[Tutor] calloc

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Jan 12 07:25:09 CET 2006

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Burge Kurt wrote:

> Again thank you :( and sorry for asking that much questions in one day
> and I know most of them were nonsense ..

Don't worry about it; please feel free to continue to ask questions on the
list.  It wasn't quite clear what experience you had before: I have to
assume that you've had a lot of C, but other than that, I'm quite

> I read the tutorial and still forget lots of parts again and again
> reading it!

I feel mixed about recommending the official Python Tutotrial: it goes way
too fast for my tastes.  I pointed it out just because it's probably the
quickest way to get a taste of the language, but it's not substantial.

I'd instead recommend a different tutorial; there are several listed from
the link here:


I think that Dive into Python is especially good, but of course, whatever
tutorial there that reads easiest for you is best.

Good luck to you!

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