[Tutor] Capture keyboard input even without python in focus

francois schnell francois.schnell at gmail.com
Sat Apr 1 10:31:04 CEST 2006


On windows OS I'm using the nice pyhook module:

"The pyHook library wraps the low-level mouse and keyboard hooks in the
Windows Hooking API for use in Python applications. "

See tutorial here:


On 01/04/06, Ars <aguffabuff at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  What commands could capture input from the keyboard (and the mouse while
> we're at it) even when the running python program isn't the program in
> focus? Sorta like a keylogger, though that's not my goal (wouldn't be very
> secret with a python console running anyways lol.)
> -Jack
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