[Tutor] Didn't take long to hit my next wall!

Brian Gustin brian at daviesinc.com
Sun Apr 16 19:12:05 CEST 2006

Interesting.. I'll have to dig out my unit test scripts that I wrote to 
test the situation to my satisfaction...
The way I had it , I wrote the query exactly as was done in this case, 
but I wrote it directly in the cursor.execute() function as in:

cursor.execute('''insert into tablea (id,name,number) values 

and the sql injection attacks I had set as testing, were inserted to the 
database properly escaped, and never broke.

However, I did not test it as a separate string  to be inserted as
cursor.execute(sql_string,%(tuplea,tupleb)), etc.

thanks for the heads up.

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Brian Gustin wrote:
>>python in this form uses BIND variables..
>> >>query = '''UPDATE cost_grid
>> >>               SET cost_1 = %s <--- %s = the bind variable 
>> >>               WHERE cost_grid_id = %s
>> >>               AND finish_dro = %s''''  % ( a,c,b) <--- the raw tuple
>>  That is, what is provided to python in the tuple following , is 
>>formatted as specified by the %s , and as such, is a formatted string 
>>(special characters are properly esscaped), and as far as sql query is 
>>concerned, it is escaped safely..
> No. There are two ways to write this that look very similar but act very 
> differently. To simplify the example a bit, suppose the query is
> query = '''update cost_grid set cost_1 = %s where cost_grid_id = %s'''
> and the values for cost_1 and cost_grid_id are in variables a and b.
> If you write
> cursor.execute(query % (a, b))
> then you are using string formatting to put the values into the query. 
> This is problematic when a or b needs to be escaped in any way, and is 
> open to SQL injection attacks.
> On the other hand, if you write
> cursor.execute(query, (a, b))
> then the values are passed as a separate parameter to execute(). In this 
> case the DB wrapper will properly escape the values.
> Kent
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