[Tutor] Setting a global variable on class initialisation

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Apr 27 21:05:00 CEST 2006

> I know that overall Global variables are bad idea, however, I have a 
> situation where on on initialisation of a class, I need to read in two 
> files and then populate two lists.

Hi Max,

Could you give more context to this problem?  I'm not sure we get it yet. 

> The lists need to would appear to need to be outwith the class I am 
> working with and global.

Are the lists a part of the "state" of the instance?  If not, why is this 
a part of the instance's initialization?

I think we'd better wait on advice until we learn a little more about the 

Good luck!

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