[Tutor] extra characters in XML
Ben Vinger
benvinger at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 11 16:49:53 CET 2006
Found the following (which solved the problem, though
not on the console) at
import codecs
# Open a UTF-8 file in read mode
infile = codecs.open("infile.txt", "r", "utf-8")
# Read its contents as one large Unicode string.
text = infile.read()
# Close the file.
The same function is used to open a file for writing;
just use "w" (write) or "a" (append) as the second
--- Ben Vinger <benvinger at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello all
> I want to do the following in an XML file:
> XFile = open(XmlFile,'r')
> for line in XFile.readlines():
> if line.find('<end_time>') > 0:
> print line
> However, it does not work due to extra characters
> that
> appear in the XML file. For example if I use the
> previous code without the if condition, on a console
> it looks like:
> < e n d _ t i m e >
> And if you output that to a text file and open that
> in
> a text editor, the text editor shows a square
> instead
> of a space in between every character. What is
> going
> on?
> Thanks
> Ben
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