[Tutor] programming exercise in Python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Wed Aug 9 19:51:47 CEST 2006

>> # testsum = 0
>> # if k > 0:
>> # mult[k-1] = 0
>> # for j in range(k,lenmult):
>> # testsum = testsum + mpylist[j][1] * mult[j]
> My brain is bending with this bit! I'm not sure if its right or 
> not...
> for k = 0, checks to see if it may add 1 to mult[0]
> for k = 1, sets mult[0] = 0, and checks to see if it may add 1 to 
> mult[1]
> for k = 2, sets mult[1] = 0, and checks to see if it may add 1 to 
> mult[2],

So you work along mult setting each member to zero after incrementing 

> The incr routine generates a vector of exponents to apply to the 
> list
> mpylist [n] [0]
> m = product of   mpylist [k] [0] ** mult[k]

But haven't you set all of mult[k] to zero, using the example 
algorithm above?

> Experimentation will tell if this factor routine is as good as I 
> would like
> it to be.

Its got me baffled, thats for sure! :-)

Alan G.

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