[Tutor] underscore function

Pujo Aji ajikoe at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 09:36:56 CEST 2006

Python programmers prefer to use name convention to make method of class
"looks" private.
Usually they use of '_' before the private method or private attribute name.

This private method like the one you mentioned def _abc is not intentionaly
used outside the class other then it is used among other class methods

class A:
    def __init__(self, myvar):
        self._myvar = myvar
    def _makedouble(self):
        '''this method is private'''
        self._myvar = self._myvar * 2

    def printvarADouble(self):
        print self._myvar

def main():
    o = A(2)
    o.printvarADouble() # 4

You may use def abc instead of def _abc, again it is only a convention.

Hope this helps,

On 4/13/06, linda.s <samrobertsmith at gmail.com> wrote:
> I got a sample code and found some
> function definition looks like def _abc
> There is one underscore before the function name "abc",
> what does it mean?
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