[Tutor] Livewires

ryan luna ryan_gm at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 26 11:59:04 CEST 2006

So i decided to check out this Livewires Modules, but
while running through the tutorial i run into a
When i was trying to do the graphics stuff,
when i try and use this code

circle(300,195, endpoints = ((280,180),(320,180)))

and i get this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "(stdin)", line 1, in ?
"D:\programfiles\python\livewires\beginners.py", line
527, in circle
       if r <0: raise ExVadParmaeters('negative
livewires.beginngers.ExBadParameters: negative radius

So im pretty new to this Livewires crap, which iv
said, so any help would be great.

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