[Tutor] String question.

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Apr 13 03:06:19 CEST 2006

Carlos Benevides wrote:
> All,
> I have a problem/question I'd like to pose to you guys on how best to 
> accomplish the following.  I have a string that will vary in size, what 
> I would like to do is split into n size chunks.  I am also not sure how 
> best to represent the chunks.  For example, say I have a len(s) = 200 
> chars.  I'd like to get one chunk with 160 of those chars and the 
> remaining 40 in a second.  Likewise, if I have a len(s) = 350, I'd like 
> two chunks of 160 and a 3rd with the remainder.
> I don't know what it would best way to accomplish this.  I have the idea 
> of converting the string to a list of chars loop through it until size 
> is met, create a new string with s=s[:160], then start again, and so 
> on.  Is this the only way to accomplish this? Or is there a more 
> elegant/clever way?

Here is a good way and links to more ideas:


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