[Tutor] Threading + socket server (blocking IO)

Liam Clarke ml.cyresse at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 06:34:13 CET 2006


Just coming back to the server end of things. Kent, could I please ask
you to confirm that I'm not doing anything abnormal with the
ThreadingMixIn? The code is here at rafb:

Basically, when I test it using a script to generate the datagrams via
localhost, the server misses anywhere between 200 - 400 datagrams out
of 1041.

As my appn will be receiving packets over a LAN, I've stuck
time.sleep() in the packet generator with a delay of 5ms to simulate
LAN latency, and the server copes fine, so no doubt I'm worrying
needlessly, but I just want to check that I am using the Thread mix in

Just refined my tests down, at a delay of 2.5ms, all packets are
received, at 2ms, 40-50 are missed.

How I'm testing will likely never occur in production use, I'm
generating a continuous stream of packets via loopback, production
will be sporadic packets via network or loopback, but I'm just being

Much thanks,

Liam Clarke

On 2/8/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > On 2/7/06, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
> >
> >>Liam Clarke wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>
> >>>About to embark on my first foray into threading, and rather unsure of
> >>>initial approach. I have a basic UDPServer from SocketServer running
> >>>using serve_forever(). I'd like to stick this in a thread where it can
> >>>endlessly loop waiting for incoming packets, and pushing the received
> >>>data into a list where it can be retrieved and operated on by another
> >>>thread, until such time as the controlling app terminates it.
> >>
> >>Threaded servers are supported by the standard library. Instead of using
> >>UDPServer use this class:
> >>     class ThreadingUDPServer(ThreadingMixIn, UDPServer): pass
> >>
> >>Then your request handler will be called in a separate thread. You don't
> >>need to queue the requests yourself, the server will create the thread
> >>and dispatch to it when a request is received.
> >>
> >>Kent
> >
> > Ah... so then calling serve_forever() won't block?
> It will still block, but your request handler will be called in a new
> thread for each request.
> >
> > My current code, which illustrates what I'm attempting can be found
> > here - http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/oIqI3Q11.html
> This is probably fine. You will only be able to handle one request at a
> time but the request handling is fast - just read the data and drop it
> in the Queue - so that may well be OK. You could also change it to use
> ThreadingUDPServer leaving everything else the same - this would allow
> multiple simultaneous connections.
> With your design, you will process the requests one at a time in the
> data_cruncher and you need only one database connection.
> An alternate design is to use ThreadingUDPServer and have the request
> handler do the data crunching and database access. Each handler would
> have its own database connection. The advantage of this would be to have
> multiple threads of crunching and database access running at one time
> which *may* allow faster throughput.
> Yet another alternative would be to have a thread pool pulling requests
> from the Queue. This gives you better control over the number of worker
> threads and would let you persist the database connection for each
> worker. You can find several recipes for thread pools in the online
> Python cookbook.
> Kent
> >
> > Basically, the server isn't the main focus, what I'm aiming for looks
> > similar to this
> >
> > server-----Queue--data_cruncher--MySQLconnection
> > server---/ /
> > server-/ /
> > server -/
> >
> > So basically having data_cruncher to crunch whatever data there is in
> > the queue and send it off to the database is the priority. I'm having
> > trouble with SocketServer, need to do some more experimenting, so I'll
> > get back to it.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Liam Clarke
> >
> >
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