[Tutor] Splitting strings into blocks

Daniel Watkins daniel at thewatkins.org.uk
Sun Apr 30 17:34:57 CEST 2006

Hi list,
I'm currently working on a program to parse LaTeX style maths expressions and 
provide an answer. For example, I have the expression "2^\frac{1}{2}". I'm 
trying to work out a way to split this into it's most basic blocks of LaTeX 
(i.e. 2^ and \frac{1}{2}) while maintaining a record of the depth of the 
expression (i.e. (2^,0),(\frac{1}{2},1)). I will then process this list from 
the highest order downwards, feeding the deeper results progressively into 
shallower elements until all have been calculated.
LaTeX allows me to legally express the previously stated expression as 
"{2^{\\frac{1}{2}}}". This makes it much easier to figure out where the units 
of LaTeX are located. The depth of any item can now be expressed as the 
number of unpaired opening or closing braces between the element and the 
start or end of the expression.
I'm essentially looking for a way to split the string up along the braces, 
while recording the number of braces between the split and either end of the 

Any help would be much appreciated.

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