[Tutor] Repeating a routine

John Connors oztriking at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 23 02:59:13 CET 2006


I think my peanut sized brain is starting to understand how to do this. I 
tried with a simple dice game where 4 dice are rolled, if the total of the 
last 2 dice rolled is 6 you win. It's kinda pointless using 4 dice rolls 
when only 2 are needed but I wanted to prove to myself I could call the dice 
function whenever I needed it.

This is what I came up with.

import random

def dice():
    return random.randint(1,6)

playagain = 'y'

while playagain == 'y':

    die1 = dice()
    die2 = dice()

    print '1st dice is ',die1,'\n','2nd dice is ',die2

    die3 = dice()
    die4 = dice()
    winnum = die3 + die4

    print'combined total for the next 2 dice is ',winnum

    if winnum == 6:
        print 'you win'
        print 'you lose'

    playagain = raw_input('play again? (y/n) ')

print 'goodbye'

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