[Tutor] exec, execfile, rexec

DS ds-python-tutor at sidorof.com
Wed Feb 15 00:37:26 CET 2006

Danny Yoo wrote:

>>I hate to admit it, but there are times when fear should be listened to,
>>and I think this is one of them.  So, I guess I'll move on to parsing it
>>myself.  Seems a shame though.
>Hi DS,
>Yeah, I'd recommend listening to fear.  *grin* Python's a powerful
>language, and I'd recommend erring on the side of caution here.
>By the way, if you have a lot of time on your hands and are of a CS bent,
>you might find the following PDF book interesting:
>    http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Books/ProgLangs/
Thanks, I'm downloading it now.  Not sure about the "lot of time my
hands" part, but I'll try to learning something from it. 



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