[Tutor] Regex

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Tue Aug 15 00:32:33 CEST 2006

> so I thought I'd write something like this:
> filename = '/home/acl_home/PhD/CurrentPhD/extensions1_14.8.6.tex'
> infile = open(filename,'r')
> def_start = "\\begin\{defn\}"
> def_end = "\end{defn}"
> def_start_reg = re.compile(def_start)
> l = 0
> while l < 500:
>     line = infile.readline()
>     #print l, line
>     res = re.search(def_start_reg,line)
>     print l, res
>     l = l+1

Use a for loop instead of the while loop.
And use the methods of the compiled regex object:

for n,line in enumerate(open(filename)):
    res = def_start_reg.search(line)
    print n,res

Does that work?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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