[Tutor] Internet programming with python

Johan Geldenhuys johan at accesstel.co.za
Wed Jan 18 12:03:13 CET 2006


I am doing some socket programming in my work and I need to learn about 
writing webpages and CGI stuff in Pyhon. I have Apache on my PC and 
could start and write some pages to test on it. It is still a bit vage  
to me how to do that  and  thought that a book like hat could be beneficial.

I read about your tutorial in Feb. but can't make it, unless you come to 
South Africa ;-) .

I will check out "Foundations of Python Network Programming" by John 

Any tutorials on the net I could use?

Thanks for he help


w chun wrote:

>On 1/18/06, Johan Geldenhuys <johan at accesstel.co.za> wrote:
>>Has the book 'Internet programming with Python' (ISBN: 1558514848,
>>publisher: M&T Books, 1996) ever been revised or is there a secod editin
>>I don't have it, but I would like this or something simular very much.
>>Any ideas what the status is or where I can find it?
>hi johan,
>this book is long out-of-print, and i doubt any revision is coming in
>the near-term (but i don't know for sure).  what is it about this book
>that interests you?  is it the title alone?
>if so, there are plenty of current books out there with material that
>you're looking for.  you could also tell us what topics are of
>interest to you.  if not, then we should still be able to help you
>with your interest areas.
>for example, i teach a 3-hour tutorial with that very same name, i.e.,
>and it involves 3 distinct areas of "internet programming," namely
>socket programming, internet *client* programming (i.e., FTP, NNTP,
>SMTP, POP3, etc.), and finally, web and CGI programming.  there are
>corresponding chapters in my book, "Core Python" too.  other books out
>there include "Foundations of Python Network Programming" by John
>Goerzen, and another one by Steve Holden, "Python Web Programming,"
>both of which are very good.
>hope this helps, but if you want more help, you need to be more
>specific about your interest areas.
>-- wesley
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2006,2001
>    http://corepython.com
>wesley.j.chun :: wescpy-at-gmail.com
>cyberweb.consulting : silicon valley, ca

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