[Tutor] GUI
Liam Clarke
ml.cyresse at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 00:08:57 CEST 2006
Tkinter is simpler to use, wxPython is far more powerful but a bit
harder to learn. It's based on the C++ library wxWidgets, and
sometimes the abstraction leaks a bit, but this is just my opinion.
Check out pythoncard though, it simplifies wx development
dramatically; even has a drag and drop interface; but you can still
use wxPython method calls and objects directly if Pythoncard doesn't
do what you want.
Liam Clarke
On 4/20/06, Valone, Toren W. <TValone at dmv.ca.gov> wrote:
> So I have been how does wxPython measure to Tkinter or vice versa?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tutor-bounces at python.org [mailto:tutor-bounces at python.org] On
> Behalf Of Liam Clarke
> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:25 PM
> To: R. Alan Monroe
> Cc: Python[Tutor]
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] GUI
> Hmm? How so? I'm using a whole lot of raw wxPython mixed with
> Pythoncard for a project, and the entire process sits at 7Mb RAM usage
> idle. WinXP btw.
> Considering my small command line appns to start/stop Windows services
> written in C use just over 1Mb, 7Mb isn't overly bad.
> The other good thing about wxPython is stuff like Pythoncard and Wax,
> although development on Pythoncard seems to have slowed right down,
> Kevin Altis got busy, I guess; Wax is nice looking but... not very
> well documented... It's great being able to use Pythoncard for the not
> overly complicated stuff, but with the wxPython still lurking beneath
> the surface.
> Regards,
> Liam Clarke
> On 4/20/06, R. Alan Monroe <amonroe at columbus.rr.com> wrote:
> > >> If I can get it for free, I might as well go with say wxPython.
> Thanks
> >
> > > Yes, free as in beer, as in speech, and cross platform. Oh, and
> better
> > > documented.
> >
> > Sadly, you still pay for it in RAM usage :^)
> >
> > Alan
> >
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