[Tutor] Silly Dice Game

John Connors oztriking at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 29 15:13:23 CEST 2006

G'day John,

>If I were you, I would look at separating more of my program out into
>functions.  Good use of functions will make your program more
>readable, easier to debug, and easier to change, should the rules of
>your dice game change :-)

Yes, the rules change on a regular basis, usually by the wife when I start 
to win :)

>Do you understand what is going on there?

Some of the commands are new to me but I think I understand what's going on. 
I was assuming that functions were only really useful if they were used more 
than once but I see what you mean about them making a program easier to read 
and debug.



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