[Tutor] pointers

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Jan 11 17:30:21 CET 2006

Burge Kurt wrote:
> Sorry for the previous message I did it by mistake..
> the function was like below:
> void get_args(int argc, char* argv[], Argument* args)
> {
>     //check the amount of the arguments
>     if(argc%2 == 0)
>    {
>        printf("Error, incorrect argument numbers : %d\n",argc);
>        print_help();
>        exit(1);
>     }
> .....
> .........
> }
> My first question about the pointers here; how can I convert them to 
> Python?

Python doesn't have pointers in the sense of direct references to 
memory. Python has very good built in support for higher-level 
structures than C has. Strings and lists are both built in.

As Bernard has pointed out, where a C function might have a count (argc) 
and a pointer to an array of pointers to strings (char* argv[]), Python 
uses just a list of strings.

I'll guess that Argument* args is a pointer to an array of Argument 
objects. In Python this would be represented by a list of Argument objects.

Use of lists and strings should be covered in any introductory Python 
tutorial or book; you might find one you like here:


> And second and may be a little stupid; do I need to define argc how can 
> I get arguments in python ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Burge
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