[Tutor] [OT] Re: Limiting Characters

Brian van den Broek broek at cc.umanitoba.ca
Wed Aug 23 04:16:05 CEST 2006

Luke Paireepinart said unto the world upon 21/08/06 03:48 PM:


> Sort of how my last name is 12 characters long, but on some apps that 
> only have a 12 character array (with the actual length being 11 because
> of the null terminator)  the last letter of my name gets truncated.  
> This doesn't happen anymore, but I used to have everyone calling me
> 'paireepinar' because that's what was in the computer so they believed 
> it.  Stupid old programs :)

Hi all,

I've noticed fewer programs stymied by length, though paper forms with
their boxes for each letter still suck.

There are, however, quite a few programs in the wild that, suffused
with Anglo-Saxon assumptions, refuse to admit that a surname might
just possibly commence with a lower case letter or contain spaces (the
horror!) Indeed, my current email address was auto assigned by
software that gives you your last name as your user name, except when
it doesn't ;-)

Brian van den Broek

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