[Tutor] Gadfly Database Problems

John Corry john.corry at ntlworld.com
Tue Feb 14 22:48:25 CET 2006


I have a python program that accesses glade and a gadfly database.  The
program works fine on my computer but I want to compile it so that I can put
it on other computers without having to install everything that my computer

I have had a go at compiling it using py2exe.  I have used the standard
setup.py from the example.  I have listed the glade file and my two database
files as my data_files.  The compiler runs and I get the dist + build
folders.  When I double click the exe, the program loads and runs ok.  When
I get to the point of the program where the program accesses the database,
the program freezes.

The error log message says:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shopcard.py", line 188, in callback4
  File "shopcard.py", line 228, in calc
  File "gadfly\dbapi20.pyo", line 26, in connect
  File "gadfly\dbapi20.pyo", line 46, in __init__
  File "gadfly\database.pyo", line 27, in __init__
  File "gadfly\sql.pyo", line 16, in getSQL
ImportError: Couldn't find sql_mar.py - has setup.py been run?

Callback4 is a function which calls the calc function.  The calc function
tries to connect to the database files.  I can see the database files in the
dist folder.

Are there other files which I have to manually copy into the dist folder
such as the sql_mar.py?

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.  I know that this is a
py2exe specific question but I have already e-mailed that list and have had
no reply.



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