[Tutor] BeautifulSoup - getting cells without new line characters

jonasmg at softhome.net jonasmg at softhome.net
Sat Apr 1 23:51:36 CEST 2006

Danny Yoo writes: 

>> > Have you read a Python tutorial? It seems like some of the things you
>> > are struggling with might be addressed in general Python material. 
>> You consider a thing about me. If I ask something it is because I cannot
>> find the solution. I do not it by whim.
> Hello Jonas, 
> Yes, but don't take Kent's question as a personal insult --- he's asking
> because it looks like you're having trouble interpreting error messages or
> considering border cases. 

Sorry Kent if my answer was very rude. I very was tired to try many things 
without no good result. 

> Anyway, the program snippet above makes assumptions, so let's get those
> out of the way.  Concretely: 
>     for rows in table('tr'):
>         print rows('td')[0] 
> makes an assumption that is not necessarely true: 
>     * It assumes that each row has a td element. 
> Do you understand the border case here?  In particular: 
>     * What if you hit a TR table row that does not have any TD columns? 

Danny, you give me the idea. The problem is that the first row has TH 
columns (not TD). So: 

for row in table('tr'):
   if row('td'):
       print row('td')[0].string 

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