[Tutor] Indexing in a series for a newbie

Jon Moore jonathan.r.moore at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 16:36:25 CET 2006


I need some help for a program I am writing as a newbie to Python.

I have created a series:

WORDS = ("python", "program", "code", "xylophone")

and then assigned one of them randomly to the variable 'word':

word = random.choice(WORDS)

I know that if I do:

print word

The randomly chosen word will be displayed. I also know that if I type:

print WORDS[x]

I will get the corresponding word back. But how do I find 'programaticaly'
the index number for the string that random.choice has chosen?

The reason I ask is that I an writing a simple word jumble game and need to
link the randomly chosen word to a hint should the user need one.

Best Regards

Jon Moore
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