid of the 'recursed' flag is to refactor slightly, and
> break out the sorting in another helper function, like this:
> ##################################################################
> def tva_dict_maker(atoms):
>     tvas = tiva_helper(atoms)
>     tvas.sort(key = lambda x: [x[y] for y in sorted(x)],
>               reverse=True)
>     return tvas
> def tva_helper(atoms):
>     tvas = [{atoms[0]:True}, {atoms[0]:False}]
>     if atoms[1:]:
>         temp = []
>         rest = recursive_tva_dict_maker(atoms[1:])
>         for r in rest:
>             for tva in tvas:
>                 new = tva.copy()
>                 new.update(r)
>                 temp.append(new)
>         tvas = temp
>     return tvas
> ##################################################################

Hi Brian,

Gaaa.  When I renamed 'recursive_tva_dict_maker' to tva_helper, I forgot
to rename the recursive call too, and I left a few misspellings in there
too!  My apologies: I must must test code before posting... *sigh*

The code above should have been:

def tva_dict_maker(atoms):
    tvas = tva_helper(atoms)
    tvas.sort(key = lambda x: [x[y] for y in sorted(x)],
    return tvas

def tva_helper(atoms):
    tvas = [{atoms[0]:True}, {atoms[0]:False}]
    if atoms[1:]:
        temp = []
        rest = tva_helper(atoms[1:])
        for r in rest:
            for tva in tvas:
                new = tva.copy()
        tvas = temp
    return tvas

From jramakrishnan at  Fri Apr  7 02:16:04 2006
From: jramakrishnan at (Janesh Ramakrishnan)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 17:16:04 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 25, Issue 83
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kent:

Thanks for your response. The Grep function does a really good job of searching across .py files in a directory or subdirectories for the specific keyword/string. 

In the PythonWin interpreter 2.1, Go to File -> New -> Grep and the search string can be entered. It is useful in searching strings across multiple files, especially in large projects.


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:22:39 -0500
From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Searching across .Py files for a particular
	string/	character
Cc: tutor at
Message-ID: <442C926F.3080007 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Janesh Ramakrishnan wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I was wondering what would be the best way to look up a string across
different files in the Python interpreter (PythonWin 2.4). The find
function only finds files within currently open files. If I have a
folder of .py scripts and need to look up a specific keyword or string
among all these files within the project folder, is there any method
that you'd recommend?

I would do that in my editor, probably. But Python can get a list of 
files in a directory with os.listdir(). Loop over the files, use 
os.path.join() to make a full path, open the file, read the data, look 
for the string in the data.


From broek at  Fri Apr  7 02:19:42 2006
From: broek at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 19:19:42 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Logical Operaor
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kaushal Shriyan said unto the world upon 06/04/06 08:06 AM:
> Hi
> I am referring to
> about Logical operators
> I didnot understood
>>>> x = 5
>>>> x and 1
> 1
>>>> y = 0
>>>> y and 1
> 0
> How 5 and 1 means 1 and 0 and 1 means 0
> Thanks
> Regards
> Kaushal


as Jason pointed out, any non-zero number evaluates to True. Also, any 
non-empty list, string, dict, etc. Witness:

 >>> bool(6)
 >>> bool(0)
 >>> bool("non-empty string")
 >>> bool('    ')
 >>> bool('')

The other part of the puzzle is that 'and' and 'or' are 
"short-circuit" operators. 'or' works like this: return the first 
value flanking the or if that evaluates to True. Otherwise return the 
second value:

 >>> 42 or 0
 >>> 0 or 42
 >>> 7 or 42
 >>> 42 or 7
 >>> 0 or []
 >>> [] or 0

'and' works similarly. It returns the first value if that evaluates to 
False. Otherwise, it returns the second:

 >>> 42 and 7
 >>> 7 and 42
 >>> 0 and []
 >>> [] and 0


Brian vdB

From broek at  Fri Apr  7 02:27:59 2006
From: broek at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 19:27:59 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] request for sugestions on fragement of code for
 generating truth-tables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo said unto the world upon 06/04/06 04:38 PM:


> Yes, I agree that the readability of the code is primary.  Understandng
> the recursive approach depends on the reader's comfort with recursive
> functions, and the non-recursive code depends on the reader's comfort with
> arithmetic operators.

But all arithmetical operations are recursively definable from 0 and 
sucessorship, so what's the difference? ;-)

In all seriousness, though: thanks for the further comments and the 
helper-function-intense sample code. I'll have a think before I try to 
decide which I prefer -- I like the division of responsibilities, but 
worry that the conceptual units have become a bit too small for taste.

And, fret not over the typos that you followed up about. I parsed as 
intended just fine. :-)

Thanks again,

Brian vdB

From justin.mailinglists at  Fri Apr  7 02:40:32 2006
From: justin.mailinglists at (Justin Ezequiel)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 08:40:32 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] regular expressions - backslashes
Message-ID: <>

Kent wrote:

"""The problem is that the re engine itself is interpreting the backslashes
in the replacement pattern.

With a single slash you get a newline even though the slash is a literal
in the replacement string:

So if you want a literal \ in your replacement text you have to escape
the \, even in a raw string:


will try to convince my colleague to use string formatting
if he insists on regexp then he can do
re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', apppath.replace('\\', '\\\\'), template)

re.escape does not quite work for my example

>>> re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', re.escape(apppath), template)
b\\ c\\ d\\files'
>>> print re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', re.escape(apppath), template)
C\:\napp\_and\_author\_query\napp\_and\_author\_query\a\ b\ c\ d\files

From tiagosaboga at  Fri Apr  7 03:54:01 2006
From: tiagosaboga at (Tiago Saboga)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 22:54:01 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] mysql store directory information
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Em Qui 06 Abr 2006 15:41, Danny Yoo escreveu:
> On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Tiago Saboga wrote:
> > As a first part of a project, I need to store a directory tree in a
> > mysql db.  I'm wondering if there is a canonical way of doing that. I
> > don't know if it's an appropriate question for this list, but I think
> > it's not only a choice of db design, but also a choice of appropriate
> > python tools.
> Hi Tiago,
> What are the interesting features of a directory?  You might want to first
> model what you want, and then figure out an appropriate database table
> structure to represent that model.

Hi, and thank you.

I knew I had to explain longer what I wanted, but I was kind of frustrated by 
the difficulty of writing in english. But I'll try to think less about it, 
and go further.

As I said, this is part of a project. For each of these files, I'll have a 
database of informations, and this is what really matters, and I have a data 
model for that. But I want also to able to find these files, which are on 
removable media (cds and dvds). As I'll have to store where's the file, I 
thought I could as well store some other basic infos, at least the size (I 
really don't know yet what else could be useful later).

> > My first approach is a table with the following columns:
> > id - path - file name - size
> So maybe we can say that a Directory can be modeled as:
> ######
> class Directory:
>     def __init__(self, id, path, file_name, size):
> = id
>         self.path = path
>         self.file_name = file_name
>         self.size = size
> ######
> But why will you want to store this structure in the database, if it's
> already available on disk?  Why not query the directory directly?

See above.

> > I'm starting to code it, and I'd like to know if you have a better
> > suggestion...
> I'd flesh out a few more of the requirements first; the requirement to
> store the directory in the database is slightly vague, so you probably
> will want to ask more questions about what the problem's really about.
> You might find something like SQLObject useful:
> where you go fairly directly from data model to SQL table structure with
> SQLObject providing the default mapping strategy.

Hey, this is *really* great ;-)

Hey, I love it.

OK, but now why would I use such a directory class as you proposed above? 
(preliminar question: isn't it rather a file class, as it has only one 
filename? Anyway, I see your point.) I would make a SQLobject class for 
files, and feed it with something like 

def get_dirtree(path):
  tree = []
  for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
    if filenames:
      for file in filenames:
        size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirpath,file))
  return tree

What do you think? Of course, it could be the __init__ function of class, but 
I don't see why.

Thanks, again.


From amonroe at  Fri Apr  7 04:10:48 2006
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 22:10:48 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] mysql store directory information
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Em Qui 06 Abr 2006 15:41, Danny Yoo escreveu:

> model for that. But I want also to able to find these files, which are on
> removable media (cds and dvds). As I'll have to store where's the file, I 
> thought I could as well store some other basic infos, at least the size (I 
> really don't know yet what else could be useful later).

You could cheat and just use "Cathy" from this site:

It's one of my favorite utilities.


From tiagosaboga at  Fri Apr  7 04:36:08 2006
From: tiagosaboga at (Tiago Saboga)
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 23:36:08 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] mysql store directory information
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Em Qui 06 Abr 2006 23:10, R. Alan Monroe escreveu:
> > Em Qui 06 Abr 2006 15:41, Danny Yoo escreveu:
> >
> > model for that. But I want also to able to find these files, which are on
> > removable media (cds and dvds). As I'll have to store where's the file, I
> > thought I could as well store some other basic infos, at least the size
> > (I really don't know yet what else could be useful later).
> You could cheat and just use "Cathy" from this site:

Looks like an interesting piece of software, but as far as I can see it's only 
for windows and it's not open-source (and hence, not portable). And it still 
lacks some nice features I'd like to have. Finally, I chose this project 
because I'll use tools I want to learn. So I'll stick with it ;-)



From kent37 at  Fri Apr  7 04:47:18 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 22:47:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] regular expressions - backslashes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Justin Ezequiel wrote:

> will try to convince my colleague to use string formatting
> if he insists on regexp then he can do
> re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', apppath.replace('\\', '\\\\'), template)
> re.escape does not quite work for my example
>>>> re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', re.escape(apppath), template)
> 'C\\:\\napp\\_and\\_author\\_query\\napp\\_and\\_author\\_query\\a\\
> b\\ c\\ d\\files'
>>>> print re.sub(r'(?i)<apppath>', re.escape(apppath), template)
> C\:\napp\_and\_author\_query\napp\_and\_author\_query\a\ b\ c\ d\files

OK, I didn't realize re.escape() was so aggressive. Depending on how you 
are going to use the file paths, another alternative is just to use / 
instead of \, that will work fine within Python even on Windows.


From ml.cyresse at  Fri Apr  7 14:24:46 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 00:24:46 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints
Message-ID: <>


I've developed what would be my largest Python app to date. And, going
from the crude Windows Task Manager, it's trying to use as much CPU
time as it can get when it's idle.

This, no doub,t is due to my design.

I have an UDP socket server, a packet cruncher, and a DAO.
Each resides in it's own thread, and each thread is connected to the
next by a Queue.

So it's server ---> cruncher --> DAO.

Each thread's run() method basically looks like this -

        while True:
                data = self.queue.get(False)
            except Empty:
                if self.shutdown:
                    print "\DAO closing"

i.e. each thread is looping endlessly until data arrives via the
queue. I can't believe it chews the CPU time the way it does, but I
suppose it's easy to do so.

My query to the list is twofold -

First, if anyone knows of any websites with articles on Python
threading optimisation/pitfalls websites, I'd be greatly appreciative.

I've been reading the Performance tips on the official wiki, so if
there's anything similar I'd be  keen to look at it.

Okay, the 2nd piece of advice I'm seeking, is what would be the most
efficient path here?
My initial thoughts are along three lines:


A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers
B) Use timer threads to 'pulse' my threads.


A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers
B) Use blocking queues


A) Use blocking queues with a timeout
B) Use the socket servers to "wake" processing threads

As Python doesn't have sleeping threads etc, the third option is my
current measure of last resort, as there'll be some substantial
rejigging, and I'm not overly experienced with threads.

On the wiki,
I read  that "There is a function in the sys module, setcheckinterval,
which you can call to tell the interpreter how often to perform these
periodic checks."

Should I even think about that? I'm not after performance so much as
less utilisation of system resources...

Much thanks for any guidance offered.


Liam Clarke

From josipl2000 at  Fri Apr  7 12:51:39 2006
From: josipl2000 at (josip)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 03:51:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] function caller
Message-ID: <>

  Can someone explain me function and caller relationship when passing arguments?

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From carlos at  Fri Apr  7 16:53:00 2006
From: carlos at (Carlos Benevides)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:53:00 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Quick question,
Message-ID: <>


Can someone tell me what the r before the expression means, as in 

I've seen regular expressions both ways, and I've seen them work with or 
without the r.  Just wondering what it does, or if it makes a difference.


From kent37 at  Fri Apr  7 18:10:37 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 12:10:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi,
> I've developed what would be my largest Python app to date. And, going
> from the crude Windows Task Manager, it's trying to use as much CPU
> time as it can get when it's idle.
> This, no doub,t is due to my design.
> I have an UDP socket server, a packet cruncher, and a DAO.
> Each resides in it's own thread, and each thread is connected to the
> next by a Queue.
> So it's server ---> cruncher --> DAO.
> Each thread's run() method basically looks like this -
>         while True:
>             try:
>                 data = self.queue.get(False)
>                 self.DAO.send_data(data)
>             except Empty:
>                 if self.shutdown:
>                     print "\DAO closing"
>                     return
>                 continue
> i.e. each thread is looping endlessly until data arrives via the
> queue. I can't believe it chews the CPU time the way it does, but I
> suppose it's easy to do so.

Yes, it's easy. You have basically told the thread to check the queue as 
often as possible. So it is running as fast as it can, checking the 
queue and handling whatever comes its way.
> My query to the list is twofold -
> First, if anyone knows of any websites with articles on Python
> threading optimisation/pitfalls websites, I'd be greatly appreciative.

There's not much. This might help:

This book is excellent for teaching some of the tools that are used for 
communication and synchronization between threads:

There are many threading related recipes in the Python Cookbook, both 
online and printed.

> Okay, the 2nd piece of advice I'm seeking, is what would be the most
> efficient path here?
> My initial thoughts are along three lines:
> Either:
> A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers

I don't see how that would help.

> B) Use timer threads to 'pulse' my threads.

That's a lot of additional complexity.
> A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers
> B) Use blocking queues
> Or:
> A) Use blocking queues with a timeout
> B) Use the socket servers to "wake" processing threads

These are all better.
> As Python doesn't have sleeping threads etc, the third option is my
> current measure of last resort, as there'll be some substantial
> rejigging, and I'm not overly experienced with threads.

Use time.sleep() to sleep a thread.

The simplest fix is to add a time.sleep() into your loops. Then the 
thread will check the queue, process any work, and sleep for a little 
while. (This is called a busy loop.)

The disadvantage of this solution is that there is a trade off between 
CPU usage and responsiveness. If the sleep is very short, the thread 
will be very responsive but it will still run a lot and use CPU when 
idling. If you make the timeout long, the idle CPU will be very low but 
responsiveness will be poor.

If you can live with a response delay of 0.05 or 0.1 second, try that, 
it should cut the CPU usage dramatically. Even a 0.01 delay might make a 
big difference.

A better fix is to use blocking queues or other blocking events. In this 
approach, a thread will block until there is something to do, then wake 
up, do its work and go back to sleep.

The hitch here is you need to find another way to signal the thread to 
exit. One possibility is just to mark them as daemon threads, then they 
will exit when your app exits. This is a very simple solution if you 
don't have any cleanup actions you want to do in the threads.

Another possibility might be to send a "quit" message in the queue. When 
the thread sees the special quit message, it forwards it to the next 
thread and exits.

If neither of these work then you could use a queue.get() with a timeout 
so you check the done flag periodically.


From noufal at  Fri Apr  7 18:19:09 2006
From: noufal at (Noufal Ibrahim)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 21:49:09 +0530 (IST)
Subject: [Tutor] Quick question,
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, April 7, 2006 8:23 pm, Carlos Benevides wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone tell me what the r before the expression means, as in
> "re.compile(r'(\.exe|\.zip|\.pif|\.scr|\.ps|\.pdf|\.ppt)$')"?

r is the way of making a string "raw". This means that escape characters
will not be interpreted. Here is an example that should make it clear.

>>> foo = "This is \t me"
>>> print foo
This is          me
>>> foo = r"This is \t me"
>>> print foo
This is \t me

Since slashes are used often for writing regexps, it's useful to make the
strings raw.



From hugonz-lists at  Fri Apr  7 18:42:37 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:42:37 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:

> Each thread's run() method basically looks like this -
>         while True:
>             try:
>                 data = self.queue.get(False)
>                 self.DAO.send_data(data)
>             except Empty:
>                 if self.shutdown:
>                     print "\DAO closing"
>                     return
>                 continue

Hi Liam,

I checked the response by Kent. I completely agree with him in that the 
problem is the endless polling you have.

However, you do not have to implement a sleep in your loop; the main 
issue may be that you are not using the facilities of the 'get' method 
in the queue. From the queue docs:

get(  	[block[, timeout]])
     Remove and return an item from the queue. If optional args block is 
true and timeout is None (the default), block if necessary until an item 
is available. If timeout is a positive number, it blocks at most timeout 
seconds and raises the Empty exception if no item was available within 
that time. Otherwise (block is false), return an item if one is 
immediately available, else raise the Empty exception (timeout is 
ignored in that case).

You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)

Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement 
blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.	Set block 
to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need 

         while True:
                 data = self.queue.get(True)

Hope that helps,


From hugonz-lists at  Fri Apr  7 18:51:29 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:51:29 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] function caller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

josip wrote:

> Can someone explain me function and caller relationship when passing 
> arguments?

Hi... what do you mean? Is there something specific you're not getting 
if you take a look at:

We'd be glad to help with that, but we need the doubt to be more specific.


From hugonz-lists at  Fri Apr  7 19:06:40 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:06:40 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Quick question,
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Carlos Benevides wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone tell me what the r before the expression means, as in 
> "re.compile(r'(\.exe|\.zip|\.pif|\.scr|\.ps|\.pdf|\.ppt)$')"?

It is not specific to regular expressions, it is called a raw string.

From jjabson at  Fri Apr  7 19:15:03 2006
From: jjabson at (Jerome Jabson)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 10:15:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting question
Message-ID: <>


I'm trying to replace some strings in a line of text,
using some regex functions. My question is: If there's
more then one regex grouping I want to replace in one
line of a file, how can I use the String Formatting
operator (%s) in two places?

Here's the line it matches in the file:

<srm:socket portNumber="138" tcpORudp="UDP"

Here's the regex:
m_sock = re.compile('(portNumber=)"\d+"

My replace should look like this:
\1 "112" \2 "TCP" 
(obviously "112" and "TCP" would be varibles)

My problem now is how do I construct the replace
twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num % proto,

But of course this does not work! :-( Is there a
better way to do this? Or am I just doing this all

Thanks in advance!

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From kent37 at  Fri Apr  7 19:45:28 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 13:45:28 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jerome Jabson wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to replace some strings in a line of text,
> using some regex functions. My question is: If there's
> more then one regex grouping I want to replace in one
> line of a file, how can I use the String Formatting
> operator (%s) in two places?

Hi Jerome,

I don't understand your question. Can you give a complete example of the 
  line from the file and the new line you want to create?
> Here's the line it matches in the file:
> <srm:socket portNumber="138" tcpORudp="UDP"
> address=""/>
> Here's the regex:
> m_sock = re.compile('(portNumber=)"\d+"
> (tcpORudp=)"[A-Z]+"')

You have put parentheses around fixed strings, so your groups will 
always be the same. Is that what you want?
> My replace should look like this:
> \1 "112" \2 "TCP" 
> (obviously "112" and "TCP" would be varibles)

This looks like you want to make the string
portNumber= 112 tcpORudp= TCP

but that doesn't have any variable text from the original string so I 
think I must not understand.


> My problem now is how do I construct the replace
> statement?
> twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num % proto,
> twork)
> But of course this does not work! :-( Is there a
> better way to do this? Or am I just doing this all
> wrong?
> Thanks in advance!
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kent37 at  Fri Apr  7 19:53:38 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 13:53:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde wrote:
> You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)
> Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement 
> blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.	Set block 
> to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need 
> blocking)
>          while True:
>               try:
>                  data = self.queue.get(True)
>                  self.DAO.send_data(data)

I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will 
only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.

I agree, this is a good solution.


From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr  7 20:10:43 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 19:10:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting question
References: <>
Message-ID: <032801c65a6e$966965f0$0b01a8c0@xp>

> My problem now is how do I construct the replace
> statement?
> twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num % proto,
> twork)

The format operator takes a tuple:

twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % (port_num, proto), twork)

So I  removed the comma after the string, used a single percent 
operator and I put the two variables in a tuple


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr  7 20:14:00 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 19:14:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] function caller
References: <>
Message-ID: <033201c65a6f$0bd75950$0b01a8c0@xp>

> Hi,


>  Can someone explain me function and caller relationship when passing 
> arguments?

There is an explanation of this in vitually any tutorial on Python.

Haver you read any of these? Have you any experience in other
languages that we can relate an explanation too?

For example, you could read the Modules and Functions topic in
my tutor. If you still don't undeerstand come back with a specific
question and we can try to help some more.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From jjabson at  Fri Apr  7 20:18:18 2006
From: jjabson at (Jerome Jabson)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 11:18:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting question
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kent,

Sorry I didn't make my question clearer. Bascially I
want to replace this line:

<srm:socket portNumber="138" tcpORudp="UDP"


<srm:socket portNumber="2" tcpORudp="TCP"

So the regex grouping are that I want to keep
portNumber= and tcpORudp= and replace the values.
Which will be varibles in my code. 

The question is more on the string formatting in the
replace. How do use two %s in one statement? 

i.e.: re.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % var1 % var2, line)

Thanks again!

> Hello,
> I'm trying to replace some strings in a line of
> using some regex functions. My question is: If
> more then one regex grouping I want to replace in
> line of a file, how can I use the String Formatting
> operator (%s) in two places?

Hi Jerome,

I don't understand your question. Can you give a
complete example of 
  line from the file and the new line you want to
> Here's the line it matches in the file:
> <srm:socket portNumber="138" tcpORudp="UDP"
> address=""/>
> Here's the regex:
> m_sock = re.compile('(portNumber=)"\d+"
> (tcpORudp=)"[A-Z]+"')

You have put parentheses around fixed strings, so your
groups will 
always be the same. Is that what you want?
> My replace should look like this:
> \1 "112" \2 "TCP" 
> (obviously "112" and "TCP" would be varibles)

This looks like you want to make the string
portNumber= 112 tcpORudp= TCP

but that doesn't have any variable text from the
original string so I 
think I must not understand.


> My problem now is how do I construct the replace
> statement?
> twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num %
> twork)
> But of course this does not work! :-( Is there a
> better way to do this? Or am I just doing this all
> wrong?
> Thanks in advance!

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From dyoo at  Fri Apr  7 20:27:50 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 11:27:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Kent Johnson wrote:

> Hugo González Monteverde wrote:
> > You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)
> >
> > Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement
> > blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.	Set block
> > to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need
> > blocking)
> >
> >          while True:
> >               try:
> >                  data = self.queue.get(True)
> >                  self.DAO.send_data(data)
> I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will
> only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.

This could be fixed: when setting the 'shutdown' flag, also push a
sentinel piece of data into the queue.  That'll wake the thread back up,
and that'll give it the opportunity to process a shutdown.

The thread here:

has some more examples of this.

Hope this helps!

From kent37 at  Fri Apr  7 20:28:54 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 14:28:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jerome Jabson wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> Sorry I didn't make my question clearer. Bascially I
> want to replace this line:
> <srm:socket portNumber="138" tcpORudp="UDP"
> address=""/>
> With:
> <srm:socket portNumber="2" tcpORudp="TCP"
> address=""/>
> So the regex grouping are that I want to keep
> portNumber= and tcpORudp= and replace the values.
> Which will be varibles in my code. 
> The question is more on the string formatting in the
> replace. How do use two %s in one statement? 
> i.e.: re.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % var1 % var2, line)

Ok, actually now I can reread your original question and it makes sense :-)

I think I'm having an off day for answering questions. I'm glad Alan is 
with it :-) he gave the answer you need.


From Barry.Carroll at  Fri Apr  7 20:56:51 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 11:56:51 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
Message-ID: <>


I'm not certain this is the right forum for this question.  If not, please point me to the correct one.  

I am using the unittest module to test a package our team is writing.  I presently have three modules of test cases and a top level module to run the entire suite.  The hierarchy looks like this:

    testsymgen          top level
        testsymc39      61 test cases
        testsym25        44 test cases
        testsymc93      0 test cases (so far)

testsymgen is a very simple file.  Here it is:

import unittest
from testsymc39 import *
from testsym25 import *
from testsymc93 import *

if __name__=='__main__':
    unittest.main( )

Each of the sub-modules runs correctly, but when I run testsymgen, only 99 test cases are executed.  Can anyone tell me why this should happen.  Is there some sort of limit on the number of test cases that can be run in a batch?

Thanks in advance for your help.



barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.
-Quarry worker's creed

From kent37 at  Fri Apr  7 21:42:15 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 15:42:15 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Carroll, Barry wrote:
> Greetings:
> I'm not certain this is the right forum for this question. If not,
please point me to the correct one.
> I am using the unittest module to test a package our team is writing.
I presently have three modules of test cases and a top level module to
run the entire suite. The hierarchy looks like this:

>     testsymgen          top level
>         testsymc39      61 test cases
>         testsym25        44 test cases
>         testsymc93      0 test cases (so far)
> testsymgen is a very simple file.  Here it is:
> import unittest
> from testsymc39 import *
> from testsym25 import *
> from testsymc93 import *
> if __name__=='__main__':
>     unittest.main( )
> Each of the sub-modules runs correctly, but when I run testsymgen,
only 99 test cases are executed. Can anyone tell me why this should
happen. Is there some sort of limit on the number of test cases that can
be run in a batch?

I don't think there is a limit like this. I wonder, do you have any name 
collisions? For example if testsymc39 and testsym25 both contain class 
TestSym then only the second one will run because it will shadow the 
name from the first module.

If this is the case you need a more sophisticated way of accumulating 
tests. You might want to look into using nose or one of the other 
test-discovery frameworks listed here:


From khp at  Fri Apr  7 22:28:28 2006
From: khp at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 22:28:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting question
In-Reply-To: <> (Jerome
	Jabson's message of "Fri, 7 Apr 2006 11:18:18 -0700 (PDT)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On  7 Apr 2006, jjabson at wrote:

> Sorry I didn't make my question clearer. Bascially I
> want to replace this line:
> <srm:socket portNumber="138" tcpORudp="UDP"
> address=""/>
> With:
> <srm:socket portNumber="2" tcpORudp="TCP"
> address=""/>
> So the regex grouping are that I want to keep
> portNumber= and tcpORudp= and replace the values.
> Which will be varibles in my code. 
> The question is more on the string formatting in the
> replace. How do use two %s in one statement? 
> i.e.: re.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % var1 % var2, line)

You could write it simply like that:

Python> s = '<srm:socket portNumber="138" tcpORudp="UDP" address=""/>'
Python> re.sub('".*?"','"%s"',s,2)
'<srm:socket portNumber="%s" tcpORudp="%s" address=""/>'
Python> re.sub('".*?"','"%s"',s,2) % ('1000', 'TCP')
'<srm:socket portNumber="1000" tcpORudp="TCP" address=""/>'

Or you could exploit the fact that you can use a function instead of a
simply string as substitution; in that function you can do really
complicated things.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr  8 00:11:28 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 10:11:28 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks very much all. :) I'll have a crack this afternoon and let you know.

Kent - the increase in the queue size for the socket server is to
allow for any delay in processing packets; it has a default queue size
of 5 and then it starts rejecting packets; more of a safety policy
when reducing CPU usage than a direct attempt to reduce CPU usage.

Once again, thanks for the input!

On 4/8/06, Danny Yoo <dyoo at> wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Kent Johnson wrote:
> > Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde wrote:
> > > You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)
> > >
> > > Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement
> > > blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.      Set block
> > > to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need
> > > blocking)
> > >
> > >          while True:
> > >               try:
> > >                  data = self.queue.get(True)
> > >                  self.DAO.send_data(data)
> >
> > I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will
> > only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.
> This could be fixed: when setting the 'shutdown' flag, also push a
> sentinel piece of data into the queue.  That'll wake the thread back up,
> and that'll give it the opportunity to process a shutdown.
> The thread here:
> has some more examples of this.
> Hope this helps!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From Barry.Carroll at  Sat Apr  8 00:34:33 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 15:34:33 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
Message-ID: <>


I just rechecked my class names, and there are no duplicates.  I was
careful to preface all of the classes in testsymc39 with 'C39...', and
used 'S25...' in testsym25.  Likewise, the classes in each module have
names that describe the type of data being tested, so names are unique
within each module as well.  

Is there a maximum length for class names?  Some of my class names are
pretty long, and only differ in the last few characters.  I'd be
surprised if that were the case in Python, but I'm short on other ideas.

Thanks for your help.  

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 15:42:15 -0400
> From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <4436C097.8080406 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


> I don't think there is a limit like this. I wonder, do you have any
> collisions? For example if testsymc39 and testsym25 both contain class
> TestSym then only the second one will run because it will shadow the
> name from the first module.
> If this is the case you need a more sophisticated way of accumulating
> tests. You might want to look into using nose or one of the other
> test-discovery frameworks listed here:
> Kent

From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr  8 01:34:22 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 11:34:22 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well, thanks very much Kent, Hugo and Danny.

I went with the "never-ending blocking queues" and sentinel data approach.
When running tests with a continual stream of packets being received
3ms apart, CPU usage peaked at 15%, was usually around 7-9%, and when
deployed the packets will separated by seconds  rather than

Thanks for the assistance, I've now overcome my fear of blocking I/O :).


Lia, Clarke

On 4/8/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at> wrote:
> Thanks very much all. :) I'll have a crack this afternoon and let you know.
> Kent - the increase in the queue size for the socket server is to
> allow for any delay in processing packets; it has a default queue size
> of 5 and then it starts rejecting packets; more of a safety policy
> when reducing CPU usage than a direct attempt to reduce CPU usage.
> Once again, thanks for the input!
> On 4/8/06, Danny Yoo <dyoo at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Kent Johnson wrote:
> >
> > > Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde wrote:
> > > > You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)
> > > >
> > > > Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement
> > > > blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.      Set block
> > > > to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need
> > > > blocking)
> > > >
> > > >          while True:
> > > >               try:
> > > >                  data = self.queue.get(True)
> > > >                  self.DAO.send_data(data)
> > >
> > > I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will
> > > only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.
> >
> >
> > This could be fixed: when setting the 'shutdown' flag, also push a
> > sentinel piece of data into the queue.  That'll wake the thread back up,
> > and that'll give it the opportunity to process a shutdown.
> >
> > The thread here:
> >
> >
> >
> > has some more examples of this.
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps!
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> >
> >

From intermezzoooh at  Sat Apr  8 01:36:53 2006
From: intermezzoooh at (Jesse)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 17:36:53 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)
Message-ID: <>

Why is it that when one variable is assigned a value in terms of another
variable, assigning a new value to the first doesn't change the value of the
second? This is giving me a huge headache, since I have a bunch of variables
defined in terms of one another, and I want to be able to dynamically update
them (I did not include the definitions of the functions overstock and
roundup, but they work):

stock = float(raw_input("Enter stock (in terms of portions: "))
container = float(raw_input("Enter portions per container: "))
price_per_container = float(raw_input("Enter price per container: "))
weekly_quota = float(raw_input("Enter quota (in terms of portions): "))
extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)  # overstock returns 0 if the first
argument is less than the second; otherwise it returns the
between the first argument and the second.
need = weekly_quota - extra
buy_containers = roundup(need/container) # roundup rounds a non-integer to
the next highest integer
buy_portions = buy_containers * container
leftover = buy_portions - need
cost = price_per_container * buy_containers

I would like to write a function that will update the values of the above
variables given an increase in only the stock variable. Otherwise I'd have
to repeat a bunch of code...:(

-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Sat Apr  8 02:02:54 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 17:02:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Jesse wrote:

> Why is it that when one variable is assigned a value in terms of another
> variable, assigning a new value to the first doesn't change the value of
> the second?

Hi Jesse,

If you have a "variable" that depends on the values of other parameters,
that's just begging to be represented as a function.  Let's look at some
of those computations:

> stock = float(raw_input("Enter stock (in terms of portions: "))
> container = float(raw_input("Enter portions per container: "))
> price_per_container = float(raw_input("Enter price per container: "))
> weekly_quota = float(raw_input("Enter quota (in terms of portions): "))

> extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)
> need = weekly_quota - extra
> buy_containers = roundup(need/container) # roundup rounds a non-integer to
> the next highest integer
> buy_portions = buy_containers * container
> leftover = buy_portions - need
> cost = price_per_container * buy_containers

Yeah, rather than code these as explicit variables, I'd strongly recommend
rewriting each of these as functions.  Concretely:

def extra(stock, weekly_quota):
    return overstock(stock, weekly_quota)

def need(stock, weekly_quota):
    return weekly_quota - extra(stock, weekly_quota)

def buy_containers(stock, weekly_quota, container):
    return roundup(need(stock, weekly_quota) - extra(stock, weekly_quota))

It's a little ugly, but this coding explicitely defines the dependencies
between the inputs into our system and the expected outputs.  When we look
at buy_containers(), we can easily see that any change in the stock,
weekly_quote, or container parameters may have some profound affect on the
output to buy_containers().

That dependency between input and output is what we try to capture when we
write a function.  So if you recode your assignment statements as function
definitions, you should be better able to handle changes to your input.

If we think of the names we use for these concepts, there's something
ironic that functions behave better on varying data than variables.  Oh

As an advanced aside: the "equations" that you're writing into Python,
unfortunately, aren't treated as real math equations, but as separate,
independent assignment statements.  I think I know what you want, but
Python doesn't provide it out of the box.  What I think you want is called
"constraint" programming.  Such systems do exist.  For example:

I can't vouch for the maturity of logilab's "constraint" module; I haven't
played with it yet.

But if you're interested, you may want to look at the treatment of simple
constraint systems in the classic textbook "Structure and Interpretation
of Computer Programs":

It should be very possible to adapt the material there into Python,
although it might take a fair bit of work if you're not familiar with

Good luck to you!

From bgailer at  Sat Apr  8 02:09:41 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 17:09:41 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jesse wrote:
> Why is it that when one variable is assigned a value in terms of 
> another variable, assigning a new value to the first doesn't change 
> the value of the second? This is giving me a huge headache, since I 
> have a bunch of variables defined in terms of one another, and I want 
> to be able to dynamically update them (I did not include the 
> definitions of the functions overstock and roundup, but they work):
> stock = float(raw_input("Enter stock (in terms of portions: "))
> container = float(raw_input("Enter portions per container: "))
> price_per_container = float(raw_input("Enter price per container: "))
> weekly_quota = float(raw_input("Enter quota (in terms of portions): "))
> extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)  # overstock returns 0 if the 
> first argument is less than the second; otherwise it returns the
> difference between the first argument and the second.
> need = weekly_quota - extra
> buy_containers = roundup(need/container) # roundup rounds a 
> non-integer to the next highest integer
> buy_portions = buy_containers * container
> leftover = buy_portions - need
> cost = price_per_container * buy_containers
> I would like to write a function that will update the values of the 
> above variables given an increase in only the stock variable. 
> Otherwise I'd have to repeat a bunch of code...:(
def recalculate():
    global extra, need, buy_containers, buy_portions, leftover, cost
    extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)
    need = weekly_quota - extra
    buy_containers = roundup(need/container)
    buy_portions = buy_containers * container
    leftover = buy_portions - need
    cost = price_per_container * buy_containers

That's all there is to it.

From dyoo at  Sat Apr  8 02:09:41 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 17:09:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > buy_containers = roundup(need/container)
> Yeah, rather than code these as explicit variables, I'd strongly recommend
> rewriting each of these as functions.  Concretely:
> def buy_containers(stock, weekly_quota, container):
>     return roundup(need(stock, weekly_quota) - extra(stock, weekly_quota))

Gaaa.  I don't know where the heck that function came from.  *grin*  Let
me try that again:

def buy_containers(stock, weekly_quota, container):
    return roundup(need(stock, weekly_quota) / container)

Sorry; my eyes must have been wandering when I was writing that code.

From Barry.Carroll at  Sat Apr  8 02:23:45 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 17:23:45 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
Message-ID: <>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Johnson [mailto:kent37 at]
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 3:59 PM
> To: Carroll, Barry
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
> Carroll, Barry wrote:
> > Kent:
> >
> > I just rechecked my class names, and there are no duplicates.  I was
> > careful to preface all of the classes in testsymc39 with 'C39...',
> > used 'S25...' in testsym25.  Likewise, the classes in each module
> > names that describe the type of data being tested, so names are
> > within each module as well.
> >
> > Is there a maximum length for class names?  Some of my class names
> > pretty long, and only differ in the last few characters.  I'd be
> > surprised if that were the case in Python, but I'm short on other
> I don't know of any limits on class names. They are just strings in
> dictionaries after all.
> Try running your tests in verbose mode, you should at least be able to
> figure out which ones aren't running. Try
>      unittest.main(argv=['', '-v'])
> Kent

I tried your suggestion.  Lo and behold, all the test cases ran! So I
tried the terse mode again.  All the test cases STILL ran!  So the
problem has vanished without a trace.  Or a good reason.  

Having a problem just disappear like that bothers me almost more than
the original problem.  (It's also a little embarrassing.) =8^(  

Anyway, thanks for your help.  

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From billburns at  Sat Apr  8 04:49:14 2006
From: billburns at (Bill Burns)
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 22:49:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
Message-ID: <>

Hi Tutors!

I have a problem that I've solved using Python, and I want to know if
I've done a good job :-)

Here's the problem:
At my work we have a Windows network. On a network drive lives a program
that a couple people need to access (there's a shortcut on each user's
Desktop to the executable). The problem is, only *one* person at a time
should run the program. For various reasons, it's possible for
information to get corrupted if two people are using the program at the
same time.

Here's the old solution to the problem:
Pick-up the phone.
Dial Dave's extension.
Dave this is Bill, I'm going to use the program.
Use the program.
Call Dave again and tell him I'm done using the program.
And Dave does the same for me.

Putting it mildly - this is a less than ideal way to run software ;-)

Now here's my solution:
1. Create a program let's call it 'myProg' that spawns 'otherProg'.
2. 'myProg' will utilize a config file.
3. When 'myProg' is started it looks in the config file to see if
'otherProg' is running.
4. If 'otherProg' is not running, start it and write to the config file
that 'otherProg' is running (also write who is running it).
5. 'myProg' continues to run on the user's computer, continuously
checking the PID (of 'otherProg') to see if the process is still alive.
6. When we don't find the PID anymore, write to the config file that
'otherProg' isn't running.
7. Shutdown 'myProg'.

Now in step #3 above - if 'myProg' reads the config file and finds that
the 'otherProg' is currently running, the user is warned that 'The
program is currently in use by <insert username from config file>!' And
'otherProg' is not started.

Couple of other things.....
1. I'm taking 'myProg' and creating a single-file executable using py2exe.
2. 'myProg.exe' and the config file live on the network in the same
directory as 'otherProg'.
3. User's have a shortcut on the Desktop to 'myProg.exe' instead of

BTW, I've never stopped to consider if there was a simple 'Windows
networking / permissions' type solution to the problem. I just went
straight to Python :-)

Here's my code. I'd appreciate any critiques!




import time
import os
import sys
import getpass
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

import win32pdhutil
import win32con
import win32api

CONFIG_FILE = 'WatchProc.ini'

# Is there a better way to deal with this
# default config file data?
defaultConfigData = \
proc =

[Current User]
user =

exe =

[Process Status]
running =

[Shutdown Status]
ok =

class WatchProc:
     def __init__(self):

         self.config = Config()
         self.user = getpass.getuser()

     def checkConfig(self):
         Check the config file and see if a process is listed.
         If nothing is listed throw an error, else do
         proc = self.config.getConfig('Process', 'proc')
         if proc == '':

     def checkStatus(self):
         Check the config file to see if the process is running
         or not. If running throw an error, else start the app.
         status = self.config.getConfig('Process Status', 'running')
         if status == 'True': # App is in use.
         elif status == 'False': # App not in use.
         else: # Config file is not setup properly.

     def startApp(self):
         Write the user's name to the config file.
         Start the executable.
         Then monitor the process.
         self.config.setConfig('Current User', 'user', self.user)

     def monitorProcess(self):
         Get the process name from the config file then continuously
         check to see if the process is running. When the process
         dies, call cleanup().
         procname = self.config.getConfig('Process', 'proc')
         self.config.setConfig('Shutdown Status', 'ok', False)
         CHECK = True
         while CHECK:
                 pid = \
             except: # App has stopped running.
                 CHECK = False

     def startExe(self):
         Grab the name of the executable to start.
         Write to the config file that we're running.
         exe = self.config.getConfig('Executable', 'exe')
         self.config.setConfig('Process Status', 'running', True)
         os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, exe, [])

     def cleanup(self):
         Set the config file to the proper values (for a clean
         shutdown) and then exit.
         self.config.setConfig('Shutdown Status', 'ok', True)
         self.config.setConfig('Process Status', 'running', False)
         self.config.setConfig('Current User', 'user', '')

     def configFileError(self):
         Error message that gets called when a value in the config
         file is missing.
         errMsg = 'The configuration file is not setup properly!'
                             'Config File Error',

     def usageError(self):
         Error message that gets called when somebody else is
         currently running the "watched" program.
         user = self.config.getConfig('Current User', 'user')
         errMsg = 'The program is currently in use by %s!' % (user)
                             'Start Program Error',

class Config:
     def __init__(self):
         # Check to see if the config file exists,
         # if not create one.
         if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE):

         self.cp = ConfigParser()

     def setConfig(self, section, option, value):
         Method used to set config options and values
         in the ini file.
         self.cp.set(section, option, value)
         f = open(CONFIG_FILE, 'w')

     def getConfig(self, section, option):
         Returns a value from the config file.
         return self.cp.get(section, option)

     def writeDefaultConfig(self):
         Writes the 'default' config file. Will only get
         called if one does not exist.
         f = open(CONFIG_FILE, "w")

if __name__ == '__main__':
     watcher = WatchProc()


From dyoo at  Sat Apr  8 05:09:18 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 20:09:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...) (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 21:05:33 -0600
From: Jesse <intermezzoooh at>
To: Danny Yoo <dyoo at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)

I tried redefining the "higher-order" variables as functions, but it didn't
quite work. Here's a simplified example:

var1 = 2

def timestwo(x):
    return x*2

var2 = timestwo(var1)
print var1, var2
var1 = 3
print var1, var2

This results in the output:
2, 4

..which is not what I'm aiming for. Maybe I'll have to follow Bob's advice
and just store all of the variable assignments in a function, and then call
the function every time I change one of the variables (based on user input).
I could still leave the higher-order variables as functions as per your
advice, but that alone doesn't seem to do the trick. Unless I've missed


From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr  8 09:52:47 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 08:52:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)
References: <>
Message-ID: <001801c65ae1$6db09bb0$0b01a8c0@xp>

Others have provided workarounds I'll attempt to answer the
rationale part...

> Why is it that when one variable is assigned a value in terms of another
> variable, assigning a new value to the first doesn't change the value of 
> the
> second?

Python variables are just names that refer to a value.
The value can be any kind of object that python recognises but
it is a single value.

When you assign an expression  to a variable Python evaluates the
current value of the expression before assigning it, it does not
understand the concept of an expression as a value in its own right.
The only way to store an expression is to place it in a function as
the others have shown. The function can then be cxalled as needed,
but it must be called explicitly, you cannot call it by implication
when one of the terms of the expression changes.

There is a way to fake this a little using properties of a class.
If you create a class that has all your variables as properties, then
you can write get/set methods for those properties such that when
changed they automatically update the other properties, thus
rippling the changes through your system. But using properties
like this is a slightly esoteric technique in Python.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From kent37 at  Sat Apr  8 13:51:33 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 07:51:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> From: Jesse <intermezzoooh at>
> I tried redefining the "higher-order" variables as functions, but it didn't
> quite work. Here's a simplified example:
> var1 = 2
> def timestwo(x):
>     return x*2
> var2 = timestwo(var1)
> print var1, var2
> var1 = 3
> print var1, var2
> This results in the output:
> 2, 4
> 3,4

You still have to call the function whenever you need the value.
print var1, timestwo(var1)
var1 = 3
print var1, timestwo(var1)

> ..which is not what I'm aiming for. Maybe I'll have to follow Bob's advice
> and just store all of the variable assignments in a function, and then call
> the function every time I change one of the variables (based on user input).
> I could still leave the higher-order variables as functions as per your
> advice, but that alone doesn't seem to do the trick. Unless I've missed
> something.

Danny's suggestion of using class properties is a good one, it allows 
you to automate the recalculation of the variables, and also protect 
against directly assigning one of the calculated values.

Here is a class that has two attributes, val and val2. val can be 
assigned normally. val2 is read-only and always equal to twice val.

Whenever a new value is assigned to val, the internal _recalculate() 
method is called. This is slightly more complex than needed for this 
example (_set_val()) could calculate val2 directly) but it extends 
easily to multiple settable and calculated values.

The only problem with this approach is that it is not really beginner 
material, you need some understanding of classes and properties. I don't 
know of any beginner references for properties but you could try this:

Anyway here is the code:

class AutoCompute(object):
     def __init__(self, val):
         self.val = val

     # Create a property named val
     # Setting val triggers recomputation
     def _set_val(self, val):
         self._val = val

     def _get_val(self):
         return self._val

     val = property(_get_val, _set_val)

     # Create a read-only property named val2
     def _get_val2(self):
         return self._val2

     val2 = property(_get_val2)

     def _recompute(self):
         self._val2 = self._val * 2

ac = AutoCompute(3)
print ac.val, ac.val2

# Assigning to ac.val changes ac.val2 also
ac.val = 4
print ac.val, ac.val2

# This raises AttributeError, val2 is read-only
ac.val2 = 5

When run, the output is
3 6
4 8
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "F:\Tutor\", line 33, in ?
     ac.val2 = 5
AttributeError: can't set attribute

From bgibson at  Sat Apr  8 14:01:47 2006
From: bgibson at (Bob Gibson)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 06:01:47 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Bob Gibson is out of the office.
Message-ID: <>

I will be out of the office starting  03/31/2006 and will not return until

I will respond to your message when I return.
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr  8 15:10:31 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 14:10:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
References: <>
Message-ID: <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>

> Desktop to the executable). The problem is, only *one* person at a time
> should run the program.

> Now here's my solution:
> 1. Create a program let's call it 'myProg' that spawns 'otherProg'.
> 2. 'myProg' will utilize a config file.
> 3. When 'myProg' is started it looks in the config file to see if
> 'otherProg' is running.

The usual way of doing this is simply to create an empty file
when the program starts and delete it when the program closes
In python:

# File :
''' usage python  foo.exe

   prevents more than one copy of the guarded program running

import os, sys

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
   print "Usage: python <application name>"

prog = sys.argv[1]
fname = prog+'running.dat'
      open(fname,'w').close()   # create an empty file.
except IOError:
      print  prog, 'is already running, try again later'

> 4. If 'otherProg' is not running, start it and write to the config file
> that 'otherProg' is running (also write who is running it).
> 5. 'myProg' continues to run on the user's computer, continuously
> checking the PID (of 'otherProg') to see if the process is still alive.
> 6. When we don't find the PID anymore, write to the config file that
> 'otherProg' isn't running.
> 7. Shutdown 'myProg'.

The design above will work too of course but uses more CPU cycles
and may be slightly harder to fix if the machine crashes while the app
is running sincve the open config file could be corrupted.

> Now in step #3 above - if 'myProg' reads the config file and finds that
> the 'otherProg' is currently running, the user is warned that 'The
> program is currently in use by <insert username from config file>!' And
> 'otherProg' is not started.

The current user name can be obtained from getpass.getuser() if you need it.

> Couple of other things.....
> 1. I'm taking 'myProg' and creating a single-file executable using py2exe.

Thats fair enough

> 2. 'myProg.exe' and the config file live on the network in the same
> directory as 'otherProg'.

There's no real need for that. My version usually lives in a common
area since it can be used to control multiple apps, and it usually writes
its file into a semi-hidden folder to avoid unscrupulous users deleting
the file!.

> 3. User's have a shortcut on the Desktop to 'myProg.exe' instead of
> 'otherProg'.

Yes, or in my case several shortcuts with the app names hard coded
in the shortcut.

> BTW, I've never stopped to consider if there was a simple 'Windows
> networking / permissions' type solution to the problem. I just went
> straight to Python :-)

You can do it all using DOS style BAT files if you use my approach.

> Here's my code. I'd appreciate any critiques!

Its longer than mine :-)

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From andre.roberge at  Sat Apr  8 15:33:25 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 10:33:25 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
In-Reply-To: <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
References: <> <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/8/06, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> > Desktop to the executable). The problem is, only *one* person at a time
> > should run the program.

> The usual way of doing this is simply to create an empty file
> when the program starts and delete it when the program closes
> In python:
Couldn't this approach cause problems if the Python program crashes,
leaving behind the empty file?

However, there is a Cookbook solution that does, I believe, that what
the original poster asked:

It is actually so short that I can even reproduce it below.
from win32event import CreateMutex
from win32api import GetLastError
from winerror import ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
from sys import exit

handle = CreateMutex ( None, 1, 'A unique mutex name' )

if GetLastError ( ) == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:
# take appropriate action if this is the second
# instance of this script; for example,
    print 'Oh! dear, I exist already.'
    exit ( 1 )
A detailed explanation (of a slightly modified version) can be found
in the second edition of the Python Cookbook [Recipe 9.9].


From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr  8 16:51:53 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 15:51:53 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
References: <> <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <003101c65b1b$f9dc5950$0b01a8c0@xp>

> > The usual way of doing this is simply to create an empty file
> > when the program starts and delete it when the program closes

> Couldn't this approach cause problems if the Python program crashes,
> leaving behind the empty file?

Yes, but its very easy for the administrator to delete the rogue file.
This is how most Unix tools do it, using /tmp as the storage
folder - /tmp can be purged at each reboot so ensuring a
clean startup. This is simple to manage and better than writing
entries to files which can get corrupted - that's much more
difficult to manage. (This technique is also a mainstay of
Mainframe computing and has been for over 40 years! :-)

> However, there is a Cookbook solution that does,
> I believe, that what the original poster asked:

The Mutex version is nice, I haven't seen that before. Although it will only
work on Windows but since that's what the OP uses, it's not a problem.

Alan G. 

From billburns at  Sat Apr  8 18:02:41 2006
From: billburns at (Bill Burns)
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 12:02:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
In-Reply-To: <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
References: <> <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

>> Desktop to the executable). The problem is, only *one* person at a time
>> should run the program.

> The usual way of doing this is simply to create an empty file
> when the program starts and delete it when the program closes
> In python:
> ##############
> # File :
> ''' usage python  foo.exe
>   prevents more than one copy of the guarded program running
> '''
> import os, sys
> if len(sys.argv) != 2:
>   print "Usage: python <application name>"
>   sys.exit()
> prog = sys.argv[1]
> fname = prog+'running.dat'
> try:
>      open(fname,'w').close()   # create an empty file.
>      os.system(prog)
>      os.remove(fname)
> except IOError:
>      print  prog, 'is already running, try again later'
>      sys.exit()
> ################


Thank you for the code above . I'll take a look at it. Much shorter than
my approach :-)

>> 4. If 'otherProg' is not running, start it and write to the config file
>> that 'otherProg' is running (also write who is running it).
>> 5. 'myProg' continues to run on the user's computer, continuously
>> checking the PID (of 'otherProg') to see if the process is still alive.
>> 6. When we don't find the PID anymore, write to the config file that
>> 'otherProg' isn't running.
>> 7. Shutdown 'myProg'.

> The design above will work too of course but uses more CPU cycles
> and may be slightly harder to fix if the machine crashes while the app
> is running sincve the open config file could be corrupted.

My first attempt at continuously checking the PID was using a lot of CPU
time. Then I added a sleep(.5) in my loop and the CPU % dropped to about
0% (at least according to Task Manager).

>> Now in step #3 above - if 'myProg' reads the config file and finds that
>> the 'otherProg' is currently running, the user is warned that 'The
>> program is currently in use by <insert username from config file>!' And
>> 'otherProg' is not started.

> The current user name can be obtained from getpass.getuser() if you need 
> it.

Yeah, my code uses that too.

>> 2. 'myProg.exe' and the config file live on the network in the same
>> directory as 'otherProg'.

> There's no real need for that. My version usually lives in a common
> area since it can be used to control multiple apps, and it usually writes
> its file into a semi-hidden folder to avoid unscrupulous users deleting
> the file!.

I think I was just trying to make it easy for my program to find the
program to start (since it'll look in the current directory first). I
didn't want to hard-code any paths. But it looks like with your
approach, I just issue the path to the executable on the command line
and be done with it.

Regarding the config file deletion - I've set the permissions on the
.ini so that users can read & write to the file, but not delete it. But
certainly a user with Admin privs could still delete it. Also , if my
program doesn't find the .ini file - it creates a new one (although it
must be setup again).

>> BTW, I've never stopped to consider if there was a simple 'Windows
>> networking / permissions' type solution to the problem. I just went
>> straight to Python :-)

> You can do it all using DOS style BAT files if you use my approach.

I just knew someone would come up with an easier way :-)

Thanks again, Alan! I'll play around with the code you posted.


From billburns at  Sat Apr  8 18:08:42 2006
From: billburns at (Bill Burns)
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 12:08:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

>>>Desktop to the executable). The problem is, only *one* person at a time
>>>should run the program.

[Snip some good advise about file problems (that I'll look in to)]

> However, there is a Cookbook solution that does, I believe, that what
> the original poster asked:
> It is actually so short that I can even reproduce it below.
> =========
> from win32event import CreateMutex
> from win32api import GetLastError
> from winerror import ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
> from sys import exit
> handle = CreateMutex ( None, 1, 'A unique mutex name' )
> if GetLastError ( ) == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:
> # take appropriate action if this is the second
> # instance of this script; for example,
>     print 'Oh! dear, I exist already.'
>     exit ( 1 )
> ============
> A detailed explanation (of a slightly modified version) can be found
> in the second edition of the Python Cookbook [Recipe 9.9].


Thanks for the pointer to this recipe!

If I'm not mistaken (and I certainly could be) I believe this recipe is 
used to control instances of an already running *script*. While I'm 
trying to control a completely different executable (program) written by 
someone else.

Maybe I'm reading the recipe wrong?? I'll take a better look at it and 
see if it will work for my situation.

Thanks for the reply!!


From dyoo at  Sat Apr  8 18:14:02 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 09:14:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I tried redefining the "higher-order" variables as functions, but it
> didn't quite work. Here's a simplified example:
> var1 = 2
> def timestwo(x):
>     return x*2
> var2 = timestwo(var1)
> print var1, var2
> var1 = 3
> print var1, var2


print 2, timestwo(2)
print 3, timestwo(3)

Alternatively, try:

var1 = 2
print var1, timestwo(var1)
var1 = 3
print var1, timestwo(var1)

What do you expect to see?

> ..which is not what I'm aiming for. Maybe I'll have to follow Bob's
> advice and just store all of the variable assignments in a function, and
> then call the function every time I change one of the variables (based
> on user input). I could still leave the higher-order variables as
> functions as per your advice, but that alone doesn't seem to do the
> trick. Unless I've missed something.

You're missing something.  *wink*

Play with this a little more.  It's something basic in Python, and you'll
want to get this squared away so it doesn't cause you grief later.

The model you have about how variables behave in Python is slightly off
still: I think you're still thinking of them like math equations.  But
Python's model for assigning variable names to values don't work like
equality: it's more of a "this box now contains the value described by the
right hand side at this particular time."

So if we see:

    a = 3
    b = 4
    a = a + b

we can model this as:

    [a : 3]               (after stmt: a = 3)

    [a : 3,  b : 4]      (after stmt: b = 4)

    [a : 7, b : 4]        (after stmt: a = a + b)

where we keep a list of names and their current values.  (I'm just using
an ad-hoc notation for the stuff in the brackets.)  Assignment erases the
old value and replaces it with a new one as we flow through our program.

From dyoo at  Sat Apr  8 18:21:00 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 09:21:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > ..which is not what I'm aiming for. Maybe I'll have to follow Bob's
> > advice and just store all of the variable assignments in a function,
> > and then call the function every time I change one of the variables
> > (based on user input). I could still leave the higher-order variables
> > as functions as per your advice, but that alone doesn't seem to do the
> > trick. Unless I've missed something.
> Danny's suggestion of using class properties is a good one, it allows
> you to automate the recalculation of the variables, and also protect
> against directly assigning one of the calculated values.

Just wanted to clarify that this is not my suggestion: Alan proposed this.

But I think we should steer away a little away from full-fledged classes
at the moment.  The "professional" solution would be to do this, but I'm
not sure how appropriate it is for Jesse to do this yet.  Jesse is still
confused about how variables work.  In which case, suggesting him to look
at classes will just make things worse.  *grin*

From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr  8 18:44:48 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 17:44:48 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
References: <> <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <003701c65b2b$c0352eb0$0b01a8c0@xp>

> If I'm not mistaken (and I certainly could be) I believe this recipe is 
> used to control instances of an already running *script*. While I'm 
> trying to control a completely different executable (program) written by 
> someone else.

Nope, its si8mply creating an arbitrary Mutex, which is like a flag in 
the OS itself. If the flag gets set OK - no errors - then you can go 
ahead and launch your app, if theres an error the most likely reason 
is that the app is already running.

Its exactly the same principle as using a blank file but tidier since
theres no file to delete(*) if things go wrong - although you might 
need to reboot since I',m not sure how to delete a Mutex created 
by another process, in fact I've only used a Mutex within a 
single multi-threading app, but in principle theres no reason not 
to use it this way too...

(*) Having the file has advantages since the administrator can 
easily check with explorer to see if the app is in use, or manually 
create one to block access to the app temporarily, but its a minimal 
advantage I suspect.

Alan g.

From billburns at  Sat Apr  8 19:02:42 2006
From: billburns at (Bill Burns)
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 13:02:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable
In-Reply-To: <003701c65b2b$c0352eb0$0b01a8c0@xp>
References: <> <002d01c65b0d$d0cf8040$0b01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

>> If I'm not mistaken (and I certainly could be) I believe this recipe 
>> is used to control instances of an already running *script*. While I'm 
>> trying to control a completely different executable (program) written 
>> by someone else.


> Nope, its si8mply creating an arbitrary Mutex, which is like a flag in 
> the OS itself. If the flag gets set OK - no errors - then you can go 
> ahead and launch your app, if theres an error the most likely reason is 
> that the app is already running.
> Its exactly the same principle as using a blank file but tidier since
> theres no file to delete(*) if things go wrong - although you might need 
> to reboot since I',m not sure how to delete a Mutex created by another 
> process, in fact I've only used a Mutex within a single multi-threading 
> app, but in principle theres no reason not to use it this way too...
> (*) Having the file has advantages since the administrator can easily 
> check with explorer to see if the app is in use, or manually create one 
> to block access to the app temporarily, but its a minimal advantage I 
> suspect.

OK. I understand a little better and will definitely look into this!!

The description of the recipe states:
"A script can use this code to determine whether another instance of 
itself is already in execution. 32-bit MSW only."

So I assumed it meant - you could use the recipe in your own scripts to
determine if the user was trying to start multiple instances of your 

My apologies to Andr?!!!

Thanks for the explanation!


From payal-python at  Mon Apr 10 15:33:42 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:33:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to learn Python seriously for almost 2 months but have not 
gotten far at all. Infact, it seems I have not understood even the basic 
concepts itself. I know some shell, sed and awk programming.
I have tried reading Learning Python - Mark Lutz
Think C Spy
A byte of Python 
Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python
But I have not got anything from them. I am feeling that they are 
superficial and do not touch real life problems. Also, not enough 
examples are provided which can help newbies like me.

Can anyone help me, it is pretty pretty frustating thing for last couple 
of months?

With warm regards,

From kent37 at  Mon Apr 10 16:05:45 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 10:05:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Payal Rathod wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to learn Python seriously for almost 2 months but have not 
> gotten far at all. Infact, it seems I have not understood even the basic 
> concepts itself. I know some shell, sed and awk programming.
> I have tried reading Learning Python - Mark Lutz
> Think C Spy
> A byte of Python 
> Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python
> etc.
> But I have not got anything from them. I am feeling that they are 
> superficial and do not touch real life problems. Also, not enough 
> examples are provided which can help newbies like me.

Hi Payal,

Beginner's material teaches the basics of the language. These are the 
building blocks you will use to solve your problems. You need to 
understand the basics like loops, functions, lists and dictionaries to 
solve most real-world problems.

When you have questions about basic concepts you can ask for help on 
this list.

You might like to look at "Python Programming for the absolute 
beginner". It is oriented to beginners and has many examples and exercises.

What kind of real life problems are you interested in? You might like 
"Beginning Python", it has several real-life projects.

When you have questions about basic concepts you can ask for help on 
this list. We do best with questions that are very specific.

From payal-python at  Mon Apr 10 18:52:00 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 12:52:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 10:05:45AM -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
> You might like to look at "Python Programming for the absolute 
> beginner". It is oriented to beginners and has many examples and 
> exercises.

I might not be able to afford another book, due to high dollar-to-ruppee 

> What kind of real life problems are you interested in? You might like 

I am a parttime sys admin so I want system admin problem which usually I 
do through shell scripts like parsing logs, generating reports, greping 
with regexes etc.
The only thing I don't want is silly problems like generate fibonnacci 
series, add numbers frm 0-n etc. non required silly stuff.

With warm regards,

From bgailer at  Mon Apr 10 19:20:57 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 10:20:57 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Payal Rathod wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 10:05:45AM -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
>> You might like to look at "Python Programming for the absolute 
>> beginner". It is oriented to beginners and has many examples and 
>> exercises.
> I might not be able to afford another book, due to high dollar-to-ruppee 
> rate.
>> What kind of real life problems are you interested in? You might like 
> I am a parttime sys admin so I want system admin problem which usually I 
> do through shell scripts like parsing logs, generating reports, greping 
> with regexes etc.
> The only thing I don't want is silly problems like generate fibonnacci 
> series, add numbers frm 0-n etc. non required silly stuff.
When I hear the word "silly" I assume that you are comfortable with 
programming in Python, and do not need the examples that are useful to 
beginners, and want access to libraries of code for doing the tasks you 

So I suggest you look at Python's remarkable set of modules. In the docs 
you'll find Global Module Index. Start with re for regular expressions, 
glob & shutil for some file management, os for more file and process 
management. Some of these have some example code. Select ONE task of 
interest to you, make your best stab at writing a Python program using 
the module, then come back with the program and tell us how we can help 
you with it.

If my assumption is inaccurate, and you do need help with the 
fundamentals of Python, then I suggest you tackle some of the 
assignments in the references you have *as a way of becoming comfortable 
with Python*, then tackle the modules I mentioned.

Someone else on this list may point you to online learning resources 
that will meet your need for more information at low-to-no cost.


From kent37 at  Mon Apr 10 19:22:19 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:22:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Payal Rathod wrote:
>> What kind of real life problems are you interested in? You might like 
> I am a parttime sys admin so I want system admin problem which usually I 
> do through shell scripts like parsing logs, generating reports, greping 
> with regexes etc.
> The only thing I don't want is silly problems like generate fibonnacci 
> series, add numbers frm 0-n etc. non required silly stuff.

Take a look at the Python Cookbook:

Dive into Python is not targeted at beginners but it is available online 
and does have real-world examples:


From gslindstrom at  Mon Apr 10 21:19:08 2006
From: gslindstrom at (Greg Lindstrom)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 14:19:08 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
Message-ID: <>


For some reason I have decided to learn about decorators; I heard them
talked up at  Pycon the past two years and want to know what all the fuss is
about.  I might even use them in my code :-)

My problem, and this is after reading PEP 318 and other items found when I
"Googled" for decorators, is that I can't figure out the practical use for
them.  This surely means that I do not understand the concept because Python
does not waste my time or energy.  Can any of you gurus either explain what
all the excitement is about or point me to examples of how/why I would want
to use decorators?

Thanks for your attention...
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Mon Apr 10 21:44:21 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:44:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Lindstrom wrote:
> Hello-
> For some reason I have decided to learn about decorators; I heard them 
> talked up at  Pycon the past two years and want to know what all the 
> fuss is about.  I might even use them in my code :-)
> My problem, and this is after reading PEP 318 and other items found when 
> I "Googled" for decorators, is that I can't figure out the practical use 
> for them.  This surely means that I do not understand the concept 
> because Python does not waste my time or energy.  Can any of you gurus 
> either explain what all the excitement is about or point me to examples 
> of how/why I would want to use decorators?

From oasf2004 at  Tue Apr 11 00:29:23 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:29:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor]  Question about list
Message-ID: <>


I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock']
and I wrote the script below:

i = 0
while i < len(list1):
    print list1[i]
    i += 1

Ok. This script will generate as the output each
element of the original list, one per line:

['Ted', 'Rock']

I also would like to print the length of each element
of that list:

spam! = 1 element
2 = 1 element
['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements

Could anyone, please, give me some hints?

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From john at  Tue Apr 11 00:42:42 2006
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 10:42:42 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Hoffmann,

On 11/04/06, Hoffmann <oasf2004 at> wrote:
> I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]
> and I wrote the script below:
> i = 0
> while i < len(list1):
>     print list1[i]
>     i += 1

Have you read about "for" loops?  The pythonic way of looping through
a list is to do something like this:

for item in list1:
    print item

This will produce the same output as your code above, but is much
nicer to read :-)

> I also would like to print the length of each element
> of that list:
> spam! = 1 element
> 2 = 1 element
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements

The challenge here is that your list contains a mixture of different types.

For example, the len() function will tell us that ['Ted', 'Rock'] has
two elements.  But it would also tell us that 'spam!' has five
elements, and it would raise an exception if we tried to find the
length of 2.

So you will need to ask python about the type of element you're
looking at.  One possibility that might work for you is this:

for item in list1:
    if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)):
        print len(item)
        print 1

May I ask why you're doing this?  This feels like a situation where
you need to think clearly what your goals are before you go diving
towards a solution :-)


From adam.jtm30 at  Tue Apr 11 00:42:54 2006
From: adam.jtm30 at (Adam)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 23:42:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10/04/06, Hoffmann <oasf2004 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock']
> ]
> and I wrote the script below:
> i = 0
> while i < len(list1):
>     print list1[i]
>     i += 1
> Ok. This script will generate as the output each
> element of the original list, one per line:
> spam!
> 2
> ['Ted', 'Rock']
> I also would like to print the length of each element
> of that list:
> spam! = 1 element
> 2 = 1 element
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements
> Could anyone, please, give me some hints?
> Thanks,
> Hoffmann

instead of just print list1[i] you could use print list1[i], len(list1[i]).
I'd like to point out that the usual way to iterate through objects in
a list like that would be using a for loop like so.

for item in list1:
    print item, len(item)

as you can see this is much easier to understand and is also a lot shorter.

From oasf2004 at  Tue Apr 11 00:48:01 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:48:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Adam <adam.jtm30 at> wrote:

> On 10/04/06, Hoffmann <oasf2004 at> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted',
> 'Rock']
> > ]
> > and I wrote the script below:
> >
> > i = 0
> > while i < len(list1):
> >     print list1[i]
> >     i += 1
> >
> > Ok. This script will generate as the output each
> > element of the original list, one per line:
> >
> > spam!
> > 2
> > ['Ted', 'Rock']
> >
> > I also would like to print the length of each
> element
> > of that list:
> >
> > spam! = 1 element
> > 2 = 1 element
> > ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements
> >
> > Could anyone, please, give me some hints?
> > Thanks,
> > Hoffmann
> instead of just print list1[i] you could use print
> list1[i], len(list1[i]).
> I'd like to point out that the usual way to iterate
> through objects in
> a list like that would be using a for loop like so.
> for item in list1:
>     print item, len(item)
> as you can see this is much easier to understand and
> is also a lot shorter.
> HTH.

Hi Adam, 

In the previous email, I forgot to mention that I have
already tried:

i = 0
while i < len(list1):
    print list1[i], len(list1[i])
    i += 1

However, I got:

soam! 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in ?
    print list1[i], len(list1[i])
TypeError: len() of unsized object

Could I hear from you again?

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From mwhite3 at  Tue Apr 11 00:49:45 2006
From: mwhite3 at (Matthew White)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:49:45 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Hoffman,

It is often useful to use the "for" construct to process items in a list.

>>> list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock']]
>>> for item in list:
...    print item
['Ted', 'Rock']

If you pass a list to the len() function, it will return the number of
elenents in the list. e.g.:

>>> x = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> len(x)

Now if you pass len() a string it will return the length of a string:
>>> y = 'hello'
>>> len(y)

Given your list below, len() will return what you're looking for when it
encounters the third element of the list, but won't for the first and
second elements.  One way to solve this problem is to use the type()
function to figure out if your item is a string or list and use len()
as appropriate.  I hope this provides enough of a hint.


On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 03:29:23PM -0700, Hoffmann (oasf2004 at wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock']
> ]
> and I wrote the script below:
> i = 0
> while i < len(list1):
>     print list1[i]
>     i += 1
> Ok. This script will generate as the output each
> element of the original list, one per line:
> spam!
> 2
> ['Ted', 'Rock']
> I also would like to print the length of each element
> of that list:
> spam! = 1 element
> 2 = 1 element
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements
> Could anyone, please, give me some hints?
> Thanks,
> Hoffmann
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Matthew White - District Systems Administrator
Tigard/Tualatin School District

"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in
what direction we are moving."   -Oliver Wendell Holmes

From oasf2004 at  Tue Apr 11 00:52:22 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:52:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- John Fouhy <john at> wrote:

> Hi Hoffmann,
> On 11/04/06, Hoffmann <oasf2004 at> wrote:
> > I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted',
> 'Rock'] ]
> > and I wrote the script below:
> >
> > i = 0
> > while i < len(list1):
> >     print list1[i]
> >     i += 1
> Have you read about "for" loops?  The pythonic way
> of looping through
> a list is to do something like this:
> for item in list1:
>     print item
> This will produce the same output as your code
> above, but is much
> nicer to read :-)
> > I also would like to print the length of each
> element
> > of that list:
> >
> > spam! = 1 element
> > 2 = 1 element
> > ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements
> The challenge here is that your list contains a
> mixture of different types.
> For example, the len() function will tell us that
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] has
> two elements.  But it would also tell us that
> 'spam!' has five
> elements, and it would raise an exception if we
> tried to find the
> length of 2.
> So you will need to ask python about the type of
> element you're
> looking at.  One possibility that might work for you
> is this:
> for item in list1:
>     if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)):
>         print len(item)
>     else:
>         print 1
> May I ask why you're doing this?  This feels like a
> situation where
> you need to think clearly what your goals are before
> you go diving
> towards a solution :-)
> --
> John.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Hi John,

This is just a version of a book exercise (How to
think like a computer scientist - learning with
python, by Downey, Elkner, and Meyers), page 84.


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From carroll at  Tue Apr 11 00:58:05 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:58:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Hoffmann wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock']
> ]
> and I wrote the script below:
> i = 0
> while i < len(list1):
>     print list1[i]
>     i += 1
> Ok. This script will generate as the output each
> element of the original list, one per line:
> spam!
> 2
> ['Ted', 'Rock']
> I also would like to print the length of each element
> of that list:
> spam! = 1 element
> 2 = 1 element
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements

Well, the length of "spam!" is 5.  Lengths of strings express the number
of characters.

You could check to see if it's a grouping-type of element -- i.e., a list, 
tuple or set -- but I think your better approach is that, if this is 
something you need, make all of the elements lists, some of which are 
single-item lists; for example, instead of:

 list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]

 list1 =  [ ['spam!'], [2], ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]

>>> list1 =  [ ['spam!'], [2], ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]
>>> for item in list1:
...  print item, len(item)
['spam!'] 1
[2] 1
['Ted', 'Rock'] 2

If your heart is set on the other approach, though, it can be done:

>>> list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]
>>> for item in list1:
...   if isinstance(item,(list, tuple, set)):
...     print item, len(item)
...   else:
...     print item, 1
spam! 1
2 1
['Ted', 'Rock'] 2

From dyoo at  Tue Apr 11 00:44:09 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:44:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Hoffmann wrote:

> I also would like to print the length of each element
> of that list:
> spam! = 1 element
> 2 = 1 element
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements
> Could anyone, please, give me some hints?

The problem is slightly weird, just because you need to clarify what it 
means to take the length of a non-list.  From the examples above, it 
sounds like we'd like to define the "length" of a non-list to be one.  Is 
that right?

Can you write a function called length() that takes a thing and returns 
the "length" of that thing?

def length(something):
     ... ## fill me in

For example, we'd like to see:

     length("spam!") ==> 1
     length(2) ==> 1
     length(['Ted', 'Rock']) ==> 2

If you can define this you should be able to use this to solve your 

When you're defining length(), you may find the built-in function "type()" 
useful.  For example:

>>> type(5)
<type 'int'>
>>> type([1, 2, 3])
<type 'list'>

Good luck!

From oasf2004 at  Tue Apr 11 01:10:41 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 16:10:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Terry Carroll <carroll at> wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Hoffmann wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted',
> 'Rock']
> > ]
> > and I wrote the script below:
> > 
> > i = 0
> > while i < len(list1):
> >     print list1[i]
> >     i += 1
> > 
> > Ok. This script will generate as the output each
> > element of the original list, one per line:
> > 
> > spam!
> > 2
> > ['Ted', 'Rock']
> > 
> > I also would like to print the length of each
> element
> > of that list:
> > 
> > spam! = 1 element
> > 2 = 1 element
> > ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements
> Well, the length of "spam!" is 5.  Lengths of
> strings express the number
> of characters.
> You could check to see if it's a grouping-type of
> element -- i.e., a list, 
> tuple or set -- but I think your better approach is
> that, if this is 
> something you need, make all of the elements lists,
> some of which are 
> single-item lists; for example, instead of:
>  list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]
> use:
>  list1 =  [ ['spam!'], [2], ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]
> >>> list1 =  [ ['spam!'], [2], ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]
> >>> for item in list1:
> ...  print item, len(item)
> ...
> ['spam!'] 1
> [2] 1
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] 2
> If your heart is set on the other approach, though,
> it can be done:
> >>> list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock'] ]
> >>> for item in list1:
> ...   if isinstance(item,(list, tuple, set)):
> ...     print item, len(item)
> ...   else:
> ...     print item, 1
> ...
> spam! 1
> 2 1
> ['Ted', 'Rock'] 2
> >>>
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Hi Terry,

Your aproaches (mainly the last one!) answered my
question. After following your last approach, I got
what I was looking for.
Up to the page I am (page 84 of "How to think like a
computer scientist - learning with Python"), I didn't
see that nice approach.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From oasf2004 at  Tue Apr 11 01:17:08 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 16:17:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Question about list
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Matthew White <mwhite3 at> wrote:

> Hi Hoffman,
> It is often useful to use the "for" construct to
> process items in a list.
> e.g.:
> >>> list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted', 'Rock']]
> >>> for item in list:
> ...    print item
> spam!
> 2
> ['Ted', 'Rock']
> If you pass a list to the len() function, it will
> return the number of
> elenents in the list. e.g.:
> >>> x = ['a', 'b', 'c']
> >>> len(x)
> 3
> Now if you pass len() a string it will return the
> length of a string:
> >>> y = 'hello'
> >>> len(y)
> 5
> Given your list below, len() will return what you're
> looking for when it
> encounters the third element of the list, but won't
> for the first and
> second elements.  One way to solve this problem is
> to use the type()
> function to figure out if your item is a string or
> list and use len()
> as appropriate.  I hope this provides enough of a
> hint.
> -mtw
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 03:29:23PM -0700, Hoffmann
> (oasf2004 at wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have a list: list1 =  [ 'spam!', 2, ['Ted',
> 'Rock']
> > ]
> > and I wrote the script below:
> > 
> > i = 0
> > while i < len(list1):
> >     print list1[i]
> >     i += 1
> > 
> > Ok. This script will generate as the output each
> > element of the original list, one per line:
> > 
> > spam!
> > 2
> > ['Ted', 'Rock']
> > 
> > I also would like to print the length of each
> element
> > of that list:
> > 
> > spam! = 1 element
> > 2 = 1 element
> > ['Ted', 'Rock'] = 2 elements
> > 
> > Could anyone, please, give me some hints?
> > Thanks,
> > Hoffmann
> >     
> > 
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> -- 
> Matthew White - District Systems Administrator
> Tigard/Tualatin School District
> 503.431.4128
> "The greatest thing in this world is not so much
> where we are, but in
> what direction we are moving."   -Oliver Wendell
> Holmes

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the nice information!
I am learning a lot with all of the hints you guys are
sending to me.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From dyoo at  Tue Apr 11 01:20:37 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 16:20:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I am a parttime sys admin so I want system admin problem which usually I 
> do through shell scripts like parsing logs, generating reports, greping 
> with regexes etc.

Hi Payal,

You might also find David Mertz's book "Text Processing With Python" to be 
useful for you:

I agree with the other recommendation on "Dive into Python": it provides a 
lot of good practical programming knowledge.

> The only thing I don't want is silly problems like generate fibonnacci 
> series, add numbers from 0-n etc. non required silly stuff.

Just as a counterpoint: some of those silly things aren't useful in their 
own right, but they're finger exercises to help one really get mastery 
over the language.  Recursion is one of those things that are core 
concepts, and most Python tutorials try to cover it by talking about 

It's very unfortunate that fibonacci numbers are one of the "classical" 
examples of recursion, since they are useless to most people.  But don't 
discount recursion altogether.

We can look at concrete example of recursion that might be more 
applicable.  One common system administration question that pops up every 
once in a while is: "How do I do [some_action] to every file in my 

We can either know magically that os.walk() will do the hard work for us, 
or we can use a combination of os.listdir() and os.path.isdir():

### pseudocode
def my_walk(some_action, dir_or_file):
     if os.path.isfile(dir_or_file):
         for thing in os.listdir(dir_or_file):
             my_walk(some_action, thing)

in which there's a specific "base" case for handling regular files, and an 
"inductive" case for handling directories.

Another example of this kind of processing involves things like XML or 
HTML processing.  If we wanted to get all the anchor link elements in an 
HTML document, how would we do this?  We again break it into two cases: 
one to handle anchor elements, and another to handle anything else:

## Pseudocode
def get_anchors(element):
     if element is an anchor:
         return [element]
         anchors = []
         for child in element.children:
         return anchors

We're in a slightly different domain, but if we look at this with a 
critical eye, we should see that the code structure is similar to the 
directory-walking example.  There's a case for handling really simple 
problems, and another case for handling slightly harder problems.

That's the key insight you should have been getting.  If the tutorials 
that you're reading haven't been delving into this, that means that those 
tutorials aren't doing a good job.  The fact that factorial() looks like:

def factorial(n):
     if n == 0:
         return 1
         return n * factorial(n-1)

is pretty darn worthless in itself.  But the idea that we can break things 
down into two categories (simple cases, slightly complex cases) and handle 
them in some structured way is a valuable concept.

If you see something that's looks trivially un-useful when you're reading 
a tutorial, bring it up on this list.  They're bound to be some kind of 
real application for it.  *grin* And if you have any other questions, feel 
free to ask.

Good luck!

From Barry.Carroll at  Tue Apr 11 02:00:03 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 17:00:03 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python for sysadmins (Was:  failing to learn python)
Message-ID: <>


I agree with Kent: the Python Cookbook is an excellent resource.  And,
it has a whole section on System Administration. try this URL:

You can also try Google.  I entered 'Python sysadmin'.  Here are just a
few potentially interesting sites that came back:

Look through these and other resources, choose an example function that
relates to one of your tasks and try it out.  Post questions and
problems here.  Good luck

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

> -----Original Message-----
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:22:19 -0400
> From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] failing to learn python
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <443A944B.1070304 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Payal Rathod wrote:
> >> What kind of real life problems are you interested in? You might
> >
> > I am a parttime sys admin so I want system admin problem which
usually I
> > do through shell scripts like parsing logs, generating reports,
> > with regexes etc.
> > The only thing I don't want is silly problems like generate
> > series, add numbers frm 0-n etc. non required silly stuff.
> Take a look at the Python Cookbook:
> Dive into Python is not targeted at beginners but it is available
> and does have real-world examples:
> Kent

From gslindstrom at  Tue Apr 11 05:04:51 2006
From: gslindstrom at (Greg Lindstrom)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 22:04:51 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
Message-ID: <>


I do a lot of system admin type work with Python.  If you'd like, drop me a
line and let me know what you're interested in learning...perhaps I could
help you work through a project or two.

Greg Lindstrom
gslindstrom at
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From keosophon at  Tue Apr 11 06:44:34 2006
From: keosophon at (Keo Sophon)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:44:34 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] input with default value option
Message-ID: <>


With raw_input(), it allows to input value. Can it be used to input value with 
default value option?


From bgailer at  Tue Apr 11 07:03:20 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 22:03:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] input with default value option
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Keo Sophon wrote:
> Hi,
> With raw_input(), it allows to input value. Can it be used to input value with default value option?
response = raw_input("Enter some data:")
if not response: response = "default value"

From dyoo at  Tue Apr 11 08:38:20 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 23:38:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] input with default value option
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> With raw_input(), it allows to input value. Can it be used to input 
> value with default value option?

Hi Phon,

We can build your own function to do this.  Bob showed how to set up code 
so that the default's taken if the user just presses enter in his reply. 
Let's take a look at it again:

response = raw_input("Enter some data:")
if not response: response = "default value"

We can capture this as a function that takes in a question and a default 

def ask(question, default):
     response = raw_input(question)
     if not response:
         response = default
     return response

And now we have something that acts like raw_input(), but also gives the 
user the ability to get a default:

>>> ask("favorite color?", "Blue.  No yellow -- aaaugh!")
favorite color?red
>>> ask("favorite color?", "Blue.  No yellow -- aaaugh!")
favorite color?
'Blue.  No yellow -- aaaugh!'

(In the second call to ask(), I just pressed enter.)

Does this make sense?

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 09:33:07 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:33:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
References: <><>
Message-ID: <009e01c65d3a$2d916ef0$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> What kind of real life problems are you interested in? You might like
> I am a parttime sys admin so I want system admin problem which usually I
> do through shell scripts like parsing logs, generating reports, greping
> with regexes etc.

My tutor is specifdically targetted at computer power users invcluding
sys admins. It has examples of parsing files and creating reports (albeit
very simple ones since its for beginners) and using regex. It also has
side bars on topics like using WSH on Windows and other OS specific

There are also specific topics on using the OS and IPC comms etc being

> The only thing I don't want is silly problems like generate fibonnacci
> series, add numbers frm 0-n etc. non required silly stuff.

None of the above are silly stuff, they are all needed in various real
world computing and scientific problems. However I do agree that
they are not what most beginners will be doing and I try to avoid
any math type exercises. (I do use factorials as an example of
recursion alongside another more practical example)

I don't think my tutor was in your list so you might like to give it a go...

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 09:36:42 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:36:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
References: <>
Message-ID: <00a801c65d3a$ad6b3b10$0a01a8c0@xp>

> My problem, and this is after reading PEP 318 and other items found when I
> "Googled" for decorators, is that I can't figure out the practical use for

There is no practical use for decorators IMHO
They are syntactic sugar added to the language to make some things
that were already possible a little tidier looking (things like class/static
 methods etc)

I don;t think there is anything that you need decorators to achieve that
you can'tdo without them. In that respect they are like python's support
for lambdas - nice to have but not essential to the language.

Others may feel differently! :-)

Alan G.

From kaushalshriyan at  Tue Apr 11 11:19:37 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:49:37 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Tuple
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I am referring to

>>> tuple = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
>>> tuple[0]

And the slice operator selects a range of elements.

>>> tuple[1:3]
('b', 'c')

But if we try to modify one of the elements of the tuple, we get a error:

>>> tuple[0] = 'A'
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment

Of course, even if we can't modify the elements of a tuple, we can
replace it with a different tuple:

>>> tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]
>>> tuple
('A', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')

How does tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]  this work ????

Please explain me with an example




From noufal at  Tue Apr 11 11:38:53 2006
From: noufal at (Noufal Ibrahim)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:08:53 +0530 (IST)
Subject: [Tutor] Tuple
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, April 11, 2006 2:49 pm, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> Hi All
> I am referring to
>>>> tuple = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
>>>> tuple[0]
> 'a'
> And the slice operator selects a range of elements.
>>>> tuple[1:3]
> ('b', 'c')
> But if we try to modify one of the elements of the tuple, we get a error:
>>>> tuple[0] = 'A'
> TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment
> Of course, even if we can't modify the elements of a tuple, we can
> replace it with a different tuple:
>>>> tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]
>>>> tuple
> ('A', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
> How does tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]  this work ????

One question mark is enough. ;)

('A',) creates a tuple with a single element. The comma at the end is to
differentiate between a tuple and just grouping brackets.
tuple[1:] returns all elements of the tuple except the first.
So what do you have?
A tuple ('A') and another tuple ('b', 'c', 'd', 'e').

Now, the + operator concatenates these two into a new tuple. What do you get?

This is returned by the expression on the right hand side. And it's
assigned to the variable "tuple". When you print it, you get the value.

I think you're getting confused between changing a tuple itself and
creating a new one with pieces of others.

On a side note, it's not a good idea to call a variable "tuple" since
there is a python builtin by the same name.

From kaushalshriyan at  Tue Apr 11 11:45:35 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:15:35 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Tuple
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/11/06, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at> wrote:
> On Tue, April 11, 2006 2:49 pm, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I am referring to
> >
> >>>> tuple = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
> >>>> tuple[0]
> > 'a'
> >
> >
> > And the slice operator selects a range of elements.
> >
> >>>> tuple[1:3]
> > ('b', 'c')
> >
> >
> > But if we try to modify one of the elements of the tuple, we get a error:
> >
> >>>> tuple[0] = 'A'
> > TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment
> >
> >
> > Of course, even if we can't modify the elements of a tuple, we can
> > replace it with a different tuple:
> >
> >>>> tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]
> >>>> tuple
> > ('A', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
> >
> > How does tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]  this work ????
> One question mark is enough. ;)
> ('A',) creates a tuple with a single element. The comma at the end is to
> differentiate between a tuple and just grouping brackets.
> tuple[1:] returns all elements of the tuple except the first.
> So what do you have?
> A tuple ('A') and another tuple ('b', 'c', 'd', 'e').
> Now, the + operator concatenates these two into a new tuple. What do you get?
> ('A','b','c','d','e').
> This is returned by the expression on the right hand side. And it's
> assigned to the variable "tuple". When you print it, you get the value.
> I think you're getting confused between changing a tuple itself and
> creating a new one with pieces of others.
> On a side note, it's not a good idea to call a variable "tuple" since
> there is a python builtin by the same name.
> --
> -NI

Thanks Noufal for the explanation

Appreciate it


From singletoned at  Tue Apr 11 12:10:16 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:10:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10/04/06, Payal Rathod <payal-python at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to learn Python seriously for almost 2 months but have not
> gotten far at all. Infact, it seems I have not understood even the basic
> concepts itself. I know some shell, sed and awk programming.
> I have tried reading Learning Python - Mark Lutz
> Think C Spy
> A byte of Python
> Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python
> etc.
> But I have not got anything from them. I am feeling that they are
> superficial and do not touch real life problems. Also, not enough
> examples are provided which can help newbies like me.
> Can anyone help me, it is pretty pretty frustating thing for last couple
> of months?
> With warm regards,
> -Payal

You might find reading real code to be more useful than a tutorial:

Fredrik Lundh's Guide to the Standard Library contains thousands of examples:

PLEAC contains loads of examples to show how to do things:

It all depends what kind of learner you are:
Learn by being taught (read the tutorials)
Learn by doing (think of a project, start trying to do it, then ask
here when you get stuck)
Learn by example (read lots of examples of other people's code to see
how they do it)

I'm very much the kind of person who likes to learn to swim by jumping
as far into the water as he can, then trying to get back to the side. 
It's amazing how well you can do something when you don't have any
choice. ;-)


From kent37 at  Tue Apr 11 12:15:54 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 06:15:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <00a801c65d3a$ad6b3b10$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>> My problem, and this is after reading PEP 318 and other items found when I
>> "Googled" for decorators, is that I can't figure out the practical use for
> There is no practical use for decorators IMHO
> They are syntactic sugar added to the language to make some things
> that were already possible a little tidier looking (things like class/static
>  methods etc)

It's true that decorators are syntactic sugar and don't add any new 
functional capabilities to the language.

def bar():

is equivalent to

def bar():
bar = foo(bar)

However this doesn't mean that there is no practical use for decorators. 
After all, list comprehension is mostly syntactic sugar too! Decorators 
add expressiveness and clarity to Python rather than functionality. If 
you read the PEP you see this is the primary motivation.

Decorators are used widely so apparently many people agree that they add 
to the expressiveness of the language.

Here is another example - decorators are used in the implementation of a 
proposal for dynamic function overloading:


From kaushalshriyan at  Tue Apr 11 12:17:20 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:47:20 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Emailid
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I am a ardent fan of python can I have email address for me
I mean For example for me it would be

kaushal at



From kaushalshriyan at  Tue Apr 11 12:26:16 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:56:16 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Tuple (Section 9.3)
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I am reading this and
did not understood the Section 9.3 at all, Please explain me with an
example so the idea become clear and understood


9.3 Tuples as return values

Functions can return tuples as return values. For example, we could
write a function that swaps two parameters:

def swap(x, y):
  return y, x

Then we can assign the return value to a tuple with two variables:

a, b = swap(a, b)

In this case, there is no great advantage in making swap a function.
In fact, there is a danger in trying to encapsulate swap, which is the
following tempting mistake:

def swap(x, y):      # incorrect version
  x, y = y, x

If we call this function like this:

swap(a, b)

then a and x are aliases for the same value. Changing xinside swap
makes x refer to a different value, but it has no effect on a in
__main__. Similarly, changing y has no effect on b.

This function runs without producing an error message, but it doesn't
do what we intended. This is an example of a semantic error.

As an exercise, draw a state diagram for this function so that you can
see why it doesn't work.


Thanks in Advance



From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 13:27:17 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:27:17 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] input with default value option
References: <>
Message-ID: <00f301c65d5a$e5a6ee00$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> With raw_input(), it allows to input value. Can it be used to input value 
>> with default value option?
> response = raw_input("Enter some data:")
> if not response: response = "default value"

This is one of the few places where I do use the short-circuit evaluation 

val = raw_input('> ') or myDefault

I reads well (IMHO) and works pretty much safely.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 13:36:29 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:36:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tuple
References: <>
Message-ID: <00fb01c65d5c$2dc22370$0a01a8c0@xp>

>>> tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]
>>> tuple
>('A', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
> How does tuple = ('A',) + tuple[1:]  this work ????
> Please explain me with an example

OK, we will use the example you gave us!

tuple is a bad name since Python has an internal type 
called tuple usd for converting a list etc to a tuple so 
I'll use t1:

>>> t1 = ('a','b','c','d','e')
>>> t2 = ('A',) + t1[1:]

We construct a new tuple by creating a single element 
tuple ('A',) and adding to it the contents of the original 
tuple starting with the second element (t1[1:]). We can 
add tuples together quite easily:

>>> t3 = (1,2,3) + (4,5,6)
>>> t3

The result is a new tuple. The only difference in your 
example is that instead of using a new name (t2) you 
replaced the original tuple with the new one in t1. This 
is just the same as when you do

x = x +1

Now which specific bit of that did you not understand
and we can expand on it if necessary?

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From kaushalshriyan at  Tue Apr 11 13:48:06 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:18:06 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] comp.lang.python newsgroup
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I went to a and found the
below newsgroup

How do i use this news group and access the information I need

comp.lang.python newsgroup

Thanks in Advance



From kent37 at  Tue Apr 11 14:22:28 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:22:28 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] comp.lang.python newsgroup
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> Hi All
> I went to a and found the
> below newsgroup
> How do i use this news group and access the information I need
> comp.lang.python newsgroup

You can use Google groups

You can subscribe to the email version:

Both of these and a few more options are listed in the web page you 


From kent37 at  Tue Apr 11 14:24:20 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:24:20 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Emailid
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> Hi All
> I am a ardent fan of python can I have email address for me
> I mean For example for me it would be
> kaushal at

I don't know how you get a mailing address but I'm sure it's 
not by asking here!


From singletoned at  Tue Apr 11 15:19:57 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:19:57 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Emailid
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/04/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I am a ardent fan of python can I have email address for me
> > I mean For example for me it would be
> >
> > kaushal at
> I don't know how you get a mailing address but I'm sure it's
> not by asking here!

Actually, I can probably help.  If you give your bank details to my
friend in Nigeria, he can get you one.


From doug.shawhan at  Tue Apr 11 16:33:12 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 09:33:12 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Scan Codes, Character Sets: Any Modules?
Message-ID: <>

 The difficulty I have may or may not be something that may be easily
handled with pyserial and some other mystery module.

 I am attempting to screen scrape SuperDOS, an extremely closed system that
uses wyse 60 terminals to communicate with a dos machine. I have not been
able to communicate properly with superdos until trying the handy example from the pyserial package in conjunction with Markus
Gutschke's wy60 emulator which translates input through an xterm into wyse
60 commands. These programs together allow me to interact with superdos
pretty well ... with the exception of the arrow keys: for those I must fall
back to the old cntl-letter combos to get the cursor to behave (actually
cntl-letter x 2.. for some reason it likes an extra prod). This is fine, as
now I have a way to debug my eventual script. My big problem is,  I am
completely unable to get SuperDos to respond to my carriage returns from
within the script!

I can watch the script work via I have sent the return and
newline characters in various combinations starting with "\n,\r",
"\x0a\x0d", but they respond weirdly, putting the cursor *above* the
existing command line, changing the cursor to an outline and generally
letting me know that I am on the wrong track.

Has some clever human alread created a handy module to handle wyse60 and
other terminal emulation from within a python program? I have looked over
the curses module, but it seems to be aimed at drawing proper screens for
the user, not translation. PySerial's ability to suck up the output via
readlines() is awesome, and I can see how I *think* it should all be done,
but the weirdness has got me stymied! I am going to look at Mr. Gutscheke's
source to see how he does it, but I am barely conversant in python and fear
that exposure to that much C code may cause dizziness!

-------------- next part --------------
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From pkraus at  Tue Apr 11 16:29:25 2006
From: pkraus at (Paul Kraus)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 10:29:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] unpack/regexp
Message-ID: <>

Ok sorry for the perl refernce but I can't figure out how to do this.
I have a fixed width text file i need to parse.

so lets say I want an array to containt the pieces i need.
if the fields I want are lengths from left to right.
10 10 13
I want to turn this into an array that has these elements.
123456789012 <--notice white space

In Perl its a simple
my @array = unpack ( "A10 A10 A13" , $line )
this extracts it and removes the whitespace after doing so.

or if i wanted i could do
my @array = ( $1, $2, $3 ) if ( $line =~ m/^(.{10})(.{10})(.{13}) )

Paul Kraus
PEL Supply Company
Network Administrator
216.267.5775 Voice
216.267.6176 Fax

From kaushalshriyan at  Tue Apr 11 16:50:19 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 20:20:19 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Database Connectivity
Message-ID: <>


How do i connect my python program to MySQL DB or Oracle DB or can you
please specify the URL which gives a detailed explanation on this.

Thanks in Advance



From singletoned at  Tue Apr 11 17:01:02 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 16:01:02 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Database Connectivity
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11/04/06, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan at> wrote:
> Hi ALL
> How do i connect my python program to MySQL DB or Oracle DB or can you
> please specify the URL which gives a detailed explanation on this.

SQLObject is your best bet:

If you're using MySQL, you will need MySQLdb as well:

Any questions, just ask.


From kent37 at  Tue Apr 11 17:08:44 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:08:44 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] unpack/regexp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Kraus wrote:
> Ok sorry for the perl refernce but I can't figure out how to do this.
> I have a fixed width text file i need to parse.
> so lets say I want an array to containt the pieces i need.
> if the fields I want are lengths from left to right.
> 10 10 13
> 12345678901234567890123456789012
> I want to turn this into an array that has these elements.
> 1234567890
> 1234567890
> 123456789012 <--notice white space
> In Perl its a simple
> my @array = unpack ( "A10 A10 A13" , $line )
> this extracts it and removes the whitespace after doing so.

struct.unpack() is a direct analog:

In [10]: line = "12345678901234567890123456789012 "

In [16]: struct.unpack('10s10s13s', line)
Out[16]: ('1234567890', '1234567890', '123456789012 ')

You can also use string slicing:

In [14]: line[:10], line[10:20], line[20:]
Out[14]: ('1234567890', '1234567890', '123456789012 ')

> or if i wanted i could do
> my @array = ( $1, $2, $3 ) if ( $line =~ m/^(.{10})(.{10})(.{13}) )

Python regex is a bit more verbose than Perl but you can do the same thing:

In [2]: import re

In [11]: m=re.match("(.{10})(.{10})(.{13})", line)

In [13]:, 2, 3)
Out[13]: ('1234567890', '1234567890', '123456789012 ')


From kent37 at  Tue Apr 11 17:11:00 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:11:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Database Connectivity
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> Hi ALL
> How do i connect my python program to MySQL DB or Oracle DB or can you
> please specify the URL which gives a detailed explanation on this.

Basic connectivity is through modules that implement the DB-API 
standard. Read the spec and find implementations here:

There are several popular packages that layer on top of this basic 
functionality such as SQLObject and SQLAlchemy.


From pkraus at  Tue Apr 11 17:17:31 2006
From: pkraus at (Paul Kraus)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:17:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] unpack/regexp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Python regex is a bit more verbose than Perl but you can do the same thing:
> In [2]: import re
> In [11]: m=re.match("(.{10})(.{10})(.{13})", line)
> In [13]:, 2, 3)
> Out[13]: ('1234567890', '1234567890', '123456789012 ')

That work great. Regex tend to be "expensive" is there a "better" way to do 

From doug.shawhan at  Tue Apr 11 17:32:41 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 10:32:41 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] unpack/regexp
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I always slice the string  in this sort of situation:

s = "12345678901234567890123456789012 "

t = s[:10],s[10:20],s[20:-1]

print t

('1234567890', '1234567890', '123456789012')

One could always bracket it to make a list or whatever.

Hope this helps!

On 4/11/06, Paul Kraus <pkraus at> wrote:
> Ok sorry for the perl refernce but I can't figure out how to do this.
> I have a fixed width text file i need to parse.
> so lets say I want an array to containt the pieces i need.
> if the fields I want are lengths from left to right.
> 10 10 13
> 12345678901234567890123456789012
> I want to turn this into an array that has these elements.
> 1234567890
> 1234567890
> 123456789012 <--notice white space
> In Perl its a simple
> my @array = unpack ( "A10 A10 A13" , $line )
> this extracts it and removes the whitespace after doing so.
> or if i wanted i could do
> my @array = ( $1, $2, $3 ) if ( $line =~ m/^(.{10})(.{10})(.{13}) )
> --
> Paul Kraus
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> PEL Supply Company
> Network Administrator
> 216.267.5775 Voice
> 216.267.6176 Fax
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From payal-python at  Tue Apr 11 18:06:45 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:06:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 04:20:37PM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:

I will read that and Alan's tutorial too (isn't that MS-Windows specific 

The reason I am disgrunted with Python is because lack of good 
documentation. Shell programming has great text and so do sed and awk 
but Python texts are rather boring and just hooting that Python is cool 
without proving it at all. All the examples I wanted were done better in 
shell/sed/awk.  But anyways thanks for the support I will dive into it 
again with fresh vigour. I will get back with any stupid queries I have.

With warm regards,

From hugonz at  Tue Apr 11 18:08:46 2006
From: hugonz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 10:08:46 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tuple (Section 9.3)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kaushal,

I might have to do a little guessing and see what is not clear from the 

The whole point of returning a tuple as opposed to, say, returning a 
list, is the fact that  tuples are NON mutable. That is, *apparently* 
you would not be returning a reference, but the values themselves.

There is no better example I can think of, than the one you already 
read. If you want a function tu return multiple parameters so that you 
can do.

ret1, ret2 = func()

then have func return a tuple. That's the whole point of the chapter you 

Maybe there is too much information in the discussion that does not look 
useful to you if you have not run into a problem where you need it.

I hope this is not some kind of homework :)


From josipl2000 at  Tue Apr 11 18:13:40 2006
From: josipl2000 at (josip)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 09:13:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] for loops
Message-ID: <>

  I have problem with this question.
  Can someone show me the code and than explain it?
  >>Write a Python program to print out the following  shape. You are expected to use two for loops (these must be nested) to solve this problem.
  * * * * * 
  *          *
  *          *
  * * * * *

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-------------- next part --------------
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From python at  Tue Apr 11 18:31:41 2006
From: python at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8yvind?=)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:31:41 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [Tutor] Webbrowser
Message-ID: <>


I have recently discovered the Webbrowser module, and have started using
it instead of just using IE thru win32com. But, have a few questions:

1) Is it possible to give it an adress, and if the browser gets a redirect
to a different adress, I can override it? For example, I tell the browser
to open a site. The browser tries, but gets redirected to a spam-site. I
would therefore like to send the user somewhere else. Is it possible?

2) It doesn't seem like open(url[, new=0][, autoraise=1]) new and
autoraise work with Firefox. I have tried all possible comboes, but the
site is opened in a new tab in Firefox regardless. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

This email has been scanned for viruses & spam by Decna as -
Denne e-posten er sjekket for virus & spam av Decna as -

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 18:33:34 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:33:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Scan Codes, Character Sets: Any Modules?
References: <>
Message-ID: <012f01c65d85$ad781740$0a01a8c0@xp>

Hi Doug,

>  I am attempting to screen scrape SuperDOS, uses wyse 60 terminals
> I must fall back to the old cntl-letter combos to get the cursor to behave

Sounds like you need to find a tech spec for the Wyse 60. That should
give you all of the Ctrl character combos to control the screen.
If you have access to a Unix box you might find the info you need
in the termcap or terminfo databases. But Wyse should have the
spec sheet on their web site somewhere...

Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 18:43:10 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:43:10 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
References: <><00a801c65d3a$ad6b3b10$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> There is no practical use for decorators IMHO
> It's true that decorators are syntactic sugar and don't add any new 
> functional capabilities to the language.

Which is all I intended to imply.

> However this doesn't mean that there is no practical use for decorators. 

Nor did I mean that, after all I am a big advocate of lambdas and 
they too are sugar. They have no practical use but are nice for 
conveying certain concepts in code. Similarly with decorators
(although I do hate the syntax!)

> After all, list comprehension is mostly syntactic sugar too! 

Absolutely and also add no practical functionality they are just 
shorthand, albeit with a small performance advantage in many 
cases - which is not true of decorators or lambdas!

> proposal for dynamic function overloading:

I really don't like this proposal nor many of the others that currently 
exist to seemingly turn Python into Java and C++! If people want to 
code in the Java porridge let them use Java not try to turn Python 
into the same sludge. (And yes, I do realise that it's Guido who's 
doing the work in this case! :-)

Alan G.

From doug.shawhan at  Tue Apr 11 19:14:13 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:14:13 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Scan Codes, Character Sets: Any Modules?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oho! has the
hex codes!

Thanks! Perhaps this will fix what ails me.

On 4/11/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> Yeah, termca was were I looked first.
> The OpenBSD 3.8 termcap shows:
> :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:\ for the carriage
> return,  but then I can't find the hex code for ^M! :-) At that point I
> thought I'd ask if there was some sort of termcapesque module available.
> I will scope the wyse website again, perhaps I can locate it this time!
> Thanks
> On 4/11/06, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Doug,
> >
> > >  I am attempting to screen scrape SuperDOS, uses wyse 60 terminals
> > > I must fall back to the old cntl-letter combos to get the cursor to
> > behave
> >
> > Sounds like you need to find a tech spec for the Wyse 60. That should
> > give you all of the Ctrl character combos to control the screen.
> > If you have access to a Unix box you might find the info you need
> > in the termcap or terminfo databases. But Wyse should have the
> > spec sheet on their web site somewhere...
> >
> > Alan G.
> >
> >
-------------- next part --------------
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From david at  Tue Apr 11 19:47:11 2006
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:47:11 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] for loops
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* josip <josipl2000 at> [2006-04-11 09:13]:
>   I have problem with this question.
>   Can someone show me the code and than explain it?
>   >>Write a Python program to print out the following  shape. You are expected to use two for loops (these must be nested) to solve this problem.
>   output:
>   * * * * * 
>   *          *
>   *          *
>   * * * * *

That looks a lot like homework.  If you have a specific question about a
_part_ of code _you_ have written, we'll be glad to help out explaining
those specifics.  

We generally try to stay away from doing the work for you :-)

David Rock
david at

From ms at  Tue Apr 11 20:03:15 2006
From: ms at (Michael)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 19:03:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
	<> <013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 11 April 2006 17:43, Alan Gauld wrote:
> >> There is no practical use for decorators IMHO
> >
> > It's true that decorators are syntactic sugar and don't add any new
> > functional capabilities to the language.
> Which is all I intended to imply.

You have a different meaning of "practical use" from common usage then. 
Something that makes it easier to:
   * Understand that a function has been modified
   * Make it clear that a function is a staticmethod/classmethod/etc *right at
      the beginning of a function* without having to read the entire body.
   * Reduce typing
   * Allow hinting of types for integration with tools like PyObjC
   * Make it clear when reading the definition of a method/function is
      memoised, traced etc
   * Simplifying augmentation of generators with arbitrary extra
      communications attributes.

... are all practical benefits. That means they have practical use in my
book :-)

Syntactic sugar *IS* a practical benefit. After all, every language above 
assember is syntactic sugar, and by your definition of no practical use.


From dyoo at  Tue Apr 11 20:04:15 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:04:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] comp.lang.python newsgroup
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[taking help at out of CC]

Hi Kaushal,

Please do not crosspost between help at and tutor at 
They are different mailing lists.

> I went to a and found the 
> below newsgroup
> How do i use this news group and access the information I need

Did you really read the page?  I don't mean to be facetious, but the 
content is all right there from your link.

What part about that page is confusing to you?  I'm baffled, so if you can 
explain what difficulty you had in reading it, that may help us better 

Also, I've noticed you're asking a lot of rapid-fire questions.  You may 
want to take a look at:

so that you get a better idea of asking questions that have a good chance 
of getting answered well.

From python at  Tue Apr 11 20:03:40 2006
From: python at (Python)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:03:40 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 12:06 -0400, Payal Rathod wrote:
> The reason I am disgrunted with Python is because lack of good 
> documentation.
The Python Docs - possibly you missed this because of the plethora of
links.  The Library Reference used to have the tag line:
	(keep this under your pillow)

The Module Index is the other key starting point.
A very handy quick reference.

I think Python has incredibly good documentation.  Fred Drake and the
other folks who write, edit and maintain the documentation do a
wonderful job of keeping it fresh and current as the language changes.
There are very few rough spots within the thousands of pages of text.

It's been a while since I looked at the Tutorial.  Is that where you
felt let down?

I felt compelled to respond to your post.  I think the quality and
quantity of Python documentation is hard to beat.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From kent37 at  Tue Apr 11 20:21:22 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:21:22 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <><00a801c65d3a$ad6b3b10$0a01a8c0@xp>
	<> <013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>> proposal for dynamic function overloading:
> I really don't like this proposal nor many of the others that currently 
> exist to seemingly turn Python into Java and C++! If people want to 
> code in the Java porridge let them use Java not try to turn Python 
> into the same sludge.

FWIW there is enough perceived need for this (and adapters or protocols) 
that it has been invented already two or three times, in PEAK (by Philip 
J Eby, author of a popular "Python is not Java" rant*), Zope and twisted 
IIRC. The PEAK version has been adopted by TurboGears. I think twisted 
has abandoned its own effort and adopted Zope's.

So I don't think it is necessarily people who want to turn Python into 
Java, but meeting a need that comes up in large projects.



From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 20:35:15 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 19:35:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
References: <><><><>
Message-ID: <015201c65d96$ad311370$0a01a8c0@xp>

> On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 04:20:37PM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> I will read that and Alan's tutorial too (isn't that MS-Windows specific 
> ???)

Nope, it usually mentions *nix workarounds etc
Most of it is OS neutral. The OS and IPC topic are mainly 
Unix centric.

> without proving it at all. All the examples I wanted were done better in 
> shell/sed/awk.  

I use Python a lot but I still use sed and awk for what they are good at.
Using the Right Tool for the Job is still a sound maxim.

Python is a general programmjing language great for bigger jobs. 
If you just want to run a sequience of unix commands shell is better. 
If you want simple but bulk text manipulation awk or sed are best.

Alan G.

From doug.shawhan at  Tue Apr 11 20:56:04 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 13:56:04 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Scan Codes, Character Sets: Any Modules?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

No luck. I think I am missing something utterly basic, and completely
unrelated to python. :-) I'll quit filling everyone's mailbox with cheese
and move on to a terminal newsgroup for my future pesterances. Thanks for
the help folks!

On 4/11/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> Oho! has
> the hex codes!
> Thanks! Perhaps this will fix what ails me.
> On 4/11/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, termca was were I looked first.
> >
> > The OpenBSD 3.8 termcap shows:
> > :cr=^M:ct=\E0:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:do=^J:ds=\EF\r:ei=\Er:fs=^M:\ for the carriage
> > return,  but then I can't find the hex code for ^M! :-) At that point I
> > thought I'd ask if there was some sort of termcapesque module available.
> >
> > I will scope the wyse website again, perhaps I can locate it this time!
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > On 4/11/06, Alan Gauld < alan.gauld at> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Doug,
> > >
> > > >  I am attempting to screen scrape SuperDOS, uses wyse 60 terminals
> > > > I must fall back to the old cntl-letter combos to get the cursor to
> > > behave
> > >
> > > Sounds like you need to find a tech spec for the Wyse 60. That should
> > > give you all of the Ctrl character combos to control the screen.
> > > If you have access to a Unix box you might find the info you need
> > > in the termcap or terminfo databases. But Wyse should have the
> > > spec sheet on their web site somewhere...
> > >
> > > Alan G.
> > >
> > >
> >
-------------- next part --------------
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From mhansen at  Tue Apr 11 21:19:40 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 13:19:40 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Database Connectivity
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <002601c65d9c$e19d94c0$28645f0a@mikehansen>

> Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> > Hi ALL
> > 
> > How do i connect my python program to MySQL DB or Oracle DB 
> or can you 
> > please specify the URL which gives a detailed explanation on this.
> Basic connectivity is through modules that implement the 
> DB-API standard. Read the spec and find implementations here:
> There are several popular packages that layer on top of this 
> basic functionality such as SQLObject and SQLAlchemy.
> Kent

The DB-API spec would go a long way if it had a couple of examples. Poking
around the database topics, I came across an article in Linux Journal that
seems to help

Also, the MySQLdb module has some examples

The module for Postgre called psycopg has a nice PDF about the DB-API


From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 21:58:10 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 20:58:10 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
References: <><>
Message-ID: <017e01c65da2$42ac96d0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Syntactic sugar *IS* a practical benefit. After all, every language above
> assember is syntactic sugar, and by your definition of no practical use.

Ah, but by that standard even assembler is syntactic sugar, now
where are those hex codes and my keypunch? :-)

By practical use I mean adding function to the language.
I agree decorators add a modicum of readability, but
they also remove a large slice of Python's readability
by introducing more line noise characters to the language,
and that's a really bad feature from my perspective.

As to your list of benefits:

   * Understand that a function has been modified

I'm not sure I see how decorators do that? Can you give
an example to explain what you mean?

   * Make it clear that a function is a staticmethod/classmethod/etc *right 
      the beginning of a function* without having to read the entire body.

Not been an issue, I found the previous explicit statement to
be just as useful.

   * Reduce typing

Never a good reason for introducing features if the feature
introduces line noise in my book! I'd rather type a few more
characters than contend with $@% type crud.

   * Allow hinting of types for integration with tools like PyObjC

Too esoteric for mainstream, if I want to program in ObjC (and I do!)
I'll use ObjC. Its never worth corrupting one language just to integrate
with another (The only exception I've ever been happy with in that
regard is  the asm/endasm directives in C/Pascal/Cobol/Fortran etc)

   * Make it clear when reading the definition of a method/function is
      memoised, traced etc

I use a debugger for that kind of thing.

   * Simplifying augmentation of generators with arbitrary extra
      communications attributes.

Never ventured into this area yet so can't comment.

Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 22:08:12 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 21:08:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
References: <><00a801c65d3a$ad6b3b10$0a01a8c0@xp><>
	<013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <018401c65da3$a9b34b70$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> I really don't like this proposal nor many of the others that currently 
>> exist to seemingly turn Python into Java and C++! If people want to
> FWIW there is enough perceived need for this (and adapters or protocols) 
> that it has been invented already two or three times, in PEAK (by Philip 
> ...
> So I don't think it is necessarily people who want to turn Python into 
> Java, but meeting a need that comes up in large projects.

Just because there is a perceived need doesn't make it good.
C++ started out as a neat elegant extension to C that enabled it
to do things that vanilla C couldn't. Then 'perceived need' added
features to support just about every OOP concept and flavour
going, plus adding a few new ones. The end result is a nightmare
language with so many holes gaping that it is almost impossible
to use effectively.

The result of that was the brain-dead Java v1 language which is
now being frantically patched and is rapidly turning into another
rotting pile of syntax. Unfortunately there is a real danger of Python
going the same way.What was an easy to learn and use, ideal language
for medium sized to fairly large scripting projects is trying to turn into
an all encompassing general purpose language which will be
increasingly difficult to use without falling down some new syntax hole.
I would hate for that to happen to Python simply because people are
trying to stretch it beyond its natural envelope.

Sadly Lisp appears to be the only language so far that has succeeded
in extending without losing its inherent simplicity of structure and syntax.
Unfortunately Lisp's simplicity is only apparent to mathemeticians! :-)

Alan G 

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 11 22:15:30 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 21:15:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] for loops
References: <>
Message-ID: <018e01c65da4$ae381ad0$0a01a8c0@xp>

>>   >>Write a Python program to print out the following  shape.
>>   >>You are expected to use two for loops (these must be nested) to solve 
>> this problem.
>>   output:
>>   * * * * *
>>   *          *
>>   *          *
>>   * * * * *
> That looks a lot like homework.

I agree and very poor homework too.
I certainly wouldn't expect to use two for loops, I'd only use one.
(And that assumes the more general problem of drawing an
arbitrary sized square, for the specific case I'd use a single print
statement and triple quoted string!)

Any homework which implies that only one design is acceptable
is a bad assignment in my book!

> We generally try to stay away from doing the work for you :-)

But the advice stays good. Tell us how far you got and what's
sticking you and we will try to help...

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From bgailer at  Tue Apr 11 22:42:20 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 13:42:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <017e01c65da2$42ac96d0$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <><>	<013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>> Syntactic sugar *IS* a practical benefit. After all, every language above
>> assember is syntactic sugar, and by your definition of no practical use.
> Ah, but by that standard even assembler is syntactic sugar, now
> where are those hex codes and my keypunch? :-)
Only those of us who keyed the bin loader into a PDP-8 by toggling 
switches, each representing one bit, can claim to be the most free of 
syntactic sugar.

"Real programmers eschew languages. They do it on the bare metal."

From hugonz-lists at  Tue Apr 11 22:44:00 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:44:00 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tuple (Section 9.3)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kaushal,

I might have to do a little guessing and see what is not clear from the

The whole point of returning a tuple as opposed to, say, returning a
list, is the fact that  tuples are NON mutable. That is, *apparently*
you would not be returning a reference, but the values themselves.

There is no better example I can think of, than the one you already
read. If you want a function tu return multiple parameters so that you
can do.

ret1, ret2 = func()

then have func return a tuple. That's the whole point of the chapter you

Maybe there is too much information in the discussion that does not look
useful to you if you have not run into a problem where you need it.

I hope this is not some kind of homework :)


From fant at  Tue Apr 11 23:24:32 2006
From: fant at (Andrew D. Fant)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:24:32 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <017e01c65da2$42ac96d0$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <><>	<013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>Syntactic sugar *IS* a practical benefit. After all, every language above
>>assember is syntactic sugar, and by your definition of no practical use.
> Ah, but by that standard even assembler is syntactic sugar, now
> where are those hex codes and my keypunch? :-)
> By practical use I mean adding function to the language.
> I agree decorators add a modicum of readability, but
> they also remove a large slice of Python's readability
> by introducing more line noise characters to the language,
> and that's a really bad feature from my perspective.
*chomp* (sorry for introducing perl constructs here 8)
> Alan G

  May I just say AMEN?  One of the reasons I started using python is that it was
the first programming language I had seen since Fortran that didn't make my eyes
cross from line noise characters stuck in among the text.  Has anyone ever
studied the effect of decorators on code readability?  Personally, I think that
if we want to add a bunch of unpronounceable characters to our code, we should
go back to using APL.  (for those who miss it, A+ is a fairly decent modern
update of the concept)  Now if you REALLY want to get funky.  try crossing lisp
with APL for a mathematically pure language that nobody can ever read.


Andrew Fant    | And when the night is cloudy    | This space to let
Molecular Geek | There is still a light          |----------------------
fant at | That shines on me               | Disclaimer:  I don't
Boston, MA     | Shine until tomorrow, Let it be | even speak for myself

From bgailer at  Wed Apr 12 00:10:20 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:10:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <><>	<013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>	<>	<017e01c65da2$42ac96d0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Andrew D. Fant wrote:
> [snip]  try crossing lisp
> with APL for a mathematically pure language that nobody can ever read.
One problem is that APL allowed unbalanced parentheses (as in )SAVE), 
whereas LISP does not. And of course there is the right-to-left vs 
left-to-right issue...

I do miss the incredible succinctness of APL. One "line noise" character 
was worth (say) 10 lines of (say) Fortran.

I'd like to see some APL-ness added to Python, as I struggle to write a 
comprehension equivalent to one APL character.

From victor at  Wed Apr 12 00:15:58 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:15:58 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
Message-ID: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>

Hi all,

I have solved my problem, but would like to know if what I accomplished
can be done with different data using list comprehensions.

the list I want to sort has the following format:

elements = [
(codigo, [ cant, importe, porc]),
(codigo, [ cant, importe, porc]),

Actual data is:
In [129]: elements[0:5]
[('2712', [22.0, 3618.8099999999999, 0.0032389476163069883]),
 ('2713', [19.0, 6551.8100000000004, 0.0058640739309320719]),
 ('2710', [21.0, 2553.5799999999999, 0.0022855336019435113]),
 ('2716', [19.0, 8215.2700000000004, 0.0073529224203034461]),
 ('4305', [4.0, 348.37, 0.00031180199598565978])]

And I want to sort descending on 'importe', which is x[1][1] for x in

What I did was the following, following the Schwarzian Transform:

temporal = []
temporal = [ [x[1][1], (x[0], description[x[0]],
    x[1][0], x[1][1], x[1][2] ) ] for x in elements ]
temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]

If the second element in each array passed as x is of variable length
(that is, it has a different element count than three, in this case),
the program needs to extend the list instead. Without list
comprehensions, and the added capability to utilize and sized list as a
second element, my code ended up looking like the following:

temporal = []
for x in elements:
    lst = [x[0], description[x[0]]]
    temporal.append([x[1][1], lst])
temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]

Is there a way to use list comprehensions to append or extend the array
as needed by the second code listing?


From john at  Wed Apr 12 00:29:55 2006
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:29:55 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>
References: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/04/06, Victor Bouffier <victor at> wrote:
> elements = [
> (codigo, [ cant, importe, porc]),
> (codigo, [ cant, importe, porc]),
> ...
> ]
> And I want to sort descending on 'importe', which is x[1][1] for x in
> elements.

In python 2.4, you could achieve this by saying:

elements.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][1])

In earlier versions of python, you can do:

elements.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1][1], y[1][1]))

(but this is less efficient than key= in 2.4)

There's also the decorate-sort-undecorate idiom:

dec = [(x[1][1], x) for x in elements]
elements = [x[1] for x in dec]


From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 12 00:34:51 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 23:34:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
References: <><>	<013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp>	<><017e01c65da2$42ac96d0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <01a401c65db8$2704cef0$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> Ah, but by that standard even assembler is syntactic sugar, now
>> where are those hex codes and my keypunch? :-)
> Only those of us who keyed the bin loader into a PDP-8 by toggling 
> switches, each representing one bit, can claim to be the most free of 
> syntactic sugar.

Never used a PDP 8 (but I did use a PDP 11), but I have keyed binary 
boot sequences into a Data General machine in the late '70s using the 
front panel DIP switches

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 12 00:42:29 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 23:42:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
References: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>
Message-ID: <01ae01c65db9$385a6920$0a01a8c0@xp>

Hi Victor,

I've gotta say that I much prefer the second version here.

> temporal = []
> temporal = [ [x[1][1], (x[0], description[x[0]],
>    x[1][0], x[1][1], x[1][2] ) ] for x in elements ]
> temporal.sort()
> temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
> elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]
> temporal = []
> for x in elements:
>    lst = [x[0], description[x[0]]]
>    lst.extend(x[1])
>    temporal.append([x[1][1], lst])
> temporal.sort()
> temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
> elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]

That looks a lot easier to rtead (and debug) and will I suspect be 
easier to maintain. Copmprehensions are great but unfortunately 
can rapidly become incomprehensible!

> Is there a way to use list comprehensions to append or extend the array
> as needed by the second code listing?

There may be but I wouldn't try.
I might however look at using a simple list or dictionary of objects based 
on a class... It might be easier.

Alan G

From victor at  Wed Apr 12 01:14:41 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:14:41 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] [Fwd: Re:  Extending a list within a list comprehension]
Message-ID: <1144797282.6561.126.camel@elrond>

I sent this to John directly.
Posting to the list.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Victor Bouffier <victor at>
To: John Fouhy <john at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:03:41 -0500

On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 10:29 +1200, John Fouhy wrote:
> On 12/04/06, Victor Bouffier <victor at> wrote:
> > elements = [
> > (codigo, [ cant, importe, porc]),
> > (codigo, [ cant, importe, porc]),
> > ...
> > ]
> >
> > And I want to sort descending on 'importe', which is x[1][1] for x in
> > elements.
> In python 2.4, you could achieve this by saying:
> elements.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][1])
> In earlier versions of python, you can do:
> elements.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1][1], y[1][1]))
> (but this is less efficient than key= in 2.4)
> There's also the decorate-sort-undecorate idiom:
> dec = [(x[1][1], x) for x in elements]
> dec.sort()
> elements = [x[1] for x in dec]

Hi John,

Thanks for your help. This is very nice and I will definitely use it
when sorting a fixed list.
However, I forgot to point out I am including an extra element: item
description from a dict, where its key=codigo (x[0]). This is why I
write the whole list as a single element.

Still I could follow your suggestion and do:

dec = [(x[1][1], x, description[x[0]]) for x in elements]
elements = [x[1], x[2] for x in dec]

It is still better, but not quite there. Any feedback will be gladly


From victor at  Wed Apr 12 01:18:03 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:18:03 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <01ae01c65db9$385a6920$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>
Message-ID: <1144797483.6561.131.camel@elrond>

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 23:42 +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Hi Victor,
> I've gotta say that I much prefer the second version here.
> > temporal = []
> > temporal = [ [x[1][1], (x[0], description[x[0]],
> >    x[1][0], x[1][1], x[1][2] ) ] for x in elements ]
> > temporal.sort()
> > temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
> > elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]
> > 
> > 
> > temporal = []
> > for x in elements:
> >    lst = [x[0], description[x[0]]]
> >    lst.extend(x[1])
> >    temporal.append([x[1][1], lst])
> > temporal.sort()
> > temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
> > elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]
> > 
> That looks a lot easier to rtead (and debug) and will I suspect be 
> easier to maintain. Copmprehensions are great but unfortunately 
> can rapidly become incomprehensible!
> > Is there a way to use list comprehensions to append or extend the array
> > as needed by the second code listing?
> There may be but I wouldn't try.
> I might however look at using a simple list or dictionary of objects based 
> on a class... It might be easier.
> Alan G

Hi Alan,

I believe you are right. The most pythonic way is not always the most
"perlish" way ;-) (no offense intended to Perl-comers, but Perl does
tend to promote nesting of expressions).

It is much easier to read and maintain, which is what I will need to do
Thanks for the feedback.


From victor at  Wed Apr 12 01:35:11 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:35:11 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Decorators
In-Reply-To: <018401c65da3$a9b34b70$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
	<013301c65d87$0603d380$0a01a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <1144798511.6561.141.camel@elrond>

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 21:08 +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> What was an easy to learn and use, ideal language
> for medium sized to fairly large scripting projects is trying to turn
> into
> an all encompassing general purpose language which will be
> increasingly difficult to use without falling down some new syntax
> hole.


I could not agree more. Python's has both simplicity in its syntax and
very powerful constructs like generators and object orientation
included. I would hate to eventually need a Python reference book by my
side for even the simplest of projects because I could not remember $#&
meant a returned value from a function when the value was a particular
type (I used to work with Perl and you can get into that pretty

From rfquerin at  Wed Apr 12 03:47:05 2006
From: rfquerin at (Richard Querin)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 21:47:05 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Question About Function Arguments and Returned Results
Message-ID: <>

I'm a relative newbie writing a function that carries out a bunch of
calculations. The function requires about 4 or 5 numeric arguments as input
but the data returned from the function call is about a dozen numbers in
addition to a list of strings and a fairly long list of numbers (200+).  My
question is whether to create an class object beforehand and pass this into
and out of the function, or to just keep things simple and pass in the 4
arguments and return a simple list object containing the numbers and lists
of strings and numbers.

Is there any benefit to using an class object for this? I don't want to
limit what I can do with the returned data later. I want to be able to
display the results of this function in different ways later on. I'm going
to have a lot of functions of this type and I know I will have to keep the
format of the results list object well documented in order to keep track of
what is returned when I look at the code 6 months from now. Is a simple list
the best way? or a class object?
-------------- next part --------------
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From hokkakada at  Wed Apr 12 03:51:03 2006
From: hokkakada at (kakada)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 08:51:03 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] encoding
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

Does anybody know how to decode to Windows Latin ("ANSI")
I know how to decode to utf-8:
stringinput = stringinput.decode('utf-8')
but while I use
stringinput = stringinput.decode('ANSI')
LookupError: unknown encoding: ANSI

so what is the correct way to do it?

Thanks and !Happy Khmer New Year!


From kent37 at  Wed Apr 12 04:17:50 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 22:17:50 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>
References: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Bouffier wrote:

> If the second element in each array passed as x is of variable length
> (that is, it has a different element count than three, in this case),
> the program needs to extend the list instead. Without list
> comprehensions, and the added capability to utilize and sized list as a
> second element, my code ended up looking like the following:
> temporal = []
> for x in elements:
>     lst = [x[0], description[x[0]]]
>     lst.extend(x[1])
>     temporal.append([x[1][1], lst])
> temporal.sort()
> temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
> elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]
> Is there a way to use list comprehensions to append or extend the array
> as needed by the second code listing?

I think you are looking for
temporal = [ [x[0], description[x[0]]] + x[1] for x in elements ]

but I would make two steps, one for the sort using just
   [ (x[0], x) for x in elements ]

then when you pick the data back out you can format it how you like.


PS to John: the original solution is using DSU, aka Schwarzian Transform

From rfquerin at  Wed Apr 12 04:27:26 2006
From: rfquerin at (Richard Querin)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 22:27:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Question About Function Arguments and Returned Results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/11/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:

> There is no need to pass the class object in to the function, you can
> create it in the function and return it. A class might be nice because
> it gives names to the various values. A dict can also be used for this.
> Do what feels right :-)

To be more specific, I'm going to have probably 6 functions that do similar
things. They all take slightly different arguments, they all do slightly
different calculations, but the results of all the functions are the same
format. So I guess it makes sense to use a class. Now, when you say 'create
it in the function', you mean create the class instance inside the function
and return that instance? The class itself is defined somewhere else in the
module containing the functions so that all the functions have access to it.
(Total newb to python and classes so sorry if that's a stupid question).
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From kent37 at  Wed Apr 12 04:32:35 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 22:32:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Question About Function Arguments and Returned Results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Richard Querin wrote:
> On 4/11/06, *Kent Johnson* <kent37 at <mailto:kent37 at>> wrote:
>     There is no need to pass the class object in to the function, you can
>     create it in the function and return it. A class might be nice because
>     it gives names to the various values. A dict can also be used for this.
>     Do what feels right :-)
> To be more specific, I'm going to have probably 6 functions that do 
> similar things. They all take slightly different arguments, they all do 
> slightly different calculations, but the results of all the functions 
> are the same format. So I guess it makes sense to use a class. Now, when 

Yes, that's a good argument for a class.

> you say 'create it in the function', you mean create the class instance 
> inside the function and return that instance? The class itself is 
> defined somewhere else in the module containing the functions so that 
> all the functions have access to it. (Total newb to python and classes 
> so sorry if that's a stupid question).

Right, create the class instance in the function.

class ReturnedValue(object):
   def __init__(self, value):
     self.value = value

def myFunction(x, y, z, w):
   return ReturnedValue(x+y+z+w)

Season to taste ;)

From hokkakada at  Wed Apr 12 05:19:22 2006
From: hokkakada at (kakada)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:19:22 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary datatype
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

For example, I have a dictionary:
dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}

I assign:
n = 0x2018
print dict1[n]

KeyError: '0x2018'

But I can call directly:
print dict1[0x2018]

So, what is wrong with this? How can I solve it?



From jason.massey at  Wed Apr 12 05:37:59 2006
From: jason.massey at (Jason Massey)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 22:37:59 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary datatype
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Works for me:

>>> dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}
>>> n = 0x2018
>>> print dict1[n]

On 4/11/06, kakada <hokkakada at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> For example, I have a dictionary:
> dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}
> I assign:
> n = 0x2018
> print dict1[n]
> Then:
> KeyError: '0x2018'
> But I can call directly:
> print dict1[0x2018]
> So, what is wrong with this? How can I solve it?
> Thx
> kakada
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From victor at  Wed Apr 12 07:17:35 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 00:17:35 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond>  <>
Message-ID: <1144819055.12108.15.camel@elrond>

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 22:17 -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Victor Bouffier wrote:
> > If the second element in each array passed as x is of variable length
> > (that is, it has a different element count than three, in this case),
> > the program needs to extend the list instead. Without list
> > comprehensions, and the added capability to utilize and sized list as a
> > second element, my code ended up looking like the following:
> > 
> > temporal = []
> > for x in elements:
> >     lst = [x[0], description[x[0]]]
> >     lst.extend(x[1])
> >     temporal.append([x[1][1], lst])
> > temporal.sort()
> > temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
> > elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]
> > 
> > Is there a way to use list comprehensions to append or extend the array
> > as needed by the second code listing?
> I think you are looking for
> temporal = [ [x[0], description[x[0]]] + x[1] for x in elements ]

Hi Kent,
I try this one and get the following error:

TypeError: list objects are unhashable

I figured it is because of the x[0] element being used as a dict key.
Can you explain further where this error comes from? Are you getting it

> but I would make two steps, one for the sort using just
>    [ (x[0], x) for x in elements ]
You are right. This is cleaner and not a big deal to do in two steps.
However for the issue at hand, it still keeps x as a two element list:

[codigo, [ cant, importe, porc]],

which I would like to have extended:

[codigo, cant, importe, porc]

It is not a big deal. That is why I finally went with the longer version
Alan suggested. Before the sort I get a two element list, the second
element being the list I finally want as output.

> then when you pick the data back out you can format it how you like.

Right. After the sort I just get that second element in another list

lines = [ x[1] for x in temp ]

Thanks for your help.

> Kent
> PS to John: the original solution is using DSU, aka Schwarzian Transform
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From victor at  Wed Apr 12 07:30:56 2006
From: victor at (Victor Bouffier)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 00:30:56 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary datatype
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1144819856.12108.26.camel@elrond>

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 22:37 -0500, Jason Massey wrote:
> Works for me:
> >>> dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}
> >>> n = 0x2018
> >>> print dict1[n]
> k
> >>> 
> On 4/11/06, kakada <hokkakada at> wrote:
>         Hello all,
>         For example, I have a dictionary:
>         dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}
>         I assign:
>         n = 0x2018
>         print dict1[n]
>         Then:
>         KeyError: '0x2018'
>         But I can call directly:
>         print dict1[0x2018] 
>         So, what is wrong with this? How can I solve it?
>         Thx
>         kakada
>         _______________________________________________
>         Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Look into the value of n after assignment:

In [285]: n = 0x2018

In [286]: n
Out[286]: 8216

n is taken as an integer containing the decimal number 8216, which in
hex is represented as 0x2018.

Try again to see if you did not mistakenly typed dict1['0x2018'] or else
defined n as such.

If you try dict1[n], dict1[0x2018], or dict1[8216] you get a correct
result, since the integer variable 'n' contains that value. Trying
dict1['0x2016'] gives you the error because the key does not exist.

define dict1 as:
dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}

and then display it whole:

In [299]: print dict1
{8216: u'k', 8217: u'd'}

Can you see your '0x2018' key anywhere?



From kaushalshriyan at  Wed Apr 12 07:46:50 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:16:50 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Tuples
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I am referring to
I did not understood the below Section at all :(

9.3 Tuples as return values

Functions can return tuples as return values. For example, we could
write a function that swaps two parameters:

def swap(x, y):
  return y, x

Then we can assign the return value to a tuple with two variables:

a, b = swap(a, b)

In this case, there is no great advantage in making swap a function.
In fact, there is a danger in trying to encapsulate swap, which is the
following tempting mistake:

def swap(x, y):      # incorrect version
  x, y = y, x

If we call this function like this:

swap(a, b)

then a and x are aliases for the same value. Changing xinside swap
makes x refer to a different value, but it has no effect on a in
__main__. Similarly, changing y has no effect on b.

This function runs without producing an error message, but it doesn't
do what we intended. This is an example of a semantic error.

As an exercise, draw a state diagram for this function so that you can
see why it doesn't work.

Thanks in Advance



From dyoo at  Wed Apr 12 10:44:07 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 01:44:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Tuples / Critique of How to Think like a Computer Scientist
 [Was: Re: Tuples]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

> I am referring to
> I did not understood the below Section at all :(

Hi Kaushal,

Ok, let's trying starting somewhere else and see at what point you get 
stuck.  It'll also give you a chance to practice what you do understand so 

Are you comfortable about being able to return things besides numbers or 
strings from a function?  In particular, do you have any experience 
writing functions that return tuples?

For example, could you write a function that takes two elements, and wraps 
its input in a tuple?  Let's call this function something, like wrap(). 
We'd expect wrap() to do something like this:

     wrap(5, 6)       --> (5, 6)
     wrap("hello", "world") --> ("hello", "world")

Would you be able to write a definition of wrap()?  Let's start from there 
and see if we can isolate where you're getting stuck.

Also, if you are having trouble with How to Think Like a Computer 
Scientist, I wouldn't be ashamed; I'm not such a big fan of it myself 
anymore.  You might want to take a look at the other tutorials on:


I'm going to rant, but not at you, but at that particular tutorial you're 
reading.  To the others on the list: frankly, I really do not like the 
approach that "How to Think like a Computer Scientist" uses in marching 
through all the concepts it tries to teach; in a critical eye, I would say 
that it's doesn't do such a good job in integrating concepts, nor does it 
have natural flow.  Am I alone in thinking this?

Chapter Nine seems especially problematic in terms of flow.  It's as if 
they say: "Here are tuples, a data structure.  You should learn them. 
Ok, next up: here's something else you have to learn called random 
numbers.  They have nothing to do with those tuple things what we just 
talked about, but we have to hurry if we're going to finish covering all 
the things in the glossary."

Maybe I'm just reading too pessimistically into it, but the tutorial just 
seems to go out of its way to avoid flowing one concept into another, but 
instead jolting the student across the landscape.  When I read part of 
that section you pointed out, there's one particular thing I strongly 
disagree with, that is, when they throw a rocky curveball with the 
introduction of the "broken" swap() function:

def swap(x, y):  # broken
   x, y = y, x

The issue they try to tackle here really has nothing to do with tuples. 
The same "bug" occurs with:

def broken_swap(x, y):
     t = x
     x = y
     y = t

or, for that matter:

def broken_double(x):
     x = x * 2

So I'm actually not quite sure why the tutorial is trying to make a point 
about this.  It's an issue that should have been touched on much earlier 
in Chapter Five or Six, when functions and "multiple assignment" were 
introduced, so mixing it in with the tuple stuff just seems off-track and 
deliberately bewildering.  And mixing it in haphazardly here risks the 
student thinking: "does the issue here have anything to do with this 
'immutability' thing I just read about a few paragraphs ago?"

From kaushalshriyan at  Wed Apr 12 11:12:15 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 14:42:15 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of Lists data Type
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I am referring to

8.7 List slices
>>> list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
>>> list[1:3]
['b', 'c']  -----> I understood this
>>> list[:4]  -->  Does this mean its list[0:4]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']  ----> I didnot understood this
>>> list[3:] -->  Does this mean its list[3:0]
['d', 'e', 'f'] ----> I didnot understood this
>>> list[:] -->  Does this mean its list[0:0]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] ----> I didnot understood this

Please explain me

Thanks in Advance



From ajikoe at  Wed Apr 12 11:32:10 2006
From: ajikoe at (Pujo Aji)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:32:10 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of Lists data Type
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On 4/12/06, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan at> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am referring to
> 8.7 List slices
> --------------------------------------------
> >>> list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
> >>> list[1:3]
> ['b', 'c']  -----> I understood this

>>> list[:4]  -->  Does this mean its list[0:4]

   ':' here means --> from the first element to element index 4

> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']  ----> I didnot understood this

>>> list[3:] -->  Does this mean its list[3:0]

   ':' here means --> from element index 3 to the last element
  ['d', 'e', 'f'] ----> I didnot understood this

>>> list[:] -->  Does this mean its list[0:0]

   ':' here means --> from the first element to the last element

> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] ----> I didnot understood this

Please explain me
> Thanks in Advance
> Regards
> Kaushal

Hope, this helps

> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From ajikoe at  Wed Apr 12 11:34:31 2006
From: ajikoe at (Pujo Aji)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:34:31 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of Lists data Type
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry for the last explanations....there is a correction!

On 4/12/06, Pujo Aji <ajikoe at> wrote:
> Hello,
> On 4/12/06, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan at> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All
> >
> > I am referring to
> >
> > 8.7 List slices
> > --------------------------------------------
> > >>> list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
> > >>> list[1:3]
> > ['b', 'c']  -----> I understood this
> >>> list[:4]  -->  Does this mean its list[0:4]
>    ':' here means --> from the first element to element index 3 #
> corrected
> > ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']  ----> I didnot understood this
> >>> list[3:] -->  Does this mean its list[3:0]
>    ':' here means --> from element index 3 to the last element
>   ['d', 'e', 'f'] ----> I didnot understood this
> >>> list[:] -->  Does this mean its list[0:0]
>    ':' here means --> from the first element to the last element
> > ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] ----> I didnot understood this
> Please explain me
> >
> > Thanks in Advance
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Kaushal
> Hope, this helps
> pujo
> _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
-------------- next part --------------
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From noufal at  Wed Apr 12 11:43:11 2006
From: noufal at (Noufal Ibrahim)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 15:13:11 +0530 (IST)
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of Lists data Type
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, April 12, 2006 2:42 pm, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

>>>> list[:] -->  Does this mean its list[0:0]
> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] ----> I didnot understood this

I remember you once asked another question related to sequence slices and
I mentioned the effects of slicing with no indices. You sure you're
reading the replies? ;)

When you leave an index in the slice argument, it will assume that you
meant the maximum (or minimum as the case may be) possible.

For example.
>>> foo = ['a','b','c','d','e']
>>> foo[2]   #Element at index 2
>>> foo[2:]  #Elements from index two till the end
['c', 'd', 'e']
>>> foo[:2]  #Elements from the beginning till index 2.
['a', 'b']

Now, when you give a [:] to the slice operator, you get a copy of the
original list. This is shown below

>>> bar = foo[:]  #bar contains a copy of foo
>>> baz = foo     #baz is an alias for foo (not a copy)
>>> baz is foo    #Are baz and foo the same?
True              #Yes they are
>>> bar is foo    #Are bar and foo the same?
False             #No they're not. It's a copy remember?
>>> bar[2]="test" #Change element at index 2 of bar to "test"
>>> bar           # Print it
['a', 'b', 'test', 'd', 'e'] # It's changed
>>> foo                      # Has foo changed as well?
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']    # Nope. Because bar is a copy of foo.
>>> baz[2]="test"            # Now we change element at index 2 of baz.
>>> baz                      # Has baz changed?
['a', 'b', 'test', 'd', 'e'] # Of course. :)
>>> foo                      # Has foo changed?
['a', 'b', 'test', 'd', 'e'] # Yes. Since baz was an alias of foo.

I trust this clears things up.

Also, try not to use "list" as a variable name since it's a builtin.


From kent37 at  Wed Apr 12 12:08:12 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 06:08:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Extending a list within a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <1144819055.12108.15.camel@elrond>
References: <1144793758.6561.108.camel@elrond> <>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Bouffier wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 22:17 -0400, Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Victor Bouffier wrote:
>>> If the second element in each array passed as x is of variable length
>>> (that is, it has a different element count than three, in this case),
>>> the program needs to extend the list instead. Without list
>>> comprehensions, and the added capability to utilize and sized list as a
>>> second element, my code ended up looking like the following:
>>> temporal = []
>>> for x in elements:
>>>     lst = [x[0], description[x[0]]]
>>>     lst.extend(x[1])
>>>     temporal.append([x[1][1], lst])
>>> temporal.sort()
>>> temporal.reverse()          # sort descending
>>> elements = [ x[1] for x in temporal ]
>>> Is there a way to use list comprehensions to append or extend the array
>>> as needed by the second code listing?
>> I think you are looking for
>> temporal = [ [x[0], description[x[0]]] + x[1] for x in elements ]
> Hi Kent,
> I try this one and get the following error:
> TypeError: list objects are unhashable

It's helpful if you show the traceback as well as the error message.
> I figured it is because of the x[0] element being used as a dict key.
> Can you explain further where this error comes from? Are you getting it
> too?

No, I don't know what is causing it. Isn't x[0] a string? What is 
description? I didn't run the code myself.


From hokkakada at  Wed Apr 12 12:20:18 2006
From: hokkakada at (kakada)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 17:20:18 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary datatype
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

It also works for me now:)

First i tried it with Konsole in Kate and it's not working.
It sometimes happen with assignment statement:

i += 1 (not working)
i+=   1(working)

but later on I tested it again and both are working.

Thanks for your help, though.


Jason Massey wrote:
> Works for me:
> >>> dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}
> >>> n = 0x2018
> >>> print dict1[n]
> k
> >>>
> On 4/11/06, * kakada* <hokkakada at
> <mailto:hokkakada at>> wrote:
>     Hello all,
>     For example, I have a dictionary:
>     dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}
>     I assign:
>     n = 0x2018
>     print dict1[n]
>     Then:
>     KeyError: '0x2018'
>     But I can call directly:
>     print dict1[0x2018]
>     So, what is wrong with this? How can I solve it?
>     Thx
>     kakada
>     _______________________________________________
>     Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at <mailto:Tutor at>

From payal-python at  Wed Apr 12 16:02:01 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:02:01 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <015201c65d96$ad311370$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 07:35:15PM +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Python is a general programmjing language great for bigger jobs.  If 

But what does Python excel at. That si my main question. Whatevfer I 
think of I can already do or know a way to do in shell. I am not getting 
where would I need Python.
e.g. for parsing log files with regex I rather use egrep than Python.  
For counting the number of mails received for a user I use awk, where 
can I use Python. Everyone says it is a "general programming language", 
but what in the world is a "general programming language"?
The Python video said that one can take this language to good level in 1 
afternoon, for me it has been 2 months and more. What is wrong?

With warm regards,

From kent37 at  Wed Apr 12 16:23:16 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:23:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<015201c65d96$ad311370$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Payal Rathod wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 07:35:15PM +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> Python is a general programmjing language great for bigger jobs.  If 
> But what does Python excel at. That si my main question. Whatevfer I 
> think of I can already do or know a way to do in shell. I am not getting 
> where would I need Python.
> e.g. for parsing log files with regex I rather use egrep than Python.  
> For counting the number of mails received for a user I use awk, where 

It's possible that for the jobs you need to do, you are already using 
the best tools. If you know shell, egrep and awk, they are probably 
better than Python at doing the things they do.

For me, I don't know those specialized tools and I have chosen not to 
learn them because I don't often need their capabilities and Python can 
do what they do. Maybe not as easily to one fluent in both, but I would 
rather learn one tool that is widely useful than several narrow ones 
that I would use rarely.

> can I use Python. Everyone says it is a "general programming language", 
> but what in the world is a "general programming language"?

A programming language that can be used for a wide variety of tasks, 
rather than being specialized to a particular domain. Some things that 
Python can be used for that might be hard with the tools you know:
mailing list manager (Mailman)
spam filter (SpamBayes)
distributed file sharing (BitTorrent)
dynamic web site (Django, TurboGears, etc, etc)
web scraping (urllib, BeautifulSoup)
XML processing (ElementTree, etc)
GUIs (Tkinter, wxPython, etc)

Also take a look at some of the case studies here:

or search for Python projects.


From hugonz-lists at  Wed Apr 12 16:57:13 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 08:57:13 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] encoding
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

kakada wrote:
 > LookupError: unknown encoding: ANSI
 > so what is the correct way to do it?


works for me.

Do a Google search for Python encodings, and you will find what the 
right names for the encodings are.


From hugonz-lists at  Wed Apr 12 17:00:27 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:00:27 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary datatype
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

kakada wrote:

> I assign:
> n = 0x2018
> print dict1[n]
> Then:
> KeyError: '0x2018'

Notice the error menstions a *string*. You probably mistyped it, not in 
the email, but in your actual program.


From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 12 19:01:15 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 18:01:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary datatype
References: <>
Message-ID: <01fc01c65e52$b5fc0700$0a01a8c0@xp>

> For example, I have a dictionary:
> dict1 = { 0x2018:u'k', 0x2019:u'd'}
> I assign:
> n = 0x2018
> print dict1[n]
> Then:
> KeyError: '0x2018'

The error is complaining that you are using a string as a key.
Are you sure you aren't assigning

n = '0x2018'

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 12 19:07:59 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 18:07:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tuples / Critique of How to Think like a Computer
	Scientist[Was: Re: Tuples]
References: <>
Message-ID: <020601c65e53$a6d5e510$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I'm going to rant, but not at you, but at that particular tutorial you're 
> reading.  To the others on the list: frankly, I really do not like the 
> approach that "How to Think like a Computer Scientist" uses in marching 
> through all the concepts it tries to teach; in a critical eye, I would say 
> that it's doesn't do such a good job in integrating concepts, nor does it 
> have natural flow.  Am I alone in thinking this?

I shouldn't comment at all I suppose but I personally think CSpy is
a reasonable CS text if you were using it with a (human) tutor to provide
context. That is, it teaches the CS concepts well enough but doesn't
provide much context.

But living in a glass house as I do, I don't like to throw stones at other
tutorials so I'll leave it at that!

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 12 19:17:17 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 18:17:17 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of Lists data Type
References: <>
Message-ID: <020a01c65e54$f31a51d0$0a01a8c0@xp>


> 8.7 List slices

You might find it worth going through the official tutor section 
on slicing, it explains the various forms quite well.

>>> list[:4]  -->  Does this mean its list[0:4]

Sort of, it means from *the beginning* to 4.

>>> list[3:] -->  Does this mean its list[3:0]

No it means from 3 to *the end*

>>> list[:] -->  Does this mean its list[0:0]

No, it means from *the beginning* to *the end*

These are all just shortcut conventions that you need to learn.
Another one that can be confusing is negative slices:


means from the -3 position(ie 3 from the end) to the end


means from the 3rd position to the -3 position

I find it helps to thingk of the collection organised as a ring 
with the counter sitting between the items. Thus zero sits 
between the first and last items. Unfortunately this breaks down if you do

list [-3:3]

which is an error but is not reported as such, rathger it returns 
an empty list!

Basically, play with them a lot and you will get used to their 
little oddities, the huge benefits outweigh the occasional confusion.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From dyoo at  Wed Apr 12 21:23:01 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:23:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Payal Rathod wrote:

> can I use Python. Everyone says it is a "general programming language", 
> but what in the world is a "general programming language"?

One idea behind a "general purpose programming language" is that it's not 
specialized toward anything in particular.  It's meant to be malliable and 
a bit formless.  A programmer makes what one can with it.

> e.g. for parsing log files with regex I rather use egrep than Python. 
> For counting the number of mails received for a user I use awk

And for text parsing and processing, I think that's perfectly right, and 
you're using the best tools for that application.  (Actually, you might 
want to look into Perl, which integrates regexes very deeply into its 
language.)  You're more effective with those tools because awk and sed are 
domain-specific: they are specifically designed to do text processing very 

You can think of Python as a tool-maker.  If you already are working in 
solely in one domain, where there are already plenty of tools already 
written for you, then you may not get so much out of a general-purpose 
language.  This point is made in an amusing way in Literate Programming:

The story goes that Knuth, when given the common-words problem, wrote up 
beautiful algorithm, designed a cool data structure to support it, and 
wrote it all in literate programming style.

Bentley, on the other hand, used awk and other shell utilities, and in a 
few minutes, got a more correct solution.  *grin*

> But what does Python excel at. That si my main question. Whatevfer I 
> think of I can already do or know a way to do in shell. I am not getting 
> where would I need Python.

But _someone_ had to write awk and sed: they didn't come fully-formed from 
the head of Zeus.

That's what a general-purpose language like Python is for.  You wouldn't 
write a web application in sed or awk because those two languages have 
limitations on what they're allowed to touch.

> The Python video said that one can take this language to good level in 1 
> afternoon, for me it has been 2 months and more. What is wrong?

No, you're not wrong.  Anyone who says that programming can be learned in 
an afternoon is selling something.  *grin*

From intermezzoooh at  Wed Apr 12 22:17:46 2006
From: intermezzoooh at (Jesse)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 14:17:46 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] n00b question: dictionaries and functions.
Message-ID: <>

Hey, this should be an easy question for you guys. I'm writing my first
program (which Bob, Alan, and Danny have already helped me with--thanks,
guys!), and I'm trying to create a simple command-line interface. I have a
good portion of the program's "core functions" already written, and I want
to create a dictionary of functions. When the program starts up, a global
variable named command will be assigned the value of whatever the user

command = raw_input("Cmd > ")

If command is equivalent to a key in the dictionary of functions, that key's
function will be called. Here's an example that I wrote for the sake of
isolating the problem:

def add():
    x = float(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
    y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
    print x + y
def subtract():
    x = float(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
    y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
    print x - y

commands = {"add": add(), "subtract": subtract()}

Now, before I could even get to writing the while loop that would take
a command and call the function associated with that command in the commands
dictionary, I ran this bit of code and, to my dismay, both add() and
subtract() were called. So I tried the following:

def add(x, y):
    x = float(raw_input("Enter a numer: "))
    y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
add = add()

When I ran this, add() was called. I don't understand why, though. Surely I
didn't call add(), I merely stored the function call in the name add. I
would expect the following code to call add:

 def add(x, y):
    x = float(raw_input("Enter a numer: "))
    y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
add = add()

Can someone clear up my misunderstanding here? I don't want to end up
writing a long while loop of conditional statements just to effect a
command-line interface.

-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Wed Apr 12 22:37:13 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 13:37:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] n00b question: dictionaries and functions.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Jesse wrote:

> def add():
>    x = float(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
>    y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
>    print x + y
> def subtract():
>    x = float(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
>    y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
>    print x - y
> commands = {"add": add(), "subtract": subtract()}
> Now, before I could even get to writing the while loop that would take a 
> command and call the function associated with that command in the 
> commands dictionary, I ran this bit of code and, to my dismay, both 
> add() and subtract() were called.

Hi Jesse,

Ah!  Yes, that's happening because there are parens in there that are 
causing the functions to fire off prematurely.

For example, let's say we have defined a function:

>>> def test_function(x):
...     return x * x

(I should give it a better name like square(), but let's ignore that for 
the moment.)  If we just name the function, we'll get back a function 

>>> test_function
<function test_function at 0x81de4c4>

This is a value that can be stored in containers, just like any other 
Python value.

But as soon as we do use parentheses, Python will try to call the 

>>> test_function()
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: test_function() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)

If we go back to the place where the commands dictionary is being built:

     commands = {"add": add(), "subtract": subtract()}

do you see what needs to be fixed to associate those strings to function 

Best of wishes!

From bgailer at  Wed Apr 12 22:40:56 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 13:40:56 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] n00b question: dictionaries and functions.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jesse wrote:
> Hey, this should be an easy question for you guys. I'm writing my 
> first program (which Bob, Alan, and Danny have already helped me 
> with--thanks, guys!), and I'm trying to create a simple command-line 
> interface. I have a good portion of the program's "core functions" 
> already written, and I want to create a dictionary of functions. When 
> the program starts up, a global variable named command will be 
> assigned the value of whatever the user types:
> command = raw_input("Cmd > ")
> If command is equivalent to a key in the dictionary of functions, that 
> key's function will be called. Here's an example that I wrote for the 
> sake of isolating the problem:
> def add():
>     x = float(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
>     y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
>     print x + y
> def subtract():
>     x = float(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
>     y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
>     print x - y
> commands = {"add": add(), "subtract": subtract()}
> Now, before I could even get to writing the while loop that would take 
> a command and call the function associated with that command in the 
> commands dictionary, I ran this bit of code and, to my dismay, both 
> add() and subtract() were called. So I tried the following:
> def add(x, y):
>     x = float(raw_input("Enter a numer: "))
>     y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
> add = add()
> When I ran this, add() was called. I don't understand why, though. 
> Surely I didn't call add(), I merely stored the function call in the 
> name add. I would expect the following code to call add:
> def add(x, y):
>     x = float(raw_input("Enter a numer: "))
>     y = float(raw_input("And a second number: "))
> add = add()
> add
> Can someone clear up my misunderstanding here? I don't want to end up 
> writing a long while loop of conditional statements just to effect a 
> command-line interface.
"stored the function call" NO - this mixing 2 things. What you want is 
to store a reference to the function, then call the function thru its 
reference in response to user input. add is a reference to the function. 
add() calls (runs) the function.

commands = {"add": add, "subtract": subtract} # stores function references
command = raw_input("Cmd > ")
if command in commands:
    commands[command]() # retrieve a function reference and calls it.

From at  Wed Apr 12 22:56:12 2006
From: at (Patricia)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 20:56:12 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Problems when displaying numbers
Message-ID: <>


This is my code:

conn =  MySQLdb.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root", passwd = "",
                        db ="mydb")
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT h, k, l, m, s, t
FROM targets WHERE target_name = %s""", (target))
result = cursor.fetchone()

alist = helperfunc.calc_numbers(list(result)) # read below

for li in alist:
    if li == '':
         s = s + "<td ALIGN='center'></td>" 
         s = s + "<td ALIGN='center'>%s</td>" % li   # problem here

calc_numbers is a method in that takes the list of values
that I retrieved from the database and then does some calculations 
(addition & division) and also replaces a specific number with ''.
When I display the results, most of the times everything looks right, BUT
sometimes I get i.e.  15%% instead of 15. I don't understand why %% is 
added to some of the numbers being displayed. I've noticed that the numbers 
that show %% are the ones that have been modified in the calc_numbers 
method. The numbers that are not touched in that method, don't show it. 
When I printed the list obatined from the calc_numbers method, the 
numbers that have not been touched have an L at the end (i'm assuming 
it stands for long). As I said these numbers are displayed correctly 
all the time. I'm really hoping someone can point me to the right direction
because I've tried different things and nothing seems to work.

Another quick question, my page shows several drop down boxes with 
pre-selected values. When I submit the form or open the page, the 
preselected values appear, but when I press the reload button, 
they don't. (Mozilla)


From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 12 23:15:59 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 22:15:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
References: <><015201c65d96$ad311370$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <024401c65e76$4c013fe0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> can I use Python. Everyone says it is a "general programming language", 
> but what in the world is a "general programming language"?

Others have already answered this. I'll add a few other comments.
A general purpose language is one that in theory means you don't 
need any others. It can do anything. It may not do everything as 
well as special purppose tools like sed but it can do anything.

Where sys admins typically use tools like Python is in producing 
well formatted reports, particularly nowadays on web pages. 
Or maybe you have to do a lot of SQL admin on a database 
and python's database links will allow you to write a single script 
which is easier to maintain than lots of separate ones.

Where python is likely to be more useful to you is where you 
have long shell scripts rather than long awk/sed scripts. Shell 
scripts are fine as application launchers but if you need  to process 
the output of commands and have long multi way if/else chains 
the Python may offer better facilities.

But if you are working exclusively on Unix and you know the 
400+ Unix commands well you may very well have little use 
for Python. I certainly don;t use it for much sys admin stuff, 
I tend to use it to write GUI front ends for the tools, or for 
writing networking applications or testing new protocols.

One example where a tool like Python may be of use to 
you would be in building an interactive diff tool. The standard 
diff tools in Unix only allow comparison of 3 files, but if you 
have 6 or 8 versions you need to compare then using python 
you can build your own diff tool to compare 8 files if needed.
And with the low cost of disk space file management of 
concurrent versions is becoming an issue for many admins...

> The Python video said that one can take this language to good level in 1 
> afternoon, for me it has been 2 months and more. What is wrong?

Probably nothing. That claim refers to someone who is already 
fluent in another general purpose language like C or Java. Such a
programmer can indeed get to the point where they can write 
a reasonable program in Python after a few hours with the 
official tutorial. A beginner will take more like 4-6 months to 
get really comfortable. You probably fit somewhere in the middle
depending on your awk or shell skill level.

If your awk action clauses run to 10s of lines then you probably 
do know enough to learn Python quickly but if you typically only 
write 3 or 4 lines in an action clause then Python will be more 


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 12 23:52:09 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 22:52:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
References: <>	<015201c65d96$ad311370$0a01a8c0@xp><>
Message-ID: <024a01c65e7b$59452590$0a01a8c0@xp>

> the best tools. If you know shell, egrep and awk, they are probably better 
> than Python at doing the things they do.
> For me, I don't know those specialized tools and I have chosen not to 
> learn them because I don't often need their capabilities and Python can do 
> what they do.

I must admit I use a myriad of tools, including several text editors.
Its one of the few areas where I disagree with Hunt & Thomas
in "the Pragmatic Programmer", they advocate choosing one editor
and using it exclusively, I use emacs, vim, xedit and even ed on
a daily basis (OK ed only once a month or so!) But I also use
awk and sed weekly.

I've also don't think I've ever worked on a production project
that used less than 5 languages and some have used 12 or more.

Awk in particular is one that I think every programmer should know,
at least at a basic level, in the same way as everyone should learn a
little Tcl and a little Lisp(*). These languages are sufficiently different
to mainstream in structure that we can learn a lot about how to
create programs by looking at their approach. It's fair to say that we
probably wouldn't have ElementTree, BeautifulSoup, SAX or any
other event driven parsers today if it weren't for awk and its elegant
approach to working with text files.

(*)For those building business apps I'd add COBOL to the list. It's
not just history that makes it still the most widely used language on the
planet according to Infoweek.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From carlos at  Thu Apr 13 01:45:47 2006
From: carlos at (Carlos Benevides)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:45:47 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] String question.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I have a problem/question I'd like to pose to you guys on how best to 
accomplish the following.  I have a string that will vary in size, what 
I would like to do is split into n size chunks.  I am also not sure how 
best to represent the chunks.  For example, say I have a len(s) = 200 
chars.  I'd like to get one chunk with 160 of those chars and the 
remaining 40 in a second.  Likewise, if I have a len(s) = 350, I'd like 
two chunks of 160 and a 3rd with the remainder.

I don't know what it would best way to accomplish this.  I have the idea 
of converting the string to a list of chars loop through it until size 
is met, create a new string with s=s[:160], then start again, and so 
on.  Is this the only way to accomplish this? Or is there a more 
elegant/clever way?

Thank you  :)

From kent37 at  Thu Apr 13 03:06:19 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 21:06:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] String question.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Carlos Benevides wrote:
> All,
> I have a problem/question I'd like to pose to you guys on how best to 
> accomplish the following.  I have a string that will vary in size, what 
> I would like to do is split into n size chunks.  I am also not sure how 
> best to represent the chunks.  For example, say I have a len(s) = 200 
> chars.  I'd like to get one chunk with 160 of those chars and the 
> remaining 40 in a second.  Likewise, if I have a len(s) = 350, I'd like 
> two chunks of 160 and a 3rd with the remainder.
> I don't know what it would best way to accomplish this.  I have the idea 
> of converting the string to a list of chars loop through it until size 
> is met, create a new string with s=s[:160], then start again, and so 
> on.  Is this the only way to accomplish this? Or is there a more 
> elegant/clever way?

Here is a good way and links to more ideas:


From wescpy at  Thu Apr 13 05:24:20 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 20:24:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Problems when displaying numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

hi patricia,

it would be really helpful to see an example of 'result' before and
after the call to calc_numbers() as well as the code for calc_numbers
if possible.

this will likely reveal the problem that you are having.


On 4/12/06, Patricia < at> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my code:
> conn =  MySQLdb.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root", passwd = "",
>                         db ="mydb")
> cursor = conn.cursor()
> cursor.execute("""SELECT h, k, l, m, s, t
> FROM targets WHERE target_name = %s""", (target))
> result = cursor.fetchone()
> alist = helperfunc.calc_numbers(list(result)) # read below
> cursor.close()
> conn.close()
> for li in alist:
>     if li == '':
>          s = s + "<td ALIGN='center'></td>"
>      else:
>          s = s + "<td ALIGN='center'>%s</td>" % li   # problem here
> calc_numbers is a method in that takes the list of values
> that I retrieved from the database and then does some calculations
> (addition & division) and also replaces a specific number with ''.
> When I display the results, most of the times everything looks right, BUT
> sometimes I get i.e.  15%% instead of 15. I don't understand why %% is
> added to some of the numbers being displayed. I've noticed that the numbers
> that show %% are the ones that have been modified in the calc_numbers
> method. The numbers that are not touched in that method, don't show it.
> When I printed the list obatined from the calc_numbers method, the
> numbers that have not been touched have an L at the end (i'm assuming
> it stands for long). As I said these numbers are displayed correctly
> all the time. I'm really hoping someone can point me to the right direction
> because I've tried different things and nothing seems to work.
> Another quick question, my page shows several drop down boxes with
> pre-selected values. When I submit the form or open the page, the
> preselected values appear, but when I press the reload button,
> they don't. (Mozilla)
> Thanks,
> Patricia
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

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"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

From oasf2004 at  Thu Apr 13 05:28:39 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 20:28:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor]  Python video?
Message-ID: <>


I read this week on this forum about a kind of Python
video in its website. Which view is that, and where
could I find it? I search in Python website, but I
didn't find it. Is it a 'demo' of the language?

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From samrobertsmith at  Thu Apr 13 09:07:20 2006
From: samrobertsmith at (linda.s)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 00:07:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] underscore function
Message-ID: <>

I got a sample code and found some
function definition looks like def _abc
There is one underscore before the function name "abc",
what does it mean?

From sean.x.lee at  Thu Apr 13 09:15:30 2006
From: sean.x.lee at (Sean Lee)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 02:15:30 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
Message-ID: <>

What is the exact meaning of %g in Python ?

>From Python ducumentation:

%g: Same as "e" if exponent is greater than -4 or less than precision, "f"

But if is used, I don't see the rules. See the following example:

 So here it follows the above rule:

>>> print "%.16g" % 0.00010481234567890
>>> print "%.16g" % 0.000010481234567890

But I do not know the rules below:

>>> print "%.g" % 111111111110.000010481234567890
>>> print "%.15g" % 111111111110.000010481234567890
>>> print "%.16g" % 111111111110.000010481234567890
>>> print "%.17g" % 111111111110.000010481234567890
>>> print "%.32g" % 111111111110.000010481234567890

What is the difference for each %g ?

>>> print "%.f" % 111111111110.000010481234567890
>>> print "%.15f" % 111111111110.000010481234567890
>>> print "%.16f" % 111111111110.000010481234567890
>>> print "%.17f" % 111111111110.000010481234567890

Why "%.15g", "%.16g", "%.17g", "%.f", "%.16f" are different ?

-------------- next part --------------
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From tim.golden at  Thu Apr 13 09:36:15 2006
From: tim.golden at (Tim Golden)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:36:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] underscore function
Message-ID: <>


| I got a sample code and found some
| function definition looks like def _abc
| There is one underscore before the function name "abc",
| what does it mean?

It's a convention which indicates to any user of the code
(including the original developer) that the function is
not intended to be used externally to the module (or
class, or whatever) in which it is defined.

Note that this is a convention only: there's absolutely
nothing to stop you calling _abc (args) within your code.
But the original developer intended that this function
be an implementation detail that might change, or be
refactored, or which assumes a particular state of
data which might not obtain when called from elsewhere,


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From ajikoe at  Thu Apr 13 09:36:56 2006
From: ajikoe at (Pujo Aji)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 09:36:56 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] underscore function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Python programmers prefer to use name convention to make method of class
"looks" private.
Usually they use of '_' before the private method or private attribute name.

This private method like the one you mentioned def _abc is not intentionaly
used outside the class other then it is used among other class methods

class A:
    def __init__(self, myvar):
        self._myvar = myvar
    def _makedouble(self):
        '''this method is private'''
        self._myvar = self._myvar * 2

    def printvarADouble(self):
        print self._myvar

def main():
    o = A(2)
    o.printvarADouble() # 4

You may use def abc instead of def _abc, again it is only a convention.

Hope this helps,

On 4/13/06, linda.s <samrobertsmith at> wrote:
> I got a sample code and found some
> function definition looks like def _abc
> There is one underscore before the function name "abc",
> what does it mean?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From john.brokaw at  Thu Apr 13 07:06:33 2006
From: john.brokaw at (John Brokaw)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 01:06:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Can anyone help me plz
Message-ID: <>

I'am very new to pygame, and python and any help would help me so much thx.
I have no idea whats wrong the ex. works perfect, but when I get to*LECTURETHREE*<>
*, *I get so stuck becuz the call window = pygame.display.set_mode((468,
60)) makes a window like it should be its always not responding. Can someone
please tell my why this is happending.
Thanks again.
-------------- next part --------------
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From adam.jtm30 at  Thu Apr 13 12:24:52 2006
From: adam.jtm30 at (Adam)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:24:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] String question.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

How's this?:
>>> s = """All,
... I have a problem/question I'd like to pose to you guys on how best to
... accomplish the following.  I have a string that will vary in size, what
... I would like to do is split into n size chunks.  I am also not sure how
... best to represent the chunks.  For example, say I have a len(s) = 200
... chars.  I'd like to get one chunk with 160 of those chars and the
... remaining 40 in a second.  Likewise, if I have a len(s) = 350, I'd like
... two chunks of 160 and a 3rd with the remainder.
... I don't know what it would best way to accomplish this.  I have the idea
... of converting the string to a list of chars loop through it until size
... is met, create a new string with s=s[:160], then start again, and so
... on.  Is this the only way to accomplish this? Or is there a more
... elegant/clever way?
... Thank you  :)"""
>>> l = []
>>> start = 0
>>> for i in range(160, len(s)+160, 160):
...     l.append(s[start:i])
...     start = i
["All,\n\nI have a problem/question I'd like to pose to you guys on
how best to\naccomplish the following.  I have a string that will vary
in size, what\nI would like", " to do is split into n size chunks.  I
am also not sure how\nbest to represent the chunks.  For example, say
I have a len(s) = 200\nchars.  I'd like to get one ch", "unk with 160
of those chars and the\nremaining 40 in a second. Likewise, if I have
a len(s) = 350, I'd like\ntwo chunks of 160 and a 3rd with the
remainder.\n\nI d", "on't know what it would best way to accomplish
this.  I have the idea\nof converting the string to a list of chars
loop through it until size\nis met, create a ne", '', " to do is split
into n size chunks.  I am also not sure how\nbest to represent the
chunks.  For example, say I have a len(s) = 200\nchars.  I'd like to
get one ch", "unk with 160 of those chars and the\nremaining 40 in a
second.  Likewise, if I have a len(s) = 350, I'd like\ntwo chunks of
160 and a 3rd with the remainder.\n\nI d", "on't know what it would
best way to accomplish this.  I have the idea\nof converting the
string to a list of chars loop through it until size\nis met, create a
ne", 'w string with s=s[:160], then start again, and so\non.  Is this
the only way to accomplish this? Or is there a more\nelegant/clever
way?\n\nThank you  :)']

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Thu Apr 13 12:29:02 2006
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:29:02 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of Lists data Type
In-Reply-To: <020a01c65e54$f31a51d0$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <e1l95f$3n6$>

Alan Gauld schreef:
> list [-3:3]
> which is an error but is not reported as such, rathger it returns 
> an empty list!

I don't think this is an error, and whether it returns an empty list or 
not depends on the length of the list:

 >>> for i in range(10):
	print i, range(i)[-3:3]

0 []
1 [0]
2 [0, 1]
3 [0, 1, 2]
4 [1, 2]
5 [2]
6 []
7 []
8 []
9 []

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

From singletoned at  Thu Apr 13 13:51:51 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:51:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Force a value to int
Message-ID: <>

Is there a particular way to force a value to be an int by either
converting it with int() or returning a default value.

I've ended up writing my own function to do it, but it seems like the
kind of thing that would be built-in somewhere.


From at  Thu Apr 13 13:56:36 2006
From: at (Patty)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:56:36 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Problems when displaying numbers
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


>it would be really helpful to see an example of 'result' before and
>after the call to calc_numbers() as well as the code for calc_numbers if 

An example of result before the call to calc_numbers is: [50L, -1, 1, -1]
an example after the call is: [50L, 25, ' ', 25]
the code:
def calc_numbers(alist):

    sum = 0
    count = 0

    for li in alist:
        # in the database, -1 is unspecified and 1 is null
        if li >= 0 and li != 1:
            sum = sum + int(li)
        if li == -1:
            count = count + 1

    temp = 100 - sum
    if count != 0:
        number = temp/count
        number = temp

    for li, pos in enumerate(alist):
        if pos == -1:
            alist[li] = number
        elif pos == 1:
            alist[li] = ''

    return alist




From kent37 at  Thu Apr 13 14:01:25 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:01:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Can anyone help me plz
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

John Brokaw wrote:
> I'am very new to pygame, and python and any help would help me so much thx.
> I have no idea whats wrong the ex. works perfect, but when I 
> <>*, *I get so stuck becuz the 
> call window = pygame.display.set_mode((468, 60)) makes a window like it 
> should be its always not responding. Can someone please tell my why this 
> is happending.

You will increase your chance of getting an answer by doing some or all 
of these:
- post the code you are using
- post a working URL to the lecture
- post on the pygame mailing list (


From kent37 at  Thu Apr 13 14:06:34 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:06:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Force a value to int
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ed Singleton wrote:
> Is there a particular way to force a value to be an int by either
> converting it with int() or returning a default value.
> I've ended up writing my own function to do it, but it seems like the
> kind of thing that would be built-in somewhere.

No, there is no built-in for this but it's easy to write your own:

def my_int(value, default):
     return int(value)
   except ValueError:
     return default


From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 13 14:28:54 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 13:28:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <029001c65ef5$d4640140$0a01a8c0@xp>

> What is the exact meaning of %g in Python ?

Same as in C.
Its the shorter of the Scientific notation (%e)  or Floating 
Point(%f) representations.

In 20 years of using C I've never needed it, I wouldn't worry 
too much! :-)

>From Python ducumentation:
> %g: Same as "e" if exponent is greater than -4 or less than 
> precision, "f" otherwise.

Yeah, thats not very clear.

> Why "%.15g", "%.16g", "%.17g", "%.f", "%.16f" are different ?

Why? Because Kernighan & Ritchie made them different in C.
Why? Because they did a lot of sacientific calculations and wanted 
the subtle variations I suspect.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From at  Thu Apr 13 15:38:09 2006
From: at (Patricia)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 13:38:09 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Problems when displaying numbers
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> An example of result before the call to calc_numbers is: [50L, -1, 1, -1]

An example of result before the call is: [50L, -1L, 1L, -1L]

Sorry about that.


From davholla2002 at  Thu Apr 13 18:53:20 2006
From: davholla2002 at (David Holland)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 17:53:20 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] Show us some code
Message-ID: <>

  Can you please post your code and the exact error message.

 First they came for the Danes, but I did not speak out because I am not a Dane.

Yahoo! Messenger  NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 
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From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr 13 18:55:35 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 09:55:35 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
Message-ID: <>


The discussion surrounding this topic (by Payal, Kent, Alan and others)
has been very interesting.  It illustrates the fact that software
engineering remains very much a craft. As with all crafts, is heavily
influenced by the preferences (style if you will) of the individual
artisan.  There are very few 'right or wrong' answers here.  

The tool that works well and feels comfortable when used is the one that
should be used.  When a new tool comes along, try it out.  If it makes
the work easier or faster, or the product better, then use it.  If not,
forget it.  The product is the goal, not the tool.  

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

> -----Original Message-----


> > For me, I don't know those specialized tools and I have chosen not
> > learn them because I don't often need their capabilities and Python
> do
> > what they do.
> I must admit I use a myriad of tools, including several text editors.
> Its one of the few areas where I disagree with Hunt & Thomas
> in "the Pragmatic Programmer", they advocate choosing one editor
> and using it exclusively, I use emacs, vim, xedit and even ed on
> a daily basis (OK ed only once a month or so!) But I also use
> awk and sed weekly.



From dyoo at  Thu Apr 13 20:18:51 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:18:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Python video?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Hoffmann wrote:

> I read this week on this forum about a kind of Python video in its 
> website. Which view is that, and where could I find it? I search in 
> Python website, but I didn't find it. Is it a 'demo' of the language?

It's a video with gushing praise over Python, made in the style of a Monty 
Python skit.  There's a link to it from here:

From oasf2004 at  Thu Apr 13 20:53:10 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:53:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- "Carroll, Barry" <Barry.Carroll at> wrote:

> Greetings:
> The discussion surrounding this topic (by Payal,
> Kent, Alan and others)
> has been very interesting.  It illustrates the fact
> that software
> engineering remains very much a craft. As with all
> crafts, is heavily
> influenced by the preferences (style if you will) of
> the individual
> artisan.  There are very few 'right or wrong'
> answers here.  
> The tool that works well and feels comfortable when
> used is the one that
> should be used.  When a new tool comes along, try it
> out.  If it makes
> the work easier or faster, or the product better,
> then use it.  If not,
> forget it.  The product is the goal, not the tool.  
> Regards,
> Barry
> barry.carroll at
> 541-302-1107
> ________________________
> We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning
> cathedrals.
> -Quarry worker's creed
> > -----Original Message-----
> <<snip>>
> > > For me, I don't know those specialized tools and
> I have chosen not
> to
> > > learn them because I don't often need their
> capabilities and Python
> can
> > do
> > > what they do.
> > 
> > I must admit I use a myriad of tools, including
> several text editors.
> > Its one of the few areas where I disagree with
> Hunt & Thomas
> > in "the Pragmatic Programmer", they advocate
> choosing one editor
> > and using it exclusively, I use emacs, vim, xedit
> and even ed on
> > a daily basis (OK ed only once a month or so!) But
> I also use
> > awk and sed weekly.
> <<snip>>
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Hi Barry,

I do agree with you. I also would  add the
Linux/Windows 'dispute'.
I am a BIG FAN of linux. Even at home I use linux 90%
of the time. However, in some cases I use Windows, as
well (to watch DVDs (movies), for example). Due to the
stability of Windows in this (multimidia) case, I do
prefer using it for watching movies.
So. There is no reason to use just one programming
language. I am a BIG FAN of Python, but I am studying
Python, Shell programming, and MATLAB in paralell.
Moreover, I am very interested in both Fortran and C.


Do You Yahoo!?
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From matt.singletary at  Thu Apr 13 21:16:33 2006
From: matt.singletary at (Matthew Singletary)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:16:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard
Message-ID: <>

first, A disclaimer:
This isn't directly homework but is related to an assignment of mine

I'm building a genetic algorithm to solve the queen placement problem, the
complicated stuff I can do on my own, but I'm not getting one part.
suppose the queen is on a square, I can check that it is in the same row or
same col but the diagonals, are less straight-forward.
I know I could solve this by just smashing away at it, but I was wondering
if anyone could suggest some tips on directions to work

I'm NOT looking for any answers, just some tips to an _elegant_ method to
solve this.

The reason I started teaching myself python was it seemed a little more
concise, and it seems there should be an elegant way to do this but I guess
I'm not used to thinking the pythonic way

thanks for any help
-------------- next part --------------
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From python at  Thu Apr 13 21:34:13 2006
From: python at (Python)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:34:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 15:16 -0400, Matthew Singletary wrote:
> I'm building a genetic algorithm to solve the queen placement problem,
> the complicated stuff I can do on my own, but I'm not getting one
> part.  
> suppose the queen is on a square, I can check that it is in the same
> row or same col but the diagonals, are less straight-forward.
> I know I could solve this by just smashing away at it, but I was
> wondering if anyone could suggest some tips on directions to work
> I'm NOT looking for any answers, just some tips to an _elegant_ method
> to solve this.
This problem is discussed in "The ICON Programming Language" by Ralph
and Madge Griswold around page 150.  The basic approach they take is to
number diagonals, just like you number rows and columns.  So every
queen's position involves a row #, col #, and diag #.

Scratching your head over how to number the diagonals I'll leave to you.
They counted 30 diagonals, so if you come up with a different count, you
either have an original approach or have blundered somewhere.

(Hopefully that was the kind of pointer you were looking for.  Tim
Peters (I think) has written about this problem in a Python context, but
citing Icon.)

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From andre.roberge at  Thu Apr 13 21:35:58 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 16:35:58 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/13/06, Matthew Singletary <matt.singletary at> wrote:
> first, A disclaimer:
> This isn't directly homework but is related to an assignment of mine
> I'm building a genetic algorithm to solve the queen placement problem, the
> complicated stuff I can do on my own, but I'm not getting one part.
> suppose the queen is on a square, I can check that it is in the same row or
> same col but the diagonals, are less straight-forward.
> I know I could solve this by just smashing away at it, but I was wondering
> if anyone could suggest some tips on directions to work
> I'm NOT looking for any answers, just some tips to an _elegant_ method to
> solve this.

The answer you are looking for most likely depends on how you
represent your chessboard (i.e. single list, list of list, etc.).

Not an answer to your question directly, but a Python solution using
recursion can be found at:
Of course, it has to include how to check for diagonals, which you can
use for what you are looking for.  I don't know if it can be
considered to be "elegant".

[As an aside, I used this solution to write an undocumented "visual"
solution of this problem using rur-ple (,
where 8 "queens" move on a screen to illustrate one such solution,
with colored lines showing which square is attacked by each queen. 
For those that have downloaded rur-ple, you can find this solution
under rur_programs/temp/queen.rur]


> The reason I started teaching myself python was it seemed a little more
> concise, and it seems there should be an elegant way to do this but I guess
> I'm not used to thinking the pythonic way
> thanks for any help
> matt
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From tim.peters at  Thu Apr 13 21:47:52 2006
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:47:52 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Matthew Singletary]
>> I'm building a genetic algorithm to solve the queen placement problem,
>> the complicated stuff I can do on my own, but I'm not getting one
>> part.
>> suppose the queen is on a square, I can check that it is in the same
>> row or same col but the diagonals, are less straight-forward.
>> I know I could solve this by just smashing away at it, but I was
>> wondering if anyone could suggest some tips on directions to work
>> I'm NOT looking for any answers, just some tips to an _elegant_ method
>> to solve this.

[Lloyd Kvam]
> This problem is discussed in "The ICON Programming Language" by Ralph
> and Madge Griswold around page 150.  The basic approach they take is to
> number diagonals, just like you number rows and columns.  So every
> queen's position involves a row #, col #, and diag #.
> Scratching your head over how to number the diagonals I'll leave to you.
> They counted 30 diagonals, so if you come up with a different count, you
> either have an original approach or have blundered somewhere.
> (Hopefully that was the kind of pointer you were looking for.  Tim
> Peters (I think) has written about this problem in a Python context, but
> citing Icon.)

There's a short and sweet Queens solver in Python's, part of Python's standard test suite.  The
comments explain one way to uniquely number the diagonals in the
general (NxN board) case, as linear functions of the row and column
indices.  It's easy but tedious :-)

From dyoo at  Thu Apr 13 22:07:29 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 13:07:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard
Message-ID: <>

> I'm building a genetic algorithm to solve the queen placement problem, 
> the complicated stuff I can do on my own, but I'm not getting one part. 
> suppose the queen is on a square, I can check that it is in the same row 
> or same col but the diagonals, are less straight-forward. I know I could 
> solve this by just smashing away at it, but I was wondering if anyone 
> could suggest some tips on directions to work

Hi Matt,

This is sensitive to the way that you're encoding the position of a queen.

If you're using chess's algebraic notation, like "e2" or "f7", although 
it's familiar, this may not be be the most convenient representation for 
doing positional calculations.

A slightly more convenient representation may be as cartesian coordinates.

    i.e.:  "e2"  <==>  (5, 2)
           "f7"  <==>  (6, 7)

That is, treat the chessboard as if it were a piece of graph paper.  The 
reason that this particular encoding of position as 2-tuples is nice is 
this: like the algebraic notation, it's easy to check rows and columns for 
similarity.  But furthermore, given two positions, it isn't too bad to see 
if those positions lie on the same diagonal.

(Think back to algebra and slopes.)

So our choice of how we represent knowledge can matter.  Math would suck 
if we had to stick with Roman numerals.

>From my layman's understanding of genetic algorithms, I remember that an 
effective choice in representation is also a big deal in evolving new 
solutions, so it's always something to keep in mind.  Are you reading 
something like Melanie Mitchell's "An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms"? 
This is an area I'd like to know more about too, so if you have any book 
pointers, I'll put them on my wishlist.  *grin*

Best of wishes to you!

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 13 23:22:34 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 22:22:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Explanation of Lists data Type
References: <><020a01c65e54$f31a51d0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <02c201c65f40$61a66bc0$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> list [-3:3]
>> which is an error but is not reported as such, rathger it returns an 
>> empty list!
> I don't think this is an error, and whether it returns an empty list or 
> not depends on the length of the list:

I stand corrected, and yes when you think about it, it makes sense.

> print i, range(i)[-3:3]
> 0 []
> 1 [0]
> 2 [0, 1]
> 3 [0, 1, 2]
> 4 [1, 2]
> 5 [2]
> 6 []

[-3:3] is not an error as such it just doesn't make sense for longer lists
since -3 is after 3. But for short lists -3 sits before 3 so the slice 
them is valid.

Interesting, and shows the danger of relying on inaccurate analagies
like my circular list. It works in many cases but not all!

Thanks Roel.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 13 23:30:28 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 22:30:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Force a value to int
References: <>
Message-ID: <02ca01c65f41$7c708660$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Is there a particular way to force a value to be an int by either
> converting it with int() or returning a default value.

I don't think it exists.
I think that would be a difficult thing to do in a generic way.
The potential for inadvertant data loss is very high. 

> I've ended up writing my own function to do it, 

I assume you mean something like:

def forceInt(v, default=42):
   try: result = int(v)
   except: result = default
   return result

but if you do 

class C: # lots of stuff in here
c = C()


You could lose all the data in C.    
I suppose that if you make the default non defaulted - so you have 
to provide a default - that would be better, the default could then 
be the object itself

v = forceInt(c,c)

Is that what you mean?

Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 13 23:46:06 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 22:46:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
References: <>
Message-ID: <02d401c65f43$ab788e10$0a01a8c0@xp>

> has been very interesting.  It illustrates the fact that software
> engineering remains very much a craft. As with all crafts, is heavily
> influenced by the preferences (style if you will) of the individual
> artisan.  There are very few 'right or wrong' answers here.

Oops, you hit a hot button there. :-)

I don't think the multitude of styles or tools is any different to any
other engineering discipline and cerainly doesn't indicate any more
craft status than the fact that different electrical engineers have 
preferences of AVO meter type (analogue, digital, electronic, magnetic
etc - and most use several). Chosing the right tool for the job is just
as much part of the skill of the engineer as much as the artisan.

Where there may be a difference is that the engineer may specify the
tools (and definitely the materials) during the design process, the
artisan may choose the tools and materials in an ad-hoc manner
as the work progresses. The engineer's goals are consistency and
economy whereas the artisans goals are "quality(*)" and individuality.

(*)Engineers strive for quality too, but a pre-determined measure
of quality not the abstract concept of 'fine-ness' that craftsmen generally
aim for.

Software engineering, when practiced as engineering, is very little
different to other branches of engineering, unfortunately it is, for
various reasons, not often practiced as an enginering disipline
but as a craft. But the SE label is applied regardless! As in other
engineering disciplines it will take a large disaster wiith huge loss
of human life(*) due to badly designed software to force the industry
to adopt the kind of rigour demanded oin other fields. It is entirely
possible now, it's just not practiced!

(*)And even then only when that loss of life is accompanied by
correspondingly large insurance claims - or is that too cynical?
We'll find out fairly soon I'm sure...


Alan G. 

From john.corry at  Thu Apr 13 23:58:27 2006
From: john.corry at (John Corry)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 22:58:27 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Databases
Message-ID: <>


I have some database files that are written in visual foxpro.  I want to be
able to access them, read them and amend them.  Can I do this with python?

Are there any good links or websites that would specifically deal with
interrogating visual foxpro databases with Python?

I have limited knowledge with databses.  I have created and modified some
gadfly databases but on a very simple level.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



From mhansen at  Fri Apr 14 00:10:07 2006
From: mhansen at (mhansen at
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 16:10:07 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Databases
Message-ID: <>

I just googled "foxpro python" and this link will probably help.

I also posted a link a couple of days ago that has a nice PDF of the
Python DB-API which I hope the ODBC driver mentioned in the mail message
above uses.


----- Original Message -----
From: John Corry <john.corry at>
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:58 pm
Subject: [Tutor] Databases

> Hi,
> I have some database files that are written in visual foxpro.  I 
> want to be
> able to access them, read them and amend them.  Can I do this with 
> python?
> Are there any good links or websites that would specifically deal with
> interrogating visual foxpro databases with Python?
> I have limited knowledge with databses.  I have created and 
> modified some
> gadfly databases but on a very simple level.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From matt.singletary at  Fri Apr 14 00:14:53 2006
From: matt.singletary at (Matthew Singletary)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:14:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the input from everyone,

I had been working with a flat array and checking the horizontals and
verticals with slices and mod math but I think the tuple approach would be
pretty easy to change to use.

I can't ever recall being interested in a test from a test suite but my
interest is piqued.

I get to spend this weekend working on this and some simulated annealling so
I will get to polish my python skills some more.

Thanks again,
-------------- next part --------------
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From sanelson at  Fri Apr 14 00:31:06 2006
From: sanelson at (Steve Nelson)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 23:31:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python video?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/13/06, Danny Yoo <dyoo at> wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Hoffmann wrote:
> > I read this week on this forum about a kind of Python video in its
> > website. Which view is that, and where could I find it? I search in
> > Python website, but I didn't find it. Is it a 'demo' of the language?
> It's a video with gushing praise over Python, made in the style of a Monty
> Python skit.

On a similar line, I've recently discovered "podcasts".  I spend a lot
of time driving, and have been listening through the "Security Now"
broadcasts, and the last few days some stuff on Evolutionary Theory. 
Does anyone know of some good sources for programming-type discussions
- talks or lectures I could download and listen to?


From wescpy at  Fri Apr 14 00:41:13 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:41:13 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python video?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > > I read this week on this forum about a kind of Python video in its
> > > website. Which view is that, and where could I find it?
> >
> > It's a video with gushing praise over Python, made in the style of a Monty
> > Python skit.
> On a similar line, I've recently discovered "podcasts".
>     :
> Does anyone know of some good sources for programming-type discussions
> - talks or lectures I could download and listen to?

also, if you haven't seen them already, here are two other great
video/audio clips you should watch (or at least listen to):

1. Python and Ruby
this is a talk given by two of the folks heading Ruby's Ruby on Rails
and Python's Django web app frameworks a few months ago in Chicago

2. Guido's 'State of the Python Universe' Keynote
he gave this talk at Google in NY and PyCon 2006 in Dallas... it
highlights the 2.5 release coming this fall.

-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

From Barry.Carroll at  Fri Apr 14 00:43:44 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 15:43:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] failing to learn python
Message-ID: <>


As always, you make excellent points.  Actually, there isn't much on
which we disagree here, I think.  I did not mean that other engineering
disciplines necessarily employ less craftsmanship than does software.
On the contrary, excellent craftsmanship can be found in all branches of

One example will suffice: automotive engineering.  Manufacturer _____
[insert your favorite here] produces vehicles which are among the most
finely crafted objects in the world.  On the other hand, ______ [again,
take your pick) makes cars that exhibit horrible craftsmanship.  Both
are the products of automotive engineering, but the differences in
reliability, safety, performance and economy, not to mention beauty,
individuality and 'fine-ness' (a great term, IMHO), are obvious.

I could cite examples from any other discipline, though I might have to
spend some time in research; I'm a programmer, not an engineering
historian.  =8^)  

Anyway, my point was that no programming language is best in all cases
or for all people.  The preference of the engineer (craftsman, if you
will) matters.  

Best Regards,
barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Gauld [mailto:alan.gauld at]
> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:46 PM
> To: Carroll, Barry; tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] failing to learn python
> > has been very interesting.  It illustrates the fact that software
> > engineering remains very much a craft. As with all crafts, is
> > influenced by the preferences (style if you will) of the individual
> > artisan.  There are very few 'right or wrong' answers here.
> Oops, you hit a hot button there. :-)
> <RANT>
> I don't think the multitude of styles or tools is any different to any
> other engineering discipline and certainly doesn't indicate any more
> craft status than the fact that different electrical engineers have
> different
> preferences of AVO meter type (analogue, digital, electronic, magnetic
> etc - and most use several). Choosing the right tool for the job is
> as much part of the skill of the engineer as much as the artisan.
> Where there may be a difference is that the engineer may specify the
> tools (and definitely the materials) during the design process, the
> artisan may choose the tools and materials in an ad-hoc manner
> as the work progresses. The engineer's goals are consistency and
> economy whereas the artisans goals are "quality(*)" and individuality.
> (*)Engineers strive for quality too, but a pre-determined measure
> of quality not the abstract concept of 'fine-ness' that craftsmen
> generally
> aim for.
> Software engineering, when practiced as engineering, is very little
> different to other branches of engineering, unfortunately it is, for
> various reasons, not often practiced as an engineering discipline
> but as a craft. But the SE label is applied regardless! As in other
> engineering disciplines it will take a large disaster with huge loss
> of human life(*) due to badly designed software to force the industry
> to adopt the kind of rigour demanded in other fields. It is entirely
> possible now, it's just not practiced!
> (*)And even then only when that loss of life is accompanied by
> correspondingly large insurance claims - or is that too cynical?
> We'll find out fairly soon I'm sure...
> </RANT>
> Alan G.

From francois.schnell at  Fri Apr 14 00:47:27 2006
From: francois.schnell at (francois schnell)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 00:47:27 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python video?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I find Python411 an excellent podcast about Python:

and on general topics about IT:


On 14/04/06, Steve Nelson <sanelson at> wrote:
> On 4/13/06, Danny Yoo <dyoo at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Hoffmann wrote:
> >
> > > I read this week on this forum about a kind of Python video in its
> > > website. Which view is that, and where could I find it? I search in
> > > Python website, but I didn't find it. Is it a 'demo' of the language?
> >
> > It's a video with gushing praise over Python, made in the style of a
> Monty
> > Python skit.
> On a similar line, I've recently discovered "podcasts".  I spend a lot
> of time driving, and have been listening through the "Security Now"
> broadcasts, and the last few days some stuff on Evolutionary Theory.
> Does anyone know of some good sources for programming-type discussions
> - talks or lectures I could download and listen to?
> S.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Fri Apr 14 01:24:37 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 16:24:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Python video?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I find Python411 an excellent podcast about Python:
> and on general topics about IT:

Before its untimely demise, Dr Dobbs Journal used to do a lot with 

The site still works (for the most part) but it's unmaintained and doesn't 
have new content.  The streaming "PLAY" links are the ones you'll want to 
visit, as the "SAVE" links are broken.

From tiagosaboga at  Fri Apr 14 02:40:00 2006
From: tiagosaboga at (Tiago Saboga)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 21:40:00 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] sqlobject behavior
Message-ID: <>


I don't understand why sqlobject's ForeignKey attribute has to have the same 
name of the linked class. The following example doesn't work (the traceback 
is just after) unless I rename the 'p' attribute of 'Address' class as 



class Person(SQLObject):
    name = StringCol()
    add = MultipleJoin('Address')

class Address(SQLObject):
    street = StringCol()
    p = ForeignKey('Person')

def initdb():
    connection_string = 'mysql://tiago at localhost/test'
    connection = connectionForURI(connection_string)
    sqlhub.processConnection = connection

def main():
    search(raw_input('Search? '))

def createandfeedTables():
        for i, j in (('tiago', 'rua ceara'), ('lucas', 'rua sergipe')):
            nam = Person(name=i)
            Address(street=j, p=nam)
        print 'Assuming tables are created and fed.'
def search(searchexp):
    gr =, searchexp))
    for l in gr:
        print l.add
if __name__=='__main__':


$ ./
Search? uc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 47, in ?
  File "./", line 29, in main
    search(raw_input('Search? '))
  File "./", line 44, in search
    print l.add
  File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlobject/", line 131, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlobject/", line 592, 
in _SO_selectJoin
    return self.queryAll("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = %s" %
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlobject/", line 316, 
in queryAll
    return self._runWithConnection(self._queryAll, s)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlobject/", line 217, 
in _runWithConnection
    val = meth(conn, *args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlobject/", line 309, 
in _queryAll
    self._executeRetry(conn, c, s)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sqlobject/mysql/", 
line 60, in _executeRetry
    return cursor.execute(query)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 137, in 
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 33, in 
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'person_id' in 
'where clause'")

From sanelson at  Fri Apr 14 07:59:42 2006
From: sanelson at (Steve Nelson)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 06:59:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] checking diagonals on a chessboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/13/06, Matthew Singletary <matt.singletary at> wrote:

> I'm NOT looking for any answers, just some tips to an _elegant_ method to
> solve this.

My tutor/mentor and I wrote a chess program a while back - diaganols
were the hardest bit to get working!

Essentially diagonals are treated as though they were ranks and files
on a board rotated through 45 degrees. Doing bitboard lookups then
becomes fairly simple.

A bitboard solution to the n-queens problem would actually be rather
neat for a genetic algorithm, as the genes could correspond directly
to the bitboards. Both are just large integers.

If you haven't already, take a look at Bob Hyatt's bitboard paper.

In this case, though, it is probably simple enough to work out if two
pieces are on the same diagonal:

1. Find the difference in their ranks
2. Find the difference in their files
3. If the answer is the same (regardless of sign) then the pieces
share a diagonal.


From pythontut at  Fri Apr 14 08:43:43 2006
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 07:43:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Looking for an open source project
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I have been playing around with Python for a while now  and am looking for 
open source KDE projects written in Python that I can help with / learn from.

Something relatively simple that uses Qt. (I am still a bit green)

Any idea where I can get a list of projects. I checked out sourceforge but 
could not work out how to filter for Python.


From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 14 09:37:20 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:37:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <02fd01c65f96$43adbaf0$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> > %g: Same as "e" if exponent is greater than -4 or less than
>> > precision, "f" otherwise.
>> Yeah, thats not very clear.
>So what is the exact meaning ? I am still not clear.

The exact meaning is that it will use the shorter of %e and %f.
It's as simple as that., In some cases Scientific notation will be 
shorter than floating point notation. In other cases it will be 
the other way round. %g will always display the shorter one.

> Why "%.15g", "%.16g", "%.17g", "%.f", "%.16f" are different ?
> Why? Because Kernighan & Ritchie made them different in C.
> So what is the exact rules of %.g? 

As above, the shorter of %e and %f

>>> bignum = 1234567898.2345678945
>>> print "%g\n%e\n%f" % (bignum,bignum,bignum)

Hmm, that's interesting, %g is actually slightly shorter than the shortest!
One less digit. interesting...

>>> smallnum = 1234.456789
>>> print "%g\n%e\n%f" % (smallnum,smallnum,smallnum)

Hopefully you can see that in the bignum case %g used the same 
style as %e because it's shorter. In the smallnum case it used the 
same style as %f because that was shorter.

In both cases it truncated to 6 digits, which I didn't expect!!

> In doing scientific calculations, what format do I trust?

You can trust all of them, they are all correct.
None of them change the underlying value they simply display 
them differently. In practice you rarely use any of them on their 
own, you will normally add length and precision modifiers as in:

>>> print "%14.3g\n%14.3e\n%14.3f" % (bignum,bignum,bignum)

Hopefully those examples show whats happening.
I have no idea why %g is dropping a digit, it may even be a bug!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 14 09:39:11 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:39:11 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Databases
References: <>
Message-ID: <030d01c65f96$85a4a1d0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I have some database files that are written in visual foxpro.  I want to 
> be
> able to access them, read them and amend them.  Can I do this with python?

I think you will need to use the OCDB adapter.
Although there may be a Fox adapter out there somewhere, but I haven't
seen any references to it.

> Are there any good links or websites that would specifically deal with
> interrogating visual foxpro databases with Python?

Not that I know of, only the standard Python DBI pages.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From kent37 at  Fri Apr 14 11:58:32 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 05:58:32 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
In-Reply-To: <02fd01c65f96$43adbaf0$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>	<029001c65ef5$d4640140$0a01a8c0@xp>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>>> print "%14.3g\n%14.3e\n%14.3f" % (bignum,bignum,bignum)
>      1.23e+009
>     1.235e+009
> 1234567898.235
> Hopefully those examples show whats happening.
> I have no idea why %g is dropping a digit, it may even be a bug!

It looks to me like either a documentation error or a bug. It might be 
worth asking on


From kent37 at  Fri Apr 14 12:07:59 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 06:07:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Looking for an open source project
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dave S wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been playing around with Python for a while now  and am looking for 
> open source KDE projects written in Python that I can help with / learn from.
> Something relatively simple that uses Qt. (I am still a bit green)
> Any idea where I can get a list of projects. I checked out sourceforge but 
> could not work out how to filter for Python.

Go to the SF software map and click on a category, then you will be able 
to filter for language.


From at  Fri Apr 14 15:32:39 2006
From: at (Patty)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 13:32:39 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] MySQLdb question
Message-ID: <>


I have a data structure in a python file that looks something like this:

my_map= { "host1":  {"target1", "target2", "target3" },
           "host2":  {"target4", "target5", "target6" }, 

I have a method that has two parameteres (ahost, atarget), which I want to use
to retrieve data from the database. In my database each host has a column and
each target has a row. The way I have it now is something like this:
cursor.execute("""SELECT host1, host2, host3, host4, host5, host6 FROM targets
        WHERE target_name = %s """, (target))

This is very inefficient because I'm retrieving data that I don't need. Instead,
I want to use the parameters in my method, but I'm not sure how to do it

cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
        WHERE target_name = %s """, (ahost, target))  # I tried this, but it
didn't work.

I also tried this, but got a error:

cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
        WHERE target_name = %s """ %  (ahost, target))

Can anybody show me the right way to do it?


From ajschmidt at  Fri Apr 14 16:10:20 2006
From: ajschmidt at (Allen John Schmidt, Jr.)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:10:20 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] MySQLdb question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Patty wrote:

>I have a data structure in a python file that looks something like this:
>my_map= { "host1":  {"target1", "target2", "target3" },
>           "host2":  {"target4", "target5", "target6" }, 
>         }
>cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
>        WHERE target_name = %s """ %  (ahost, target))
>Can anybody show me the right way to do it?

Hi Patty,

I don't know if this is the right way, but here is basically how I would 
do it.

First of all, I will assume that you are looping over the items in the 
dictionary to get the variables ahost and target.

for ahost,target in my_map:
    cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
        WHERE target_name in (%s) """ %  (ahost, ",".join(target)))

This would generate a list that MySQL will look through to find 
target_name. It is the same as one would do in Python to find an item in 
a list:

if target_name in ("target1", "target2", "target3")

Hope that helps!
Allen J. Schmidt, Jr.

From ajikoe at  Fri Apr 14 16:29:23 2006
From: ajikoe at (Pujo Aji)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 16:29:23 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] MySQLdb question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I think you can wrap the select sql command with a function which return a
this function receive a particular hostname in a string format and return
the whole 'SELECT ... FROM.. WHERE' style including the hostname from the
function argument.


On 4/14/06, Patty < at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a data structure in a python file that looks something like this:
> my_map= { "host1":  {"target1", "target2", "target3" },
>            "host2":  {"target4", "target5", "target6" },
>          }
> I have a method that has two parameteres (ahost, atarget), which I want to
> use
> to retrieve data from the database. In my database each host has a column
> and
> each target has a row. The way I have it now is something like this:
> cursor.execute("""SELECT host1, host2, host3, host4, host5, host6 FROM
> targets
>         WHERE target_name = %s """, (target))
> This is very inefficient because I'm retrieving data that I don't need.
> Instead,
> I want to use the parameters in my method, but I'm not sure how to do it
> cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
>         WHERE target_name = %s """, (ahost, target))  # I tried this, but
> it
> didn't work.
> I also tried this, but got a error:
> cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
>         WHERE target_name = %s """ %  (ahost, target))
> Can anybody show me the right way to do it?
> Thanks,
> Patty
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From pythontut at  Fri Apr 14 16:52:40 2006
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 15:52:40 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Looking for an open source project
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday 14 April 2006 11:07, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Dave S wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have been playing around with Python for a while now  and am looking
> > for open source KDE projects written in Python that I can help with /
> > learn from.
> >
> > Something relatively simple that uses Qt. (I am still a bit green)
> >
> > Any idea where I can get a list of projects. I checked out sourceforge
> > but could not work out how to filter for Python.
> Go to the SF software map and click on a category, then you will be able
> to filter for language.

Thanks for that :)


From kent37 at  Fri Apr 14 17:29:27 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 11:29:27 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<029001c65ef5$d4640140$0a01a8c0@xp>	<>	<02fd01c65f96$43adbaf0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Alan Gauld wrote:
>>>>> print "%14.3g\n%14.3e\n%14.3f" % (bignum,bignum,bignum)
>>      1.23e+009
>>     1.235e+009
>> 1234567898.235
>> Hopefully those examples show whats happening.
>> I have no idea why %g is dropping a digit, it may even be a bug!
> It looks to me like either a documentation error or a bug. It might be 
> worth asking on

Which I did; see here for Fredrik Lundh's answer:


From at  Fri Apr 14 19:31:41 2006
From: at (Patty)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 17:31:41 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] MySQLdb question
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> for ahost,target in my_map:
>     cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
>         WHERE target_name in (%s) """ %  (ahost, ",".join(target)))

Hi again,

I'm confused   :-(  
I'm using an old version of python (2.3.4).  In my database, target_name is the
name of a column, not the name of a target.


From davholla2002 at  Fri Apr 14 20:20:16 2006
From: davholla2002 at (David Holland)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 19:20:16 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] plz help
Message-ID: <>


Sorry I have been away since then.  You should always include the tutor in any replies in case anyone else can help or if the original person has a problem and is away from the pc.
I will look at this tomorrow unless someone else helps before.

John Brokaw <john.brokaw at> wrote: Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 13:07:23 -0400
From: "John Brokaw" <john.brokaw at>
To: "David Holland" <davholla2002 at>
Subject: Re: Show us some code

 >>> import pygame, sys,os
>>> from pygame.locals import * 
 >>> pygame.init()
>>>window = pygame.display.set_mode((468, 60)) 
I have also did it in real-time and attached pics of the proccess hope this helps. 

 On 4/13/06, David Holland <davholla2002 at> wrote:  John,

Can you please post your code and the exact error message.

First they came for the Danes, but I did not speak out because I am not a Dane.

  Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC  calling worldwide with voicemail  


 First they came for the Danes, but I did not speak out because I am not a Dane.

Yahoo! Messenger  NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 
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Url : 

From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 14 21:03:24 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 20:03:24 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
References: <>	<029001c65ef5$d4640140$0a01a8c0@xp>	<>	<02fd01c65f96$43adbaf0$0a01a8c0@xp><>
Message-ID: <034601c65ff6$1b1bd440$0a01a8c0@xp>

>>> Hopefully those examples show whats happening.
>>> I have no idea why %g is dropping a digit, it may even be a bug!
>> It looks to me like either a documentation error or a bug. It might be 
>> worth asking on
> Which I did; see here for Fredrik Lundh's answer:

Hmm, that says there is allowed to be a difference but not why there is a 

The quote from the C standard would allow both e,f and g to have the same 

In the original K&R(pre ANSI) it simply says %g is the shorter of %f and %e 
no hint of any other modification. Given that the logical implementation for 
would be to use %e/%f format as required but for some odd reason its been
implemented differently.

So its not really a bug, since the spac allows for it, but is still strange 

Thanks for asking the question Kent, I was going to get around to it
sometime! :-)


Alan G.

From adam.jtm30 at  Fri Apr 14 21:56:32 2006
From: adam.jtm30 at (Adam)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 20:56:32 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] plz help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> John Brokaw <john.brokaw at> wrote:
>  Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 13:07:23 -0400
> From: "John Brokaw" <john.brokaw at>
> To: "David Holland" <davholla2002 at>
> Subject: Re: Show us some code
> Sure...
> >>> import pygame, sys,os
> >>> from pygame.locals import *
> >>> pygame.init()
> (6,0)
> >>>window = pygame.display.set_mode((468, 60))
> I have also did it in real-time and attached pics of the proccess hope this
> helps.

Have you tried pygame.display.quit()? It looks to me like it is
working ok because idle has displayed another >>>. Try that command to
shut down the pygame window.

From srini_iyyer_bio at  Fri Apr 14 23:46:32 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 14:46:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] changing 2x3 matrix to 3x2 matrix - using lists
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear group, 
 I have a huge list of data. This was obtained using R
through Rpy. 

the data resembles a 10K (row) x 30 (column) matrix. 

I processed the data column wise( obtained median
values for duplicated rows).

Now I am left with 500 rows and 30 columns. 

I want to print the same way. 

A snippet:

>>> a = """apple\tboy\tcat\ndog\tegg\tfox\n"""
>>> ab = a.split('\n')
>>> for m in ab:
	cols = m.split('\t')
	print cols

['apple', 'boy', 'cat']
['dog', 'egg', 'fox']
# Here I processed the data and assuming nothing
changed in the snippet, I want to print :
apple   dog
boy     egg
cat     fox

How can I do that?
I tries a different way below. If there are two lists,
I could use 'zip' method.  However, since script is
running over a loop of 30 columns, I have no clue how
can I use zip dynamically.

>>> for m in result:
	for i in range(len(m)):
		print m[i]+'\t'+m[i+1]

apple	dog

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#80>", line 3, in -toplevel-
    print m[i]+'\t'+m[i+1]
IndexError: list index out of range

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From adam.jtm30 at  Sat Apr 15 00:01:22 2006
From: adam.jtm30 at (Adam)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 23:01:22 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] plz help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/04/06, John Brokaw <john.brokaw at> wrote:
> Adam, Yes i have and thanks for trying to help. I guess I need to be more
> specific with my question. I need to know why this is happening and will it
> happend if a put together a complete game. I can close the window with the
> display.quit command and or the ctrl+alt+del method, but I want to know why
> its not repsonding in the first place.

What do you mean not responding? If you mean when you click on the
window manager X thing that usually shuts down windows, and nothing
happens, it doesn't until you bind the event of it being clicked to

From kent37 at  Sat Apr 15 00:14:43 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 18:14:43 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] changing 2x3 matrix to 3x2 matrix - using lists
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Srinivas Iyyer wrote:
> Dear group, 
>  I have a huge list of data. This was obtained using R
> through Rpy. 
> the data resembles a 10K (row) x 30 (column) matrix. 
> I processed the data column wise( obtained median
> values for duplicated rows).
> Now I am left with 500 rows and 30 columns. 
> I want to print the same way. 
> A snippet:
>>>> a = """apple\tboy\tcat\ndog\tegg\tfox\n"""
>>>> ab = a.split('\n')
>>>> for m in ab:
> 	cols = m.split('\t')
> 	print cols
> ['apple', 'boy', 'cat']
> ['dog', 'egg', 'fox']
> ########################################
> # Here I processed the data and assuming nothing
> changed in the snippet, I want to print :
> ##
> apple   dog
> boy     egg
> cat     fox
> How can I do that?
> I tries a different way below. If there are two lists,
> I could use 'zip' method.  However, since script is
> running over a loop of 30 columns, I have no clue how
> can I use zip dynamically.

For working with arrays that big you should probably look at numpy, but 
someone else will have to help you with that.

If you have a list of lists, you can use zip(*lists) to transpose it:
In [1]: data = [
    ...: ['apple', 'boy', 'cat'],
    ...: ['dog', 'egg', 'fox'],
    ...: ['spam', 'cheese', 'ni']
    ...: ]

In [3]: data
Out[3]: [['apple', 'boy', 'cat'], ['dog', 'egg', 'fox'], ['spam', 
'cheese', 'ni']]

In [4]: zip(*data)
Out[4]: [('apple', 'dog', 'spam'), ('boy', 'egg', 'cheese'), ('cat', 
'fox', 'ni')]

zip(*data) is like saying zip(data[0], data[1], ..., data[-1]) but you 
don't have to know how big data is.


From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr 15 02:27:49 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:27:49 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] MySQLdb question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/15/06, Patty < at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a data structure in a python file that looks something like this:
> my_map= { "host1":  {"target1", "target2", "target3" },
>            "host2":  {"target4", "target5", "target6" },
>          }
> I have a method that has two parameteres (ahost, atarget), which I want to use
> to retrieve data from the database. In my database each host has a column and
> each target has a row. The way I have it now is something like this:
> cursor.execute("""SELECT host1, host2, host3, host4, host5, host6 FROM targets
>         WHERE target_name = %s """, (target))
> This is very inefficient because I'm retrieving data that I don't need. Instead,
> I want to use the parameters in my method, but I'm not sure how to do it
> cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
>         WHERE target_name = %s """, (ahost, target))  # I tried this, but it
> didn't work.
> I also tried this, but got a error:
> cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
>         WHERE target_name = %s """ %  (ahost, target))
> Can anybody show me the right way to do it?
> Thanks,
> Patty

>> for ahost,target in my_map:
>>     cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM targets
>>         WHERE target_name in (%s) """ %  (ahost, ",".join(target)))

>Hi again,

>I'm confused   :-(
>I'm using an old version of python (2.3.4).  In my database, target_name is the
>name of a column, not the name of a target.

I'm confused also.

Can you show us in SQL what you're trying to do? i.e. What's your
desired SQL statement?

From prabhu.chinnee at  Sat Apr 15 13:34:27 2006
From: prabhu.chinnee at (Prabhakar K)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 17:04:27 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] PHP Functions in Python
Message-ID: <>


     I want to call php function in Python... is there any way to call.
-------------- next part --------------
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From john.corry at  Sat Apr 15 15:20:46 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 14:20:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Difficulty connecting with odbc drivers
Message-ID: <000501c6608f$6c1122d0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

I have downloaded the mxodbc product.  I am using windows xp, python 2.4
and I am trying to log onto a visual foxpro database file.  I have
downloaded the visual foxpro driver.  I use the following code:
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows
db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=c:/test/m2m/data/cost_grid.dbf')
c = db.cursor()
and I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 4, in ?
    db =
OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
source name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do?  Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
-------------- next part --------------
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From john.corry at  Sat Apr 15 15:21:31 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 14:21:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Difficulty connecting with odbc drivers
Message-ID: <000a01c6608f$874a2150$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

I have downloaded the mxodbc product.  I am using windows xp, python 2.4
and I am trying to log onto a visual foxpro database file.  I have
downloaded the visual foxpro driver.  I use the following code:
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows
db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=c:/test/m2m/data/cost_grid.dbf')
c = db.cursor()
and I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 4, in ?
    db =
OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
source name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do?  Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
-------------- next part --------------
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From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr 15 15:59:15 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 01:59:15 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] PHP Functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Um. I suppose you could, but what are you trying to do? I'm fairly
certain Python has similar functionality to PHP, and is a lot more
straightforward than interfacing with a forked process. (Assuming
you're using the PHP CLI and not talking PHP in Apache, etc.)

On 4/15/06, Prabhakar K <prabhu.chinnee at> wrote:
> Hi,
>      I want to call php function in Python... is there any way to call.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr 15 16:02:25 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 02:02:25 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Difficulty connecting with odbc drivers
In-Reply-To: <000a01c6608f$874a2150$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000a01c6608f$874a2150$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

According to the eGenix docs:

Please refer to the ODBC manuals of your ODBC manager and database for
the exact syntax of the DSN_string. It typically has these entries:
'DSN=datasource_name;UID=userid;PWD=password;'  (case is important !).

So, you've got DSN lowercase...

On 4/16/06, John CORRY <john.corry at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have downloaded the mxodbc product.  I am using windows xp, python 2.4 and
> I am trying to log onto a visual foxpro database file.  I have downloaded
> the visual foxpro driver.  I use the following code:
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> db =
> mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=c:/test/m2m/data/cost_grid.dbf')
> c = db.cursor()
> and I get the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\",
> line 4, in ?
>     db =
> mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=c:/test/m2m/data/cost_grid.dbf')
> OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source
> name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
> What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do?  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From john.corry at  Sat Apr 15 16:30:14 2006
From: john.corry at (John Corry)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 15:30:14 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Difficulty connecting with odbc drivers
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


Thanks for the quick response.  I have changed the code so that dsn is now
DSN.  However I get the same error.

Any other thoughts?



-----Original Message-----
From: Liam Clarke [mailto:ml.cyresse at]
Sent: 15 April 2006 15:02
To: john.corry at
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Difficulty connecting with odbc drivers

According to the eGenix docs:

Please refer to the ODBC manuals of your ODBC manager and database for
the exact syntax of the DSN_string. It typically has these entries:
'DSN=datasource_name;UID=userid;PWD=password;'  (case is important !).

So, you've got DSN lowercase...

On 4/16/06, John CORRY <john.corry at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have downloaded the mxodbc product.  I am using windows xp, python 2.4
> I am trying to log onto a visual foxpro database file.  I have downloaded
> the visual foxpro driver.  I use the following code:
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> db =
> mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=c:/test/m2m/data/cost_grid.dbf')
> c = db.cursor()
> and I get the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\",
> line 4, in ?
>     db =
> mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=c:/test/m2m/data/cost_grid.dbf')
> OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
> name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
> What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do?  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From john.corry at  Sat Apr 15 16:24:38 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 15:24:38 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] odbc
Message-ID: <000001c66098$58a5e380$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

I have just run the test package within mxODBC.  I get the following
mx.ODBC Test Suite
Subpackage Name [Windows]: 
Available Datasources:
Excel Files          - Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)
MS Access Database   - Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
Visual FoxPro Database - Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver
Visual FoxPro Tables - Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver
dBASE Files          - Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)
DriverConnect arguments [DSN=test;UID=test;PWD=test]: 
Clear AUTOCOMMIT  ? (1/0) [1] 
Run tests continuously to check for leaks ? (y/n) [n] 
Use direct execution of SQL statements ? (y/n) [n] 
Run long benchmark ? (y/n) [n] 
Show driver type information ? (y/n) [n] 
Output file [stdout]: 
Testing package mx.ODBC.Windows version: 2.0.5
        compiled with Unicode support
        using Python version: 2.4
Test suite:
 Connecting to the database.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\mx\ODBC\Misc\", line 2346,
in ?
    rc = main(packagename)
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\mx\ODBC\Misc\", line 2278,
in main
    connection = apply(connectapi,connectargs)
OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
source name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
It gives me the same error that I am experiencing when I run my code.
Does this mean that I have not installed something that I need or have
not installed something properly.
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sat Apr 15 16:39:35 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:39:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] odbc
In-Reply-To: <000001c66098$58a5e380$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c66098$58a5e380$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

John CORRY wrote:
> I have just run the test package within mxODBC.  I get the following result.
> OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data 
> source name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
> It gives me the same error that I am experiencing when I run my code.  
> Does this mean that I have not installed something that I need or have 
> not installed something properly.

Have you configured an ODBC data source for the database you are trying 
to access? I don't remember how to do this but I know it was a necessary 
step for accessing MS-Access databases from ODBC.


From john.corry at  Sat Apr 15 17:03:38 2006
From: john.corry at (John Corry)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 16:03:38 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] odbc
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


I am not sure what you mean.  I am feeling about in the dark on this

Do you have an example?  Among my visual foxpro database files I have a file
called tng.dbc.  When I acces the database files through excel, I select the
tng.dbc before I can see the fields in the databases.  Is this what I need
to log onto with python first before I access the database file?



-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at]On
Behalf Of Kent Johnson
Sent: 15 April 2006 15:40
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] odbc

John CORRY wrote:
> I have just run the test package within mxODBC.  I get the following
> OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
> source name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
> It gives me the same error that I am experiencing when I run my code.
> Does this mean that I have not installed something that I need or have
> not installed something properly.

Have you configured an ODBC data source for the database you are trying
to access? I don't remember how to do this but I know it was a necessary
step for accessing MS-Access databases from ODBC.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr 15 16:56:08 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 15:56:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Difficulty connecting with odbc drivers
References: <000501c6608f$6c1122d0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <002301c6609c$baca90c0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I have downloaded the mxodbc product.  I am using windows xp, python 2.4

> mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=c:/test/m2m/data/cost_grid.dbf')
> OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
> source name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)

> What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do?  Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.

You need to set up the driver using the ODBC management applet from 
Control Panel->Admin Tools. You don't mention doing that so it may 
be you need an extra step. Otherwise I dunno, sorry.

Alan G.

From john.corry at  Sat Apr 15 18:58:02 2006
From: john.corry at (John Corry)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 17:58:02 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Good Hustle Hit the Showers!
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


Good advice.  I configured the ODBC data sources as advised and I am now
able to query my database files.



-----Original Message-----
From: Lloyd Kvam [mailto:lkvam at]
Sent: 15 April 2006 16:04
To: john.corry at
Cc: Kent Johnson; Tutor Python
Subject: Re: [Tutor] odbc

On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 16:03 +0100, John Corry wrote:
> Kent,
> I am not sure what you mean.  I am feeling about in the dark on this
> subject.
> Do you have an example?
You should have a Control Panel Application for configuring ODBC data
sources.  The program using an ODBC driver is separated from the actual
file.  Instead the DSN name is matched against a registry entry to find
the actual file or database.

So you won't get anywhere until you get the ODBC registry stuff
straight.  That's also why the unit tests fail.

(This is from a Linux guy, so the exact details could be off a little
bit, but hopefully it points you in the right direction.)

> Among my visual foxpro database files I have a file
> called tng.dbc.  When I acces the database files through excel, I select
> tng.dbc before I can see the fields in the databases.  Is this what I need
> to log onto with python first before I access the database file?
> Regards,
> John.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at]On
> Behalf Of Kent Johnson
> Sent: 15 April 2006 15:40
> Cc: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] odbc
> John CORRY wrote:
> > I have just run the test package within mxODBC.  I get the following
> result.
> > OperationalError: ('IM002', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
> > source name not found and no default driver specified', 6044)
> >
> > It gives me the same error that I am experiencing when I run my code.
> > Does this mean that I have not installed something that I need or have
> > not installed something properly.
> Have you configured an ODBC data source for the database you are trying
> to access? I don't remember how to do this but I know it was a necessary
> step for accessing MS-Access databases from ODBC.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:  603-653-8139
fax:    320-210-3409

From bgailer at  Sat Apr 15 18:53:55 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 09:53:55 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Difficulty connecting with odbc drivers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

John Corry wrote:
> Liam,
> Thanks for the quick response.  I have changed the code so that dsn is now
> DSN.  However I get the same error.
I agree with Alan.the dsn should point to a data source rather than a file.

To be more precise

Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources

If you can't figure out what to do there let us know.

From oasf2004 at  Sat Apr 15 19:50:29 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:50:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor]  Is this correct?
Message-ID: <>


This question is regarding the first exercise of the
book  "How to think Like a Computer Scientist:
Learning with Python", by Downey, Elkner, and Meyers,
Chapter 13, page 137.
The goal is to write a function printTime that takes a
Time object as an argument and prints it in the form

So, I wrote the script below:

class Time:
hour = int( raw_input('Enter the hour: ') )
min = int( raw_input('Enter the minute: ') )
sec = int( raw_input('Enter the sec: ') )

time = Time()
time.hours = hour
time.minutes = min
time.seconds = sec

def printTime(time):
	print 'The time is %dh:%dmin:%dsec' % (hour, min,

That seems to work, but I would like to hear from you.
Please, let me know if I am in the right way.


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From xray_2003 at  Sat Apr 15 19:35:50 2006
From: xray_2003 at (x-ray ubeenstung)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 18:35:50 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <BAY105-F8BC7A31CF7BCEB2D61E8383C10@phx.gbl>


From dyoo at  Sat Apr 15 21:06:19 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:06:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
In-Reply-To: <BAY105-F8BC7A31CF7BCEB2D61E8383C10@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY105-F8BC7A31CF7BCEB2D61E8383C10@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>


Followup --- unsubscribed.

In the future --- and just so that others know --- if anyone has any 
administrative messages or "unsubscribe me" messages, send them to the 
administrators at:

The administrative email address is:

     tutor-owner at

Try to avoid sending admin stuff to the main tutor mailing list, since 
only the admins have the access to handle list management issues.

From john.corry at  Sat Apr 15 23:26:34 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 22:26:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
Message-ID: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

I am having problems amending records in my database.
If I use the following code my database is updated fine.
c = '"PF1"'
b = 91.4
a = 85.00
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows
db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
c = db.cursor()
c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = "PF1"
and finish_dro = ?', ( a, b,))
However if I use the following code:- 
Where the only difference is I use the c variable instead of the actual
"PF1".  The database does not get updated.  I have also tried 
C =  "PF1"  but this does not work either.
c = '"PF1"'
b = 91.4
a = 85.00
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows
db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
c = db.cursor()
c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( a, c,b,))
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
-------------- next part --------------
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From john.corry at  Sun Apr 16 00:48:36 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 23:48:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error
Message-ID: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

Thanks Brian for the help on the last one.  I couldn't see the wood for
the trees.  I have a tougher one for you.
I am reading in a CSV file.  Each line represents a line that I want to
upload into my database.  I am trying to upload the first line in the
file to get myself started.  The code is below:-
import string, re
path = "c:/test/import.csv"
listy = []
input = file(path, "r")
for line in input.readlines():
    line = line.split(",")
print listy[-1]
stat = """Insert into cost_grid values
t = 5000
d = "PF2"
b = 91.4
a = 95.00
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows
db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
c = db.cursor()
c.execute(stat, listy[-1])
I get the following error:
TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From dyoo at  Sun Apr 16 00:50:20 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 15:50:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
In-Reply-To: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

> I am having problems amending records in my database.

Hi John,

The root of this problem is a matter of choosing variable names that are 
way too terse.  In particular, note that you're using the variable 'c' as:

     c = 'PF1'

but at the same time, you're also using:

     c = db.cursor()

Do you notice anything bad that might happen here?

From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 16 01:08:28 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 00:08:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
References: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <006101c660e1$8207dfa0$0a01a8c0@xp>

Hi John,

I've no idea why its not working but this illustrates why I prefer to create
the sql string outside the execute - its a lot easier to debug when you can
print the string exactly as passed to execute. I know many others like to
leave execute to do the escaping stuff but I prefer to see what I'm doing
and put in a little extra effort.

So I would write it as:

query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
               SET cost_1 = %s
               WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
               AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b)

Dunno if that helps but its my experience FWIW,

Alan G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John CORRY" <john.corry at>
To: <tutor at>
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:26 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!

> Hi,
> I am having problems amending records in my database.
> If I use the following code my database is updated fine.
> c = '"PF1"'
> b = 91.4
> a = 85.00
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
> c = db.cursor()
> c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = "PF1"
> and finish_dro = ?', ( a, b,))
> db.commit()
> c.close()
> However if I use the following code:-
> Where the only difference is I use the c variable instead of the actual
> "PF1".  The database does not get updated.  I have also tried
> C =  "PF1"  but this does not work either.
> c = '"PF1"'
> b = 91.4
> a = 85.00
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
> c = db.cursor()
> c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
> finish_dro = ?', ( a, c,b,))
> db.commit()
> c.close()
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 16 01:12:16 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 00:12:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Is this correct?
References: <>
Message-ID: <006701c660e2$09d53180$0a01a8c0@xp>


> The goal is to write a function printTime that takes a
> Time object as an argument and prints it in the form
> hours:minutes:seconds.
> So, I wrote the script below:
> class Time:
> pass
> hour = int( raw_input('Enter the hour: ') )
> min = int( raw_input('Enter the minute: ') )
> sec = int( raw_input('Enter the sec: ') )
> time = Time()
> time.hours = hour
> time.minutes = min
> time.seconds = sec

Personally I prefer to put the initialisation intomnan __init__() 
method, but otherwise it looks ok to me. Also I'd probably 
not use a class here but a simple tuple or similar, but your 
exercise seems to want an object and implies a class should be used.

> def printTime(time):
> print 'The time is %dh:%dmin:%dsec' % (hour, min,
> sec)
> printTime(time)


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From oasf2004 at  Sun Apr 16 01:39:43 2006
From: oasf2004 at (Hoffmann)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 16:39:43 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Is this correct?
In-Reply-To: <006701c660e2$09d53180$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

--- Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> Hi,
> > The goal is to write a function printTime that
> takes a
> > Time object as an argument and prints it in the
> form
> > hours:minutes:seconds.
> > 
> > So, I wrote the script below:
> > 
> > class Time:
> > pass
> > 
> > hour = int( raw_input('Enter the hour: ') )
> > min = int( raw_input('Enter the minute: ') )
> > sec = int( raw_input('Enter the sec: ') )
> > 
> > time = Time()
> > time.hours = hour
> > time.minutes = min
> > time.seconds = sec
> Personally I prefer to put the initialisation
> intomnan __init__() 
> method, but otherwise it looks ok to me. Also I'd
> probably 
> not use a class here but a simple tuple or similar,
> but your 
> exercise seems to want an object and implies a class
> should be used.
> > def printTime(time):
> > print 'The time is %dh:%dmin:%dsec' % (hour, min,
> > sec)
> > 
> > printTime(time)
> HTH,
> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your comments. Please, see below a new
version of that exercise. What do you think?

ps: the new version:

hour = int( raw_input('Enter the hour: ') )
min = int( raw_input('Enter the minute: ') )
sec = int( raw_input('Enter the sec: ') )

class Time:
	def __init__(self, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds =
		self.hours = hours
		self.minutes = minutes
		self.seconds = seconds
	def printTime(self):  # By convention, the first
parameter of a method is called self.
		Prints the time.'''
		print str(self.hours) + ":" + str(self.minutes) +
":" + str(self.seconds)
def convertToSeconds(t):
	''' convertToSeconds:
	Converts a Time object into an integer.'''
	minutes = t.hours * 60 + t.minutes
	seconds = t.minutes * 60 + t.seconds
	return seconds
def makeTime(seconds):
	''' makeTime:
	Converts from an integer to a Time object.'''
	time = Time()
	time.hours = seconds/3600
	seconds = seconds - time.hours * 3600
	time.minutes = seconds/60
	seconds = seconds - time.minutes * 60
	time.seconds = seconds
	return time
def addTime(t1, t2):
	''' addTime function:
	Calculates the sum of two times.'''
	seconds = convertToSeconds(t1) + convertToSeconds(t2)
	return makeTime(seconds)
currentTime = Time()
currentTime.hours = hour
currentTime.minutes = min
currentTime.seconds = sec

Do You Yahoo!?
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From tiagosaboga at  Sun Apr 16 02:40:19 2006
From: tiagosaboga at (Tiago Saboga)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:40:19 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting (%s)
Message-ID: <>

Can I use string formatting in my own functions, or is it stuck with builtins? 
It doesn't make much sense for me, but I don't understand the following 

In [1]: var = 456

In [2]: def printd(arg):
   ...:     print('>>> %s') % arg

In [3]: printd(var)
>>> 456

In [4]: printd('Variable is %s') % var
>>> Variable is %s
exceptions.TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent 
call last)


TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'int'



From brian at  Sun Apr 16 03:33:45 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:33:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error
In-Reply-To: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

would be helpful to paste the entire error information that python gives ..
including the lines before and after.
When pytho sets an error , it will tell you *exactly* where the error is 
at (or it should) I do all my development work on Linux, havent worked 
with ODBC databases, but the reference to a list of tuples , almost 
makes me thing the SQL needs to be a full insert:
(insert into tablename (field1,field2.....) values (value1,value2....) )

John CORRY wrote:
> Thanks Brian for the help on the last one.  I couldn?t see the wood for 
> the trees.  I have a tougher one for you.
> I am reading in a CSV file.  Each line represents a line that I want to 
> upload into my database.  I am trying to upload the first line in the 
> file to get myself started.  The code is below:-
> import string, re
> path = "c:/test/import.csv"
> listy = []
> input = file(path, "r")
> for line in input.readlines():
>     line = line.split(",")
>     listy.append(line)
> print listy[-1]
> stat = """Insert into cost_grid values 
> (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,)"""
> t = 5000
> d = "PF2"
> b = 91.4
> a = 95.00
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
> c = db.cursor()
> c.execute(stat, listy[-1])
> db.commit()
> c.close()
> I get the following error:
> TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.
> !DSPAM:444178de174651249418164!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:444178de174651249418164!

From ml.cyresse at  Sun Apr 16 03:39:15 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 13:39:15 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error
In-Reply-To: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

Hi John,

Listy will be a list of lists, and the DBAPI specifies tuples. So
either change this -




or stick a list comprehension at the end if you need to mung anything
in listy before passing it in:

listy = [ tuple(item) for item in listy]


Liam Clarke

On 4/16/06, John CORRY <john.corry at> wrote:
> Thanks Brian for the help on the last one.  I couldn't see the wood for the
> trees.  I have a tougher one for you.
> I am reading in a CSV file.  Each line represents a line that I want to
> upload into my database.  I am trying to upload the first line in the file
> to get myself started.  The code is below:-
> import string, re
> path = "c:/test/import.csv"
> listy = []
> input = file(path, "r")
> for line in input.readlines():
>     line = line.split(",")
>     listy.append(line)
> print listy[-1]
> stat = """Insert into cost_grid values
> (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,)"""
> t = 5000
> d = "PF2"
> b = 91.4
> a = 95.00
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
> c = db.cursor()
> c.execute(stat, listy[-1])
> db.commit()
> c.close()
> I get the following error:
> TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ml.cyresse at  Sun Apr 16 03:45:27 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 13:45:27 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

Wait, I have put you wrong there.

Can you please copy and paste here the output of print liney[-1]



On 4/16/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at> wrote:
> Hi John,
> Listy will be a list of lists, and the DBAPI specifies tuples. So
> either change this -
> listy.append(line)
> to
> listy.append(tuple(line))
> or stick a list comprehension at the end if you need to mung anything
> in listy before passing it in:
> listy = [ tuple(item) for item in listy]
> Regards,
> Liam Clarke
> On 4/16/06, John CORRY <john.corry at> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks Brian for the help on the last one.  I couldn't see the wood for the
> > trees.  I have a tougher one for you.
> >
> >
> >
> > I am reading in a CSV file.  Each line represents a line that I want to
> > upload into my database.  I am trying to upload the first line in the file
> > to get myself started.  The code is below:-
> >
> >
> >
> > import string, re
> >
> > path = "c:/test/import.csv"
> >
> > listy = []
> >
> > input = file(path, "r")
> >
> > for line in input.readlines():
> >
> >     line = line.split(",")
> >
> >     listy.append(line)
> >
> >
> >
> > print listy[-1]
> >
> >
> >
> > stat = """Insert into cost_grid values
> > (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> >
> > ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> >
> > ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> >
> > ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,)"""
> >
> > t = 5000
> >
> > d = "PF2"
> >
> > b = 91.4
> >
> > a = 95.00
> >
> >
> >
> > import mx.ODBC
> >
> > import mx.ODBC.Windows
> >
> > db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
> >
> > c = db.cursor()
> >
> > c.execute(stat, listy[-1])
> >
> >
> >
> > db.commit()
> >
> > c.close()
> >
> >
> >
> > I get the following error:
> >
> >
> >
> > TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
> >
> >
> >
> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> > John.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> >
> >

From david at  Sun Apr 16 04:31:17 2006
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:31:17 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error
In-Reply-To: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c660de$bce1aaf0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

* John CORRY <john.corry at> [2006-04-15 23:48]:
> Thanks Brian for the help on the last one.  I couldn't see the wood for
> the trees.  I have a tougher one for you.
> I am reading in a CSV file.  Each line represents a line that I want to
> upload into my database.  I am trying to upload the first line in the
> file to get myself started.  The code is below:-

You may want to check out the csv module to aid in any odd data input,

David Rock
david at

From rfquerin at  Sun Apr 16 05:20:23 2006
From: rfquerin at (Richard Querin)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 23:20:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python video?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/13/06, Steve Nelson <sanelson at> wrote:
> On a similar line, I've recently discovered "podcasts".  I spend a lot
> of time driving, and have been listening through the "Security Now"
> broadcasts, and the last few days some stuff on Evolutionary Theory.
> Does anyone know of some good sources for programming-type discussions
> - talks or lectures I could download and listen to?

I've found some neat stuff at They publish quite
a few podcasts per week, some interest me, some don't, but they cover quite
a large range of topics.

Here's a link to part 1 of a 2-part podcast interview with Guido Von Rossum:

Also, Leo Laport has started (finally!) a podcast on open source called
Floss. He does several podcasts these days. You can find them (and the Floss
podcast) here:

You can also do a search on 'programming' or 'python' at and sometimes find some good podcasts.

One other way that's kind of neat, is to use which does
searches via speech recognition on podcasts.

There's quite a lot of potential sources for good programming related
podcasts, however finding them is the tough part.
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From carroll at  Sun Apr 16 07:40:34 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 22:40:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] In[nnn], Out[nnn] (was: dictionary datatype
In-Reply-To: <1144819856.12108.26.camel@elrond>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Victor Bouffier wrote:

> In [285]: n = 0x2018
> In [286]: n
> Out[286]: 8216

Victor --

I've seen this notation 00 e.g., In [286], Out[286] -- in a few people's 
postings.  What variety of Python does this?

From dyoo at  Sun Apr 16 07:46:51 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 22:46:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting (%s)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, Tiago Saboga wrote:

> Can I use string formatting in my own functions, or is it stuck with builtins?
> It doesn't make much sense for me, but I don't understand the following
> error:
> In [1]: var = 456
> In [2]: def printd(arg):
>   ...:     print('>>> %s') % arg
>   ...:

Hi Tiago,

Ah!  printd() is not doing what you think it's doing.  Try:

def printd(arg):
     print ('>>> %s' % arg)

The parenthesization you had earlier forced Python into printing out your 
template before it had an opportunity to plug arg into it.  You need to do 
the interpolation first.

From dyoo at  Sun Apr 16 07:53:46 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 22:53:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting (%s)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> The parenthesization you had earlier forced Python into printing out 
> your template before it had an opportunity to plug arg into it.  You 
> need to do the interpolation first.

Gaaah.  Brain freeze.

I was pointing at the wrong code.  *grin*

I meant to look at the other statement that you had, the one that raised 
the error:

var = 456
def printd(arg):
     print(">>> %s") % arg
printd('Variable is %s') % var

There might be two possibilities to fix this code.  One will do the 
interpolation first:

var = 456
def printd(arg):
     print(">>> %s") % arg
printd('Variable is %s' % var)

But the other possible fix is to change printd() from being a side-effect 
function to something that actually returns something:

var = 456
def arrow(arg):
     return (">>> %s" % arg)
print arrow(var)
print arrow('Variable is %s') % var

This second approach is better: functions that return values are more 
reusable than ones that are fixated on printing things to the screen.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 16 09:39:50 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:39:50 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Is this correct?
References: <>
Message-ID: <008101c66128$f18b9280$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> Personally I prefer to put the initialisation
>> into an  __init__() method, 

> Thanks for your comments. Please, see below a new
> version of that exercise. What do you think?

> hour = int( raw_input('Enter the hour: ') )
> min = int( raw_input('Enter the minute: ') )
> sec = int( raw_input('Enter the sec: ') )
> class Time:
> def __init__(self, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds =
> 0):
> self.hours = hours
> self.minutes = minutes
> self.seconds = seconds
> def printTime(self):  # By convention, the first
> parameter of a method is called self.
> '''printTime:
> Prints the time.'''
> print str(self.hours) + ":" + str(self.minutes) +
> ":" + str(self.seconds)
> def convertToSeconds(t):
> ''' convertToSeconds:
> Converts a Time object into an integer.'''
> minutes = t.hours * 60 + t.minutes
> seconds = t.minutes * 60 + t.seconds
> return seconds

So far so good.

> def makeTime(seconds):
> ''' makeTime:
> Converts from an integer to a Time object.'''

> time = Time()
> time.hours = seconds/3600
> seconds = seconds - time.hours * 3600
> time.minutes = seconds/60
> seconds = seconds - time.minutes * 60
> time.seconds = seconds
> return time

I'd rework this bit to:

hours = seconds/3600
seconds = seconds  % 3600  # use % to get remainder
minutes = seconds/60
seconds = seconds  % 60 #and again
time = Time(hours,minutes,seconds)
return time

And by using divmod() you can combine two lines into one:

hours,seconds = divmod(seconds,3600)
minutes,seconds = divmod(seconds,60)
time = Time(hours,minutes,seconds)
return time

> def addTime(t1, t2):
> ''' addTime function:
> Calculates the sum of two times.'''
> seconds = convertToSeconds(t1) + convertToSeconds(t2)
> return makeTime(seconds)

> currentTime = Time()
> currentTime.hours = hour
> currentTime.minutes = min
> currentTime.seconds = sec
> currentTime.printTime()

I'd move the raw_input lines from the top to here so 
that the logical connection between them and this is clearer.
And you don't use your init method here. Do this instead:

currentTime = Time(hour,min,sec)

One of the principles of OOP is that you should try not to access 
the data members of the class directly, use methods to do all the work.
[The reason for this is that we can overrride the methods in 
subclasses but we can't override the data so using data directly 
limits the effectiveness of subclassing as a mechanism, for changing 
the behaviour of your code without modifying it. (In Computer Science 
speak this is known as the Open/Closed principle - open for extension, 
closed for modification) ]


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 16 09:42:39 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:42:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] string formatting (%s)
References: <>
Message-ID: <008501c66129$567242c0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Can I use string formatting in my own functions, or is it stuck with 
> builtins?

No, you can use it too.

> It doesn't make much sense for me, but I don't understand the following
> error:

> In [2]: def printd(arg):
>   ...:     print('>>> %s') % arg

The format operator needs to be with the string, inside the parentheses:

def printd(arg):
   print('>>> %s' % arg)

> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'int'

The NoneType it refers to is the None returned by the function.
In your code the function gets called then Python tries to apply
string formatting to the result, which is  None.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From john.corry at  Sun Apr 16 11:42:01 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:42:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy error
Message-ID: <000001c6613a$06ad83b0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

I couldn't sleep last night with all the code running though my head.
Counting sheep didn't work as I kept wanting to turn them into a loop!
Outputs the following:-
['432', 'TM BLIND', 'RO', 'PF1', 'Plain Finish Range One', '304.8', '',
'45.7', '80', '90', '0', '39', '61', '15.03', '33', '0', '46', '81.3',
'19.38', '42', '0', '60', '101.6', '22.39', '49', '0', '69', '121.9',
'26.39', '58', '0', '81', '142.2', '30.4', '67', '0', '93', '162.6',
'34.41', '75', '0', '105', '182.9', '38.08', '83', '0', '117', '198.1',
'41.42', '90', '0', '127', '223.5', '48.77', '106', '0', '149', '243.8',
'53.12', '117', '0', '163', '274.3', '60.8', '133', '0', '186', '304.8',
'66.14', '145', '0', '202', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0\n']
The full error is 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 30, in ?
    c.execute(stat, listy[-1])
TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
-------------- next part --------------
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From brian at  Sun Apr 16 12:16:06 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 06:16:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy error
In-Reply-To: <000001c6613a$06ad83b0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c6613a$06ad83b0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

instead of
c.execute(stat, listy[-1])
sql_list = listy[-1]
c.execute(stat, sql_list)

what does print stat give you?

maybe one of those two would tell us ..

John CORRY wrote:
> Hi,
> I couldn?t sleep last night with all the code running though my head.  
> Counting sheep didn?t work as I kept wanting to turn them into a loop!
> listy[-1]
> Outputs the following:-
> ['432', 'TM BLIND', 'RO', 'PF1', 'Plain Finish Range One', '304.8', '', 
> '45.7', '80', '90', '0', '39', '61', '15.03', '33', '0', '46', '81.3', 
> '19.38', '42', '0', '60', '101.6', '22.39', '49', '0', '69', '121.9', 
> '26.39', '58', '0', '81', '142.2', '30.4', '67', '0', '93', '162.6', 
> '34.41', '75', '0', '105', '182.9', '38.08', '83', '0', '117', '198.1', 
> '41.42', '90', '0', '127', '223.5', '48.77', '106', '0', '149', '243.8', 
> '53.12', '117', '0', '163', '274.3', '60.8', '133', '0', '186', '304.8', 
> '66.14', '145', '0', '202', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 
> '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 
> '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0\n']
> The full error is
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 30, in ?
>     c.execute(stat, listy[-1])
> TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
> Thanks,
> John.
> !DSPAM:444211df223121389011208!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:444211df223121389011208!

From john.corry at  Sun Apr 16 12:40:15 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 11:40:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error
Message-ID: <000001c66142$2a42bb30$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

Print stat gives
Insert into cost_grid values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 31, in ?
    c.execute(stat, sql_list)
TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
Unfortunately sql_list gives the same error.
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sun Apr 16 13:28:34 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 07:28:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Is this correct?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hoffmann wrote:

> class Time:
> 	def __init__(self, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds =
> 0):
> 		self.hours = hours
> 		self.minutes = minutes
> 		self.seconds = seconds
> 	def printTime(self):  # By convention, the first
> parameter of a method is called self.
> 		'''printTime:
> 		Prints the time.'''
> 		print str(self.hours) + ":" + str(self.minutes) +
> ":" + str(self.seconds)

Instead of writing a method that prints the Time, a more flexible 
approach is to write a method that returns a string representation of 
the Time. If you call the method __str__(), it is recognized by Python 
and used automatically by print statements. For example:

In [1]: class Test(object):
    ...:     def __init__(self, value):
    ...:         self.value = value
    ...:     def __str__(self):
    ...:         return 'Test(%s)' % self.value

In [2]: t1=Test(3)

In [3]: print t1

Writing a __str__() method gives the caller the flexibility to format 
the result further, such as printing two Tests on one line:

In [4]: t2 = Test(4)

In [5]: print t1, t2
Test(3) Test(4)

By the way, __str__ is an example of a "special method" - a method that 
is recognized by the Python runtime and used to implement bits of Python 
functionality. When you write
   print x

this becomes
   print str(x)

which is implemented as
   print x.__str__()

You can learn more about special methods here:


From kent37 at  Sun Apr 16 13:30:16 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 07:30:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Is this correct?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hoffmann wrote:
> So, I wrote the script below:
> class Time:
> 	pass
> hour = int( raw_input('Enter the hour: ') )
> min = int( raw_input('Enter the minute: ') )
> sec = int( raw_input('Enter the sec: ') )
> time = Time()
> time.hours = hour
> time.minutes = min
> time.seconds = sec
> def printTime(time):
> 	print 'The time is %dh:%dmin:%dsec' % (hour, min,
> sec)

You fixed this in your later version, but here you are not using the 
hour, min, sec attributes from time, you are using the global hour, min, 
sec from the raw_input() calls. It should be time.hour, etc.


From john.corry at  Sun Apr 16 13:32:29 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:32:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error - Update
Message-ID: <000001c66149$7642e440$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

I have taken on board the advice in relation to the cvs module and
setting the list to a tuple.  I am now using the following code and
getting a different error.  I think it is a small step forward?
import string, re
path = "c:/test/import.csv"
listy = []
import csv
reader = csv.reader(open(path,"rb"))
for row in reader:
sql_list = listy[0]
stat = """Insert into cost_grid values
t = 5000
d = "PF2"
b = 91.4
a = 95.00
print stat
print sql_list
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows
db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
c = db.cursor()
c.execute(stat, sql_list)
I now get the following ouput + error:
Insert into cost_grid values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
('961', 'TM BLIND', 'RO', 'PF1', 'Plain Finish Range One', '91.4', '',
'45.7', '10', '20', '0', '24', '61', '8.69', '20', '0', '27', '81.3',
'11.03', '25', '0', '34', '101.6', '12.36', '28', '0', '38', '121.9',
'14.36', '32', '0', '44', '142.2', '16.7', '37', '0', '51', '162.6',
'18.71', '41', '0', '58', '182.9', '20.72', '45', '0', '64', '198.1',
'22.71', '49', '0', '70', '223.5', '27.39', '60', '0', '84', '243.8',
'30.07', '66', '0', '92', '274.3', '34.41', '76', '0', '105', '304.8',
'37.42', '82', '0', '115', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 35, in ?
    c.execute(stat, sql_list)
ProgrammingError: ('37000', 200, '[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro
Driver]Syntax error.', 4347)
I assume this error is telling me that the database does not like the
syntax of the data I am importing.  The data that I am importing is
actually data that I exported, so I know that it is in the right order
and the right amount.  The only thing that I can think of is that, the
database requires floats for the numbers instead of strings.  I assume
that the numbers in listy[0] are now strings.  Am I now going to have to
throw listy[0] through a function to make the numbers into floats or is
there another way to do this?
Am I on the right track?
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Sun Apr 16 13:35:26 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 07:35:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
In-Reply-To: <006101c660e1$8207dfa0$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> Hi John,
> I've no idea why its not working but this illustrates why I prefer to create
> the sql string outside the execute - its a lot easier to debug when you can
> print the string exactly as passed to execute. I know many others like to
> leave execute to do the escaping stuff but I prefer to see what I'm doing
> and put in a little extra effort.
> So I would write it as:
> query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
>                SET cost_1 = %s
>                WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
>                AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b)
> c.execute(query)

Yikes! Alan! Certainly you know what an SQL injection attack is? And 
what if the data contains special characters?

For those who don't know, imagine what happens in the above if
b = '91.4; drop table cost_grid;'

or even
b = 'a;b;"c"update'


From kent37 at  Sun Apr 16 13:40:35 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 07:40:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] In[nnn], Out[nnn]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Carroll wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Victor Bouffier wrote:
>> In [285]: n = 0x2018
>> In [286]: n
>> Out[286]: 8216
> Victor --
> I've seen this notation 00 e.g., In [286], Out[286] -- in a few people's 
> postings.  What variety of Python does this?



From brian at  Sun Apr 16 16:00:09 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:00:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error
In-Reply-To: <000001c66142$2a42bb30$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c66142$2a42bb30$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

I wonder if it could not be the extra  comma (,) at the end of your sql ?

thus: ......?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,)<--- see trailing 
comma, and no matching ?  could be a value count != column count 
mis-match   make sure you have the correct number of values to each 
column :)

On the other hand, it is also possible, if ODBC is strict about taking 
strings and ints, that you need to run a function to convert list items 
to integer values where an integer is required..

John CORRY wrote:
> Bri,
> Print stat gives
> Insert into cost_grid values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\", line 31, in ?
>     c.execute(stat, sql_list)
> TypeError: parameters must be a list of tuples
> Unfortunately sql_list gives the same error.
> Thanks,
> John.
> !DSPAM:44421f56263591105852714!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:44421f56263591105852714!

From brian at  Sun Apr 16 16:07:54 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:07:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>	<006101c660e1$8207dfa0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

python in this form uses BIND variables..
 >>query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
 >>               SET cost_1 = %s <--- %s = the bind variable 
 >>               WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
 >>               AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b) <--- the raw tuple

  That is, what is provided to python in the tuple following , is 
formatted as specified by the %s , and as such, is a formatted string 
(special characters are properly esscaped), and as far as sql query is 
concerned, it is escaped safely..

I tested this before, when I first started working with python - Not a 
problem at all. In fact, I also wrote a custom database class in PHP 
that mimics this exact same functionality.. and in all my testing, not a 
single SQL injection has succeeded :)

Basically whatever the value may be is formatted to a string, and 
escaped if necessary for special chars.

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Alan Gauld wrote:
>>Hi John,
>>I've no idea why its not working but this illustrates why I prefer to create
>>the sql string outside the execute - its a lot easier to debug when you can
>>print the string exactly as passed to execute. I know many others like to
>>leave execute to do the escaping stuff but I prefer to see what I'm doing
>>and put in a little extra effort.
>>So I would write it as:
>>query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
>>               SET cost_1 = %s
>>               WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
>>               AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b)
> Yikes! Alan! Certainly you know what an SQL injection attack is? And 
> what if the data contains special characters?
> For those who don't know, imagine what happens in the above if
> b = '91.4; drop table cost_grid;'
> or even
> b = 'a;b;"c"update'
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:44422c98294101990911452!

From kent37 at  Sun Apr 16 18:15:51 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:15:51 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>	<006101c660e1$8207dfa0$0a01a8c0@xp>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian Gustin wrote:
> python in this form uses BIND variables..
>  >>query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
>  >>               SET cost_1 = %s <--- %s = the bind variable 
> placeholder/formatter
>  >>               WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
>  >>               AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b) <--- the raw tuple
>   That is, what is provided to python in the tuple following , is 
> formatted as specified by the %s , and as such, is a formatted string 
> (special characters are properly esscaped), and as far as sql query is 
> concerned, it is escaped safely..

No. There are two ways to write this that look very similar but act very 
differently. To simplify the example a bit, suppose the query is
query = '''update cost_grid set cost_1 = %s where cost_grid_id = %s'''
and the values for cost_1 and cost_grid_id are in variables a and b.

If you write
cursor.execute(query % (a, b))

then you are using string formatting to put the values into the query. 
This is problematic when a or b needs to be escaped in any way, and is 
open to SQL injection attacks.

On the other hand, if you write
cursor.execute(query, (a, b))

then the values are passed as a separate parameter to execute(). In this 
case the DB wrapper will properly escape the values.


From brian at  Sun Apr 16 19:12:05 2006
From: brian at (Brian Gustin)
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 13:12:05 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>	<006101c660e1$8207dfa0$0a01a8c0@xp>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Interesting.. I'll have to dig out my unit test scripts that I wrote to 
test the situation to my satisfaction...
The way I had it , I wrote the query exactly as was done in this case, 
but I wrote it directly in the cursor.execute() function as in:

cursor.execute('''insert into tablea (id,name,number) values 

and the sql injection attacks I had set as testing, were inserted to the 
database properly escaped, and never broke.

However, I did not test it as a separate string  to be inserted as
cursor.execute(sql_string,%(tuplea,tupleb)), etc.

thanks for the heads up.

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Brian Gustin wrote:
>>python in this form uses BIND variables..
>> >>query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
>> >>               SET cost_1 = %s <--- %s = the bind variable 
>> >>               WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
>> >>               AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b) <--- the raw tuple
>>  That is, what is provided to python in the tuple following , is 
>>formatted as specified by the %s , and as such, is a formatted string 
>>(special characters are properly esscaped), and as far as sql query is 
>>concerned, it is escaped safely..
> No. There are two ways to write this that look very similar but act very 
> differently. To simplify the example a bit, suppose the query is
> query = '''update cost_grid set cost_1 = %s where cost_grid_id = %s'''
> and the values for cost_1 and cost_grid_id are in variables a and b.
> If you write
> cursor.execute(query % (a, b))
> then you are using string formatting to put the values into the query. 
> This is problematic when a or b needs to be escaped in any way, and is 
> open to SQL injection attacks.
> On the other hand, if you write
> cursor.execute(query, (a, b))
> then the values are passed as a separate parameter to execute(). In this 
> case the DB wrapper will properly escape the values.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> !DSPAM:44426e80136686683119212!

From ml.cyresse at  Mon Apr 17 09:21:35 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 19:21:35 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] School Boy Error - Update
In-Reply-To: <000001c66149$7642e440$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000001c66149$7642e440$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

Dude, you've still got your trailing comma in stat. Get rid of it.

If I jump into MySQL, here's an example -

create table a (a int, b int); OK
insert into a values (5, 4); OK
insert into a values(5, 4,); Syntax error


Try something like this - it's more scalable too.

def generateSQL(data):
    stat = "Insert into cost_grid values ("
    num_of_q = len(data)
    qs = list(num_of_q * "?")
    string_qs = ", ".join(qs)
    final_string = stat + string_qs + ")"
    return final_string

And you can generate parameterised statements with -

stat = generateSQL(listy[0])

But yeah. Apologies for the caps, but DROP THE TRAILING COMMA. May I
also recommend downloading SQLite
and playing in that to confirm your SQL, because that comma is the

i.e. stat should be

"Insert into cost_grid values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,




On 4/16/06, John CORRY <john.corry at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have taken on board the advice in relation to the cvs module and setting
> the list to a tuple.  I am now using the following code and getting a
> different error.  I think it is a small step forward?
> import string, re
> path = "c:/test/import.csv"
> listy = []
> import csv
> reader = csv.reader(open(path,"rb"))
> for row in reader:
>     listy.append(tuple(row))
> sql_list = listy[0]
> stat = """Insert into cost_grid values
> (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,)"""
> t = 5000
> d = "PF2"
> b = 91.4
> a = 95.00
> print stat
> print sql_list
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
> c = db.cursor()
> c.execute(stat, sql_list)
> db.commit()
> c.close()
> I now get the following ouput + error:
> Insert into cost_grid values
> (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,)
> ('961', 'TM BLIND', 'RO', 'PF1', 'Plain Finish Range One', '91.4', '',
> '45.7', '10', '20', '0', '24', '61', '8.69', '20', '0', '27', '81.3',
> '11.03', '25', '0', '34', '101.6', '12.36', '28', '0', '38', '121.9',
> '14.36', '32', '0', '44', '142.2', '16.7', '37', '0', '51', '162.6',
> '18.71', '41', '0', '58', '182.9', '20.72', '45', '0', '64', '198.1',
> '22.71', '49', '0', '70', '223.5', '27.39', '60', '0', '84', '243.8',
> '30.07', '66', '0', '92', '274.3', '34.41', '76', '0', '105', '304.8',
> '37.42', '82', '0', '115', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
> '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
> '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\",
> line 35, in ?
>     c.execute(stat, sql_list)
> ProgrammingError: ('37000', 200, '[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro
> Driver]Syntax error.', 4347)
> I assume this error is telling me that the database does not like the syntax
> of the data I am importing.  The data that I am importing is actually data
> that I exported, so I know that it is in the right order and the right
> amount.  The only thing that I can think of is that, the database requires
> floats for the numbers instead of strings.  I assume that the numbers in
> listy[0] are now strings.  Am I now going to have to throw listy[0] through
> a function to make the numbers into floats or is there another way to do
> this?
> Am I on the right track?
> Thanks,
> John.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kaushalshriyan at  Mon Apr 17 10:16:34 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:46:34 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Stack Diagrams
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I am referring to Stack Diagrams from

I did not understood this, please explain me with an example

Thanks in Advance



From sean.x.lee at  Mon Apr 17 10:28:40 2006
From: sean.x.lee at (Sean Lee)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 03:28:40 -0500
Subject: [Tutor]  Meaning of %g ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > >>> print "%14.3g\n%14.3e\n%14.3f" % (bignum,bignum,bignum)
> >     1.23e+009
> >    1.235e+009
> > 1234567898.235
> >
> > But in practice, we do not know how big is the data in advance when
> > doing scientific computation in a compiled program.
> That is irrelevant, the format you display the data in has
> no bearing on its precision, the display format is purely to
> make it more readable.

 Another interesting one:

>>> a = 123456.78
>>> print "%g\n%e\n%f" % (a,a,a)

Float number loses digits and becomes integer in the output ?

Can we override the %g in python, or adding in some other format identifier
so that print statement with custom format string still works ?

Here if I want to dynamically output floating data based on the number of
significant digits (SD) from an input's:

- If SD > m, truncate (or round it) in the output
- If SD < m,  just directly output the number (without padding 0 to the
 - In either of above cases, similar to %g, if %e is necessary, just output
%e format as result (also truncate the data based on SD in the %e format if

e.g, if SD = 3:
      - for input = 100.0, the output is just 100.0 (not 100.00000..), since
100.0 = 1.0 * 10e2 (2<3)
      - for input = 0.01,  the output is just 0.01, since 0.01 = 1.0 * 10e-2
     - for input with SD > 3,  truncate it to output.

SD can be set to some number (e.g. 6) in the program.

-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Apr 17 11:00:58 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:00:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!
References: <000001c660d3$4a666bb0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC><006101c660e1$8207dfa0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <013a01c661fd$71d6cac0$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
>>                SET cost_1 = %s
>>                WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
>>                AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b)
>> c.execute(query)
> Yikes! Alan! Certainly you know what an SQL injection attack is? And what 
> if the data contains special characters?
> For those who don't know, imagine what happens in the above if
> b = '91.4; drop table cost_grid;'

Yes that's true and a very good point, you do need to do some validation
if the inputs are coming from, for example a web site. Creating the string
yourself means taking responsibility for checking the parameters. If thats 
issue execute() is probably a better bet, in my work thats never an issue
since the data normally comes to me well formatted.

Alan G 

From alan.gauld at  Mon Apr 17 11:15:35 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:15:35 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
References: <><029001c65ef5$d4640140$0a01a8c0@xp><><02fd01c65f96$43adbaf0$0a01a8c0@xp><><033601c65fe2$96b48b60$0a01a8c0@xp><>
Message-ID: <016201c661ff$7c649880$0a01a8c0@xp>

>>>> a = 123456.78
>>>> print "%g\n%e\n%f" % (a,a,a)
> 123457
> 1.234568e+005
> 123456.780000

>Float number loses digits and becomes integer in the output ?

Yep, I am rapidly coming to the comnclusion that %g is broken 
in Python. I must do some tests with gcc to see what it does 
with %g, it may be the wierd behaviour is coming from there.
I've never used %g with gcc...

> Can we override the %g in python, or adding in some other 
> format identifier so that print statement with custom format 
> string still works ?

I don't think we can add new format specifiers. It would be 
an interesting feature to have though... The best we can do is 
create a class and define our own __str__ method.

> Here if I want to dynamically output floating data based 
> on the number of significant digits (SD) from an input's:
> - If SD > m, truncate (or round it) in the output
> - If SD < m,  just directly output the number 
>     (without padding 0 to the end).
> - In either of above cases, similar to %g, if %e is necessary, 
> just output %e format as result 

This lseems to be more about the number of SD input rather 
than the actual precision of the stored data. In other words 
this is a problem of string parsing.

I'd write a function that calculated the SD of a given string 
and use the result to choose the output format. If you convert 
the string to a float the precision and the number of SD will 
be defined by Pythons internal binary representation which 
may only be an approximation to the input value.

The output format can be defined by a set of parameters such as
sign,length,precision,style. Theese can be used to create a format 

fmt = "%%s%s.%s%s" % sign,length,precision,style
result = fmt % value


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Apr 17 11:39:42 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:39:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Stack Diagrams
References: <>
Message-ID: <016901c66202$db2eeca0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I am referring to Stack Diagrams from
> I did not understood this, please explain me with an example

The diagram he goives is an example but I'll try to reiterate slightly differently.

First the context:

def printTwice(bruce): 
  print bruce, bruce 

def catTwice(part1, part2): 
  cat = part1 + part2 

>>> chant1 = "Pie Jesu domine, " 
>>> chant2 = "Dona eis requiem." 
>>> catTwice(chant1, chant2) 

This is the code that he is discussing.

The stuff that is outside a function is in the __main__ function, 
which is a conceptual idea for the top level of the program.

Working from the bottom of the code up we see that in the 
main function we have two variables: chant1, chant 2 each 
with values assigned. Thats the top box or frame on the 

Main then calls catTwice which is the next function up.
catTwice takes two arguments: part1, part2
These arguments take the values of chant1,chant2.
It also has a local variable called cat which takes the 
value of part1+part2
This is what is shown in the second frame of the diagram.

catTwice then calls printTwice, our top function.
printtwice takes a single argument called(bizarrely!) bruce.
bruce takes the value of cat
This is shown in the third frame box of the diagram.

The stack diagram is a debugging/diagnostic tool used 
in figuring out the state of the program at any given time.
In practice they are rarely used, but the concept often 
is in the form of a variable table(you need fixed width 
font for this bit!):

chant1    chant2    part1    part2    cat        bruce
'blah'    'blah'      -        -        -          -
'blah'    'blah'    'blah'   'blah'     -          -
'blah'    'blah'    'blah'   'blah'   'blah blah'  -
'blah'    'blah'    'blah'   'blah'   'blah blah' 'blah blah'

Even this is cumbersome except for numeric values and 
I've only ever used it for really complex algorithms.  

A simpler form of the stack diagram is presented by 
Python when it gfenerates an error. The error message 
includes a *stack trace* which shows the sequence of 
functions. Thus if we introduce an error into 
printTwice, we get the following stack trace:

>>> def printTwice(b):
...   raise TypeError  # create an error here
>>> def catTwice(p1,p2):
...   c = p1 + p2
...   printTwice(c)
>>> c1 = 'busy'
>>> c2 = 'bee'
>>> catTwice(c1,c2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in catTwice
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in printTwice

Notice the three File lines are in fact the 
frames from stack diagram. You can use the 
Python debugger to examine the individual 
frame variables as needed, so in practice
most folks use the debugger (or just insert 
print statements!) to examine the stack 
frames if needed rather than draw the diagram. 
But that only works if you know what you 
expect to see, thats where a stack diagram 
or variable table comes in useful - to 
figure out what you *expect* to see and 
compare it with what the debugger says 
*is* there.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

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From payal-python at  Mon Apr 17 17:42:13 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:42:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
Message-ID: <>

I am now reading Alan's tut on Python, before that I have read a few other tuts too.
But I am not getting functions exactly. I mean what is the difference between,

def func():


def func(x):

When to use which? (please do not say "returns a value" for I do not understand the meaning
of the same)

With warm regards,

From adam.jtm30 at  Mon Apr 17 18:02:07 2006
From: adam.jtm30 at (Adam)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 17:02:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 17/04/06, Payal Rathod <payal-python at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am now reading Alan's tut on Python, before that I have read a few other tuts too.
> But I am not getting functions exactly. I mean what is the difference between,
> def func():
>         ....
> and
> def func(x):
>         ....
> When to use which? (please do not say "returns a value" for I do not understand the meaning
> of the same)
> With warm regards,
> -Payal

The x is a name for a value that you pass in to the function. To call
the first function you would do
>>> func()

and the second function:
>>> func(5) # 5 is just an example it could be any value depending on
the function.

From sanelson at  Mon Apr 17 18:42:05 2006
From: sanelson at (Steve Nelson)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 17:42:05 +0100
Subject: [Tutor]  functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry - including list.

On 4/17/06, Payal Rathod <payal-python at> wrote:
> what is the difference between,
> def func():
>         ....
> and
> def func(x):
>         ....

When you define a function, you are writing a block of code which you
can ask to perform a task.  The task may be simple, and not require
any additional information, or it may be more complex and need

Take a simple analogy.  Let's suppose I gave you the instruction
"Switch off the light" and there was only  one light, you wouldn't
need any more information.  We could call that:

def toggleLight():

Now let's take a more complicated examle - making tea.  If I give you
the instruction "Make me a cup of tea" you might ask questions like
"Milk? Sugar? Kind of tea?"  I need to give you this information
before you can perform the task.  Similarly in a function - you may
need to pass information (arguments) to the function.  Here's the tea

def makeTea(sugar, milk, kind):

We might call the function as follows:

makeTea(2, "none", "darjeeling")

The internals of the function would be able to parse the arguments you
gave it, and carry out the task you've asked it to do.

As to when to use which, I think you'll find that most of the
functions you write will require information if they're to be of much
use.  Only a very simple function doesn't take any arguments.

Hope that helps :o)

> When to use which? (please do not say "returns a value" for I do not understand the meaning
> of the same)
> With warm regards,
> -Payal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From robert at  Mon Apr 17 18:10:51 2006
From: robert at (Robert Schumann)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 17:10:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Payal Rathod wrote:
> Hi,
> I am now reading Alan's tut on Python, before that I have read a few other tuts too.
> But I am not getting functions exactly. I mean what is the difference between,
> def func():
>         ....
> and
> def func(x):
>         ....
> When to use which? (please do not say "returns a value" for I do not understand the meaning
> of the same)
It's a bit like the grammar of regular language.

You could say "I kick" (which is like func(), because you're not 
specifying an object to operate on) or your could say "I kick the ball" 
(in which case x = "the ball").

The grammar of functions is very specific.  In a sentence you can string 
together quite a few "addons":
I kick - the ball - hard - down the hill - to Peter.
But in a function in most programming languages, you have to give the 
same number of objects that it is asking for e.g.
   def kick(what, how, where, ToWhom):
If any of them are missing, the function is going to complain, although 
as you learn more about Python you'll find ways around this.  If I had 
defined my function grammar as
   def kick():
you wouldn't be allowed to tell me *any* of that extra information when 
you call the function.

The return value of the function is the effect it has - for example, 
assuming the sentence is true, "I kick the ball to Peter" has two 
effects: first, the ball is now with Peter and second, the listener 
knows this.

OK, the analogy is not that great....


> With warm regards,
> -Payal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From payal-python at  Mon Apr 17 19:01:00 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:01:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:02:07PM +0100, Adam wrote:
> The x is a name for a value that you pass in to the function. To call
> the first function you would do
> >>> func()
> and the second function:
> >>> func(5) # 5 is just an example it could be any value depending on
> the function.

Sorry but it is very confusing, couldn't get it at all.
With warm regards,

From payal-python at  Mon Apr 17 19:03:41 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:03:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:10:51PM +0100, Robert Schumann wrote:
> You could say "I kick" (which is like func(), because you're not 
> specifying an object to operate on) or your could say "I kick the 
> ball" (in which case x = "the ball").

Sorry, but you have confused me more ;)
Can you give an simple example of just function() ?
Where can it be useful?

And when you say it returns a value, what do you mean by that? return to 
whom and what exactly?

With warm regards,

From payal-python at  Mon Apr 17 19:24:31 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:24:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:42:05PM +0100, Steve Nelson wrote:
> When you define a function, you are writing a block of code which you
> can ask to perform a task.  The task may be simple, and not require
> any additional information, or it may be more complex and need
> information.

What is the difference between,

>>> def f(x):
...     return x
>>> f(4)

>>> def f(x):
...     print x
>>> f(4)

Both give same results. So, why return statement is needed?
With warm regards,

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 17 19:31:04 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:31:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Sorry, but you have confused me more ;) Can you give an simple example 
> of just function() ? Where can it be useful?
> And when you say it returns a value, what do you mean by that? return to 
> whom and what exactly?

One view that's common is the idea that a function is a box that takes an 
input and returns an output:

     input ----> | function | -----> output

The most direct equivalent you've experienced to this is a math function.

For example, if we're traveling in a car at fifty miles an hour, for three 
hours, we know that we've traveled 150 miles.  (Word problems... aagggh!) 
But let's write that as a function:

def miles_traveled_at_50_mph_for_3_hours():
     return 50 * 3

A function definition does not do anything by itself, but it can be 
"called" after it's defined.  Try writing:

def miles_traveled_at_50_mph_for_3_hours():
     return 50 * 3

print miles_traveled_at_50_mph_for_3_hours()

and run it, and see what you see.  We are "defining" the function at the 
top, and "calling" the function at the bottom,

(Forgive me for such a long function name: please bear with it for a 

One natural question we might have here is: how far do we travel if we go 
at the same speed, but for 4 and a half miles instead?  We could just 
calculate it and write it out again:

def miles_traveled_at_50_mph_for_4_half_hours():
     return 50 * 4.5

But we can do a little better, by allowing our function to take "hours" as 
an parameter:

def miles_traveled_at_50_mph(hours):
     return 50 * hours

Now we can find out how long we've travelled by computing this function 
for the particular hours we'd like.  (And we can shorten the function 
name.  *grin*)

For example, can you guess at what:

     print miles_traveled_at_50_mph(4)
     print miles_traveled_at_50_mph(3)
     print miles_traveled_at_50_mph(2)

gives us?  Try it!

Functions let us define a relationship between inputs and outputs.  The 
idea is that we've made our function take in an input, and it can vary its 
answer based on that input.

Our miles_traveled function above changes its answer based on what length 
of time we drive.  But a different function may define an entirely 
different relationship between its input and output.  As another quick 

def square(x):
     """Given x, returns the square of x."""
     return x * x


def height(h):
     """Given someone's height h in feet, tells us if that person is high
     or not."""
     if h < 4:
         return "short"
     elif h < 6:
         return "medium"
         return "high"

We now have two other functions that also take in a single input, but they 
do different things, and even return different kinds of data.  The 
square() example, like the miles_traveled example, takes a number and 
returns another number.  But height() takes a number, and returns a 

In general, functions can take anything as an input, and return anything 
as an output --- I've been using numbers primarily because I'm trying to 
piggyback the knowledge you already should have about math and algebra. 
In my work, all the functions I write use more complex inputs --- and 
usually not numbers --- but the main ideas are the same.

Do you have questions about this so far?

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 17 19:37:53 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:37:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Payal Rathod wrote:

> What is the difference between,
>>>> def f(x):
> ...     return x
> ...
>>>> f(4)
> 4
>>>> def f(x):
> ...     print x
> ...
>>>> f(4)
> 4
> Both give same results.

Clarification.  Both "show" the same results from the interpreter.  From 
what you see so far, there's no difference.

One way to see the difference is to write functions that use functions. 
A elementary-school example might be to find the hypotenuse of a right 
triangle.  Given two legs of lengths 'a' and 'b', we know that the 
hypotenuse has this relationship:

     hypotenuse = sqrt(square(a) + square(b))

Let's write this out as a set of functions:

def hypo(a, b):
     """Given lengths of lengths a and b, returns the hypotenuse."""
     return sqrt(square(a) + square(b))

def square(x):
     return x * x

def sqrt(x):
     return x**(0.5)

Experiment with this.  See what happens if you replace a return statement 
with a print statement in square() or sqrt().

The key idea here is that print only shows us its output: it doesn't do 
anything else with it.  It's what's called a "side-effect".  And 
sometimes, we don't care about seeing something as much as we do getting 
the related value back.  Above, hypo does not care what square looks like 
when it's printed to you, but it cares about getting the real value so it 
can do its computations.

Does this make sense?

From paul at  Mon Apr 17 19:30:31 2006
From: paul at (Paul D. Eden)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:30:31 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

This only happens because the python interactive command-line (what you 
get when you just type 'python' in a terminal window) prints return 
values automatically for you.

If you were executing


in a program/script, the return value would be lost.


Payal Rathod wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:42:05PM +0100, Steve Nelson wrote:
>>When you define a function, you are writing a block of code which you
>>can ask to perform a task.  The task may be simple, and not require
>>any additional information, or it may be more complex and need
> What is the difference between,
>>>>def f(x):
> ...     return x
> ...
> 4
>>>>def f(x):
> ...     print x
> ...
> 4
> Both give same results. So, why return statement is needed?
> With warm regards,
> -Payal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From paul.kraus at  Mon Apr 17 20:02:37 2006
From: paul.kraus at (Paul D. Kraus)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:02:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
Message-ID: <>

I have a list that I want to change in a for loop. It changes in the loop
but the changes are not persistant outside of the loop.
I thought lists were mutuable objects so I am a bit confused.

Sample Code....
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Testing lists """

mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
print mylist
for element in mylist:
    element = element.strip()
    print "<>" + element + "<>"
print mylist

Sample Output....
['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
-------------- next part --------------
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From paul at  Mon Apr 17 20:11:44 2006
From: paul at (Paul D. Eden)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:11:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lists are mutable, you are right.

But the code you gave does not change the list.  It changes the variable 
element which is separate from the list myList.

If you want to change the list try something like this:

mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
print mylist
newlist = []
for element in mylist:
     element = element.strip()
     print "<>" + element + "<>"
print newlist


mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
print mylist
mylist = [element.strip() for element in mylist]
for element in mylist:
     print "<>" + element + "<>"
print mylist


Paul D. Kraus wrote:
> I have a list that I want to change in a for loop. It changes in the 
> loop but the changes are not persistant outside of the loop.
> I thought lists were mutuable objects so I am a bit confused.
> Sample Code....
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> """ Testing lists """
> mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> print mylist
> for element in mylist:
>     element = element.strip()
>     print "<>" + element + "<>"
> print mylist
> Sample Output....
> ['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
> <>One<>
> <>two<>
> <>three<>
> ['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From bgailer at  Mon Apr 17 20:17:18 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:17:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Paul D. Kraus wrote:
> I have a list that I want to change in a for loop. It changes in the 
> loop but the changes are not persistant outside of the loop.
> I thought lists were mutuable objects 
They are.
> so I am a bit confused.
> Sample Code....
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> """ Testing lists """
> mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> print mylist
> for element in mylist:
element is a variable to which the successive items in mylist are 
assigned. element has no "magic" connection to the list. 
>     element = element.strip()
In order to change a list item you must do something like:
mylist[itemIndex] = element.strip()

So you need both the item's value and its position in the list. That's 
what enumerate is for:

for itemIndex, element in enumerate(mylist):
    mylist[itemIndex] = element.strip()
>   [snip]

From carroll at  Mon Apr 17 20:35:13 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:35:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
In-Reply-To: <016201c661ff$7c649880$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Alan Gauld wrote:

> >>>> a = 123456.78
> >>>> print "%g\n%e\n%f" % (a,a,a)
> > 123457
> > 1.234568e+005
> > 123456.780000
> >Float number loses digits and becomes integer in the output ?
> Yep, I am rapidly coming to the comnclusion that %g is broken 
> in Python. I must do some tests with gcc to see what it does 
> with %g, it may be the wierd behaviour is coming from there.
> I've never used %g with gcc...

FWIW, (Cygwin) Perl gives a similar result:

 > perl  -e 'my $a = 123456.78;printf ("%g\n%e\n%f", $a, $a, $a);'

The only difference being the two-digit vs. three-digit exponent on %e 
(Python's 1.234568e+005 vs. Perl's 1.234568e+05).

Hmm.. Upon further review, Cygwin Perl gives 1.234568e+05; while 
Activestate Perl gives 1.234568e+005.  (For reasons that elude me, 
Activestate Perl won't do the command-line version, but I don't care 
enough to track it down.)

From kent37 at  Mon Apr 17 21:01:59 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 15:01:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Paul D. Eden wrote:
> Lists are mutable, you are right.
> But the code you gave does not change the list.  It changes the variable 
> element which is separate from the list myList.
> If you want to change the list try something like this:
> mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> print mylist
> newlist = []
> for element in mylist:
>      element = element.strip()
>      newlist.append(element)
>      print "<>" + element + "<>"
> print newlist
> OR
> mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> print mylist
> mylist = [element.strip() for element in mylist]
> for element in mylist:
>      print "<>" + element + "<>"
> print mylist

Neither of these changes the original list either. They both create new 
lists with the desired contents. The second example binds the new list 
to the old name, but it is still a new list. In many cases this is fine, 
but the distinction is important. For example if you are writing a 
function that modifies a list passed to it, these solutions won't work. 
Bob's solution using enumerate() is the simplest way to modify a list in 


From Barry.Carroll at  Mon Apr 17 20:48:08 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:48:08 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 55
Message-ID: <>


> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:24:31 -0400
> From: Payal Rathod <payal-python at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] functions in Python
> To: Steve Nelson <sanelson at>
> Cc: "Python\[Tutor\]" <tutor at>
> Message-ID: <20060417172431.GA26463 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:42:05PM +0100, Steve Nelson wrote:
> > When you define a function, you are writing a block of code which
> > can ask to perform a task.  The task may be simple, and not require
> > any additional information, or it may be more complex and need
> > information.
> What is the difference between,
> >>> def f(x):
> ...     return x
> ...
> >>> f(4)
> 4
> >>> def f(x):
> ...     print x
> ...
> >>> f(4)
> 4
> Both give same results. So, why return statement is needed?
> With warm regards,
> -Payal

Let's use your two functions named and see what we can do with them.  In
order to use both function definitions in the same interactive session,
I will name the first 'f1' and the second 'f2'.  

>>> def f1(x):
...     return x
>>> def f2(x): 
...     print x

Okay so far?  

Now, let's use each of these functions in a simple computation.  To
start, we'll just add two integers (called literals in programming

>>> 4 + 4

The '+' operator takes two integers, adds them together and gives back
(returns) the result.  (Actually, the '+' operator can do more than
this, but this is enough for this example.)  

Now, we'll do the same calculation using f1 instead of the literals.   

>>> f1(4) + f1(4)

This worked as expected:  f1 sent back (returned) the value we gave it
(the argument 4) and the '+' operator did the addition.  

Now, let's do the same calcuation once more, using f2 this time.

>>> f2(4) + f2(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType' 

This time the operation failed. The f2 function did what we wrote it to
do: it printed the argument to the Standard Output device (also called
STDOUT), the interactive shell window in this case.  But, as the error
message indicates, it also RETURNED a value: in this case None, which
has the type NoneType.  The '+' operator then tried to add the two None
values together and failed.  

The examples above show that, although the output of f1 and f2 look the
same, it is actually different.  The 'f2' function displays its argument
for humans to read.  The 'f1' function makes the argument available for
other code to use.  That is the purpose of the 'return' statement: to
make the results of the function available to other code.  

It is important to remember that, in Python, EVERY function returns a
value.  If a 'return' statement is included in the function, the value
the result of the expression associated with the statement (in your
example, 4).  If no 'return' statement is included, the function returns

I hope this makes sense to you.  If not, keep asking questions.  

Best Regards,
barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From paul at  Mon Apr 17 21:04:57 2006
From: paul at (Paul D. Eden)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:04:57 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Very true.


Kent Johnson wrote:
> Paul D. Eden wrote:
>>Lists are mutable, you are right.
>>But the code you gave does not change the list.  It changes the variable 
>>element which is separate from the list myList.
>>If you want to change the list try something like this:
>>mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
>>print mylist
>>newlist = []
>>for element in mylist:
>>     element = element.strip()
>>     newlist.append(element)
>>     print "<>" + element + "<>"
>>print newlist
>>mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
>>print mylist
>>mylist = [element.strip() for element in mylist]
>>for element in mylist:
>>     print "<>" + element + "<>"
>>print mylist
> Neither of these changes the original list either. They both create new 
> lists with the desired contents. The second example binds the new list 
> to the old name, but it is still a new list. In many cases this is fine, 
> but the distinction is important. For example if you are writing a 
> function that modifies a list passed to it, these solutions won't work. 
> Bob's solution using enumerate() is the simplest way to modify a list in 
> place.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From alan.gauld at  Mon Apr 17 22:05:02 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 21:05:02 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
References: <><><>
Message-ID: <01bd01c6625a$36ae0230$0a01a8c0@xp>

Wow! I checked the list at lunchtime and there were only a few things 
here, then I check again now and lots of stuff from my tutor! Fortunately 
most of it has been answered already - thanks folks - but I feel honour 
bound to contribute something...

> What is the difference between,
>>>> def f(x):
> ...     return x

>>>> def f(x):
> ...     print x
> ...
>>>> f(4)
> 4

> Both give same results. So, why return statement is needed?

As has been stated the print displays on the output
The return sends the value of the function back to the caller. 
If the caller is the interactive prompt(as here) the prompt 
prints the value so the effect is the same.

If you need to save the result for later use then you must 
store it in a variable. You cannot do that if the function 
just prints the result - the value gets lost when the function 

Try this:

>>> def f(x): return x
>>> def g(x): print x
>>> fVal = f(4)
>>> gVal = g(4)

Now notice that the two functoons behave differently
f() doesn't display a value but g does because of the 
print statement. So far g seems to win. But...

>>> print fVal
>>> print gVal

Now f() wins because we have stored its value in fVal 
and can use it over and over again as we wish.

The reason gVal has stored None is because any function that 
does not return an explicit value is treated as retiurning the 
special value None. Since g() only printed the parameter 4
but did not return it gVal stored a None value.

If we return the value of f() we can display it any time we 
want by using print:

>>> print f(4)

So we do not lose anything by using return instead of print
but we gain a lot by being able to store the returned value.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From doug.shawhan at  Mon Apr 17 23:40:45 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 16:40:45 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Raw Bits! (Control characters ahoy!)
Message-ID: <>

I am in the middle of a project that requires me to send and retrieve
information from a machine connected to a serial port. My problems are

1. I cannot send control characters
2. I cannot read data streaming from the serial port

I have been doing fine with:

os.system("echo '5' >/dev/tty00")
os.system("echo '8' >/dev/tty00")

and the like to the remote machine, but I need to be able to send control
characters the same way to scroll through menus. I have tried pyserial and
pexpect with mixed (mostly horrible) results (not the fault of the module
builders!), thus far the simple act of echoing the strings to the serial
port is the only reliable method I have found.

Reading from the serial port has also been problematic. I find that simply
opening the port /dev/tty00 file and using readlines(), read() or whatever
gives me empty strings or lists. Pbth.

So first: how should I go about adding the hex escape sequences (\x0a and
\x50) to the above strings in their raw form?
second: what method should I use to read a raw stream from the serial port
for a given period?

I have looked carefully at the neat and tidy example in the
pyserial examples directory, and see how one can continuously read via a
thread from the port, but have not been able to replicate it thus far.

Any help whatsoever would be great! I'm beginning to feel a little
lightheaded. Thanks!
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 00:32:10 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 23:32:10 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
References: <>
Message-ID: <01de01c6626e$c6c3c080$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I have a list that I want to change in a for loop. 

Thats nearly always a bad thing to do.
Its like the old cartoon of the guy vcutting off the 
branch of the tree while sitting on it. Python can 
get very confused.

Either make a copy and change the copy or use 
a while loop and an index.

However, as others have pointed out:

mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
print mylist
for element in mylist:

element is a copy of the value in mylist, it is not a 
reference to mylist[n]

    element = element.strip()
    print "<>" + element + "<>"

so changes to element are not changes to the 
list content.

If you want to change the list content use a while loop:

index  = 0
while index < len(mylist):
     mylist[index] = '<> + mylist[index].strip() + '<>'
     index += 1

Or a list comprehension:

mylist = ['<>' + n.strip() + '<>' for n in mylist]

But notice that the comprehension builds a new list it 
does not actually change mylist directly in the way the 
while loop does.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From justin.mailinglists at  Tue Apr 18 05:08:39 2006
From: justin.mailinglists at (Justin Ezequiel)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:08:39 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Python programmer needs to learn Java
Message-ID: <>

I am seeking book recommendations or preferrably online tutorials
to help me learn Java.
Company under new management and most likely would be moving
to Java and .NET
I came from Visual Basic 6 to Python and had little problems which
is why I love Python.

From hugonz-lists at  Tue Apr 18 07:02:59 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 23:02:59 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Raw Bits! (Control characters ahoy!)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

doug shawhan wrote:
> I am in the middle of a project that requires me to send and retrieve 
> information from a machine connected to a serial port. My problems are 
> these:
> 1. I cannot send control characters
> 2. I cannot read data streaming from the serial port
> I have been doing fine with:
> os.system("echo '5' >/dev/tty00")
> os.system("echo '8' >/dev/tty00")

Hi Doug,

Echo just opens the file and writes to it, closing it afterwards. if you 
have used setserial correctly on the portt, then the equivalent Python 
commands should work.

Note that the echo command adds a carriage return at the end.

> Reading from the serial port has also been problematic. I find that 
> simply opening the port /dev/tty00 file and using readlines(), read() or 
> whatever gives me empty strings or lists. Pbth.

If you use blocking, then reading should not give you anything empty, 
but data, no matter how long it has to wait.

> So first: how should I go about adding the hex escape sequences (\x0a 
> and \x50) to the above strings in their raw form?

fileo = open('/dev/ttyS0', 'w')
fileo.write('5' + '\x0a\x50')
#\x0a is a linefeed (do you want to do that?)

You may use fileo.flush() instead of close, for avoiding buffering and 
not having to close the file.

> second: what method should I use to read a raw stream from the serial 
> port for a given period?

fileo = open('/dev/ttyS0') 	#read only
data = 		#just one char

#This waits forever. For a given period, use the select module (UN*X only)

import select
select([fileo.fileno()],[],[], 1.0)

#This will wait for 1 second for output from the file. Then the return 
value will tell you if the filehandles have data. ([], [], [])  means no 
data to read.

> I have looked carefully at the neat and tidy example in the 
> pyserial examples directory, and see how one can continuously read via a 
> thread from the port, but have not been able to replicate it thus far.

I never use threads for that, I always use select(). Then  again, I'm a 


From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 09:30:56 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:30:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <001801c662ba$08653f50$0a01a8c0@xp>

>> in Python. I must do some tests with gcc to see what it does
>> with %g, it may be the wierd behaviour is coming from there.

Tried it and get the same behaviour.

Tried the Borland C++ compiler and got the same behaviour.

Tried my MIX K&R compiler and - it didn't work! - it's a
pure DOS application and XP barfed... Oh well!

So it looks like Python is consistent with the norm for C compilers
on PCs at least.

I tried looking up the ANSI standard to see what it said but
couldn't find a clear statement there either. And finally, the most precise
statement seemed to come from the Linux printf man page:

 The double argument is converted in style f or e (or F or E for G 
The precision specifies the number of significant digits. If the precision 
is missing,
6 digits are given; if the precision is zero, it is treated as 1. Style e is 
used if the
exponent from its conversion is less than -4 or greater than or equal to the 
Trailing zeros are removed from the fractional part of the result; a decimal
point appears only if it is followed by at least one digit.

At this point I'll setytle for Python doing the "normal" thing with %g but
for me not to use it because I can't see that behaviour being very useful!

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 09:45:37 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:45:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Raw Bits! (Control characters ahoy!)
References: <>
Message-ID: <003101c662bc$155c6bf0$0a01a8c0@xp>

Hi Doug,

Have you looked at the struct module which provides tools for 
encoding binary values into byte streams and decoding byte streams 
into binary data.

However if you only need to inject some hex codes into a string 
you can use the chr() function, this works even for unprintable 
characters like control sequences.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "doug shawhan" <doug.shawhan at>
To: <tutor at>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 10:40 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Raw Bits! (Control characters ahoy!)

I am in the middle of a project that requires me to send and retrieve
information from a machine connected to a serial port. My problems are

1. I cannot send control characters
2. I cannot read data streaming from the serial port

I have been doing fine with:

os.system("echo '5' >/dev/tty00")
os.system("echo '8' >/dev/tty00")

and the like to the remote machine, but I need to be able to send control
characters the same way to scroll through menus. I have tried pyserial and
pexpect with mixed (mostly horrible) results (not the fault of the module
builders!), thus far the simple act of echoing the strings to the serial
port is the only reliable method I have found.

Reading from the serial port has also been problematic. I find that simply
opening the port /dev/tty00 file and using readlines(), read() or whatever
gives me empty strings or lists. Pbth.

So first: how should I go about adding the hex escape sequences (\x0a and
\x50) to the above strings in their raw form?
second: what method should I use to read a raw stream from the serial port
for a given period?

I have looked carefully at the neat and tidy example in the
pyserial examples directory, and see how one can continuously read via a
thread from the port, but have not been able to replicate it thus far.

Any help whatsoever would be great! I'm beginning to feel a little
lightheaded. Thanks!

From payal-python at  Tue Apr 18 10:19:20 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 04:19:20 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld Tutorial - OOP
Message-ID: <>

I am reading Alan's tut and have stuck on the  OOP chapter.
What does he mean by,

| Objects are collections of data and functions that operate on that 
|data.  These are bound together so that you can pass an object from one 
|part of your program and they automatically get access to not only the 
|data attributes but the operations that are available too.

What are exactly "data attributes" and what "operations" is he referring 
With warm regards,

From payal-python at  Tue Apr 18 10:25:32 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 04:25:32 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 10:31:04AM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> One view that's common is the idea that a function is a box that takes 
> an input and returns an output:

Thanks a lot for the detailed help. Well, I have now got atleast basics 
of functions, will be doing some more reading on it in next few days.

Thanks again.
With warm regards,

From john.corry at  Tue Apr 18 11:08:52 2006
From: john.corry at (John CORRY)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:08:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] My Name is John and I copy and paste
Message-ID: <000501c662c7$b7af22c0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>

Thanks for all the help so far on my database questions.  I have now
developed a program that reads in info from a csv file and updates
already existing records in my database.  I have enclosed the code
below.  The good news is that it is working.  However, I used copy and
paste and amended the text to write the code and it seems rather
longwinded.  Is there a quicker/better way to write the code below?
path = "c:/test/import.csv"
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows
import csv
reader = csv.reader(open(path,"rb"))
for row in reader:
    db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
    c = db.cursor()
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[3]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[4]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[5]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_2 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[6]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_2 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[7]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_2 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[8]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_3 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[9]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_3 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[10]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_3 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[11]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_4 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[12]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_4 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[13]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_4 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[14]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_5 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[15]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_5 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[16]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_5 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[17]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_6 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[18]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_6 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[19]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_6 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[20]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_7 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[21]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_7 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[22]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_7 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[23]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_8 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[24]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_8 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[25]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_8 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[26]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_9 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[27]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_9 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and
finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[28]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_9 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[29]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_10 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[30]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_10 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[31]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_10 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[32]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_11 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[33]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_11 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[34]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_11 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[35]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_12 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[36]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_12 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[37]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_12 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[38]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_13 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[39]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_13 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[40]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_13 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[41]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_14 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[42]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_14 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[43]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_14 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[44]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_15 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[45]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_15 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[46]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_15 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[47]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_16 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[48]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_16 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[49]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_16 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[50]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_17 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[51]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_17 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[52]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_17 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[53]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_18 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[54]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_18 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[55]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_18 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[56]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_19 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[57]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_19 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[58]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_19 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[59]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_20 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[60]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_20 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[61]), row[0], float(row[2])))
    c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_20 = ? where cost_grid_id = ?
and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[62]), row[0], float(row[2])))
-------------- next part --------------
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From nywbon001 at  Tue Apr 18 10:55:11 2006
From: nywbon001 at (nywbon001 at
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:55:11 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 56
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Quoting tutor-request at

> Send Tutor mailing list submissions to
> 	tutor at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	tutor-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	tutor-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Tutor digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Changing lists in place (Paul D. Kraus)
>    2. Re: Changing lists in place (Paul D. Eden)
>    3. Re: Changing lists in place (Bob Gailer)
>    4. Re: Meaning of %g ? (Terry Carroll)
>    5. Re: Changing lists in place (Kent Johnson)
>    6. Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 55 (Carroll, Barry)
>    7. Re: Changing lists in place (Paul D. Eden)
>    8. Re: functions in Python (Alan Gauld)
>    9. Raw Bits! (Control characters ahoy!) (doug shawhan)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:02:37 -0400
> From: "Paul D. Kraus" <paul.kraus at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID:
> 	<4e2aea430604171102y136f3d83x725d38aad66376a6 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I have a list that I want to change in a for loop. It changes in the loop
> but the changes are not persistant outside of the loop.
> I thought lists were mutuable objects so I am a bit confused.
> Sample Code....
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> """ Testing lists """
> mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> print mylist
> for element in mylist:
>     element = element.strip()
>     print "<>" + element + "<>"
> print mylist
> Sample Output....
> ['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
> <>One<>
> <>two<>
> <>three<>
> ['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:11:44 -0700
> From: "Paul D. Eden" <paul at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
> To: pkraus at
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <4443DA60.2060509 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Lists are mutable, you are right.
> But the code you gave does not change the list.  It changes the variable
> element which is separate from the list myList.
> If you want to change the list try something like this:
> mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> print mylist
> newlist = []
> for element in mylist:
>      element = element.strip()
>      newlist.append(element)
>      print "<>" + element + "<>"
> print newlist
> OR
> mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> print mylist
> mylist = [element.strip() for element in mylist]
> for element in mylist:
>      print "<>" + element + "<>"
> print mylist
> Paul
> Paul D. Kraus wrote:
> > I have a list that I want to change in a for loop. It changes in the
> > loop but the changes are not persistant outside of the loop.
> > I thought lists were mutuable objects so I am a bit confused.
> >
> > Sample Code....
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > """ Testing lists """
> >
> > mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> > print mylist
> > for element in mylist:
> >     element = element.strip()
> >     print "<>" + element + "<>"
> > print mylist
> >
> >
> > Sample Output....
> > ['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
> > <>One<>
> > <>two<>
> > <>three<>
> > ['One    ', '   two', '   three   ']
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:17:18 -0700
> From: Bob Gailer <bgailer at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
> To: pkraus at
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <4443DBAE.40003 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Paul D. Kraus wrote:
> > I have a list that I want to change in a for loop. It changes in the
> > loop but the changes are not persistant outside of the loop.
> > I thought lists were mutuable objects
> They are.
> > so I am a bit confused.
> >
> > Sample Code....
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > """ Testing lists """
> >
> > mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> > print mylist
> > for element in mylist:
> element is a variable to which the successive items in mylist are
> assigned. element has no "magic" connection to the list.
> >     element = element.strip()
> In order to change a list item you must do something like:
> mylist[itemIndex] = element.strip()
> So you need both the item's value and its position in the list. That's
> what enumerate is for:
> for itemIndex, element in enumerate(mylist):
>     mylist[itemIndex] = element.strip()
> >   [snip]
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:35:13 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Terry Carroll <carroll at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Meaning of %g ?
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0604171126330.7018-100000 at>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Alan Gauld wrote:
> > >>>> a = 123456.78
> > >>>> print "%g\n%e\n%f" % (a,a,a)
> > > 123457
> > > 1.234568e+005
> > > 123456.780000
> >
> > >Float number loses digits and becomes integer in the output ?
> >
> > Yep, I am rapidly coming to the comnclusion that %g is broken
> > in Python. I must do some tests with gcc to see what it does
> > with %g, it may be the wierd behaviour is coming from there.
> > I've never used %g with gcc...
> FWIW, (Cygwin) Perl gives a similar result:
>  > perl  -e 'my $a = 123456.78;printf ("%g\n%e\n%f", $a, $a, $a);'
>  123457
>  1.234568e+05
>  123456.780000
> The only difference being the two-digit vs. three-digit exponent on %e
> (Python's 1.234568e+005 vs. Perl's 1.234568e+05).
> Hmm.. Upon further review, Cygwin Perl gives 1.234568e+05; while
> Activestate Perl gives 1.234568e+005.  (For reasons that elude me,
> Activestate Perl won't do the command-line version, but I don't care
> enough to track it down.)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 15:01:59 -0400
> From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <4443E627.4030103 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Paul D. Eden wrote:
> > Lists are mutable, you are right.
> >
> > But the code you gave does not change the list.  It changes the variable
> > element which is separate from the list myList.
> >
> > If you want to change the list try something like this:
> >
> > mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> > print mylist
> > newlist = []
> > for element in mylist:
> >      element = element.strip()
> >      newlist.append(element)
> >      print "<>" + element + "<>"
> > print newlist
> >
> > OR
> >
> > mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> > print mylist
> > mylist = [element.strip() for element in mylist]
> > for element in mylist:
> >      print "<>" + element + "<>"
> > print mylist
> Neither of these changes the original list either. They both create new
> lists with the desired contents. The second example binds the new list
> to the old name, but it is still a new list. In many cases this is fine,
> but the distinction is important. For example if you are writing a
> function that modifies a list passed to it, these solutions won't work.
> Bob's solution using enumerate() is the simplest way to modify a list in
> place.
> Kent
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:48:08 -0700
> From: "Carroll, Barry" <Barry.Carroll at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 55
> To: <tutor at>
> Message-ID:
> 	<2BBAEE949D384D40A2B851287ADB6A432C3658 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="US-ASCII"
> Payal:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:24:31 -0400
> > From: Payal Rathod <payal-python at>
> > Subject: Re: [Tutor] functions in Python
> > To: Steve Nelson <sanelson at>
> > Cc: "Python\[Tutor\]" <tutor at>
> > Message-ID: <20060417172431.GA26463 at>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:42:05PM +0100, Steve Nelson wrote:
> > > When you define a function, you are writing a block of code which
> you
> > > can ask to perform a task.  The task may be simple, and not require
> > > any additional information, or it may be more complex and need
> > > information.
> >
> > What is the difference between,
> >
> > >>> def f(x):
> > ...     return x
> > ...
> > >>> f(4)
> > 4
> >
> > >>> def f(x):
> > ...     print x
> > ...
> > >>> f(4)
> > 4
> >
> > Both give same results. So, why return statement is needed?
> > With warm regards,
> > -Payal
> Let's use your two functions named and see what we can do with them.  In
> order to use both function definitions in the same interactive session,
> I will name the first 'f1' and the second 'f2'.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> def f1(x):
> ...     return x
> ...
> >>> def f2(x):
> ...     print x
> ...
> >>>>>>>>>>
> Okay so far?
> Now, let's use each of these functions in a simple computation.  To
> start, we'll just add two integers (called literals in programming
> jargon),
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> 4 + 4
> 8
> >>>>>>>>>>
> The '+' operator takes two integers, adds them together and gives back
> (returns) the result.  (Actually, the '+' operator can do more than
> this, but this is enough for this example.)
> Now, we'll do the same calculation using f1 instead of the literals.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> f1(4) + f1(4)
> 8
> >>>>>>>>>>
> This worked as expected:  f1 sent back (returned) the value we gave it
> (the argument 4) and the '+' operator did the addition.
> Questions?
> Now, let's do the same calcuation once more, using f2 this time.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> f2(4) + f2(4)
> 4
> 4
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'
> >>>>>>>>>>
> This time the operation failed. The f2 function did what we wrote it to
> do: it printed the argument to the Standard Output device (also called
> STDOUT), the interactive shell window in this case.  But, as the error
> message indicates, it also RETURNED a value: in this case None, which
> has the type NoneType.  The '+' operator then tried to add the two None
> values together and failed.
> The examples above show that, although the output of f1 and f2 look the
> same, it is actually different.  The 'f2' function displays its argument
> for humans to read.  The 'f1' function makes the argument available for
> other code to use.  That is the purpose of the 'return' statement: to
> make the results of the function available to other code.
> It is important to remember that, in Python, EVERY function returns a
> value.  If a 'return' statement is included in the function, the value
> the result of the expression associated with the statement (in your
> example, 4).  If no 'return' statement is included, the function returns
> None.
> I hope this makes sense to you.  If not, keep asking questions.
> Best Regards,
> Barry
> barry.carroll at
> 541-302-1107
> ________________________
> We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.
> -Quarry worker's creed
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:04:57 -0700
> From: "Paul D. Eden" <paul at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Changing lists in place
> To: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> Cc: tutor at
> Message-ID: <4443E6D9.5050101 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Very true.
> Paul
> Kent Johnson wrote:
> > Paul D. Eden wrote:
> >
> >>Lists are mutable, you are right.
> >>
> >>But the code you gave does not change the list.  It changes the variable
> >>element which is separate from the list myList.
> >>
> >>If you want to change the list try something like this:
> >>
> >>mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> >>print mylist
> >>newlist = []
> >>for element in mylist:
> >>     element = element.strip()
> >>     newlist.append(element)
> >>     print "<>" + element + "<>"
> >>print newlist
> >>
> >>OR
> >>
> >>mylist = [ 'One    ', '   two', '   three   ' ]
> >>print mylist
> >>mylist = [element.strip() for element in mylist]
> >>for element in mylist:
> >>     print "<>" + element + "<>"
> >>print mylist
> >
> >
> > Neither of these changes the original list either. They both create new
> > lists with the desired contents. The second example binds the new list
> > to the old name, but it is still a new list. In many cases this is fine,
> > but the distinction is important. For example if you are writing a
> > function that modifies a list passed to it, these solutions won't work.
> > Bob's solution using enumerate() is the simplest way to modify a list in
> > place.
> >
> > Kent
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 21:05:02 +0100
> From: "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] functions in Python
> To: "Payal Rathod" <payal-python at>,	"Steve Nelson"
> 	<sanelson at>
> Cc: "Python\[Tutor\]" <tutor at>
> Message-ID: <01bd01c6625a$36ae0230$0a01a8c0 at xp>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> 	reply-type=original
> Wow! I checked the list at lunchtime and there were only a few things
> here, then I check again now and lots of stuff from my tutor! Fortunately
> most of it has been answered already - thanks folks - but I feel honour
> bound to contribute something...
> > What is the difference between,
> >
> >>>> def f(x):
> > ...     return x
> >>>> def f(x):
> > ...     print x
> > ...
> >>>> f(4)
> > 4
> > Both give same results. So, why return statement is needed?
> As has been stated the print displays on the output
> The return sends the value of the function back to the caller.
> If the caller is the interactive prompt(as here) the prompt
> prints the value so the effect is the same.
> If you need to save the result for later use then you must
> store it in a variable. You cannot do that if the function
> just prints the result - the value gets lost when the function
> ends.
> Try this:
> >>> def f(x): return x
> ...
> >>> def g(x): print x
> ...
> >>> fVal = f(4)
> >>> gVal = g(4)
> 4
> Now notice that the two functoons behave differently
> f() doesn't display a value but g does because of the
> print statement. So far g seems to win. But...
> >>> print fVal
> 4
> >>> print gVal
> None
> >>>
> Now f() wins because we have stored its value in fVal
> and can use it over and over again as we wish.
> The reason gVal has stored None is because any function that
> does not return an explicit value is treated as retiurning the
> special value None. Since g() only printed the parameter 4
> but did not return it gVal stored a None value.
> If we return the value of f() we can display it any time we
> want by using print:
> >>> print f(4)
> 4
> >>>
> So we do not lose anything by using return instead of print
> but we gain a lot by being able to store the returned value.
> HTH,
> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 16:40:45 -0500
> From: "doug shawhan" <doug.shawhan at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Raw Bits! (Control characters ahoy!)
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID:
> 	<5e1ceb8a0604171440r6b34dd57j4ab20a9061a831b3 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I am in the middle of a project that requires me to send and retrieve
> information from a machine connected to a serial port. My problems are
> these:
> 1. I cannot send control characters
> 2. I cannot read data streaming from the serial port
> I have been doing fine with:
> os.system("echo '5' >/dev/tty00")
> os.system("echo '8' >/dev/tty00")
> and the like to the remote machine, but I need to be able to send control
> characters the same way to scroll through menus. I have tried pyserial and
> pexpect with mixed (mostly horrible) results (not the fault of the module
> builders!), thus far the simple act of echoing the strings to the serial
> port is the only reliable method I have found.
> Reading from the serial port has also been problematic. I find that simply
> opening the port /dev/tty00 file and using readlines(), read() or whatever
> gives me empty strings or lists. Pbth.
> So first: how should I go about adding the hex escape sequences (\x0a and
> \x50) to the above strings in their raw form?
> second: what method should I use to read a raw stream from the serial port
> for a given period?
> I have looked carefully at the neat and tidy example in the
> pyserial examples directory, and see how one can continuously read via a
> thread from the port, but have not been able to replicate it thus far.
> Any help whatsoever would be great! I'm beginning to feel a little
> lightheaded. Thanks!
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> End of Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 56
> *************************************
 I  want to build a function which will reverse my input sentance.if i try to
use the rervese it does not work
here is my function:

def reversor():
  for i in string(a):
      if a==string:
      print l

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 12:11:46 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:11:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python programmer needs to learn Java
References: <>
Message-ID: <004501c662d0$804d0a50$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I am seeking book recommendations or preferrably online tutorials
> to help me learn Java.

The only online resources I recommend for Java are:
1) Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java and
2) The official Sun tutorial

The only book I've found that I like is:
O'Reilly Learning Java

The Java in a Nutshell is a useful reference too.

> I came from Visual Basic 6 to Python and had little problems 
> which is why I love Python.

With that background you should have little difficulty with Java 
conceptually., except that Javba uses classes for everythjing and
because of that relies hevily on class methods(statics) to mimic 
functions in VB/Python

Otherwise the pain is mainly in the rigours of strict static typing 
and getting to know the huge class library.

Have fun,

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 12:19:32 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:19:32 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld Tutorial - OOP
References: <>
Message-ID: <004f01c662d1$95f69550$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I am reading Alan's tut and have stuck on the  OOP chapter.
> What does he mean by,
> | Objects are collections of data and functions that operate on that 
> |data.  These are bound together so that you can pass an object from one 
> |part of your program and they automatically get access to not only the 
> |data attributes but the operations that are available too.
> What are exactly "data attributes" and what "operations" is he referring 
> to?

I mean the data and the functions that are used to create an object.
As the definition above states, objects are collections of data and 
the functions that operate on the data. Another name for a function
inside an object is "operation", and as you'll discover the most 
common name of all is "method"

Any time you see a word in italics in my tutor it means I'm introducing 
a new technical term. Thus attributes and operations being italicised 
tells you that these are jargon terms for the data and functions just

You have already met objects back in the Raw Materials topic and 
also in strings and files. (Strings and Files are predefined objects in 
Python) . The OOP topic tells you how to create your own object 
types, or classes.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From amonroe at  Tue Apr 18 12:21:46 2006
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 06:21:46 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python programmer needs to learn Java
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Greetings.
> I am seeking book recommendations or preferrably online tutorials
> to help me learn Java.

_Head First Java_


From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 12:52:25 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:52:25 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 56
References: <>
Message-ID: <005c01c662d6$2e1db4e0$0a01a8c0@xp>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <nywbon001 at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 56

Please don't reply to the digest message, we get all of the digest plus
your question tagged on at the end!

>> End of Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 56
>> *************************************
> I  want to build a function which will reverse my input sentance.if i try 
> to
> use the rervese it does not work here is my function:
> def reversor():
>  for i in string(a):

What is string(a)? Indeed, what is a?
string is not a built in function in Python.
Do you mean str(a)? str(a) will attempt to convert a to a string.
It would be better to pass a string into the function as a parameter.

>      l=[]

This creates an empty list, l

>      if a==string:
>         l.reversed(a)

This says that if 'a' equals string (which you show to be some kind
of function object) then call l.reversed(a)

There is no method of a list called reversed(), there is one
called reverse() but it doesn't have a parameter. And it
reverses the list which in this case is empty.

>      print l

So you print an empty list.

Did you try to run the code? What error did you get?
What did you think the code was doing? What did you
expect to happen?

Armed with this information we might be able to help you
solve your problem.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From tinoloc at  Tue Apr 18 13:22:52 2006
From: tinoloc at (Tino Dai)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:22:52 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor projects
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

     This list is great! I really like the aspect of mentor-mentee
relationship. Ok, I have been programming in various languages for many many
years, and here is my dilemna. I jump into a huge project such as Zope or
Mambo (php side) and spend a couple of weeks on it, get frustrated, and give
up. What I am requesting is an interesting project that is good for the
intermediate level hacker, and somebody to assist me when I run into a
problem. Any takers?

-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Tue Apr 18 13:32:56 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:32:56 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] My Name is John and I copy and paste
In-Reply-To: <000501c662c7$b7af22c0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000501c662c7$b7af22c0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

John CORRY wrote:

> Thanks for all the help so far on my database questions.  I have now 
> developed a program that reads in info from a csv file and updates 
> already existing records in my database.  I have enclosed the code 
> below.  The good news is that it is working.  However, I used copy and 
> paste and amended the text to write the code and it seems rather 
> longwinded.  Is there a quicker/better way to write the code below?

Hi John,

What you need here is a loop. Have you learned about for loops? Here is 
a short example to get you started. Any Python tutorial will tell you more.

In [1]: rows = [ ['row1', 0], ['row2', 55], ['row3', 23] ]

In [2]: for row in rows:
    ...:     print row[0], row[1]
row1 0
row2 55
row3 23


> path = "c:/test/import.csv"
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> import csv
> reader = csv.reader(open(path,"rb"))
> for row in reader:
>     db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
>     c = db.cursor()
>     c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? 
> and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[3]), row[0], float(row[2])))
>     c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? and 
> finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[4]), row[0], float(row[2])))

From andreengels at  Tue Apr 18 14:11:18 2006
From: andreengels at (Andre Engels)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 14:11:18 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] pyexpat
Message-ID: <>

I am working for the Python Wikipediabot Framework
( A user noted me to an
apparent deadlock in the XML parsing. I tried to get to the actual
parsing code to see what went wrong. The furthest I get, however, is
in the feed() method of the class ExpatParser in There
is a line there:

self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal)

self._parser, as I have found, is an object of the class
pyexpat.xmlparser, but I have no idea about where to fine pyexpat. Can
anyone help me further?

Andre Engels, andreengels at
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

From kent37 at  Tue Apr 18 14:27:06 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:27:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pyexpat
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Andre Engels wrote:
> I am working for the Python Wikipediabot Framework
> ( A user noted me to an
> apparent deadlock in the XML parsing. I tried to get to the actual

That's pretty surprising, I wouldn't expect the parser to use any locks. 
Can you say more about the deadlock?

> parsing code to see what went wrong. The furthest I get, however, is
> in the feed() method of the class ExpatParser in There
> is a line there:
> self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal)
> self._parser, as I have found, is an object of the class
> pyexpat.xmlparser, but I have no idea about where to fine pyexpat. Can
> anyone help me further?

pyexpat is written in C, you have to look at the Python source code. 
Download the source tarball or browse the Subversion repository online; 
pyexpat.c is here:

pyexpat is itself a wrapper around expat which is here:


From payal-python at  Tue Apr 18 14:45:12 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:45:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld Tutorial - OOP
In-Reply-To: <004f01c662d1$95f69550$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 11:19:32AM +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> I mean the data and the functions that are used to create an object.
> As the definition above states, objects are collections of data and 
> the functions that operate on the data. Another name for a function
> inside an object is "operation", and as you'll discover the most 
> common name of all is "method"

Thanks for the prompt response. My real problem is that there is no 
place inside a tutorial where all the terms like object, data, method, 
operation, attributes are explained on a single page *with* one small 
example of each. I am *really* confused when they occur now. I found 
this place a better help

I want something like this. e.g. Alan when I read  your tut for OOP, I 
don't get what you mean by data, variable, and object and difference 
between them. 

Thanks again.
With warm regards,

From ewalker at  Tue Apr 18 14:46:07 2006
From: ewalker at (Eric Walker)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 06:46:07 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Payal Rathod wrote:

>On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 05:42:05PM +0100, Steve Nelson wrote:
>>When you define a function, you are writing a block of code which you
>>can ask to perform a task.  The task may be simple, and not require
>>any additional information, or it may be more complex and need
>What is the difference between,
>>>>def f(x):
>...     return x
>>>>def f(x):
>...     print x
>Both give same results. So, why return statement is needed?
>With warm regards,
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
New at this but the f(x) with the return statement passes the value back 
to be used in something. The one with the print statement just prints 
it. Correct me if I am wrong experts
def f(x):
    x = x + 1;
    return x

def g(x):
    x=x + 1;
    print x;

 >>> bob = 5 + f(5)
 >>> print bob

bob =Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType' 5 + g(5)

-------------- next part --------------
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From andreengels at  Tue Apr 18 15:21:05 2006
From: andreengels at (Andre Engels)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:21:05 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] pyexpat
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2006/4/18, Kent Johnson <kent37 at>:
> Andre Engels wrote:
> > I am working for the Python Wikipediabot Framework
> > ( A user noted me to an
> > apparent deadlock in the XML parsing. I tried to get to the actual
> That's pretty surprising, I wouldn't expect the parser to use any locks.
> Can you say more about the deadlock?

I have found some more, and there is not a deadlock... Just the thing
is going damn slow on this specific text, not sure why. Thanks anyway.

Andre Engels, andreengels at
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

From janos.juhasz at  Tue Apr 18 15:23:13 2006
From: janos.juhasz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=E1nos_Juh=E1sz?=)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:23:13 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Olle-Olla
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

Is it possible to replace the print statement with one of mine function ?
Is it any extra reason why print isn't similar to the functions I can make 
with def ?

>>> def olle(dummy): print 'olle:', dummy
>>> def olla(dummy): print 'olla:', dummy
>>> olle('Hopp')
olle: Hopp
>>> olla('Hopp')
olla: Hopp
>>> olle = olla
>>> olle('Hopp')
olla: Hopp
>>> print = olle
Traceback (  File "<interactive input>", line 1
    print = olle
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

In reality, I would like to replace the print in my PyCrust app with the 
log.write() function.

janos juhasz

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 16:29:28 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:29:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld Tutorial - OOP
References: <>
Message-ID: <006001c662f4$804d2700$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I want something like this. e.g. Alan when I read  your tut for OOP, I 
> don't get what you mean by data, variable, and object and difference 
> between them. 

Those terms were all explained back in the Raw Materials section since 
they are fundamental building blocks of programming.

Have you read through the basics section of the tutor or are you 
simply picking topics of intrest? You can do that with the advanced 
topics like OOP etc but only if you have already understood 
the basics section. Otherwise there will be a lot of jargon that 
is not explained. I dedicate a lot of the introductory topics to 
explaining and defining the fundamental building blocks. If you 
have not done so I really reconmmend you read the two topics:

1) What is Programming
2) The Raw Materials

These are both fairly essential reading.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From ewalker at  Tue Apr 18 16:38:06 2006
From: ewalker at (Eric Walker)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:38:06 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
Message-ID: <>

I want to create a GUI, and I downloaded the pyQT stuff. Ok, now that I 
am reading my but off
trying to figure out how to use this thing and learn python at the same 
time, I read some stuff about
having to purchase licenses. For commercial development, who do I need 
to contact for licensing?

Python Newbie....

From bgailer at  Tue Apr 18 17:19:08 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:19:08 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] My Name is John and I copy and paste
In-Reply-To: <000501c662c7$b7af22c0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
References: <000501c662c7$b7af22c0$4a3ea8c0@JOHNC>
Message-ID: <>

John CORRY wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for all the help so far on my database questions.  I have now 
> developed a program that reads in info from a csv file and updates 
> already existing records in my database.  I have enclosed the code 
> below.  The good news is that it is working.  However, I used copy and 
> paste and amended the text to write the code and it seems rather 
> longwinded.  Is there a quicker/better way to write the code below?
> path = "c:/test/import.csv"
> import mx.ODBC
> import mx.ODBC.Windows
> import csv
> reader = csv.reader(open(path,"rb"))
> for row in reader:
>     db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('DSN=vfp')
>     c = db.cursor()
>     c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET cost_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? 
> and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[3]), row[0], float(row[2])))
>     c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET rrp_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = ? 
> and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[4]), row[0], float(row[2])))
>     c.execute('UPDATE cost_grid SET ie_rrp_1 = ? where cost_grid_id = 
> ? and finish_dro = ?', ( float(row[5]), row[0], float(row[2])))
When I see "repeated columns" I think the database is not fully 
normalized. If this were my database I'd have a table with columns named 
cost, rrp, ie_rrp, cost_grid_id, finish_dro, and a column to distingush 
the 20 cases. A little more work up front, but a lot easier to work with 
once it is set up.

The recommendation to do this in a loop is the answer regardless of the 
data model.

From tinoloc at  Tue Apr 18 17:24:21 2006
From: tinoloc at (Tino Dai)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:24:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Quick networking question
Message-ID: <>

Hi Everybody,

      I am writing a script to do some simple networking. When I do a close
on the socket and exit the program, I getting a time wait on the port, and
the port can''t be utilized again until the time wait disappears. How do I
get port to shut down and be able to reuse that port?

-------------- next part --------------
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From payal-python at  Tue Apr 18 17:41:41 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:41:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld Tutorial - OOP
In-Reply-To: <006001c662f4$804d2700$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 03:29:28PM +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Have you read through the basics section of the tutor or are you 
> simply picking topics of intrest? You can do that with the advanced 

No, I read the tutorial from start.  I am not understanding how data, 
objects, attributes etc. are related to each other.

I am really curious, why didn't you make the whole tutorial Python only.  
As you Python people say - python is a language to teach programming, 
why unnecessary stuff about Vbscript or Javascript?
Is there any page which tell me how do I read the tutorial, I mean I 
don't want to learn Vbscript or Javascript, what do I do then, am I 
supposed to skip those parts?

With warm regards,

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 18:17:13 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 17:17:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld Tutorial - OOP
References: <>
Message-ID: <008801c66303$8d7d2b00$0a01a8c0@xp>

> No, I read the tutorial from start.  I am not understanding how data,
> objects, attributes etc. are related to each other.

That is back in the Raw Materials section. And  objects are then
expanded in the OOP topic.

> I am really curious, why didn't you make the whole tutorial Python only.

Because learning only one programming language makes for more
limited programmers in my experience. It is much better to understand
the underlying concepts that apply in every language and thus
become a "programmer" who can learn and use any language
than to become a "Python Programmer" who is afraid to use
other languages because it would take too long to learn them.

It says pretty much the same on the intro page under the heading
"Why Python?".

That having been said I do not expect the reader to actually type
in all the examples for all 3 languages. Pick one, type in the
examples in that language and read the others for comparison.
I thought I said that explicitly in the tutor but i can't find it
anywhere so should probably add it! (Thanks for picking that up!)

> Is there any page which tell me how do I read the tutorial, I mean I
> don't want to learn Vbscript or Javascript, what do I do then, am I
> supposed to skip those parts?

There will soon be a paragraph on the Getting Started page to say what I
did above... In fact its there now! :-)

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From payal-python at  Tue Apr 18 19:03:54 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:03:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] wanted exercises in python
Message-ID: <>

As  I mentioned I have been reading Python a lot in last 2 months but 
lack of examples and coding is not getting me anywhere. Can someone give 
me some exercises or I can try them myself ( please 
excuse). I am reading Alan's tut now and covered Basis set and regex 
from advanced set, so please give me exercises based on those topics 
i.e. don't tell me to code a http client or a GUI based program in 
Python :)

With warm regards,

From paul at  Tue Apr 18 19:08:27 2006
From: paul at (Paul D. Eden)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:08:27 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] wanted exercises in python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

If you have some programming experience already in another language you 
may want to try the examples in


Payal Rathod wrote:
> Hi,
> As  I mentioned I have been reading Python a lot in last 2 months but 
> lack of examples and coding is not getting me anywhere. Can someone give 
> me some exercises or I can try them myself ( please 
> excuse). I am reading Alan's tut now and covered Basis set and regex 
> from advanced set, so please give me exercises based on those topics 
> i.e. don't tell me to code a http client or a GUI based program in 
> Python :)
> With warm regards,
> -Payal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From dyoo at  Tue Apr 18 19:13:30 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:13:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> New at this but the f(x) with the return statement passes the value back 
> to be used in something. The one with the print statement just prints 
> it. Correct me if I am wrong experts

> def f(x):
>   x = x + 1;
>   return x
> def g(x):
>   x=x + 1;
>   print x;

Hi Eric,

Yes, you've got it.  Just as a side note: no semicolons needed.  *wink*

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Tue Apr 18 19:15:54 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:15:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] pyexpat
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Andre Engels wrote:

> 2006/4/18, Kent Johnson <kent37 at>:
>> Andre Engels wrote:
>>> I am working for the Python Wikipediabot Framework
>>> ( A user noted me to an
>>> apparent deadlock in the XML parsing. I tried to get to the actual
>> That's pretty surprising, I wouldn't expect the parser to use any locks.
>> Can you say more about the deadlock?
> I have found some more, and there is not a deadlock... Just the thing is 
> going damn slow on this specific text, not sure why. Thanks anyway.

Hi Andre,

Hmmmm.... Can you send a link to the text that's causing performance 
issues?  It might be possible that someone here might isolate the 
performance problem.  (Hey, it happened before with BeautifulSoup... 

From dyoo at  Tue Apr 18 19:19:48 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:19:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Olle-Olla
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Is it possible to replace the print statement with one of mine function ?

Hi Janos,

Yes; there are a set of reserved "keywords" that Python does not allow to 
be rebound as something else.  It's a particular consequence of the way 
Python's language grammar is parsed.

You'll want to watch out for keywords.  Here they are:

If you avoid using them as variable names, you should be fine.

Best of wishes!

From agunnerson at  Tue Apr 18 19:23:15 2006
From: agunnerson at (Andy)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:23:15 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] wanted exercises in python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well, these are from a Ruby group but I don't see any reason why you
couldn't do them in Python.

Look through their quiz's, might find something fun to try.

"Be who you are and be that well." - Saint Francis de Sales

On 4/18/06, Payal Rathod <payal-python at> wrote:
> Hi,
> As  I mentioned I have been reading Python a lot in last 2 months but
> lack of examples and coding is not getting me anywhere. Can someone give
> me some exercises or I can try them myself ( please
> excuse). I am reading Alan's tut now and covered Basis set and regex
> from advanced set, so please give me exercises based on those topics
> i.e. don't tell me to code a http client or a GUI based program in
> Python :)
> With warm regards,
> -Payal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From dyoo at  Tue Apr 18 19:31:58 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:31:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Quick networking question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Tino Dai wrote:

>      I am writing a script to do some simple networking. When I do a 
> close on the socket and exit the program, I getting a time wait on the 
> port, and the port can''t be utilized again until the time wait 
> disappears. How do I get port to shut down and be able to reuse that 
> port?

Hi Tino,

Ah!  You may want to take a look at some sample use of networking in the 

In particular, take a look at:

     def server_bind(self):
         """Called by constructor to bind the socket.

         May be overridden.

         if self.allow_reuse_address:
             self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

If we're using SocketServer class to build your socket servers, we set the 
allow_reuse_address attribute to True


If we're building server sockets from scratch, we'll want to do that magic 

     socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

right before binding the socket to the address.

Best of wishes!

From carroll at  Tue Apr 18 19:31:35 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:31:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Tutorial on bitwise Python?
Message-ID: <>

Can anyone point me to a tutorial on bit manipulations (testing and 
setting) in Python?

I'm very clear on the concepts (in a previous lifetime, I used to do 
systems programming in IBM System/3x0 assembler), but weak on how some 
things would be approached in Python, and need an orientation.

From amonroe at  Tue Apr 18 19:29:59 2006
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:29:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld Tutorial - OOP
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Thanks for the prompt response. My real problem is that there is no 
> place inside a tutorial where all the terms like object, data, method, 
> operation, attributes are explained on a single page *with* one small 
> example of each. I am *really* confused when they occur now. I found 

The _Head First Java_ book explains it this way:

Attributes are what an object KNOWS.
Methods are what an object can DO.


From carroll at  Tue Apr 18 19:34:17 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:34:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] functions in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Danny Yoo wrote:

> Just as a side note: no semicolons needed.  *wink*

Yesterday, I tested something with a two-line perl program.  I could not 
for the life of me see why I was getting a syntax error.  It was only 
after 15 minutes of looking up red herrings that it finally dawned on me
that, back in Perlland, semicolons are required.

From carroll at  Tue Apr 18 19:39:16 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:39:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Python programmer needs to learn Java
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Justin Ezequiel wrote:

> I am seeking book recommendations or preferrably online tutorials
> to help me learn Java.

If you already know a language "Just Java" (now titled "Just Java 2") by
Peter van der Linden is very good.

It's intended for people who are moving from C to Java, but I think it 
would be very workable for Python-to-Java, too.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 19:52:00 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:52:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
References: <>
Message-ID: <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I want to create a GUI, and I downloaded the pyQT stuff. 

Any reason why you must use PyQt?

Not that it's a bad toolkit but there is less expertise in using 
it so unless you already use it from another language 
- like C++ - its going to be a lot harder to learn than Tkinter 
or wxPython which are the two most commonly used GUI 

Both Tkinter and wxPython are free, Tkinter comes with Python, 
wxPython is a searate download. wxPython tends to look nicer 
and has some fancier widgets. You pays yer money etc...

>  read some stuff about having to purchase licenses. 
> For commercial development, who do I need to contact for licensing?

TrollTech own Qt, their licensing arrangements seem a tad complex to me.
Try their web site.

Alan G.

From kent37 at  Tue Apr 18 19:52:17 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:52:17 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Olle-Olla
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

J?nos Juh?sz wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is it possible to replace the print statement with one of mine function ?
> In reality, I would like to replace the print in my PyCrust app with the 
> log.write() function.

Best: Use a good editor to change your print statements to log.write()

Not so good: Replace sys.stdout with something that intercepts write() 
calls and sends them to the log.


From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 19:58:17 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:58:17 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] wanted exercises in python
References: <>
Message-ID: <00ae01c66311$ac645c10$0a01a8c0@xp>

> As  I mentioned I have been reading Python a lot in last 2 months but
> lack of examples and coding is not getting me anywhere. Can someone give
> me some exercises or I can try them myself

There are a few suggestions in the last topic of my tutor - Refernces etc...

But the best place to find stuff for beginners is the Useless Python web 
The new site didn't have much last time I looked buyt the old site (linked
from the new one) has a lot of stuff, albeit slightly confusingly laid out.

Despite the URL this has nothing to do with the Python Challenge game
web site.


Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 20:03:53 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 19:03:53 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Olle-Olla
References: <>
Message-ID: <00b801c66312$74a74c00$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Is it possible to replace the print statement with one of mine function ?

No precisely because the print statement is a statement (or more accurately
a command) not a function.

But of course you can create your own print *function*, just call it
a slightly different name - printit(), or display(), or logit(), or 

> Is it any extra reason why print isn't similar to the functions I can make
> with def ?

Guido's call. Guido has intimated that he thinks this was one
of his (few) mistakes in building Python.

> In reality, I would like to replace the print in my PyCrust app with the
> log.write() function.

You will need to do a search/replace of all print statements with your
new function, but its doable.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From ewalker at  Tue Apr 18 20:09:29 2006
From: ewalker at (Eric Walker)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:09:29 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
In-Reply-To: <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <> <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>> I want to create a GUI, and I downloaded the pyQT stuff. 
> Any reason why you must use PyQt?
> Not that it's a bad toolkit but there is less expertise in using it so 
> unless you already use it from another language - like C++ - its going 
> to be a lot harder to learn than Tkinter or wxPython which are the two 
> most commonly used GUI tookits.
> Both Tkinter and wxPython are free, Tkinter comes with Python, 
> wxPython is a searate download. wxPython tends to look nicer and has 
> some fancier widgets. You pays yer money etc...
>>  read some stuff about having to purchase licenses. For commercial 
>> development, who do I need to contact for licensing?
> TrollTech own Qt, their licensing arrangements seem a tad complex to me.
> Try their web site.
> Alan G.
If I can get it for free, I might as well go with say wxPython. Thanks

From cdgarciaq at  Tue Apr 18 20:14:03 2006
From: cdgarciaq at (Cesar Garcia)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:14:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Help Entry  !!!
Message-ID: <>

Hi !!!
  Friends, i nedd process Data Entry in python
  Entry = 20
  Result = 20*10
  This Result in Windows (Tkinter)
  How do you do Think !!!!!!!
  from Tkinter import *
  class MyDialog:
      def __init__(self, parent):
        top = = Toplevel(parent)
        Label(top, text="Valor").pack()
        self.e = Entry(top)
        b = Button(top, text="OK", command=self.ok)
      def ok(self):
        print "value is", self.e.get()
  root = Tk()
d = MyDialog(root)

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.
-------------- next part --------------
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From srini_iyyer_bio at  Tue Apr 18 20:53:58 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:53:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] creating a tab delim file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi group, 
 I asked similar questions in the past. I am unable to
get to the crux of this problem so that I can solve on
my own. apologies for my ignorance.

The problem: 

I have 50 tab delim files. Each file has 500 rows and
50 columns.

I have to read the first column of each file. Repeat
the same for 50 files and write a tab delim text file 
containing 500 rows and 50 columns. 

code that works through half of the problem:

import glob

files = glob.glob('*.proc')

for each in files:
      f = open(each,'r')
      da ='\n')
      dat = da[:-1]
      for m in dat:
            mycol = m.split('\t')[0] 

>From here I am blanked out. Although I can extract the
first column from each file:I have no idea how to
store each list. 

thought 1. Create an empty string and join each by a
       mycol = ''
       for m in dat:
            mycol = m.split('\t')[0]
            mstr = '\t'.join(mycol)
how can i append the data from second file to that

could tutors help me with this situation. 


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From kent37 at  Tue Apr 18 20:59:38 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 14:59:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Olle-Olla
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Andre Engels wrote:
> 2006/4/18, Kent Johnson <kent37 at>:
>> J?nos Juh?sz wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Is it possible to replace the print statement with one of mine function ?
>>> In reality, I would like to replace the print in my PyCrust app with the
>>> log.write() function.
>> Best: Use a good editor to change your print statements to log.write()
> Even better: Use a good editor to change your print statements to
> myprint() and then def myprint() to be log.write(). This has the
> advantage that if (for example) you want prints later to be "usually
> log.write() but if redFlagHighestWarning is True, then both
> log.write() and print()", you don't need to go through all this again,
> but just have to change myprint().

Or use the logging module, which lets you make changes like this by 
editing a config file. I usually set it up so that INFO level and higher 
messages go to a console or GUI panel, and all messages go to a rollover 
file. Very handy.


From alan.gauld at  Tue Apr 18 21:56:01 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 20:56:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutorial on bitwise Python?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00d401c66322$1ec8ecc0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Can anyone point me to a tutorial on bit manipulations (testing and 
> setting) in Python?

Look at the sidebar in my OS topic.
It covers using bitmasks to test the bits set by the file stat functions.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From khp at  Tue Apr 18 23:55:18 2006
From: khp at (Karl Pfl?sterer)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 23:55:18 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] creating a tab delim file
In-Reply-To: <> (Srinivas
	Iyyer's message of "Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:53:58 -0700 (PDT)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18 Apr 2006, srini_iyyer_bio at wrote:

> The problem: 
> I have 50 tab delim files. Each file has 500 rows and
> 50 columns.
> I have to read the first column of each file. Repeat
> the same for 50 files and write a tab delim text file 
> containing 500 rows and 50 columns. 
> code that works through half of the problem:
> import glob
> files = glob.glob('*.proc')
> for each in files:
>       f = open(each,'r')
>       da ='\n')
>       dat = da[:-1]
>       for m in dat:
>             mycol = m.split('\t')[0] 
>             ..................

You don't need to read the whole file at once. You can read individual
lines from a file with:
      f = open('name')
      for line in f:
          # do something with line

I'll show you a different solution for your problem; if you don't
understand it ask (I try to explain it).

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
import glob

filehdls = [file(f) for f in glob.glob('*.proc')]
out = open('reordered.prc', 'w')

col_1 = [f.readline().split('\t')[0] for f in filehdls]
while col_1[0]:
    col_1 = [f.readline().split('\t')[0] for f in filehdls]

for f in filehdls: f.close()

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

filehdls is a list of file handles. 
col_1 is a list of the values of column 1 of each of the files.
How does it work?
Read it from left to right. 
First we call readline() which reads the next line from file or returns
the empty string if it reached the end of the file.
Then we call split('\t') on the string returned from readline().  This
returns a list of strings obtained from splitting the string at each
Then we take the first element from thew list (index 0) since we are
only interested in column 1.
We do this for every file in the list of file handles.

The while loop runs as long as the first element in our list of
columns is not false (at eof we get here an empty string which counts as
false).  We join the columns with a tab, write that string to our output
file and write a newline to that file.  Then we try to read the next

The above will only work if all files have equal length.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From nospamformeSVP at  Wed Apr 19 00:10:47 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:10:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
Message-ID: <e23o58$sq8$>

I want like to write a script to scan all of the .pyc on my pythonpath 
to find out if they were built with Python 2.3 or 2.4.

How can I tell if a .pyc file was built with 2.3 or 2.4?



From andre.roberge at  Wed Apr 19 00:34:48 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 19:34:48 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] unit testing raw_input()
Message-ID: <>

Hi all-

Suppose I had a function like the following:

def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
    while True:
        answer = raw_input(prompt)
        if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
            print "You said yes!"
        elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
            print "You said no!"
            print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer

How could I go about to write an automated test for it?


From carroll at  Wed Apr 19 01:01:28 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 16:01:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <e23o58$sq8$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Don Taylor wrote:

> How can I tell if a .pyc file was built with 2.3 or 2.4?

There's a "Magic Number" in the first 2 or 4 bytes, (depending on whether 
you consider the \r\n part of the MN).

>>> f = open("pycfile.pyc", "rb")
>>> magictable = {'\x3b\xf2\r\n': "2.3", '\x6d\xf2\r\n' : "2.4"}
>>> magic =
>>> release = magictable.get(magic,"unknown")
>>> print "Python release:", release
Python release: 2.4

From ms at  Wed Apr 19 01:15:51 2006
From: ms at (Michael)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 00:15:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unit testing raw_input()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 18 April 2006 23:34, Andre Roberge wrote:
> Hi all-
> Suppose I had a function like the following:
> [ function that interacts with the outside world ]
> How could I go about to write an automated test for it?

You create a mock for raw_input, put the above code inside a module and rebind 
raw_input in the module before calling your function.

------------(CONTENTS of
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
    while True:
        answer = raw_input(prompt)
        if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
            print "You said yes!"
        elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
            print "You said no!"
            print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
------------(END CONTENTS of

You can even create and test a mock in the command line interpreter, so here's 
a quick example:

>>> import y_n   # Import the module 
>>> def raw_input_mock(prompt): # create a mock
...     return "y"
>>> y_n.raw_input = raw_input_mock      # rebind the name inside the module
>>> y_n.y_n() # Run, this now calls our mock instead of the real raw_input
You said yes!

To my mind this is generally useful for testing error conditions with complex 
modules (select & socket spring to mind).

To do this properly with your module, it makes more sense for your function
to return strings, which would allow you to directly test the result.
Alternatively you could wrap print in a function and then mock that instead.

The key thing about a mock is that it simply provides the results you want. If 
it's important *how* the mock was called (eg you're testing correct use of a 
library), your mock could append parameters to a list for later comparision.

>>> mocktrace = []
>>> def raw_input_mock(prompt): # create a mock
...     mocktrace.append((prompt,))
...     return "y"

As I say though, this sort of thing is (IME) often more about testing the 
correct usage of something.



From dyoo at  Wed Apr 19 03:39:29 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:39:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] unit testing raw_input()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Andre Roberge wrote:

> Suppose I had a function like the following:
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
>    while True:
>        answer = raw_input(prompt)
>        if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>            print "You said yes!"
>            break
>        elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>            print "You said no!"
>            break
>        else:
>            print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> How could I go about to write an automated test for it?

Hi Andre,

One way to do this is to parameterize y_n() a little more to make it more 
amendable to unit testing.

If we look at y_n(), we'd say that "raw_input()" is a free variable in 
here --- its meaning comes from the outside environment as part of 
builtins.  We can change this by making it an explicit parameter:

def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no", raw_input=raw_input):
     while True:
         answer = raw_input(prompt)
         if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
             print "You said yes!"
         elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
            print "You said no!"
             print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer

Looks a little funny.  *grin*

But now we can hardcode particular inputs by sending y_n() a mock 
"raw_input" that returns precooked values.

def yes1_raw_input(prompt):
     return "y"

def yes2_raw_input(prompt):
     return "Y"

def yes3_raw_input(prompt):
     return "yes"

def yes4_raw_input(prompt):
     return "YES"

And then we can use these as part of our test case:


We can also parameterize output in the same way.  Right now, the function 
is printing out the answer.  Testing printed output is a little harder in 
Python without fiddling around with stdout, but we can also make this also 
a parameter of the function:

def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no",
     while True:
         answer = raw_input(prompt)
         if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
             print >>output, "You said yes!"
         elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
             print >>output, "You said no!"
             print >>output, "%s is an invalid answer."%answer

Now we can inject our own output string that we can use to test what has 

     ## pseudocode

     import StringIO
     test_output = StringIO.StringIO()
     y_n(raw_input = yes4_raw_input,
         output = test_output)

     assertEquals("You said yes!", test_output.getvalue())

Does this make sense so far?  y_n() in its original form might not be in 
the right shape to make it easy to test, but we can turn it into a form 
that is more easily testable.

Good luck!

From justin.mailinglists at  Wed Apr 19 05:03:48 2006
From: justin.mailinglists at (Justin Ezequiel)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:03:48 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Python programmer needs to learn Java
In-Reply-To: <004501c662d0$804d0a50$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> The only online resources I recommend for Java are:
> 1) Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java and
> 2) The official Sun tutorial
> The only book I've found that I like is:
> O'Reilly Learning Java
> The Java in a Nutshell is a useful reference too.

Thanks Alan.
Will check these out ASAP.

From justin.mailinglists at  Wed Apr 19 05:06:56 2006
From: justin.mailinglists at (Justin Ezequiel)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:06:56 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Python programmer needs to learn Java
Message-ID: <>

> If you already know a language "Just Java" (now titled "Just Java 2") by
> Peter van der Linden is very good.

Thanks Terry.
Will surely check this out.

From hokkakada at  Wed Apr 19 05:10:40 2006
From: hokkakada at (kakada)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 10:10:40 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] encode
Message-ID: <>

Hi again folks,

I wonder if we can check the encoding of text in one text file.
user is free to encode the file whether Latin1, utf-8, ANSI...

Any ideas?



From python at  Wed Apr 19 05:41:55 2006
From: python at (Python)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 23:41:55 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] encode
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 10:10 +0700, kakada wrote:
> Hi again folks,
> I wonder if we can check the encoding of text in one text file.
> user is free to encode the file whether Latin1, utf-8, ANSI...

> Any ideas?

def decode_file(filepath):
    '''Order of codecs is important.
    ASCII is most restrictive to decode - no byte values > 127.
    UTF8 is next most restrictive.  There are illegal byte values and illegal sequences.
    LATIN will accept anything since all 256 byte values are OK.
    The final decision still depends on human inspection.
    buff = open(filepath,'rb').read()
    for charset in (ASCII,UTF8,LATIN,):
            unistr = buff.decode(charset,'strict')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
        unistr,charset = u'',None
    return unistr, charset

Also note that the unicode character
represents an error placeholder.  It can be decoded from UTF8 inputs and
reflects earlier processing problems.

DO NOT USE THIS CODE BLINDLY.  It simply offers a reasonable, first cut
where those are the likely encodings.  It is impossible to distinguish
the various LATINx encodings by simply looking at bits.  All 8 bit bytes
are valid, but their meanings change based on the encoding used.

> Thx
> da
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From dyoo at  Wed Apr 19 07:14:56 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 22:14:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] encode
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, kakada wrote:

> I wonder if we can check the encoding of text in one text file. user is 
> free to encode the file whether Latin1, utf-8, ANSI...

In the general case, this is difficult, and "solving" it might be worse 
than not.  See:

It is much better if you don't have to guess the file type: that's exactly 
the point of adding "document type" metadata to a document.  If you can 
explain your situation more more --- why you're guessing document types 
--- we might be able to offer a different approach.

Best of wishes to you!

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 19 08:01:45 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 07:01:45 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unit testing raw_input()
References: <>
Message-ID: <010c01c66376$bd8e7b00$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Suppose I had a function like the following:
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
    while True:
        answer = raw_input(prompt)
        if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
            print "You said yes!"
        elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
            print "You said no!"
            print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> How could I go about to write an automated test for it?

Create a data file with all of the inputs you need and use input 
redirection to run it. Assuming its called

$ python < > y_n.out

This is the easiest way of testing interactive programs.
This has limitations for unit testing if you have more 
than one function per module however, in that case 
you need to write a driver module that imports yours 
and takes as a first input the function you want to test...
In Python the driver can sit inside the 
if __name__ == __main__ stanza

Alan G

From janos.juhasz at  Wed Apr 19 08:45:52 2006
From: janos.juhasz at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=E1nos_Juh=E1sz?=)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:45:52 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Olle-Olla
In-Reply-To: <00b801c66312$74a74c00$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Dear All,

Thanks your answers about why I can't redifne the print.

I just wanted to play with Python dynamic possibilities.
I wanted to replace function in a loaded module instead of create an 
inherited class and using that.
It was easier to try it with print.

Alan Gauld wrote:
> Guido's call. Guido has intimated that he thinks this was one
> of his (few) mistakes in building Python.
It is funny, I tried to redefine the only function, that is not a function 
but a keyword :)

Thanks for Alan, Danny, Gabriel, Kent

J?nos Juh?sz

From nywbon001 at  Wed Apr 19 08:59:28 2006
From: nywbon001 at (nywbon001 at
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:59:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 62
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Quoting tutor-request at

> Send Tutor mailing list submissions to
> 	tutor at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	tutor-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	tutor-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Tutor digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Help Entry  !!! (Cesar Garcia)
>    2. creating a tab delim file (Srinivas Iyyer)
>    3. Re: Olle-Olla (Kent Johnson)
>    4. Re: Tutorial on bitwise Python? (Alan Gauld)
>    5. Re: creating a tab delim file (Karl Pfl?sterer)
>    6. Version of a .pyc file (Don Taylor)
>    7. unit testing raw_input() (Andre Roberge)
>    8. Re: Version of a .pyc file (Terry Carroll)
>    9. Re: unit testing raw_input() (Michael)
>   10. Re: unit testing raw_input() (Danny Yoo)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:14:03 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Cesar Garcia <cdgarciaq at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Help Entry  !!!
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID: <20060418181403.20038.qmail at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi !!!
>   Friends, i nedd process Data Entry in python
>   Example
>   Entry = 20
>   Result = 20*10
>   This Result in Windows (Tkinter)
>   How do you do Think !!!!!!!
>   Regards
>   Cesar
>   Exmaple
>   from Tkinter import *
>   class MyDialog:
>       def __init__(self, parent):
>         top = = Toplevel(parent)
>         Label(top, text="Valor").pack()
>         self.e = Entry(top)
>         self.e.pack(padx=5)
>         b = Button(top, text="OK", command=self.ok)
>         b.pack(pady=5)
>       def ok(self):
>         print "value is", self.e.get()
>   root = Tk()
> root.update()
> d = MyDialog(root)
> root.wait_window(
> ---------------------------------
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save
> big.
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:53:58 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Srinivas Iyyer <srini_iyyer_bio at>
> Subject: [Tutor] creating a tab delim file
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID: <20060418185358.365.qmail at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi group,
>  I asked similar questions in the past. I am unable to
> get to the crux of this problem so that I can solve on
> my own. apologies for my ignorance.
> The problem:
> I have 50 tab delim files. Each file has 500 rows and
> 50 columns.
> I have to read the first column of each file. Repeat
> the same for 50 files and write a tab delim text file
> containing 500 rows and 50 columns.
> code that works through half of the problem:
> import glob
> files = glob.glob('*.proc')
> for each in files:
>       f = open(each,'r')
>       da ='\n')
>       dat = da[:-1]
>       for m in dat:
>             mycol = m.split('\t')[0]
>             ..................
> >From here I am blanked out. Although I can extract the
> first column from each file:I have no idea how to
> store each list.
> thought 1. Create an empty string and join each by a
> tab.
> ##
>        mycol = ''
>        for m in dat:
>             mycol = m.split('\t')[0]
>             mstr = '\t'.join(mycol)
> how can i append the data from second file to that
> string.
> could tutors help me with this situation.
> Thanks
> srini
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 14:59:38 -0400
> From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Olle-Olla
> To: Python Tutor <tutor at>
> Message-ID: <4445371A.1000502 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Andre Engels wrote:
> > 2006/4/18, Kent Johnson <kent37 at>:
> >> J?nos Juh?sz wrote:
> >>> Hi All,
> >>>
> >>> Is it possible to replace the print statement with one of mine function ?
> >>>
> >>> In reality, I would like to replace the print in my PyCrust app with the
> >>> log.write() function.
> >> Best: Use a good editor to change your print statements to log.write()
> >
> > Even better: Use a good editor to change your print statements to
> > myprint() and then def myprint() to be log.write(). This has the
> > advantage that if (for example) you want prints later to be "usually
> > log.write() but if redFlagHighestWarning is True, then both
> > log.write() and print()", you don't need to go through all this again,
> > but just have to change myprint().
> Or use the logging module, which lets you make changes like this by
> editing a config file. I usually set it up so that INFO level and higher
> messages go to a console or GUI panel, and all messages go to a rollover
> file. Very handy.
> Kent
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 20:56:01 +0100
> From: "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Tutorial on bitwise Python?
> To: "Terry Carroll" <carroll at>, <tutor at>
> Message-ID: <00d401c66322$1ec8ecc0$0a01a8c0 at xp>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> 	reply-type=original
> > Can anyone point me to a tutorial on bit manipulations (testing and
> > setting) in Python?
> Look at the sidebar in my OS topic.
> It covers using bitmasks to test the bits set by the file stat functions.
> HTH,
> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 23:55:18 +0200
> From: Karl Pfl?sterer <khp at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] creating a tab delim file
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID: <uacailghr.fsf at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On 18 Apr 2006, srini_iyyer_bio at wrote:
> > The problem:
> >
> > I have 50 tab delim files. Each file has 500 rows and
> > 50 columns.
> >
> > I have to read the first column of each file. Repeat
> > the same for 50 files and write a tab delim text file
> > containing 500 rows and 50 columns.
> >
> > code that works through half of the problem:
> >
> > import glob
> >
> > files = glob.glob('*.proc')
> >
> >
> > for each in files:
> >       f = open(each,'r')
> >       da ='\n')
> >       dat = da[:-1]
> >       for m in dat:
> >             mycol = m.split('\t')[0]
> >             ..................
> You don't need to read the whole file at once. You can read individual
> lines from a file with:
>       f = open('name')
>       for line in f:
>           # do something with line
> I'll show you a different solution for your problem; if you don't
> understand it ask (I try to explain it).
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> import glob
> filehdls = [file(f) for f in glob.glob('*.proc')]
> out = open('reordered.prc', 'w')
> col_1 = [f.readline().split('\t')[0] for f in filehdls]
> while col_1[0]:
>     out.write('\t'.join(col0))
>     out.write('\n')
>     col_1 = [f.readline().split('\t')[0] for f in filehdls]
> out.close()
> for f in filehdls: f.close()
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> filehdls is a list of file handles.
> col_1 is a list of the values of column 1 of each of the files.
> How does it work?
>     f.readline().split('\t')[0]
> Read it from left to right.
> First we call readline() which reads the next line from file or returns
> the empty string if it reached the end of the file.
> Then we call split('\t') on the string returned from readline().  This
> returns a list of strings obtained from splitting the string at each
> tab.
> Then we take the first element from thew list (index 0) since we are
> only interested in column 1.
> We do this for every file in the list of file handles.
> The while loop runs as long as the first element in our list of
> columns is not false (at eof we get here an empty string which counts as
> false).  We join the columns with a tab, write that string to our output
> file and write a newline to that file.  Then we try to read the next
> line.
> The above will only work if all files have equal length.
>    Karl
> --
> Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
> I read the list
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:10:47 -0400
> From: Don Taylor <nospamformeSVP at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID: <e23o58$sq8$1 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> I want like to write a script to scan all of the .pyc on my pythonpath
> to find out if they were built with Python 2.3 or 2.4.
> How can I tell if a .pyc file was built with 2.3 or 2.4?
> Thanks,
> Don.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 19:34:48 -0300
> From: "Andre Roberge" <andre.roberge at>
> Subject: [Tutor] unit testing raw_input()
> To: Tutor <tutor at>
> Message-ID:
> 	<7528bcdd0604181534i3aa3e4a8v3a936eb82f072a5f at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi all-
> Suppose I had a function like the following:
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
>     while True:
>         answer = raw_input(prompt)
>         if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>             print "You said yes!"
>             break
>         elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>             print "You said no!"
>             break
>         else:
>             print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> How could I go about to write an automated test for it?
> Andr?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 16:01:28 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Terry Carroll <carroll at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID:
> 	<Pine.LNX.4.44.0604181559500.31735-100000 at>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Don Taylor wrote:
> > How can I tell if a .pyc file was built with 2.3 or 2.4?
> There's a "Magic Number" in the first 2 or 4 bytes, (depending on whether
> you consider the \r\n part of the MN).
> >>> f = open("pycfile.pyc", "rb")
> >>> magictable = {'\x3b\xf2\r\n': "2.3", '\x6d\xf2\r\n' : "2.4"}
> >>> magic =
> >>> release = magictable.get(magic,"unknown")
> >>> print "Python release:", release
> Python release: 2.4
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 00:15:51 +0100
> From: Michael <ms at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] unit testing raw_input()
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID: < at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Tuesday 18 April 2006 23:34, Andre Roberge wrote:
> > Hi all-
> >
> > Suppose I had a function like the following:
> >
> > [ function that interacts with the outside world ]
> ...
> > How could I go about to write an automated test for it?
> You create a mock for raw_input, put the above code inside a module and
> rebind
> raw_input in the module before calling your function.
> ie:
> ------------(CONTENTS of
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
>     while True:
>         answer = raw_input(prompt)
>         if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>             print "You said yes!"
>             break
>         elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>             print "You said no!"
>             break
>         else:
>             print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> ------------(END CONTENTS of
> You can even create and test a mock in the command line interpreter, so
> here's
> a quick example:
> >>> import y_n   # Import the module
> >>> def raw_input_mock(prompt): # create a mock
> ...     return "y"
> ...
> >>> y_n.raw_input = raw_input_mock      # rebind the name inside the module
> >>> y_n.y_n() # Run, this now calls our mock instead of the real raw_input
> You said yes!
> To my mind this is generally useful for testing error conditions with complex
> modules (select & socket spring to mind).
> To do this properly with your module, it makes more sense for your function
> to return strings, which would allow you to directly test the result.
> Alternatively you could wrap print in a function and then mock that instead.
> The key thing about a mock is that it simply provides the results you want.
> If
> it's important *how* the mock was called (eg you're testing correct use of a
> library), your mock could append parameters to a list for later comparision.
> Eg
> >>> mocktrace = []
> >>> def raw_input_mock(prompt): # create a mock
> ...     mocktrace.append((prompt,))
> ...     return "y"
> ...
> As I say though, this sort of thing is (IME) often more about testing the
> correct usage of something.
> Regards,
> Michael.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:39:29 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Danny Yoo <dyoo at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] unit testing raw_input()
> To: Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at>
> Cc: Tutor <tutor at>
> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0604181828310.21097 at>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Andre Roberge wrote:
> > Suppose I had a function like the following:
> >
> > def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
> >    while True:
> >        answer = raw_input(prompt)
> >        if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
> >            print "You said yes!"
> >            break
> >        elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
> >            print "You said no!"
> >            break
> >        else:
> >            print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> >
> > How could I go about to write an automated test for it?
> Hi Andre,
> One way to do this is to parameterize y_n() a little more to make it more
> amendable to unit testing.
> If we look at y_n(), we'd say that "raw_input()" is a free variable in
> here --- its meaning comes from the outside environment as part of
> builtins.  We can change this by making it an explicit parameter:
> ########################################################
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no", raw_input=raw_input):
>      while True:
>          answer = raw_input(prompt)
>          if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>              print "You said yes!"
>              break
>          elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>             print "You said no!"
>              break
>          else:
>              print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> ########################################################
> Looks a little funny.  *grin*
> But now we can hardcode particular inputs by sending y_n() a mock
> "raw_input" that returns precooked values.
> ###########################
> def yes1_raw_input(prompt):
>      return "y"
> def yes2_raw_input(prompt):
>      return "Y"
> def yes3_raw_input(prompt):
>      return "yes"
> def yes4_raw_input(prompt):
>      return "YES"
> ###########################
> And then we can use these as part of our test case:
>      y_n(raw_input=yes1_raw_input)
> We can also parameterize output in the same way.  Right now, the function
> is printing out the answer.  Testing printed output is a little harder in
> Python without fiddling around with stdout, but we can also make this also
> a parameter of the function:
> ###################################################
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no",
>          raw_input=raw_input,
>          output=sys.stdout):
>      while True:
>          answer = raw_input(prompt)
>          if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>              print >>output, "You said yes!"
>              break
>          elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>              print >>output, "You said no!"
>              break
>          else:
>              print >>output, "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> ###################################################
> Now we can inject our own output string that we can use to test what has
> happened:
>      ## pseudocode
>      import StringIO
>      test_output = StringIO.StringIO()
>      y_n(raw_input = yes4_raw_input,
>          output = test_output)
>      assertEquals("You said yes!", test_output.getvalue())
> Does this make sense so far?  y_n() in its original form might not be in
> the right shape to make it easy to test, but we can turn it into a form
> that is more easily testable.
> Good luck!
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> End of Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 62
> *************************************
> haai guys:
i want to write a function which will sort the sentence by the length of each
word in the sentece, short length first.please help.

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

From andreengels at  Wed Apr 19 09:23:35 2006
From: andreengels at (Andre Engels)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 09:23:35 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] pyexpat
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2006/4/18, Danny Yoo <dyoo at>:

> Hmmmm.... Can you send a link to the text that's causing performance
> issues?  It might be possible that someone here might isolate the
> performance problem.  (Hey, it happened before with BeautifulSoup...
> *grin*)

I have sent the text (and another text that did not cause problems) to
Danny; sending it to this list was disallowed because of length (about
1.5M for the 'slow' case and about half of that for the 'fast' one).

Andre Engels, andreengels at
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

From dyoo at  Wed Apr 19 09:27:01 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 00:27:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] net ettiquette and sentence sorting/homework
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> *************************************
> i want to write a function which will sort the sentence by the length of 
> each word in the sentece, short length first.please help.

Hi Nywbon,

First: please do not reply to the whole email digest.  The point of a 
reply is to continue a previous conversation.  Please be aware that not 
everyone has high-speed internet access: quoting the whole archive 
actually can strain some people's network bandwidth, if not their good 
humor and patience.

Since you are starting a new question, start a new email to create a new 
"thread" of conversation.

Second (and related to the first): please use a useful subject line.  It 
helps when people try to learn from the mailing list archives at:

Finally, to get back to your question:

> i want to write a function which will sort the sentence by the length of 
> each word in the sentece, short length first.please help.

This looks very much like a homework question.  We can not help you much 
with this.  The only thing we can really do is try to guide you 

Here are a few things you can do:

     1.  Write some concrete test examples of the problem statement and
         what you'd like to get out of it.

     2.  Show us some of the code that you've written so far, so we can at
         least point out areas of improvement.

For point one, let's take a totally different problem and demonstrate. 
Let's say we wanted to write a function to turn a number from 0-9 to a 
string of the Esperanto rendition.

If we wanted to write example cases, we'd imagine what calling this 
function for interesting inputs would look like.  For example:

     translate(0) --> "nul"
     translate(1) --> "unu"
     translate(2) --> "du"
     translate(9) --> "nau"

I use the arrow notation '-->' as an ad-hoc way of saying "I expect to get 
this value on the right hand side if everything is going well with my 

Can you write examples of your own for your problem?

From dyoo at  Wed Apr 19 09:27:58 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 00:27:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] pyexpat
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Andre Engels wrote:

> 2006/4/18, Danny Yoo <dyoo at>:
>> Hmmmm.... Can you send a link to the text that's causing performance
>> issues?  It might be possible that someone here might isolate the
>> performance problem.  (Hey, it happened before with BeautifulSoup...
>> *grin*)
> I have sent the text (and another text that did not cause problems) to 
> Danny; sending it to this list was disallowed because of length (about 
> 1.5M for the 'slow' case and about half of that for the 'fast' one).

Can you provide a web link somewhere?  That will help solve the 
distribution problem by turning it from a "push" to a "pull".

From kaushalshriyan at  Wed Apr 19 14:37:27 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 18:07:27 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] OOPs Concept
Message-ID: <>

Hi All

I wanted to understand about OOPs Concept in Python in a easy way,
Please explain me with an example

I have been reading
but at the moment still the concept is not clear

Thanks in Advance



From chris.lasher at  Wed Apr 19 16:00:32 2006
From: chris.lasher at (Chris Lasher)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 10:00:32 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
In-Reply-To: <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <> <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

It's a dual license. If you use Qt in non-commercial software, the GPL
applies and you pay no licensing fees. If you use Qt in commercial
software, licensing fees are due to TrollTech.


On 4/18/06, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> [snip]
> TrollTech own Qt, their licensing arrangements seem a tad complex to me.
> Try their web site.
> Alan G.

From lists at  Wed Apr 19 16:39:47 2006
From: lists at (Jan Eden)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:39:47 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Re-instantiate within __init__
Message-ID: <r02010500-1039-5A5D9D28CFB211DAB11C000A959B4026@[]>


is it correct that an object cannot be re-instantiated within it's __init__ method?

I tried:

class Omega:
    def Display(self):
        print self
class Alpha(Omega):
    def __init__(self):
        self = Beta()
class Beta(Omega):
    def __init__(self):
objectus = Alpha()

which prints

<__main__.Alpha instance at 0x54d50>

Background: I need to create a new object upon instantiation when a database query returns no records. The rest of the program should just use the new object.

Is there any way to achieve this? I can always place the equivalent of 'self = Beta()' in the Display() function:

    def Display(self):
        if self.not_found:
            self = Beta()
        print self

 but this does not look very elegant.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is insufficiently documented.

From mwhite3 at  Wed Apr 19 17:32:54 2006
From: mwhite3 at (Matthew White)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:32:54 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] OOPs Concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Even though I am still new to python, I've recently had an insight as
to what makes OOP different from procedural programming.

Let's take perl for example.  A variable in perl is like a bowl.  It's an
empty vessel you can put things in.  You can change the contents of
the bowl, you can empty the bowl but it doesn't really *do* anything.
It has no real attributes aside from the fact that it's a container.

So when I create a variable in perl it looks like this:

$x = 'hello'

If I want to make the first letter of the value of $x a capital letter,
I have to use a function to do it:

$y = ucfirst($x)

now $y contains the value 'Hello'

In python one doesn't really create variables, one creates objects.
Sring objects, list objects, etc.  And objects are cool because they can
do things.  They are more than just merely bowls, they are like swiss
army knives.  So in python, if I say:

x = 'hello'

Then I can do all sorts of things with x:

x.capitalize()  -> 'Hello'
x.swapcase() -> 'HELLO'
x.count('l') -> 2

This is just a very small example but I hope that my example can help
you understand what objects are what makes OOP different from procedural


On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 06:07:27PM +0530, Kaushal Shriyan (kaushalshriyan at wrote:
> Hi All
> I wanted to understand about OOPs Concept in Python in a easy way,
> Please explain me with an example
> I have been reading
> but at the moment still the concept is not clear
> Thanks in Advance
> Regards
> Kaushal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Matthew White - District Systems Administrator
Tigard/Tualatin School District

"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in
what direction we are moving."   -Oliver Wendell Holmes

From kent37 at  Wed Apr 19 17:32:59 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:32:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Re-instantiate within __init__
In-Reply-To: <r02010500-1039-5A5D9D28CFB211DAB11C000A959B4026@[]>
References: <r02010500-1039-5A5D9D28CFB211DAB11C000A959B4026@[]>
Message-ID: <>

Jan Eden wrote:
> Hi,
> is it correct that an object cannot be re-instantiated within it's __init__ method?
> I tried:
> class Omega:
>     def Display(self):
>         print self
> class Alpha(Omega):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self = Beta()
> class Beta(Omega):
>     def __init__(self):
>         pass
> objectus = Alpha()
> objectus.Display()
> which prints
> <__main__.Alpha instance at 0x54d50>

Binding to self in a method just changes the local value of self, it 
doesn't change the object itself. The only thing special about 'self' is 
the way it is bound before the method is entered; inside the method it 
is a local name like any other.

To bind objectus to a new object you have to assign to objectus. But I 
suspect you are really looking for a way to change the behaviour of the 
object bound to objectus.
> Background: I need to create a new object upon instantiation when a
database query returns no records. The rest of the program should just
use the new object.
> Is there any way to achieve this? I can always place the equivalent
> of
'self = Beta()' in the Display() function:
>     def Display(self):
>         if self.not_found:
>             self = Beta()
>             self.Display()
>             return
>         print self
>  but this does not look very elegant.

I don't understand what you are trying to do, but here are some ideas:
- have Display() look at self.not_found itself, or pass self.not_found 
as a parameter to display.
- use a factory method to create a class of the correct type
- change self.Display to be the correct function
- you can change the class of an object at runtime by assigning to its 
__class__ attribute. This may be what you are looking for but I suspect 
there is a simpler, less magic solution
- I'm not sure why classes are needed at all here.

Can you give a more complete example of what you are trying to do? Even 
if your code above worked the way you want it to, it wouldn't do 
anything interesting, since Alpha and Beta have exactly the same 
attributes and behaviour.


From kaushalshriyan at  Wed Apr 19 17:40:41 2006
From: kaushalshriyan at (Kaushal Shriyan)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 21:10:41 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] OOPs Concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/19/06, Matthew White <mwhite3 at> wrote:
> Even though I am still new to python, I've recently had an insight as
> to what makes OOP different from procedural programming.
> Let's take perl for example.  A variable in perl is like a bowl.  It's an
> empty vessel you can put things in.  You can change the contents of
> the bowl, you can empty the bowl but it doesn't really *do* anything.
> It has no real attributes aside from the fact that it's a container.
> So when I create a variable in perl it looks like this:
> $x = 'hello'
> If I want to make the first letter of the value of $x a capital letter,
> I have to use a function to do it:
> $y = ucfirst($x)
> now $y contains the value 'Hello'
> In python one doesn't really create variables, one creates objects.
> Sring objects, list objects, etc.  And objects are cool because they can
> do things.  They are more than just merely bowls, they are like swiss
> army knives.  So in python, if I say:
> x = 'hello'
> Then I can do all sorts of things with x:
> x.capitalize()  -> 'Hello'
> x.swapcase() -> 'HELLO'
> x.count('l') -> 2
> This is just a very small example but I hope that my example can help
> you understand what objects are what makes OOP different from procedural
> programming.
> -mtw
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 06:07:27PM +0530, Kaushal Shriyan (kaushalshriyan at wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I wanted to understand about OOPs Concept in Python in a easy way,
> > Please explain me with an example
> >
> > I have been reading
> > but at the moment still the concept is not clear
> >
> > Thanks in Advance
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Kaushal
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> --
> Matthew White - District Systems Administrator
> Tigard/Tualatin School District
> 503.431.4128
> "The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in
> what direction we are moving."   -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thanks Matthew
Just wanted to know
x.count('l') -> 2 Here 2 means what I didnot understood this
and also does x is a object and capitalize(), swapcase()  and
count('l') are methods, is that correct what i understand

Awaiting your earnest reply



From mwhite3 at  Wed Apr 19 17:49:18 2006
From: mwhite3 at (Matthew White)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:49:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] OOPs Concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 09:10:41PM +0530, Kaushal Shriyan (kaushalshriyan at wrote:
> Thanks Matthew
> Just wanted to know
> x.count('l') -> 2 Here 2 means what I didnot understood this
> and also does x is a object and capitalize(), swapcase()  and
> count('l') are methods, is that correct what i understand

yes, count(), capitalize(), and swapcase() are called methods.

The count() method counts the number of the given string in the object.

x = 'hello'
x.count('l')     -> 2
x.count('h')     -> 1

y = 'good morning'
y.count('o')     -> 3
y.count('oo')    -> 1

you can find out which methods belong to an object using the dir()
function and can get help for a method by using the help() function:

% python
Python 2.3.5 (#2, Sep  4 2005, 22:01:42) 
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> x = 'hello'
>>> dir(x)
['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__',
'__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__',
'__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__',
'__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__',
'__str__', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode',
'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha',
'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust',
'lower', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip',
'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title',
'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']
>>> help(x.swapcase)
Help on built-in function swapcase:

	S.swapcase() -> string
    Return a copy of the string S with uppercase characters
    converted to lowercase and vice versa.


Matthew White - District Systems Administrator
Tigard/Tualatin School District

"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in
what direction we are moving."   -Oliver Wendell Holmes

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 19 18:15:20 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:15:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fw: anybody tried Google calendar?
Message-ID: <014801c663cc$74732820$0a01a8c0@xp>

Contained in a reply about a Google calendar issue...


Note the

Looks like Google have expanded their use of Python from test scripts and
config/admin to mainstream web pages, albeit their help system...

Alan G.

From darfoo at  Wed Apr 19 18:46:27 2006
From: darfoo at (Mark True)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:46:27 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Some help with properties and accessor functions....
Message-ID: <>

class SOFileIndexRecord(object):
    def __init__(self, so):

    def _get_code(self):
        return self._so.code
    def _set_code(self, value):
    testCode=property(_get_code, _set_code) # What does this do?

    def _get_fileName(self):
        return self._so.fileName
    def _set_fileName(self, value):
    fileName=property(_get_fileName, _set_fileName) # What does this do?

I am playing with SQLobject, and I managed to cobble together some code for
it based on information in the FAQ but I am not understanding entirely what
I am doing....can someone help? I don't really understand what setting
properties does and how I access the defined get/set functions in this

Any info would be wonderful, thanks in advance!
-------------- next part --------------
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From andre.roberge at  Wed Apr 19 19:04:17 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 14:04:17 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] [Summary] Re: unit testing raw_input()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you Michael, Danny and Alan for your suggestions.
I've included below my summary of the three very different
suggestions, my brief analysis of them, and my conclusion.
Anyone is free and welcome to comment!

On 4/18/06, Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at> wrote:
> Hi all-
> Suppose I had a function like the following:
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
>     while True:
>         answer = raw_input(prompt)
>         if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>             print "You said yes!"
>             break
>         elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>             print "You said no!"
>             break
>         else:
>             print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> How could I go about to write an automated test for it?
> Andr?
Alan Gauld suggested to create a data file that simulate
possible user responses and to use redirection to feed
the data to the program.  Assuming the function to be
tested is in, it would look like the following:

$ python < fake_user_data > test_result

Then, I assume I would do an automated comparison between
"test_result" and some "expected_result" file to ensure everything
is ok.

This, in my opinion, is the "cleanest" solution.  However, it may
not scale well if one wants to build a test suite with many
functions/methods, some of which require some user-input.
Ideally, one should be able to change the order in which unit tests
are run; with this approach, both the test suite and the user data
file would probably have to be change in sync.


Danny Yoo suggested to change the function to be tested, to
include an extra parameter, i.e. go from
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no", raw_input=raw_input):

To quote Danny:
But now we can hardcode particular inputs by sending y_n() a mock
"raw_input" that returns precooked values.

def yes1_raw_input(prompt):
    return "y"

def yes2_raw_input(prompt):
    return "Y"

def yes3_raw_input(prompt):
    return "yes"

def yes4_raw_input(prompt):
    return "YES"
[end quote]

My first reaction is "Neat! :-)".   However,
this is only usable if one has access to the original
function.  If one uses a "library" function like y_n()
(for example, there is a similar function in the livewires module
which some of you probably know)
which is not, in principle, modifyable, this approach fails.


Michael (last name unknown) suggests another approach, which
shares some similarities with Danny's.  Here's Michael's
edited/truncated explanation:

You create a mock for raw_input, put the above code inside a module and rebind
raw_input in the module before calling your function.

------------(CONTENTS of
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
   while True:
       answer = raw_input(prompt)
       if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
           print "You said yes!"
------------(END CONTENTS of

[Michael's explanation using the interpreter is modified below]

Then, one can have a test function in a separate file

------- begin test function
import y_n
def raw_input_mock(prompt): # create a mock
    return "n"
y_n.raw_input = raw_input_mock      # rebind the name inside the module
y_n.y_n() # Run, this now calls our mock instead of the real raw_input
------- end test function
[end of quote]

Note that y_n() should probably return a string
(instead of using a print statement)
so that the output can be compared with the expected result;
otherwise, one has to redirect the output to a file
and do a comparison, as I mentioned with Alan's explanation.

This is a rather clever method; I would never have thought
of rebinding y_n.raw_input in this way.

The only weakness that I see with this approach is if one
wants to test a function like y_n() knowing that it ask
the user for some input ... but not knowing what function
it uses to do so.  This can be the case if one has a compiled
library with only the interface (what values can be passed
to the functions and how; what are the expected outputs) being
known.  Danny's approach would also not work here, whereas
Alan's would.

As it is, I will be working on a very small project with another
programmer, where I will be responsible to write some
unit tests.  I have access to the source code (so I know
which function is used to get input from the user), but I do not want
the other programmer to have to change the way his code
is written simply to accommodate my tests.
The other programmer's code will be in a single module; similarly,
I want to write a single test module myself - without having to
worry about keeping a separate data file.
Therefore, I will go with Michael's approach.

Thanks to everyone, and I hope that I didn't misrepresent any
of the three solutions proposed.  It's been fun!


From andre.roberge at  Wed Apr 19 19:04:17 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 14:04:17 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] [Summary] Re: unit testing raw_input()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you Michael, Danny and Alan for your suggestions.
I've included below my summary of the three very different
suggestions, my brief analysis of them, and my conclusion.
Anyone is free and welcome to comment!

On 4/18/06, Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at> wrote:
> Hi all-
> Suppose I had a function like the following:
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
>     while True:
>         answer = raw_input(prompt)
>         if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>             print "You said yes!"
>             break
>         elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>             print "You said no!"
>             break
>         else:
>             print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> How could I go about to write an automated test for it?
> Andr?
Alan Gauld suggested to create a data file that simulate
possible user responses and to use redirection to feed
the data to the program.  Assuming the function to be
tested is in, it would look like the following:

$ python < fake_user_data > test_result

Then, I assume I would do an automated comparison between
"test_result" and some "expected_result" file to ensure everything
is ok.

This, in my opinion, is the "cleanest" solution.  However, it may
not scale well if one wants to build a test suite with many
functions/methods, some of which require some user-input.
Ideally, one should be able to change the order in which unit tests
are run; with this approach, both the test suite and the user data
file would probably have to be change in sync.


Danny Yoo suggested to change the function to be tested, to
include an extra parameter, i.e. go from
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no", raw_input=raw_input):

To quote Danny:
But now we can hardcode particular inputs by sending y_n() a mock
"raw_input" that returns precooked values.

def yes1_raw_input(prompt):
    return "y"

def yes2_raw_input(prompt):
    return "Y"

def yes3_raw_input(prompt):
    return "yes"

def yes4_raw_input(prompt):
    return "YES"
[end quote]

My first reaction is "Neat! :-)".   However,
this is only usable if one has access to the original
function.  If one uses a "library" function like y_n()
(for example, there is a similar function in the livewires module
which some of you probably know)
which is not, in principle, modifyable, this approach fails.


Michael (last name unknown) suggests another approach, which
shares some similarities with Danny's.  Here's Michael's
edited/truncated explanation:

You create a mock for raw_input, put the above code inside a module and rebind
raw_input in the module before calling your function.

------------(CONTENTS of
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
   while True:
       answer = raw_input(prompt)
       if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
           print "You said yes!"
------------(END CONTENTS of

[Michael's explanation using the interpreter is modified below]

Then, one can have a test function in a separate file

------- begin test function
import y_n
def raw_input_mock(prompt): # create a mock
    return "n"
y_n.raw_input = raw_input_mock      # rebind the name inside the module
y_n.y_n() # Run, this now calls our mock instead of the real raw_input
------- end test function
[end of quote]

Note that y_n() should probably return a string
(instead of using a print statement)
so that the output can be compared with the expected result;
otherwise, one has to redirect the output to a file
and do a comparison, as I mentioned with Alan's explanation.

This is a rather clever method; I would never have thought
of rebinding y_n.raw_input in this way.

The only weakness that I see with this approach is if one
wants to test a function like y_n() knowing that it ask
the user for some input ... but not knowing what function
it uses to do so.  This can be the case if one has a compiled
library with only the interface (what values can be passed
to the functions and how; what are the expected outputs) being
known.  Danny's approach would also not work here, whereas
Alan's would.

As it is, I will be working on a very small project with another
programmer, where I will be responsible to write some
unit tests.  I have access to the source code (so I know
which function is used to get input from the user), but I do not want
the other programmer to have to change the way his code
is written simply to accommodate my tests.
The other programmer's code will be in a single module; similarly,
I want to write a single test module myself - without having to
worry about keeping a separate data file.
Therefore, I will go with Michael's approach.

Thanks to everyone, and I hope that I didn't misrepresent any
of the three solutions proposed.  It's been fun!


From andre.roberge at  Wed Apr 19 19:04:17 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 14:04:17 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] [Summary] Re: unit testing raw_input()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you Michael, Danny and Alan for your suggestions.
I've included below my summary of the three very different
suggestions, my brief analysis of them, and my conclusion.
Anyone is free and welcome to comment!

On 4/18/06, Andre Roberge <andre.roberge at> wrote:
> Hi all-
> Suppose I had a function like the following:
> def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
>     while True:
>         answer = raw_input(prompt)
>         if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
>             print "You said yes!"
>             break
>         elif answer in ['n', 'N', 'no']:
>             print "You said no!"
>             break
>         else:
>             print "%s is an invalid answer."%answer
> How could I go about to write an automated test for it?
> Andr?
Alan Gauld suggested to create a data file that simulate
possible user responses and to use redirection to feed
the data to the program.  Assuming the function to be
tested is in, it would look like the following:

$ python < fake_user_data > test_result

Then, I assume I would do an automated comparison between
"test_result" and some "expected_result" file to ensure everything
is ok.

This, in my opinion, is the "cleanest" solution.  However, it may
not scale well if one wants to build a test suite with many
functions/methods, some of which require some user-input.
Ideally, one should be able to change the order in which unit tests
are run; with this approach, both the test suite and the user data
file would probably have to be change in sync.


Danny Yoo suggested to change the function to be tested, to
include an extra parameter, i.e. go from
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no", raw_input=raw_input):

To quote Danny:
But now we can hardcode particular inputs by sending y_n() a mock
"raw_input" that returns precooked values.

def yes1_raw_input(prompt):
    return "y"

def yes2_raw_input(prompt):
    return "Y"

def yes3_raw_input(prompt):
    return "yes"

def yes4_raw_input(prompt):
    return "YES"
[end quote]

My first reaction is "Neat! :-)".   However,
this is only usable if one has access to the original
function.  If one uses a "library" function like y_n()
(for example, there is a similar function in the livewires module
which some of you probably know)
which is not, in principle, modifyable, this approach fails.


Michael (last name unknown) suggests another approach, which
shares some similarities with Danny's.  Here's Michael's
edited/truncated explanation:

You create a mock for raw_input, put the above code inside a module and rebind
raw_input in the module before calling your function.

------------(CONTENTS of
def y_n(prompt="Answer yes or no"):
   while True:
       answer = raw_input(prompt)
       if answer in ['y', 'Y', 'yes']:
           print "You said yes!"
------------(END CONTENTS of

[Michael's explanation using the interpreter is modified below]

Then, one can have a test function in a separate file

------- begin test function
import y_n
def raw_input_mock(prompt): # create a mock
    return "n"
y_n.raw_input = raw_input_mock      # rebind the name inside the module
y_n.y_n() # Run, this now calls our mock instead of the real raw_input
------- end test function
[end of quote]

Note that y_n() should probably return a string
(instead of using a print statement)
so that the output can be compared with the expected result;
otherwise, one has to redirect the output to a file
and do a comparison, as I mentioned with Alan's explanation.

This is a rather clever method; I would never have thought
of rebinding y_n.raw_input in this way.

The only weakness that I see with this approach is if one
wants to test a function like y_n() knowing that it ask
the user for some input ... but not knowing what function
it uses to do so.  This can be the case if one has a compiled
library with only the interface (what values can be passed
to the functions and how; what are the expected outputs) being
known.  Danny's approach would also not work here, whereas
Alan's would.

As it is, I will be working on a very small project with another
programmer, where I will be responsible to write some
unit tests.  I have access to the source code (so I know
which function is used to get input from the user), but I do not want
the other programmer to have to change the way his code
is written simply to accommodate my tests.
The other programmer's code will be in a single module; similarly,
I want to write a single test module myself - without having to
worry about keeping a separate data file.
Therefore, I will go with Michael's approach.

Thanks to everyone, and I hope that I didn't misrepresent any
of the three solutions proposed.  It's been fun!


From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 19 19:24:47 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 18:24:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Re-instantiate within __init__
References: <r02010500-1039-5A5D9D28CFB211DAB11C000A959B4026@[]>
Message-ID: <017401c663d6$28b21b30$0a01a8c0@xp>

> is it correct that an object cannot be re-instantiated within it's 
> __init__ method?

There are some tricks you can pull but the object is actually instantiated
before the init gets called. Really init is for initialisation of the 
it's not a true constructor.

> Background: I need to create a new object upon instantiation
> when a database query returns no records.

I'd probably create a factory function to do this that
returns the appropriate type of instance.

def makeDbResponseInstance(queryStatus):
      if queryStatus:
         return DBClass()
      else: return Emptyclass()

If the two classes are subclassed from a common ancestor you
might put the factory into the class as a class method, but I'd
probably just keep it as a function. That keeps the two class's
definitions clean and decoupled from the instantiation decision
which isn't really their responsibility - children don't choose to be

Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 19 19:34:29 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 18:34:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Some help with properties and accessor functions....
References: <>
Message-ID: <018401c663d7$834e8f00$0a01a8c0@xp>

class SOFileIndexRecord(object):
    def __init__(self, so):

    def _get_code(self):
        return self._so.code
    def _set_code(self, value):
    testCode=property(_get_code, _set_code) # What does this do?

It says that testCode is a property of SOFileIndexRecord
A property looks like a data attribute from the user of the 
class's point of view but internallty it is accessed via the 
get/set methods.

Thus I can do:

s = SOFileIndexRecord(mySo):
s.testCode = myCode   # actually does s._setCode(myCode)
print s.testCode            # actually s._getCode()

properties allow for creation of read only attributes in Python 
by having a null set method.(Of course you can still cheat and 
use the 'hidden' methods, or even the real data attributes. Buit 
if everyone behaves properly it can help a wee bit.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From hugonz-lists at  Wed Apr 19 06:34:18 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 22:34:18 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

> Ok,
> If I can get it for free, I might as well go with say wxPython. Thanks

Yes, free as in beer, as in speech, and cross platform. Oh, and better 


From learner404 at  Wed Apr 19 19:55:14 2006
From: learner404 at (learner404)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 19:55:14 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
Message-ID: <>


I want to read a configuration file from a small python app (user

The ".myapp.conf" is in the home folder of the user.

if I do:

f=open("/home/user1/.myapp.conf","r")  #it works

obviously I won't know the home user folder name then I wanted to use:

f=open("~/.myapp.conf","r")  # but it returns a IOError: [Errno 2] No such
file or directory:

How can I do to access this file whatever the user is ?

Thanks for your help.

-------------- next part --------------
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From mwhite3 at  Wed Apr 19 20:10:50 2006
From: mwhite3 at (Matthew White)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:10:50 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

os.getenv('HOME') will return the user's home directory as long as that
environment variable is set.

you can also use the pwd module:

>>> pwd.getpwnam('mtw')
('mtw', 'x', 1000, 1000, ',,,', '/home/mtw', '/bin/bash')


On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 07:55:14PM +0200, learner404 (learner404 at wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to read a configuration file from a small python app (user
> preferences).
> The ".myapp.conf" is in the home folder of the user.
> if I do:
> f=open("/home/user1/.myapp.conf","r")  #it works
> obviously I won't know the home user folder name then I wanted to use:
> f=open("~/.myapp.conf","r")  # but it returns a IOError: [Errno 2] No such
> file or directory:
> How can I do to access this file whatever the user is ?
> Thanks for your help.
> ---

> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Matthew White - District Systems Administrator
Tigard/Tualatin School District

"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in
what direction we are moving."   -Oliver Wendell Holmes

From wescpy at  Wed Apr 19 20:24:43 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:24:43 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>  f=open("~/.myapp.conf","r")  # but it returns a IOError: [Errno 2] No such
> file or directory:
>  How can I do to access this file whatever the user is ?

use os.path.expanduser(path)

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

From dyoo at  Wed Apr 19 20:30:05 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:30:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Re-instantiate within __init__
In-Reply-To: <r02010500-1039-5A5D9D28CFB211DAB11C000A959B4026@[]>
References: <r02010500-1039-5A5D9D28CFB211DAB11C000A959B4026@[]>
Message-ID: <>

> I tried:
> class Omega:
>    def Display(self):
>        print self
> class Alpha(Omega):
>    def __init__(self):
>        self = Beta()
> class Beta(Omega):
>    def __init__(self):
>        pass
> objectus = Alpha()
> objectus.Display()
> which prints
> <__main__.Alpha instance at 0x54d50>
> Background: I need to create a new object upon instantiation when a 
> database query returns no records. The rest of the program should just 
> use the new object.

I think you're looking for the "Strategy" design pattern: your class has a 
default behavior, but in a certain case, you want it to switch behaviors 
to something else.

That is, rather than Alpha being a subclass of Omega, Alpha can have an 
instance of Omega:

class Alpha:
     def __init__(self):
         self.strategy = DefaultStrategy()

     def display(self):

class DefaultStrategy:
     def display(self):
         print "I am the default strategy"

The advantage here is that the strategy can be swapped out just by setting 
self.strategy to something else.

From paidhi at  Wed Apr 19 20:38:11 2006
From: paidhi at (Paidhi Aiji)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 20:38:11 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


You can use expanduser() from os.path for this:

import os.path
homedir = os.path.expanduser('~user1')
file_to_open = os.path.join(homedir, '.myapp.conf')
f = open(file_to_open, 'r')


Quoting learner404 <learner404 at>:

> Hello,
> I want to read a configuration file from a small python app (user
> preferences).
> The ".myapp.conf" is in the home folder of the user.
> if I do:
> f=open("/home/user1/.myapp.conf","r")  #it works
> obviously I won't know the home user folder name then I wanted to use:
> f=open("~/.myapp.conf","r")  # but it returns a IOError: [Errno 2] No such
> file or directory:
> How can I do to access this file whatever the user is ?
> Thanks for your help.
> ---

From learner404 at  Wed Apr 19 20:40:52 2006
From: learner404 at (learner404)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 20:40:52 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

It works great, thanks very much to the three of you for these light-speed
answers ... I love this list !

Wesley, I've just pre-order your new edition "Core Python programming" on
amazon France, it looks great. :)


On 19/04/06, w chun <wescpy at> wrote:
> >  f=open("~/.myapp.conf","r")  # but it returns a IOError: [Errno 2] No
> such
> > file or directory:
> >
> >  How can I do to access this file whatever the user is ?
> use os.path.expanduser(path)
> hope this helps!
> -- wesley
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> "Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001
> wesley.j.chun ::
> python training and technical consulting
> : silicon valley, ca
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 19 21:29:36 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 20:29:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <002401c663e7$983f2c70$0a01a8c0@xp>

> The ".myapp.conf" is in the home folder of the user.
> ...
> obviously I won't know the home user folder name then I wanted to use:
> How can I do to access this file whatever the user is ?

You can get the user name using getpass.getuser() as described in 
the OS topic of my tutor under the Securiity heading.

You can also try using os.getenv() or the os.environ variable 
to look up the HOME environment variable, also discussed 
in the OS topic.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From wescpy at  Wed Apr 19 21:46:52 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:46:52 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

we are all happy to help.  it is really good that you were able to get
it working so fast!  also, if you want to do any kind of pattern
matching with * or ?, then check out the "glob" module.

merci!  "le livre" does not look that good from here... it is a mess
and i have to clean it up before giving it to the publisher!  :-)


On 4/19/06, learner404 <learner404 at> wrote:
> It works great, thanks very much to the three of you for these light-speed
> answers ... I love this list !
>  Wesley, I've just pre-order your new edition "Core Python programming" on
> amazon France, it looks great. :)

From amonroe at  Thu Apr 20 00:03:14 2006
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 18:03:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>> If I can get it for free, I might as well go with say wxPython. Thanks

> Yes, free as in beer, as in speech, and cross platform. Oh, and better 
> documented.

Sadly, you still pay for it in RAM usage :^)


From ml.cyresse at  Thu Apr 20 00:25:18 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:25:18 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmm? How so? I'm using a whole lot of raw wxPython mixed with
Pythoncard for a project, and the entire process sits at 7Mb RAM usage
idle. WinXP btw.

Considering my small command line appns to start/stop Windows services
written in C use just over 1Mb, 7Mb isn't overly bad.

The other good thing about wxPython is stuff like Pythoncard and Wax,
although development on Pythoncard seems to have slowed right down,
Kevin Altis got busy, I guess; Wax is nice looking but... not very
well documented... It's great being able to use Pythoncard for the not
overly complicated stuff, but with the wxPython still lurking beneath
the surface.


Liam Clarke

On 4/20/06, R. Alan Monroe <amonroe at> wrote:
> >> If I can get it for free, I might as well go with say wxPython. Thanks
> > Yes, free as in beer, as in speech, and cross platform. Oh, and better
> > documented.
> Sadly, you still pay for it in RAM usage :^)
> Alan
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From doug.shawhan at  Thu Apr 20 01:20:26 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 18:20:26 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
Message-ID: <>

I think I'm going to have to suck it up and learn some regular expressions.

I have finally gotten my script (using the excellent pyserial module) to
behave. Most of my troubles as enumerated here before were utterly
self-induced. Apparently one cannot watch the execution of one's script
through another program without affecting it's outcome in unforseen ways.
(Sound familiar Herr Schroedinger? :-)

Now that I am actually extracting data in a fairly predictable way, I am at
the point where I need to parse it! I have some output here (modified to
show  the ESC and NUL characters.)

When I pull data from the port, the remote computer sends it in one long
string per screen: newlines are not painted in by using the expected x\0a
that I had hoped for! No easy readlines() fun for me. Instead I get:

ESC=(  1. ESC=($4x2, 6-239 (3.9L)
..........................................ESC=(a03252  ESC=(k0
ESC=)  2. ESC=))8-318 (5.2L)
..........................................ESC=)a03242  ESC=)k0
ESC=*  3. ESC=*)8-360 (5.9L)
..........................................ESC=*a03351  ESC=*k    0
ESC=+  4. ESC=+$4x4, 6-239 (3.9L)
..........................................ESC=+a03240  ESC=+k    0
ESC=,  5. ESC=,)8-318 (5.2L)
..........................................ESC=,a03243  ESC=,k    0
ESC=-  6. ESC=-)8-360 (5.9L)
..........................................ESC=-a03352  ESC=-k    0
RELIST  <return> = NONE

I have broken it up for ease of viewing. I need to split the string where
ESC= , k  and 0 are found, but ESC= ,k and 0 are seperated by various
spaces, parentheis and other characters that are apparently used to mark the
end of the line until the next ESC is found, thereby displaying a new line
(note how the character after the first ESC on each line is repeated after
the ESC on the end.

I cannot for the life of me figure out a pythonic way (read: using the
split() builtin) to scan for instances of these characters in such and such
order and proximity. I know this is what regex is for, but I have no
experience.  I have obtained a copy of "Mastering Regular Expressions" but
thought I would inquire here first for caveats and tips as the book is
larger than my brain, and I haven't used the re module, ever.

Why in the world does this make me so happy? :-)~
-------------- next part --------------
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From ml.cyresse at  Thu Apr 20 01:32:02 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:32:02 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Doug,

Best tip ever is your_python_dir\tools\scripts\

Interactive regexes. :)

This is pretty good as well -

Good luck,

Liam Clarke

On 4/20/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> I think I'm going to have to suck it up and learn some regular expressions.
>  I have finally gotten my script (using the excellent pyserial module) to
> behave. Most of my troubles as enumerated here before were utterly
> self-induced. Apparently one cannot watch the execution of one's script
> through another program without affecting it's outcome in unforseen ways.
> (Sound familiar Herr Schroedinger? :-)
>  Now that I am actually extracting data in a fairly predictable way, I am at
> the point where I need to parse it! I have some output here (modified to
> show  the ESC and NUL characters.)
>  When I pull data from the port, the remote computer sends it in one long
> string per screen: newlines are not painted in by using the expected x\0a
> that I had hoped for! No easy readlines() fun for me. Instead I get:
>  ESC=(  1. ESC=($4x2, 6-239 (3.9L)
> ..........................................ESC=(a03252
> ESC=(k0
>  ESC=)  2. ESC=))8-318 (5.2L)
> ..........................................ESC=)a03242
> ESC=)k0
>  ESC=*  3. ESC=*)8-360 (5.9L)
> ..........................................ESC=*a03351
> ESC=*k    0
>  ESC=+  4. ESC=+$4x4, 6-239 (3.9L)
> ..........................................ESC=+a03240
> ESC=+k    0
>  ESC=,  5. ESC=,)8-318 (5.2L)
> ..........................................ESC=,a03243
> ESC=,k    0
>  ESC=-  6. ESC=-)8-360 (5.9L)
> ..........................................ESC=-a03352
> ESC=-k    0
> RELIST  <return> = NONE
>  I have broken it up for ease of viewing. I need to split the string where
> ESC= , k  and 0 are found, but ESC= ,k and 0 are seperated by various
> spaces, parentheis and other characters that are apparently used to mark the
> end of the line until the next ESC is found, thereby displaying a new line
> (note how the character after the first ESC on each line is repeated after
> the ESC on the end.
>  I cannot for the life of me figure out a pythonic way (read: using the
> split() builtin) to scan for instances of these characters in such and such
> order and proximity. I know this is what regex is for, but I have no
> experience.  I have obtained a copy of "Mastering Regular Expressions" but
> thought I would inquire here first for caveats and tips as the book is
> larger than my brain, and I haven't used the re module, ever.
>  Why in the world does this make me so happy? :-)~
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ml.cyresse at  Thu Apr 20 01:48:31 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:48:31 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Reqiest Centre - Adding New Call
Message-ID: <>


The categories of calls under this drop down box, are they going to
increase anytime soon, or shall I go with what's there?


Liam Clarke

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 20 02:17:34 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 01:17:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <005b01c6640f$d28e0e50$0a01a8c0@xp>

>  How can I do to access this file whatever the user is ?
> use os.path.expanduser(path)

Neat Wesley, I've  never noticed that one before.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 20 02:25:38 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 01:25:38 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
References: <>
Message-ID: <007101c66410$f385bbc0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I cannot for the life of me figure out a pythonic way (read: using the
> split() builtin) to scan for instances of these characters in such and 
> such
> order and proximity. I know this is what regex is for,

I'm afraid so, it looks like the time has come to import re.

>  I have obtained a copy of "Mastering Regular Expressions"

Good book but probably overkill unless you get really serious

> I would inquire here first for caveats and tips

Build them up gradually, test them at the >>> prompt or using
the tool that comes with Python. Don;t forget the power of building
a negative of what you want and then searching for the inverse.
Finally remember that match() is usually the wrong function to
use - it only searches at the beginning of the string!

And, of course, I have a topic on regex :-)

Good luck!

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr 20 02:17:09 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:17:09 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
Message-ID: <>


I am writing a function that accepts a string of decimal digits, calculates a checksum and returns it as a single character string.  
The first step in the calculation is to split the input into two strings: the even- and odd- numbered digits, respectively.  The least significant digit is defined as odd.  

The following code fragment does the job but seems sort of brutish and inelegant to me:

>>> s = '987654321'
>>> odd = ''
>>> for c in s[::-2]:
...     odd = c + odd
>>> s = s[:-1]
>>> even = ''
>>> for c in s[::-2]:
...     even = c + even
>>> odd
>>> even

Is there a better (i.e. more Pythonic) way to do this?  

Thanks in advance for all your help.

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.
-Quarry worker's creed

From john at  Thu Apr 20 02:48:34 2006
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:48:34 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 20/04/06, Carroll, Barry <Barry.Carroll at> wrote:
> The following code fragment does the job but seems sort of brutish and inelegant to me:
> >>>>>>>
> >>> s = '987654321'
> >>> odd = ''
> >>> for c in s[::-2]:
> ...     odd = c + odd
> ...
> >>>

String slicing will actually produce strings :-)


>>> s = '987654321'
>>> s1, s2 = s[::-2], s[-2::-2]
>>> s1
>>> s2


From nospamformeSVP at  Thu Apr 20 03:48:13 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 21:48:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e23o58$sq8$>
Message-ID: <e26p8v$96b$>

Terry Carroll wrote:

>>How can I tell if a .pyc file was built with 2.3 or 2.4?
> There's a "Magic Number" in the first 2 or 4 bytes, (depending on whether 
> you consider the \r\n part of the MN).
>>>>f = open("pycfile.pyc", "rb")
>>>>magictable = {'\x3b\xf2\r\n': "2.3", '\x6d\xf2\r\n' : "2.4"}
>>>>magic =
>>>>release = magictable.get(magic,"unknown")
>>>>print "Python release:", release
> Python release: 2.4

I have used Terry's code to write a script to find all of the the .pyc 
files on my system that were compiled with the 2.3 version of the 
compiler, and I have removed these files.

But my underlying problem still occurs: somewhere somebody is calling 
for the 2.3 version of the Python vm .dll and not finding it.  This is 
happening under Pydev/Eclipse and my only recourse is to blow Eclipse 
away using Task Manager.

So maybe I have  a .pyd file somewhere that is a 2.3 extension.

Is there a way to examine .pyd files to see if they were built for 
Python 2.3?

Finally, are there any other possible file extension types that I should 
be looking at?



From kent37 at  Thu Apr 20 05:05:56 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 23:05:56 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <e26p8v$96b$>
References: <e23o58$sq8$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Don Taylor wrote:
> Finally, are there any other possible file extension types that I should 
> be looking at?

.pyo is like a .pyc but compiled with optimizations on.


From ml.cyresse at  Thu Apr 20 07:48:21 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:48:21 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Reqiest Centre - Adding New Call
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi all, I do apologise for this,

This was an email that has nothing to do with Python or the tutor
list, so my apologies to all. Somehow I managed to send it to the
wrong recepient.

(And my thanks to Bob for being brave enough to attempt to answer what
would be a hopelessly vague question. :-) )


an embarrassed Liam Clarke

On 4/20/06, Bob Gailer <bgailer at> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The categories of calls under this drop down box, are they going to
> > increase anytime soon, or shall I go with what's there?
> >
> I'm in the dark. What is "this drop down box"?

From 9bh4frs02 at  Thu Apr 20 08:51:02 2006
From: 9bh4frs02 at (Ron Britton)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 23:51:02 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Use iterator to refer to an object's attribute?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Short version:  How do I use an iterator to refer to an object's  
attribute?  E.g., "z" is a list of attributes of  "b":
for x, y in z:
     for a in b.x.y

Also, any suggestions for my overall structure below?
Long version:
I need to make a program to send commands to an instrument.  I've been  
working on it for a while, and my employer is starting to get itchy.   
Here's a simplified description:

? The instrument has three modules (motherboard, controller, and end  
? Each module has an arbitrary number of components (motherboard has  
internal camera; controller has major and minor controllers; and end  
user has x-, y-, and z-motors).
? Each component has an arbitrary number of commands.
? Each command has a fixed number of attributes.

I will ultimately create a GUI with a 4-pane browser:
? Pane 1 will display the modules.  When the user clicks on a module,  
its components will appear in pane 2.
? When the user clicks on a component, its commands will appear in pane  
? When the user clicks on a command, its parameters will appear in pane  
? The user will then click a Send button, which will send the command  
and its parameters to the instrument.

I haven't coded the GUI yet, because I'm stuck on the underlying  

Here's how I'm tackling it:
? I have a bunch of lists that have everything defined in them  
(module_list; cpt_??_lists for components; and cmd_??_lists for  

? I'm creating a database object, "db", which will hold everything.
? I iterate across the module list.  The idea here is to create within  
the database one module object for each real object in the instrument,  
in this case three.  I should end up with:  db.mb, db.ct, and
? There is a short name (for use by the program), a long name (which  
will be displayed to the user), and the name of that module's component  
? I also create an empty list object, which will ultimately be  
populated with the contents of that module's component list.

? Then (theoretically) for each module, I iterate across that module's  
component list to create several component objects inside the module (I  
will then continue this process, creating command objects within the  
My immediate problem is that Python doesn't let me use the iterator as  
the name of an object's attribute.  E.g.:
I have object "db.mb".  I have iterator "shortmod" with a value of  
"mb".  Why can't I call "db.shortmod"?

Also, if you have any better ideas on how to put this thing together,  
I'm all ears.  The reason for doing it this way is that I wanted my  
database to be the logical equivalent of the instrument.

Here's the error message I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/Developer/Python/CZM Scripts/", line 111, in  
   File "/Developer/Python/CZM Scripts/", line 108, in main
   File "/Developer/Python/CZM Scripts/", line 62, in  
     for shortcpt, longcpt, cmdlist in filldb.shortmod.cptlist:
AttributeError: Database instance has no attribute 'shortmod'
My code follows.  If you jump down to the section marked  
"#---Logic---", you should be able to see the immediate culprit.

I greatly appreciate any help that anybody on this list can provide!


#   shortname, longname, component list name
module_list = [
     ['mb', 'Motherboard', 'cpt_mb_list'],
     ['ct', 'Controller', 'cpt_ct_list'],
     ['eu', 'End User', 'cpt_eu_list']]

#   shortname, longname, command list name
# Motherboard
cpt_mb_list = [
     ['icam', 'Internal Camera', 'cmd_icam_list']]

# Controller
cpt_ct_list = [
     ['maj', 'Major Controller', 'cmd_maj_list'],
     ['min', 'Minor Controller', 'cmd_min_list']]

# End User
cpt_eu_list = [
     ['xmtr', 'X Motor', 'cmd_xmtr_list'],
     ['ymtr', 'Y Motor', 'cmd_ymtr_list'],
     ['zmtr', 'Z Motor', 'cmd_zmtr_list']]

# Abbreviation, string, command, param1, param2
# Motherboard Commands
cmd_icam_list = [
     ['ss', 'Shutter Speed', 'shutSpeed', 0, 0],
     ['ap', 'Aperture', 'aperture', 0, 0],
     ['exp', 'Exposure', 'exposure', 0, 0]]

# Controller Commands
cmd_maj_list = [
     ['on', 'Turn it on', 'turnON', 0, 0],
     ['off', 'Turn it off', 'turnOFF', 0, 0]]
cmd_min_list = [
     ['low', 'Set Power Low', 'setLow', 0, 0],
     ['hi', 'Set Power High', 'setHigh', 0, 0]]

# End User Commands
cmd_xmtr_list = [
     ['xpos', 'Go to X-Position', 'xPosition', 0, 0]]
cmd_ymtr_list = [
     ['ypos', 'Go to Y-Position', 'yPosition', 0, 0]]
cmd_zmtr_list = [
     ['zpos', 'Go to Z-Position', 'zPosition', 0, 0]]

#****************My immediate problem occurs in this  
def fillout_DB(filldb):
     '''Build the database of modules, components, and commands.
     Feed it an empty database, and it will fill it out.'''
     # Add modules
     for shortmod, longmod, cptlist in module_list:
         filldb.addMod([shortmod, longmod, cptlist])
         print filldb.modlist
         print 'Just loaded %r, %r, and %r' % (shortmod, longmod,  
         # Add components
         #********************The following line  
         for shortcpt, longcpt, cmdlist in filldb.shortmod.cptlist:
             # It doesn't get to next line.  Suspect it won't work  
             filldb.shortmod.addCpt([shortcpt, longcpt, cmdlist])
             print 'Just loaded %r, %r, and %r' % (shortcpt, longcpt,  
     print 'Finished buildModules()!!!!'
     return filldb

class Database:
     '''This is the root class.  The database contains all of the module
     objects.  Each module contains all of its component objects, etc.'''
     def __init__(self):
         self.modlist = []

     def addMod(self, mod):

class Module:
     def __init__(self, shortname, longname, cptlistname): = shortname
         self.longname = longname
         self.cptlistname = cptlistname
         self.cptlist = []

     def addCpt(self, cpt):

class Component:
     def __init__(self, shortname, longname, cmdlistname): = shortname
         self.longname = longname
         self.cmdlistname = cmdlistname
         self.cmdlist = []

     def addCmd(self, cmd):

class Command:
     def __init__(self, shortname, longname, actualcommand, param1,  
param2): = shortname
         self.longname = longname
         self.actcmd = actualcommand
         self.paramlist = [param1, param2]

def main():
     print "It's working so far!"
     db = Database()

if __name__ == "__main__":

From titvirak at  Thu Apr 20 09:56:23 2006
From: titvirak at (=?UTF-8?B?4Z6R4Z634Z6P4Z+S4Z6Z4Z6c4Z634Z6a4Z+I?=)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 14:56:23 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing html user HTMLParser
Message-ID: <>

Hi folks,

I need help here, I'm struggling with html parsing method, up until now
I can only put and html file as instance. I have no experience with
this, I want to read the childs inside this document and modify the
data. What can I do if I start from here?

> from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
> p = HTMLParser()
> s = open('/home/virak/Documents/peace/test.html').read()
> p.feed(s)
> print p
> p.close()

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 20 10:21:39 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:21:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Use iterator to refer to an object's attribute?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00a301c66453$730e0680$0a01a8c0@xp>

Hi Ron, I'm confused and may be missing something but it
sounds to me like a classic tree structure that you are trying
to build for each module.

> Also, any suggestions for my overall structure below?

I''m not sure why you put filling the database into a separate
function rather than as a method of the Database class, it
could then be called from the init method. This would give
it direct access to the Database attributes.

Also I don't understand why you need the componentlist
name. What is this used for? The name of the list is surely
an internal variable within the module of no relevance to
the outside world?

I'm also not clear about the database structure. Is the one
represented here the final striucture - ie a set of Python lists.
Or will you eventually be loading the data from a config file
or a relational database at somne point in the future?
If it stays at it is then the whole design seems overly
complex since you could simply load the data as part of
the object construction/instantiation process, something like this:

ModuleList = [
     Module( "Motherboard",
                   [Component("Major Controller",
                   Component("Minor Controller",
    Module("End User",
                  [Component("xMotor", [Command(...),...]),...

I suspect the use of a dictionary might be beneficial too.

However if the data varies at runtime and you have to read it
from an external source that approach won't work. OTOH
if you are iusing a relational DB then the links between the
components can be constructed as relations between the tables
so that will simplify construction. The most complex case is
where you are loading from flat files. But we need a bit more
info I think. But whichever method is used I'd put the code
into the classes and let each class load its own data.

Here's how I'm tackling it:
? I have a bunch of lists that have everything defined in them
(module_list; cpt_??_lists for components; and cmd_??_lists for

? I'm creating a database object, "db", which will hold everything.

? I iterate across the module list.  The idea here is to create within
the database one module object for each real object in the instrument,
in this case three.  I should end up with:  db.mb, db.ct, and

Why not a dictionary of modules keyed by module name?

? There is a short name (for use by the program), a long name (which
will be displayed to the user), and the name of that module's component

Why not write constructors that take a list as a parameter.
The constructor can manage its own liust and the higher
level constructor just passes in the appropriate list. That way
each class only needs to know about the data at the lebvel
it is responsible for. So the Module class might look a bit like:

class Module:
    def __init__(self, name, componentlist):
         self.components = {} = name
         for component in componentlist:
             self.components[component[0]] = Component(component)

This implies that the component list is structured as a list of tuples.

? I also create an empty list object, which will ultimately be
populated with the contents of that module's component list.

As above I'd recommend using a dictionary rather than a list.

? Then (theoretically) for each module, I iterate across that module's
component list to create several component objects inside the module (I
will then continue this process, creating command objects within the

Yes, thats the idea but let the objects do it for themselves.

> My immediate problem is that Python doesn't let me use the iterator as 
> the name of an object's attribute.

Thats where the dictionary comes in.

> I have object "db.mb".  I have iterator "shortmod" with a value of  "mb". 
> Why can't I call "db.shortmod"?

You can use db.getattr(shortmod) but I think its easier
and clearer in this case to use:


> I'm all ears.  The reason for doing it this way is that I wanted my 
> database to be the logical equivalent of the instrument.

I think you can make it a miuch closer equivalent than you
have at present, and I think that by breaking up the fill db
function and moving responsibility into the classes that it
will be much simplified. And use dictionaries rather than lists.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

#   shortname, longname, component list name
module_list = [
     ['mb', 'Motherboard', 'cpt_mb_list'],
     ['ct', 'Controller', 'cpt_ct_list'],
     ['eu', 'End User', 'cpt_eu_list']]

#   shortname, longname, command list name
# Motherboard
cpt_mb_list = [
     ['icam', 'Internal Camera', 'cmd_icam_list']]

# Controller
cpt_ct_list = [
     ['maj', 'Major Controller', 'cmd_maj_list'],
     ['min', 'Minor Controller', 'cmd_min_list']]

# End User
cpt_eu_list = [
     ['xmtr', 'X Motor', 'cmd_xmtr_list'],
     ['ymtr', 'Y Motor', 'cmd_ymtr_list'],
     ['zmtr', 'Z Motor', 'cmd_zmtr_list']]

# Abbreviation, string, command, param1, param2
# Motherboard Commands
cmd_icam_list = [
     ['ss', 'Shutter Speed', 'shutSpeed', 0, 0],
     ['ap', 'Aperture', 'aperture', 0, 0],
     ['exp', 'Exposure', 'exposure', 0, 0]]

# Controller Commands
cmd_maj_list = [
     ['on', 'Turn it on', 'turnON', 0, 0],
     ['off', 'Turn it off', 'turnOFF', 0, 0]]
cmd_min_list = [
     ['low', 'Set Power Low', 'setLow', 0, 0],
     ['hi', 'Set Power High', 'setHigh', 0, 0]]

# End User Commands
cmd_xmtr_list = [
     ['xpos', 'Go to X-Position', 'xPosition', 0, 0]]
cmd_ymtr_list = [
     ['ypos', 'Go to Y-Position', 'yPosition', 0, 0]]
cmd_zmtr_list = [
     ['zpos', 'Go to Z-Position', 'zPosition', 0, 0]]

#****************My immediate problem occurs in this
def fillout_DB(filldb):
     '''Build the database of modules, components, and commands.
     Feed it an empty database, and it will fill it out.'''
     # Add modules
     for shortmod, longmod, cptlist in module_list:
         filldb.addMod([shortmod, longmod, cptlist])
         print filldb.modlist
         print 'Just loaded %r, %r, and %r' % (shortmod, longmod,
         # Add components
         #********************The following line
         for shortcpt, longcpt, cmdlist in filldb.shortmod.cptlist:
             # It doesn't get to next line.  Suspect it won't work
             filldb.shortmod.addCpt([shortcpt, longcpt, cmdlist])
             print 'Just loaded %r, %r, and %r' % (shortcpt, longcpt,
     print 'Finished buildModules()!!!!'
     return filldb

class Database:
     '''This is the root class.  The database contains all of the module
     objects.  Each module contains all of its component objects, etc.'''
     def __init__(self):
         self.modlist = []

     def addMod(self, mod):

class Module:
     def __init__(self, shortname, longname, cptlistname): = shortname
         self.longname = longname
         self.cptlistname = cptlistname
         self.cptlist = []

     def addCpt(self, cpt):

class Component:
     def __init__(self, shortname, longname, cmdlistname): = shortname
         self.longname = longname
         self.cmdlistname = cmdlistname
         self.cmdlist = []

     def addCmd(self, cmd):

class Command:
     def __init__(self, shortname, longname, actualcommand, param1,
param2): = shortname
         self.longname = longname
         self.actcmd = actualcommand
         self.paramlist = [param1, param2]

def main():
     print "It's working so far!"
     db = Database()

if __name__ == "__main__":

From ml.cyresse at  Thu Apr 20 10:46:34 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 20:46:34 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yeah, Alan's tutorial is what I used to learn how to code, it's very good.
Regexes are very powerful; which can be a very good thing and a very
bad thing. ;)

Good luck.

On 4/20/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> Got it! Thanks! Mr. Gald hooked me up with his re tutorial as well. Great!
> On 4/19/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at > wrote:
> > Here's my copy, it should work if you have Tkinter.
> >
> > Good luck!
> >
> > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > Drat, I installed from the OpenBSD ports tree and this is not included.
> I'll
> > > scout around on the net.
> > >
> > >  Thanks again!
> > >
> > >
> > > On 4/19/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Holy moley.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 4/19/06, Liam Clarke < ml.cyresse at> wrote:
> > > > > Hi Doug,
> > > > >
> > > > > Best tip ever is
> > > your_python_dir\tools\scripts\
> > > > >
> > > > > Interactive regexes. :)
> > > > >
> > > > > This is pretty good as well -
> > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Good luck,
> > > > >
> > > > > Liam Clarke
> > > > >
> > > > > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan < doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > > > I think I'm going to have to suck it up and learn some regular
> > > expressions.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  I have finally gotten my script (using the excellent pyserial
> module)
> > > to
> > > > > > behave. Most of my troubles as enumerated here before were utterly
> > > > > > self-induced. Apparently one cannot watch the execution of one's
> > > script
> > > > > > through another program without affecting it's outcome in
> unforseen
> > > ways.
> > > > > > (Sound familiar Herr Schroedinger? :-)
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  Now that I am actually extracting data in a fairly predictable
> way, I
> > > am at
> > > > > > the point where I need to parse it! I have some output here
> (modified
> > > to
> > > > > > show  the ESC and NUL characters.)
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  When I pull data from the port, the remote computer sends it in
> one
> > > long
> > > > > > string per screen: newlines are not painted in by using the
> expected
> > > x\0a
> > > > > > that I had hoped for! No easy readlines() fun for me. Instead I
> get:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  ESC=(  1. ESC=($4x2, 6-239 (3.9L)
> > > > > >
> ..........................................ESC=(a03252
> > > > > > ESC=(k0
> > > > > >  ESC=)  2. ESC=))8-318 ( 5.2L)
> > > > > >
> ..........................................ESC=)a03242
> > > > > > ESC=)k0
> > > > > >  ESC=*  3. ESC=*)8-360 ( 5.9L)
> > > > > >
> ..........................................ESC=*a03351
> > > > > > ESC=*k    0
> > > > > >  ESC=+  4. ESC=+$4x4, 6-239 ( 3.9L)
> > > > > >
> ..........................................ESC=+a03240
> > > > > > ESC=+k    0
> > > > > >  ESC=,  5. ESC=,)8-318 (5.2L)
> > > > > >
> ..........................................ESC=,a03243
> > > > > > ESC=,k    0
> > > > > >  ESC=-  6. ESC=-)8-360 ( 5.9L)
> > > > > >
> ..........................................ESC=-a03352
> > > > > > ESC=-k    0
> > > > > >  ESC=.  7. ESC=.aCH8299  ESCTNULESC)NULESC=%
> > > LINEESCTNULESC=&      R =
> > > > > > RELIST  <return> = NONE
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  I have broken it up for ease of viewing. I need to split the
> string
> > > where
> > > > > > ESC= , k  and 0 are found, but ESC= ,k and 0 are seperated by
> various
> > > > > > spaces, parentheis and other characters that are apparently used
> to
> > > mark the
> > > > > > end of the line until the next ESC is found, thereby displaying a
> new
> > > line
> > > > > > (note how the character after the first ESC on each line is
> repeated
> > > after
> > > > > > the ESC on the end.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  I cannot for the life of me figure out a pythonic way (read:
> using
> > > the
> > > > > > split() builtin) to scan for instances of these characters in such
> and
> > > such
> > > > > > order and proximity. I know this is what regex is for, but I have
> no
> > > > > > experience.  I have obtained a copy of "Mastering Regular
> Expressions"
> > > but
> > > > > > thought I would inquire here first for caveats and tips as the
> book is
> > > > > > larger than my brain, and I haven't used the re module, ever.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  Why in the world does this make me so happy? :-)~
> > > > > >
> > > > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > > > Tutor maillist  -   Tutor at
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >

From justin.mailinglists at  Thu Apr 20 11:26:11 2006
From: justin.mailinglists at (Justin Ezequiel)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:26:11 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] pyExcelerator for Python 2.3
Message-ID: <>

Does anyone know where I can get pyExcelerator for Python 2.3?
I have not yet updated my development machine to 2.4.
Thanks in advance.

From K.Weinert at  Thu Apr 20 13:04:37 2006
From: K.Weinert at (K.Weinert at
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 13:04:37 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
Message-ID: <>


f=file(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~")),"myfile"), "r") 

Kind regards,

Echte DSL-Flatrate dauerhaft für 0,- Euro*!
"Feel free" mit GMX DSL!

From kent37 at  Thu Apr 20 13:44:25 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:44:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Use iterator to refer to an object's attribute?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ron Britton wrote:
> Short version:  How do I use an iterator to refer to an object's  
> attribute?  E.g., "z" is a list of attributes of  "b":
> for x, y in z:
>      for a in b.x.y

getattr(b, 'foo') is the same as getattr takes a string for the
name of the attribute. So you would need
    getattr(getattr(b, x), y)
> Also, any suggestions for my overall structure below?

For once I agree with Alan on a design question :-)

You can define a useful structure directly in your configuration. It
could be nested lists and dictionaries or nested class instances,
whichever works better for the application. I think I would use nested
class instances. This is one of Python's great strengths - that you can
easily declare complex data structures in code.

PS I suggest you call your data structure something other than 
'database' since that word has a fairly specific meaning.


From kent37 at  Thu Apr 20 13:54:18 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:54:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pyExcelerator for Python 2.3
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Justin Ezequiel wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can get pyExcelerator for Python 2.3?
> I have not yet updated my development machine to 2.4.

- look through the past releases on sourceforge
- ask on the pyExcelerator list
- hack the current release to work on 2.3 - most of what is new in 2.4 
can be done fairly easily in 2.3


From kent37 at  Thu Apr 20 13:56:17 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:56:17 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing html user HTMLParser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

????????? wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I need help here, I'm struggling with html parsing method, up until now
> I can only put and html file as instance. I have no experience with
> this, I want to read the childs inside this document and modify the
> data. What can I do if I start from here?
>> from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
>> p = HTMLParser()
>> s = open('/home/virak/Documents/peace/test.html').read()
>> p.feed(s)
>> print p
>> p.close()

Here is an example that might be useful, though the usage is not too 


From python at  Thu Apr 20 14:04:06 2006
From: python at (Python)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:04:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 17:17 -0700, Carroll, Barry wrote:
> Greetings:
> I am writing a function that accepts a string of decimal digits,
> calculates a checksum and returns it as a single character string.  
> The first step in the calculation is to split the input into two
> strings: the even- and odd- numbered digits, respectively.  The least
> significant digit is defined as odd.  
This sounds like credit card checksum processing.  This is my code for

def isbad(cardnumber):
    factors = ([2,1] * 8)[-len(cardnumber):]        # alternating factors of 2 and 1 ending with 1
    chkprods = [int(d)*f for (d,f) in zip(cardnumber,factors)]
    return sum(chkprods) % 10

This deviates quite a bit from your description and the description of
the algorithm that I was working from.  It was only after I had coded up
separate even/odd character lists and looked at what was going on that I
realized there was a much simpler way to describe the rules.

Hopefully, I am not off in left field here.

> The following code fragment does the job but seems sort of brutish and inelegant to me:
> >>>>>>>
> >>> s = '987654321'
> >>> odd = ''
> >>> for c in s[::-2]:
> ...     odd = c + odd
> ...     
> >>> s = s[:-1]
> >>> even = ''
> >>> for c in s[::-2]:
> ...     even = c + even
> ...     
> >>> odd
> '97531'
> >>> even
> '8642'
> >>>>>>>
> Is there a better (i.e. more Pythonic) way to do this?  
> Thanks in advance for all your help.
> Regards,
> Barry
> barry.carroll at
> 541-302-1107
> ________________________
> We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.
> -Quarry worker's creed
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From carroll at  Thu Apr 20 16:02:54 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:02:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <e26p8v$96b$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Don Taylor wrote:

> But my underlying problem still occurs: somewhere somebody is calling 
> for the 2.3 version of the Python vm .dll and not finding it.  This is 
> happening under Pydev/Eclipse and my only recourse is to blow Eclipse 
> away using Task Manager.

Don --
I've had some pretty good luck using Process Explorer, freeware from 
SysInternals, to locate processes that are using a particular file or DLL 
and shutting them down.  I don't know how well that will work for you, 
because it might just ID Eclipse as the culprit, with no further 
information, and you already know that.  But its tree view may give you 
more info.

It's a great utility in any event.

I'm gathering from the reference to DLLs that you're running under 
Windows.  If I misunderstand, ignore this; Process Explorer is for Windows.

From mhansen at  Thu Apr 20 17:23:00 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:23:00 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
Message-ID: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>

I'd like to send a big Thank You to Danny, Alan, Kent and others(whos names
escape me) for being such an asset to the Python community by relentlessly
answering questions on the tutor list.(Do these guys sleep? They must work
in shifts.) This list is one of the most civilized and responsive lists I
have ever read. When many pop onto the list and ask what may seem like some
of the most obvious questions, you guys calmly answer and nudge them in the
right direction without ever losing your patience. It's a great list.

Anyway, I've been reading the list for a couple of years now, and I wonder
if a Tutor FAQ would be helpful. I don't believe one exists. Should there be
something on the Python wiki that would list the most common questions to
the tutor list along with their answers? It would be a FAQ about the tutor
list as well as common questions to the tutor list.

FAQ about the Tutor List would include
- The policy on answering homework assignment
- Why the reply-to is set that way.
- Post code and exact error message.
(A lot of this might be in that initial message you get from mailman when
joining the list, but it might be a good idea to put it on the wiki)

FAQ for common questions to the list would include
- ord() and chr()
- Common GUI programming questions
- String module is deprecated, use string methods
- ???

I'm sure you can come up with more of the common questions. Does this sound
like a reasonable idea?


From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 20 17:31:04 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 16:31:04 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Use iterator to refer to an object's attribute?
References: <>
	<> <00a301c66453$730e0680$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <00ca01c6648f$700a9340$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Dictionaries are only pairs of data.  I assume a list can be one of 
> those elements, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work in the 
> structure I presented.

Yes, the object that is stored can be anything. Thus

>>> numList = [1,2,3]
>>> chrList = ['1','2','3']
>>> numDict = {}
>>> numDict['asNum'] = numList
>>> numDict['asChr'] = chrList
>>> for item in numDict['asNum']: print item,
1 2 3

shows two lists being stored in a dictionary.
You can also store instances of classes or functions 
or even the classes themselves!

> I wanted to make the methods flexible enough that I wouldn't have to 
> edit every method if the module list ever changed.  I guess I don't 
> understand how a dictionary works in this situation.

I don;t understand what you don;t understand here. Can you 
expand on why you don't think a dictionary would work?

>> Why not write constructors that take a list as a parameter.
>> The constructor can manage its own list and the higher
>> level constructor just passes in the appropriate list. That way
>> each class only needs to know about the data at the level
>> it is responsible for. So the Module class might look a bit like:
>> class Module:
>>    def __init__(self, name, componentlist):
>>         self.components = {}
>> = name
>>         for component in componentlist:
>>             self.components[component[0]] = Component(component)
>> This implies that the component list is structured as a list of tuples.
> I originally had tuples, but you can't access individual elements.  

What makes you think so?

>>> t = (1,2,3)
>>> print t[0]

The only thing you can't do is alter the data in the tuple - which is 
exactly the behaviour you want if reading the tuple from a config file!

>>> I have object "db.mb".  I have iterator "shortmod" with a value of  
>>> "mb". Why can't I call "db.shortmod"?
>> You can use db.getattr(shortmod)
> That doesn't work.  It tells me "Database instance has no attribute 
> 'getattr'".

Its actually a special method so needs the underscores __getattr__
and accessed via a function. I got my syntax muddled:

getattr(db, shortmod)

is how it should be written.

>> but I think its easier and clearer in this case to use:
>> db.Modules[shortmod]
> If Modules is a class name, how am I able to call it like that?  

Modules is a dictionary of Modules in the db object. I 
should probably have used the example from my Module 
class above:


> "AttributeError: Database instance has no attribute 'Modules'"

You will need to modify the definition of the database class 
to have the Modules dictionary first! :-)

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From tinoloc at  Thu Apr 20 17:37:48 2006
From: tinoloc at (Tino Dai)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:37:48 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Config file parsing
Message-ID: <>

Hi Everybody,

     Before I start reinventing the wheel, is there any code out there for
parsing configuration filesn in paragraph format. I am creating a
multi-process monitor that will read in a configuration file that will
contain the processes that they will monitor also what to do when they get
get an alert. Below is an example of what I envision the configure file to
look like

apache {
   processNum = 8
   whenDown = "Apache is totally down"
   whenDegraded = "Apache has degraded (one or more processes has gone away"
   whenUp = "Apache is up"
   .... etc ....

Thanks in advance,
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Thu Apr 20 18:34:58 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:34:58 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

Mike Hansen wrote:
> I'd like to send a big Thank You to Danny, Alan, Kent and others(whos names
> escape me) for being such an asset to the Python community by relentlessly
> answering questions on the tutor list.(Do these guys sleep? They must work
> in shifts.) This list is one of the most civilized and responsive lists I
> have ever read. When many pop onto the list and ask what may seem like some
> of the most obvious questions, you guys calmly answer and nudge them in the
> right direction without ever losing your patience. It's a great list.

Thanks! I do sleep but I have my email tied in to my clock radio so 
whenever an email arrives on the tutor list I am awakened to answer it ;)
> Anyway, I've been reading the list for a couple of years now, and I wonder
> if a Tutor FAQ would be helpful. I don't believe one exists. Should there be
> something on the Python wiki that would list the most common questions to
> the tutor list along with their answers? It would be a FAQ about the tutor
> list as well as common questions to the tutor list.

I wonder about this sometimes too. I think it would be good to have a 
place to collect this stuff.

Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a beginner's 
section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a FAQ wiki here:

> FAQ about the Tutor List would include
> - The policy on answering homework assignment
> - Why the reply-to is set that way.
> - Post code and exact error message.
> (A lot of this might be in that initial message you get from mailman when
> joining the list, but it might be a good idea to put it on the wiki)
> FAQ for common questions to the list would include
> - ord() and chr()
> - Common GUI programming questions
> - String module is deprecated, use string methods
> - ???
> I'm sure you can come up with more of the common questions. Does this sound
> like a reasonable idea?

Sounds good to me. Are you volunteering?


From kent37 at  Thu Apr 20 18:42:51 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:42:51 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Config file parsing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tino Dai wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
>      Before I start reinventing the wheel, is there any code out there 
> for parsing configuration filesn in paragraph format. I am creating a 
> multi-process monitor that will read in a configuration file that will 

If you have control over the config file format you can use ConfigParser 
in the standard lib. It reads .ini style files so you would write

You could also use one of the add-on config file readers which have more 
features, for example

Another option is to make your config file be a Python module that you 
just import. What you wrote is pretty close to dictionary syntax. You 
could use this:
config = dict(
   apache = dict(
     process = '/usr/bin/httpd',
     # etc

The syntax is not quite as user friendly but reading it is as easy as 
'import config'

> contain the processes that they will monitor also what to do when they 
> get get an alert. Below is an example of what I envision the configure 
> file to look like
> apache {
>    process=/usr/bin/httpd
>    processNum = 8
>    whenDown = "Apache is totally down"
>    whenDegraded = "Apache has degraded (one or more processes has gone away"
>    whenUp = "Apache is up"
>    severityDown=1
>    severityDegraded=3
>    severityUp=5
>    .... etc ....
> }
> Thanks in advance,
> Tino
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr 20 18:49:28 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:49:28 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] FW: Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
Message-ID: <>


First of all, thanks to those who contributed suggestions.  

Unfortunately, my description was incomplete.
> I am writing a function that accepts a string of decimal digits,
> calculates a checksum and returns it as a single character string.
> The first step in the calculation is to split the input into two
> the even- and odd- numbered digits, respectively.  The least
> digit is defined as odd.
I forgot to include two important requirements:

    1. the length of the input string is arbitrary,
    2. the order of the digits must be maintained.

I could not find a way to include these requirements in a single, simple
expression.  I decided to make an explicit test for string length, which
simplified matters. I came up with this:

>>> def odd_even(x):
...     if len(x) % 2 == 1:
...         return x[::2], x[1::2]
...     else:
...         return x[1::2], x[::2]

>>> odd_even('987654321')
('97531', '8642')

>>> odd_even('98765432')
('8642', '9753')

which is an improvement, I think, on my original.  
> >>>>>>>
> >>> s = '987654321'
> >>> odd = ''
> >>> for c in s[::-2]:
> ...     odd = c + odd
> ...
> >>> s = s[:-1]
> >>> even = ''
> >>> for c in s[::-2]:
> ...     even = c + even
> ...
> >>> odd
> '97531'
> >>> even
> '8642'
> >>>>>>>
Thanks again.  This is the most useful list I've ever found.

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From ewalker at  Thu Apr 20 18:50:23 2006
From: ewalker at (Eric Walker)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:50:23 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Mike Hansen wrote:
>> I'd like to send a big Thank You to Danny, Alan, Kent and others(whos names
>> escape me) for being such an asset to the Python community by relentlessly
>> answering questions on the tutor list.(Do these guys sleep? They must work
>> in shifts.) This list is one of the most civilized and responsive lists I
>> have ever read. When many pop onto the list and ask what may seem like some
>> of the most obvious questions, you guys calmly answer and nudge them in the
>> right direction without ever losing your patience. It's a great list.
> Thanks! I do sleep but I have my email tied in to my clock radio so 
> whenever an email arrives on the tutor list I am awakened to answer it ;)
>> Anyway, I've been reading the list for a couple of years now, and I wonder
>> if a Tutor FAQ would be helpful. I don't believe one exists. Should there be
>> something on the Python wiki that would list the most common questions to
>> the tutor list along with their answers? It would be a FAQ about the tutor
>> list as well as common questions to the tutor list.
> I wonder about this sometimes too. I think it would be good to have a 
> place to collect this stuff.
> Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a beginner's 
> section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a FAQ wiki here:
>> FAQ about the Tutor List would include
>> - The policy on answering homework assignment
>> - Why the reply-to is set that way.
>> - Post code and exact error message.
>> (A lot of this might be in that initial message you get from mailman when
>> joining the list, but it might be a good idea to put it on the wiki)
>> FAQ for common questions to the list would include
>> - ord() and chr()
>> - Common GUI programming questions
>> - String module is deprecated, use string methods
>> - ???
>> I'm sure you can come up with more of the common questions. Does this sound
>> like a reasonable idea?
> Sounds good to me. Are you volunteering?
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
Hey guys the FAQ thing sound great. I found what I think is the best 
pyQT tutorial around.
Took me like 10 minutes and I am off and running.

-------------- next part --------------
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From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr 20 18:55:26 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:55:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
Message-ID: <>


First of all, thanks to those who contributed suggestions.  

Unfortunately, my description was incomplete.
> I am writing a function that accepts a string of decimal digits,
> calculates a checksum and returns it as a single character string.
> The first step in the calculation is to split the input into two
> the even- and odd- numbered digits, respectively.  The least
> digit is defined as odd.
I forgot to include two important requirements:

    1. the length of the input string is arbitrary,
    2. the order of the digits must be maintained.

I could not find a way to include these requirements in a single, simple
expression.  I decided to make an explicit test for string length, which
simplified matters. I came up with this:

>>> def odd_even(x):
...     if len(x) % 2 == 1:
...         return x[::2], x[1::2]
...     else:
...         return x[1::2], x[::2]

>>> odd_even('987654321')
('97531', '8642')

>>> odd_even('98765432')
('8642', '9753')

which is an improvement, I think, on my original.  
> >>>>>>>
> >>> s = '987654321'
> >>> odd = ''
> >>> for c in s[::-2]:
> ...     odd = c + odd
> ...
> >>> s = s[:-1]
> >>> even = ''
> >>> for c in s[::-2]:
> ...     even = c + even
> ...
> >>> odd
> '97531'
> >>> even
> '8642'
> >>>>>>>
Thanks again.  This is the most useful list I've ever found.

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr 20 19:01:41 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:01:41 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
Message-ID: <>


Unfortunately, my problem description was incomplete.  I forgot to
include two important requirements:

    1. the length of the input string is arbitrary,
    2. the order of the digits must be maintained.

I could not find a way to include these requirements in a single, simple
expression.  I decided to make an explicit test for string length, which
simplified matters. I came up with this:

>>> def odd_even(x):
...     if len(x) % 2 == 1:
...         return x[::2], x[1::2]
...     else:
...         return x[1::2], x[::2]

>>> odd_even('987654321')
('97531', '8642')

>>> odd_even('98765432')
('8642', '9753')

which is an improvement, I think, on my original.  
Thanks to those who provided suggestions.  This is the most useful list
I've ever found.

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From carroll at  Thu Apr 20 19:14:23 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:14:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] FW: Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Carroll, Barry wrote:

> > The first step in the calculation is to split the input into two
> strings:
> > the even- and odd- numbered digits, respectively.  The least
> significant
> > digit is defined as odd.
> I forgot to include two important requirements:
>     1. the length of the input string is arbitrary,
>     2. the order of the digits must be maintained.
> I could not find a way to include these requirements in a single, simple
> expression.  

I really liked John Fouhy's approach, or at least a variation of it:

>>> def odd_even(s):
...    '''
...    Returns a tuple of two strings taken from s.  The first string is
...    the odd-numbered characters (counting from the right), and the
...    second is the even-numbered characters.
...    '''
...    return (s[::-2][::-1], s[-2::-2][::-1])
>>> odd_even("1234567")
('1357', '246')
>>> odd_even("2345")
('35', '24')
>>> odd_even("1")
('1', '')

John's original solution returned values with the digits in reverse 
order; but that's easily changed by reslicing each string with [::-1].

From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 20 19:26:42 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 18:26:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <00ee01c6649f$978bff70$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I'd like to send a big Thank You to Danny, Alan, Kent and others

Over the years there have been many, some have moved from
tutor list to c.l.python others have just got too busy. Others reappear
and then disappear again at intervals. (Who remembers Ivan, Gregor,
Magnus etc etc.)

> answering questions on the tutor list.(Do these guys sleep? They must work
> in shifts.)

I live in the UK, Kent and Danny in the US so that gives
a 5-7 hour time shift for free! :-)

> if a Tutor FAQ would be helpful. I don't believe one exists.

It's been discussed several times but no-one ever quite got round to it.

If you want to make a worthwhile contribution to the Python
community that would be a good starting point!

My tutor tries to answer the most common questions but its
not so easy to findthe answers when buried inside a prose topic

> the tutor list along with their answers? It would be a FAQ about the tutor
> list as well as common questions to the tutor list.


> FAQ about the Tutor List would include
> FAQ for common questions to the list would include
> I'm sure you can come up with more of the common questions.

And then "all" it takes is someone to collate them and provide the
answers. The Active State searchable artchive should be a
good starting point.

> like a reasonable idea?

Absolutely, are you volunteering? :-)

Alan G.

From mhansen at  Thu Apr 20 19:56:16 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:56:16 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000a01c664a3$b8ca9990$28645f0a@mikehansen>

> Thanks! I do sleep but I have my email tied in to my clock 
> radio so whenever an email arrives on the tutor list I am 
> awakened to answer it ;)

Hmmm.. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an X10 module that does that. =)


> Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a 
> beginner's section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a FAQ 
> wiki here:

I'll take a look at this.

> Sounds good to me. Are you volunteering?

Yes, I'll get the ball rolling. I'll most likely do something on the site
above. I'll post to this list when I have something worth looking at.


From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr 20 20:09:28 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:09:28 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Apology (Was: Re: Splitting a number into even- and odd-
	numbered digits)
Message-ID: <>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On
> Of tutor-request at
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 10:57 AM
> To: tutor at
> Subject: Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 71
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Config file parsing (Kent Johnson)
>    2. FW: Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
>       (Carroll, Barry)
>    3. Re: Tutor FAQ? (Eric Walker)
>    4. Re: Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
>       (Carroll, Barry)
>    5. Re: Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered digits
>       (Carroll, Barry)
>    6. Re: FW: Splitting a number into even- and odd- numbered
>       digits (Terry Carroll)
>    7. Re: Tutor FAQ? (Alan Gauld)
>    8. Re: Tutor FAQ? (Mike Hansen)

I apologize for the multiple postings.  The first two resulted in this

> From: postmaster at [mailto:postmaster at]
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:55 AM
> To: Carroll, Barry
> Subject: RE: [Tutor] FW: Splitting a number into even- and odd-
> digits
> MDaemon has indentified your message as spam.  It will not be
> From      : tutor-bounces at
> To        : een673 at
> Subject   : ***SPAM*** Score/Req: 10.0/9.0 - [Tutor] FW: Splitting a
> number into even- and odd- numbered digits
> Message-ID:
> <2BBAEE949D384D40A2B851287ADB6A432C365E at>
> Yes, score=10.0 required=9.0 tests=BAYES_99 autolearn=no
> **********
> *   10 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100% *
> [score: 0.9972]

Taking the message at its word, I resent the post.  I don't know what
triggered the response, or why the posts were delivered anyway.  

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From dyoo at  Thu Apr 20 20:15:56 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:15:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Parsing html user HTMLParser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I need help here, I'm struggling with html parsing method, up until now 
> I can only put and html file as instance. I have no experience with 
> this, I want to read the childs inside this document and modify the 
> data. What can I do if I start from here?

Hi Titvirak,

You might want to take a look at a different module for parsing HTML.  A 
popular one is BeautifulSoup:

Their quick-start page shows how to do simple stuff.  There are a few 
oddities with BeautifulSoup, but on the whole, it's pretty good.

Good luck to you!

From Barry.Carroll at  Thu Apr 20 20:24:35 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:24:35 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 71
Message-ID: <>


> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:14:23 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Terry Carroll <carroll at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] FW: Splitting a number into even- and odd-
> 	numbered digits
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID:
> 	<Pine.LNX.4.44.0604201000430.19166-100000 at>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> >
> > I could not find a way to include these requirements in a single,
> > expression.
> I really liked John Fouhy's approach, or at least a variation of it:
> >>> def odd_even(s):
> ...    '''
> ...    Returns a tuple of two strings taken from s.  The first string
> ...    the odd-numbered characters (counting from the right), and the
> ...    second is the even-numbered characters.
> ...    '''
> ...    return (s[::-2][::-1], s[-2::-2][::-1])
> ...
> >>> odd_even("1234567")
> ('1357', '246')
> >>> odd_even("2345")
> ('35', '24')
> >>> odd_even("1")
> ('1', '')
> >>>
> John's original solution returned values with the digits in reverse
> order; but that's easily changed by reslicing each string with [::-1].

By golly you're right!  That is a very slick solution.  It didn't occur
to me to re-reverse the strings like that.  Thanks to both you and John.

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From 9bh4frs02 at  Thu Apr 20 20:37:34 2006
From: 9bh4frs02 at (Ron Britton)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:37:34 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Use iterator to refer to an object's attribute?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> I wanted to make the methods flexible enough that I wouldn't have to 
>> edit every method if the module list ever changed.  I guess I don't 
>> understand how a dictionary works in this situation.
> I don;t understand what you don;t understand here. Can you expand on 
> why you don't think a dictionary would work?

This remark was based on one of my earlier designs.  It didn't work 
there, so I abandoned dictionaries.  The library reference says:
"Only values containing lists, dictionaries or other mutable types 
(that are compared by value rather than by object identity) may not be 
used as keys."
This added to the problem, at least in the design I attempted it in.

>> I originally had tuples, but you can't access individual elements.
> What makes you think so?
>>>> t = (1,2,3)
>>>> print t[0]
> 1

I didn't work before when I used it as an index.  Now it does.  I must 
have done something different originally.  But you are right.  This 
 >>> mylist = ['one', 'two', 'three']
 >>> t = (0,1,2)
 >>> print mylist[t[0]]

>>>> I have object "db.mb".  I have iterator "shortmod" with a value of  
>>>> "mb". Why can't I call "db.shortmod"?
>>> You can use db.getattr(shortmod)
>> That doesn't work.  It tells me "Database instance has no attribute 
>> 'getattr'".
> Its actually a special method so needs the underscores __getattr__
> and accessed via a function. I got my syntax muddled:
> getattr(db, shortmod)
> is how it should be written.

That works!  I knew there had to be a way!

Thanks for the help!

From ml.cyresse at  Thu Apr 20 23:21:59 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:21:59 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Trick is, to limit them very carefully by specifying what they are to match.
Watch .* - I always use .*? myself.

For instance, for one of your strings, which ends with the ESC=<single
character>k(some whitespace or not)0

\x1b.*?0 would certainly match that, but it'd also match ESC foo ### # ESC=#k0

Whereas \x1b\=.k\w*?0 would match it far more precisely, because
that's the regex for

esc=<single character*>k<some whitespace, maybe>0

*excluding \n unless the flag re.DOTALL is used.

So yeah; something else to note, certain characters need to be escaped
in regex strings.
Namely, these ones - .^$*+?{[|( That second to last one is a pipe by
the way, not an I.
And * is very greedy, but a ? limits it's greediness greatly.

Good luck,

Liam Clarke

On 4/21/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> I am discovering that. They tend to get all Ayn Rand on you and grab too
> much. :-)
> On 4/20/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at > wrote:
> > Yeah, Alan's tutorial is what I used to learn how to code, it's very good.
> > Regexes are very powerful; which can be a very good thing and a very
> > bad thing. ;)
> >
> > Good luck.
> >
> > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > Got it! Thanks! Mr. Gald hooked me up with his re tutorial as well.
> Great!
> > >
> > >
> > > On 4/19/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at > wrote:
> > > > Here's my copy, it should work if you have Tkinter.
> > > >
> > > > Good luck!
> > > >
> > > > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > > Drat, I installed from the OpenBSD ports tree and this is not
> included.
> > > I'll
> > > > > scout around on the net.
> > > > >
> > > > >  Thanks again!
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On 4/19/06, doug shawhan < doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Holy moley.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks!
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On 4/19/06, Liam Clarke < ml.cyresse at> wrote:
> > > > > > > Hi Doug,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Best tip ever is
> > > > > your_python_dir\tools\scripts\
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Interactive regexes. :)
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > This is pretty good as well -
> > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Good luck,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Liam Clarke
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan < doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > > > > > I think I'm going to have to suck it up and learn some regular
> > > > > expressions.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >  I have finally gotten my script (using the excellent pyserial
> > > module)
> > > > > to
> > > > > > > > behave. Most of my troubles as enumerated here before were
> utterly
> > > > > > > > self-induced. Apparently one cannot watch the execution of
> one's
> > > > > script
> > > > > > > > through another program without affecting it's outcome in
> > > unforseen
> > > > > ways.
> > > > > > > > (Sound familiar Herr Schroedinger? :-)
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >  Now that I am actually extracting data in a fairly
> predictable
> > > way, I
> > > > > am at
> > > > > > > > the point where I need to parse it! I have some output here
> > > (modified
> > > > > to
> > > > > > > > show  the ESC and NUL characters.)
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >  When I pull data from the port, the remote computer sends it
> in
> > > one
> > > > > long
> > > > > > > > string per screen: newlines are not painted in by using the
> > > expected
> > > > > x\0a
> > > > > > > > that I had hoped for! No easy readlines() fun for me. Instead
> I
> > > get:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >  ESC=(  1. ESC=($4x2, 6-239 ( 3.9L)
> > > > > > > >
> > > ..........................................ESC=(a03252
> > > > > > > > ESC=(k0
> > > > > > > >  ESC=)  2. ESC=))8-318 ( 5.2L)
> > > > > > > >
> > > ..........................................ESC=)a03242
> > > > > > > > ESC=)k0
> > > > > > > >  ESC=*  3. ESC=*)8-360 ( 5.9L)
> > > > > > > >
> > > ..........................................ESC=*a03351
> > > > > > > > ESC=*k    0
> > > > > > > >  ESC=+  4. ESC=+$4x4, 6-239 ( 3.9L)
> > > > > > > >
> > > ..........................................ESC=+a03240
> > > > > > > > ESC=+k    0
> > > > > > > >  ESC=,  5. ESC=,)8-318 (5.2L)
> > > > > > > >
> > > ..........................................ESC=,a03243
> > > > > > > > ESC=,k    0
> > > > > > > >  ESC=-  6. ESC=-)8-360 ( 5.9L)
> > > > > > > >
> > > ..........................................ESC=-a03352
> > > > > > > > ESC=-k    0
> > > > > > > >  ESC=.  7. ESC=.aCH8299  ESCTNULESC)NULESC=%
> > > > > LINEESCTNULESC=&      R =
> > > > > > > > RELIST  <return> = NONE
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >  I have broken it up for ease of viewing. I need to split the
> > > string
> > > > > where
> > > > > > > > ESC= , k  and 0 are found, but ESC= ,k and 0 are seperated by
> > > various
> > > > > > > > spaces, parentheis and other characters that are apparently
> used
> > > to
> > > > > mark the
> > > > > > > > end of the line until the next ESC is found, thereby
> displaying a
> > > new
> > > > > line
> > > > > > > > (note how the character after the first ESC on each line is
> > > repeated
> > > > > after
> > > > > > > > the ESC on the end.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >  I cannot for the life of me figure out a pythonic way (read:
> > > using
> > > > > the
> > > > > > > > split() builtin) to scan for instances of these characters in
> such
> > > and
> > > > > such
> > > > > > > > order and proximity. I know this is what regex is for, but I
> have
> > > no
> > > > > > > > experience.  I have obtained a copy of "Mastering Regular
> > > Expressions"
> > > > > but
> > > > > > > > thought I would inquire here first for caveats and tips as the
> > > book is
> > > > > > > > larger than my brain, and I haven't used the re module, ever.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >  Why in the world does this make me so happy? :-)~
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> _______________________________________________
> > > > > > > > Tutor maillist  -   Tutor at
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >

From kent37 at  Thu Apr 20 23:34:03 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:34:03 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Whereas \x1b\=.k\w*?0 would match it far more precisely, because
> that's the regex for
> esc=<single character*>k<some whitespace, maybe>0

Slight correction: \w means any 'Word' character - alphanumeric plus 
underscore. \s matches whiteSpace.


From ml.cyresse at  Fri Apr 21 00:06:16 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:06:16 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Argh, Kent's right. In my defense, I've only had one coffee so far.

On 4/21/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Whereas \x1b\=.k\w*?0 would match it far more precisely, because
> > that's the regex for
> >
> > esc=<single character*>k<some whitespace, maybe>0
> Slight correction: \w means any 'Word' character - alphanumeric plus
> underscore. \s matches whiteSpace.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ml.cyresse at  Fri Apr 21 00:08:57 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:08:57 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tkinter is simpler to use, wxPython is far more powerful but a bit
harder to learn. It's based on the C++ library wxWidgets, and
sometimes the abstraction leaks a bit, but this is just my opinion.

Check out pythoncard though, it simplifies wx development
dramatically; even has a drag and drop interface; but you can still
use wxPython method calls and objects directly if Pythoncard doesn't
do what you want.


Liam Clarke

On 4/20/06, Valone, Toren W. <TValone at> wrote:
> So I have been how does wxPython measure to Tkinter or vice versa?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Liam Clarke
> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:25 PM
> To: R. Alan Monroe
> Cc: Python[Tutor]
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] GUI
> Hmm? How so? I'm using a whole lot of raw wxPython mixed with
> Pythoncard for a project, and the entire process sits at 7Mb RAM usage
> idle. WinXP btw.
> Considering my small command line appns to start/stop Windows services
> written in C use just over 1Mb, 7Mb isn't overly bad.
> The other good thing about wxPython is stuff like Pythoncard and Wax,
> although development on Pythoncard seems to have slowed right down,
> Kevin Altis got busy, I guess; Wax is nice looking but... not very
> well documented... It's great being able to use Pythoncard for the not
> overly complicated stuff, but with the wxPython still lurking beneath
> the surface.
> Regards,
> Liam Clarke
> On 4/20/06, R. Alan Monroe <amonroe at> wrote:
> > >> If I can get it for free, I might as well go with say wxPython.
> Thanks
> >
> > > Yes, free as in beer, as in speech, and cross platform. Oh, and
> better
> > > documented.
> >
> > Sadly, you still pay for it in RAM usage :^)
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From nospamformeSVP at  Fri Apr 21 03:29:16 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 21:29:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e23o58$sq8$>	<>	<e26p8v$96b$>
Message-ID: <e29chf$dpk$>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Don Taylor wrote:
>>Finally, are there any other possible file extension types that I should 
>>be looking at?
> .pyo is like a .pyc but compiled with optimizations on.
Hi Kent:

No, I really meant a .pyd file which is Python's name for a .dll which 
conforms to the Python requirements to be a Python extension written in 

But, I should check my .pyo files as well so thanks for this.


From nospamformeSVP at  Fri Apr 21 03:31:02 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 21:31:02 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e26p8v$96b$>
Message-ID: <e29ckp$dpk$>

Terry Carroll wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Don Taylor wrote:
>>But my underlying problem still occurs: somewhere somebody is calling 
>>for the 2.3 version of the Python vm .dll and not finding it.  This is 
>>happening under Pydev/Eclipse and my only recourse is to blow Eclipse 
>>away using Task Manager.
> Don --
> I've had some pretty good luck using Process Explorer, freeware from 
> SysInternals, to locate processes that are using a particular file or DLL 
> and shutting them down.  I don't know how well that will work for you, 
> because it might just ID Eclipse as the culprit, with no further 
> information, and you already know that.  But its tree view may give you 
> more info.
> It's a great utility in any event.
> I'm gathering from the reference to DLLs that you're running under 
> Windows.  If I misunderstand, ignore this; Process Explorer is for Windows.


Yes I am using Windows so I will take a look at Process Explorer.



From intermezzoooh at  Fri Apr 21 04:40:20 2006
From: intermezzoooh at (Jesse)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 20:40:20 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] A simple solution to the even/odd problem
Message-ID: <>

Hey, I'm a Python newbie, and I'm not even sure I've correctly interpreted
the problem, but from what I gather the idea is to take an integer with an
arbitrary number of digits and return two [strings/lists/tuples/whatever]:
one containing all of the odd digits, and another containing all of the even
digits. This should work:

def make_string(words):
    string = " "
    for x in words:
        string = string + x + " "
    return string

def even_odd(num):
    even = []
    odd = []
    num_string = str(num)
    for x in num_string:
        a = int(x)
        if a%2 == 0:
    odd_string = make_string(odd)
    even_string = make_string(even)
    return (odd_string, even_string)
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From justin.mailinglists at  Fri Apr 21 06:42:17 2006
From: justin.mailinglists at (Justin Ezequiel)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:42:17 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] pyExcelerator for Python 2.3
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> there is a patch submitted there that you can apply to the current
> release to make it compatible with >2.4.

Thanks lots Poor Yorick.

From ryan_gm at  Fri Apr 21 09:03:51 2006
From: ryan_gm at (ryan luna)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 00:03:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Bug in python, or is it just 3am
Message-ID: <>

Hey everyone, i believe i might have found a bug in
python? im not sure, heres a screen shot.
When i type
number + 1
and print it,
It adds one,
But when i use a number = number + 1
right after the value stays the same,
Now i thought that number = number + 1 just wasn't
vailed in python untill i tried it again and it
Is this a bug or im i just missing somthing,
Cause it is rather late.

From ryan_gm at  Fri Apr 21 09:11:18 2006
From: ryan_gm at (ryan luna)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 00:11:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Bug in python, or is it just 3am
Message-ID: <>

HA! ignore me, im stupid, XD i knew i should have
waited untill morning =P,
No bug, the number = number was just point to the old
number which was one number lower,
sorry. night =P....
Oh i see someone replied -_- sorry lol

From r.arunchand at  Fri Apr 21 09:29:07 2006
From: r.arunchand at (arun)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:59:07 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
Message-ID: <>

I tried invoking a macro from my python script and  It is  throwing  an
error message that reads 'Run-time error 1004':

"This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized"

My script looks like this

from win32com.client import Dispatch
xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
xl.Run('Import_file')  # name of the macro

Also while (running the macro)opening the workbook it  names it as  "
sample1.xls' ,and so
It says there is no such file sample.xls

Filename =  Myexcel.xls
Workbooks("sample.xls").SaveAs Filename

Can somebody help me with this issue : (

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From r.arunchand at  Fri Apr 21 09:44:08 2006
From: r.arunchand at (arun)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 13:14:08 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm sorry , there is something realy wrong with 'Run-time error 1004':. I
have fixed it now but still it throws an error while trying to save the

On 4/21/06, arun <r.arunchand at> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I tried invoking a macro from my python script and  It is  throwing  an
> error message that reads 'Run-time error 1004':
> "This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized"
> My script looks like this
> from win32com.client import Dispatch
> xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
> xl.Workbooks.Add('E:\Templates\sample.xls')
> xl.Run('Import_file')  # name of the macro
> Also while (running the macro)opening the workbook it  names it as  "
> sample1.xls' ,and so
> It says there is no such file sample.xls
> "
> Filename =  Myexcel.xls
> Workbooks("sample.xls").SaveAs Filename
> "
> Can somebody help me with this issue : (
> Thanx
>  arun

-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Fri Apr 21 10:19:51 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 01:19:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Bug in python, or is it just 3am
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, ryan luna wrote:

> HA! ignore me, im stupid, XD i knew i should have waited untill morning 
> =P, No bug, the number = number was just point to the old number which 
> was one number lower, sorry. night =P....

Get some sleep.  *grin*

From amazonron at  Thu Apr 20 16:03:39 2006
From: amazonron at (Ron Britton)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:03:39 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Use iterator to refer to an object's attribute?
In-Reply-To: <00a301c66453$730e0680$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
	<> <00a301c66453$730e0680$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>


Thanks for the thorough reply.

> Hi Ron, I'm confused and may be missing something but it
> sounds to me like a classic tree structure that you are trying
> to build for each module.

It seems like a tree to me.

> I''m not sure why you put filling the database into a separate
> function rather than as a method of the Database class, it
> could then be called from the init method. This would give
> it direct access to the Database attributes.

This structure evolved.  As I solved one problem, I ran into another, 
and eventually ended up with the current design.  I know it's not 
ideal, but it's the result of my spotty knowledge of Python and what I 
was able to locate in the assorted documentation that I have skimmed 
through looking for things that looked relevant.

> Also I don't understand why you need the componentlist
> name. What is this used for? The name of the list is surely
> an internal variable within the module of no relevance to
> the outside world?

I was hoping to eventually put all of the data in a separate Python 
module.  That way if it ever changed, I could just edit that file.

> I'm also not clear about the database structure. Is the one
> represented here the final striucture - ie a set of Python lists.
> Or will you eventually be loading the data from a config file
> or a relational database at some point in the future?

I'm not talking to a SQL database or anything like that.  I just have 
this chunk of data.  It will change occasionally, so I need a 
convenient place to edit the data

> If it stays as it is then the whole design seems overly
> complex since you could simply load the data as part of
> the object construction/instantiation process, something like this:
> ModuleList = [
>     Module( "Motherboard",
>                   [Component("Camera",
>                                        [Command(p1,p2,p3), 
> Command(p4,p5)]),
>                   ]),
>    Module("Controller",
>                   [Component("Major Controller",
>                                        [Command(....),....]),
>                   Component("Minor Controller",
>                                        [Command(....),....]),...
>                   ]),
>    Module("End User",
>                  [Component("xMotor", [Command(...),...]),...
>                  ])
> ]

That looks similar to something I did before and had to abandon.  I 
suspect my earlier attempt was flawed in some way.  The above might 

> I suspect the use of a dictionary might be beneficial too.

Dictionaries are only pairs of data.  I assume a list can be one of 
those elements, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work in the 
structure I presented.

> However if the data varies at runtime and you have to read it
> from an external source that approach won't work.

It doesn't.

> Why not a dictionary of modules keyed by module name?

I wanted to make the methods flexible enough that I wouldn't have to 
edit every method if the module list ever changed.  I guess I don't 
understand how a dictionary works in this situation.

> Why not write constructors that take a list as a parameter.
> The constructor can manage its own list and the higher
> level constructor just passes in the appropriate list. That way
> each class only needs to know about the data at the level
> it is responsible for. So the Module class might look a bit like:
> class Module:
>    def __init__(self, name, componentlist):
>         self.components = {}
> = name
>         for component in componentlist:
>             self.components[component[0]] = Component(component)
> This implies that the component list is structured as a list of tuples.

I originally had tuples, but you can't access individual elements.  
E.g., give me the second item in each tuple.  I see you're using a 
dictionary in the above structure.  Maybe that solves that issue.  I'll 
have to give the above a try and see if it works.

>> I have object "db.mb".  I have iterator "shortmod" with a value of  
>> "mb". Why can't I call "db.shortmod"?
> You can use db.getattr(shortmod)

That doesn't work.  It tells me "Database instance has no attribute 

> but I think its easier and clearer in this case to use:
> db.Modules[shortmod]

If Modules is a class name, how am I able to call it like that?  I 
plugged that into my program, and it said:

"AttributeError: Database instance has no attribute 'Modules'"

> I think you can make it a much closer equivalent than you
> have at present, and I think that by breaking up the fill db
> function and moving responsibility into the classes that it
> will be much simplified. And use dictionaries rather than lists.

(it definitely does!)

I have to run off to work now.  I'll try your suggestions when I get 
there.  Thanks a whole lot!!


From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 21 12:30:59 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:30:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Bug in python, or is it just 3am
References: <>
Message-ID: <016001c6652e$bfb6d850$0a01a8c0@xp>

> But when i use a number = number + 1
> right after the value stays the same,

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

> Now i thought that number = number + 1 just wasn't
> vailed in python untill i tried it again and it
> worked,

variable = variable + 1

is perfectly valid. It is not the normal math meaning of an equation 
however, it is an assignment statement. In a language like Smalltalk 
or Pascal they use a different symbol (:=) for assignment which 
is IMHO A Good Thing(TM)  And they traditionally read that 
symbol as "becomes", thus:

variable := variable + 1

is read: "variable becomes variable plus one"

What it means is that variable takes on the previous value 
of variable plus one. So if it starts as 42 it ends as 43

This is such a common thing to do that Python actually 
has a shorthand for it:

variable += 1

And after all that, I've just realised that I don't discuss this 
at all in my tutorial so I need to add an explanation this weekend. 
So thanks for asking the question! :-)


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 21 12:35:09 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:35:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
References: <>
Message-ID: <016d01c6652f$4554c710$0a01a8c0@xp>

Hi arun,

Although you are invoking this from Python it is really more 
of a COM/Excel issue. I think you might have more success
asking on an Excel forum. The Pythonwin community might 
be able to help too, buit it looks to me like the problem is 
in the macro itself. It seems to have dependencies on its 
runtime environment being set up in a particular way.

Sorry I can't be more help,

Alan G

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "arun" <r.arunchand at>
To: <tutor at>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 8:29 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro

I tried invoking a macro from my python script and  It is  throwing  an
error message that reads 'Run-time error 1004':

"This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized"

My script looks like this

from win32com.client import Dispatch
xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
xl.Run('Import_file')  # name of the macro

Also while (running the macro)opening the workbook it  names it as  "
sample1.xls' ,and so
It says there is no such file sample.xls

Filename =  Myexcel.xls
Workbooks("sample.xls").SaveAs Filename

Can somebody help me with this issue : (


From RPhillips at  Fri Apr 21 12:53:12 2006
From: RPhillips at (Ron Phillips)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 06:53:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
Message-ID: <>

Regex aside, just for a moment * the subject line gets my vote for "Most Succinct Description of Programmer Mindset", if there's a competition on.

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From samrobertsmith at  Fri Apr 21 13:29:19 2006
From: samrobertsmith at (linda.s)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 04:29:19 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] locations
Message-ID: <>

I have a question. in the LIST M=
If treat them as the locations of 16 points, I want to generate another list
N to hold the corresponding value for each point to its nearest 0.
For example:
the nearest 0 point to M[0][0] is M[1][0], so N[0][0]=1;
M[0][1]'s nearest 0 is also at M[1][0], so N[0][1]=2;
but N[0][3]=3 because 0 at M[2][2] is much nearer;
N[1][0]=0 because the distance to itself is 0;
N should be
I am really very new to Python and have no idea how to write the code.
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From singletoned at  Fri Apr 21 15:38:54 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 14:38:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

On 20/04/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Mike Hansen wrote:
> > I'd like to send a big Thank You to Danny, Alan, Kent and others(whos names
> > escape me) for being such an asset to the Python community by relentlessly
> > answering questions on the tutor list.(Do these guys sleep? They must work
> > in shifts.) This list is one of the most civilized and responsive lists I
> > have ever read. When many pop onto the list and ask what may seem like some
> > of the most obvious questions, you guys calmly answer and nudge them in the
> > right direction without ever losing your patience. It's a great list.
> Thanks! I do sleep but I have my email tied in to my clock radio so
> whenever an email arrives on the tutor list I am awakened to answer it ;)
> >
> > Anyway, I've been reading the list for a couple of years now, and I wonder
> > if a Tutor FAQ would be helpful. I don't believe one exists. Should there be
> > something on the Python wiki that would list the most common questions to
> > the tutor list along with their answers? It would be a FAQ about the tutor
> > list as well as common questions to the tutor list.
> I wonder about this sometimes too. I think it would be good to have a
> place to collect this stuff.
> Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a beginner's
> section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a FAQ wiki here:

Actually I put something about this on PyFAQ just the other day. 
Fredrik was quite keen on the idea, but I've been busy the last couple
of days and haven't got around to doing anything about it.

Mike, if you're volunteering that would be perfect.  If anyone here
has ideas for questions that get asked a lot (like "How do I write a
program that prints a word backwards") then just posting them in this
thread would be a good start.

I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being reused in
the wiki, but it would probably best to get explicit permission from
them (and other people) to re-use text from their answers.


From nospamformeSVP at  Fri Apr 21 15:42:39 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:42:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] GUI
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <00a201c66310$cb1a1ab0$0a01a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <e2angk$e54$>

Eric Walker wrote:

> Ok,
> If I can get it for free, I might as well go with say wxPython. Thanks

However, you really should spend a few bucks buying the recently 
published "wxPython In Action" book by Noel Rappin and Robin Dunn (the 
designer of wxPython).  It will save you lots of time.

You also might like to check out wxGlade which is a FOSS GUI designer 
for wxPython.  It will play happily with your chosen editor.  I have 
tried most of the available GUI designers and liked this one the best 
although is is a little brittle.

Another _very_ promising system is Dabo but this is not quite ready for 
prime-time.  I think that Dabo is going to be a dynamite system for 
building GUI db apps.


From kent37 at  Fri Apr 21 15:47:25 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:47:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Ed Singleton wrote:
> If anyone here
> has ideas for questions that get asked a lot (like "How do I write a
> program that prints a word backwards") then just posting them in this
> thread would be a good start.

We should be careful about posting solutions to homework problems, which 
this could easily be.
> I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being reused in
> the wiki, but it would probably best to get explicit permission from
> them (and other people) to re-use text from their answers.

Fine with me!


From nospamformeSVP at  Fri Apr 21 15:44:52 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:44:52 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e26p8v$96b$>
Message-ID: <e2anko$e54$>

Terry Carroll wrote:

> I've had some pretty good luck using Process Explorer, freeware from 

That did it, and it was a .pyd file that was giving me problems, thanks 
once again Terry.

Process Explorer is _very_ nice and will certainly stay on my machine.


From doug.shawhan at  Fri Apr 21 17:14:01 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:14:01 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Brain In Vice: Why is this so fun to me?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That works wonderfully! Thanks!

On 4/20/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at> wrote:
> Trick is, to limit them very carefully by specifying what they are to
> match.
> Watch .* - I always use .*? myself.
> For instance, for one of your strings, which ends with the ESC=<single
> character>k(some whitespace or not)0
> \x1b.*?0 would certainly match that, but it'd also match ESC foo ### #
> ESC=#k0
> Whereas \x1b\=.k\w*?0 would match it far more precisely, because
> that's the regex for
> esc=<single character*>k<some whitespace, maybe>0
> *excluding \n unless the flag re.DOTALL is used.
> So yeah; something else to note, certain characters need to be escaped
> in regex strings.
> Namely, these ones - .^$*+?{[|( That second to last one is a pipe by
> the way, not an I.
> And * is very greedy, but a ? limits it's greediness greatly.
> Good luck,
> Liam Clarke
> On 4/21/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > I am discovering that. They tend to get all Ayn Rand on you and grab too
> > much. :-)
> >
> >
> > On 4/20/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at > wrote:
> > > Yeah, Alan's tutorial is what I used to learn how to code, it's very
> good.
> > > Regexes are very powerful; which can be a very good thing and a very
> > > bad thing. ;)
> > >
> > > Good luck.
> > >
> > > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > Got it! Thanks! Mr. Gald hooked me up with his re tutorial as well.
> > Great!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 4/19/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at > wrote:
> > > > > Here's my copy, it should work if you have Tkinter.
> > > > >
> > > > > Good luck!
> > > > >
> > > > > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > > > Drat, I installed from the OpenBSD ports tree and this is not
> > included.
> > > > I'll
> > > > > > scout around on the net.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  Thanks again!
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On 4/19/06, doug shawhan < doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Holy moley.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Thanks!
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > On 4/19/06, Liam Clarke < ml.cyresse at> wrote:
> > > > > > > > Hi Doug,
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Best tip ever is
> > > > > > your_python_dir\tools\scripts\
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Interactive regexes. :)
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > This is pretty good as well -
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Good luck,
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Liam Clarke
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > On 4/20/06, doug shawhan < doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > I think I'm going to have to suck it up and learn some
> regular
> > > > > > expressions.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >  I have finally gotten my script (using the excellent
> pyserial
> > > > module)
> > > > > > to
> > > > > > > > > behave. Most of my troubles as enumerated here before were
> > utterly
> > > > > > > > > self-induced. Apparently one cannot watch the execution of
> > one's
> > > > > > script
> > > > > > > > > through another program without affecting it's outcome in
> > > > unforseen
> > > > > > ways.
> > > > > > > > > (Sound familiar Herr Schroedinger? :-)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >  Now that I am actually extracting data in a fairly
> > predictable
> > > > way, I
> > > > > > am at
> > > > > > > > > the point where I need to parse it! I have some output
> here
> > > > (modified
> > > > > > to
> > > > > > > > > show  the ESC and NUL characters.)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >  When I pull data from the port, the remote computer sends
> it
> > in
> > > > one
> > > > > > long
> > > > > > > > > string per screen: newlines are not painted in by using
> the
> > > > expected
> > > > > > x\0a
> > > > > > > > > that I had hoped for! No easy readlines() fun for me.
> Instead
> > I
> > > > get:
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >  ESC=(  1. ESC=($4x2, 6-239 ( 3.9L)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > ..........................................ESC=(a03252
> > > > > > > > > ESC=(k0
> > > > > > > > >  ESC=)  2. ESC=))8-318 ( 5.2L)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > ..........................................ESC=)a03242
> > > > > > > > > ESC=)k0
> > > > > > > > >  ESC=*  3. ESC=*)8-360 ( 5.9L)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > ..........................................ESC=*a03351
> > > > > > > > > ESC=*k    0
> > > > > > > > >  ESC=+  4. ESC=+$4x4, 6-239 ( 3.9L)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > ..........................................ESC=+a03240
> > > > > > > > > ESC=+k    0
> > > > > > > > >  ESC=,  5. ESC=,)8-318 (5.2L)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > ..........................................ESC=,a03243
> > > > > > > > > ESC=,k    0
> > > > > > > > >  ESC=-  6. ESC=-)8-360 ( 5.9L)
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > ..........................................ESC=-a03352
> > > > > > > > > ESC=-k    0
> > > > > > > > >  ESC=.  7. ESC=.aCH8299  ESCTNULESC)NULESC=%
> > > > > > LINEESCTNULESC=&      R =
> > > > > > > > > RELIST  <return> = NONE
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >  I have broken it up for ease of viewing. I need to split
> the
> > > > string
> > > > > > where
> > > > > > > > > ESC= , k  and 0 are found, but ESC= ,k and 0 are seperated
> by
> > > > various
> > > > > > > > > spaces, parentheis and other characters that are
> apparently
> > used
> > > > to
> > > > > > mark the
> > > > > > > > > end of the line until the next ESC is found, thereby
> > displaying a
> > > > new
> > > > > > line
> > > > > > > > > (note how the character after the first ESC on each line
> is
> > > > repeated
> > > > > > after
> > > > > > > > > the ESC on the end.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >  I cannot for the life of me figure out a pythonic way
> (read:
> > > > using
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > > > > split() builtin) to scan for instances of these characters
> in
> > such
> > > > and
> > > > > > such
> > > > > > > > > order and proximity. I know this is what regex is for, but
> I
> > have
> > > > no
> > > > > > > > > experience.  I have obtained a copy of "Mastering Regular
> > > > Expressions"
> > > > > > but
> > > > > > > > > thought I would inquire here first for caveats and tips as
> the
> > > > book is
> > > > > > > > > larger than my brain, and I haven't used the re module,
> ever.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >  Why in the world does this make me so happy? :-)~
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > _______________________________________________
> > > > > > > > > Tutor maillist  -   Tutor at
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 21 17:49:26 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 16:49:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] locations
References: <>
Message-ID: <018b01c6655b$30dfa3f0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> ---------------------
I have a question. in the LIST M=
If treat them as the locations of 16 points, I want to generate another list
N to hold the corresponding value for each point to its nearest 0.
> ------------------

Your explanation of the problem is clear up to this point, but...

> -----------------------
For example:
the nearest 0 point to M[0][0] is M[1][0], so N[0][0]=1;
> ----------------------

You lost me there, how do you calculate the 1?
Is it the linear distance? The number of hops?
related to the index numbering? I'm confused.

> M[0][1]'s nearest 0 is also at M[1][0], so N[0][1]=2;

Linearly this is root 2 in distance not 2 so I assume you
are counting hops?

> but N[0][3]=3 because 0 at M[2][2] is much nearer;

If you are counting hops then 3 is valid but its only one hop
nearer not *much* nearer!

> -------------------
N should be
> -------------------

Assuming you mean hops... (and there probably is a proper
mathematical algorithm for this.) I would do this:

Locate the first zero(1,1) in this case.
Mark all boxes with their distance to it.
N looks like this (forget the python syntax
for now, focus on the problem):


Can you figure out the algorithm for doing that?

Now find the next zero in M and do the same, except you
only overwrite values where the new value is less than
previously. Thus the values:




when overlaid on the previous matrix.

Which is your required matrix N - QED.

Does that help?

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 21 17:52:03 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 16:52:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen><>
Message-ID: <018d01c6655b$8a8d8e80$0a01a8c0@xp>

I hereby give my permission for any answer I've ever posted to 
this list or to any other Python list or newsgroup to be used in 
any Python related FAQ anyone cares to produce! :-)

Alan G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Singleton" <singletoned at>
To: <tutor at>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?

> --------------------------------------
Mike, if you're volunteering that would be perfect.  If anyone here
has ideas for questions that get asked a lot (like "How do I write a
program that prints a word backwards") then just posting them in this
thread would be a good start.

I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being reused in
the wiki, but it would probably best to get explicit permission from
them (and other people) to re-use text from their answers.


From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 21 17:56:12 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 16:56:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] locations
Message-ID: <019b01c6655c$1d937f00$0a01a8c0@xp>

I should have added that this solution quickly explodes for large matrixes.
There are tweaks such as factoring in the distance between subsequent
zeros etc to keep the calculation size down. But for 4x4 sizes it should
be adequate in its simple state.

Alan G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at>
To: "linda.s" <samrobertsmith at>; "Pujo Aji" <ajikoe at>
Cc: <tutor at>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] locations

>> ---------------------
> I have a question. in the LIST M=
> [[1,1,1,1],
> [0,1,1,1],
> [1,1,0,1],
> [1,1,1,1]]
> If treat them as the locations of 16 points, I want to generate another 
> list
> N to hold the corresponding value for each point to its nearest 0.
>> ------------------
> Your explanation of the problem is clear up to this point, but...
>> -----------------------
> For example:
> the nearest 0 point to M[0][0] is M[1][0], so N[0][0]=1;
>> ----------------------
> You lost me there, how do you calculate the 1?
> Is it the linear distance? The number of hops?
> related to the index numbering? I'm confused.
>> M[0][1]'s nearest 0 is also at M[1][0], so N[0][1]=2;
> Linearly this is root 2 in distance not 2 so I assume you
> are counting hops?
>> but N[0][3]=3 because 0 at M[2][2] is much nearer;
> If you are counting hops then 3 is valid but its only one hop
> nearer not *much* nearer!
>> -------------------
> N should be
> [[1,2,2,3],
> [0,1,1,2],
> [1,1,0,1],
> [2,2,1,2]]
>> -------------------
> Assuming you mean hops... (and there probably is a proper
> mathematical algorithm for this.) I would do this:
> Locate the first zero(1,1) in this case.
> Mark all boxes with their distance to it.
> N looks like this (forget the python syntax
> for now, focus on the problem):
> 1234
> 0123
> 1234
> 2345
> Can you figure out the algorithm for doing that?
> Now find the next zero in M and do the same, except you
> only overwrite values where the new value is less than
> previously. Thus the values:
> 4323
> 3212
> 2101
> 3212
> becomes
> 1223
> 0112
> 1101
> 2212
> when overlaid on the previous matrix.
> Which is your required matrix N - QED.
> Does that help?
> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor

From singletoned at  Fri Apr 21 18:08:08 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 17:08:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

On 21/04/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> Ed Singleton wrote:
> > If anyone here
> > has ideas for questions that get asked a lot (like "How do I write a
> > program that prints a word backwards") then just posting them in this
> > thread would be a good start.
> We should be careful about posting solutions to homework problems, which
> this could easily be.

Agreed ;-)

The last couple of times people have asked this, there's been some
really good replies that helped them tease out the solution (what to
think about, how to think about the problem, etc).

I think quite a lot of the answers to some FAQs won't be solutions, but advice.


From dyoo at  Fri Apr 21 18:37:47 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:37:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <001701c6648e$4f401050$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

> I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being reused in 
> the wiki, but it would probably best to get explicit permission from 
> them (and other people) to re-use text from their answers.

I give explicit permission for any of my replies to be reused this way.

From mhansen at  Fri Apr 21 18:38:12 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:38:12 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <004901c66561$fb0b1b40$28645f0a@mikehansen>

In the macro, you might try Application.DisplayAlerts = False  and reset it
to True after you save.
I think it might be trying to display a dialog box before it saves. 


From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On Behalf
Of arun
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 1:44 AM
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro

I'm sorry , there is something realy wrong with 'Run-time error 1004':. I
have fixed it now but still it throws an error while trying to save the

On 4/21/06, arun <r.arunchand at> wrote: 

I tried invoking a macro from my python script and  It is  throwing  an
error message that reads 'Run-time error 1004':
"This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized"
My script looks like this 
from win32com.client import Dispatch
xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
xl.Run('Import_file')  # name of the macro
Also while (running the macro)opening the workbook it  names it as
"sample1.xls' ,and so 
It says there is no such file sample.xls
Filename =  Myexcel.xls
Workbooks("sample.xls").SaveAs Filename
Can somebody help me with this issue : (




-------------- next part --------------
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From carroll at  Fri Apr 21 19:43:38 2006
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:43:38 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Version of a .pyc file
In-Reply-To: <e2anko$e54$>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Don Taylor wrote:

> That did it, and it was a .pyd file that was giving me problems, thanks 
> once again Terry.

Great to hear!

From mhansen at  Fri Apr 21 19:59:04 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:59:04 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <006501c6656d$47061760$28645f0a@mikehansen>


> > Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a 
> > beginner's section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a 
> FAQ wiki here:
> >
> Actually I put something about this on PyFAQ just the other day. 
> Fredrik was quite keen on the idea, but I've been busy the 
> last couple of days and haven't got around to doing anything about it.
> Mike, if you're volunteering that would be perfect.  If 
> anyone here has ideas for questions that get asked a lot 
> (like "How do I write a program that prints a word 
> backwards") then just posting them in this thread would be a 
> good start.
> I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being 
> reused in the wiki, but it would probably best to get 
> explicit permission from them (and other people) to re-use 
> text from their answers.
> Ed
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Yep, I'm volunteering. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't seem to figure
out how to edit/add pages to The tutorial wiki
has the edit, but the pyfaq page doesn't. I am logged in using my reddit

Below is what little I slapped together last night. I copied the content
from the Python tutor mailman page for the first question. 

Python Tutor FAQ
What is Python Tutor?

This list is for folks who want to ask questions regarding how to learn
computer programming with the Python language.

Python ( is a programming language which many feel is
a good first language, because it makes it easy to express the fundamental
concepts of programming such as data structures and algorithms with a syntax
which many find easy to read and write.

Folks interested in learning about programming with Python are encouraged to
join, as are folks interested in helping others learn. While the list is
called tutor, anyone, whether novice or expert, can answer questions.

If individuals wish to start off-line conversations about a particular
concept and become one-on-one tutor/tutee, that's fine. If either party
wants to summarize what they learned for others to benefit, that's fine too.

There is a searchable interface to archived Tutor messages on Activestate's
web site at

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Tutor
Archives at

Using Tutor
To post a message to all the list members, send email to tutor at

I need help; I'm getting an error in my program. What should I do?

If you are getting an error in your Python program that you don't
understand, post the error message and any relevant code. Post the exact
error message. Don't paraphrase the error message. The error message has
details that can help resolve the issue that caused the error.

What is the policy on homework?

Although those on the Python tutor mail list are eager to help, they don't
want to hand you the answers to your homework. They want to help you find
the answers. If you are having difficulty with your homework, send a message
to the list about the problem and what you have tried. The tutors will try
to nudge you in the right direction.

Why do my replies go to the person who sent the message and not to the list?

This is by design. 

Also see this explanation


Unless anyone has any more, I think the above covers the FAQs about the
tutor list.

Here's some of the FAQs that I came across scanning the list:

ord and chr
parsing html beautifulsoup
getters and setters
regex match and find
maxtrix operations
how do I make an exe out of a python script 
what should I program?


From kent37 at  Fri Apr 21 20:25:56 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 14:25:56 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <006501c6656d$47061760$28645f0a@mikehansen>
References: <006501c6656d$47061760$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <>

Mike Hansen wrote:

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> I need help; I'm getting an error in my program. What should I do?
> If you are getting an error in your Python program that you don't
> understand, post the error message and any relevant code. Post the exact
> error message. Don't paraphrase the error message. The error message has
> details that can help resolve the issue that caused the error.

Instead of "Post the exact error message." I would say "Copy and paste 
the entire error message into your email, including the traceback."


From Barry.Carroll at  Fri Apr 21 20:05:43 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:05:43 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] locations
Message-ID: <>

Hi, Linda,

> -----Original Message-----
> I have a question. in the LIST M=
> [[1,1,1,1],
> [0,1,1,1],
> [1,1,0,1],
> [1,1,1,1]]
> If treat them as the locations of 16 points, I want to generate
> list
> N to hold the corresponding value for each point to its nearest 0.
> For example:
> the nearest 0 point to M[0][0] is M[1][0], so N[0][0]=1;
> M[0][1]'s nearest 0 is also at M[1][0], so N[0][1]=2;
> but N[0][3]=3 because 0 at M[2][2] is much nearer;
> N[1][0]=0 because the distance to itself is 0;
> N should be
> [[1,2,2,3],
> [0,1,1,2],
> [1,1,0,1],
> [2,2,1,2]]
> I am really very new to Python and have no idea how to write the code.
> Thanks!
> Linda

Basically, what you need to do is compare the coordinates of each cell
in N with the coordinates of each cell in M WHICH CONTAINS A 0.  Here is
my solution:

    1. create the list N
       a. same structure as M
       b. set each cell to a huge integer value (will be replaced later)
    2. make a third list, C, containing the coordinates of the 0 cells
in M 
    3. walk the list N
       a. compare each cell's coordinates with each coordinate pair in C
          1. calculate the distance between the two coordinate pairs
       b. assign the smallest value obtained from 3.a. to this cell in

Here are some code fragments to get you started.

To, create the coordinate list (C), walk the list M, looking for 0s:
C = []
for i in xrange(len(M)):
    for j in xrange(len(M[i])):
        if M[i][j] == 0:
(This could probably be rewritten as a list comprehension, but I'm not
very good at them yet.)  =8^(

To find the distance between the coordinate pairs:
dist = abs(C[k][0] - i) + abs(C[k][1] - j)

To check for a minimum distance:
if dist < N[i][j]:
    N[i][j] = dist

Does this give you enough information to write your solution?  If not,
just post more questions.  

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 21 21:14:47 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 20:14:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
References: <006501c6656d$47061760$28645f0a@mikehansen>
Message-ID: <01bb01c66577$db78abb0$0a01a8c0@xp>

I suspect the best way to generate a scientific list of FAQ is 
by scanning the subjects in the list archives. But here are 
a few more:

Special function _xxx_ doesn't work - double underscore needed

Lack of indentation or inconsistent indents - inc tabs and spaces

How to name an object based on user input - use a dictionary usually!

How to get an attribute of an object by name - getattr()

How does Python do my favourite PHP/Perl/VB trick
    Various possibilities here

Binding functions to widgets
    ie not using parens after the function name

How do I read the output from a program called via os.system()
    popen, command and the new Popen class

Changing elements in a mutable object changes the object for 
all references

assignment versus equality in x=x+1

That should keep you busy :-)

Alan G.

> Below is what little I slapped together last night. I copied the content
> from the Python tutor mailman page for the first question. 

> Here's some of the FAQs that I came across scanning the list:
> ord and chr
> parsing html beautifulsoup
> editors/ides
> getters and setters
> regex match and find
> maxtrix operations
> how do I make an exe out of a python script 
> books 
> what should I program?
> unicode/encoding 
> Mike

From mhansen at  Fri Apr 21 21:30:52 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 13:30:52 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <006801c6657a$19e39ac0$28645f0a@mikehansen>

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > I need help; I'm getting an error in my program. What should I do?
> > 
> > If you are getting an error in your Python program that you don't 
> > understand, post the error message and any relevant code. Post the 
> > exact error message. Don't paraphrase the error message. The error 
> > message has details that can help resolve the issue that 
> caused the error.
> Instead of "Post the exact error message." I would say "Copy 
> and paste the entire error message into your email, including 
> the traceback."
> Kent

That's good. It didn't occur to me since I considered the error message as
including the traceback.

I need help; I'm getting an error in my program. What should I do?

If you are getting an error in your Python program that you don't
understand, post the error message and any relevant code. Copy and paste the
entire error message into your email, including the traceback. Don't
paraphrase the error message. The error message has details that can help
resolve the issue that caused the error.


From aggie0222 at  Sat Apr 22 00:14:21 2006
From: aggie0222 at (Aguilar Arcadio)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 15:14:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Cancel Subscription
Message-ID: <>

Please delete my e-mail from the tutor at
mailing list. Thank you!!

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From srini_iyyer_bio at  Sat Apr 22 00:49:28 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 15:49:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Creating a graphical interface to database of gene
Message-ID: <>

Dear group, 
 I am happy that I am slowly finding pyhonian projects
related to my research area. 

1. I have a database of human gene coordinates on
2. I have gene expression data from my lab concerning
the genes I mentioned above. 

3. I want to visualize expression data laid on

Chr      Gene       From      To     Exon
1         x         100       120    exon:1
1         x         200       250    exon:2
1         x         350       450    exon:3

Expression data:

IDent   sample  Chr    From     To     Expression
xxx_at  lung     1     110      120     100.35
x_s_at  heart    1     225      250     124.35
x_a_at  eye      1     375      400     146.35

What I want:

I want to have a simpler window, that would connect to
my database.  I want to give a gene, this python/tk
interfacce or what ever would query the database
draw a graph of gene according the exons and plot the


-- : exon
__: regions that are not exons, introns.

My questions to Tutor/BioPython forums:

1. What should I decide to work on a. Py/Tk framework 
b. python imaging libraries etc. 

2. I do not want to impress any one with this work,
except that it should help me understand the
relationships as the number game in the tables above
is highly confusing. So, a working version that
accurately plots the expression values for as many
samples I have

3. Are there any available modules to jump-start? or
do I have to create some from scratch. which would be
a problem because I am between novice to mediocral
level of python programing. 

4. Any ideas/suggestions/pointers are highly


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From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr 22 00:58:00 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 10:58:00 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Creating a graphical interface to database of gene
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

For graphing you can't really beat Scipy.

On 4/22/06, Srinivas Iyyer <srini_iyyer_bio at> wrote:
> Dear group,
>  I am happy that I am slowly finding pyhonian projects
> related to my research area.
> Problem:
> 1. I have a database of human gene coordinates on
> chromosomes.
> 2. I have gene expression data from my lab concerning
> the genes I mentioned above.
> 3. I want to visualize expression data laid on
> chromosomes.
> Eg.
> Coordinates:
> Chr      Gene       From      To     Exon
> 1         x         100       120    exon:1
> 1         x         200       250    exon:2
> 1         x         350       450    exon:3
> Expression data:
> IDent   sample  Chr    From     To     Expression
> value
> xxx_at  lung     1     110      120     100.35
> x_s_at  heart    1     225      250     124.35
> x_a_at  eye      1     375      400     146.35
> What I want:
> I want to have a simpler window, that would connect to
> my database.  I want to give a gene, this python/tk
> interfacce or what ever would query the database
> draw a graph of gene according the exons and plot the
> values.
> -------_______----------_______-------
> -- : exon
> __: regions that are not exons, introns.
> My questions to Tutor/BioPython forums:
> 1. What should I decide to work on a. Py/Tk framework
> b. python imaging libraries etc.
> 2. I do not want to impress any one with this work,
> except that it should help me understand the
> relationships as the number game in the tables above
> is highly confusing. So, a working version that
> accurately plots the expression values for as many
> samples I have
> 3. Are there any available modules to jump-start? or
> do I have to create some from scratch. which would be
> a problem because I am between novice to mediocral
> level of python programing.
> 4. Any ideas/suggestions/pointers are highly
> appreciated.
> thanks
> Sri
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From simplebob at  Sat Apr 22 04:07:51 2006
From: simplebob at (Daniel McQuay)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:07:51 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Cancel Subscription
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Aguilar Arcadio wrote:
> Please delete my e-mail from the tutor at
> mailing list. Thank you!!
To unsubscribe you will have to visit:
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Daniel McQuay
Dead Possum Productions

From meenakshi at  Sat Apr 22 04:44:57 2006
From: meenakshi at (meenakshi at
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 19:44:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
Message-ID: <>

    I apologize if this has been covered before.
I am a postdoctoral research scientist learning Python programming.  I
would like to hire a tutor who can spend 1-2 hours a week with me going
overand critiquing my programming.  I have looked for online Python
programming classes (not free tutorials), which offer structure and
feedback for a reasonable price.  To my surprise, I havent been very
   Working with online free tutorials hasnt been an ideal approach, partly
because I dont get feedback and partly because they dont completely
meet my requirements.

 How would I go about hiring a python tutor who:

Spends time critiquing my code and providing detailed feedback.
Cares about good programming practices and is able to provide cogent
explanations of programming principles.
Can instruct me in the finer points of breaking a programming problem down
into constituent parts.
Is well versed in Python.  It would be great (but not necessary) if he/she
were also familiar with data mining practices.

 I would be willing to pay 20-30$ an hour (or more depending on instructor

   How do I go about doing this?  Any suggestions?


From dyoo at  Sat Apr 22 07:00:20 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:00:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> How would I go about hiring a python tutor who:
> Spends time critiquing my code and providing detailed feedback.

Hi Meenakshi,

People here are usually suprisingly gracious with their time, and will be 
happy to look and critique code.  You may want to try your hand at showing 
us some code.  We might be rough at times, but we'll try to be as 
constructive as we can.

If you share what you have with the group here at Python-Tutor, you might 
be able to get some of the feedback and advice that you're looking for. 
Python-tutor acts very much like a "writers workshop" in the sense that 
Richard Gabriel explains in:

If you'd like to see examples of this, take a look at the mailing list 
archive at:

and look at the kinds of questions that are being asked and answered.

Good luck to you.

From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr 22 07:01:25 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 17:01:25 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Bug in python, or is it just 3am
In-Reply-To: <016001c6652e$bfb6d850$0a01a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Ryan,

I see what confused you; the

>>> number + 1
>>> print number

part. Yeah, it's only evaluating the the first one. So you're asking
it "What's number + 1"?

>>> number = number + 1


>>> number += 1

Is saying "Make number equal number plus 1"

Ha, it's all a learning experience.


Liam Clarke

On 4/21/06, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> > But when i use a number = number + 1
> > right after the value stays the same,
> I'm not sure what you mean by that.
> > Now i thought that number = number + 1 just wasn't
> > vailed in python untill i tried it again and it
> > worked,
> variable = variable + 1
> is perfectly valid. It is not the normal math meaning of an equation
> however, it is an assignment statement. In a language like Smalltalk
> or Pascal they use a different symbol (:=) for assignment which
> is IMHO A Good Thing(TM)  And they traditionally read that
> symbol as "becomes", thus:
> variable := variable + 1
> is read: "variable becomes variable plus one"
> What it means is that variable takes on the previous value
> of variable plus one. So if it starts as 42 it ends as 43
> This is such a common thing to do that Python actually
> has a shorthand for it:
> variable += 1
> And after all that, I've just realised that I don't discuss this
> at all in my tutorial so I need to add an explanation this weekend.
> So thanks for asking the question! :-)
> HTH,
> Alan G
> Author of the learn to program web tutor
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From singletoned at  Sat Apr 22 09:39:00 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 08:39:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <006501c6656d$47061760$28645f0a@mikehansen>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Yep, I'm volunteering. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't seem to figure
> out how to edit/add pages to The tutorial wiki
> has the edit, but the pyfaq page doesn't. I am logged in using my reddit
> login.

I don't think the FAQ is open to public editing yet.  I'm not sure
when it will be, but Fredrik might be able to give a timescale.

I've made a start on adding your questions, but probably won't get to
do much more until tomorrow.


On 21/04/06, Mike Hansen <mhansen at> wrote:
> > > Maybe this could be integrated with the main Python FAQ in a
> > > beginner's section? Fredrik Lundh is experimenting with a
> > FAQ wiki here:
> > >
> >
> > Actually I put something about this on PyFAQ just the other day.
> > Fredrik was quite keen on the idea, but I've been busy the
> > last couple of days and haven't got around to doing anything about it.
> >
> > Mike, if you're volunteering that would be perfect.  If
> > anyone here has ideas for questions that get asked a lot
> > (like "How do I write a program that prints a word
> > backwards") then just posting them in this thread would be a
> > good start.
> >
> > I assume Kent, Alan and Danny don't mind their answers being
> > reused in the wiki, but it would probably best to get
> > explicit permission from them (and other people) to re-use
> > text from their answers.
> >
> > Ed
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
> Yep, I'm volunteering. Forgive my ignorance, but I couldn't seem to figure
> out how to edit/add pages to The tutorial wiki
> has the edit, but the pyfaq page doesn't. I am logged in using my reddit
> login.
> Below is what little I slapped together last night. I copied the content
> from the Python tutor mailman page for the first question.
> =====================================================================
> Python Tutor FAQ
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> What is Python Tutor?
> This list is for folks who want to ask questions regarding how to learn
> computer programming with the Python language.
> Python ( is a programming language which many feel is
> a good first language, because it makes it easy to express the fundamental
> concepts of programming such as data structures and algorithms with a syntax
> which many find easy to read and write.
> Folks interested in learning about programming with Python are encouraged to
> join, as are folks interested in helping others learn. While the list is
> called tutor, anyone, whether novice or expert, can answer questions.
> If individuals wish to start off-line conversations about a particular
> concept and become one-on-one tutor/tutee, that's fine. If either party
> wants to summarize what they learned for others to benefit, that's fine too.
> There is a searchable interface to archived Tutor messages on Activestate's
> web site at
> To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Tutor
> Archives at
> Using Tutor
> To post a message to all the list members, send email to tutor at
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> I need help; I'm getting an error in my program. What should I do?
> If you are getting an error in your Python program that you don't
> understand, post the error message and any relevant code. Post the exact
> error message. Don't paraphrase the error message. The error message has
> details that can help resolve the issue that caused the error.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> What is the policy on homework?
> Although those on the Python tutor mail list are eager to help, they don't
> want to hand you the answers to your homework. They want to help you find
> the answers. If you are having difficulty with your homework, send a message
> to the list about the problem and what you have tried. The tutors will try
> to nudge you in the right direction.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Why do my replies go to the person who sent the message and not to the list?
> This is by design.
> See
> Also see this explanation
> =====================================================================
> Unless anyone has any more, I think the above covers the FAQs about the
> tutor list.
> Here's some of the FAQs that I came across scanning the list:
> ord and chr
> parsing html beautifulsoup
> editors/ides
> getters and setters
> regex match and find
> maxtrix operations
> how do I make an exe out of a python script
> books
> what should I program?
> unicode/encoding
> Mike

From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr 22 10:22:50 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 09:22:50 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
References: <>
Message-ID: <004501c665e5$f213d520$0a01a8c0@xp>

> I am a postdoctoral research scientist learning Python programming.  I
> would like to hire a tutor who can spend 1-2 hours a week with me going
> overand critiquing my programming.

We are not available for hire but we do offer a critique service
on code to a limited degree - ie we don;t code review hundreds
(or thousands) of lines worth! But if you want to try ideas out and
ask us how they can be improved we can do that.

> programming classes (not free tutorials), which offer structure and
> feedback for a reasonable price.  To my surprise, I havent been very
> successful.

There are some traditional traiing companies that teach Python,
mainly in the US although at least one is here in the UK too.
But I don't know of anyone online who does that.

>   Working with online free tutorials hasnt been an ideal approach, partly
> because I dont get feedback and partly because they dont completely
> meet my requirements.

This list tries to provide feedback for most of the online tuts, and
I provide a feedback link on every page of my tutor and usually
respond to queries etc within 48 hours.

> Cares about good programming practices and is able to provide cogent
> explanations of programming principles.
> Can instruct me in the finer points of breaking a programming problem down
> into constituent parts.
> Is well versed in Python.  It would be great (but not necessary) if he/she
> were also familiar with data mining practices.

We do that here, but instead of one tutor you get dozens...

> I would be willing to pay 20-30$ an hour (or more depending on instructor
> qualifications).

And we are free. But you don't get one on one tuition. And its public
so you have to be happy to share your mistakes.

So I don't know how you get exactly what you want but this list offers
some of it for free.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From python at  Sat Apr 22 14:03:14 2006
From: python at (Python)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 08:03:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 19:44 -0700, meenakshi at wrote:
>  How would I go about hiring a python tutor who:
> Spends time critiquing my code and providing detailed feedback.
> Cares about good programming practices and is able to provide cogent
> explanations of programming principles.
> Can instruct me in the finer points of breaking a programming problem
> down
> into constituent parts.
> Is well versed in Python.  It would be great (but not necessary) if
> he/she
> were also familiar with data mining practices.
>  I would be willing to pay 20-30$ an hour (or more depending on
> instructor
> qualifications).
>    How do I go about doing this?  Any suggestions?

Sometimes having someone sitting at your side helping you get acclimated
can be a big help.  I would expect your school would have some computer
oriented clubs or groups where you could find the expertise you're
looking for.  

A Linux User Group could be a good source of help, even if you are using
Windows since the percentage of Python users is generally higher among
Linux folks than in the Windows population.

For remote help, this list is hard to beat.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From srini_iyyer_bio at  Sat Apr 22 14:51:19 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 05:51:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi meenakshi,
 I am a postdoctoral fellow in oncology and with
passion and I wanted to learn programming especially
Python. I tried my luck in C, Java and PERL.  To my
surprise they were much harder to understand and work
with. I chose Python to help my work and it helped me
run my life easily.

just like you, I contacted many experts who would
spend their time to train me. I dared to spend around
'$10 K' to learn programming (at programming camps).
The truth is, it may sound strange, you may hire the
best tutor on this planet, BUT the seed-logic of
coding cannot be planted in your brain by none other
than you.

My suggestions:
1. choose exercises/problems from your own area of
research, instead of 'Hello world' type.

2. Regularly read 'Tutor' mailing list. Here experts,
are so passionate and with patience spend their time
for no cost, in critiquing your code, not matter how
simple or harder it may be. At no cost, you get top
notch programmers instead of one.

3. Post your questions here. Believe me, THIS IS THE
place to learn serious Python programming.

4. After a tutor responds to your question, go back to
simple books and try to understand the nuances. 

Dont forget to carry these whereever your go:
1. Alan Gauld's : Learn to Program using Python
2. Mark Lutz'z: Learning Python

Rest other books are up to your taste and choice.

good luck.

--- meenakshi at wrote:

>   Hi,
>     I apologize if this has been covered before.
> I am a postdoctoral research scientist learning
> Python programming.  I
> would like to hire a tutor who can spend 1-2 hours a
> week with me going
> overand critiquing my programming.  I have looked
> for online Python
> programming classes (not free tutorials), which
> offer structure and
> feedback for a reasonable price.  To my surprise, I
> havent been very
> successful.
>    Working with online free tutorials hasnt been an
> ideal approach, partly
> because I dont get feedback and partly because they
> dont completely
> meet my requirements.
>  How would I go about hiring a python tutor who:
> Spends time critiquing my code and providing
> detailed feedback.
> Cares about good programming practices and is able
> to provide cogent
> explanations of programming principles.
> Can instruct me in the finer points of breaking a
> programming problem down
> into constituent parts.
> Is well versed in Python.  It would be great (but
> not necessary) if he/she
> were also familiar with data mining practices.
>  I would be willing to pay 20-30$ an hour (or more
> depending on instructor
> qualifications).
>    How do I go about doing this?  Any suggestions?
>   Thanks
> Meenakshi
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From srini_iyyer_bio at  Sun Apr 23 07:46:02 2006
From: srini_iyyer_bio at (Srinivas Iyyer)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 22:46:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] how can I use   Set.interaction function on a dictionary
Message-ID: <>

Hi Tutors, 


1. I have a dictionary with 4 keys and some repeated
values for each key.

>>> dida
{'NM_001033044': [32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32843894,
32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894,
32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32844846,
32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846,
32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32845745],
'NM_002065': [32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32843894, 32843894,
32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894,
32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32844846, 32844846,
32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846,
32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32845745], 'NM_015701':
[32844783, 32844783, 32844783, 32844783, 32844783,
32844783], 'NM_001033056': [32842023, 32842023,
32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894,
32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894,
32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846,
32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846,

In the case of 'dida', the list of values have
repeated elements. So I got rid of duplicates in the
value lists (value as in key:value pair) in the case
of 'didi'

>>> didi
{'NM_001033044': [32842023, 32843894, 32844846,
32845745], 'NM_002065': [32844846, 32842023, 32845745,
32843894], 'NM_015701': [32844783], 'NM_001033056':
[32843894, 32844846, 32845745, 32842023]}


1. How can I get A^B^C^D(^ = intersection) where A, B,
C and D are keys from dida or didi.

2. How can I store values generated dynamically. For
example, here in 'dida' I know there are 4 keys, but
how can I create 4 lists while running in for loop and
store the key values in 'dida'. 

Do I have to write an class object that will create
empty lists depending on number of keys a dictionary

I am loosing my mind because I do not know how to
store the values for each key in a loop and do set

For instance, I tried the following way:

>>> for m in range(len(didi.keys())):
...     x = m+1
...     a = Set(didi[didi.keys()[m]])
...     print a
Set([32845745, 32844846, 32843894, 32842023])
Set([32845745, 32843894, 32844846, 32842023])
Set([32845745, 32844846, 32843894, 32842023])

I would be happy, if I could store all 4 sets
(above)into listsor sets A, B, C and D and do 

Could any one help me please. 

My ultimate goal is to do set operations on this
dictionary.  If things get more complicated, I will
seek R's help through RPy.


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From dyoo at  Sun Apr 23 10:39:44 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 01:39:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] how can I use Set.interaction function on a dictionary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> 1. I have a dictionary with 4 keys and some repeated
> values for each key.
>>>> dida
> {'NM_001033044': [32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
> 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
> 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32843894,
> 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894,
> 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32844846,
> 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846,
> 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32845745],


> 1. How can I get A^B^C^D(^ = intersection) where A, B, C and D are keys 
> from dida or didi.

What would be a few concrete examples of this operation?  What would be a 
concrete instance of this problem, and the expected result?

That is, let's call this operation "intersection()" for the moment, and 
just pretend that it exists.  Can you construct a simple, sample call to 
this imaginary "intersection()" function?  What expected value do we get 

Wishful thinking through examples is a good technique when one is not 
quite sure how to do something yet.  (Plus it will be less ambiguous than 
English --- I have to admit that I do not understand the problem statement 

Also, simplify the problem a little more: doing an operation on four 
elements at once seems a bit arbitrary.  Rather than four, let's bring the 
problem's complexity down a bit.  If you had a function to do it on two 

     A ^ B

where A and B are either from dida or didi, would this be easier for you 
to consider?  Would you be able to do this smaller problem?  I'd recommend 
tackling this first before going all out on the bigger problem.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 23 16:21:00 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 15:21:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
References: <>
Message-ID: <000d01c666e1$25df1710$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Books:
> Dont forget to carry these whereever your go:
> 1. Alan Gauld's : Learn to Program using Python
> 2. Mark Lutz'z: Learning Python

While I appreciate the compliment I feel I should point out that my 
book is really a beginners tutorial and, even when I wrote it, I 
expected it to have limited value as a reference book (except 
perhaps for some of the CS concepts). Lutz' book is similar 
but is at least more in-depth although even it can be quickly 

The best current ready reference is Python in a Nutshell.

And Lutz' much bigger volume - Programming Python - is 
also worth keeping on your desk if not in your bag...

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 23 16:43:51 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 15:43:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] how can I use Set.interaction function on a dictionary
References: <>
Message-ID: <001501c666e4$569f60a0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> 1. I have a dictionary with 4 keys and some repeated
> values for each key.
>>>> dida
> {'NM_001033044': [32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
> 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023,
> 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32842023, 32843894,
> 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894,
> 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32843894, 32844846,
> 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846,
> 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32844846, 32845745],

>>>> didi
> {'NM_001033044': [32842023, 32843894, 32844846,
> 32845745], 'NM_002065': [32844846, 32842023, 32845745,
> 32843894], 'NM_015701': [32844783], 'NM_001033056':
> [32843894, 32844846, 32845745, 32842023]}
> Question:
> 1. How can I get A^B^C^D(^ = intersection) where A, B,
> C and D are keys from dida or didi.

I assume the value of A,B etc are the lists of data purged 
of duplicates? And you now want to find the common elements 
across all four sets?

> 2. How can I store values generated dynamically. For
> example, here in 'dida' I know there are 4 keys, but
> how can I create 4 lists while running in for loop and
> store the key values in 'dida'. 

I'm not sure what the problem is here:


Will give the number of keys, and

dida[key] will give you the list.

But I think you know enough Python for that to be too simple.
Can you elaborate further?

> Do I have to write an class object that will create
> empty lists depending on number of keys a dictionary
> has?
> I am loosing my mind because I do not know how to
> store the values for each key in a loop and do set
> operations.

mysets = []
for value in dida.itervalues():

Gives you a list of 4 sets.

You can get the intersect of 4 sets by taking the intersects 
of two at a time:
result = mysets[0]
for s in mysets[1:]
    result = result.intersection(s)

>>>> for m in range(len(didi.keys())):
> ...     x = m+1
> ...     a = Set(didi[didi.keys()[m]])

Any time you use len() in a for loop you should ask whether 
thats really the best way. And if you then use the index to get 
the items, ask again.

> I would be happy, if I could store all 4 sets
> (above)into listsor sets A, B, C and D and do 
> (A^B)^(C^D).

See my code above which gives you a list of 4 sets.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From tinoloc at  Sun Apr 23 17:55:16 2006
From: tinoloc at (Tino Dai)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:55:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Locking a specific variable
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

     I am wondering if you could lock a specific variable with thread
locking. Let me illustrate:

def ftpQueuePut(filename="")::
  if len(filename) > 0:
           fileQueue.put(filename,True,1)    #Variable that I would like to
      except Queue.full:
           print "Queue is full"

def ftpQueueGet():
          filename=fileQueue.get(True,1)  #Variable that I would like to
          return filename
     except Queue.Empty:

Presently, the only way that I can see to do this using Python is to combine
the two functions into one and lock and unlock the entire thing . That
doesn't seem efficient and/or elegant to me. Any pointers about this?

-------------- next part --------------
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From george at  Mon Apr 24 02:43:04 2006
From: george at (George Georgalis)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 20:43:04 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] hash.update( argv[0] )
Message-ID: <20060424004304.GH25812@sta.duo>

Hi! I've been struggling to find a way up seed hash.update() with
the sha1 (or similar) of the file that is the program running.

this is not a security task but rather a means to generate
reasonably unique filenames based on various parameters including
changes to the program: name = hash.hexdigest()

so new files are generated when the program or parameters are
changed; but cached files are used when identical results are

help! I cannot figure out how to pass the program body as a seed
to hash.update().

// George

George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator <IXOYE>< cell:646-331-2027 mailto:george at

From fredrik at  Sat Apr 22 11:21:08 2006
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:21:08 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> When Ed brought up the tutor/tutorial FAQ idea

and yes, I'll change "tutorial FAQ" to "tutor FAQ", to make
things a bit less confusing.

From fredrik at  Sat Apr 22 11:15:00 2006
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:15:00 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ed wrote:

> I don't think the FAQ is open to public editing yet.  I'm not sure
> when it will be, but Fredrik might be able to give a timescale.

There are a few known conversion issues to deal with (the FAQ uses
a lot more "looks like markdown syntax" than the tutorial, which con-
fused the converter).  I've made some progress, but it'll probably take
another week before everything's sorted out.

When Ed brought up the tutor/tutorial FAQ idea, my first thought
was that Ed and other volunteers could add pages in a separate
"tutor-" namespace (to avoid collisions with material from the
existing FAQ), and ended up writing a couple of paragraphs on
how to manually convert titles to page names.  When I found that
I had written "this isn't quite as hard as it may look", I realized
that it would be better if I just wrote a script that did this.

So, while I'm working on that script, I suggest that you start adding
stuff the "tutor suggestion" page that I just set up:

One entry per comment; use "## title" to mark the first line as the
FAQ entry.  I've added Mike's examples.

cheers /F

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 07:41:15 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 22:41:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Locking a specific variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Tino Dai wrote:

>     I am wondering if you could lock a specific variable with thread 
> locking. Let me illustrate:
> def ftpQueuePut(filename="")::
>  if len(filename) > 0:
>      try:
>           fileQueue.put(filename,True,1)    #Variable that I would like to
> lock
>      except Queue.full:
>           print "Queue is full"
>   else:
>           pass
> def ftpQueueGet():
>     try:
>          filename=fileQueue.get(True,1)  #Variable that I would like to
> lock
>          return filename
>     except Queue.Empty:
>          pass

Hi Tino,

I'm not quite sure I get it, but ok.  *grin* I'll assume that fileQueue is 
an instance of the Queue class:

If so: why not allow fileQueue to grow unbounded?

> Presently, the only way that I can see to do this using Python is to 
> combine the two functions into one and lock and unlock the entire thing 
> . That doesn't seem efficient and/or elegant to me. Any pointers about 
> this?

Do you know about the thread-locking primitives?  There are a few kinds 
provided by Python's threading module:

Are you already familiar with the concept of a RLock or a Lock?

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 07:49:00 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 22:49:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] hash.update( argv[0] )
In-Reply-To: <20060424004304.GH25812@sta.duo>
References: <20060424004304.GH25812@sta.duo>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, George Georgalis wrote:

> Hi! I've been struggling to find a way up seed hash.update() with
> the sha1 (or similar) of the file that is the program running.
> this is not a security task but rather a means to generate
> reasonably unique filenames based on various parameters including
> changes to the program: name = hash.hexdigest()
> so new files are generated when the program or parameters are
> changed; but cached files are used when identical results are
> expected.
> help! I cannot figure out how to pass the program body as a seed
> to hash.update().

Hi George,

I'm slightly confused.  Isn't this a matter of doing:

def prepare_md5(filename):
     m =
     m.update(open(filename).read())  ## not so smart: do this
                                      ## progressively in real life!
     return m

So I think I'm missing something.

Are you asking instead: how do I get the filename of the currently running 

From keosophon at  Mon Apr 24 09:16:25 2006
From: keosophon at (Keo Sophon)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 14:16:25 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] How use relative path of Linux environment in Python
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

Do you have any idea of how to use relative path of Linux environment in 
Python. For example, if a program would like to create an oupfile from these 
assignment: outputfile = "~/Desktop/" + workingfile, while "~" is the short 
cut to the path of current user.


From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 09:24:00 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 00:24:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] How use relative path of Linux environment in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Keo Sophon wrote:

> Do you have any idea of how to use relative path of Linux environment in 
> Python. For example, if a program would like to create an oupfile from 
> these assignment: outputfile = "~/Desktop/" + workingfile, while "~" is 
> the short cut to the path of current user.

This seems similar to a question that was asked and answered a few days 

Are you trying to do something similar?

From hokkakada at  Mon Apr 24 09:59:54 2006
From: hokkakada at (kakada)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 14:59:54 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] [Linux] open a file in any home "~" ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

learner404 wrote:
> It works great, thanks very much to the three of you for these
> light-speed answers ... I love this list !
> Wesley, I've just pre-order your new edition "Core Python programming"
> on amazon France, it looks great. :)
> Thanks  
I love this list too.


From r.arunchand at  Mon Apr 24 15:32:43 2006
From: r.arunchand at (arun)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 19:02:43 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
In-Reply-To: <004901c66561$fb0b1b40$28645f0a@mikehansen>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Mike,
   It doesn't  display any dialog box rather it gives a temporary name to
the file.
 newsheet.xls as newsheet1.xls
So i'm not able to save it. Is  there an alternative to invoke the  macro
and save the file from my script itself .(saving it through macro wud be a
better option : )  )

Thanx  and Regards,

On 4/21/06, Mike Hansen <mhansen at> wrote:
>  In the macro, you might try Application.DisplayAlerts = False  and reset
> it to True after you save.
> I think it might be trying to display a dialog box before it saves.
> Mike
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] *On
> Behalf Of *arun
> *Sent:* Friday, April 21, 2006 1:44 AM
> *To:* tutor at
> *Subject:* Re: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
>  I'm sorry , there is something realy wrong with 'Run-time error 1004':. I
> have fixed it now but still it throws an error while trying to save the
> workbook.
> On 4/21/06, arun <r.arunchand at> wrote:
> >
> >  Hi,
> > I tried invoking a macro from my python script and  It is  throwing  an
> > error message that reads 'Run-time error 1004':
> >
> > "This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized"
> >
> > My script looks like this
> >
> > from win32com.client import Dispatch
> > xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
> > xl.Workbooks.Add('E:\Templates\sample.xls')
> > xl.Run('Import_file')  # name of the macro
> >
> > Also while (running the macro)opening the workbook it  names it as  "
> > sample1.xls' ,and so
> > It says there is no such file sample.xls
> >
> > "
> > Filename =  Myexcel.xls
> > Workbooks("sample.xls").SaveAs Filename
> > "
> >
> > Can somebody help me with this issue : (
> >
> >
> > Thanx
> >  arun
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> arun

-------------- next part --------------
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From etrade.griffiths at  Mon Apr 24 15:26:40 2006
From: etrade.griffiths at (Etrade Griffiths)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 14:26:40 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Looping over lists of objects
Message-ID: <>


just feeling my way into Python with a  small app that reads data from 
file, creates objects using that data, stores the objects in a list, loops 
over the list doing comparison tests to filter out various objects.  Here 
is a code snippet:

class myObj:
     def __init__(self,a,b):

     def get_a(self):
         return self.a

     def get_b(self):
         return self.b

# Read data from file


for line in input:



# Filter data

for i in range(1,nobj):
         for x in L1:            # ... loop over all objects in list
                 a=x.get_a()             # ... get value of a from current 

                 if test(a,b):
                 print 'test succeeded'
                 print 'test failed'

Trying to debug this using IDLE.  The calls x.get_a and x.get_b always 
return zero so something is going wrong somewhere.  I think I'm either not 
storing the objects correctly or retrieving them correctly but no idea 
why!  All suggestions gratefully received!!!

Thanks in advance

Alun Griffiths 
-------------- next part --------------
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From andreengels at  Mon Apr 24 16:46:31 2006
From: andreengels at (Andre Engels)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 16:46:31 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Object defined by initialization parameters
Message-ID: <>

Is it possible to define a class in such a way, that if twice an
object is made with the same initialization parameters, the same
object is returned in both cases?

More specifically, suppose I have the following program:

class myObj(object):
    def __init__(self,a):
        self._a = a
        self._seen = 0
    def touch(self):
        self._seen += 1
    def count(self):
        return self._seen

x = myObj("a")
y = myObj("a")
z = myObj("b")

After this, x._seen will return 1, but y._seen and z._seenwill return
0. I would like the definition of the myObj class to be such that
after these definitions x and y refer to the same object, but z to a
different one.

If there is not such possibility, does anyone have a better or more
elegant workaround than the one I am using, which is:

class myObj(object):
    def __init__(self,a):
        self._a = a
        self._seen = 0
    def touch(self):
        self._seen += 1
    def count(self):
        return self._seen

def obj(a):
        return objects[a]
    except KeyError:
        objects[a] = myObj(a)
        return objects[a]

objects = {}
x = obj("a")
y = obj("a")
z = obj("b")

Andre Engels, andreengels at
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

From george at  Mon Apr 24 16:56:57 2006
From: george at (George Georgalis)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:56:57 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] hash.update( argv[0] )
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20060424004304.GH25812@sta.duo>
Message-ID: <20060424145657.GK25812@sta.duo>

On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 10:49:00PM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
>On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, George Georgalis wrote:
>>Hi! I've been struggling to find a way up seed hash.update() with
>>the sha1 (or similar) of the file that is the program running.
>>this is not a security task but rather a means to generate
>>reasonably unique filenames based on various parameters including
>>changes to the program: name = hash.hexdigest()
>>so new files are generated when the program or parameters are
>>changed; but cached files are used when identical results are
>>help! I cannot figure out how to pass the program body as a seed
>>to hash.update().
>Hi George,
>I'm slightly confused.  Isn't this a matter of doing:
>def prepare_md5(filename):
>    m =
>    m.update(open(filename).read())  ## not so smart: do this
>                                     ## progressively in real life!
>    return m

I'm pretty green as far as python is concerned, but that looks good.
However filename is unpredictable, as this is a website plugin module,
and the path could be anything.


>Are you asking instead: how do I get the filename of the currently running 

yep, that's the main part of the problem.... I have

    # Use a hash of the parameters to generate a cache filename.
    hash =
    hash.update( "%d %d" % (density, int(texMag)) )
    hash.update( outputVersion )
    name = hash.hexdigest()
    imageFile = "%s/%s.%s" % (imagePath, name, 'png')

where outputVersion is a manual set variable in the program
(so I have to purge all the imageFile each time I adjust the
program.  maybe this is going to work, less progressive approach

    # Use a hash of the parameters to generate a cache filename.
    hash =
    hash.update( "%d %d" % (density, int(texMag)) )
    hash.update( open(argv[0]).read() )
    name = hash.hexdigest()
    imageFile = "%s/%s.%s" % (imagePath, name, 'png')

I cannot test till the evening because of $WORK; but is that a
good way to do it?

// George

George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator <IXOYE>< cell:646-331-2027 mailto:george at

From singletoned at  Mon Apr 24 18:19:31 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:19:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Looping over lists of objects
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 24/04/06, Etrade Griffiths <etrade.griffiths at> wrote:
>  Hi
>  just feeling my way into Python with a  small app that reads data from
> file, creates objects using that data, stores the objects in a list, loops
> over the list doing comparison tests to filter out various objects.  Here is
> a code snippet:
>  Trying to debug this using IDLE.  The calls x.get_a and x.get_b always
> return zero so something is going wrong somewhere.  I think I'm either not
> storing the objects correctly or retrieving them correctly but no idea why!
> All suggestions gratefully received!!!

I added some test input to give the code below, and it works fine for
me.  Can you give us some test input that fails for you?  Can you also
show us your test() function as it may the code in there that is


class myObj:
    def __init__(self,a,b):

    def get_a(self):
        return self.a

    def get_b(self):
        return self.b

input = ["1 2 3", "4 5 6"]


for line in input:



# Filter data

for i in range(1,nobj):
        for x in L1:            # ... loop over all objects in list
                print "a -> ", x.get_a()             # ... get value
of a from current object
                print "b -> ", x.get_b()

It returns:

a ->  2
b ->  3
a ->  5
b ->  6

From etrade.griffiths at  Mon Apr 24 18:42:02 2006
From: etrade.griffiths at (Etrade Griffiths)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:42:02 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Looping over lists of objects
In-Reply-To: <
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


the problem is that my original code did not have the closing brackets for 
the method calls get_a and get_b whereas the code snippet I posted 
did.  That's probably why your version works and mine failed.  Thanks for 
your help!


At 17:19 24/04/2006, Ed Singleton wrote:
>On 24/04/06, Etrade Griffiths <etrade.griffiths at> wrote:
> >  Hi
> >
> >  just feeling my way into Python with a  small app that reads data from
> > file, creates objects using that data, stores the objects in a list, loops
> > over the list doing comparison tests to filter out various 
> objects.  Here is
> > a code snippet:
> >
> >
> >  Trying to debug this using IDLE.  The calls x.get_a and x.get_b always
> > return zero so something is going wrong somewhere.  I think I'm either not
> > storing the objects correctly or retrieving them correctly but no idea why!
> > All suggestions gratefully received!!!
>I added some test input to give the code below, and it works fine for
>me.  Can you give us some test input that fails for you?  Can you also
>show us your test() function as it may the code in there that is
>class myObj:
>     def __init__(self,a,b):
>         self.a=a
>         self.b=b
>     def get_a(self):
>         return self.a
>     def get_b(self):
>         return self.b
>input = ["1 2 3", "4 5 6"]
>for line in input:
>         L0=line.split()
>         a=L0[1]
>         b=L0[2]
>         nobj=nobj+1
>         an_obj=myObj(a,b)
>         L1.append(an_obj)
># Filter data
>for i in range(1,nobj):
>         for x in L1:            # ... loop over all objects in list
>                 print "a -> ", x.get_a()             # ... get value
>of a from current object
>                 print "b -> ", x.get_b()
>It returns:
>a ->  2
>b ->  3
>a ->  5
>b ->  6

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 19:49:51 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:49:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] How use relative path of Linux environment in Python
Message-ID: <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 14:28:34 +0700
From: Keo Sophon <keosophon at>
To: Danny Yoo <dyoo at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] How use relative path of Linux environment in Python

On Monday 24 April 2006 14:24, you wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Keo Sophon wrote:
>> Do you have any idea of how to use relative path of Linux environment in
>> Python. For example, if a program would like to create an oupfile from
>> these assignment: outputfile = "~/Desktop/" + workingfile, while "~" is
>> the short cut to the path of current user.
> This seems similar to a question that was asked and answered a few days
> ago:
> Are you trying to do something similar?

Yes, same. Just a small point different, he tried to read the file, i am
trying to write the file.


From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 19:51:14 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:51:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Locking a specific variable (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:32:04 -0400
From: Tino Dai <tinoloc at>
To: Danny Yoo <dyoo at>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Locking a specific variable

Hey there Danny,

I'm not quite sure I get it, but ok.  *grin* I'll assume that fileQueue is
> an instance of the Queue class:
> If so: why not allow fileQueue to grow unbounded?
>> Presently, the only way that I can see to do this using Python is to
>> combine the two functions into one and lock and unlock the entire thing
>> . That doesn't seem efficient and/or elegant to me. Any pointers about
>> this?
> Do you know about the thread-locking primitives?  There are a few kinds
> provided by Python's threading module:
> Are you already familiar with the concept of a RLock or a Lock?

Yup, I'm familiar with those. In all of the examples, I have seen, the
critical region happens in one specific area eg a part of a function with a
lock and release around it. My question is there a way to lock a specific
variable so that even though other functions are attempting to access it,
they will not until the first function has released it. Examples below

# This example shows the way I have seen it in python tutorials
def function1():
      blah blah
      blah blah

def function2():
      blah blah
      blah blah

def function3():
     acquire lock
     does some stuff
     release lock

t = Thread.thread()

# The way I would like to do it, so we have two different instances of the
same variable, and only # one function can access it at a time. If a
function comes to that variable and finds a lock on it, # it will wait until
the lock is released.  And the variable happens to be a queue
def function1():
      blah blah
      acquire lock of variable only so that only function1 can access this at
a given time
      ....increment some variable.....
          release the function2 lock on this variable
      blah blah

def function2():
      blah blah
      acquire lock of variable only so that only function2 can access this at
a given time
      ....decrement some variable......
      release the function2 lock on this variable
      blah blah

t = Thread.thread()

Does that make more sense?


From Barry.Carroll at  Mon Apr 24 20:06:23 2006
From: Barry.Carroll at (Carroll, Barry)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:06:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
Message-ID: <>

Hello, Meenakshi,

> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 19:44:57 -0700 (PDT)
> From: meenakshi at
> Subject: [Tutor] looking to hire a tutor
> To: tutor at
> Message-ID:
> 	<1956. at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
>   Hi,
>     I apologize if this has been covered before.
> I am a postdoctoral research scientist learning Python programming.  I
> would like to hire a tutor who can spend 1-2 hours a week with me
> overand critiquing my programming.  I have looked for online Python
> programming classes (not free tutorials), which offer structure and
> feedback for a reasonable price.  To my surprise, I havent been very
> successful.
>    Working with online free tutorials hasnt been an ideal approach,
> because I dont get feedback and partly because they dont completely
> meet my requirements.
>  How would I go about hiring a python tutor who:
> Spends time critiquing my code and providing detailed feedback.
> Cares about good programming practices and is able to provide cogent
> explanations of programming principles.
> Can instruct me in the finer points of breaking a programming problem
> into constituent parts.
> Is well versed in Python.  It would be great (but not necessary) if
> were also familiar with data mining practices.
>  I would be willing to pay 20-30$ an hour (or more depending on
> qualifications).
>    How do I go about doing this?  Any suggestions?
>   Thanks
> Meenakshi 

I agree with the others that this list is an excellent place to learn
both Python and best programming practices.  However, the more personal,
one-on-one approach can be very useful.  

Have you checked the resources available there?  I'm thinking
particularly of the Computer Science department and the Student
Placement Service (or whatever they are called on your campus).  Most
placement services have a student employment service (web page, bulletin
board, etc) where students in need of part-time work can find job
listings.  Likewise, many computer science departments have a job board
or web page that does the same thing.  I'd be very surprised if UCLA
doesn't have something similar.

Good luck.  

barry.carroll at
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 20:16:03 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:16:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Looping over lists of objects
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Etrade Griffiths wrote:

> just feeling my way into Python with a small app that reads data from 
> file, creates objects using that data, stores the objects in a list, 
> loops over the list doing comparison tests to filter out various 
> objects.  Here is a code snippet:
> class myObj:
>    def __init__(self,a,b):
>        self.a=a
>        self.b=b
>    def get_a(self):
>        return self.a
>    def get_b(self):
>        return self.b

Hi Alun,

Looks ok so far.

Python specific tip: we can avoid writing getters and setters in Python. 
Python supports an alternative way to control how clients set and get 
attributes.  If you're interested, look for information on Python 
"properties".  So for now, I'd recommend simplifying this to:

class myObj:
    def __init__(self,a,b):

until we get into a real need to set up explicit get/set methods.

> # Read data from file
> L1=[]
> nobj=0
> for line in input:
>        L0=line.split()
>        a=L0[1]
>        b=L0[2]
>        nobj=nobj+1
>        an_obj=myObj(a,b)
>        L1.append(an_obj)

There must be additional context here, in the sense that I don't know what 
'input' is.  I suspect this is a file of some sort.  So unfortunately, we 
won't be able to test the exact same situation that you have.

I'd recommend turning this into a function as well, just to make the 
commend superfluous:

def read_data_from_file(input):
     for line in input:
     return L1, nobj

If we have this function, we can then test by doing:

L1, nobj = read_data_from_file(input)

and preserve the original behavior of our program.  (We may want to do 
some additional revision --- the nobj variable is also superfluous.)

> Trying to debug this using IDLE.  The calls x.get_a and x.get_b always 
> return zero so something is going wrong somewhere.  I think I'm either 
> not storing the objects correctly or retrieving them correctly but no 
> idea why!  All suggestions gratefully received!!!

I don't see anything horribly wrong with the code.  There are at least two 
possibilities when a problem comes up:

     * There's something wrong with the program (which might be the case,
       although I don't see it yet.)

     * The input to the program is weird.

I'll assume, for the moment, that the input may be weird.  *grin*

If we do have read_data_from_file() as function, we can test it by passing 
it hardcoded "files", and see that we get the myObj values we expect.

Here's one test to start you off:

import StringIO

def test1():
     sample_data = StringIO.StringIO("foo\tbar\tbaz\n")
     objs, nobjs = read_data_from_input(sample_data)
     assert (len(objs) == 1 == nobjs)
     first_object = objs[0]
     assert (first_object.a == "bar")
     assert (first_object.b == "baz")

(This uses the very useful StringIO module to disguise a string to make it 
look like a file.  See:

Does this test case make sense to you?

If this test works out ok, then we've still made progress: we can at least 
know that our parser is working well.  That bolsters the possibility that 
the input we're getting from our other source is weird.

Good luck to you.

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 20:20:28 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:20:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Object defined by initialization parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, Andre Engels wrote:

> Is it possible to define a class in such a way, that if twice an object 
> is made with the same initialization parameters, the same object is 
> returned in both cases?

Yes.  The idea is to have the "constructor" really be a function that 
delegates off to actual object instantiation only after it's comfortable 
with the situation.  That is, we can make a "factory" function.

For example:

class _Boolean:
     def __init__(self, value):
         self.value = value

def Boolean(b):
     if b:
         return _Boolean(True)
         return _Boolean(False)

The idea is that no one should directly call the underscored _Boolean(): 
they should go through Boolean(), which can do some additional things to 
make sure clients get the canonical objects.

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 20:33:33 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:33:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Locking a specific variable (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> # The way I would like to do it, so we have two different instances of 
> the same variable, and only # one function can access it at a time. If a 
> function comes to that variable and finds a lock on it, # it will wait 
> until the lock is released.  And the variable happens to be a queue

Hi Tino,

One way to do this is to add a level of indirection.

class LockedVariable:
     def __init__(self, val):
         self.val = val
         self.internal_lock = RLock()

     def acquire(self):

     def release(self):

def with_lock(locked_variable, function):
         return function(locked_variable.val)

The idea is that this allows us to pair up values with individual locks. 
There's nothing that restricts us to having one lock per program.

If you have some experience with treating functions as values, the last 
function, with_lock(), might be useful.  It's meant to be used as:

## Pseudocode
def function_using_some_locked_resource(locked_resource):
     def actual_work(val):
         ## ...
     with_lock(locked_variable, actual_work)

with_lock() here tries to capture the mutual-exclusion abstraction, and 
might make programs a little less error prone: we'll never forget to 
release the lock, because it handles both resource acquiring and 

From dyoo at  Mon Apr 24 20:38:23 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:38:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] hash.update( argv[0] )
In-Reply-To: <20060424145657.GK25812@sta.duo>
References: <20060424004304.GH25812@sta.duo>
Message-ID: <>

> where outputVersion is a manual set variable in the program
> (so I have to purge all the imageFile each time I adjust the
> program.  maybe this is going to work, less progressive approach

Hi George,

Just to make sure: by "progressive", I meant the technical concept:

     progressive: read the file a chunk at a time rather than sucking the
                  file all at once.


>    # Use a hash of the parameters to generate a cache filename.
>    hash =
>    hash.update( "%d %d" % (density, int(texMag)) )
>    hash.update( open(argv[0]).read() )
>    name = hash.hexdigest()
>    imageFile = "%s/%s.%s" % (imagePath, name, 'png')
> I cannot test till the evening because of $WORK; but is that a
> good way to do it?

Yes, I think this will work.

One thing that it may not be robust against is changes to the current 
working directory.  I'd recommend capturing the program's filename at the 
program's entry as an absolute-pathed variable, so that if we shake things 
up by changing current working directory, we should still be able to work.

The os.path module may be useful here:

It has a few path-normalizing functions that should make this a relatively 
easy fix.

From bgailer at  Mon Apr 24 22:17:45 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 13:17:45 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Object defined by initialization parameters
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Andre Engels wrote:
> Is it possible to define a class in such a way, that if twice an
> object is made with the same initialization parameters, the same
> object is returned in both cases?
Use a "factory" function, and store a dictionary of instances as a class 

class myObj(object):
  instances = {}
  def __init__(self,a):
    # the rest of your code 

def makemyObj(a):
  if a in myObj.instances:
    return myObj.instances[a]
    new_instance =  myObj(a)
    myObj.instances[a] = new_instance 
    return new_instance 


From bgailer at  Mon Apr 24 22:42:21 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 13:42:21 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Object defined by initialization parameters ADDITION
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Gailer wrote:
> Andre Engels wrote:
>> Is it possible to define a class in such a way, that if twice an
>> object is made with the same initialization parameters, the same
>> object is returned in both cases?
> Use a "factory" function, and store a dictionary of instances as a class 
> property:
> class myObj(object):
>   instances = {}
>   def __init__(self,a):
>     # the rest of your code 
> def makemyObj(a):
>   if a in myObj.instances:
>     return myObj.instances[a]
>   else:
>     new_instance =  myObj(a)
>     myObj.instances[a] = new_instance 
>     return new_instance 
I neglected to show the function call:

a = makemyObj("a")
b = makemyObj("b")
c = makemyObj("a")

a and c will point to the same object
b will be a different object
-------------- next part --------------
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From andre.roberge at  Mon Apr 24 23:37:01 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 18:37:01 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Avoiding the use of files to store intermediate results
Message-ID: <>

I wrote a small wxPython based app to test code snippets.
(google for "python lightning compiler" if you want to see the full code).

In the basic mode, I redirect the standard input and output and
execute the code taken from the editor window so that the result
appears in the output window.

Here are the 4 main lines of code to accomplish this:

sys.stdout = self.outputWindow
sys.stderr = self.outputWindow
user_code = self.PythonEditor.GetText()
exec user_code in myGlobals

For example, if I have the following situation:
====input window====
print "Hello world!"

the result of running the program will be this:
====output window===
Hello world!

Simple enough :-)  [Actually, there's more to it, but this description
should suffice for illustration purposes.]

Now, I want to be able to test the code using the doctest module.

I can't use exec as doctest.testmod() will be testing my entire
application, not simply the code in the input window!

The solution I chose was to
1. Create a new file which contains the code to be tested with the
appropriate "doctest" call.
2. Run this file with Python, redirecting the result to a second file.
3. Read the result from the second file into a string.
4. Print the string (which, because of redirection) appears in the
output window.

Here are the main lines of code to do this:

sys.stdout = self.outputWindow
sys.stderr = self.outputWindow
user_code = self.PythonEditor.GetText()

user_code += "\nimport doctest\ndoctest.testmod()"

f = open('', 'w')

if verbose:
    os.popen("python -v> _doctest_file.output")
    os.popen("python> _doctest_file.output")
result = open("_doctest_file.output", 'r').read()
print result

While this works, I find it "messy", as it creates some intermediate
files.  I was wondering if there was a better way to do things all in
memory, in an OS independent way.

[Note that the complete application is approximately 665 lines long
... a bit too much
to post all here :-)]


From kent37 at  Tue Apr 25 00:25:57 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 18:25:57 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Locking a specific variable (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Yup, I'm familiar with those. In all of the examples, I have seen, the
> critical region happens in one specific area eg a part of a function with a
> lock and release around it. My question is there a way to lock a specific
> variable so that even though other functions are attempting to access it,
> they will not until the first function has released it. Examples below
> # This example shows the way I have seen it in python tutorials
> def function1():
>       blah blah
>       function3()
>       blah blah
> def function2():
>       blah blah
>       function3()
>       blah blah
> def function3():
>      acquire lock
>      does some stuff
>      release lock
> t = Thread.thread()
> t.start(function1())
> t.start(function2())

What is wrong with doing exactly this?
> # The way I would like to do it, so we have two different instances of the
> same variable, and only # one function can access it at a time. If a

I don't understand what you mean by "two different instances of the same 
variable." Can you give an example?

> function comes to that variable and finds a lock on it, # it will wait until
> the lock is released.  And the variable happens to be a queue

Do you know that Queues are already thread safe? They use locks 
internally and are intended for multi-threaded use. You shouldn't have 
to use any additional locks to use a Queue.

> def function1():
>       blah blah
>       acquire lock of variable only so that only function1 can access this at
> a given time
>       ....increment some variable.....
>           release the function2 lock on this variable
>       blah blah
> def function2():
>       blah blah
>       acquire lock of variable only so that only function2 can access this at
> a given time
>       ....decrement some variable......
>       release the function2 lock on this variable
>       blah blah
> t = Thread.thread()
> t.start(function1())
> t.start(function2())

This code is the same as the first version except function3() has been 
inlined. I don't see the benefit of this style, it just causes code 


From oztriking at  Tue Apr 25 00:53:42 2006
From: oztriking at (John Connors)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 08:53:42 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Importing Modules
Message-ID: <BAY108-F372213F0710399047DD9E3BEBE0@phx.gbl>


I'm having trouble understanding the difference between,

import sys
from sys import *

It seems to me they both do the same thing.


New year, new job – there's more than 100,00 jobs at SEEK

From ukc802591034 at  Tue Apr 25 01:28:59 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 00:28:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Importing Modules
References: <BAY108-F372213F0710399047DD9E3BEBE0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <e2jmv8$62o$>

> I'm having trouble understanding the difference between,
> import sys

This brings the *name* "sys" into your module.
It does not give you access to any of the names inside sys itself
(such as exit for example). To access those you need to prefix them with 
sys, as in


> from sys import *

This does NOT bring the name "sys" into your module, instead
it brings all of the names inside sys(like exit for example) into
your module. Now you can access those names without a prefix, like this:


So why not do that instead of

import sys?

The reason is that the second form will overwrite and names you
have already declared - like exit say.

exit = 42
from sys import *   # hides my exit variable.

OR more likely, the other way round

from sys import *
exit = 42   # now hides the sys.exit function so I can't use it.

Of course some of these are obvious but there can be a lot
of names in a module, and some modules have the same name
in them, for example:

from os import *
from urllib import *

open(foo)   # which open gets called, or

Can you see how it gets confusing.
Bottom line is it is usually better to accept the extra typing and use

import foo

or for just a few names

from foo import bar,baz

> It seems to me they both do the same thing.

A subtle but very important difference!


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From paul.churchill at  Tue Apr 25 01:06:35 2006
From: paul.churchill at (Paul Churchill)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 00:06:35 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Dictionaries and aggregation
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to create a dictionary using data produced by a load balancing
admin tool and aggregate the results. 
When I invoke the tool from within the shell ('sudo ~/ZLBbalctl
--action=cells') the following output is produced:
Load Balancer 1 usage, over the last 30 seconds
Port 80, rules - /(nol)|(ws)
  server001      alive 18.1%     2 requests/s 14536543 total
  server002      alive 43.1%     7 requests/s 14842618 total
  server003      alive 21.2%     2 requests/s 14884487 total
  server004      alive 17.3%     2 requests/s 15092053 total
Load Balancer 2 usage, over the last 30 seconds
Port 80, rules - /(nol)|(ws)
  server001      alive 11.6%     2 requests/s 14482578 total
  server002      alive 35.6%     9 requests/s 14820991 total
  server003      alive 28.7%     6 requests/s 14928991 total
  server004      alive 23.7%     5 requests/s 15147525 total
I have managed to get something close to what I'm looking for using lists
i.e. the aggregate of the fourth column (requests/s)
lbstat = commands.getoutput("sudo ~/ZLBbalctl --action=cells | awk '$1 ~
/^server00/ { print $4 }'")  
rLst = lbstat.split('\n')
rLst = [ int(rLst[i]) for i in range(len(rLst)) ]
rTotal = reduce(operator.add, rLst)
However here's what I'm now trying to do:
1)       Not have to rely on using awk at all.
2)       Create a dictionary with server names for keys e.g. server001,
server002 etc and the aggregate of the request for that server as the value
part of the pairing.
I got this far with part 1)
lbstat = commands.getoutput("sudo ~/ZLBbalctl --action=cells")
tmpLst = lbstat.split('\n')
rLst = []
for i in tmpLst:
    m =' server[0-9]+', i)
    if m:
for i in rLst:
        print i, type(i)
  server001      alive 22.3%     6 requests/s 14527762 total <type 'str'>
  server002      alive 23.5%     7 requests/s 14833265 total <type 'str'>
  server003      alive 38.2%    14 requests/s 14872750 total <type 'str'>
  server004      alive 15.6%     4 requests/s 15083443 total <type 'str'>
  server001      alive 24.1%     8 requests/s 14473672 total <type 'str'>
  server002      alive 23.2%     7 requests/s 14810866 total <type 'str'>
  server003      alive 30.2%     8 requests/s 14918322 total <type 'str'>
  server004      alive 22.1%     6 requests/s 15137847 total <type 'str'>
At this point I ran out of ideas and began to think that there must be
something fundamentally wrong with my approach. Not least of my concerns was
the fact that I needed integers and these were strings.
Any help would be much appreciated.
-------------- next part --------------
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From mahansen at  Tue Apr 25 02:49:27 2006
From: mahansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 18:49:27 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Apr 22, 2006, at 3:15 AM, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Ed wrote:
>> I don't think the FAQ is open to public editing yet.  I'm not sure
>> when it will be, but Fredrik might be able to give a timescale.
> There are a few known conversion issues to deal with (the FAQ uses
> a lot more "looks like markdown syntax" than the tutorial, which con-
> fused the converter).  I've made some progress, but it'll probably take
> another week before everything's sorted out.
> When Ed brought up the tutor/tutorial FAQ idea, my first thought
> was that Ed and other volunteers could add pages in a separate
> "tutor-" namespace (to avoid collisions with material from the
> existing FAQ), and ended up writing a couple of paragraphs on
> how to manually convert titles to page names.  When I found that
> I had written "this isn't quite as hard as it may look", I realized
> that it would be better if I just wrote a script that did this.
> So, while I'm working on that script, I suggest that you start adding
> stuff the "tutor suggestion" page that I just set up:
> One entry per comment; use "## title" to mark the first line as the
> FAQ entry.  I've added Mike's examples.
> cheers /F


I'll post the questions and answers to the list first. If I don't get 
any corrections or clarifications in a day or so after posting, I'll 
add it to the tutor suggestion page. Ed mentioned that you are using 
restructured text. Should I put the entry in restructured text? I spent 
some time last night reading up on restructured text and docutils.



From mahansen at  Tue Apr 25 03:09:19 2006
From: mahansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 19:09:19 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I guess I'm confused. You mentioned that it still throws and error 
while trying to save the workbook. hmmm.... Do you get this error when 
trying to close Excel in the macro? Many times, Excel pops up a dialog 
box when closing it if there's still a workbook open even if it has 
been saved. That's where the Application.DisplayAlerts comes in. So I 
may have been a little off on the part of saving. It might be the 
closing of Excel. Other than that, I'm stumped.


On Apr 24, 2006, at 7:32 AM, arun wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> ?? It doesn't? display any dialog box rather it gives a temporary name 
> to the file.
> Ex
> ?newsheet.xls as newsheet1.xls
> So i'm not able to save it. Is? there an alternative to invoke the? 
> macro and save the file from my script itself .(saving it through 
> macro wud be a better option : )? )
> ?
> Thanx? and Regards,
> arun
> ?
> On 4/21/06, Mike Hansen <mhansen at> wrote: In the macro, 
> you might try Application.DisplayAlerts = False? and reset it to?True 
> after you save.
>> I think it might be trying to display a dialog box before it saves.
>> ?
>> Mike
>>> From: tutor-bounces at [mailto: tutor-bounces at] On 
>>> Behalf Of arun
>>> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 1:44 AM
>>> To: tutor at
>>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
>>> ?I'm sorry , there is something realy wrong with 'Run-time error 
>>> 1004':. I have fixed it now but still it throws an error while 
>>> trying to save the workbook.
>> On 4/21/06, arun <r.arunchand at> wrote: Hi,
>>> I tried invoking a macro from my python script and ?It is ?throwing? 
>>> an error message that reads 'Run-time error 1004':
>>> ?
>>> "This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized"
>>> ?
>>> My script looks like this
>>> ?
>>> from win32com.client import Dispatch
>>> xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
>>> xl.Workbooks.Add('E:\Templates\sample.xls')
>>> xl.Run('Import_file')? # name of the macro
>>> ?
>>> Also while (running the macro)opening the workbook it??names it as 
>>> ?"sample1.xls' ,and so
>>> It says there is no such file sample.xls
>>> ?
>>> "
>>> Filename =? Myexcel.xls
>>> Workbooks("sample.xls").SaveAs Filename
>>> "
>>> ?
>>> Can somebody help me with this issue : (
>>> ?
>>> ?
>>> Thanx
>>> arun?
>>> ?
>>> ?
>>> ?
>> -- 
>> arun
> -- 
> arun_______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From fredrik at  Tue Apr 25 03:40:11 2006
From: fredrik at (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:40:11 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mike Hansen wrote:

> I'll post the questions and answers to the list first. If I don't get
> any corrections or clarifications in a day or so after posting, I'll
> add it to the tutor suggestion page.


> Ed mentioned that you are using restructured text. Should I put
> the entry in restructured text? I spent some time last night reading
> up on restructured text and docutils.

the infogami site uses markdown, which is a similar (but a bit simpler,
imo) syntax.  There's a very brief introduction on

(which basically says that you should use ## to mark the entry title, and
indent all code snippets by at least four spaces)

and there's an on-line test editor here:

(that pages also contains a cheatsheet and links to full documentation).

When this is moved over to, it'll either be handled as HTML
or converted to ReST (which is the main syntax used on,
but that'll all be taken care of by tools.  The important thing now is to
get the content in place.

cheers /F

From payal-python at  Tue Apr 25 05:09:24 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 23:09:24 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] need to automate connection
Message-ID: <>

I need to automate connection to a IP like this. The IP (or domain name) 
is taken from command line or from user (whichever is easier for me to 
code). It should emulate,

telnet 25

mail from: <test at>
250 ok
rcpt to: <support at>
250 ok

Can Python do this for me? How do I start?

With warm regards,

From hugonz-lists at  Tue Apr 25 05:09:48 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:09:48 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Avoiding the use of files to store intermediate results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Remember duck typing. An object just needs to look like a file in order 
to be used like one.

Guido's time machine has already forseen your problem. Take a look at 
the StringIO module.  It allows you to use a string where you would 
normally pass a file object.

Hope that helps,


> ######
> While this works, I find it "messy", as it creates some intermediate
> files.  I was wondering if there was a better way to do things all in
> memory, in an OS independent way.
> [Note that the complete application is approximately 665 lines long
> ... a bit too much
> to post all here :-)]
> Andr?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From tvbare at  Tue Apr 25 03:27:25 2006
From: tvbare at (->Terry<-)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 20:27:25 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Importing Modules
In-Reply-To: <BAY108-F372213F0710399047DD9E3BEBE0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY108-F372213F0710399047DD9E3BEBE0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Tomorrow (Apr 25, 2006) at 8:53am, John Connors spoke these wise words:

- ->G'day,
- ->
- ->I'm having trouble understanding the difference between,
- ->
- ->import sys
- ->and
- ->from sys import *
- ->
- ->It seems to me they both do the same thing.
- ->
- ->John

import sys imports sys elements in their own namespace
  use by preceding elements with 'sys.'

from sys import * imports sys elements in the local namespace
  use elements as any other local - no 'sys.' prefix

- -- 
    Terry     <tvbareATsocketDOTnet>
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                :   '`      |.
                | \     /  //
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                  `------' \
      jgs/a:f      _/       `--...


Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


From ml.cyresse at  Tue Apr 25 08:59:29 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 18:59:29 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] need to automate connection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Payal,

I see you're connecting to an smtp server Any particular reason yoou
can't use smtplib?

Here's a sample script using smtplib to send an email -

import smtplib

ip = ""
txt = "This is an email message"

c = smtplib.SMTP(ip)
c.sendmail("sender at", "recipient at", txt)

Although it's better to use an email.Message object for this -

Here's the same script with an email.Message

import smtplib
import email.Message as Mg

ip = ""

msg = Mg.Message()
msg["To"] = "recipient at
msg["From"] = "sender at"
msg["Subject"] = "Test message"
msg["Reply-To"] = "alternate_address at"

txt = "This is an email message"


c = smtplib.SMTP(ip)
c.sendmail("sender at", "recipient at",  msg.as_string())


Liam Clarke

On 4/25/06, Payal Rathod <payal-python at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to automate connection to a IP like this. The IP (or domain name)
> is taken from command line or from user (whichever is easier for me to
> code). It should emulate,
> telnet 25
> mail from: <test at>
> 250 ok
> rcpt to: <support at>
> 250 ok
> quit
> Can Python do this for me? How do I start?
> With warm regards,
> -Payal
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From ml.cyresse at  Tue Apr 25 09:04:16 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 19:04:16 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Arun et al,

Google says -;en-us;210684

"This problem can occur when you give the workbook a defined name and
then copy the worksheet several times without first saving and closing
the workbook, as in the following sample code..." (code is in above

"""To resolve this problem, save and close the workbook periodically
while the copy process is occurring, as in the following sample
code""" ditto above

The issue is your macro. As such, there are some excellent Excel and
VBA related help forums on the net.

Good luck!


Liam Clarke

On 4/25/06, Mike Hansen <mahansen at> wrote:
> I guess I'm confused. You mentioned that it still throws and error
> while trying to save the workbook. hmmm.... Do you get this error when
> trying to close Excel in the macro? Many times, Excel pops up a dialog
> box when closing it if there's still a workbook open even if it has
> been saved. That's where the Application.DisplayAlerts comes in. So I
> may have been a little off on the part of saving. It might be the
> closing of Excel. Other than that, I'm stumped.
> Mike
> On Apr 24, 2006, at 7:32 AM, arun wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> > It doesn't display any dialog box rather it gives a temporary name
> > to the file.
> > Ex
> > newsheet.xls as newsheet1.xls
> > So i'm not able to save it. Is there an alternative to invoke the
> > macro and save the file from my script itself .(saving it through
> > macro wud be a better option : ) )
> >
> > Thanx and Regards,
> > arun
> >
> >
> > On 4/21/06, Mike Hansen <mhansen at> wrote: In the macro,
> > you might try Application.DisplayAlerts = False and reset it toTrue
> > after you save.
> >> I think it might be trying to display a dialog box before it saves.
> >>
> >> Mike
> >>
> >>> From: tutor-bounces at [mailto: tutor-bounces at] On
> >>> Behalf Of arun
> >>> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 1:44 AM
> >>> To: tutor at
> >>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Invoking Excel Macro
> >>>
> >>> I'm sorry , there is something realy wrong with 'Run-time error
> >>> 1004':. I have fixed it now but still it throws an error while
> >>> trying to save the workbook.
> >>
> >> On 4/21/06, arun <r.arunchand at> wrote: Hi,
> >>> I tried invoking a macro from my python script and It is throwing
> >>> an error message that reads 'Run-time error 1004':
> >>>
> >>> "This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized"
> >>>
> >>> My script looks like this
> >>>
> >>> from win32com.client import Dispatch
> >>> xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
> >>> xl.Workbooks.Add('E:\Templates\sample.xls')
> >>> xl.Run('Import_file') # name of the macro
> >>>
> >>> Also while (running the macro)opening the workbook itnames it as
> >>> "sample1.xls' ,and so
> >>> It says there is no such file sample.xls
> >>>
> >>> "
> >>> Filename = Myexcel.xls
> >>> Workbooks("sample.xls").SaveAs Filename
> >>> "
> >>>
> >>> Can somebody help me with this issue : (
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanx
> >>> arun
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> arun
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > arun_______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kent37 at  Tue Apr 25 12:31:31 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 06:31:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Importing Modules
In-Reply-To: <BAY108-F372213F0710399047DD9E3BEBE0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY108-F372213F0710399047DD9E3BEBE0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

John Connors wrote:
> G'day,
> I'm having trouble understanding the difference between,
> import sys
> and
> from sys import *

The second style is strongly discouraged. As Alan pointed out, it can 
lead to surprises when you import more than you expect. I was once 
surprised to find out that when I write something like
foo = 1
bar = 2
from a import *
from b import *

Now foo and bar are defined in module c!!

The other reason to avoid this style is it removes clues about where a 
name is defined. If in module c above you want to know where foo comes 
from, it would be hard to find out. On the other hand if I wrote

from a import foo

then a search within c would show me where foo is defined.


From john.hsu at  Tue Apr 25 07:11:32 2006
From: john.hsu at (John Hsu)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:11:32 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] How to compile _tkinter in Fedora Core 4
Message-ID: <>


I'd very much appreciate your help if you can advise me how to compile 
_tkinter in Fedora 4. I installed Fedora core 4 in my machine recently, 
but struggled to get Tk working for me.

The Tcl/Tk is working O.K. because I can run demo programs from 
/usr/share/tk8.4/demos. The error is caused by missing _tkinter library, 
and clearly there is no Tkinter module to be imported.

I managed to download and recompile a  new version of  Python (2.4.3), 
then run "make test".  The error message says:

test_tcl skipped -- No module named _tkinter
1 skip unexpected on linux2:

John Hsu


From kent37 at  Tue Apr 25 12:43:56 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 06:43:56 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Dictionaries and aggregation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> However here's what I'm now trying to do:
> 1)       Not have to rely on using awk at all.
> 2)       Create a dictionary with server names for keys e.g. server001,
> server002 etc and the aggregate of the request for that server as the value
> part of the pairing.
> I got this far with part 1)
> lbstat = commands.getoutput("sudo ~/ZLBbalctl --action=cells")
> tmpLst = lbstat.split('\n')
> rLst = []
> for i in tmpLst:
>     m =' server[0-9]+', i)
>     if m:
>         rLst.append(i)
> for i in rLst:
>         print i, type(i)
>   server001      alive 22.3%     6 requests/s 14527762 total <type 'str'>
>   server002      alive 23.5%     7 requests/s 14833265 total <type 'str'>
>   server003      alive 38.2%    14 requests/s 14872750 total <type 'str'>
>   server004      alive 15.6%     4 requests/s 15083443 total <type 'str'>
>   server001      alive 24.1%     8 requests/s 14473672 total <type 'str'>
>   server002      alive 23.2%     7 requests/s 14810866 total <type 'str'>
>   server003      alive 30.2%     8 requests/s 14918322 total <type 'str'>
>   server004      alive 22.1%     6 requests/s 15137847 total <type 'str'>
> At this point I ran out of ideas and began to think that there must be
> something fundamentally wrong with my approach. Not least of my concerns was
> the fact that I needed integers and these were strings.

Don't get discouraged, you are on the right track! You had one big 
string that included some data you are interested in and some you don't 
want, you have converted that to a list of strings containing only the 
lines of interest. That is a good first step. Now you have to extract 
the data you want out of each line.

Use line.split() to split the text into fields by whitespace:
In [1]: line = '  server001      alive 22.3%     6 requests/s 14527762 

In [2]: line.split()
Out[2]: ['server001', 'alive', '22.3%', '6', 'requests/s', '14527762', 

Indexing will pull out the field you want:
In [3]: line.split()[5]
Out[3]: '14527762'

It's still a string:
In [4]: type(line.split()[5])
Out[4]: <type 'str'>

Use int() to convert a string to an integer:
In [5]: int(line.split()[5])
Out[5]: 14527762

Then you have to figure out how to accumulate the values in a dictionary 
but get this much working first.


From payal-python at  Tue Apr 25 12:59:36 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 06:59:36 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] need to automate connection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 06:59:29PM +1200, Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi Payal,
> I see you're connecting to an smtp server Any particular reason yoou
> can't use smtplib?

Because I don't know it exists :)

But I don't want to send any mail. I just want to establish a connection 
send MAIL TO: and RCPT TO: and exit.
Any ideas with that? With warm regards,

From kraus at  Tue Apr 25 13:27:35 2006
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 13:27:35 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] need to automate connection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <e2l12d$5i8$>

Payal Rathod wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 06:59:29PM +1200, Liam Clarke wrote:
>>Hi Payal,
>>I see you're connecting to an smtp server Any particular reason yoou
>>can't use smtplib?
> Because I don't know it exists :)
> But I don't want to send any mail. I just want to establish a connection 
> send MAIL TO: and RCPT TO: and exit.
> Any ideas with that? With warm regards,
> -Payal

What about telnetlib? ;-)


From kent37 at  Tue Apr 25 14:48:37 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 08:48:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] need to automate connection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Payal Rathod wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 06:59:29PM +1200, Liam Clarke wrote:
>> Hi Payal,
>> I see you're connecting to an smtp server Any particular reason yoou
>> can't use smtplib?
> Because I don't know it exists :)
> But I don't want to send any mail. I just want to establish a connection 
> send MAIL TO: and RCPT TO: and exit.
> Any ideas with that? With warm regards,

smtplib.SMTP has a docmd() method. Something like this (not tested so 
probably not quite right):

import smtplib

smtp = smtplib.SMTP('')
print smtp.docmd('mail', 'from: <test at>')
print smtp.docmd('rcpt', 'to: <support at>')


From pjlists at  Tue Apr 25 15:50:19 2006
From: pjlists at (Peter Jessop)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 15:50:19 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Problem installing MySQLdb under windows
Message-ID: <>

I am running Python 2.4.3, MySQL 5.0.
On trying to install MySQLdb 1.2.1 I ran into the following problem.
D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb> build
running build
running build_py
copying MySQLdb\ -> build\lib.win32-2.4\MySQLdb
running build_ext
error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building
extensions f
or Python.

Is it really necessary to install The .NET Framework SDK (354Mb) or is there
a simpler way?

Thanks for any help

Peter Jessop
-------------- next part --------------
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From ml.cyresse at  Tue Apr 25 16:00:43 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 02:00:43 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Problem installing MySQLdb under windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Peter, you can use a different compiler if you have one, such as
mingw32, but I find compiling extensions on Windows is very

Any particular features of MySQLdb 1.2.1 you need? 1.2.0 has a Windows
version precompiled -

If you really need to compile it, grab mingw32 and use the --compiler
option for i.e. build --compiler mingw32, but I've
had heaps of trouble with including Python headers, so YMMV.


Liam Clarke

On 4/26/06, Peter Jessop <pjlists at> wrote:
> I am running Python 2.4.3, MySQL 5.0.
> On trying to install MySQLdb 1.2.1 I ran into the following problem.
> "
> D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb> build
> running build
> running build_py
> copying MySQLdb\ -> build\lib.win32- 2.4\MySQLdb
> running build_ext
> error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building
> extensions f
> or Python.
> "
> Is it really necessary to install The .NET Framework SDK (354Mb) or is there
> a simpler way?
> Thanks for any help
> Peter Jessop
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kent37 at  Tue Apr 25 16:12:33 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:12:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Problem installing MySQLdb under windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Peter Jessop wrote:
> I am running Python 2.4.3, MySQL 5.0.
> On trying to install MySQLdb 1.2.1 I ran into the following problem.
> "
> D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb> build
> running build
> running build_py
> copying MySQLdb\ -> build\lib.win32- 2.4\MySQLdb
> running build_ext
> error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building 
> extensions f
> or Python.
> "
> Is it really necessary to install The .NET Framework SDK (354Mb) or is 
> there a simpler way?

Download the windows binary, for example

The latest version with a Windows build is 1.2.0.


From pjlists at  Tue Apr 25 16:48:38 2006
From: pjlists at (Peter Jessop)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 16:48:38 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Problem installing MySQLdb under windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Liam and Kent.
Problem is now sorted.
Which brings me on to my next question...
-------------- next part --------------
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From pjlists at  Tue Apr 25 16:51:56 2006
From: pjlists at (Peter Jessop)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 16:51:56 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Generating static WEB sites
Message-ID: <>

I am looking at generating static web pages.
What I wish to do is periodically regenerate a WEB site form HTML, text and
MySQL data.

I have been experimenting with HTMLgen and this seems to be adequate for
what I need.

However HTMLgen does not seem to have been updated for a while and I was
wondering if I should be looking at any other packages.

Any suggestions?


Peter Jessop
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From andy.koch at  Tue Apr 25 16:47:01 2006
From: andy.koch at (Andy Koch)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 07:47:01 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Problem installing MySQLdb under windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <e2lcup$jk9$>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Peter Jessop wrote:
>> I am running Python 2.4.3, MySQL 5.0.
>> On trying to install MySQLdb 1.2.1 I ran into the following problem.
>> "
>> D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb> build
>> running build
>> running build_py
>> copying MySQLdb\ -> build\lib.win32- 2.4\MySQLdb
>> running build_ext
>> error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building 
>> extensions f
>> or Python.
>> "
>> Is it really necessary to install The .NET Framework SDK (354Mb) or is 
>> there a simpler way?
> Download the windows binary, for example 
> The latest version with a Windows build is 1.2.0.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
Greetings Python group,

I have a question related to the MySQLdb, I have recently installed the 
1.2.0 version and it works fine.  However, I am running ver. 4.1 of 
MySQL and the problem is that the python client version does not support 
the new password protocol of MySQL 4.1+.  This only means that one must 
go into the MySQL and set the password using the OLD_PASSWORD function 
of MySQL.

The question, do any of the newer versions of MySQLdb support the new 
password protocol?  And if not, are there plans to implement this?

Disclosure: this is my first post in this group, also it may be worth 
noting that I'm learning python as a side effect of developing a Plone 
site.  So if my python knowledge comes across as a bit warped... well, 
Plone can sometimes be a strange thing ;)


Andy Koch

From kent37 at  Tue Apr 25 17:03:09 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 11:03:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Generating static WEB sites
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Peter Jessop wrote:
> I am looking at generating static web pages.
> What I wish to do is periodically regenerate a WEB site form HTML, text 
> and MySQL data.
> I have been experimenting with HTMLgen and this seems to be adequate for 
> what I need.
> However HTMLgen does not seem to have been updated for a while and I was 
> wondering if I should be looking at any other packages.
> Any suggestions?

Many. See this page, the sections Templating Engines, HTML Shorthand 
Processors and HTML Generation class libraries:


From paul.churchill at  Tue Apr 25 20:00:26 2006
From: paul.churchill at (paul.churchill at
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 19:00:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Dictionaries and aggregation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson writes: 

>> However here's what I'm now trying to do:
>> 1)       Not have to rely on using awk at all.
>> 2)       Create a dictionary with server names for keys e.g. server001,
>> server002 etc and the aggregate of the request for that server as the value
>> part of the pairing.
>> I got this far with part 1)
>> lbstat = commands.getoutput("sudo ~/ZLBbalctl --action=cells")
>> tmpLst = lbstat.split('\n')
>> rLst = []
>> for i in tmpLst:
>>     m =' server[0-9]+', i)
>>     if m:
>>         rLst.append(i)
>> for i in rLst:
>>         print i, type(i)
>>   server001      alive 22.3%     6 requests/s 14527762 total <type 'str'>
>>   server002      alive 23.5%     7 requests/s 14833265 total <type 'str'>
>>   server003      alive 38.2%    14 requests/s 14872750 total <type 'str'>
>>   server004      alive 15.6%     4 requests/s 15083443 total <type 'str'>
>>   server001      alive 24.1%     8 requests/s 14473672 total <type 'str'>
>>   server002      alive 23.2%     7 requests/s 14810866 total <type 'str'>
>>   server003      alive 30.2%     8 requests/s 14918322 total <type 'str'>
>>   server004      alive 22.1%     6 requests/s 15137847 total <type 'str'>
>> At this point I ran out of ideas and began to think that there must be
>> something fundamentally wrong with my approach. Not least of my concerns was
>> the fact that I needed integers and these were strings.
> Don't get discouraged, you are on the right track! You had one big 
> string that included some data you are interested in and some you don't 
> want, you have converted that to a list of strings containing only the 
> lines of interest. That is a good first step. Now you have to extract 
> the data you want out of each line. 
> Use line.split() to split the text into fields by whitespace:
> In [1]: line = '  server001      alive 22.3%     6 requests/s 14527762 
> total' 
> In [2]: line.split()
> Out[2]: ['server001', 'alive', '22.3%', '6', 'requests/s', '14527762', 
> 'total'] 
> Indexing will pull out the field you want:
> In [3]: line.split()[5]
> Out[3]: '14527762' 
> It's still a string:
> In [4]: type(line.split()[5])
> Out[4]: <type 'str'> 
> Use int() to convert a string to an integer:
> In [5]: int(line.split()[5])
> Out[5]: 14527762 
> Then you have to figure out how to accumulate the values in a dictionary 
> but get this much working first. 
> Kent 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Thanks very much for the steer. I've made a fair bit of progress and look to 
be within touching distance of getting the problem cracked. 


Here's the list I'm starting with: 

>>> for i in rLst:
>>>     print i, type(i)

server001      alive 17.1%     2 requests/s 14805416 total <type 'str'>
server001      alive 27.2%     7 requests/s 14851125 total <type 'str'>
server002      alive 22.9%     6 requests/s 15173311 total <type 'str'>
server002      alive 42.0%     8 requests/s 15147869 total <type 'str'>
server003      alive 17.9%     4 requests/s 15220280 total <type 'str'>
server003      alive 22.0%     4 requests/s 15260951 total <type 'str'>
server004      alive 18.5%     3 requests/s 15484524 total <type 'str'>
server004      alive 31.6%     9 requests/s 15429303 total <type 'str'> 

I've split each string in the list, extracted what I want and feed it into 
an empty dictionary. 

>>> rDict ={}
>>> i = 0
>>> while i < (len(rLst)):
>>>     x, y =  rLst[i].split()[0], int(rLst[i].split()[3])
>>>     rDict[x] = y
>>>     print x, y, type(x), type(y)
>>>     i += 1

server001 4 <type 'str'> <type 'int'>
server001 5 <type 'str'> <type 'int'>
server002 5 <type 'str'> <type 'int'>
server002 9 <type 'str'> <type 'int'>
server003 4 <type 'str'> <type 'int'>
server003 6 <type 'str'> <type 'int'>
server004 8 <type 'str'> <type 'int'>
server004 12 <type 'str'> <type 'int'> 

I end up with this. 

>>> for key, value in rDict.items():
>>>     print key, value

server001 5
server003 6
server002 9
server004 12 

As I understand things this is because the keys must be unique and are being 
replaced by the final key value pair being feed in from the loop. 

What I'm hoping to be able to do is update the value, rather than replace 
it,  so that it gives me the total i.e. 

server001 9		
server003 10
server002 14
server004 20 






From khp at  Tue Apr 25 23:28:02 2006
From: khp at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 23:28:02 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Dictionaries and aggregation
In-Reply-To: <> (paul churchill's
	message of "Tue, 25 Apr 2006 19:00:26 +0100")
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 25 Apr 2006, paul.churchill at wrote:

> Here's the list I'm starting with: 
>>>> for i in rLst:
>>>>     print i, type(i)
> server001      alive 17.1%     2 requests/s 14805416 total <type 'str'>
> server001      alive 27.2%     7 requests/s 14851125 total <type 'str'>
> server002      alive 22.9%     6 requests/s 15173311 total <type 'str'>
> server002      alive 42.0%     8 requests/s 15147869 total <type 'str'>
> server003      alive 17.9%     4 requests/s 15220280 total <type 'str'>
> server003      alive 22.0%     4 requests/s 15260951 total <type 'str'>
> server004      alive 18.5%     3 requests/s 15484524 total <type 'str'>
> server004      alive 31.6%     9 requests/s 15429303 total <type 'str'> 
> I've split each string in the list, extracted what I want and feed it into 
> an empty dictionary. 
>>>> rDict ={}
>>>> i = 0
>>>> while i < (len(rLst)):
>>>>     x, y =  rLst[i].split()[0], int(rLst[i].split()[3])
>>>>     rDict[x] = y
>>>>     print x, y, type(x), type(y)
>>>>     i += 1
> What I'm hoping to be able to do is update the value, rather than replace 
> it,  so that it gives me the total i.e. 

> server001 9		
> server003 10
> server002 14
> server004 20 

This is easily done.

.>>> rdict = {}
.>>> for line in lst:
....     ans = line.split()
....     rdict[ans[0]] = rdict.get(ans[0], 0) + int(ans[3])
.>>> rdict
.{'server002': 14, 'server003': 8, 'server001': 9, 'server004': 12}

Dictionaries have a get() method, which has an optional second argument,
which gets returned if there is no such key in the dictionary.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From paul.churchill at  Wed Apr 26 00:04:37 2006
From: paul.churchill at (Paul Churchill)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 23:04:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Dictionaries and aggregation
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Right think I've got the idea now. Thanks for all contributions on this.


-----Original Message-----
From: tutor-bounces at [mailto:tutor-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Karl "Pfl?sterer"
Sent: 25 April 2006 22:28
To: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Dictionaries and aggregation

On 25 Apr 2006, paul.churchill at wrote:

> Here's the list I'm starting with: 
>>>> for i in rLst:
>>>>     print i, type(i)
> server001      alive 17.1%     2 requests/s 14805416 total <type 'str'>
> server001      alive 27.2%     7 requests/s 14851125 total <type 'str'>
> server002      alive 22.9%     6 requests/s 15173311 total <type 'str'>
> server002      alive 42.0%     8 requests/s 15147869 total <type 'str'>
> server003      alive 17.9%     4 requests/s 15220280 total <type 'str'>
> server003      alive 22.0%     4 requests/s 15260951 total <type 'str'>
> server004      alive 18.5%     3 requests/s 15484524 total <type 'str'>
> server004      alive 31.6%     9 requests/s 15429303 total <type 'str'> 
> I've split each string in the list, extracted what I want and feed it into

> an empty dictionary. 
>>>> rDict ={}
>>>> i = 0
>>>> while i < (len(rLst)):
>>>>     x, y =  rLst[i].split()[0], int(rLst[i].split()[3])
>>>>     rDict[x] = y
>>>>     print x, y, type(x), type(y)
>>>>     i += 1
> What I'm hoping to be able to do is update the value, rather than replace 
> it,  so that it gives me the total i.e. 

> server001 9		
> server003 10
> server002 14
> server004 20 

This is easily done.

.>>> rdict = {}
.>>> for line in lst:
....     ans = line.split()
....     rdict[ans[0]] = rdict.get(ans[0], 0) + int(ans[3])
.>>> rdict
.{'server002': 14, 'server003': 8, 'server001': 9, 'server004': 12}

Dictionaries have a get() method, which has an optional second argument,
which gets returned if there is no such key in the dictionary.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kp8 at  Wed Apr 26 02:31:42 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 20:31:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] seq looping
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I have a loop that process each item in a sequence and after each item 
some updating is done to some variables. However i don't what these 
variable updated if we are processing the last item in the list. i 
could put in a conditional and test if the list is now empty after 
popping items from the list... but testing for an empty list and the 
bookkeeping of maintaining the popped list seems horribly inefficient 
and this is for a real time multimedia playback type situation so 
learning a more efficient idiom for this seems worth while:

You won't have all the dependancies... including the player (STEREO) 
and some tables of durations.. but you get the gist:

def playall(startime, amp, wet_percent, rest_percent, duty_factor, 
	''' a play-loop that plays all samples in a directory, just once with 
	temporal padding and also returns the end of the last duration so
	that the begining of the next section can be determined'''
	event = 1; inskip = 0; inchan = 0; incr = 0
	for sample in smpl_lst:
		splt = os.path.split(sample)
		loc = random.random()
		dur = DUR()
		STEREO(startime, inskip, dur, amp, loc)
		print "event no. %d @ %.2f (dur: %.2f, end: %.2f) --> sf: %s : [flag: 
%.2f]" % (event, startime, dur, startime+dur, splt[1], dry)
		incr = (dur * duty_factor) + kptools.windex(kptools.durations)
		startime = startime + incr
		restflag = random.random()
		if (restflag < rest_percent):
			rest = kptools.windex(
			print "\n", "<>-" * 8, "[ rest : ", rest, "]", "-<>" * 8, "\n"
			startime = startime + rest
		event = event + 1
	print '\n', 'Next start = ', startime, '\n\n'
so what i am trying to do its skip that 		

if (restflag < rest_percent):

biz on the last item if we are on our last sequence item. The rests 
(which are random) is for padding between events
and since we have just played our last event, we don't want any extra 
padding so that our next call of the loop
starts at the proper time (just at the last event of this loop is 
over). The loop function will calculate the
next start time, and return it so that we can use it as the start time 
argument for our next call of the loop.

so if i want to play 7 items i might get something like:

item_7 (but we don't want any rest here ever! cause we might want our 
next loop to start w/o any pause)

gosh.. i hope this is clear....

anyway that's my query .. hehe  ...



From andre.roberge at  Wed Apr 26 03:45:19 2006
From: andre.roberge at (Andre Roberge)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 22:45:19 -0300
Subject: [Tutor] Avoiding the use of files to store intermediate results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/25/06, Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde <hugonz-lists at> wrote:
> Remember duck typing. An object just needs to look like a file in order
> to be used like one.
> Guido's time machine has already forseen your problem. Take a look at
> the StringIO module.  It allows you to use a string where you would
> normally pass a file object.

Since I do something like"python > some_output")
I don't see how I can pass a file-like object.  As far as I can tell
"python" (the command) looks for a real file on the current path.


> Hope that helps,
> Hugo
> > ######
> > While this works, I find it "messy", as it creates some intermediate
> > files.  I was wondering if there was a better way to do things all in
> > memory, in an OS independent way.
> >
> > [Note that the complete application is approximately 665 lines long
> > ... a bit too much
> > to post all here :-)]
> >
> > Andr?
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >

From nospamformeSVP at  Wed Apr 26 03:50:33 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 21:50:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] A Python idiom that I don't get
Message-ID: <e2mjli$ju2$>

I am trying to get some existing CPython 2.4 code working under Jython 
(2.1) and I am puzzled by a line in the following function.  It seems to 
be a Python 2.4 idiom that is opaque to me.

The line is:
     prefix = os.path.commonprefix(filter( bool, lines ))

and I don't understand what that 'bool' is doing.  Or rather, I think 
that I see what it is doing, but I am not sure - and I don't much like it.

filter is the built-in filter and it requires a callable returning a 
bool as the first argument.  It seems that 'bool' without arguments is a 
callable that always evaluates to True (or at least non-zero) so this 
'bool' always returns True.  Is this really true (sic) by intention or 
is it just an implemenation artifact?

I tried replacing 'bool' with 'True' but that won't work because True is 
not callable.

I replaced 'bool' with 'lambda True: True' as in:
     prefix = os.path.commonprefix(filter( lambda True: True, lines ))
and that does seem to work - and pass its unit tests.

Have I got this right and can I replace 'bool' with the lambda expression?

Or is there a clearer way to do this?



The full function is:

def find_common( lines ):
     """find and return a common prefix to all the passed lines.
     Should not include trailing spaces

     if not lines: return ""

     # get the common prefix of the non-blank lines. This isn't the most
     # efficient way of doing this by _far_, but it _is_ the shortest
     prefix = os.path.commonprefix(filter( bool, lines ))
     if not prefix: return ""

     # this regular expression will match an 'interesting' line prefix
     matched = re.match("(\s*\w{1,4}>|\W+)", prefix)
     if not matched: return ""

From kent37 at  Wed Apr 26 04:43:25 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 22:43:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] A Python idiom that I don't get
In-Reply-To: <e2mjli$ju2$>
References: <e2mjli$ju2$>
Message-ID: <>

Don Taylor wrote:
> I am trying to get some existing CPython 2.4 code working under Jython 
> (2.1) and I am puzzled by a line in the following function.  It seems to 
> be a Python 2.4 idiom that is opaque to me.
> The line is:
>      prefix = os.path.commonprefix(filter( bool, lines ))
> and I don't understand what that 'bool' is doing.  Or rather, I think 
> that I see what it is doing, but I am not sure - and I don't much like it.
> filter is the built-in filter and it requires a callable returning a 
> bool as the first argument.  It seems that 'bool' without arguments is a 
> callable that always evaluates to True (or at least non-zero) so this 
> 'bool' always returns True.  Is this really true (sic) by intention or 
> is it just an implemenation artifact?

No, bool() doesn't always return true, it returns true for arguments 
that would evaluate to true in a boolean context, and false otherwise.

In [2]: bool(0)
Out[2]: False

In [3]: bool(1)
Out[3]: True

In [4]: bool([])
Out[4]: False

In [5]: bool(42)
Out[5]: True
> I tried replacing 'bool' with 'True' but that won't work because True is 
> not callable.
> I replaced 'bool' with 'lambda True: True' as in:
>      prefix = os.path.commonprefix(filter( lambda True: True, lines ))
> and that does seem to work - and pass its unit tests.

This works but it isn't doing what you think it is.
lambda True: True
is the same as
lambda x: x

i.e. it is just an identity function.
> Have I got this right and can I replace 'bool' with the lambda expression?
> Or is there a clearer way to do this?

Try filter(None, lines) or use a list comprehension:
[ line for line in lines if line ]


From bgailer at  Wed Apr 26 05:14:25 2006
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 20:14:25 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Avoiding the use of files to store intermediate results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Andre Roberge wrote:
> On 4/25/06, Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde <hugonz-lists at> wrote:
>> Remember duck typing. An object just needs to look like a file in order
>> to be used like one.
>> Guido's time machine has already forseen your problem. Take a look at
>> the StringIO module.  It allows you to use a string where you would
>> normally pass a file object.
> Since I do something like
>"python > some_output")
> I don't see how I can pass a file-like object.  As far as I can tell
> "python" (the command) looks for a real file on the current path.
How about using one of the os.popen functions, that returns a file-like 
object for stdout?
> Andr?
>> Hope that helps,
>> Hugo
>>> ######
>>> While this works, I find it "messy", as it creates some intermediate
>>> files.  I was wondering if there was a better way to do things all in
>>> memory, in an OS independent way.
>>> [Note that the complete application is approximately 665 lines long
>>> ... a bit too much
>>> to post all here :-)]
>>> Andr?
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From wescpy at  Wed Apr 26 05:16:36 2006
From: wescpy at (w chun)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 20:16:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] A Python idiom that I don't get
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e2mjli$ju2$> <>
Message-ID: <>

> >      prefix = os.path.commonprefix(filter( bool, lines ))

that is an interesting and yes, not very optimal way of saving the set
of non-blank lines.  the commonprefix() function takes a list of
pathnames and returns the longest prefix that all strings have in
common, presumably for disk filenames, although this sounds like just
a string processing function that would work with non-pathnames too.

> > and I don't understand what that 'bool' is doing.  Or rather, I think
> > that I see what it is doing, but I am not sure - and I don't much like it.
>    :
> > I tried replacing 'bool'...

it sounds like you did not develop the original code.  it seems to
work... why are you trying to replace it?  are you refactoring?

> This works but it isn't doing what you think it is.
> lambda True: True
> is the same as
> lambda x: x

kent is right.  True is not a keyword, so you are just using "True" as
a variable name.  scarily, one can do stuff like this:

>>> True, False = False, True
>>> True
>>> False

> Try filter(None, lines) or use a list comprehension:
> [ line for line in lines if line ]

i like both of these better... they will perform better than with
bool().  of the two, it would be interesting to study which one's
faster... and why.


From keosophon at  Wed Apr 26 05:36:50 2006
From: keosophon at (Keo Sophon)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:36:50 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] getting system temporary directory.
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

Does python has any function to get a system tempdir of an OS?


From tim.golden at  Wed Apr 26 09:33:46 2006
From: tim.golden at (Tim Golden)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:33:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] getting system temporary directory.
Message-ID: <>

[Keo Sophon]

| Does python has any function to get a system tempdir of an OS?

You want to be looking at the tempfile module (and in particular
at the gettempdir).


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From kp8 at  Wed Apr 26 10:52:31 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 04:52:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] seq looping
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob ... i used my kludge which defines some bounds and tests for  
it... but your
idea of stuffing that into a seperate black box as golden in that it  
made me think
of the problem as input --> doit --> result.
and made my loops simpler and easier to read... and i use that same  
gap making
typing thing in several loops, so encapsulating that meant that i  
could make
it general purpose, and re-usable and i can add to it later more easily.

Thanks for that suggestion. I ended up with this:

# if the flag (random float) is lower than our percentage of rest, we  
# a rest duration and add that to our start time creating a gap  
between events.
def make_rest(event, lowerbound, upperbound, start, rest_percent):
	restflag = random.random()
	if (restflag < rest_percent):
		# This kludge makes sure our last event does not get a rest, and we  
		# prevent the first few events from getting rests as well to insure
		# our transitions between sections are seamless & sufficiently busy
		# NOTE LOWER bound is included
		if event >= lowerbound and event < upperbound:
			rest_dur = windex(rest)
			print "\n", "<>-" * 8, "[ rest : ", rest_dur, "]", "-<>" * 8, "\n"
			start = start + rest_dur
			print "[bang]"	# debug
	return start

then in the master bedroom i just call it:

		startime = foo.make_rest(event, 1, upperbound, startime, rest_percent)



On Apr 25, 2006, at 11:27 PM, Bob Gailer wrote:

> How about separating the body into 2 functions, calling both for  
> all but the last list element, then calling just the first for the  
> last element:
> :
> def step1(sample):
>  global incr
>  splt = os.path.split(sample)
>  rtinput(sample)
>  loc = random.random()
>  dur = DUR()
>  STEREO(startime, inskip, dur, amp, loc)
>  print "event no. %d @ %.2f (dur: %.2f, end: %.2f) --> sf: %s :  
> [flag: %.2f]" % (event, startime, dur, startime+dur, splt[1], dry)
>  incr = (dur * duty_factor) + kptools.windex(kptools.durations)
>  startime = startime + incr
> def rest():
>  global event
>  restflag = random.random()
>  if (restflag < rest_percent):
>    rest = kptools.windex(
>    print "\n", "<>-" * 8, "[ rest : ", rest, "]", "-<>" * 8, "\n"
>    startime = startime + rest
>    event = event + 1
> for sample in smpl_lst[:-1]:
>  step1(sample)
>  rest()
> step1(smpl_lst[-1])
> so what i am trying to do its skip that
>> if (restflag < rest_percent):
>> biz on the last item if we are on our last sequence item. The  
>> rests (which are random) is for padding between events
>> and since we have just played our last event, we don't want any  
>> extra padding so that our next call of the loop
>> starts at the proper time (just at the last event of this loop is  
>> over). The loop function will calculate the
>> next start time, and return it so that we can use it as the start  
>> time argument for our next call of the loop.
>> so if i want to play 7 items i might get something like:
>> loop_call_01:
>> item_1
>> item_2
>> rest
>> item_3
>> rest
>> item_4
>> item_5
>> item_6
>> rest
>> item_7 (but we don't want any rest here ever! cause we might want  
>> our next loop to start w/o any pause)

From winfried at  Wed Apr 26 10:57:36 2006
From: winfried at (Winfried Tilanus)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:57:36 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Web-templating systems (was: Re: Generating static WEB
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 04/25/2006 Kent Johnson wrote:
> Many. See this page, the sections Templating Engines, HTML Shorthand 
> Processors and HTML Generation class libraries:

Hmmm,lets toss in my own problem:
I know the list mentioned above, and it is too long for me to test each
of the templating systems and evalute if they are right for me. So does
anybody have any suggestions for my situation, so I can make a shortlist?

I maintain a web-application that has its templates partly in a language
designed by a previous programmer (basicly a way to mix python code into
HTML) and has an other part of the templates programmed in python. I
would like to standarize these to a system that has the following

- First of all: easy to learn for web-desingers and translators. My
ideal would be something that feels like "As little programming als
possible", so the templates should be very close to the
HTML/Javascript/CSS and have some extentions to it. It should be well
documented (I don't mind to do some documantation on my own) and, if
possible, use existing standards.
- can (of course) include a supplied variable
- can make conditional statements
- can loop over a supplied list of lists or dictionaries
- possible to include templates
- can run under mod_python
- possible to generate snippets of html, without generating / sending of
a complete website
- possible to store the templates on disk or in a database
- open-source and actively maintained

I don't mind to write my own code for things like escaping, character
conversion, retrieving the template, sending of the resulting HTML,
error handling etc. The main goal is to make it as easy as possible for
webdesingers and / or translators to change the templates without having
any Python knowledge.

Any suggstion or discussion is welcome!

best wishes,


From ryan_gm at  Wed Apr 26 11:59:04 2006
From: ryan_gm at (ryan luna)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 02:59:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Livewires
Message-ID: <>

So i decided to check out this Livewires Modules, but
while running through the tutorial i run into a
When i was trying to do the graphics stuff,
when i try and use this code

circle(300,195, endpoints = ((280,180),(320,180)))

and i get this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "(stdin)", line 1, in ?
"D:\programfiles\python\livewires\", line
527, in circle
       if r <0: raise ExVadParmaeters('negative
livewires.beginngers.ExBadParameters: negative radius

So im pretty new to this Livewires crap, which iv
said, so any help would be great.

From francis.moore at  Wed Apr 26 11:15:44 2006
From: francis.moore at (Frank Moore)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:15:44 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Regex across multiple lines
Message-ID: <>


Can anyone tell me how to do a regex substitution across multiple lines 
in HTML?
I can search for the piece of HTML I want to substitute, for instance:

    This is my title


html_text = file('some.html', 'r').read()
search_string = '<title>.*</title>'
p = re.compile(search_string, re.DOTALL)

But when I try and use:

replace_string = '<title>Another title</title>'
html_text = re.sub(search_string, replace_string, html_text)

it doesn't work.

However, if the HTML is all on one line:

<title>This is my title</title>

it works fine.

Any ideas?

Many thanks,

From kent37 at  Wed Apr 26 12:50:45 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 06:50:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Web-templating systems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Winfried Tilanus wrote:
> On 04/25/2006 Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Many. See this page, the sections Templating Engines, HTML Shorthand 
>> Processors and HTML Generation class libraries:
> Hmmm,lets toss in my own problem:
> I know the list mentioned above, and it is too long for me to test each
> of the templating systems and evalute if they are right for me. So does
> anybody have any suggestions for my situation, so I can make a shortlist?

I think Kid meets your requirements:

Other template systems that seem to be popular these days:


From kent37 at  Wed Apr 26 13:10:40 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:10:40 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] A Python idiom that I don't get
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e2mjli$ju2$> <>
Message-ID: <>

w chun wrote:
>>>      prefix = os.path.commonprefix(filter( bool, lines ))
> that is an interesting and yes, not very optimal way of saving the set
> of non-blank lines.  the commonprefix() function takes a list of
> pathnames and returns the longest prefix that all strings have in
> common, presumably for disk filenames, although this sounds like just
> a string processing function that would work with non-pathnames too.

I think it is the commonprefix() call that is expensive, not the filter.
>>> and I don't understand what that 'bool' is doing.  Or rather, I think
>>> that I see what it is doing, but I am not sure - and I don't much like it.
>>    :
>>> I tried replacing 'bool'...
> it sounds like you did not develop the original code.  it seems to
> work... why are you trying to replace it?  are you refactoring?

He is porting to Jython which doesn't have bool(), which was introduced 
in CPython 2.2.


From kent37 at  Wed Apr 26 13:18:51 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:18:51 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Livewires
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

ryan luna wrote:
> Hey,
> So i decided to check out this Livewires Modules, but
> while running through the tutorial i run into a
> problem,
> When i was trying to do the graphics stuff,
> when i try and use this code
> circle(300,195, endpoints = ((280,180),(320,180)))
> and i get this error
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>      File "(stdin)", line 1, in ?
>      File
> "D:\programfiles\python\livewires\", line
> 527, in circle
>        if r <0: raise ExVadParmaeters('negative
> radius')
> livewires.beginngers.ExBadParameters: negative radius

This looks to me like a bug in LiveWires. It is comparing None to 0 
which has an undefined result. Try changing line 527 in to
     if r is not None and r < 0: raise ExBadParameters('negative radius')

> So im pretty new to this Livewires ****, which iv
> said, so any help would be great.

Please take your bad language somewhere else, it's not appropriate on 
this list.


From kent37 at  Wed Apr 26 13:21:09 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:21:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Regex across multiple lines
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Frank Moore wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me how to do a regex substitution across multiple lines 
> in HTML?
> I can search for the piece of HTML I want to substitute, for instance:
> <title>
>     This is my title
> </title>
> using
> html_text = file('some.html', 'r').read()
> search_string = '<title>.*</title>'
> p = re.compile(search_string, re.DOTALL)
> But when I try and use:
> replace_string = '<title>Another title</title>'
> html_text = re.sub(search_string, replace_string, html_text)
> it doesn't work.
> However, if the HTML is all on one line:
> <title>This is my title</title>
> it works fine.

Use your compiled regex for the sub(), so it will have the DOTALL flag set:
html_text = p.sub(replace_string, html_text)


From francis.moore at  Wed Apr 26 13:46:41 2006
From: francis.moore at (Frank Moore)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:46:41 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Regex across multiple lines
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:

>Use your compiled regex for the sub(), so it will have the DOTALL flag set:
>html_text = p.sub(replace_string, html_text)

I was trying to work out how to use the DOTALL flag with the sub method, 
but couldn't figure it out.
It's so obvious once someone points it out. ;-)

Many thanks,

From ml.cyresse at  Wed Apr 26 14:25:42 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 00:25:42 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Regex across multiple lines
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Frank, just bear in mind that the pattern:

patObj = re.compile("<title>.*</title>", re.DOTALL)

will match

   This is my title

But, it'll also match

   This is my title
<p>Some content here</p>
    Another title; not going to happen with a title tag in HTML, but
more an illustration

All of that.

Got to watch .* with re.DOTALL; try using .*? instead, it makes it
non-greedy. Functionality for your current use case won't change, but
you won't spend ages when you have a different use case trying to
figure out why half your data is matching. >_<

To the Tutor list - can't re.MULTILINE also be used? I've never really
used that flag.


Liam Clarke

On 4/26/06, Frank Moore <francis.moore at> wrote:
> Kent Johnson wrote:
> >Use your compiled regex for the sub(), so it will have the DOTALL flag set:
> >html_text = p.sub(replace_string, html_text)
> >
> >
> Kent,
> I was trying to work out how to use the DOTALL flag with the sub method,
> but couldn't figure it out.
> It's so obvious once someone points it out. ;-)
> Many thanks,
> Frank
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From oztriking at  Wed Apr 26 15:24:01 2006
From: oztriking at (John Connors)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:24:01 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Checking in lists
Message-ID: <BAY108-F19D7F1696C95008F543140BEBC0@phx.gbl>


I found something today that has me confused. I'm making a list of 6 random 
dice rolls and I want to check if any 1's or 5's were rolled. I tried this 
way first and it returns true even if there are no 1's or 5's. I'll use a 
roll of all 2's as an example.

rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
if 1 or 5 in rollList:
   print 'yes'
   print 'no'

Then I tried this and it works fine.

rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
if 1 in rollList or 5 in rollList:
   print 'yes'
   print 'no'

It doesn't really matter because the second way does what I want but I would 
like to know why the first way doesn't work and if the syntax is wrong why 
doesn't it return an error.


PS I apologise if this is a duplicate, hotmail did some kind of spam check 
when I tried to send it, I've waited 30 mins and I don't think it went the 
1st time so I'll post it again.

New year, new job – there's more than 100,00 jobs at SEEK

From kent37 at  Wed Apr 26 15:33:41 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:33:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Regex across multiple lines
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:

> To the Tutor list - can't re.MULTILINE also be used? I've never really
> used that flag.

re.MULTILINE affects the meaning of ^ and $ - do they match only the 
beginning and end of the target string (the default) or do they match 
the beginning or end of any line in the string.

re.DOTALL affects the meaning of . - does it match newlines or not?

The docs on these flags are pretty clear, take a look.


From jason.massey at  Wed Apr 26 15:30:48 2006
From: jason.massey at (Jason Massey)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:30:48 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Checking in lists
In-Reply-To: <BAY108-F19D7F1696C95008F543140BEBC0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY108-F19D7F1696C95008F543140BEBC0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>


Basically it's not evaluating it the way you think it is:

Your first example really equates to:

if (1 or 5) in rollList:

(1 or 5) equals 1  and 1 isn't in the your list.

On 4/26/06, John Connors <oztriking at> wrote:
> G'day,
> I found something today that has me confused. I'm making a list of 6
> random
> dice rolls and I want to check if any 1's or 5's were rolled. I tried this
> way first and it returns true even if there are no 1's or 5's. I'll use a
> roll of all 2's as an example.
> rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
> if 1 or 5 in rollList:
>    print 'yes'
> else:
>    print 'no'
> Then I tried this and it works fine.
> rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
> if 1 in rollList or 5 in rollList:
>    print 'yes'
> else:
>    print 'no'
> It doesn't really matter because the second way does what I want but I
> would
> like to know why the first way doesn't work and if the syntax is wrong why
> doesn't it return an error.
> John
> PS I apologise if this is a duplicate, hotmail did some kind of spam check
> when I tried to send it, I've waited 30 mins and I don't think it went the
> 1st time so I'll post it again.
> _________________________________________________________________
> New year, new job ? there's more than 100,00 jobs at SEEK
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From kent37 at  Wed Apr 26 16:05:49 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:05:49 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Checking in lists
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BAY108-F19D7F1696C95008F543140BEBC0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Jason Massey wrote:
> John,
> Basically it's not evaluating it the way you think it is:

> Your first example really equates to:
> if (1 or 5) in rollList:
>    etc...
> (1 or 5) equals 1  and 1 isn't in the your list.

Not quite. It's
   if 1 or (5 in rollList):

Since 1 evaluates to true, the result will always be 1.

Operator precedence is summarized here:


From nospamformeSVP at  Wed Apr 26 16:05:30 2006
From: nospamformeSVP at (Don Taylor)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:05:30 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] A Python idiom that I don't get
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <e2mjli$ju2$> <>
Message-ID: <e2nunb$21r$>

w chun wrote:
> it sounds like you did not develop the original code.  it seems to
> work... why are you trying to replace it?  are you refactoring?

No it is not my code. I am trying to get it running in Jython which does 
not support the bool function.  I may refactor it after I get it working 
in Jython, but right now I have added the following function to my module:

def bool(value):
     if value:
         return 1
     return 0

and this seems to work and lets me leave the original source code 
untouched for now.

> i like both of these better... they will perform better than with
> bool().  of the two, it would be interesting to study which one's
> faster... and why.

Performance is not really important but I will try some instrumentation 
on this code.

FWIW.  I am trying to write a Jython extension to the Pydev/Eclipse IDE 
that will re-wrap selected comment blocks and docstrings.  Pydev now 
supports extensions written in Jython - see:


From payal-python at  Wed Apr 26 19:41:59 2006
From: payal-python at (Payal Rathod)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:41:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld's tut - namespaces
Message-ID: <>

In Alan's tutorial I haven't got the example of print42() even after 
reading the explanation.
I get 110 if I use it as a function.

>>> spam = 42
>>> def print42(): print spam
>>> spam = 110
>>> print42()

Why do you get 42 when you use it as module? I haven't understood the 

With warm regards,

From alan.gauld at  Wed Apr 26 20:45:21 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 19:45:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Checking in lists
References: <BAY108-F19D7F1696C95008F543140BEBC0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <006a01c66961$93a005c0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Basically it's not evaluating it the way you think it is:
>Your first example really equates to:
> if (1 or 5) in rollList:

Not quite, its doing:

if 1 or 5 in rollList:

We can demonstrate that with:

>>> if 1 or 0 in [6,2,3]: print 'True'
>>> if (1or 0) in [6,2,3]: print 'True'

Here the first expression evaluates to True and never attempts
the 'in' comparison (which would fail). The second uses your
parenthesis style and evaluates to 1 in [6,2,3] which is False

A minor nit pick.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

On 4/26/06, John Connors <oztriking at> wrote:
> G'day,
> I found something today that has me confused. I'm making a list of 6
> random
> dice rolls and I want to check if any 1's or 5's were rolled. I tried this
> way first and it returns true even if there are no 1's or 5's. I'll use a
> roll of all 2's as an example.
> rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
> if 1 or 5 in rollList:
>    print 'yes'
> else:
>    print 'no'
> Then I tried this and it works fine.
> rollList = [2,2,2,2,2,2]
> if 1 in rollList or 5 in rollList:
>    print 'yes'
> else:
>    print 'no'
> It doesn't really matter because the second way does what I want but I
> would
> like to know why the first way doesn't work and if the syntax is wrong why
> doesn't it return an error.
> John
> PS I apologise if this is a duplicate, hotmail did some kind of spam check
> when I tried to send it, I've waited 30 mins and I don't think it went the
> 1st time so I'll post it again.
> _________________________________________________________________
> New year, new job ? there's more than 100,00 jobs at SEEK
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From mhansen at  Wed Apr 26 21:12:15 2006
From: mhansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:12:15 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Cheetah
Message-ID: <003f01c66965$543c7720$28645f0a@mikehansen>

I'm having a little trouble populating a cheetah template. I thought I'd ask
here first before checking the cheetah mailing list or c.l.p.

I have a simple template

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html lang="en">
    <title>This is a test</title>
#for $item in $items
<p>category: $item.category</p>
<p>name: $ </p>
<p>price: $item.price</p>
#end for

That I compiled using cheetah.

Here's the python code that uses it:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import testform
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

class ReqItem(object):
    def __init__(self, category, name, price):
        self.category = category = name
        self.price = price

t = testform.testform()
t.title = "this and that"

items = []

category = "little stuff"
name = "hotwheel"
price = "2"

item = ReqItem(category, name, price)


category = "big stuff"
name = "monster truck"
price = "30000"

item = ReqItem(category, name, price)


t.items = items

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
print str(t)

However, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 36, in ?
    print str(t)
  File "", line 100, in respond
    __v = VFFSL(SL,"item.category",True)
NotFound: cannot find 'category' while searching for 'item.category'

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

From doug.shawhan at  Wed Apr 26 23:35:53 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:35:53 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] SOAP Modules - I need a little direction.
Message-ID: <>

I am in preparation mode for creating a script which uses SOAP.

I have been looking at the various SOAP modules: soapy,, ZSI,

I'm very confused as to the status of these projects. Most seem to be only
partially supported, if not abandoned completely. Thre appears to have been
a flurry of interest in 2001, then everyone got jobs! ;-)

This project is going to be a lulu for someone of my limited abilites, so
I'd really rather not give myself a skull hernia on a dead-end module.

Which of these modules I've listed (or haven't!) is most complete and
appears to have a future?

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

From oztriking at  Wed Apr 26 23:44:20 2006
From: oztriking at (John Connors)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 07:44:20 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld's tut - namespaces
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <BAY108-F28C3DDCCACA113184B0BEDBEBC0@phx.gbl>

G'day Payal,

I had trouble understanding the namespaces section of the tutorial too but 
it all clicked the other day when Alan explained the difference between 
import first and from first import *


>In Alan's tutorial I haven't got the example of print42() even after
>reading the explanation.
>I get 110 if I use it as a function.
> >>> spam = 42
> >>> def print42(): print spam
> >>> spam = 110
> >>> print42()
>Why do you get 42 when you use it as module? I haven't understood the
>With warm regards,
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

15,000 Velocity Points Velocity NAB Credit Card

From kp8 at  Thu Apr 27 00:37:10 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:37:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to write a loop that iterates over a sequence and do 
something x number of times. But sometimes i will need more events 
(larger number x) than i have have items in the sequence, so if i need 
more events that i have stuff in my sequence i would like to have the 
loop reload and shuffle the deck and start all over again, reloading as 
many times as necessary to get the number of events needed. I suppose i 
could go around cyclically modulo the list size but i would want to 
shuffle the deck before doing that again...

it seems to me that i need something like itertools cycle, except that 
i need to keep track of when i have exhausted my list and then call 
random.shuffle() on my sequence.

def cycle(iterable):
	saved = []
	for element in iterable:
		yield element
	while saved:
		for element in saved:
			yield element
def test():
		seq = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 
'eight', 'nine', 'ten')
		loop = cycle(seq)
		count = 1
		for item in range(25):
			print count,
			count = count + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

here i have gone through my list 2.5 times .. and somewhere after the 
second and third(tho incomplete) rounds i need to shuffle... but i am 
not sure how to fix that.

From kp8 at  Thu Apr 27 00:43:48 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:43:48 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to write a loop that iterates over a sequence and do 
something x number of times. But sometimes i will need more events 
(larger number x) than i have have items in the sequence, so if i need 
more events that i have stuff in my sequence i would like to have the 
loop reload and shuffle the deck and start all over again, reloading as 
many times as necessary to get the number of events needed. I suppose i 
could go around cyclically modulo the list size but i would want to 
shuffle the deck before doing that again...

it seems to me that i need something like itertools cycle, except that 
i need to keep track of when i have exhausted my list and then call 
random.shuffle() on my sequence.

def cycle(iterable):
	saved = []
	for element in iterable:
		yield element
	while saved:
		for element in saved:
			yield element
def test():
		seq = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 
'eight', 'nine', 'ten')
		loop = cycle(seq)
		count = 1
		for item in range(25):
			print count,
			count = count + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

here i have gone through my list 2.5 times .. and somewhere after the 
second and third(tho incomplete) rounds i need to shuffle... but i am 
not sure how to fix that.

From ukc802591034 at  Thu Apr 27 01:21:37 2006
From: ukc802591034 at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 00:21:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld's tut - namespaces
References: <>
Message-ID: <e2ov9n$1t8$>

"Payal Rathod" <payal-python at> wrote in message 
news:20060426174159.GA21428 at
> In Alan's tutorial I haven't got the example of print42() even after
> reading the explanation.
> I get 110 if I use it as a function.
>>>> spam = 42
>>>> def print42(): print spam
> ...
>>>> spam = 110
>>>> print42()
> 110
> Why do you get 42 when you use it as module? I haven't understood the
> explantaion.

The problem here is that you are typing it all at the >>> prompt.
If you look closely you will notice that the code examples are in
different modules - ie different files.

The >>> prompt basically acts like all the code you type is in the
same module, namespaces are really only effectoive when you are
using multiple files/modules.

However I'll refrain from saying much more since I do think the
namespaces topic could be significantly improved if only I could
find better words and examples.

So please everyone, feel free to try to explain this idea to Payal
so that I can steal your ideas for the tutorial!!  :-)

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 03:17:40 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 21:17:40 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

kevin parks wrote:
> it seems to me that i need something like itertools cycle, except that 
> i need to keep track of when i have exhausted my list and then call 
> random.shuffle() on my sequence.
> def cycle(iterable):
> 	saved = []
> 	for element in iterable:
> 		yield element
> 		saved.append(element)
> 	while saved:
                 random.shuffle(saved) ###############
> 		for element in saved:
> 			yield element


From mahansen at  Thu Apr 27 03:19:17 2006
From: mahansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 19:19:17 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ
Message-ID: <>

Here's the next batch of questions and answers for the tutor FAQ. If  
you have any clarifications or corrections, please let me know. I'll  
try to post this on the web site in a couple of days.

How do I get data out of HTML?

Try Beautiful Soup.

Beautiful Soup is more forgiving than other parsers in that it won't  
choke on bad markup.

What's the best editor/IDE for Python?

It's really a matter of preference. There are many features of an  
editor or IDE such as syntax highlighting, code completion, code  
folding, buffers, tabs,  ... Each editor or IDE has some or all of  
these features, and you'll have to decide which features are important  
to you.
See for a list of editors.
Also has  
a list of IDEs.

How do I make public and private attributes and methods in my classes?

Python followws the philosophy of "we're all adults here" with respect  
to hiding attributes and methods. i.e. trust the other programmers who  
will use your classes. You can't really hide variables and methods in  
Python. You can give clues to other programmers. Python does do name  
mangling. By putting two underscores before the attribute or method  
name and not putting two underscores after the name, Python will mangle  
the name by putting the class name in front of it.

For an short example see

Why doesn't my regular expression work?

Typically, it's an isssue between re.match and Match matches  
the beginning only and search checks the entire string. See the regular  
expression HOWTO for more details.

How do I perform matrix operations using Python?

The Python FAQ has an entry on how to create multidimensional lists: 

You may want to look into the 'numarray' third party module:

How do I make an executable out of my Python program?

Although it isn't necessary to turn your Python programs into  
executables, many people want to be able to put their Python programs  
on other machines that don't have Python installed.

Py2exe makes an executable of your Python program. For Windows only.

From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 03:25:19 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 21:25:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] SOAP Modules - I need a little direction.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

doug shawhan wrote:
> I am in preparation mode for creating a script which uses SOAP.
> I have been looking at the various SOAP modules: soapy,, ZSI, 
> pywebsvcs.
> I'm very confused as to the status of these projects. Most seem to be 
> only partially supported, if not abandoned completely. Thre appears to 
> have been a flurry of interest in 2001, then everyone got jobs! ;-)

SOAPpy seems to be the most commonly mentioned one, though I think 
Python developers tend to avoid SOAP if possible, preferring lighter 


From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 03:42:35 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 21:42:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mike Hansen wrote:
> Here's the next batch of questions and answers for the tutor FAQ. If  
> you have any clarifications or corrections, please let me know. I'll  
> try to post this on the web site in a couple of days.

Thanks Mike!

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> What's the best editor/IDE for Python?
> It's really a matter of preference. There are many features of an  
> editor or IDE such as syntax highlighting, code completion, code  
> folding, buffers, tabs,  ... Each editor or IDE has some or all of  
> these features, and you'll have to decide which features are important  
> to you.
> See for a list of editors.
> Also has  
> a list of IDEs.
This question is asked every few weeks on comp.lang.python so searching 
the archives will yield many opinions.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> How do I make public and private attributes and methods in my classes?
> Python followws the philosophy of "we're all adults here" with respect  
> to hiding attributes and methods. i.e. trust the other programmers who  
> will use your classes. You can't really hide variables and methods in  
> Python. You can give clues to other programmers. 
By convention, a name that starts with a single underscore is an 
implementation detail that may change and should not be used by client code.
Python does do name
> mangling. By putting two underscores before the attribute or method  
> name and not putting two underscores after the name, Python will mangle  
> the name by putting the class name in front of it.
<IMO this needs work but not by me tonight...>
> For an short example see
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Why doesn't my regular expression work?
> Typically, it's an isssue between re.match and Match matches  
> the beginning only and search checks the entire string. See the regular  
> expression HOWTO for more details.

Python comes with a handy program for testing regular expressions, 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> How do I perform matrix operations using Python?
> The Python FAQ has an entry on how to create multidimensional lists:
> multidimensional-list
> You may want to look into the 'numarray' third party module:
<Numarray is being replaced with numpy - we should refer people there>
You may want to look into the 'numpy' module which contains many 
resources for scientific computing including powerful matrix operations:


From mahansen at  Thu Apr 27 04:29:44 2006
From: mahansen at (Mike Hansen)
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 20:29:44 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Kent. I'll make those additions/corrections and rework the 
question about private and public attributes and methods.


On Apr 26, 2006, at 7:42 PM, Kent Johnson wrote:

> Mike Hansen wrote:
>> Here's the next batch of questions and answers for the tutor FAQ. If
>> you have any clarifications or corrections, please let me know. I'll
>> try to post this on the web site in a couple of days.
> Thanks Mike!
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> What's the best editor/IDE for Python?
>> It's really a matter of preference. There are many features of an
>> editor or IDE such as syntax highlighting, code completion, code
>> folding, buffers, tabs,  ... Each editor or IDE has some or all of
>> these features, and you'll have to decide which features are important
>> to you.
>> See for a list of editors.
>> Also has
>> a list of IDEs.
> This question is asked every few weeks on comp.lang.python so searching
> the archives will yield many opinions.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> How do I make public and private attributes and methods in my classes?
>> Python followws the philosophy of "we're all adults here" with respect
>> to hiding attributes and methods. i.e. trust the other programmers who
>> will use your classes. You can't really hide variables and methods in
>> Python. You can give clues to other programmers.
> By convention, a name that starts with a single underscore is an
> implementation detail that may change and should not be used by client 
> code.
> Python does do name
>> mangling. By putting two underscores before the attribute or method
>> name and not putting two underscores after the name, Python will 
>> mangle
>> the name by putting the class name in front of it.
> <IMO this needs work but not by me tonight...>
>> For an short example see
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Why doesn't my regular expression work?
>> Typically, it's an isssue between re.match and Match 
>> matches
>> the beginning only and search checks the entire string. See the 
>> regular
>> expression HOWTO for more details.
> Python comes with a handy program for testing regular expressions,
> Tools\Scripts\
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> How do I perform matrix operations using Python?
>> The Python FAQ has an entry on how to create multidimensional lists:
>> multidimensional-list
>> You may want to look into the 'numarray' third party module:
> <Numarray is being replaced with numpy - we should refer people there>
> You may want to look into the 'numpy' module which contains many
> resources for scientific computing including powerful matrix 
> operations:
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From oztriking at  Thu Apr 27 08:46:40 2006
From: oztriking at (John Connors)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:46:40 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld's tut - namespaces
Message-ID: <BAY108-F231F101613E1D6AA06B3A3BEBD0@phx.gbl>

G'day Alan,

>However I'll refrain from saying much more since I do think the
>namespaces topic could be significantly improved if only I could
>find better words and examples.
>So please everyone, feel free to try to explain this idea to Payal
>so that I can steal your ideas for the tutorial!!  :-)

Maybe it would would be a good idea to say that the first part of the 
example has to be saved as before the example works.

And maybe an explanation of the difference between import module and from 
module import * .It seems so simple now but until I understood that I 
couldn't understand the namespaces part of the tutorial.


Bounce Back from sickness and injury today.

From singletoned at  Thu Apr 27 12:16:08 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 11:16:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Regex across multiple lines
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/04/06, Liam Clarke <ml.cyresse at> wrote:
> Hi Frank, just bear in mind that the pattern:
> patObj = re.compile("<title>.*</title>", re.DOTALL)
> will match
> <title>
>    This is my title
> </title>
> But, it'll also match
> <title>
>    This is my title
> </title>
> <p>Some content here</p>
> <title>
>     Another title; not going to happen with a title tag in HTML, but
> more an illustration
> </title>
> All of that.
> Got to watch .* with re.DOTALL; try using .*? instead, it makes it
> non-greedy. Functionality for your current use case won't change, but
> you won't spend ages when you have a different use case trying to
> figure out why half your data is matching. >_<

When you only want a tag like <title> with no nested tags, I sometimes use:


though for anything but the most trivial cases, it's often better to
use BeautifulSoup


From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 12:19:55 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 06:19:55 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Alan Gauld's tut - namespaces
In-Reply-To: <e2ov9n$1t8$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> However I'll refrain from saying much more since I do think the
> namespaces topic could be significantly improved if only I could
> find better words and examples.

Hi Alan,

Looking at the tutorial, I think it jumps too quickly to more advanced 
material (multiple modules) before explaining the basics of how a name 
is resolved within a single module. You list the different scopes but 
you don't explain how they are searched for a name.

Once it is clear that names are searched in the *lexically* enclosing 
module, it will make more sense that print42() prints the value of spam 

It might help to talk about name binding explicitly - that importing a 
module binds a name to the module, and importing a function from the 
module binds a name to the function. This might help make the 
distinction that importing doesn't include anything new in the importing 
module, it just creates references to the imported module or its attributes.

You are missing a namespace, BTW. Since Python 2.1 the search order is 
local, *enclosing*, global and builtin.


From alan.gauld at  Thu Apr 27 13:21:36 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:21:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor FAQ
References: <>
Message-ID: <003301c669ec$e72a5f70$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Py2exe makes an executable of your Python program. For Windows only.

I believe Gordon McMillan's installer (now called pyInstaller) also makes 
Linux (and Irix!) executables so may be worth a link/mention here too.

Although Linux users seem far less likely to want/need to create 
standalone executables.

Alan G.

From lindaik at  Thu Apr 27 14:04:06 2006
From: lindaik at (Linda Kvam)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:04:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python and Oracle
Message-ID: <>

I have Oracle 10g and Python 2.4 on my PC.  I just installed cx_Oracle and
then entered - import cx_Oracle -in PythonWin and got the following error -
>>> import cx_Oracle
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
I have XP Professional OS and in my Path, I have Python24 (where my python
executables are), Python24/Scripts and the path for oci.dll (Oracle's dll).
I installed Oracle's Developer Suite from a CD and I downloaded Oracle 10G
- so I'm not sure if I have Oracle Client - I think I have to do something
on the Oracle side but I'm not sure what.
When I installed cx_Oracle, 2 files were added to my directory Python24 - I
have attached the log file for your information - I know the
removecx_oracle works because I have run it.
Any hints or ideas you have will be appreciated.

Linda Kvam
lindakvam at

-------------- next part --------------
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Name: cx_Oracle-wininst.log
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 4726 bytes
Desc: cx_Oracle-wininst.log
Url : 

From francis.moore at  Thu Apr 27 15:01:05 2006
From: francis.moore at (Frank Moore)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:01:05 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
Message-ID: <>


I'm getting the following error when I try and write some HTML with 
German text in it.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in 
position 1367: ordinal not in range(128)

This was my code:

      html_text = open(inFile, 'r').read()
     # ... do some processing on html_text
      file(outFile, 'w').write(html_text)

I've now read the 'Unicode - How To' by AMKuchling and changed the code to:

      html_text =, encoding='utf-8').read()
     # ... do some processing on html_text
      f =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')

but I'm still getting the error.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?


From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 15:21:38 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:21:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Frank Moore wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following error when I try and write some HTML with 
> German text in it.
> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in 
> position 1367: ordinal not in range(128)
> This was my code:
>       html_text = open(inFile, 'r').read()
>      # ... do some processing on html_text
>       file(outFile, 'w').write(html_text)
> I've now read the 'Unicode - How To' by AMKuchling and changed the code to:
>       html_text =, encoding='utf-8').read()
>      # ... do some processing on html_text
>       f =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
>       f.write(html_text)
> but I'm still getting the error.
> Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Was it exactly the same error in both cases? Can you show us the whole 
error message with the traceback?


From tim.golden at  Thu Apr 27 15:19:06 2006
From: tim.golden at (Tim Golden)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:19:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
Message-ID: <>

[Frank Moore]

| I'm getting the following error when I try and write some HTML with 
| German text in it.
| UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in 
| position 1367: ordinal not in range(128)

| I've now read the 'Unicode - How To' by AMKuchling and 
| changed the code to:
|       html_text =, encoding='utf-8').read()
|      # ... do some processing on html_text
|       f =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
|       f.write(html_text)
| but I'm still getting the error.
| Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

At what point in your script does the error occur? You say
"when I try and write" but does the error occur after the
f.write... line or earlier on after the (..).read

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your code fragment, 
except that you are assuming -- and maybe with good reason -- 
that the text in inFile is in fact utf8-encoded.

Could you run your code fragment on an interpreter and
then dump the screen output into an email?

This, for example, works on my Win32 Python console:

Python 2.4.3 (#69, Mar 29 2006, 17:35:34) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import codecs
>>> inFile = "in.utf8"
>>> outFile = "out.utf8"
>>> #
... # Create dummy infile
... #
... f = (inFile, encoding="utf-8", mode="w")
>>> f.write (u"Tim G\xf6lden")
>>> f.close ()
>>> html_text =, encoding='utf-8').read()
>>> # ... do some processing on html_text
... f =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
>>> f.write(html_text)


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From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 16:32:50 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 10:32:50 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Frank Moore wrote:
> The later code (where I use codecs) is not giving me an error (I must 
> have got that error during an intermediate step I performed).
> However, it's also not writing anything away. It seems to be silently 
> failing as html_text definitely has content.

Do you explicitly close the output file? If not, the data may not be 
actually written.


From winfried at  Thu Apr 27 16:51:13 2006
From: winfried at (Winfried Tilanus)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:51:13 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Web-templating systems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 04/26/2006 Kent Johnson wrote:
> I think Kid meets your requirements:
> Other template systems that seem to be popular these days:
> Cheetah
> HTMLTemplate
> Myghty

Thanks for the suggestions (also for those off-line). Kid and cheetah
look the most promising. I will do some testing with those.



From max.russell at  Thu Apr 27 16:47:34 2006
From: max.russell at (Max Russell)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:47:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Setting a global variable on class initialisation
Message-ID: <F04D7C5767A4CE448BB3236AF4D8CF33021D14ED@edinex01.VOXARUK.COM>

I know that overall Global variables are  bad idea, however, I have a
situation where on on initialisation of a class, I need to read in two files
and then populate two lists.
The lists need to would appear to need to be outwith the class I am working
with and global.
Can anyone give good examples of this?
Max Russell
Senior Test Engineer<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> 

Bonnington Bond, 2 Anderson Place, Edinburgh EH6 5NP, UK
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From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 17:17:00 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 11:17:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Setting a global variable on class initialisation
In-Reply-To: <F04D7C5767A4CE448BB3236AF4D8CF33021D14ED@edinex01.VOXARUK.COM>
References: <F04D7C5767A4CE448BB3236AF4D8CF33021D14ED@edinex01.VOXARUK.COM>
Message-ID: <>

Max Russell wrote:
> Hello-
> I know that overall Global variables are  bad idea, however, I have a 
> situation where on on initialisation of a class, I need to read in two 
> files and then populate two lists.

What do you mean by class initialization? If you want to read the files 
and populate the lists when the class is defined, it might work to do 
this at the module level. Then the lists would be populated when the 
module is first imported:

specialList = open('specialfile.txt').readlines()   # Whatever file 
processing you need goes here

class MyClass(object):
   # etc
   # do something with specialList

If you want to read the files when an instance is initialized, then put 
the code in the class __init__() method.

> The lists need to would appear to need to be outwith the class I am 
> working with and global.

?? What ??


From tim.golden at  Thu Apr 27 17:22:11 2006
From: tim.golden at (Tim Golden)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:22:11 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Setting a global variable on class initialisation
Message-ID: <>

[Max Russell]

| I know that overall Global variables are  bad idea, however, 
| I have a situation where on on initialisation of a class, I 
| need to read in two files and then populate two lists.
| The lists need to would appear to need to be outwith the 
| class I am working with and global.
| Can anyone give good examples of this?

Well, in simple terms this *sounds* like what
you're trying to do (not attempting any more
Python approach at this juncture):

l1 = []
l2 = []

class X:
  def __init__ (self, filename1, filename2):
    l1.extend (open (filename1).readlines ())
    l2.extend (open (filename2).readlines ())

if __name__ == '__main__':
  open ("test1.txt", "w").write ("hello\nworld\n")
  open ("test2.txt", "w").write ("goodbye\nworld\n")
  x = X ("test1.txt", "test2.txt")
  print l1
  print l2


Obviously this code doesn't do anything terribly
useful, but I wanted to see if it was more-or-less
what you had in mind?


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From francis.moore at  Thu Apr 27 18:15:06 2006
From: francis.moore at (Frank Moore)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 17:15:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:

>Do you explicitly close the output file? If not, the data may not be 
>actually written.

You're right, I realised after playing with Tim's example that the 
problem was that I wasn't calling close() on the codecs file.
Adding this after the f.write(html_text) seems to flush the buffer which 
means that the content now gets written to the file.

Thanks for your help,

From dyoo at  Thu Apr 27 21:05:00 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:05:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Setting a global variable on class initialisation
In-Reply-To: <F04D7C5767A4CE448BB3236AF4D8CF33021D14ED@edinex01.VOXARUK.COM>
References: <F04D7C5767A4CE448BB3236AF4D8CF33021D14ED@edinex01.VOXARUK.COM>
Message-ID: <>

> I know that overall Global variables are bad idea, however, I have a 
> situation where on on initialisation of a class, I need to read in two 
> files and then populate two lists.

Hi Max,

Could you give more context to this problem?  I'm not sure we get it yet. 

> The lists need to would appear to need to be outwith the class I am 
> working with and global.

Are the lists a part of the "state" of the instance?  If not, why is this 
a part of the instance's initialization?

I think we'd better wait on advice until we learn a little more about the 

Good luck!

From dyoo at  Thu Apr 27 21:07:14 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:07:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

> You're right, I realised after playing with Tim's example that the 
> problem was that I wasn't calling close() on the codecs file. Adding 
> this after the f.write(html_text) seems to flush the buffer which means 
> that the content now gets written to the file.

Hi Frank,

Quick note: it may be important to write and read from the file using 
binary mode "b".  It's not so significant under Unix, but it is more 
significant under Windows, because otherwise we may get some weird 

Good luck!

From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 21:24:34 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:24:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:
>> You're right, I realised after playing with Tim's example that the 
>> problem was that I wasn't calling close() on the codecs file. Adding 
>> this after the f.write(html_text) seems to flush the buffer which means 
>> that the content now gets written to the file.
> Hi Frank,
> Quick note: it may be important to write and read from the file using 
> binary mode "b".  It's not so significant under Unix, but it is more 
> significant under Windows, because otherwise we may get some weird 
> results.

But the file is utf-8 text, ISTM it should be written as text, not 
binary. Why do you recommend binaray mode?


From doug.shawhan at  Thu Apr 27 21:46:11 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:46:11 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] SOAP Modules - I need a little direction.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The problem is, I am trying to develop a script to upload massive amounts of
stuff onto an ebay store. Unfortunately the folks at ebay have settled on a
couple sorts of soapism as their standard. (They seem to be very Java and
Dot Net happy over there ...)

I would prefer nearly *any* other protocol. Reading the official SOAP
documentation has been like licking the hoof of a very angry mule. But if
you gotta, you gotta!

On 4/26/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> doug shawhan wrote:
> > I am in preparation mode for creating a script which uses SOAP.
> >
> > I have been looking at the various SOAP modules: soapy,, ZSI,
> > pywebsvcs.
> >
> > I'm very confused as to the status of these projects. Most seem to be
> > only partially supported, if not abandoned completely. Thre appears to
> > have been a flurry of interest in 2001, then everyone got jobs! ;-)
> SOAPpy seems to be the most commonly mentioned one, though I think
> Python developers tend to avoid SOAP if possible, preferring lighter
> protocols.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 22:01:43 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:01:43 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] SOAP Modules - I need a little direction.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

doug shawhan wrote:
> The problem is, I am trying to develop a script to upload massive 
> amounts of stuff onto an ebay store. Unfortunately the folks at ebay 
> have settled on a couple sorts of soapism as their standard. (They seem 
> to be very Java and Dot Net happy over there ...)
> I would prefer nearly *any* other protocol. Reading the official SOAP 
> documentation has been like licking the hoof of a very angry mule. But 
> if you gotta, you gotta!

A quick Google for "python ebay" turns up a couple of Python packages 
that might be useful. The eBay developer docs talk about REST and XML 
APIs as well as SOAP. Looks like you need to dig a little more.


From doug.shawhan at  Thu Apr 27 22:15:50 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:15:50 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] SOAP Modules - I need a little direction.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The https/XML API is deprecated and will no longer be supported after the
first of June. :-/

The real drag is: the older XML api had *2* very nice python
implementations. I was successfull in less than 10 minutes with both of
those. It's a shame.

I was hoping to avoid the REST method, as I would like to have the whole
shebang on one computer and not worry about making sure my hosting provider
is using the same version of <insert important doodad here> as I am
developing with ... I'm just chicken, I guess. :-)

On 4/27/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> doug shawhan wrote:
> > The problem is, I am trying to develop a script to upload massive
> > amounts of stuff onto an ebay store. Unfortunately the folks at ebay
> > have settled on a couple sorts of soapism as their standard. (They seem
> > to be very Java and Dot Net happy over there ...)
> >
> > I would prefer nearly *any* other protocol. Reading the official SOAP
> > documentation has been like licking the hoof of a very angry mule. But
> > if you gotta, you gotta!
> A quick Google for "python ebay" turns up a couple of Python packages
> that might be useful. The eBay developer docs talk about REST and XML
> APIs as well as SOAP. Looks like you need to dig a little more.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
-------------- next part --------------
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From kent37 at  Thu Apr 27 22:31:16 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:31:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] SOAP Modules - I need a little direction.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

doug shawhan wrote:
> The https/XML API is deprecated and will no longer be supported after 
> the first of June. :-/

What about the "Unified Schema XML API"? It's XML but it's not SOAP; the 
XML formats look pretty straightforward. They have a lot of fields but 
the structure is pretty simple.
> I was hoping to avoid the REST method, as I would like to have the whole 
> shebang on one computer and not worry about making sure my hosting 
> provider is using the same version of <insert important doodad here> as 
> I am developing with ... I'm just chicken, I guess. :-)

?? I don't know what important doodad you are worried about here...REST 
just means that you make requests using ordinary HTTP requests such as 
GET. The request parameters are part of the query, as opposed to SOAP 
for example where the query parameters are in an XML payload included 
with the request.

Hmm...the REST API seems to only support one call, GetSearchResults, so 
that won't be very useful to you.

I hope I'm not way off base here, I'm just doing a little Googling 
myself, I don't have any actual experience with this stuff...


From doug.shawhan at  Thu Apr 27 22:31:58 2006
From: doug.shawhan at (doug shawhan)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:31:58 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] SOAP Modules - I need a little direction.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

... Upon which I completely expose my ignorance of REST. I was completely
concentrating on SOAP, since it seemed to have much more activity and had
not looked at the REST description. It look like, for eBay's purposes, that
to use the older xml-based systems, one must append "schema=1" to the
requests. *blush*

Ah well, not the first time I have dined on my foot on this mailing list!
(Memo to self, stock up on ketchup)

On 4/27/06, doug shawhan <doug.shawhan at> wrote:
> The https/XML API is deprecated and will no longer be supported after the
> first of June. :-/
> The real drag is: the older XML api had *2* very nice python
> implementations. I was successfull in less than 10 minutes with both of
> those. It's a shame.
> I was hoping to avoid the REST method, as I would like to have the whole
> shebang on one computer and not worry about making sure my hosting provider
> is using the same version of <insert important doodad here> as I am
> developing with ... I'm just chicken, I guess. :-)
> On 4/27/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at> wrote:
> >
> > doug shawhan wrote:
> > > The problem is, I am trying to develop a script to upload massive
> > > amounts of stuff onto an ebay store. Unfortunately the folks at ebay
> > > have settled on a couple sorts of soapism as their standard. (They
> > seem
> > > to be very Java and Dot Net happy over there ...)
> > >
> > > I would prefer nearly *any* other protocol. Reading the official SOAP
> > > documentation has been like licking the hoof of a very angry mule. But
> >
> > > if you gotta, you gotta!
> >
> > A quick Google for "python ebay" turns up a couple of Python packages
> > that might be useful. The eBay developer docs talk about REST and XML
> > APIs as well as SOAP. Looks like you need to dig a little more.
> >
> > Kent
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> >
> >
-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Thu Apr 27 23:12:40 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:12:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode Encode Error
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>>> You're right, I realised after playing with Tim's example that the 
>>> problem was that I wasn't calling close() on the codecs file. Adding 
>>> this after the f.write(html_text) seems to flush the buffer which 
>>> means that the content now gets written to the file.
>> Quick note: it may be important to write and read from the file using 
>> binary mode "b".  It's not so significant under Unix, but it is more 
>> significant under Windows, because otherwise we may get some weird 
>> results.
> But the file is utf-8 text, ISTM it should be written as text, not 
> binary. Why do you recommend binaray mode?

Hi Kent,

Oh!  I just wrote that out because I had a vague and fuzzy feeling that 
utf-8, having high-order binary bits, needed to be written carefully. 
But let me examine that unexamined assumption...

No, you're right, we don't have to be so careful here, for carriage 
returns and newlines have their standard interpretation under utf-8 too. 
Ok, good to know.  Thank you!

I'd seen too many problems with Windows and binary data that I do 'rb' out 
of habit whenever dealing with high-order binary data.  For example, 
ord(26) causes Windows to prematurely truncate the reading of a file in 
text mode:

On a close reading of how the utf-8 encoding standard, though, I see that 
it does say that utf-8 avoids encoding high Unicode code points with 
control characters, so my caution is unfounded.

From hugonz-lists at  Thu Apr 27 23:11:14 2006
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:11:14 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kevin,

kevin parks wrote:
> I am trying to write a loop that iterates over a sequence and do 
> something x number of times. But sometimes i will need more events 
> (larger number x) than i have have items in the sequence, so if i need 
> more events that i have stuff in my sequence i would like to have the 
> loop reload and shuffle the deck and start all over again, reloading as 
> many times as necessary to get the number of events needed. I suppose i 
> could go around cyclically modulo the list size but i would want to 
> shuffle the deck before doing that again...

Why not save the iterable it in the generator, then just reuse it? You 
can copy the iterable like this:

import random
def cycle(iterable):
     saved = list(iterable)

     #notice how I saved into a list, for I could not shuffle a TUPLE!
     while True:
  	for element in saved:
  		yield element


def test():
		seq = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',
'eight', 'nine', 'ten')
		loop = cycle(seq)
		count = 1
		for item in range(25):
			print count,
			count = count + 1
#you could use enumerate() instead of manually making the loop here.
#for i, v in enumerate(loop):
#    print i, v

Hope that helps,


if __name__ == '__main__':

From kp8 at  Fri Apr 28 03:59:18 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 21:59:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I know there is an answer to this somewhere. it is prolly the biggest 
block to all python n00bs, but it hasn't been an issue for me in a 
Suddenly i am getting bit by it and can't for the life of me keep 
straight the
two way of opperating on lists.

In most case you are fine operating on the list in place and altering 
existing list. In some cases you want your code to stop molesting your 
mutables and really honestly sincerly copy the dang thing. In this case 
i am
making a function that does odd smmetry mirroring. But i want my 
orginal list
to remain intact....

 >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
 >>> mirror(a)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]
 >>> a
[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]

clearly this is not happening. believe it or not i googled around 
figuring the
answer would be posted someplace... but if it is i haven't found it. 
Every thing
i land on says copy a list by [:] slicing like i have below...

how to i really (not kidding) copy a list? I swear i used to know this, 
but i haven't had
to do it in a long long long time.

# ===================================

dumb code:

def mirror(seq):
	"""odd symmetry mirroring  [1, 2, 3, 4] --> [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]"""
	foo=seq[:-1]				# copy list, excluding last element for odd symetry
	foo.reverse()				# flip it
	return seq

From john at  Fri Apr 28 04:14:07 2006
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:14:07 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28/04/06, kevin parks <kp8 at> wrote:
> In most case you are fine operating on the list in place and altering the
> existing list. In some cases you want your code to stop molesting your poor
> mutables and really honestly sincerly copy the dang thing. In this case i am
> making a function that does odd smmetry mirroring. But i want my orginal list
> to remain intact....
> def mirror(seq):
>         """odd symmetry mirroring  [1, 2, 3, 4] --> [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]"""
>         foo=seq[:-1]                            # copy list, excluding last element for odd symetry
>         foo.reverse()                           # flip it
>         seq.extend(foo)
>         return seq

Hi Kevin,

Your problem is this line:

This is the line that mutates your original list.

There are a few ways you could procede here.  One way is to make a
copy of the argument, like this:

def mirror(seq):
    start = list(seq)
    end = seq[:-1]
    return start

Notice that we've not calling any methods on seq, so seq won't be
changed.  The first line, "start = list(seq)", instructs python to
build a new list out of the elements of seq.  You could also write
"start = seq[:]" here --- I'm not sure which is the preferred way.

Another option is to use arithmetic --- you can add lists together,
and this creates a new list.  eg:

def mirror(seq):
    end = seq[:-1]
    return seq + end

Finally, just a side comment: You can use slicing to reverse the end
for you as well.  So, we could rewrite the last function as:

def mirror(seq):
    end = seq[-2::-1]
    return seq + end

Which means there is a one-line version as well:

def mirror(seq):
    return seq + seq[-2::-1]



From max.russell at  Fri Apr 28 10:46:20 2006
From: max.russell at (Max Russell)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:46:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Setting a global variable on class initialisation
Message-ID: <F04D7C5767A4CE448BB3236AF4D8CF33021D14EF@edinex01.VOXARUK.COM>

Hello again
Sorry I didn't make the problem I'm working with all too clear. Basically
I'm working with a class (Directory) that upon creation reads in a 3 files
and from these files populates one main list.
This bit is fine.
The trickier bit was that I need to use two of the sublists (e.g the
contents of two of the files) outwith the module. I didn't want to read the
lists in again as I wanted the data to be set at the time the Directory
class is created. The lists are accessed from other classes and although I
tried passing the instance of Directory into the new class (Item) but this
was causing real problems Item was trying to read in the lists:
def __init__(self, filename, **args):
I noted that I couldn't put my argument for an instance of Directory after
**args (presumably because **args is used to mop up the remaining arguments
as a list) and when I put it before it messed up the reading of the list.
So my code now has this format-
    def GetCategories(self):

        #Assign the list values read in via platformCategories and

        global platformCategories
        platformCategories = self.GetPlatformsFile()
        global typeCategories
        typeCategories = self.GetTypesFile()
The method above is within Directory and updates the two lists with the
values I need. (The methods called within GetCategories do the returning of
the lists.)
I think I've got a grasp on what was going wrong.
Max Russell
Senior Test Engineer<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> 

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-------------- next part --------------
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From singletoned at  Fri Apr 28 12:06:08 2006
From: singletoned at (Ed Singleton)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:06:08 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28/04/06, John Fouhy <john at> wrote:
> On 28/04/06, kevin parks <kp8 at> wrote:
> > In most case you are fine operating on the list in place and altering the
> > existing list. In some cases you want your code to stop molesting your poor
> > mutables and really honestly sincerly copy the dang thing. In this case i am
> > making a function that does odd smmetry mirroring. But i want my orginal list
> > to remain intact....
> >
> > def mirror(seq):
> >         """odd symmetry mirroring  [1, 2, 3, 4] --> [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]"""
> >         foo=seq[:-1]                            # copy list, excluding last element for odd symetry
> >         foo.reverse()                           # flip it
> >         seq.extend(foo)
> >         return seq
> Hi Kevin,
> Your problem is this line:
>     seq.extend(foo)
> This is the line that mutates your original list.
> There are a few ways you could procede here.  One way is to make a
> copy of the argument, like this:
> def mirror(seq):
>     start = list(seq)
>     end = seq[:-1]
>     end.reverse()
>     start.extend(end)
>     return start
> Notice that we've not calling any methods on seq, so seq won't be
> changed.  The first line, "start = list(seq)", instructs python to
> build a new list out of the elements of seq.  You could also write
> "start = seq[:]" here --- I'm not sure which is the preferred way.

A little 'gotcha' with this is that if you have nested lists, these
methods don't copy the nested lists, only the outer list (which makes
sense, but can be surprising the first time you encounter it).  If for
some reason you want to copy nested lists, look into deepcopy(),
otherwise you'll be fine.

Also, personally I think list(seq) is better than seq[:] because it
can cope with anything put into it that it could possibly work with
(even dicts and iterators).

>>> def i():
...     for n in range(3):
...             yield n
>>> list(i())
[0, 1, 2]
>>> d = {'a':1,'b':2}
>>> list(d)
['a', 'b']

>>> i()[:]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsubscriptable object
>>> d[:]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unhashable type


From alan.gauld at  Fri Apr 28 12:28:55 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:28:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Setting a global variable on class initialisation
References: <F04D7C5767A4CE448BB3236AF4D8CF33021D14EF@edinex01.VOXARUK.COM>
Message-ID: <002401c66aae$8dd750f0$0a01a8c0@xp>

> Sorry I didn't make the problem I'm working with all too clear. Basically
> I'm working with a class (Directory) that upon creation reads in a 3 files
> and from these files populates one main list.
> This bit is fine.
> The trickier bit was that I need to use two of the sublists (e.g the
> contents of two of the files) outwith the module.

If the lists are data within your Directory then any class that needs
to use that data is treading in dubious water. Either that or the data
shouldn't be in Directory! Are you sure that there isn't a service
that Directory can perform on behalf of your new class?

> class is created. The lists are accessed from other classes and although I
> tried passing the instance of Directory into the new class (Item) but this
> was causing real problems

I don't understand why this would cause problems. Its certainly the
normal approach to this kind of design scenario.

> I noted that I couldn't put my argument for an instance of Directory after
> **args (presumably because **args is used to mop up the remaining 
> arguments

Correct, you would need to either treat directory as partrty
of the **args stuff or pass it explicitly before them.

> as a list) and when I put it before it messed up the reading of the list.

And this I don't understand.

> So my code now has this format-
>    def GetCategories(self):
>        global platformCategories
>        platformCategories = self.GetPlatformsFile()
>        global typeCategories
>        typeCategories = self.GetTypesFile()
> The method above is within Directory and updates the two lists with the
> values I need. (The methods called within GetCategories do the returning 
> of
> the lists.)

I'm afraid I don;t see anythoing here that should require a global, but I 
really undestand why passing a Directory instance around wasn't working.
Can you explain that part of the problem a bit more?
I guess I'd also be interested in why another class needs access to the
data in Directory - what is it going to do to the data that Directory
couldn't do for it?

Alan G. 

From tinoloc at  Fri Apr 28 16:30:21 2006
From: tinoloc at (Tino Dai)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:30:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python and Oracle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4/27/06, Linda Kvam <lindaik at> wrote:
> I have Oracle 10g and Python 2.4 on my PC.  I just installed cx_Oracle and
> then entered - import cx_Oracle -in PythonWin and got the following error
> -
> >>> import cx_Oracle
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
> >>>
> This is just a guess. You might need to run regsvr32 to tell WinXP where
> it is.
> -Tino
-------------- next part --------------
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From glingl at  Fri Apr 28 18:44:01 2006
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 18:44:01 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning deepcopy
Message-ID: <>

Hi all of you,

I've some Vector class, which is a subclass of tuple and which is 
working satisfactorily since long in different contexts. Now I've 
constructed objects with attributes of Vec-type, which I wanted to 
deepcopy. But that doesn't work, because I can't (deep)copy Vec-s:

 >>> from copy import deepcopy
 >>> class Vec(tuple):
	def __new__(cls, x, y):
		return tuple.__new__(cls, (x,y))
	def __abs__(self):
		return (self[0]**2+self[1]**2)**0.5
         ## more methods ...

 >>> a=Vec(3,4)
 >>> abs(a)
 >>> b = deepcopy(a)

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#13>", line 1, in -toplevel-
     b = deepcopy(a)
   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 204, in deepcopy
     y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 336, in _reconstruct
     y = callable(*args)
   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 92, in __newobj__
     return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
TypeError: __new__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

Explanation? Remedy? Bug? Workaround?


Gregor Lingl
Reisnerstrasse 3/19
A-1030 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
Mobil:   +43 664 140 35 27


From kent37 at  Fri Apr 28 19:44:18 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:44:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning deepcopy
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gregor Lingl wrote:
> Hi all of you,
> I've some Vector class, which is a subclass of tuple and which is 
> working satisfactorily since long in different contexts. Now I've 
> constructed objects with attributes of Vec-type, which I wanted to 
> deepcopy. But that doesn't work, because I can't (deep)copy Vec-s:
>  >>> from copy import deepcopy
>  >>> class Vec(tuple):
> 	def __new__(cls, x, y):
> 		return tuple.__new__(cls, (x,y))
> 	def __abs__(self):
> 		return (self[0]**2+self[1]**2)**0.5
>          ## more methods ...
>  >>> a=Vec(3,4)
>  >>> abs(a)
> 5.0
>  >>> b = deepcopy(a)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<pyshell#13>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>      b = deepcopy(a)
>    File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 204, in deepcopy
>      y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
>    File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 336, in _reconstruct
>      y = callable(*args)
>    File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 92, in __newobj__
>      return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
> TypeError: __new__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

Apparently you need to define __getnewargs__() for your class. This works:
     def __getnewargs__(self):
         return (self[0], self[1])

__getnewargs__() is documented with the pickle module but it is used by 
deepcopy() as well.


From glingl at  Sat Apr 29 11:04:31 2006
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:04:31 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning deepcopy
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson schrieb:
> Gregor Lingl wrote:
>>Hi all of you,
>>> from copy import deepcopy
>> >>> class Vec(tuple):
>>	def __new__(cls, x, y):
>>		return tuple.__new__(cls, (x,y))
>>	def __abs__(self):
>>		return (self[0]**2+self[1]**2)**0.5
>>         ## more methods ...
>> >>> a=Vec(3,4)
>> >>> abs(a)
>> >>> b = deepcopy(a)
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>TypeError: __new__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
> Apparently you need to define __getnewargs__() for your class. This works:
>      def __getnewargs__(self):
>          return (self[0], self[1])
> __getnewargs__() is documented with the pickle module but it is used by 
> deepcopy() as well.

Thanks, Kent  for the hint. It works (of course).
Skimming through this part of the docs I discovered, that there is a 
special method __deepcopy__. So I also  tried using this, adding

	def __deepcopy__(self,visit):
		return self

to my Vec class, which also seems to work. (I think this not to
be harmful as Vecs should be, like tuples, immutable).
And, indeed, it also seems to work.

Do you think this is also a correct way? If so, do you see there any 
advantages of one solution over the other one?


From kent37 at  Sat Apr 29 12:49:59 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 06:49:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning deepcopy
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Gregor Lingl wrote:
> Thanks, Kent  for the hint. It works (of course).
> Skimming through this part of the docs I discovered, that there is a 
> special method __deepcopy__. So I also  tried using this, adding
> 	def __deepcopy__(self,visit):
> 		return self
> to my Vec class, which also seems to work. (I think this not to
> be harmful as Vecs should be, like tuples, immutable).
> And, indeed, it also seems to work.

That is not a correct deep copy, it is a shallow copy. Although Vec 
objects are immutable they may contain mutable objects. The point of 
deep copy is to copy "all the way down" so the objects contained by a 
Vec should also be copied.


From oztriking at  Sat Apr 29 13:25:34 2006
From: oztriking at (John Connors)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 21:25:34 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How Big Is Too Big?
Message-ID: <BAY108-F23110E595A0681B77A36ABBEB30@phx.gbl>


Just wondering how many lines of code is the maximum to post in the list to 
have it critiqued. I realise people are using their own time to help others 
in here for no real personal gain and I would hate to impose on their 
goodwill. Would about 100 lines of code be considered too much?


New year, new job – there's more than 100,00 jobs at SEEK

From kent37 at  Sat Apr 29 13:40:00 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 07:40:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How Big Is Too Big?
In-Reply-To: <BAY108-F23110E595A0681B77A36ABBEB30@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY108-F23110E595A0681B77A36ABBEB30@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

John Connors wrote:
> G'day,
> Just wondering how many lines of code is the maximum to post in the list to 
> have it critiqued. I realise people are using their own time to help others 
> in here for no real personal gain and I would hate to impose on their 
> goodwill. Would about 100 lines of code be considered too much?

Try it and see :-)

For me I think the quality of review tends to go down as the quantity of 
code goes up. For short pieces I might look the whole thing over 
carefully. Longer ones I tend to skim or, sometimes, ignore the whole 
thing. It depends on my mood, time available, whether the code looks 

It also helps if you have a specific question to focus my attention.


From oztriking at  Sat Apr 29 14:20:52 2006
From: oztriking at (John Connors)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 22:20:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Silly Dice Game
Message-ID: <BAY108-F291303747F6C650D85C8CABEB30@phx.gbl>


The wife and I play a silly dice game and I thought it would be a good 
challange for me to write it as a program. No specific question, just 
wondering if my technique is ok and is there anything that could be done 
better. The 2 hardest things I find as a python beginner who has no real 
need to learn a programming language other than curiosity and too much spare 
time, are thinking of something to program and then knowing if what I have 
written could be done more efficiently.

import random

def removeDice():
    for a in range(3):

while True:

    dieLeft = 6
    totalScore = 0

    while dieLeft > 0:

        dieList = []
        score = 0

        # roll the dice
        if dieLeft == 6:
            raw_input("\nPress enter to roll the dice ")
        for dieRoll in range(dieLeft):
            print "Die roll %d is %d" % (dieRoll +1, dieList[dieRoll])

        if dieLeft == 6:

            #check if all dice are the same
            for fatChance in range(1,7):
                if dieList.count(fatChance) == 6:
                    score += 5000
                    dieLeft = 0
                    print "\nYou rolled all %d's, WoW!!!" % (fatChance)

            #check for a straight
            if dieList == [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
                score += 1500
                dieLeft = 0
                print "\nYou rolled a straight"

            #check for 3 pairs
            if dieLeft == 6:
                if dieList[0] == dieList[1] and dieList[2] == dieList[3] and 
dieList[4] == dieList[5]:
                    score += 1500
                    dieLeft = 0
                    print"\nYou rolled three pairs"

        #check for 3 of a kind
        if dieLeft > 2:

            for checkThree in range(1,7):

                if dieList.count(checkThree) >= 3:
                    print "\nYou rolled three %d's" % (checkThree)
                    yourChoice = raw_input("\nDo you wish to keep them? y/n 

                    if yourChoice == 'y':
                        dieLeft -= 3

                        if checkThree == 1:
                                score += 1000
                            score = score + checkThree * 100

        #check for 1's and 5's
        if 1 in dieList or 5 in dieList:

            for testDice in range(dieLeft):

                if dieList[testDice] == 1:
                    score += 100
                    dieLeft -= 1

                if dieList[testDice] == 5:
                    score += 50
                    dieLeft -= 1

        totalScore = totalScore + score

        if score != 0:
            print "\nYour score is %d and you have %d dice left" % 
(totalScore, dieLeft)

        if score == 0:
            print "\nYou busted and score nothing"
            totalScore = 0

        if dieLeft >= 1:
            rollAgain = raw_input ("\nRoll the remaining dice? y/n ")

            if rollAgain != "y":

        if dieLeft == 0:
            dieLeft = 6
            print "\nYou used all the dice and must roll again"

    print "\n\nYour total score for that round was %d" % (totalScore)
    playAgain = raw_input("\nPlay again? (y/n) ")

    if playAgain != "y":


_________________________________________________________________ the biggest address in property

From john at  Sat Apr 29 14:40:25 2006
From: john at (John Fouhy)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 00:40:25 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Silly Dice Game
In-Reply-To: <BAY108-F291303747F6C650D85C8CABEB30@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY108-F291303747F6C650D85C8CABEB30@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On 30/04/06, John Connors <oztriking at> wrote:
> The wife and I play a silly dice game and I thought it would be a good
> challange for me to write it as a program. No specific question, just
> wondering if my technique is ok and is there anything that could be done
> better. The 2 hardest things I find as a python beginner who has no real
> need to learn a programming language other than curiosity and too much spare
> time, are thinking of something to program and then knowing if what I have
> written could be done more efficiently.

Hi John,

If I were you, I would look at separating more of my program out into
functions.  Good use of functions will make your program more
readable, easier to debug, and easier to change, should the rules of
your dice game change :-)

So, your basic game structure is (correct me if I'm wrong):

while True:
    roll some dice
    check if we've won anything

The "check if we've won anything" section seems like an excellent
place to start writing functions.

For example, you have:

           #check if all dice are the same
           for fatChance in range(1,7):
               if dieList.count(fatChance) == 6:
                   score += 5000
                   dieLeft = 0
                   print "\nYou rolled all %d's, WoW!!!" % (fatChance)

           #check for a straight
           if dieList == [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
               score += 1500
               dieLeft = 0
               print "\nYou rolled a straight"

           #check for 3 pairs
           if dieLeft == 6:
               if dieList[0] == dieList[1] and dieList[2] == dieList[3] and
dieList[4] == dieList[5]:
                   score += 1500
                   dieLeft = 0
                   print"\nYou rolled three pairs"

We could change this as follows:

def checkSame(dieList):
    """ Check if all the dice are the same. """
    return len(set(dieList)) == 1

def checkStraight(dieList):
    """ Check if the die list is a straight. """
    return set(dieList) == set(range(1, 7))

def checkThreePairs(dieList):
    """ Check if the die list comprises three pairs. """
    dieList = sorted(dieList)
    return dieList[0] == dieList[1] and dieList[2] == dieList[3] and
dieList[4] == dieList[5]

These functions would go at the top of your code somewhere.  Then, we
can change your if statement to something like this:

    if checkSame(dieList):
        score += 5000
        dieLeft = 0
        print "\nYou rolled all %d's, WoW!!!" % dieList[0]
    elif checkStraight(dieList):
        score += 1500
        dieLeft = 0
        print 'You rolled a straight.'
    elif checkThreePairs(dieList):
        score += 1500
        dieLeft = 0
        print 'You rolled three pairs.'

Now, we could go even furthere here, by observing that a lot of this
is still the same.  So, maybe we could build a little data structure:

    tests = [(checkSame, 5000, 'You rolled all the same!'),
             (checkStraight, 1500, 'You rolled a straight.'),
             (checkThreePairs, 1500, 'You rolled three pairs.')]
    for test, points, message in tests:
        if test(dieList):
            score += points
            dieLeft = 0
            print message

Do you understand what is going on there?


From oztriking at  Sat Apr 29 15:13:23 2006
From: oztriking at (John Connors)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 23:13:23 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Silly Dice Game
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <BAY108-F96445167316228522F807BEB30@phx.gbl>

G'day John,

>If I were you, I would look at separating more of my program out into
>functions.  Good use of functions will make your program more
>readable, easier to debug, and easier to change, should the rules of
>your dice game change :-)

Yes, the rules change on a regular basis, usually by the wife when I start 
to win :)

>Do you understand what is going on there?

Some of the commands are new to me but I think I understand what's going on. 
I was assuming that functions were only really useful if they were used more 
than once but I see what you mean about them making a program easier to read 
and debug.



1000s of Sexy Singles online now at Lavalife - Click here

From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr 29 17:49:51 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 16:49:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How Big Is Too Big?
References: <BAY108-F23110E595A0681B77A36ABBEB30@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <e301v4$vuq$>

> Just wondering how many lines of code is the maximum
> to post in the list to have it critiqued.

> Would about 100 lines of code be considered too much?

100 lines is probably about the top end just on the basis of how
long it takes to read and comment on. As Kent says the longer
the code the less likely it is to be read thoroughly.

However, If you have a longer program you can put it on a web
site and post a URL and some keen folks might go and read their
way through it, but in that case I'd suggest askling for direct
comments rather than via the list.

NB. These are all my personal thoughts and do not in any way
reflect official list policy!

BUT it probably should be a question in the FAQ...Ed/Mike?

Alan G. 

From alan.gauld at  Sat Apr 29 17:53:53 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 16:53:53 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Silly Dice Game
References: <BAY108-F291303747F6C650D85C8CABEB30@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <e3026n$tk$>

"John Connors" <oztriking at> wrote in message 
news:BAY108-F291303747F6C650D85C8CABEB30 at phx.gbl...
> ... thinking of something to program and then knowing if what I have
> written could be done more efficiently.

The first one is hardest to ansdwer, but anything repetitive that
you do on a regular basis should be a candidate.

And as to efficiency, if it works and its fast enough don't get
too hung up on it. Pero's have to worry about squeezing speed
out because its a selling point againstbthe competition, but
for an amateur "fast enough" is good enough IMHO.

Alan g.

From glingl at  Sat Apr 29 21:15:56 2006
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 21:15:56 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] question concerning deepcopy
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson schrieb:
> Gregor Lingl wrote:
>>Thanks, Kent  for the hint. It works (of course).
>>Skimming through this part of the docs I discovered, that there is a 
>>special method __deepcopy__. So I also  tried using this, adding
>>	def __deepcopy__(self,visit):
>>		return self
>>to my Vec class, which also seems to work. (I think this not to
>>be harmful as Vecs should be, like tuples, immutable).
>>And, indeed, it also seems to work.
> That is not a correct deep copy, it is a shallow copy. Although Vec 
> objects are immutable they may contain mutable objects. The point of 
> deep copy is to copy "all the way down" so the objects contained by a 
> Vec should also be copied.

O.k. I understand. It's just that my Vec class invariably has two
numbers as elements (otherwise the abs-method wouldn't make sense.
That's what I meant with 'Vecs are immutable'). So in my case it works,
but would have to be considered bad style?

Thanks, again

> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

Gregor Lingl
Reisnerstrasse 3/19
A-1030 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
Mobil:   +43 664 140 35 27


From ml.cyresse at  Sat Apr 29 22:58:38 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 08:58:38 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] How Big Is Too Big?
In-Reply-To: <BAY108-F23110E595A0681B77A36ABBEB30@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY108-F23110E595A0681B77A36ABBEB30@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Hi John,

For longer programmes, if posting here, I recommend using something
like; having syntax highlighted (and not butchered
by webmail!) is a great help.


Liam Clarke

On 4/29/06, John Connors <oztriking at> wrote:
> G'day,
> Just wondering how many lines of code is the maximum to post in the list to
> have it critiqued. I realise people are using their own time to help others
> in here for no real personal gain and I would hate to impose on their
> goodwill. Would about 100 lines of code be considered too much?
> John
> _________________________________________________________________
> New year, new job ? there's more than 100,00 jobs at SEEK
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kp8 at  Sun Apr 30 00:51:51 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 18:51:51 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Kent. That is what i did the first time around but it didn't 
work ...
but that was do to something else that was not working in the script....
hehe.... of course, this just shuffles the saved copy of the list which 
egg-zactly what i needed "duh" ... sorry...  gosh... <red face=on>


On Apr 27, 2006, at 6:00 AM, tutor-request at wrote:

> kevin parks wrote:
>> it seems to me that i need something like itertools cycle, except that
>> i need to keep track of when i have exhausted my list and then call
>> random.shuffle() on my sequence.
>> def cycle(iterable):
>> 	saved = []
>> 	for element in iterable:
>> 		yield element
>> 		saved.append(element)
>> 	while saved:
>                  random.shuffle(saved) ###############
>> 		for element in saved:
>> 			yield element
> Kent

From kp8 at  Sun Apr 30 00:55:08 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 18:55:08 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Thanks. Your message was very helpful. I will tattoo it to my forehead.
hehe... i notice that the "learning python" book also explains so of 
and i shall study that as well....



On Apr 27, 2006, at 10:14 PM, tutor-request at wrote:
> On 28/04/06, kevin parks <kp8 at> wrote:
>> In most case you are fine operating on the list in place and altering 
>> the
>> existing list. In some cases you want your code to stop molesting 
>> your poor
>> mutables and really honestly sincerly copy the dang thing. In this 
>> case i am
>> making a function that does odd smmetry mirroring. But i want my 
>> orginal list
>> to remain intact....
>> def mirror(seq):
>>         """odd symmetry mirroring  [1, 2, 3, 4] --> [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 
>> 2, 1]"""
>>         foo=seq[:-1]                            # copy list, 
>> excluding last element for odd symetry
>>         foo.reverse()                           # flip it
>>         seq.extend(foo)
>>         return seq
> Hi Kevin,
> Your problem is this line:
>     seq.extend(foo)

From kp8 at  Sun Apr 30 01:01:42 2006
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 19:01:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I should have realized that the nesting would create the problem, but i 
didn't have
that in mind... i always thought that the difference between extend and 
was that extend did not yield a nested list.

I really need to revisit this issue and get it right in my mind. It is 
a 'gotcha'
that i remember reading about often but, now that it has bit me a few 
hehe .... so much to know...


On Apr 29, 2006, at 6:00 AM, tutor-request at wrote:

>> Hi Kevin,
>> Your problem is this line:
>>     seq.extend(foo)
>> This is the line that mutates your original list.
>> There are a few ways you could procede here.  One way is to make a
>> copy of the argument, like this:
>> def mirror(seq):
>>     start = list(seq)
>>     end = seq[:-1]
>>     end.reverse()
>>     start.extend(end)
>>     return start
>> Notice that we've not calling any methods on seq, so seq won't be
>> changed.  The first line, "start = list(seq)", instructs python to
>> build a new list out of the elements of seq.  You could also write
>> "start = seq[:]" here --- I'm not sure which is the preferred way.
> A little 'gotcha' with this is that if you have nested lists, these
> methods don't copy the nested lists, only the outer list (which makes
> sense, but can be surprising the first time you encounter it).  If for
> some reason you want to copy nested lists, look into deepcopy(),
> otherwise you'll be fine.

From gnulinuxgeek at  Sun Apr 30 03:23:12 2006
From: gnulinuxgeek at (GNULinuxGeek)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 21:23:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Strange Question
Message-ID: <>


First, I think this is a wonderful list.  I always see great advice and 
great attitudes about helping.

My post is not about evaluating code but instead trying to get a 
reasonable judgment as to whether or not python is the best choice for 
what I am trying to do.  I have not learned Python yet.  In point of 
fact, I have not, as yet learned any programming language much to my dismay.

I post the process I need below.

So, here goes the work flow I need to support on my job.

   1. Person goes to a web page.
   2. The page allows them to retrieve a file from their local hard drive.
   3. They make one or two selections with check boxes or drop lists
      that define things about image resolution and preferences.
   4. They enter their E-Mail address to allow the resultant file to be
      sent back to them.
   5. They submit the graphics file (TIFF image) along with the
      selections and the file is uploaded.
   6. The code on the server drops the file in a directory created from
      the submitted file name.
   7. The Python code (cgi script?) calls another application (server
      resident) that performs processing on the graphics file. 
   8. The original file, a processed "proof" file and a raw bitmap file
      are stored back in the created directory.
   9. The resultant proof file is sent back to them in an E-Mail message
      for their approval.
  10. The person would then go back to another page and "OK" the file
      and then the processed image would be sent to yet another E-Mail

Does anyone see a problem with Python doing this?  Also, from my 
knowledge position in programming and in Python (zero), should I attempt 

Thanks, Best Regards, and keep up the great work,


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From dyoo at  Sun Apr 30 08:31:29 2006
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 23:31:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Strange Question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> First, I think this is a wonderful list.  I always see great advice and 
> great attitudes about helping.
> My post is not about evaluating code but instead trying to get a 
> reasonable judgment as to whether or not python is the best choice for 
> what I am trying to do.  I have not learned Python yet.  In point of 
> fact, I have not, as yet learned any programming language much to my 
> dismay.
> I post the process I need below.
> So, here goes the work flow I need to support on my job.

[problem cut]

> Does anyone see a problem with Python doing this?

Hi Ralph,

This should be perfectly doable in Python.  The majority of the popular 
web frameworks out there aren't exactly designed for newcomers, so you'll 
want to learn a bit of Python before tackling this.

But I think all of the subproblems here sound perfectly doable.  For 
example, one of the subproblems here:

  7. The Python code (cgi script?) calls another application (server
     resident) that performs processing on the graphics file.

may be a combination of the 'subprocess' python module to drive the 
external application:

Just as counterpoint: actually, any good language and envrionment should 
probably do the trick.  Python is appropriate, but so are other languages 
and frameworks.  (Caveat: I do have my doubts about Java + J2EE because 
that environment seems too focused on low-level details...)

I've heard good things about Ruby and its "Ruby On Rails" web framework, 
so if you have the time, you may want to look at that too. So if you do 
take a look at another language, and decide it fits you better, that's 
perfectly fine, and we won't ostracise you.  *grin*

The particular kind of control flow you're describing --- a multistage web 
application --- is actually not too fun to do from scratch.  Thankfully, 
other people have worked on this problem, so you'll want to stand on their 
shoulders.  For example, I've heard very good things about Turbogears and 
Django for web development:

I have to admit that I have not used either of them yet, but if I starting 
another web project in Python, those will be the frameworks I'd seriously 
look at.

Good luck to you!

From ml.cyresse at  Sun Apr 30 11:48:59 2006
From: ml.cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 21:48:59 +1200
Subject: [Tutor] Strange Question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


It's certainly doable in Python; but as Danny said, you'll want a
handle on Python before you launch into web frameworks.

However, Python's a pretty easy language to pick up and run with.Just
make sure you use a Python aware editor. Going by your email address,
I found Vim to be pretty good with Python, once I figured out how to
do folding. So much so, that I downloaded gVim for my windows box.

If you're an Emacs guru, then I'm sure you'll be fine. :-)

With regard to #7 -

   7. The Python code (cgi script?) calls another application (server
resident) that performs processing on the graphics file.

You could actually do this within your Python code if you wanted, with
the Python Imaging Library -

You may already have a suitable external app in mind, but I thought
I'd mention it just in case.

With regards to Python web frameworks, Django and Turbogears are the
two front-runners, as Danny mentioned. Django is the more mature of
the two, but Turbogears is pretty good as well, both have helpful
Google Groups/mailing lists.

I'm not hugely experienced in Python, but I managed to get up and
running okay with both. It's easier to get Django working with Apache
than Turbogears. Turbogears uses the Kid templating language, but can
also use other templating languages like Cheetah. Turbogears is 4
separate packages combined, Cherrypy, SQLObject, Kid and Mochikit.

Beyond that, I'm not too sure. I'm playing with Django at the moment,
Turbogears 0.9 is still in alpha, last time I checked, which means a
bit of tweaking of conf files to get working with mod_python, if
you're familiar with Apache at all, and as I'm a Windows monkey, I
find it a bit daunting, so hence Django, as it plays nicely. :)

Good luck and I look forward to questions to this list. :)


Liam Clarke

On 4/30/06, Danny Yoo <dyoo at> wrote:
> > First, I think this is a wonderful list.  I always see great advice and
> > great attitudes about helping.
> >
> > My post is not about evaluating code but instead trying to get a
> > reasonable judgment as to whether or not python is the best choice for
> > what I am trying to do.  I have not learned Python yet.  In point of
> > fact, I have not, as yet learned any programming language much to my
> > dismay.
> >
> > I post the process I need below.
> >
> > So, here goes the work flow I need to support on my job.
> [problem cut]
> > Does anyone see a problem with Python doing this?
> Hi Ralph,
> This should be perfectly doable in Python.  The majority of the popular
> web frameworks out there aren't exactly designed for newcomers, so you'll
> want to learn a bit of Python before tackling this.
> But I think all of the subproblems here sound perfectly doable.  For
> example, one of the subproblems here:
>   7. The Python code (cgi script?) calls another application (server
>      resident) that performs processing on the graphics file.
> may be a combination of the 'subprocess' python module to drive the
> external application:
> Just as counterpoint: actually, any good language and envrionment should
> probably do the trick.  Python is appropriate, but so are other languages
> and frameworks.  (Caveat: I do have my doubts about Java + J2EE because
> that environment seems too focused on low-level details...)
> I've heard good things about Ruby and its "Ruby On Rails" web framework,
> so if you have the time, you may want to look at that too. So if you do
> take a look at another language, and decide it fits you better, that's
> perfectly fine, and we won't ostracise you.  *grin*
> The particular kind of control flow you're describing --- a multistage web
> application --- is actually not too fun to do from scratch.  Thankfully,
> other people have worked on this problem, so you'll want to stand on their
> shoulders.  For example, I've heard very good things about Turbogears and
> Django for web development:
> I have to admit that I have not used either of them yet, but if I starting
> another web project in Python, those will be the frameworks I'd seriously
> look at.
> Good luck to you!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at

From kent37 at  Sun Apr 30 14:07:59 2006
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 08:07:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Strange Question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

GNULinuxGeek wrote:
> So, here goes the work flow I need to support on my job.
>    1. Person goes to a web page.
>    2. The page allows them to retrieve a file from their local hard drive.
>    3. They make one or two selections with check boxes or drop lists
>       that define things about image resolution and preferences.
>    4. They enter their E-Mail address to allow the resultant file to be
>       sent back to them.
>    5. They submit the graphics file (TIFF image) along with the
>       selections and the file is uploaded.
>    6. The code on the server drops the file in a directory created from
>       the submitted file name.
>    7. The Python code (cgi script?) calls another application (server
>       resident) that performs processing on the graphics file. 
>    8. The original file, a processed "proof" file and a raw bitmap file
>       are stored back in the created directory.
>    9. The resultant proof file is sent back to them in an E-Mail message
>       for their approval.
>   10. The person would then go back to another page and "OK" the file
>       and then the processed image would be sent to yet another E-Mail
>       address.
> Does anyone see a problem with Python doing this?  Also, from my 
> knowledge position in programming and in Python (zero), should I attempt 
> this?

Python can certainly do all of this. You should learn some basic Python 
programming from one of the beginner tutorials before you start on the 
web piece. Then start tackling each of the steps above.

Python has a bewildering array of web application frameworks. At the 
risk of adding to the confusion I will say I think Django and TurboGears 
might be overkill for this application. What you have described above 
could be implemented in a couple of cgi programs or a simpler framework 
like CherryPy or Karrigell.


From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 30 16:28:45 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 15:28:45 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Strange Question
References: <>
Message-ID: <009101c66c62$63557ea0$0c01a8c0@XPpro>

>  I have not, as yet learned any programming language much to my dismay.

In that case python is a good starting point since 
it is easier to learn than most other languages.

    1.. Person goes to a web page. 
    2.. The page allows them to retrieve a file from their local hard drive. 
    3.. They make one or two selections with check boxes or drop lists that define things about image resolution and preferences. 
    4.. They enter their E-Mail address to allow the resultant file to be sent back to them. 
    5.. They submit the graphics file (TIFF image) along with the selections and the file is uploaded. 
Up to thid point there is no Python involved its all pure HTML.
    1.. The code on the server drops the file in a directory created from the submitted file name. 
    2.. The Python code (cgi script?) calls another application (server resident) that performs processing on the graphics file.  

    3.. The original file, a processed "proof" file and a raw bitmap file are stored back in the created directory.

>          The resultant proof file is sent back to them in an E-Mail message for their approval. 

This is all possible in Python through the use of some 
modules, cgi and PIL primarily.

    1.. The person would then go back to another page and "OK" the file and then the processed image would be sent to yet another E-Mail address. 
  Does anyone see a problem with Python doing this?  
Python should be absolutely fine for this job.

  Also, from my knowledge position in programming and in 
  Python (zero), should I attempt this?
It actually sounds like a very reasonable first project.
You can build it in bits and start simple and add complexity as you go.
The only word of caution is: take time tom walk before you run.
In learning to program (in any language) you need to take time 
to learn the basics - like learning scales on a musical instrument.
If you allow a few days (if working full-time - say 2 or 3 hours a day)
or a few weeks (if its a "fit it in" job) before you start on the 
application itself. If you jump in too deep too soon you will 
only get frustrated and write an awful lot of clunky code.

OTOH don't wait to become an expert - you'll 
wait forever! :-)

And this list is good for helping these kinds of 
projects evolve.

If the formatting of my mail is screwed up for a 
few days its coz I've just bought a new PC and I'm 
still 'breaking it in' (Intel Dual Core 3GHz, 2G RAM, 
200GB HD, XP Pro for those who care or are curious...)


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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From alan.gauld at  Sun Apr 30 16:41:03 2006
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 15:41:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Strange Question
References: <>
Message-ID: <009501c66c64$1b72de00$0c01a8c0@XPpro>

> and frameworks.  (Caveat: I do have my doubts about Java + J2EE 
> because that environment seems too focused on low-level details...)

I hate Java as a language but I've been getting more involved
with it as a Web tool and JSP/Struts is actually quite a powerful
web development environment. Certainly Java could handle this
task, but I'd never recommend it for a beginner as a first project.
Whereas with Python (or Ruby) its fine.

> The particular kind of control flow you're describing --- a 
> multistage web application --- is actually not too fun to do from 
> scratch.

Personally I probably would build this directly using simple CGI.
There are very few web pages and actions I personally think a
vanilla CGI app is easier than one of the richer frameworks.

> shoulders.  For example, I've heard very good things about 
> Turbogears and Django for web development:

These are great if you are building more complex web environments
and want re-use, consistency of processing etc. And if the OP thinks
he may be building a whole suite of these type appliications then
they would be worth investigating. But if it's always going to be
a simple uopload, process, email, site then CGI will be prettty easy.

And when its the first time you do something its always 'fun'...its
when you do it the second and third time that the fun wears off.
Finally I think everyone should buiold at least one vanilla CGI app
just so they understand what is really going on under all
those framework classes etc...


> I have to admit that I have not used either of them yet, but if I 
> starting

I'ver been playing with TurboGears - and an interesting contrast to
the Java/Struts stuff! I'd definitely use TurboGears for any personal
web server stuff, provided I could find a web server/ISP which could
run it! But for large scale stuff I'd stick to struts. Possible using
Jython instead of Java - but I haven't tried that yet...

Alan g. 

From daniel at  Sun Apr 30 17:34:57 2006
From: daniel at (Daniel Watkins)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 16:34:57 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Splitting strings into blocks
Message-ID: <>

Hi list,
I'm currently working on a program to parse LaTeX style maths expressions and 
provide an answer. For example, I have the expression "2^\frac{1}{2}". I'm 
trying to work out a way to split this into it's most basic blocks of LaTeX 
(i.e. 2^ and \frac{1}{2}) while maintaining a record of the depth of the 
expression (i.e. (2^,0),(\frac{1}{2},1)). I will then process this list from 
the highest order downwards, feeding the deeper results progressively into 
shallower elements until all have been calculated.
LaTeX allows me to legally express the previously stated expression as 
"{2^{\\frac{1}{2}}}". This makes it much easier to figure out where the units 
of LaTeX are located. The depth of any item can now be expressed as the 
number of unpaired opening or closing braces between the element and the 
start or end of the expression.
I'm essentially looking for a way to split the string up along the braces, 
while recording the number of braces between the split and either end of the 

Any help would be much appreciated.

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