[Tutor] failing to learn python

Payal Rathod payal-python at scriptkitchen.com
Mon Apr 10 15:33:42 CEST 2006

I am trying to learn Python seriously for almost 2 months but have not 
gotten far at all. Infact, it seems I have not understood even the basic 
concepts itself. I know some shell, sed and awk programming.
I have tried reading Learning Python - Mark Lutz
Think C Spy
A byte of Python 
Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python
But I have not got anything from them. I am feeling that they are 
superficial and do not touch real life problems. Also, not enough 
examples are provided which can help newbies like me.

Can anyone help me, it is pretty pretty frustating thing for last couple 
of months?

With warm regards,

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