[Tutor] Tuples / Critique of How to Think like a Computer Scientist[Was: Re: Tuples]

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Wed Apr 12 19:07:59 CEST 2006

> I'm going to rant, but not at you, but at that particular tutorial you're 
> reading.  To the others on the list: frankly, I really do not like the 
> approach that "How to Think like a Computer Scientist" uses in marching 
> through all the concepts it tries to teach; in a critical eye, I would say 
> that it's doesn't do such a good job in integrating concepts, nor does it 
> have natural flow.  Am I alone in thinking this?

I shouldn't comment at all I suppose but I personally think CSpy is
a reasonable CS text if you were using it with a (human) tutor to provide
context. That is, it teaches the CS concepts well enough but doesn't
provide much context.

But living in a glass house as I do, I don't like to throw stones at other
tutorials so I'll leave it at that!

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

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