[Tutor] Webbrowser

Øyvind python at kapitalisten.no
Tue Apr 11 18:31:41 CEST 2006


I have recently discovered the Webbrowser module, and have started using
it instead of just using IE thru win32com. But, have a few questions:

1) Is it possible to give it an adress, and if the browser gets a redirect
to a different adress, I can override it? For example, I tell the browser
to open a site. The browser tries, but gets redirected to a spam-site. I
would therefore like to send the user somewhere else. Is it possible?

2) It doesn't seem like open(url[, new=0][, autoraise=1]) new and
autoraise work with Firefox. I have tried all possible comboes, but the
site is opened in a new tab in Firefox regardless. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

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