[Tutor] i need help please read (fwd)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sat Apr 1 19:06:43 CEST 2006


I'm still struggling, but based on what Danny Yoo deduced I'll assume
you are talking anbout a dialog box or window of some sort rather
than drawing a graphical box?

> ok ill tell you want im doing i want to make a box using python that if 
> you
> put the box over a number on the computer screen it pops up inside the box

Do you mean a bit like the magnifier applet that ships with Windows?
It magnifies whatever is underneath it on the main screen? If so thats
a really tough task. It is possible in Python but it requires an in-depth
knowledge of how Windows works - much more than I have!

> and the number can be altered in the box and however you alter it on the 
> box
> it turns into that or show what you altered in place of the number you put
> it over get what im saying

And modifying the number underneath is much much harder again.
It might not even be possible! You can alter it in your own program but to 
that take effect on the underlying application would require that you find 
what application was diswplaying the number and then find a way to write to
that application. These are very deep and difficult programming tasks!

Its theoretically possible in Python, but its very difficult. Even in C++ it
would be a real challenge.

Alan G.
Just back from a week's vacation in Spain. 

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