[Tutor] hash.update( argv[0] )

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Apr 24 07:49:00 CEST 2006

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, George Georgalis wrote:

> Hi! I've been struggling to find a way up seed hash.update() with
> the sha1 (or similar) of the file that is the program running.
> this is not a security task but rather a means to generate
> reasonably unique filenames based on various parameters including
> changes to the program: name = hash.hexdigest()
> so new files are generated when the program or parameters are
> changed; but cached files are used when identical results are
> expected.
> help! I cannot figure out how to pass the program body as a seed
> to hash.update().

Hi George,

I'm slightly confused.  Isn't this a matter of doing:

def prepare_md5(filename):
     m = md5.new()
     m.update(open(filename).read())  ## not so smart: do this
                                      ## progressively in real life!
     return m

So I think I'm missing something.

Are you asking instead: how do I get the filename of the currently running 

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