[Tutor] date conversion

Brian Gustin brian at daviesinc.com
Wed Apr 5 16:56:00 CEST 2006

I wrote something similar on my blog some time back..
This is for converting Apache logfiles to a ISO formatted date for
mysql..  It could easily be reversed, with a little tweaking.. :)

to wit:
def mreplace(s, chararray, newchararray):
     for a, b in zip(chararray, newchararray):
         s = s.replace(a, b)
     return s

olddatestring =

newdatestring =

def clftosql(date):
      ttime = date.split(":",1)
      time = ttime[1]
      datelist = ttime[0].split('/')
      #should be , E.G DD,MM,YYYY we need YYYY-MM-DD for sql
      day = datelist[0]
      month = datelist[1]
      year = datelist[2]
      newdate = year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+time
      return newdate

then you can take a date stamp from an Apache CLF log like this :
01/Oct/2000:00:00:00 (after you regex it out of the log with:

datechk =

of course)

and run the functions thus:

mydate = mreplace(dated,olddatestring,newdatestring)
mydate1 = clftosql(mydate)

Ray Allen wrote:
> I would like Python to convert a date returned by MySQL (2006-04-05) to a 
> user readable format such as 05-Apr-2006 for display and then to convert it 
> back to ISO format for update.  What is the most convenient way of doing 
> this?  I'm struggling to understand the datetime module's functionality.
> Ray Allen 
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